Emeritus Professor J.N. Hutchinson: Historical Landslide Collection – Great Britain Land Use Planning and Development Programme Internal Report IR/12/073 “There rolls the Deep where grew the tree O Earth, what changes hast thou seen! There where the long street roars, hath been The stillness of the central sea The hills are shadows, and they flow From form to form, and nothing stands; They melt like mist, the solid lands, Like clouds they shape themselves and go” Lord Alfred Tennyson The Cliff-Founder and Landslide at Gore Cliff, Isle of Wight G.W. Colenutt, FGS Landslide at Gore Cliff, 1928 BRITISH GEOLOGICAL SURVEY LAND USE PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMME INTERNAL REPORT IR/12/073 Emeritus Professor J.N. Hutchinson: Historical Landslide Collection – Great Britain The National Grid and other Page, J H. and Dashwood, C. Ordnance Survey data are used with the permission of the Controller of Her Majesty’s Stationery Office. Licence No: 100017897/2011. Keywords Report; John Hutchinson, landslides, collections Front cover Lord Alfred Tennyson The Cliff-Founder and Landslide at Gore Cliff, Isle of Wight, 1928 G.W. Colenutt, FGS Bibliographical reference PAGE,J H, DASHWOOD, C. 2012. All fields on the title and cover should be amended by using File/Properties/Custom. British Geological Survey Internal Report, IR/12/073. 126pp. Copyright in materials derived from the British Geological Survey’s work is owned by the Natural Environment Research Council (NERC) and/or the authority that commissioned the work. You may not copy or adapt this publication without first obtaining permission. Contact the BGS Intellectual Property Rights Section, British Geological Survey, Keyworth, e-mail
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