In Whitechapel a Blow by Blow Account from J.G
Cousin THE CASEBOOK Lionel’s Life Enter The Matrix and Career D. M. Gates and Adam Went Jeff Beveridge issue six February 2011 CK THE RIPPER STUDIES, TRUE CRIME & L.V.P. SOCIAL HISTORY FRIDAY THE 13TH! in Whitechapel a blow by blow account from J.G. Simons and Neil Bell Did George Sims LOSE IT? Jonathan Hainsworth investigates THE CASEBOOK The contents of Casebook Examiner No. 6 February 2011 are copyright © 2010 The authors of issue six signed articles, essays, letters, reviews February 2011 and other items retain the copyright of their respective contributions. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. No part of this publication, except for brief quotations where credit is given, may CONTENTS: be reproduced, stored in a retrieval Refer Madness pg 3 On The Case system, transmitted or otherwise cir- culated in any form or by any means, Melville Macnaghten Revisited News From Ripper World pg 115 including digital, electronic, printed, Jonathan Hainsworth pg 5 On The Case Extra mechanical, photocopying, recording or Feature Stories pg 117 Tom Sadler “48hrs” any other, without the express written J.G. Simons and Neil Bell pg 29 On The Case Puzzling permission of The unau- “Cousin Lionel” Conundrums Logic Puzzle pg 123 thorized reproduction or circulation of Adam Went pg 48 Ultimate Ripperologists’ Tour this publication or any part thereof, The 1888 Old Bailey and Press Wolverhampton pg 125 whether for monetary gain or not, is Criminal Matrix CSI: Whitechapel strictly prohibited and may constitute D. M. Gates and Jeff Beveridge pg 76 Miller’s Court pg 130 copyright infringement as defined in domestic laws and international agree- Undercover Investigations From the Casebook Archives Book Reviews pg 87 Matthew Packer pg 138 ments and give rise to civil liability and criminal prosecution.
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