Public Schools’ School Closure, Consolidation and Partnerships Plan in Alignment with the District Transformation Strategy

For Board Consideration – March 6, 2017 Executive Summary

The (APS) School Closure, Consolidation and Partnerships Plan in Alignment with the District Transformation Strategy is presented for the consideration of the Board after an extensive communication and public engagement process. The plan was developed to further the district’s Transformation effort, address the under-utilization of schools and launch strategic partnerships over key district priorities. School Closures and Consolidations School closures or consolidations were considered where there were schools with inadequate performance, low enrollment relative to the capacity of the building, facilities in need of significant investment, and the performance of neighboring schools. The following closures and consolidations are recommended:

 Jackson Cluster – At the start of School Year 2017-2018, close Whitefoord Elementary School, redistricting students to Toomer Elementary and Burgess-Peterson Academy. Redistrict a portion of Parkside Elementary School students to Benteen Elementary School.  Mays Cluster – At the start of School Year 2017-2018, close Adamsville Primary, restructuring Miles Intermediate as a PreK-5 school and redistricting some Adamsville and Miles students to West Manor Elementary.  Douglass Cluster – At the start of School Year 2017-2018, relocate the Business, Engineering, Science and Technology Academy at the Benjamin S. Carson Educational Complex (BEST) to the Young Women’s Leadership Academy (CSK) with two 6-12 single gender academies on the CSK campus.

Beginning with School Year 2017-2018, phase out the closure of Harper-Archer Middle School by serving only 7th and 8th grade at Harper-Archer.

Phase in and create a new middle school at the BEST facility, serving 6th grade only in School Year 2017-2018.

At the start of School Year 2019-2020, close Fain Elementary School and Towns Elementary School and open a new elementary school at the renovated Harper-Archer MS facility.

At the beginning of School Year 2019-2020, launch a new PreK-8 Woodson Park Academy with KIPP Metro Atlanta Schools. At the beginning of School Year 2020-2021, close the current Woodson Park campus and open a new campus in partnership with key community partners.  Citywide – At the beginning of School Year 2017-2018, relocate West End Academy to Crim Open Campus High School for an annual cost savings of approximately $837,000.

1 Atlanta Public Schools’ School Closure, Consolidation and Partnerships Plan in Alignment with the District Transformation Strategy

For Board Consideration – March 6, 2017

Area of Impact: Jackson Cluster Strategy Closure of Whitefoord Elementary School Board Action Approve the closure of Whitefoord ES and the corresponding modifications to the Toomer ES and Burgess-Peterson attendance zone boundaries. Summary The Jackson Cluster has seen significant changes over the last fifteen years that have led to under-enrollment of traditional neighborhood schools. Further, the community has expressed concern about the consistency of quality instruction across the cluster.

Whitefoord ES, with only 272 students, currently stands as one of the smallest elementary schools in the district. Toomer and Burgess-Peterson, both located in the Jackson Cluster within reasonable proximity of Whitefoord, have capacity to handle additional enrollment.

Based on the district’s extensive facilities assessment report from November 2015, condition and suitability scores for buildings on the Whitefoord campus ranked among the lowest in the district. Estimates to restore the building to original state would exceed $7 million. Toomer is currently scheduled for $4 million for select renovations in 2022.

Whitefoord students who live in the Edgewood community would attend Toomer ES; those in the Reynoldstown community would attend Burgess- Peterson Academy.

APS is working closely with Whitefoord, Inc. to ensure the community health clinic remains open in the Whitefoord building and to launch a new early childhood center for students zoned to Toomer.

Upon approval, the superintendent will execute transition plans to support the successful relocation of Whitefoord students to Burgess-Peterson and Toomer. Public Hearings In addition to several community meetings, the district held public hearings on February 15th and March 1st on the closure of Whitefoord ES. Financial The district estimates annual operating costs savings of approximately $1 Impact million for a school closure. The district will reinvest some of these resources into maintaining the Whitefoord facility for the purpose of creating a new early childhood center. Staff Impact The district will support all employees from Whitefoord with interview priority status to find opportunities within the district.

