56 PROGRAM Official Newsletter of Rotary Club of

12:52 PM Introduction of Guest of Honor and Speaker Rtn Bren Egan

Address : His Excellency Daniel Pruce Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Issuebalita No. 3768 November 8, 2018 to the Republic of the Honorary Member, Rotary Club of Manila GUEST OF HONOR AND SPEAKER Public Forum

2:00 PM Response, presentation of token of appreciation to Ambassador Daniel Pruce & meeting adjournment Pres. Susing Pineda, Jr.

His Excellency DANIEL PRUCE Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Honorary Member, Rotary Club of Manila


Philippine-British bilateral relations take the red carpet as Great Brit- ain’s foremost diplomat makes his astounding debut at Asia’s First Rotary Club.

What’s Inside

Ms. Earth International Delegates 2018 2-4 President’s Corner 5-6 International Relations 6-12 Centennial News 13-30 Club Administration 31 The Week that Was 31-35 Fellowship 36-39 New Generations Service 40-42 Newspaper Release 43-44 RCM Centennial Seed Fund 45-47 Membership Dues 48-50 Attendance Report 51 Public Health Nutrition and Child Care 52 RCMFI and Sagip Kabataan Officers 53 RCM B.O.D. and Editorial Staff 54 Program 55-56 2 GUEST OF HONOR AND SPEAKER’S PROFILE PROGRAM 55

RCM’s 18TH for Rotary Centennial Year 2018-2019 Thursday, November 8, 2018, New World Makati Hotel Ballroom Officer-In-Charge/ Program Moderator : Rtn Joel Valdes


11:30 AM Registration & Cocktails (WINES courtesy of Centennial Dir. “Bobby” Joseph)

12:27 PM Bell to be Rung: Members and Guests are requested to be seated

12:29 PM Welcome remarks/Formal Turnover of the Program to the Ambassador Daniel Pruce OIC/Moderator DE/BLA Amading Valdez Chairman, Program Committee Daniel Pruce was appointed as Ambassador to the Philippines in August 2017. Previously he was Deputy Head of Mission at the British Embassy in 12:30 PM Program Proper Rtn Joel Valdes Madrid from 2012 to 2016 and British Embassy in Bangkok from 2008 to 2012. OIC/Moderator

Call to Order Pres. Susing Pineda, Jr. Before that he worked in the Europe Directorate of the Foreign and Com- Presiding Officer monwealth Office (FCO) in London, heading the department that dealt with Playing of the United Kingdom National internal EU issues, including economic reform and the EU’s institutions. He Anthem to be followed by the Singing of the was also responsible for strategic communications on the EU, including the Philippine National Anthem RCM WF Music Chorale Lisbon Treaty. Invocation PP Frank Evaristo

From 2004 until 2005 Daniel was the Programme Director of the FCO’s RCM Hymn RCM WF Music Chorale change programme (the “Organisation Project”). This included restructuring The Four (4) Way Test Credo All Rotarians led by the FCO in London and overseas. Rtn. John Cutter

Daniel was seconded to the Prime Minister’s Press Office in 10 Downing 12:35 PM Introduction of Guests/Visiting Rotarians/ Street from 2002 to 2004, responsible for briefing journalists on foreign, de- Personalities Seated at the PS Butch Marking fence and development issues and accompanying the then Prime Minister presidential table Tony Blair on his visits overseas. Welcome Song RCM WF Music Chorale He has twice worked in the UK’s Permanent Representation to the EU in Brussels. First dealing with the closing stages of the GATT Uruguay Round 12:40 PM Maligayang Bati (RCM Birthday Celebrants) Nov. 8…PVP Babe Romualdez, and Rtn Pepe Rodriguez negotiations (1993-1996), then as British Spokesman on EU issues from 1999 Happy Birthday Song RCM WF Music Chorale to 2001. 12:45 PM Presentation of new Paul Harris Fellow : Daniel was seconded to NATO HQ during the Kosovo crisis in 1999. During PHP Pin and Certificate to Pres. Susing Pineda, Jr. this period Daniel also spent time in Macedonia, working with the NATO com- Rtn Pepe Rodriguez munications team. 12:47 PM President’s Time Pres. Susing Pineda, Jr.


