NORD|SÜD-NETZ Trade Union Rights Worldwide Why now is the time to fight for social justice and democracy NORD|SÜD NETZ »Being inconvenient is part of the freedom of trade unions. Trade unions are only convenient when they are forced to be by right-wing or left-wing dictatorships.« Richard von Weizsäcker, Federal President of the Federal Republic of Germany from 1984 to 1994. 3 IMPRINT Publisher: DGB Bildungswerk BUND e.V. President: Elke Hannack Executive director: Claudia Meyer Creation and coordination: Valerie Franze Editorial journalist & staff: Beate Willms, Valerie Franze Translation: team parafrasis Layout & Design: Printing: graphik-und-druck, Cologne Cover photo: Demonstrations in São Paulo against reforms planned by the Brazilian government, May 2019. Photo: Cris Faga / ZUMA Wire / picture alliance Düsseldorf 2019 first edition Düsseldorf 2020 English edition DGB Bildungswerk BUND e.V. North-South-Network Franz-Rennefeld-Weg 5, 40472 Düsseldorf, Germany Phone: +49211/4301-320, Fax: +49211/4301-69320
[email protected] The DGB Bildungswerk BUND e.V. is solely responsible for the content of this publication. The positions presented here do not reflect the viewpoint of Engagement Global gGmbH and the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development. Funded by ENGAGEMENT GLOBAL with financial assistance by the 4 DGB BILDUNGSWERK BUND – NORD|SÜD NETZ Contents: Trade union rights worldwide Preface 6 Introduction