2 Atlanta Public Schools’ School Closure, Consolidation and Partnerships Plan in Alignment with the District Transformation Strategy

For Board Consideration – March 6, 2017

3 Atlanta Public Schools’ School Closure, Consolidation and Partnerships Plan in Alignment with the District Transformation Strategy

For Board Consideration – March 6, 2017

4 Atlanta Public Schools’ School Closure, Consolidation and Partnerships Plan in Alignment with the District Transformation Strategy

For Board Consideration – March 6, 2017 AREA OF IMPACT: JACKSON CLUSTER Strategy Redistrict a portion of Parkside Elementary School to Benteen Elementary School. Board Action Approve the partial redistricting of Parkside Elementary School students to Benteen Elementary School. Summary A very small portion of the Benteen ES zone was previously drawn into the Parkside zone. This redistricting would correct this decision and realign neighborhood boundaries, sending a few Parkside students to Benteen. The five families impacted by the recommended rezoning would be grandfathered in, allowing students to remain enrolled at Parkside through 5th grade. Public Hearings In addition to several community meetings, the district held public hearings on February 15th and March 1st on the partial redistricting of Parkside ES students. Financial N/A Impact Staff Impact There is no anticipated impact to staff from this partial redistricting.

5 Atlanta Public Schools’ School Closure, Consolidation and Partnerships Plan in Alignment with the District Transformation Strategy

For Board Consideration – March 6, 2017

6 Atlanta Public Schools’ School Closure, Consolidation and Partnerships Plan in Alignment with the District Transformation Strategy

For Board Consideration – March 6, 2017

7 Atlanta Public Schools’ School Closure, Consolidation and Partnerships Plan in Alignment with the District Transformation Strategy

For Board Consideration – March 6, 2017 AREA OF IMPACT: MAYS CLUSTER Strategy Close Adamsville Primary, restructuring Miles Intermediate as a PreK-5 school and redistricting some Adamsville and Miles students to West Manor Elementary School. Board Action Approve the closure of Adamsville Primary and the corresponding modifications to the Miles and West Manor Elementary School attendance zone boundaries. Summary The primary and intermediate split between Adamsville and Miles creates a lack of coherence in academic planning and programming. All three schools, Adamsville (381 students), Miles (396 students) and West Manor (270 students) are significantly under-enrolled. Miles and West Manor both have sufficient capacity to accommodate additional students.

West Manor is currently scheduled for $10 million in renovations to begin July 2020.

Adamsville and Miles students residing within the area east of I-285, encircled by Scott Street, would begin attending West Manor ES for School Year 2017- 2018.

The district recognizes, based on community feedback that the preference is to use the building for elementary capacity (including the potential use as a swing space during West Manor’s renovations) and/or identify a partner to provide educational programming not to exceed 8th grade. The goal is that the use of the building will be identified by the start of the next school year.

Upon approval, the superintendent will execute transition plans to support the successful establishment of this new school. Public Hearings In addition to several community meetings, the district held public hearings on February 1st and 23rd on the closure of Adamsville Primary. Financial The district estimates annual operating cost savings of $1 million for a school Impact closure. Staff Impact Consistent with past practices with merged schools, all staff from both Adamsville and Miles will be required to apply for a position at the newly created elementary school. The district will support all employees from Adamsville with interview priority status to find opportunities within the district.

8 Atlanta Public Schools’ School Closure, Consolidation and Partnerships Plan in Alignment with the District Transformation Strategy

For Board Consideration – March 6, 2017

9 Atlanta Public Schools’ School Closure, Consolidation and Partnerships Plan in Alignment with the District Transformation Strategy

For Board Consideration – March 6, 2017

10 Atlanta Public Schools’ School Closure, Consolidation and Partnerships Plan in Alignment with the District Transformation Strategy

For Board Consideration – March 6, 2017

AREA OF IMPACT: DOUGLASS CLUSTER Strategy At the start of School Year 2017-2018, relocate BEST Academy and CSKYWLA to CSK, with two 6-12 single gender academies on one campus.

