Eden District Council Homeseekers Register
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Eden District Council Homeseekers’ Register – Local Connection Criteria Using the list overleaf, please indicate the areas you would be interested in living. If you would like to be considered for all properties and locations just circle “All or Any”. The Unbolded names are villages, the bold names are Parishes and the Red names are Wards. Please note that applicants meeting the “Local Connection Criteria” (listed in the final column) will be given priority. Name & Address:__________________________________________________________________ AREA Do you have a local connection to the ward If ‘yes’ - what is your local Local Connection Criteria (per Eden’s Core (in Penrith) or rural parish? connection? Strategy policy CS7) 1. All or Any Yes No 1) A person or household who currently lives (please circle) in the relevant locality and has done so for a continuous period of at least three years; 2. Penrith and/or (please list which 2) A person or household who works in the ward(s)) relevant locality and has done so for a continuous period of at least three years; 3. Rural Parishes (please and/or list below) 3) Who has moved away but has strong established and continuous links with the relevant locality by reason of birth or long term immediate family connections; and/or 4) Who has an essential need through age or disability to live close to those who have lived in the relevant locality for at least three years. ‟ The definition of “locality refers to the parish and surrounding parishes in the first instance, and if after a reasonable period of active marketing a purchaser cannot be found the definition would cascade out to include the District. Following a further reasonable period of marketing still no purchaser has been found the property may be sold on the open market, but the purchaser would still have to be approved by the Council. Ainstable KIRKOSWALD Eamont Bridge - north of the Ivegill (½) - Hesket HESKET Millhouse - Castle Sowerby Sandford - Warcop WARCOP Alston ALSTON MOOR river is: Penrith Ivegill (½) - Skelton SKELTON Shap SHAP Appleby 1) APPLEBY 2) Eamont Bridge - south of the SKELTON Morland MORLAND Shap Wells Hotel - Crosby BONGATE river is: Johnby - Greystoke Motherby - Greystoke Ravensworth CROSBY Armathwaite (½) - Ainstable Yanwath & Eamont Bridge GREYSTOKE ULLSWATER RAVENSWORTH KIRKOSWALD YANWATH Kaber KIRKBY STEPHEN Murton WARCOP Skelton SKELTON Armathwaite (½) - Hesket Edenhall - Langwathby Kelleth - Orton ORTON WITH Nateby KIRKBY STEPHEN Skirwith - Culgaith HARTSIDE HESKET LANGWATHBY TEBAY Nenthead - Alston ALSTON Sleagill MORLAND Barras - Stainmore BROUGH Ellonby - Skelton SKELTON Kings Meaburn CROSBY MOOR Smardale - Waitby Bleatarn - Warcop WARCOP Fell End - Ravenstonedale RAVENSWORTH Nentsberry - Alston ALSTON RAVENSTONEDALE Blencarn - Culgaith HARTSIDE RAVENSTONEDALE Kirkby Stephen KIRKBY MOOR Sockbridge and Tirril Bolton CROSBY Flakebridge - Murton WARCOP STEPHEN Newbiggin - Dacre DACRE EAMONT RAVENSWORTH Flitholme (½) - Warcop Kirkby Thore KIRKBY Newbiggin (Temple Sowerby) Soulby (Kirkby Stephen) Brampton - Long Marton LONG WARCOP THORE KIRKBY