Dear Fellow Manila Rotarians, THE ROTARY CLUB OF MANILA BOARD OF DIRECTORS AND I hope you have all taken time off from EXECUTIVE OFFICERS your busy schedules both at work and in RY 2018-2019 Rotary during the Halloween, All Saints SUSING PINEDA Day and All Souls Day break to recharge President PRES. SUSING PINEDA and make the most of family bonding time, Publisher whether at home, in the cemetery or elsewhere. I am positive P R O G R A M TIMETABLE JIMMIE POLICARPIO PSDG/PDCoS/ that you are all now ready and eager to bring our busy Rotary Immediate Past President Dir. ALBERT S. ALDAY 11:30 AM Registration & Cocktails (WINES courtesy of Centennial GML Managing Editor, District 3810 year to even greater heights as we approach our culminating Dir. “Bobby” Joseph) LANCE MASTERS Chairman, BALITA Committee activities. The week before the break, we had the time of our Editor-in-Chief Vice President lives, marvelling at the candidates of Ms. Earth 2018 as they 12:27 PM Bell to be Rung: AS RENE POLICARPIO exchanged pleasantries with each of us. Indeed, it was beau- Members and Guests are RAFFY ALUNAN Co-Chairman, BALITA Committee requested to be seated ALBERT ALDAY Managing Editor ty with environmental advocacy at its finest as we signed a ISSAM ELDEBS Joint Commitment to Protection of Earth and Humanity with 12:29 PM Welcome remarks/Formal Turnover of the Program to the SDG FRANK A. EVARISTO CALOY REYES the officials of the Ms. Earth . This, in effect, OIC/Moderator DE/BLA Amading Valdez District 3810 BOBBY JOSEPH Chairman, Program Committee Centennial Public Relations enhanced our public relations for our Seeds of Change by Ro- JACKIE RODRIGUEZ Chairman, RY 2018-2019 tary Club of Manila so much so that we even chose a Ms. 12:30 PM Program Proper Rtn Joel Valdes Directors PSAA ELOY ADAMOS RCM Earth in the person of Ms. Earth Spain. OIC/Moderator ALVIN LACAMBACAL SDG/VP LANCE MASTERS Contributing Editors Call to Order Pres. Susing Pineda, Jr. Secretary On the aspect of international relations, I continuously invite Presiding Officer you to join our respective delegations to the 49th Anniversary Playing of the United Kingdom National NICKY VILLASEÑOR RCM SECRETARIAT Anthem to be followed by the Singing of the Treasurer and Fund Raising Ball of the Rotary Club of Kowloon East and Philippine National Anthem RCM WF Music Chorale ANNA KUN TOLEDO the 70th Charter Anniversary of the Rotary Club of Taipei. At- Executive Secretary AMADING VALDEZ tending these important milestones of our sister clubs affords Invocation PP Frank Evaristo Board Legal Adviser EMMANUEL L. SALAZAR us the opportunity to reciprocally invite them to take part in the Senior Coordinator RCM Hymn RCM WF Music Chorale RENE POLICARPIO culminating activities of our centennial celebration. Assistant Secretary AMIEL M. HERNANDEZ The Four (4) Way Test Credo All Rotarians led by Committee Coordinator On the aspect of fellowship, I wish to announce that our Christ- Rtn. John Cutter NER LONZAGA ELOISA P. MANCENIDO mas Party will take place on December 13, 2018, 6:00 pm at JASON ONG Funds Coordinator 12:35 PM Introduction of Guests/Visiting Rotarians/ the Grand Ballroom 3, Coral Wing Lobby of OKADA MANILA Assistant Treasurers Personalities Seated at the PS Butch Marking PRINCESS NOIMIE A. JAVIER in Parañaque City. Let us all attend and share the Christmas presidential table DAVE REYNOLDS Staff Assistant spirit with everyone. Likewise, I wish to thank Special Children Welcome Song RCM WF Music Chorale Sergeant-At-Arms RCM OFFICE Committee Chair PD Phillip Ong, Co-Chair Rtn. Ray Davis and Rtn. Zdenek Jankovsky for bringing tons of cheers to the OSCAR DEL ROSARIO 543 Arquiza Street corner 12:40 PM Maligayang Bati (RCM Birthday Celebrants) children and elderly of the Hospicio de San Jose through the Nov. 8…PVP Babe Romualdez, and Rtn Pepe Rodriguez Deputy Sgt-At-Arms Grey Street,.Ermita, Manila Tels No. 527-1886 & 527-1887 Happy Birthday Song RCM WF Music Chorale Hospicio Halloween party we staged. I sm certain these chil- Fax No. 527-1885 ANNA KUN TOLEDO Email: [email protected] dren and elderly felt the warmth of a genuine Manila Rotarian 12:45 PM Presentation of new Paul Harris Fellow : Secretariat whose quintessential ways have defined who we have been PHP Pin and Certificate to Pres. Susing Pineda, Jr. Rtn Pepe Rodriguez for the past century.

12:47 PM President’s Time Pres. Susing Pineda, Jr.


On the aspect of our centennial projects, many of them are underway in nearing fruition. Our Sari-Saring Aralan project is set to launch on November 14, 2018 as I wish to invite all of you to signify your attendance with our Secretariat as Ayala Foundation needs the names of attendees for docu- mentation. Our Seeds of Change by Rotary Club of Manila reached a milestone by enhancing its public image with the Joint Commitment to Protection of Earth and Humanity. Our Legacy of Rotary

Service event for June 21, 2018 is slowly shaping up as oc- ulars and program plans have been drawn up. Our Rotary Club of Manila Centennial Chorale Competition has reached a new high with the recent Memorandum of Agreement signed with DepEd and the continuous meetings with the District Governors. Our Rotary Club of Manila Coffee Table Book is now in the identification of personalities in the ar- chives stage. Our REAP is fully covered. Hence, I encourage everyone to do their share in making our centennial projects an overwhelming success.

Today, we welcome our Honorary Member, His Excellency Daniel Pruce, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland to the Republic of the Philippines, as he gives us a sneak peek into the present state British-Philippine Bilateral Rela- tions.

Indeed, all these are colossal undertakings that require our passion for Service Above Self. Hence, great things in Rotary are never the works of a single individual, but, by a team of Rotarians moving together on the path to a common goal un- der ONE CENTURY towards ONE MISSION in furtherance of ONE ROTARY, our club, the Philippines and the world can truly be proud of. It’s time for us to BE THE INSPIRATION as we all take pride in what we have collectively accomplished. RCMFI AND SAGIP KABATAAN DIRECTORS & OFFICERS 53 52 PUBLIC HEALTH NUTRITION AND CHILD CARE INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS 5