Beginning with School Year 2017-2018, phase out the closure of Harper-Archer Middle School by serving only 7th and 8th grade at Harper-Archer.

Phase in and create a new middle school at the BEST facility, serving 6th grade only in School Year 2017-2018.

At the start of School Year 2019-2020, close Fain Elementary School and Towns Elementary School and open a new elementary school at the renovated Harper- Archer MS facility.

At the beginning of School Year 2019-2020, launch a new PreK-5 Woodson Park Academy with KIPP Metro Atlanta Schools, which will phase in grades 6-8 by School Year 2022-2023. At the start of the 2020-2021 school year, close the current Woodson Park location and open a new campus in partnership with key community partners. If unable to raise philanthropic support for the revitalization project, Woodson Park Academy would remain in their current location with $18.5 million in renovations. Board Action Approve the relocation of BEST to CSK with two 6-12 single gender academies on one campus at the CSK facility at the start School Year 2017-2018.

Approve the phase-out closure of Harper-Archer MS, beginning with School Year 2017-2018, and the creation of a new middle school at the BEST facility, beginning in School Year 2017-2018.

At the start of the 2019-2020 school year, approve the closure of Fain ES and Towns ES, the opening of a new elementary school at the renovated Harper- Archer facility, and the resulting attendance boundary changes.

At the start of the 2019-2020 school year, approve the launch of a new PreK-5 Woodson Park Academy with KIPP Metro Atlanta Schools, the phase-in of grades 6, 7, & 8 through the 2022-2023 school year, and the resulting attendance boundary changes. At the start of the 2020-2021 school year, close the current Woodson Park location and open a new campus. Summary BEST and CSK are significantly under-enrolled so merging onto one campus will create a more efficient model while maintaining the single-gender option. BEST and CSK will have a cap on enrollment from the Douglass feeder pattern (150 males and 150 females) and would include the creation of new programs and an investment in transportation services to draw students to BEST and CSK from across the district.

11 Atlanta Public Schools’ School Closure, Consolidation and Partnerships Plan in Alignment with the District Transformation Strategy

For Board Consideration – March 6, 2017 Harper-Archer MS is significantly under-performing. Resetting the school culture by growing a new middle school one grade at a time (on the BEST campus) will allow for a new model to be strategically created. Starting in the 2017-2018 school year, the middle school at BEST will house Douglass Cluster 6th graders and Harper-Archer will only serve 7th and 8th grade. By School Year 2019-2020, all middle school grades will be located at BEST Academy building.

Fain and Towns Elementary Schools are significantly under-enrolled and require capital investments. Closing the current buildings and merging students into a newly renovated Harper-Archer building will provide greater opportunity to strengthen the elementary experience.

Launching Woodson Park Academy on a new campus with a comprehensive community revitalization effort will provide students with improved access to early childhood programming, a YMCA and a health clinic.

Upon approval, the superintendent will execute transition plans to support the implementation of the Douglass Cluster strategy. Public Hearings In addition to several community meetings, the district held public hearings on February 22nd and 27th on the proposed changes to the Douglass Cluster. Financial The district anticipates $1 million in cost savings associated with consolidating Impact BEST and CSK onto one campus, however it is expected that most savings will be reinvested into the schools to ensure their long-term ability to attract and transport students from across the district.

The district estimates annual operating cost savings of approximately $1 million for the merger of Fain and Towns.

The restart of the Douglass Cluster middle school at BEST, including the phase- in of the new school and the phase-out of Harper-Archer, will require an additional investment of over $1 million per year as we operate two campuses for middle school over a two year period. This investment will help ensure we are transforming the middle school experience for Douglass Cluster students. Staff Impact BEST and CSK will streamline the staff in order to realize savings through a shared campus model.

