(General State Archives) the Hague Records of the Companies Trading
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SOURCES CONSULTED IN MANUSCRIPT Algemeen Rijksarchie! (General State Archives) The Hague Records of the Companies trading in the East Indies (Compagnieen op Oost Indie) 1594-1603. Records of the United Company (V.O.C.): Resolutions of Gentlemen Seventeen. Resolutions of the Amsterdam Chamber. Resolutions of Gentlemen Seventeen to Governor General and Council. Copies of resolutions of Governor General and Council. Letters and appendices written to the Netherlands by Governor General and Council (Overgekomen brieven uit Batavia). Letters from Governor General and Council to the various offices of the United Company in Asia (copies) (Inkomend briefboek Batavia). Acquisitions concerning the Dutch settlements in Asia, preserved in the General State Archives. BIBLIOGRAPHY Aa. Pieter van der. Naaukeurige uersameling der Gedenkwaardigste Reyzen naar Oost en West Indien. (Accurate Compilation of the Most Memorable Voyages to the East and West Indies). V. Leiden. 1707. Albuquerque. Affonso de. 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