BEAT ERECTILE DYSFUNCTION October 15, 2018 THE NATURAL WAY Dear Fellow Rotarians, Elias D. Adamos, M.D. We received invitations from our sister clubs – Rotary Club of Taipei’s 70th Things ain’t what they used to be when you’re a man Charter Anniversary (Monday, December 3,2018) at Mandarin Oriental Hotel over 60. Some men experience it even earlier. I am referring to a condition that puts a man out of the game – Taipei and Rotary Club of Kowloon East’s 49th Fund Raising Ball (Monday, Erectile Dysfunction (ED). As a clinician, I heard older men complaining about December 3, 2018) at Grand Hyatt Hotel Hong Kong. “all talk, but no action.” ED is not only an old man’s personal problem; it is also a problem between spouses. After all, they say: “A happy wife equates to a To aid you in planning your preferred destination, hereunder is an overview happy life.” With all the ads and TV commercials claiming to be “the miracle of activities prepared for your visit: of science” or the instant cure to ED, it is important to be aware that simple lifestyle changes can be the real natural solution to triumph over it. ROTARY CLUB OF TAIPEI: (coordinator is former RCM member, Rtn Reiner Allgeier) What causes ED? Older men suffer from ED because of many reasons. These include December 1-2,2018: Trip to Chiao His for Golf respectively trail walking not only medical problems, like vascular diseases (hypertension, diabetes, December 2,2018 : Welcome Reception varicosities), neurological diseases (post stroke), rheumatologic (lower back problems, degenerative conditions), prostate problems, or surgeries; but also December 3, 2018 : 70th Charter Dinner at Mandarin Oriental Hotel Taipei psychological problems, such as stress, anxiety, and depression. Complex December 4, 2018 : Farewell Lunch problems that include more than one cause: combination of psychological Deadline for submission of attendees: October 30, 2018. and medical, as an example; occur in more than 75% of older men. ROTARY CLUB OF KOWLOON EAST (coordinator is PP Victor Lo) Diagnosis • See your doctor for a check-up and discuss your concerns. He will perform December 2, 2018 : Welcome Dinner for sister clubs examination of your penis and testicles. December 3, 2018 : 49th Anniversary Fund Raising Ball, • Laboratory tests include: Blood tests, urine tests, and ultrasound. Grand Hyatt Hotel, Hong Kong • To some men, psychological tests may be indicated. For accommodation, you may consider one of the following: Natural ways to trounce ED (Source: Harvard Health News, November 3, 2018) 1. Start walking. According to one Harvard study, just 30 minutes of walking a day was linked with a 41% drop in risk for ED. Other research suggests that moderate exercise can help restore sexual performance in obese middle-aged men with ED. 2. Eat right. In the Massachusetts Male Aging Study, eating a diet rich in nat- ural foods like fruit, vegetables, whole grains, and fish — with fewer red and processed meat and refined grains — decreased the likelihood of ED. 3. Pay attention to your vascular health. High blood pressure, high blood sug- ar, high cholesterol, and high triglycerides can all damage arteries in the heart (causing heart attack), in the brain (causing stroke), and leading to the penis (causing ED). 4. Size matters, so get slim and stay slim. A trim waistline is one good defense — a man with a 42-inch waist is 50% more likely to have ED than one with a 32-inch waist. 5. Move a muscle, but we're not talking about your biceps. A strong pelvic floor enhances rigidity during erections and helps keep blood from leaving the penis by pressing on a key vein. In a British trial, three months of twice-daily sets of Kegel exercises (which strengthen these muscles), combined with bi- ofeedback and advice on lifestyle changes — quitting smoking, losing weight, limiting alcohol — worked far better than just advice on lifestyle changes. 6 INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS ATTENDANCE REPORT 51

We are organizing a delegation to represent Rotary Club of Manila in all the RCM Members’ Attendance Report RY 2018-2019 above events. Please send back the RSVP below to indicate your participa- Sec. Leonor Briones, Department of Education tion in being part of the delegation representing Rotary Club of Manila. Thursday, 18 October 2018

Very truly yours,

Chairman PD ED LEE cc: Pres Susing Pineda; Dir Issam Eldebs (Director-in-Charge, International Service)


Attention: International Relations Committee cc: Pres. Susing Pineda

(Please print your name within the space provided if participating in the events below)

• I am attending RC Taipei 70th Charter Anniversary , December 3, 2018 at the Mandarin Oriental Hotel Taipei

1. PDG Vince and Tina Carlos 4. PD Jun and Myrna Hallare 2. Chair/PD Ed Lee and Daffodil Costelo 5. Rtn. Warren So 3. PP Francis Juico and Guest 6.______

• I am attending the RC Kowloon East 49th Fund Raising Ball from December 2-3, 2018 at the Grand Hyatt Hotel Hong Kong

1. PE/Dir. Jackie Rodriguez 4.______2. AT Jason Ong and Ann Facolnit-Ong 5.______3.______6.______


March 16, 2018

Jesus M. Pineda President Elect, Rotary Club of Manila 543 Arquiza cor, Grey Street, Ermita Manila City, Philippines

Dear Mr. Jesus M. Pineda,

We would like to invite you and your Rotarians to our Rotary Club of Taipei 70th charter on December 3, 2018 at the Mandarin Ori- ental Hotel in Taipei. It will be our honor to have our sister club Rotarians to join us for this special celebration. It will be a monu- mental event for our club as 70th year is a big birthday in Taiwanese tradition. I will be also be the first female president of our rotary club in 70 years.

Rotary Club of Taipei is the first club in Taiwan, ROC, which was chartered on October 9, 1948 by C.K. Yen, who was the former President of the Republic of China. We have around 100 members including honorary members from over 20 nationalities. Our club is extremely proud that our own member, Gary Huang, was the Ro- tary International President 2014-15.

We are very honor that our own PRIP Gary and the Rotary Inter- national President Elect Mark Maloney will be joining us on this special occasion. We hope we will also have the honor to have you and your Rotarians as our guests for our 70th charter.

Please kindly confirm your acceptance for the event. We have se- cured a special room rate with the Mandarin Oriental Hotel. Please contact our club for any question or help with arrangements. We hope to see you in Taipei soon. Thank you for your consideration.

Yours in Rotary,

Shirley Ting President Elect, Rotary Club of Taipei For our fellow Manila Rotarians interested in attending, please get in touch with our Secretariat at 5271886/5271887 or coordinate with Chairman PD Ed Lee. 8 INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS MEMBERSHIP DUES 49

For our fellow Manila Rotarians interested in attending, please get in touch with our Secretariat at 5271886/5271887 or coordinate with Chairman PD Ed Lee. 48 MEMBERSHIP DUES INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS 9

From: [email protected] Date: 19 September 2018 at 9:40:56 AM GMT+8 To: [email protected] Cc: [email protected], [email protected], Rtn Tung Siu Wing , Rtn Yiu Ching On , Rotary Club of Kowloon East Subject: Re: 49th Anniversary Fund Raising Ball - 3 Dec 2018 Dear President Susing,

As regards hotel accommodation for your visiting delegation for attending our 49th Anniversary Fund Raising Ball on Approach of Golden Jubilee, it would be advisable to consider those hotels that are close to the ball venue, such as : 1) The Grand Hyatt Hong Kong 1 Harbour Road, Hong Kong Web site : hongkong.grand.hyatt.com 2) RENAISSANCE HARBOUR VIEW HOTEL HONG KONG | 1 Harbour Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong T (852) 2584 6810 F (852) 2824 0135 https://www.booking.com/hotel/hk/renaissance-harbour-view-hong-kong. zh-tw.html 3) The Harbourview 4 Harbour Rd, Wan Chai

The first two hotels' offer are shown below. However, it could be cheaper and more flexible if the booking is done through your travel agent or on the Inter- net, like Booking.com, Hotels.com, Expedia.com.hk. The quotations below are therefore just for reference. Should you need us to assist your delegation in direct booking with the hotels, please feel free to let us know.