In the case of the Fain and Towns merger, staff will be required to apply for a position at the new school. The district will support all employees from Fain and Towns with interview priority status to find opportunities within the district. Woodson Park Academy employees will have to apply for positions with KIPP Metro Atlanta Schools. The district will support all employees from Woodson Park with interview priority status to find opportunities within the district.

12 Atlanta Public Schools’ School Closure, Consolidation and Partnerships Plan in Alignment with the District Transformation Strategy

For Board Consideration – March 6, 2017 The new Douglass Cluster middle school will have new staff. Staff members at Harper-Archer who are impacted by the phase-out closure of the school will have interview priority status to find opportunities within the district.

13 Atlanta Public Schools’ School Closure, Consolidation and Partnerships Plan in Alignment with the District Transformation Strategy

For Board Consideration – March 6, 2017

14 Atlanta Public Schools’ School Closure, Consolidation and Partnerships Plan in Alignment with the District Transformation Strategy

For Board Consideration – March 6, 2017

Contracts with Transformation Effort Partner Organizations On September 23, 2016 the Transformation Effort Request For Information (RFI) was released to the public covering eleven district priorities. The RFI closed on October 24, 2016 and yielded 144 submissions from forty-eight providers across the eleven priorities. After a panel review, twenty- eight submissions covering nine priorities were moved forward and became part of the Transformation Effort Request For Proposals (RFP), released on November 17, 2016. Submissions were received for eighteen programs and were reviewed by internal subject matter experts. Potential providers were found in the following priority areas: summer school programming, school turnaround and early learning. One priority area, talent development, is still under review and will be brought forth at a later date. While the administration is interested in moving forward with the following partnerships, all contracts are subject to identifying external resources or resources within existing budgets. Summer School Programming The district has identified the development of meaningful summer school programming for students as a key priority. As a result of the RFQ process, two potential summer school partners have been identified, STE(AM) Truck/Community Guild and Teach for America (TFA). STE(A)M Truck/Community Guild would bring their summer programming to the district in 2018. The total cost would be $325,000, with $270,000 funded by APS and $55,000 by Community Guild. This collaboration includes the following programming: Establish eight sites, each with a week-long engagement for the full school day (morning and afternoon sessions). Fifty students would be served per site with fifteen contact hours per student. Teach for America would bring its summer programming to APS in 2018. The total cost would be $287,000, with $112,000 funded by APS and $175,000 by TFA. Serving up to 300 high school students at two sites (providing English Language Arts, Algebra 1 & 2, Geometry, World History, Biology and Chemistry), this program would operate for four weeks, five days a week, 4 ½ hours per day. District teachers would serve as coaches/faculty advisors to the novice teachers. Our faculty advisors would receive training during the spring.

15 Atlanta Public Schools’ School Closure, Consolidation and Partnerships Plan in Alignment with the District Transformation Strategy

For Board Consideration – March 6, 2017

Woodson Park Revitalization and APS Transformation RFQ

Strategy As part of the comprehensive revitalization project within the Woodson Park community, the Emerald Corridor Foundation and the YMCA of Metro Atlanta propose a $35 million investment in the community. The project includes a new community school at the former Woodson Park site to be managed by KIPP Metro Atlanta, a YMCA facility, a school-based healthcare center, a wellness center, and green space. A copy of the working draft of the compact is attached.

