OPERATION MANUAL Unx™ Bareshaft Pump Visual Safety System
OPERATION MANUAL UNx™ Bareshaft Pump Visual Safety System ii Bareshaft Pump This manual is copyrighted with all rights reserved. Under copyright laws, this manual may not be copied in whole or in part or reproduced in any other media without the express written permission of Jetstream of Houston, LLP or its authorized agent. Permitted copies must carry the same proprietary and copyright notices as were affixed to the original. Under the law, copying includes translations, whole or in part, into another language. Every reasonable effort has been made to ensure that the data given in this document is accurate, however, the information, figures, illustrations, tables, specifications, and schematics contained herein are subject to change without notice. Jetstream® reserves the right to change any term, condition or process represented in this document without notice and at Jetstream’s sole discretion. ©2020 Jetstream of Houston, LLP. Published in USA P/N 65179 Revision H Jetstream of Houston, LLP 5905 Thomas Road, Houston, TX 77041 (832) 590-1300 • (800) 231-8192 www.waterblast.com Jetstream® is a registered trademark of Federal Signal Corp. iii Operation Manual WARRANTY Limited Warranty - Each Waterblast Unit, Bareshaft Pump, and Fluid End manufactured by Jetstream is warranted against de- fects in material and workmanship for a period of 12 months or 1,000 hours, provided it is used in a normal and reasonable man- ner and in accordance with all operating instructions. If sold to an end user, the applicable warranty period commences from the date of delivery to the end user. If used for rental purposes, the applicable warranty period commences from the date of delivery to the party holding the equipment available for rent.
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