Your great support for us on this occasion is appreciated!

With best regards,


1) The Grand Hyatt Hong Kong (For 10 rooms)

The above room rates are subject to 10% service charge and quoted on a per room, per night basis for single/double occupancy.

Wireless connectivity is available in all guestrooms, all conference rooms, the Business Centre, the Grand Club and all restaurants. All guests also enjoy access to complimentary digital newspapers.


CENTENNIAL PROJECTS This year’s walk was led by the Alay Lakad National Monty Python’s SPAMALOT Coordinating Committee, chaired by Rotary Interna- is a Rotary Club of Ma- tional District 3810 Rotary District governor Rudy nila-sponsored musical comedy adapted from the Bediones, and vice chaired by the Junior Chamber In- 1975 film Monty Python ternational Philippines through its national president and the Holy Grail. Like the Rey Felix Rafols, and Lion’s International VP John Sy, motion picture, it is a highly irreverent parody of the Ar- Alay Lakad Executive Committee is chaired by Rotar- Rotary Club of Manila Centennial Watch ian Oscar del Rosario. thurian legend, but it differs is a limited edition watch (100 pieces) from the film in many ways. made by Ibarra bearing the new logo of This show is a fund-raising Members of the Board of Trustees include Federation the Rotary Club of Manila which will be endeavor of the club. of Filipino Chinese Chamber of Commerce and In- sold as part of a fund-raising endeavor. dustry, Inc. (FFCCCII) president Domingo H. Yap, Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) Chief of Staff HOSPICIO DE SAN JO- Gen. Carlito Galves Jr., Philippine National Police SE-NORZAGARAY PROJECT (PNP) chief Gen. Oscar Albayalde, Lions Clubs In- ternational MD-301, District 301-A2, and 301-A3, This project aims to Kiwanis International Philippines-Luzon District, the provide shelter for Boy Scouts of the Philippines, the Girl Scouts of the street families from the City of Manila within Philippines, YMCA Manila, YWCA, the Department the hospice site lo- of Education, the Department of Interior and Local cated in Norzagaray, Government, the Philippine Information Agency Bulacan and to equip with director general usec. Harold E. Clavite, PLPI, parents from these PARCNET, REACT-NCR, and the National Youth families with the liveli- hood skills training to Commission. Also in the board are John Sy, Belinda be conducted within T. Zalameda, Delfin Go, John Guidotong, Dra. Teru- the hospice site to ad- ko Haga, and Rev. Leonida Salva. equately prepare them for independent living. This year’s walk-for-a-cause, which was anticipated by some 200,000 walkers, was able to generate a total of P700,000 in donations from various government Presidential Proclamation No. 413 agencies, the private sector, and civic organizations. is a proclamation signed by Presi- President Rodrigo Duterte serves as the honorary dent Rodrigo Roa Duterte “declaring chairperson of the Alay Lakad Foundation, Inc. Dur- 01 July 2018 to 30 June 2019 as ing the formal turn over ceremony held at the Quiri- the ‘Year for the Celebration of the no Grandstand, Gen. Galvez handed over a P280,000 Centennial Anniversary of the Ro- tary Club of Manila and the Rotary facsimile check to Evaristo, to finance Alay Lakad’s Movement in the Philippines and in efforts. Asia”. This was obtained through the help of IPP Jimmie Policarpio and his Board of Directors and Ex- ecutive Officers. 14 CENTENNIAL NEWS NEWSPAPER RELEASE 43

Philippine Booth of the Rotary Club of Manila at the Rotary International Sunday, October 21, 2018 Convention in Toronto, Canada was an initiative ALAY LAKAD FOR OUT-OF- in cooperation with the Department of Tourism SCHOOL YOUTH and Philippine Airlines to promote the centennial of the Rotary Club of Manila and the Rotary movement in the Philippines and in Asia. The booth was SARI-SARING ARALAN: 3K para sa 3K (Ka- designed by Rotaractors bataan, Kababaihan, Kalalakihan para sa from the Rotaract Club of Karunungan, Kaugalian, Kagitingan) is based Manila, one of our spon- on the concept of the iconic Filipino sari-sari sored clubs. store, a well-known place in the community, that can be a venue for learning. It is based on the premise that learning does not and should not only take place inside schools and colleges, but in communities, workplaces, and families, as well. Sari-Saring Aralan aims to become a Learning Hub for OSY to help in in- creasing their capacity, sociability, change of values, and mind set in life. From politics, let’s move to civic-mindedness. The an- nual “Alay Lakad: Walk-for-a-Cause” was successful- ly held at the Quirino Grandstand. This year’s theme was “Kabataan Suporta ng Bayan,” for the “Alay Lakad: Walk-for-a-Cause” was conceptualized in 1972, by the late DSWD secretary Dr. Estefania Aldaba Lim. Raising funds through “walking” will enable the out-of-school youth to receive educational assistance, skills, and live- lihood trainings to improve their way of life, said Frank Evaristo, Alay Lakad president and long-time advocate of the charity “walk.”