The Grove Park Revitalization Partner Coalition is a collaborative committed to the goal of ensuring that Grove Park becomes a healthy, prosperous neighborhood where people of all incomes can learn, earn, prosper and thrive. The Coalition believes families and children are most likely to succeed when they live in quality housing, attend excellent schools, and live in safe, vibrant neighborhoods. The goal of the Coalition is to revitalize Grove Park and the surrounding Westside community, and help families break the cycle of poverty by collaborating in a series of capital and programming investments that will collectively change the trajectory of the neighborhood. Board Action ● Authorize the superintendent to enter into the Grove Park Revitalization Compact with the Emerald Corridor Foundation, the YMCA of Metro Atlanta, KIPP Metro Atlanta and the Douglass Cluster Steering Committee. ● Authorize the superintendent to enter into and execute a contract with KIPP Metro Atlanta for a school turnaround partnership, identified through the APS Transformation RFQ process. ● Authorize the superintendent to enter into and execute a 50-year ground lease and shared site agreement with the YMCA of Metro Atlanta Schools for an early learning center serving approximately 250 children, from six weeks to Pre-K, through Head Start programs, community program space and a wellness center. Summary The draft document, Grove Park Revitalization Partner Compact, outlines the intention of the parties and the commitments of each as follows: The Atlanta Public Schools will:  Allocate $18.5M dollars to the new Woodson Park Academy school building located in Grove Park that will house a new PreK-8 (TBD) school, adjacent to a new YMCA, early learning center, and a federally qualified health center.  Enter into contract with KIPP Metro Atlanta Schools to operate and run the Woodson Park Academy as a neighborhood partner school.  Make additional changes in the Douglass Cluster to restore and ensure a more robust feeder and achievement pattern of children into Douglass High School per APS Board approval.

16 Atlanta Public Schools’ School Closure, Consolidation and Partnerships Plan in Alignment with the District Transformation Strategy

For Board Consideration – March 6, 2017  Continue to fund and support wrap around services for the children and families at Woodson Park Academy through the partnership with KIPP Metro Atlanta Schools.

KIPP Metro Atlanta Schools will:  Operate the Woodson Park Academy as a neighborhood partner school under terms negotiated with APS.  Provide professional learning opportunities for Woodson Park Academy teachers including observations of KIPP classrooms and participation in KIPP’s scheduled internal professional development during the transition period.

The YMCA will:  Build a new early learning and limited YMCA facility in conjunction with the APS in Grove Park, raising $15M for that purpose.  Provide early childhood, Head Start, targeted learning, family wellness, fitness center, physical education and after school programs in close coordination with the school operator and community.  Collaborate and provide training with other community childcare providers.

The Emerald Corridor Foundation will:  Serve as the coordinating entity among the partners to ensure that the goals of the compact are defined and achieved.  Lead efforts to identify partners and funds to first build and rehabilitate affordable housing, and introduce more multi-family and mixed income housing opportunities in Grove Park neighborhood in order to minimize displacement, reduce transiency and increase homeownership.  Lead efforts to identify and bring investments in needed public infrastructure investments to the neighborhood.  Identify and seek financial resources in partnership to support new capital and programmatic investments in the neighborhood.  Ensure that all Grove Park initiatives include the community, and protect the legacy of the neighborhood and its residents.  Continue to seek and identify partners that can advance the well-being of Grove Park residents around topics that include economic revitalization and business development, jobs skills training and development, health and welfare, arts and cultures, neighborhood safety, greenspace and recreation, among others.

Northwest Business Association will:  Seek opportunities for job training, skills development, job placement, business development and revitalization

17 Atlanta Public Schools’ School Closure, Consolidation and Partnerships Plan in Alignment with the District Transformation Strategy

For Board Consideration – March 6, 2017 The Steering Committee and its membership, individually and collectively, will:  Attend and participate in meetings, providing feedback as requested by the partners  Support the APS and Grove Park revitalization initiative and its partners through all stages of implementation of the programmatic initiatives laid out herein.  Support the establishment of programs and partnerships with their advocacy, connections and participation. Community support is contingent upon presence of and collaboration between partners as outlines herein

The partners to the compact anticipate finalizing the document during the next month.

