The Eastern Counties, — ——

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The Eastern Counties, — —— ^^^^^ gh Guides : ——- h^ ==h* - c\J : :ct> r ^c\i ==^JQO - T— ""> h»- [~^co '-_ 7 —^^— :n UOUNTIES /t\u* ton ^¥/ua( vY "IP Grantham ' TaUdngh oihv l y'iii.oco..^i>s ^u , ! v , ^i,,:;;^ , i / v '"'''.v/,,. ;r~ nsiimV *\ ?. ' kXOton /lEICESTERY Monftw /{, r fontf* k ^> h'i .;-"" A0% .-O Krlmarsh\ Blisw.wfli.i2 'oad&J Eelmdon. "VTolvei J''u/<}, upthill r9tc Ami? LoAviibo- 'Widfc *Baldock effbhurn f J Marti}*?' Ihxatingfard eitfktoii 7 " gifzzarcL t^r ' t>un.sti ^OXFORD '/'> Ainershain. finest WytHtrnd^iL Bickuuuis>^ Watliagtnti >^Hi^TV^cHnb£ ^M Shxplake- jfe-wrffa^eR E A PI Nla ^ | J. 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C5 ^ rH CM 00 00 1 00 rH F—I CO co ft «8 &J r-. rH rH rH rH rH * .,2 c3 to g H - « fa .00CDO5CQH HIMOS O m W * H r^ rH rH s DQ 3 .MOO^WiOH loOiO^* 3 «G rH rH rH rH rH rH rH CM rH "60 a s r* 1 . n O CO O CD CD "^OH 8 83 2 as O S ^^^ i ^ . f- >tf 00 O CO *0> 1 U5HC5 rHCOrHeNrHOJrHrH <N CO rH a fr«rrj '" -» d g £ * CI O fc - co co O ^ - " : : : : * 3 erg g&s^fc-iSrt «§* „ £ ° — o fi^ 9 S§oS s * §»: i : : : : : : : : : |e - « fff ° ;......... S I m to 9 s ... o o T3 OS3 * g a * »i * fl 53 Peterborough o o 43 Colchester Cambridge Stratford •d Ipswich Norwich Wisbech c Lynn a o Bury d o Ely ** * $ o ril Leadenhall Street, B.C. London : J. S. L^viN, Steam Printing Works, 75, THE EASTERN COUNTIES, — —— Sfcwmigfe gftuitlt Bww. Edited by M. J. B. Baddeley, B.A., and C. S. Ward, M.A. Maps by Bartholomew. Messrs. Baddeley & Ward have earned the position of the most practical of all the Guide-book writers of this time and country. Saturday Review. "The plentiful supply of maps and plans by Bartholomew in these Guides in itself renders them of the greatest service to the conscientious tourist. Times. " The of this series volumes have every virtue of a guide-book ; they are small, compact, concisely written, comprehensive, admirably arranged, trustworthy, practical, and amply supplied with beautiful maps." Birmingham Daily Post. I.—THE ENGLISH LAKE DISTRICT. By M. J. B. Baddeley. 5s. One general and thirteen sectional maps; all tinted to show elevations. 4th Edition, 1886. II.—SCOTLAND, Part I. (" THE HIGHLANDS"), as far as Lairg, Lochiuver and Stornoway, and including Edinburgh, Glasgow, and parts of the Lowlands. By M. J. B. Baddeley, 7s. 36 maps and plans general and sectional ; tinted to show elevations. 4tb Edition, 1885. HI.—NORTH DEVON AND NORTH CORNWALL, with a full de- scription of Exmoor. By C. S. WARD. 3s. 10 maps, general and sectional, and plans ofllfracombe, Exeter and its Cathedral. 3rd Edition, 1885. IV.—THE PEAK DISTRICT of Derbyshire, &c. By M. J. B. Baddeley. 2s. 6d 5 maps and plan of Buxton. 3rd Edition, 1884. V.— SCOTLAND, Part II. ("NORTHERN HIGHLANDS AND ISLANDS"), from Inverness and Gairloch to the North of Shet- land. By M. J. B. Baddeley. 4s. 15 maps, tinted to show elevations. 2nd Edition, 1884. VI.—-THE EASTERN COUNTIES. (Watering Places, Cathedral Cities, and other Places of Interest.) By C. S. Ward. 2s. 6d.. l 12 maps and plans. 2nd Edition, 1886. VII.—SOUTH DEVON AND SOUTH CORNWALL, with a full de- scription of Dartmoor and the Scilly Isles.
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