The Rotary Club of Manila Educational Assistance Pro- Proceeds from the fundraising campaign are dedicated gram (REAP) to assisting the government in enabling and empower- (aka Adopt-a-Student program) is an initiative to support graduating stu- dents from the Pamantasan ng Maynila and the Polytechnic University of ing the youth, especially the out-of-school youth, to be- the Philippines by providing financial aid for their everyday expenses. In come productive and responsible citizens. Through these line with celebrating 100 years of service, the initial goal is to provide sup- years, Rotary International is one of the avid supporters port to 100 graduating students who will be needing financial support the of this walk-for-a-cause. most but at the same time providing better opportunities to improve their current state. 42 NEW GENERATIONS SERVICE CENTENNIAL NEWS 15 Luisa Portillo de Galué W/A +584143623896 [email protected] Chairman Rotary Club Catatumbo VENEZUELA

Francisco Padilla W/A +58 414 3446681 [email protected] [email protected] Chairman Distrito 4380 VENEZUELA

Alberto Camacaro Zerpa is an initiative W/A +58 426 5722047 [email protected] One Rotary One Philippines One for Marawi [email protected] that aims to provide medical, psychological and palliative care to wounded Gobernador Distrito 4380 VENEZUELA soldiers who have fought for the liberation of Marawi from the shackles of terrorism as well as civilians who have been displaced as a result of the The 71 Exchange Students 2019 – 2020 armed conflict. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1s0KNdrNI_b4RyZcvkkCc1N26qsxtl6Ut/ view?usp=sharing

Centennial Commemorative Stamp is an initiative to commemorate the 100 years of the Rotary Club of Manila and the Rotary movement in the Philip- pines and in Asia through the issuance of limited edition stamps.

IN THE MAIL From: Presidential Services Date: 7 November 2018 at 4:40:58 AM GMT+8 To:"[email protected]" Rotary’s Heart for Little Angels is an initiative to provide financial assis- Subject: Thank you tance to young children with congenital heart defects for purposes of their operation. Dear Club President Susing,

Thank you for your kind gift of the plate commemorating the Centennial of the RC of Manila. We appreciate your thoughtfulness.

Esther joins me in sending our best wishes to all club members as we work together to Be The Inspiration.

Sincerely, Seeds of Change by Rotary Club of Manila is an initiative to plant 100,000 gmelina and seedlings in commemoration of the 100 years of the Rotary Barry Club of Manila and the Rotary movement in the Philippines and in Asia. 16 CENTENNIAL NEWS NEW GENERATIONS SERVICE 41

From: Catatumbo 3111 Centennial Hymn is an ini- Date: 2 November 2018 at 6:17:54 PM GMT+8 tiative towards composing To: undisclosed-recipients:; a song that will embody the Subject: Good Morning From Maracaibo 100 years of the Rotary Club Dear Rotary fellow of Manila. Almost a year ago I sent a letter to all the presidents and secretaries of the Rotary clubs requesting them to ask their club members if they could receive an exchange student from district 4380 (West of Venezuela). The Rotary Club of Manila response was successful, since all those who applied today are sharing Coffee Table Book is an homes in South America, Europe and even in the Philippines. This has initiative to set forth the been very important for us, since the young people who returned from strides of Asia’s First Ro- their previous stay are laying the foundations for the growth and multi- plication of the Interact clubs and future Rotaractors, the main school for tary Club and the Rotary future Rotarians. movement in the Philip- pines and in Asia in its In contact with the host families of our Outbounds about their experience 100 years of existence. with our young people, they all found themselves delighted with them, for their education and spirit of collaboration. For all this we have only to give a very big THANK YOU for this help that Rotary Activities with the you have given us, since the word "exchange", for now it is very difficult to pronounce it in Venezuela. We will know how to thank with generosity Boy Scouts of the Phil- at its opportune moment. ippines is an initiative to showcase the Boy Scouts This year we are overcoming the challenge as 71 applicants are prepar- of the Philippines, a crea- ing to travel next year. While it is true that we already have 03 places that tion of the Rotary Club of were offered for the 19-20 cycle, we need to reapply that, if any member of your club could receive one of our exchange students, contact the Manila, as they take part chairman of the district so that, together with ours, they can prepare the in centennial activities of stay with a family from your club. our club. It should be noted that the young people we select for this activity are the most qualified, with healthy habits, they do not smoke, they come from The Search for The Outstanding Workers of the families of professionals and they stand out for their application to study Republic (TOWER) Awards was founded in 1975 and a good level of education. by the Rotary Club of Manila as an annual search for outstanding “blue collar” workers of the coun- I thank you for the attention you give us in receiving this letter and we will try. Subsequently, it included in its coverage “white appreciate what you could do for our young people. collar” (non-supervisory) workers. It aims to recog- Rotarians colleagues from the Philippines. We welcome you to this nize the contributions to economic development of wonderful Rotary program and we want to be at your service to receive the legions of skilled workers who constitute the exchange students. Currently there is a Venezuelan student in the Phil- backbone of our country’s manpower capacity. ippines and she is very happy and grateful to be there. We have several The awards program transcended the confines of highly qualified homes to receive students from all over the world and it would be great to know us. Please get in touch with Francisco Padilla a Club’s concern because of its nationwide reach (Chairman of District 4380) to advance the procedures. and significance in uplifting the Filipino workers’ morale and social status leading to greater prestige at the workplace – to the entrepreneur / employer Reynaldo Ladeda W/A +58 416 6619360 [email protected] and the colleagues, to the family and the commu- Rotary Club Catatumbo, Maracaibo, Distrito 4380 VENEZUELA nity while enhancing individual career opportunities and promoting industrial peace. 40 NEW GENERATIONS SERVICE CENTENNIAL NEWS 17


The Journalism Awards revolutionized the image of the press in the eyes of the public whose undying vigilance became a continuing inspiration for many a journalist to make the tri-media a medium to discuss issues of national significance. It has be- come a yardstick of prestige for any media outfit as they often mention this triumph in identifying themselves to the public in many a radio broadcast, television program or newspaper.


The objective of the Tourism Awards is to recognize out- standing personalities in the Tourism industry.