KIPP Metro Atlanta: As part of the Grove Park Revitalization Project, KIPP Metro Atlanta proposes to provide complete operational, management and educational services at Woodson Park Academy beginning in the 2019-2020 school year. This authorization shall be for one (1) year with eight (8) one-year available options to be exercised at the discretion of the superintendent. This contract is conditional upon the firm’s ability to comply with the requirements set forth in the solicitation document and meet the performance standards set by the contract.

YMCA of Metro Atlanta: YMCA of Metro Atlanta proposes to invest $15 million to create a state of the art learning center, provide afterschool and wrap around programs beginning in the fall of 2019. The scope of services includes:  Read Right From the Start – intensive ongoing professional learning for teachers delivered in partnership with the Atlanta Speech School’s Rollins Center  Start For Life – a health and wellness program for pre-school children  Year-round and extended day learning opportunities for children  Extensive health and wellness screenings and services  Pre-natal care as part of the Early Head Start Program  Inclusive programming for students with special needs  On-site physical education, after-school and summer learning programs Community The district held community meetings on this contract proposal on January Engagement 25th, February 9th, 22nd and 27th. In addition, ongoing meetings with the Douglass Cluster Steering Committee were held between December and March.

18 Atlanta Public Schools’ School Closure, Consolidation and Partnerships Plan in Alignment with the District Transformation Strategy

For Board Consideration – March 6, 2017 GO Teams KIPP Metro Atlanta has agreed to fully adopt the GO Team model within their structure. APS will support the establishment of a GO Team that reflects the school’s staff during the 1st year of the partnership. KIPP will work with the Woodson Park GO Team on the vision for and planning beginning with the 2018-2019 school year. Financial KIPP Metro Atlanta: Impact The district shall provide per-pupil funding that is comparable to the funding currently allocated towards the school, including an investment consistent with that of other district targeted-support schools. The district shall pay the costs of a principal-in-training during the year prior to the first year of operation and will also provide financial support for KIPP to provide professional development to current Woodson Park Academy teachers and staff. The district shall also support KIPP Metro Atlanta in raising grant and philanthropic funds for additional start-up needs. Recognizing that APS’s budget varies from year- to-year, in the first year of the agreement APS and KIPP shall negotiate a funding formula to be used during subsequent years of the term of the agreement. The funding formula will be consistent with how the district funds other APS turnaround partner schools.

SPLOST funding of $18.5 million allocated for improvements in the current Woodson Park facility will be used in the construction of a new community school as part of the revitalization effort.

YMCA of Metro Atlanta: The partnership with the YMCA of Metro Atlanta results in no financial impact to APS.

Community Guilds – STEAM Truck: $270,000 for summer programming

Teach For America: $112,000 for summer programming Waivers KIPP Metro Atlanta will be granted access to the full flexibility waiver consistent with the district’s charter system contract with the State of . This school shall continue to be an APS community school and shall be subject to certain APS policies and procedures, e.g., attendance zone boundaries, student discipline and transportation of students. Attendance Woodson Park Academy shall maintain its existing attendance zone. Any Zone & changes to the current attendance zone must be mutually agreed upon by APS Enrollment and KIPP Metro Atlanta. The school may not be closed or merged without the consent of KIPP Metro Atlanta, except as noted in the termination portion of the contract.

The school shall operate as a neighborhood school, serving first the children living within the attendance zone, at whatever point they enroll. APS enrollment policies shall govern at all times during the life of the agreement. The school shall follow the district administrative transfer process that applies to all APS schools, except that a student of Woodson Park who moves out of the

19 Atlanta Public Schools’ School Closure, Consolidation and Partnerships Plan in Alignment with the District Transformation Strategy

For Board Consideration – March 6, 2017 attendance zone, shall have the option to remain in the school through the next administrative transfer cycle and will have first priority to enroll under the district administrative transfer process. Discipline KIPP Metro Atlanta agrees to follow APS policy regarding the expulsion of students. Students may be expelled only when the infraction(s) meet APS district guidelines. KIPP Metro Atlanta shall have the presence of social workers, counselors and behavioral aides to support behavioral expectations and behavioral improvement as necessary. Educational KIPP Metro Atlanta shall implement at Woodson Park a model that is consistent Program with that of current KIPP Metro Atlanta schools serving grades K through 8, allowing for substantive improvements approved by the district. Elements of the programming include (but are not limited to):

