028/CHL-RI1/IV/2012 Nomor Attachment
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Number : 028/CHL-RI1/IV/2012 Nomor Attachment : 28 sets Lampiran 28 berkas Subject : Request for Legal Protection Perihal Permohonan Perlindungan Hukum His Excellency Dr. H. Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono President of Republic of Indonesia Yth. Bapak Dr. H. Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono Presiden Repulik Indonesia Jalan Merdeka Utara Jakarta Pusat Excellency, Dengan hormat, Churchill Mining Plc. (hereinafter Perkenankan kami, Churchill Mining referred to as “Churchill”), Plc. (selanjutnya disebut “Churchill”), would like to report a complaint to menyampaikan masalah kami kepada Your Excellency in the hope of Bapak Presiden dengan harapan securing legal protection and untuk mendapatkan perlindungan certainty in regard to a number of dan kepastian hukum dalam hal mining licenses, in which Churchill perizinan, di mana Churchill memiliki has an interest, that were issued and kepentingan, yang diterbitkan dan then unilaterally revoked by the kemudian dicabut secara sepihak oleh Regent of Kutai Timur. Bupati Kutai Timur. The action of the Regent of East Kutai Pencabutan izin-izin usaha in unilaterally revoking these mining pertambangan kami secara sepihak licenses has resulted in many legal oleh Bupati Kutai Timur telah problems for Churchill who as a menimbulkan berbagai masalah foreign investor, acting in good faith, hukum bagi Churchill sebagai wishes to participate in the investor asing yang dengan itikad baik Indonesian coal mining industry for ingin bekerja sama di bidang United Kingdom I Registered Office 55 Gower Street London WC1E 6HQ 1 | 23 Registered Number: 5275606 | Registered in England and Wales Australia | Suite 1, 346 Barker Road, Subiaco WA 6008 | PO Box 8050 Subiaco East WA 6008 ABN 77 983 786 049 Tel +61 (0)8 6382 3737 | Fax +61 (0)8 6382 3777 | www.churchillmining.com the mutual benefit and advantage of pertambangan batu bara demi the government, the local community kepentingan dan keuntungan and the relevant companies. bersama yaitu bagi pemerintah, masyarakat setempat maupun perusahaan terkait. Churchill is a British company, which Churchill adalah perusahaan Inggris in 2008 discovered what is yang pada tahun 2008 berhasil Indonesia’s second largest and the menemukan apa yang sekarang world’s seventh largest undeveloped menjadi kandungan batu bara nomor coal resource. Development of the dua terbesar di Indonesia dan nomor East Kutai Coal Project will be a tujuh terbesar di dunia yang belum multi-billion dollar investment that dikembangkan. Pengembangan Proyek will create thousands of jobs in East Batu Bara Kutai Timur (East Kutai Kalimantan, generate export earnings Coal Project) akan menjadi investasi of several billion dollars annually and milyaran dolar yang dapat provide large royalty payments to the menciptakan ribuan lapangan kerja di Government of Indonesia for the Kalimantan Timur, menghasilkan mine’s 50+ years life. milyaran dolar pendapatan ekspor per tahun serta memberikan royalti besar kepada Pemerintah Indonesia sepanjang lebih dari 50 tahun usia tambang. Churchill has spent the past four Dalam kurun empat tahun terakhir years progressing exploration and ini, Churchill telah mengembangkan plans for the development of the East program eksplorasi dan perencanaan Kutai Coal Project. A large Proyek Batu Bara Kutai Timur dengan infrastructure investment in a 160 investasi infrastruktur besar dalam kilometer coal railway and associated rangka pembangunan jalur rel kereta port facilities will play an important batu bara sepanjang 160 kilometer role in transforming the economy of serta fasilitas pelabuhan batu bara East Kalimantan. Regrettably, yang akan berperan penting dalam Churchill today finds itself in a peningkatan ekonomi Kalimantan situation where the baseless Timur. Sayangnya, Churchill sekarang unilateral revocation of the mining berada pada situasi dimana izin-izin licenses in which Churchill has an usaha pertambangan kami dicabut interest by the Regent of East Kutai, secara sepihak dan tanpa dasar oleh Mr Isran Noor, without any proper Bupati Kutai Timur, Bapak Isran investigation or proof of wrongdoing, Noor, tanpa investigasi atau bukti jeopardizes both the future of our kesalahan, sehingga membahayakan project and the future of our kelangsungan proyek maupun masa company. depan perusahaan kami. 1. POSITION OF CHURCHILL 1. KEDUDUKAN CHURCHILL MINING MINING a. Churchill Mining Plc. is a a. Churchill Mining Plc. adalah United Kingdom I Registered Office 55 Gower Street London WC1E 6HQ 2 | 23 Registered Number: 5275606 | Registered in England and Wales Australia | Suite 1, 346 Barker Road, Subiaco WA 6008 | PO Box 8050 Subiaco East WA 6008 ABN 77 983 786 049 Tel +61 (0)8 6382 3737 | Fax +61 (0)8 6382 3777 | www.churchillmining.com company lawfully established perusahaan yang didirikan in the United Kingdom and berdasarkan hukum negara listed on the London Stock Inggris dan terdaftar pada Exchange’s Alternative Alternative Investment Market Investment Market (AIM). (AIM) di Bursa Efek London. b. To manage its investment in b. Untuk mengelola investasinya Indonesia, Churchill formed di Indonesia, Churchill and registered PT. Indonesia membentuk dan Coal Development (“ICD”) and mendaftarkan PT. Indonesia PT Techno Coal Utama Prima Coal Development (“ICD”) dan (“TCUP”) with the Indonesian PT. Techno Coal Utama Prima Investment Coordinating (“TCUP”) ke Badan Koordinasi Board (BKPM). Penanaman Modal (BKPM). ICD is 95% owned by ICD 95% dimiliki oleh Churchill and 5% owned by Churchill dan 5% oleh an Australian registered perusahaan terdaftar company, Planet Mining Pty Australia yaitu Planet Mining Ltd. (Appendix 1) Pty Ltd. (Lampiran 1) TCUP is 99% owned by ICD TCUP 99% dimiliki oleh ICD and 1% owned by Churchill. dan 1% oleh Churchill. (Appendix 2) (Lampiran 2) Both ICD and TCUP cooperate Baik ICD maupun TCUP with various companies bekerjasama dengan beberapa owned by an Indonesian perusahaan milik kelompok group known as the pengusaha nasional yang Ridlatama Group. In 2007 a dikenal sebagai Ridlatama number of individual Group. Tahun 2007, companies within the beberapa perusahan yang Ridlatama Group were tergabung dalam Ridlatama awarded mining licenses in Group diberikan beberapa the East Kutai region by the kuasa pertambangan di East Kutai Regent (those Kabupaten Kutai Timur oleh companies awarded mining Bupati Kutai Timur licenses in the East Kutai (perusahaan-perusahaan yang region are hereinafter called diberikan kuasa the “Ridlatama Companies”) pertambangan tersebut selanjutnya disebut “Perusahaan-perusahaan Ridlatama”). c. The form of cooperation c. Bentuk kerjasama antara between Churchill (via its Churchill (melalui anak subsidiaries ICD and TCUP) perusahaannya yaitu ICD dan and the Ridlatama Companies TCUP) dan Perusahaan- United Kingdom I Registered Office 55 Gower Street London WC1E 6HQ 3 | 23 Registered Number: 5275606 | Registered in England and Wales Australia | Suite 1, 346 Barker Road, Subiaco WA 6008 | PO Box 8050 Subiaco East WA 6008 ABN 77 983 786 049 Tel +61 (0)8 6382 3737 | Fax +61 (0)8 6382 3777 | www.churchillmining.com is based on a Cooperation and perusahaan Ridlatama Investment Agreement from didasarkan pada Perjanjian 2007, whereby Churchill Kerjasama dan Investasi agreed to fund and manage tahun 2007, dimana di dalam exploration work and a perjanjian itu Churchill setuju feasibility study in order to untuk mendanai dan earn a 75% interest in and mengelola pekerjaan management control of the eksplorasi dan studi East Kutai Coal Project. kelayakan dengan tujuan (Appendix 3) mendapatkan 75% manfaat dan pengendalian pengelolaan Proyek Batu Bara Kutai Timur. (Lampiran 3) 2. ISSUES ARISING 2. PERSOALAN YANG TIMBUL The primary underlying issue Persoalan yang timbul pada relates to the Regent of East pokoknya berkaitan dengan Kutai improperly issuing other tindakan Bupati Kutai Timur licenses that negatively impact yang menerbitkan perizinan lain the property rights of the mining sehingga memengaruhi hak license titles held by the milik izin usaha pertambangan Ridlatama Companies in which Perusahaan–perusahaan Churchill and our Indonesian Ridlatama yang menjadi partner, Ridlatama Group, have kepentingan Churchill dan an interest. mitra Indonesia kami, Ridlatama Group. Hurdles and complications Hambatan dan gangguan regarding clean and clear title to terhadap hak atas izin usaha the licenses granted to the pertambangan Perusahaan- Ridlatama Companies in East perusahaan Ridlatama di Kutai Kutai became more intense in Timur memarak sejak Mei 2008 May 2008 when Churchill ketika Churchill announced that exploration work mengumumkan bahwa within the granted concession pekerjaan eksplorasi di dalam area had resulted in the wilayah kuasa pertambangan discovery of a significant coal yang diberikan ternyata deposit. Further exploration and menemukan deposit batu bara feasibility work carried out by the yang sangat besar. Eksplorasi Ridlatama Companies over the serta studi kelayakan lebih jauh next three years subsequently yang dilakukan oleh showed that the concession Perusahaan-perusahaan areas granted to the Ridlatama Ridlatama selama tiga tahun Companies have huge coal berikutnya menunjukkan resources of approximately 2.7 bahwa wilayah kerja kuasa billion metric tons. (Appendix 4) pertambangan yang diberikan kepada Perusahaan-perusahaan United Kingdom I Registered Office 55 Gower Street London WC1E 6HQ 4 | 23 Registered Number: 5275606 | Registered in England and Wales Australia | Suite 1, 346 Barker Road, Subiaco WA 6008 | PO Box 8050 Subiaco East WA 6008 ABN 77 983 786 049 Tel +61 (0)8