The Rotaract Club of De La Salle University - Manila and the Rota- ract Club of De La Salle-College of St. Benilde present 100 Years of Rotary: An Art Celebration

"INSPIRE" This is a fund-raising project of the club where paintings of well known artists Shine with the city of stars at our joint induction ceremony and will be displayed at the lobby of the alumni homecoming! Powerplant Mall, Rockwell, Makati City and the proceeds of the sale will go to Enjoy the night with good food, good music, and good friends as we our centennial fund. celebrate the past and present Rotaract members.

Ladies are encouraged to come in a cocktail dress or long gown in red, green, blue, or yellow. The gents are encouraged to wear a suit and tie. JOSE MARI CHAN CONCERT Registration fees are as follows: Rotaractors and Guests - Php 1200 This is a fund-raising concert of our club Rotarians - Php 1500 featuring renowned singer, Jose Mari Chan. Proceeds will go to our centen- Coming this November 17, 2018 at Samar-Leyte Function Room, nial fund. Sofitel Philippine Plaza Manila. Registration starts at 5:30 PM. 18 CENTENNIAL NEWS FELLOWSHIP 39

ROTARY NATIONAL CENTENNIAL GOLF TOURNAMENT This is a golf tournament spearheaded by our club in coordination with our daughter clubs in the various districts in the Philippines that will take charge of the leg in their respective areas. Our club will spearhead that of District 3810 and will likewise take charge of the championship round during the centennial week to be held at the Sta. Elena Golf Club which will feature the winners of the different legs.

CENTENNIAL LAUNCH This activity aims to announce the different projects and activities for the Centennial of the Rotary Club of Manila and the Rotary movement in the Philippines and in Asia through a press conference launch where cocktails will be served and with Rotarians from different clubs and districts in attend- ance. THE ROTARY FOUNDATION A LEGACY OF ROTARY SERVICE

This activity aims to recognize Rotarians and clubs from all over the Philippines for their noteworthy pro- jects. The highlight of the evening would be the induc- tion of the District Governors-Elect and the Presidents-Elect by the Rotary International President-Elect.


This is the culminating activity of the centennial of the Rotary Club of Manila and the Rotary movement in the Philippines and in Asia in an evening of nostalgia and congeniality uniting Rotarians from different parts of the archi- pelago which will be graced by the presence of Rotary International Presi- dent-Elect Mark Maloney.


This concept of BLA Amading Valdez targets the youth who will be called upon to serve in the next 100 years. The resulting musical composition from this competition may trigger a national consciousness for service and sacrifice for country and humanity. It will be the lasting legacy of our club. It is just appropriate albeit a necessity that this musical competition be the centerpiece of the culminating centennial celebration to be held on June 21, 2019. This competition will be open to all high school stu- dents in cooperation with DepEd and qualified out-of-school youth in cooperation with DILG.

The backdrop of the party 38 FELLOWSHIP CENTENNIAL NEWS 19


Latest Update: What: Community Launch of the Sari-Saring Aralan Project

When: November 14, 2018 (Wednesday) The World Famous Music Chorale held a choir practice last October 25, 2018 at the Ballroom of the New World Makati Hotel in Makati City. 10:30-11:30 AM

Where: Mercado St., Brgy. 50, Tondo, Manila (right beside the Barangay Health Center)

Who: All Stakeholders (LGU, Barangay Officials, RCM, AFI, Grameen, Project Duke, Rotaract, APEC, AYLC Alumni, CENTEX Alumni)

There is a request for the list of attendees from Rotary Club of Manila.

A few key dates to take note of:

The World Famous Music Chorale held a fellowship last October 24, November 10, 2018 - orientation of OSYs 2018 at the Manila Elks Club in Makati City. Present were PD Oscar del Rosario, PP Teddy Ocampo, PDCoS/PSDG/PP Cesar Ubaldo, PT Jun November 12, 2018 - dry run for the launch Follosco, Rtn. Juan Montel, PD Beda Fajardo, AT Jason Ong and PE/ - RCM secretariat (hopefully Ms. Anna Toledo) to attend to be able Dir. Jackie Rodriguez. to understand what to do on the launch proper.

November 14, 2018 - SSA launch - President Susing Pineda to give a Tagalog speech on the RCM legacy project and what their committment is to the project - to invite 10 to 15 RCM members (hopefully from the Centennial board and those involved in the project)

Ayala Foundation, Inc. (AFI) requests the following:

1. A quote from President Susing Pineda about the partnership with AFI and this project DE/Dir. Raffy Alunan, PD Beda Fajardo, PD Oscar del Rosario, Rtn. 2. If RCM can provide any sponsorship in kind to the OSYs during Celso Abastillas and President Susing Pineda attended the 2nd In- the launch on November 14, 2018 such as food or refreshments duction of Officers and 1st Handover Ceremony of the Rotary Club of Padre Burgos last November 6, 2018 at the Kachina Ballroom of the 3. If you have a photographer during the launch, please let us know. Century Park Hotel Manila in Manila.

The backdrop of the party 20 CENTENNIAL NEWS FELLOWSHIP 37

Rtn. Zdenek Jankovsky distributing Halloween goodies.

Venue : Sari Sari Store, Mercado corner Dagupan Streets, Ba- rangay 50, District 1, Tondo, Manila

Project Partners: Rotary Club of Manila; Ayala Foundation, City of Manila & Grameen Philippines

Dear Fellow Rotarians, Rtn. Zdenek Jankovsky goofing The backdrop of the party around with Rtn. Ray Davis during Please join me when we formally launch our Econom- the Halloween Party. ic and Community Centennial Development Project for Out-Of-School Youth through SARI-SARING ARALAN- 3K para sa Kabataan, Kababaihan, Kala- lakihan para sa Karunungan, Kaugalian, Kagitingan on WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 14, 2018 10:00 AM to 11:30 AM at Sari Sari Store, Mercado St. corner Dagupan Streets, Bgy 50, District 1, Tondo, Manila. Let us be present to “Be The Inspiration” of Bgy 50, Tondo, Manila.