 KIPP curriculum and instructional supports, including common assessments and data platforms  Staff of 80 - 100 adults to support 600 students  Full-time support staff as follows: 1 RTI coordinator, 1 special education coordinator, 1 counselor, 1 social worker and 1 parent liaison  Teacher and leader professional development  Summer workshop for students  KIPP Through College Program  Parent University

KIPP shall follow federal and state law by providing school-level special education services and working in a cooperative relationship with the district. Facilities, KIPP Metro Atlanta: Operations & APS shall lease the Woodson Park facilities to KIPP Metro Atlanta at no or Systems nominal cost for a term consistent with the full length of the agreement. The buildings and facilities shall be fully furnished and equipped with current technology, fixtures, kitchen equipment and all other requirements of a functioning school. At all times the facilities shall remain APS property subject only to the leasehold interest of KIPP. KIPP Metro Atlanta shall be responsible for all aspects of operations and maintenance of the facilities except as otherwise specifically agreed to by APS and KIPP.

APS shall continue to provide network and other IT services. APS and KIPP acknowledge that current controls on the APS network infrastructure may not allow the flexibility required for full instructional technology use as contemplated under the Educational Program. APS and KIPP agree to work to a mutual solution on this issue. At the outset of the agreement, KIPP may buy back certain services from APS, including nutrition, transportation and IT services.

20 Atlanta Public Schools’ School Closure, Consolidation and Partnerships Plan in Alignment with the District Transformation Strategy

For Board Consideration – March 6, 2017 KIPP will follow the district’s policies regarding transportation for enrolled students living one (1) mile or more from the school building.

YMCA of Metro Atlanta: APS shall enter into a 50-year ground lease with the YMCA of Metro Atlanta for the purpose of their constructing the needed facilities adjacent to the location of the Woodson Park Academy. Human All staff at Woodson Park Academy shall be employees of KIPP Metro Atlanta. Resources KIPP Metro Atlanta shall interview all current APS employees at Woodson Park who are interested in working for KIPP Metro Atlanta. KIPP Metro Atlanta shall set up staff open houses at KIPP sites solely for affected APS personnel. Any interested APS personnel shall be interviewed by KIPP Metro Atlanta pursuant to its established interview protocol. KIPP Metro Atlanta shall have sole discretion on all hiring decisions.

Woodson Park Professional Development: The district and KIPP Metro Atlanta shall develop and implement a professional development model for the current teachers and staff at Woodson Park Academy. The professional learning will be designed to improve student outcomes and introduce Woodson Park staff to KIPP strategies, coaching and other instructional and school culture-building practices. Performance It is the intent of APS and KIPP that their partnership results in an outstanding Standards school with a rich educational program in which students achieve at high levels. APS and KIPP also recognize that long-lasting transformation takes time. Target performance standards are based upon the APS Challenge Index. The Challenge Index is published by the Atlanta Public Schools’ Research & Evaluation Department annually on the department’s public blog. The public will be able to view partner progress over time.

The agreed upon goal for Woodson Park Academy is that at the end of 5 years of KIPP operation, and for the remaining contract term, the school will achieve at or above the challenge index trend line or move at least 5 normal curve equivalent points closer to the trend line. Length of Under Georgia law, the agreement must provide for annually renewable one- Contract and year terms. APS and KIPP agree to a contract that automatically renews on an Termination annual basis for 8 years after the initial planning year. The 9-year timeframe is designed to cover the period of time it would take a student entering Kindergarten in August 2019 to matriculate to high school. The building lease terms will be for 9 years, beginning in the 2019-2020 school year, subject to the termination provisions below and applicable to either the current or new Woodson Park buildings. APS may terminate the agreement and its corresponding leases without penalty for KIPP School’s failure to substantially implement the “Education Program” and/or achieve the Performance Standards as outlined herein.