THORE RAVENSTONEDALE South MARTON Flitholme (½) - Musgrave Kirkland - Culgaith Newbiggin-on-Lune - Stainmore - Stainmore Brough BROUGH BROUGH HARTSIDE Ravenstonedale BROUGH Brough Sowerby BROUGH Flusco - Dacre DACRE Kirkoswald KIRKOSWALD RAVENSTONEDALE Southwaite - Hesket HESKET Brougham KIRKBY THORE Gaisgill - Tebay ORTON WITH Knock - Long Marton LONG Newby MORLAND Sowerby Row - Castle Sowerby Burrells - Bandleyside WARCOP TEBAY MARTON Newton Reigny - Catterlen SKELTON Calthwaite - Hesket HESKET Garrigill - Alston ALSTON Laithes - Skelton SKELTON HESKET Staffield - Kirkoswald Fieldhead, Calthwaite - Hesket MOOR Lamonby - Skelton SKELTON North Stainmore - Stainmore KIRKOSWALD HESKET Gamblesby – Glassonby Langwathby LANGWATHBY BROUGH Stainton - Dacre DACRE Castle Sowerby SKELTON LANGWATHBY Lazonby LAZONBY Orton ORTON WITH TEBAY Tebay West MSA - Orton Catterlen HESKET Glassonby LANGWATHBY Leadgate - Alston ALSTON Ousby HARTSIDE ORTON WITH TEBAY Centre Parks Holiday Village - Great Asby - Asby CROSBY MOOR Outhgill - Mallerstang Tebay ORTON WITH TEBAY Brougham KIRKBY THORE RAVENSWORTH Little Asby - Asby CROSBY KIRKBY STEPHEN Penrith Temple Sowerby KIRKBY Church Brough - Brough Great Blencow - Dacre DACRE RAVENSWORTH 1) PENRITH NORTH; 2) THORE BROUGH Great Musgrave - Musgrave Little Blencow - Greystoke PENRITH EAST; 3) PENRITH Thrimby MORLAND Cliburn MORLAND BROUGH GREYSTOKE CARLETON; 4) PENRITH Unthank - Glassonby Clifton EAMONT Great Ormside - Bandleyside Little Musgrave - Musgrave PATEGILL; 5) PENRITH LANGWATHBY Clifton Dykes - Clifton EAMONT WARCOP BROUGH SOUTH; 6) PENRITH WEST Unthank - Skelton SKELTON Colby - Bandleyside WARCOP Great Salkeld LAZONBY Great Little Ormside - Bandleyside Plumpton (½) - Hesket Waitby RAVENSTONEDALE Coupland - Warcop WARCOP Strickland MORLAND WARCOP HESKET Warcop WARCOP Crackenthorpe LONG MARTON Greystoke GREYSTOKE Little Salkeld - Hunsonby Plumpton Head (½) - Penrith Wharton KIRKBY STEPHEN Croft End - Long Marton LONG Gullom - Milburn LONG LANGWATHBY PENRITH NORTH Whinfell Forest - Brougham MARTON MARTON Little Strickland MORLAND Raisbeck - Orton ORTON KIRKBY THORE Croglin – Ainstable Gypsum Works - Kirkby Thore Little Strickland MORLAND WITH TEBAY Whitbarrow Hall - Hutton KIRKOSWALD KIRKBY THORE Hackthorpe - Long Marton LONG Ravenstonedale ULLSWATER Crosby Garrett Lowther ASKHAM MARTON RAVENSTONEDALE Wildriggs Plant - Penrith RAVENSTONEDALE Hartley KIRKBY STEPHEN Low Hesket - Hesket HESKET Reagill - Crosby PENRITH WEST Crosby Ravensworth CROSBY Hesket HESKET Mallerstang KIRKBY Ravensworth CROSBY Winskill - Hunsonby RAVENSWORTH High Hesket - Hesket HESKET STEPHEN RAVENSWORTH LANGWATHBY Crossrigg – Bolton CROSBY Helbeck BROUGH Maulds Meaburn - Crosby Redhills - Dacre DACRE Winton KIRKBY STEPHEN RAVENSWORTH Hilton - Murton WARCOP Ravensworth CROSBY Rheged - Dacre DACRE Wreay Hall - Southwaite Culgaith HARTSIDE Hoff - Bandleyside WARCOP RAVENSWORTH Renwick - Kirkoswald HESKET Drybeck - Bandleyside Hunsonby LANGWATHBY Melkinthorpe - Lowther KIRKOSWALD Yanwath - Yanwath & Eamont WARCOP Hutton End - Skelton ASKHAM Ruckcroft - Ainstable Bridge EAMONT Dufton LONG MARTON SKELTON Melmerby - Ousby HARTSIDE KIRKOSWALD Milburn LONG MARTON .