See you,

President Susing Pineda Rtn. Zdenek Jankovsky and his Home Credit people in a light moment at the Halloween Party 36 FELLOWSHIP CENTENNIAL NEWS 21


PD Phillip Ong, Rtn. Zdenek Jankovsky and Rtn. Ray Davis togeth- er with officials from Home Credit and mascots brought cheers to the children and elderly of Hospicio de San Jose in a Halloween Party last October 25, 2018 at the Hospicio de San Jose in Manila.

The children of Hospicio de San Jose

Rtn. Zdenek Jank- ovsky dressed in a clown outfit hosting the program

The elderly of Hospicio de San Jose The Editorial Board of the Centennial Coffee Table Book met last October 25, 2018 at the Balcony I of the New World Makati Hotel in Makati City Rtn. Zdenek Jank- to identify the personalities in the photos from the archives of the Rotary ovsky entertaining the Club of Manila which shall be incorporated in the said book. Present were children and elderly Author PDG Chit Lijauco, Chairman PP Boy Ampil, Co-Chairman Rtn. Manny Blanco, Rtn. Tong Payumo, Rtn. Tony Lopa, SG Romy Nones and Dir. Caloy Reyes. 22 CENTENNIAL NEWS THE WEEK THAT WAS 35 SEEDS OF CHANGE by Rotary Club of Manila PSAA Fred Lim, Chairman, Special Elec- tion/Board of Canvassers, with VPE Her- Latest Update: mie Esguerra, announces the tabulation of ranking sheets for the top spot ranking. to Miss Carolina Jane, Spain, awarded as the first Rotary Club of Manila International, with a sash.

Pres. Susing Pineda, Jr. for his response and presentation to Ms. Peachy Veneracion, VP/Project Director, , Inc. of a plaque of appreciation for facilitating the presence of the Miss Earth International Candidates, and meeting adjournment. RCM & Ms. Earth International Candidate as Birthday Celebrants

Pres. Susing Pineda, Jr. presents the week’s birthday celebrants: DE/ Treas. Nick Locsin and Miss Earth International Candidate Miss Jas- mine Yeo, Malaysia, the birthday cake for the traditional blowing of candles amidst the singing by the RCM World-Famous Chorale of the Happy Birthday song. 34 THE WEEK THAT WAS CENTENNIAL NEWS 23 Press release in The Philippine Star, page B16, Novem- ber 5, 2018:

Signing of a Joint Commitment in protection of the Earth and Humanity Agreement with Pres. Susing Pineda, Jr.; Ms. Peachy Veneracion, VP/ Project Director, Carousel Productions, Inc., between Rotary Club of Ma- nila and Carousel Productions, Inc. with Rtn. Celso Abastillas, Chairman, RCM Centennial Fellowship Trees Committee; DE/BLA Amading Valdez, Co-Chairman, RCM Centennial Fellowship Trees Committee, VPE Her- mie Esguerra and the Miss International Delegates. A LEGACY OF ROTARY SERVICE

Latest Update:

VPE Hermie Esguerra announces a special election / ranking of Miss Earth International Candidates, in the spirit of fun, friendship and cama- raderie chaired by PSAA Fred Lim. He then individually introduced the respective Miss Earth International Candidates, for their brief message/ advocacy : Miss Monique Shippen, Australia, Miss Jasmine Yeo, Malay- sia, Miss Priya Sigdel, Nepal, Miss Maristella Okpala, Nigeria, Miss Di- ana Lemos, Panama, Miss Margo Fargo, South Africa and Miss Carolina Jane, Spain. 24 CENTENNIAL NEWS THE WEEK THAT WAS 33

The Centennial Committee made an Ocular Visit at the Philippine In- ternational Convention Center (PICC) in Pasay City last October 25, 2018 and met with PICC Officials. President Susing Pineda, VPE/ PAT Hermie Esguerra, DE/BLA Amading Valdez, PP Teddy Ocampo, Presentation of bouquet of flowers to the Miss Earth International Secretary-General Romy Nones, Treasurer Nicky Villaseñor, AT Jason Candidates by PP Teddy Ocampo to Miss Monique Shippen, Australia, Ong and Club Secretary Alvin Lacambacal toured the proposed venue PP Frank Evaristo to Miss Jasmine Yeo, Malaysia, PDG Vince Carlos of the Centennial Celebrations. They then had initial discussions with to Miss Priya Sigdel, Nepal, Dist. Gov. Rudy Bediones to Miss Maris- PICC officials, namely, General Manager Renati Padilla, Director for tella Okpala, Nigeria, PP Benny Laguesma to Miss Diana Lemos, Pan- Marketing and Events Dinah Gonzales and Assistant Director Leonor ama, PP Ebot Tan to Miss Margo Fargo, South Africa and PP Archit Gertes. Bartolome III to Miss Carolina Jane, Spain.

The Centennial Day in Perspective: Ms. Peachy Veneracion, VP/Project Direc- tor, Carousel Productions, Inc. delivers a backgrounder on their advocacies, plans and programs. VPE Hermie Esguerra presents a check donation to Ms. Peachy Veneracion in support of their organiza- tion’s advocacies.

The Reception Area for Dinner The Plenary for roundtable forum of District Governors-Elect and Ro- tary International President-Elect 32 THE WEEK THAT WAS CENTENNIAL NEWS 25

The Forum Area or the tent for booths, exhibits and food court for lunch and snacks

VPE Hermie Esguerra as Officer-In-Charge/ Program Rtn Celso Abastillas delivers an Moderator, directs the pro- ecumenical prayer. gram of activities.

DSAA/PD Oscar del Rosario leads fellow Rotarians, in renewing its This is how the roundtable discussion among the District Gover- commitment to the Rotary movement, by reciting the Rotary Credo: The nors-Elect and Rotary International President-Elect will look like Four (4) Way Test. on June 21, 2019. They will present their respective district success stories and visions for the next 100 years.