21 Atlanta Public Schools’ School Closure, Consolidation and Partnerships Plan in Alignment with the District Transformation Strategy

For Board Consideration – March 6, 2017

Transformation RFQ: Turnaround – Rensselaerville Institute School Turnaround

Strategy Contract with Rensselaerville Institute for Professional Learning Services for Principals and Teachers Board Action Authorize the superintendent to amend the existing contract with The Rensselaerville Institute for school turnaround partnerships and additional instructional leadership support for an additional $670,000. Summary The School Turnaround division of the Rensselaerville Institute proposes to provide 5 additional APS schools with intensive professional development and support for school leaders and teachers focused on standards-based instruction and establishing a culture of high expectations.

This authorization shall be for one (1) year with four (4) one-year available options to be exercised at the discretion of the superintendent. These contracts are conditional upon the firm’s ability to comply with the requirements set forth in the solicitation document. Scope of Work Spring 2017 Diagnosis of school and leadership  Assignment of turnaround specialist to partner with the school  Set up of data use systems and short cycle assessments for upcoming school year  Address core school structures with leadership (e.g. schedule, assignment of teachers, allocation of resources)  Identify high growth areas for teachers and undertake quick burst PD to set up for 2017-18 school year  Convene parent and community engagement sessions to clarify outcomes and lay ground work for sparkplug work (to be funded separately from APS contract)  The cost for this portion of the work is $15,000/school.

Core Program 2017-2018  Initial 3-day training in June/July 2017 for principal and two team members in core turnaround strategies and tools and application to the specific needs of the school (all fees, travel, expenses and materials included)  Assignment of turnaround specialist to partner with the school  10-12 site visits during school year  Model classroom training and set up for teachers  Data-use training and tools for teachers  Mid-year national conference for the principal (all fees, travel, expenses and materials included)  Assessment and Learning national conference for the principal and select school leaders (same covered as above)  Monthly collaborative meetings facilitated by Rensslaerville Institute’s School Turnaround division (combination of on-site and virtual)

22 Atlanta Public Schools’ School Closure, Consolidation and Partnerships Plan in Alignment with the District Transformation Strategy

For Board Consideration – March 6, 2017  Technical assistance  The costs for this portion of the work are o $60,000 per Elementary School o $65,000 per Middle and K-8 School o $80,000 per High School under 800 students o $90,000 per High School over 800 students Financial The estimated annual cost of this contract amendment will not exceed Impact $670,000.

23 Atlanta Public Schools’ School Closure, Consolidation and Partnerships Plan in Alignment with the District Transformation Strategy

For Board Consideration – March 6, 2017

Solicitation No. 120216-01 Transformation Efforts Phase II

Recommended Vendor: 1. KIPP Metro Atlanta, Inc. 2. YMCA Metro Atlanta 3. The Rensselaerville Institute 4. Community Guilds 5. Teach For America

Other Respondent(s): 6. Achieve 3000, Inc. 7. Camelot Education – Georgia, LLC 8. Center for Collaborative Education 9. Communities in Schools of Atlanta, Inc. 10. Goodwill of North Georgia 11. Mass Insight Education and Research Institute, Inc. 12. NCS Pearson, Inc. 13. Robert W. Woodruff Arts Center,

Inc. dba Alliance Theatre 14. Johns Hopkins University (Talent Development Secondary) 15. The Kindezi Schools, Inc. 16. TNTP, Inc. Total Number of Respondents: Sixteen (16)

Note: Numbers do not reflect ranking. This is to certify that this is a true and correct copy of the tabulation of bids received and evaluated.

Atlanta Independent School System

Jeff Thomas Interim Director, Procurement Services