This is how the finale will look like to close the curtain of the Cen- Pres. Susing Pineda, Jr. during his president’s time, presenting to ES Anna tennial Celebration in a dinner with the President of the Republic Kun Toledo her retiring benefit check for 24 years of dedicated service to of the Philippines on June 21, 2019. This choral group will consist of the Rotary Club of Manila. Joining them for a posterity photo are the current the four finalists together the World Famous Music Chorale. Board of Directors and Officers. 26 CENTENNIAL NEWS CLUB ADMINISTRATION 31

Plan for June 21, 2019 Centennial Event: NEXT WEEK’S SPEAKER 1. Registration starts on June 20, 2019 at 1:00 pm, the TENT located at the back of PICC. Exhibits and food court shall also open. A wel- come entertainment at the TENT is an option. Online registration and collection of registration fees shall begin in January 2019. 2. Opening Ceremonies at 8:00 am. 3. Start of choral competition at 9:00 am. 4. Break/Lunch 11:30 am to 1:30 pm. 5. Roundtable: 1:30 pm to 3:30 pm (includes 1 minute video from each district of their success stories, each District Governor-Elect shall be given 2 minutes to talk and thereafter, questions/comments from audience to panel including the Rotary International Presi- dent-Elect) 6. From 3:30 pm to 4:30 pm - Announcement of three consolation winners (the Grand Award and Runner Up to be announced in the Dinner) 7. From 4:30 pm to 5:00 pm - Mass Oath Taking of District Gover- nors-Elect, Presidents-Elect and Club Officers of each of the clubs for RY 2019-2020 and Message from Rotary International Presi- dent-Elect. Photo opportunities follow. Rtn. ANTONIO “TONY” S. LOPEZ 8. Formal Dinner: 6:30 pm (Announcement of Winners of Chorale Founder, Chairman, President Competition and Rotary Success Stories/Entertainment/Rotary In- and CEO ternational President-Elect’s talk) 9. FINALE: Centennial Song/Recessional BizNewsAsia 10. Activities for the event will be broken down into committees. When the newsmakers make the news, they Centennial Celebration Awards Committee: make history. Witness history unfold next week.

Pres. Susing Pineda, Jr. as presiding officer, calls the 17th meeting of the Rotary Club of Manila, for the Rotary Centennial Year 2018-2019, to order. 30 CENTENNIAL NEWS CENTENNIAL NEWS 27

Centennial Projects

Please put a “check” mark over your preferred Centennial project/ com- mittee: On-Going Projects: 1. Hospicio de San Jose ; Chairman: Rtn Phillip Ong 2. One Rotary, One Philippines, One for Marawi ; Chairman: Dir Raffy Alunan 3. RCM Hearts for Little Angels ; Chair.: PDG Obet Pagdanganan 4. Sight Conservation ; Chairman: Rtn Jack Bautista

Awards: 1. TOWER Awards; Chairman: PP Benny Laguesma 2. Journalism Awards; Chairman: IPP Jimmie Policarpio 3. Tourism Awards; Chairman: Dir Bobby Joseph

Centennial Year Projects: 1. Commemorative Stamp; Chairman: PP Frank Evaristo 2. Coffee Table Book (LOGISTICS) ; Chairman: PDG Vince Carlos 3. Coffee Table Book (EDITORIAL BOARD); Chair.: PP Boy Ampil 4. Tree Planting ; Chairman: Rtn Celso Abastillas 5. Sari-Saring Aralan; Chairman: President Susing Pineda The Centennial Celebration Awards Committee held its Organ- 6. Rotary Educational Assistance Program (REAP) ; Chairman: SecGen izational Meeting last October 25, 2018 at the Ballroom of the Romy Nones New World Makati Hotel in Makati City. Present were Chair- 7. Rotary Centennial Golf Tournament; Chairman: PS Butch Marking man PDG Alex Cureg, Co-Chair Rtn. John Michael Cutter and 8. Boy Scouts of the Philippines ; Chairman: PDG Obet Pagdanganan members ISDG/IS/DE/Dir. Albert Alday, Rtn. Dong Benedicto 9. Elsie Gaches Village and Dir. Issam Eldebs. 10. Community Chest of the Philippines 11. Philippine Cancer Society ROTARY CLUB OF MANILA CENTENNIAL 12. Baseco Project CHORALE COMPETITION Other Projects: 1. Centennial Week 2. Centennial Launch; Chairman: PP Archit Bartolome Latest update: 3. A Legacy Project of Rotary Service (June 21, 2019) ; Chairman: BLA Press release in The Philippine Star, page B16, last Amading Valdez October 25, 2018: 4. Centennial Gala Night (June 22, 2019) ; Chairman: PAT Hermie Esguerra

Other Committees: 1. Invitations Committee ; Chairman: PP Francis Juico 2. Protocol Committee; Chairman: PDG Alex Cureg 3. Ways & Means Committee ; Chairman: PP Boy Guevara 4. Recognition & Awards Committee ; Chairmen: PP Boy Guevara, PP Boy Ampil & Rtn Romy Nones



Latest Update: Dear Fellow RCMers,

REAP Commitments as of November 8, 2018: As you well know, our Centennial Year is upon us. In the past few years leading up to the present, your club leadership has planned and prepared several projects and events befitting this milestone in the history of our prestigious club. During the Town Hall Meeting last August 9, 2018, these activities were presented and broadly discussed. The responses of our members afterwards were inspiring. They want to do their share in making our centennial celebrations truly mem- orable, not only for RCMers but also to all Rotarians of the Philippines and of Asia. Indeed, in various district functions recently, other Rotarians from all over the country have also expressed their enthusiasm in joining us in the celebration of 100 years of the Rotary movement in this part of the world. They are just waiting, in their own words, for the Rotary Club of Manila to lead them.

It is it time therefore, for us to take the challenge of lead- ing our fellow Rotarians. And for us to do this effectively, the participation of each RCM member is needed. Attached is the list of our centennial committees and their projects. Also provided is the Program of Activities for the Centennial Week. I urge you to volunteer your participation in any of the activities. Together, we can attain greater achievements for our club!

Please indicate the committee(s) / event(s) that you are join- ing.

Yours in Rotary,

Pres. Susing Pineda