INSIDE: SPORTS ENTERTAINMENT 'Coming on Strong' Heads Who's The last of a four-day up Game? series celebrating 25 years of womanhood SJSU women's soc- FILM: 'The Game' cer team warms up starring Michael Working women Page 5 and sets out for Douglas is non-stop road trip against ride of thrills Great moments Page 5 Arizona Fr-71 Page 9 Page 6 AI , SPARTAN DAILY Serving San Jose State University Since 1934

Volume 109, No.9 THURSDAY September 11, 1997 Simpkins dies; legacy lives on SJSU alumnus remain in Division lA rested on the alumni and Spartan succumbs to cancer Foundation because of cuts in "SJSU stands for fami- state funding. leaving behind In what was true Alan San Jose Simpkins ly, friends, tradition Simpkins form, he said in 1994, "No longer can we sit back and University. His gen- of giving wait for others to pick up the erosity sets the slackit is up to us." By Aaron Williams In 1994 he and his wife dedi- alums Senior Staff Writer standard for cated the $1 million Simpkins Stadium Center. He said that that will probablly Alan Simpkins, San Jose their reason for the donation never be matched" was that the facility that used State University's most gener- Stan Morrison ous alumnus, died Wednesday to house athletics was, "a dis- after a two-year battle with grace and probably the worst men's basketball building in the CST I system." cancer. He was 74. Simpkins and his wife Even through his illness, he coach Phyllis, were responsible for still gave to the university. major contributions to the ath- Last month, the Simpkinses letics program, marching band donated $3 million to buy a "Alan is the single and International Center, in 22,700 square-foot building greatest supporter addition to being active in that would house the majority alumni and campus activities of the SISIT athletic teams. His of athletics in the wife said they were both and committees. His name of SJSU and adorns the Simpkins Stadium touched when, during the dedi- history Center and the new at cation of the building, the foot- of the university as office building dedicated last ball team showed up and sere- month. naded them with the SJSU well. Alan is the He worked tirelessly along fight song. kind of person who with Phyllis to make SJSU a As great a benefactor as they first-class university. They were to athletics, both Alan and Is irreplaceable." sought to advance SJSU in all Phyllis gave to other segments areas and just like their work of the university as well. Tom Brennan with athletics, which usually In 1978 they revived the athletic director garnered most of the publicity, SJSU Marching Band, which they always worked as a team. had been shut down for five "Alan is the greatest single years due to budget cuts. They "This is a tremen- supporter of athletics in the his- also paid for the entire band to tory of SJSU and of the univer- travel to Hawaii for football dous loss to the games in 1988 and 1996. sity as well," At Director university. He often Tom Brennan said. "Ile was a The International Center, great man and a great friend. dedicated in 1996, was a project said that he wished I'll miss him very much. Alien is that the Simpkinses had been the kind of person who is irre- involved with since 1964. They jlI that he'd made placeable." built the 25,000 square-foot more money so he Simpkins and his wife were building on 11th Street when almost single-handedly respell- Phyllis' sorority, Kappa Kappa could have shared Gamma, needed a chapter sible for keeping the &1St' ath- more. " letics programs respectable. Ile house. The sorority relin- had said that SISIT's ability to See Simpkins, page 7 - Jerry Fitzgerald friend

"I think Alan would .;0,11,1,1 DWI\ far OW say that he's eter- Man B. Simpkins nally hopeful that Alan Simpkins Born: March 17. 1923 Died: Sept. 10, 1997 married wife March 17, 1923 others would follow Phyllis in 1946. 1948 1948 1 Cii Alan Simpkins is Simpkins earns and born in San Jose physics Simpkins. first child Robed is t, in Phyllis his lead. He never graduated deurre from SJS gves birth t William in 'CO and Dune in '53 two years later wanted exclusive from San Jose :June 22. 19411 Sept. 1948 1960 961 June 22. 1968 State College. bumpkins enters the P..-tres tr,,m army Starts career with Karr Starts Dek.on C.:orb Invents the nowiery credit, only to help The Simpkins' enguneenng "S3 ambler Packard generosity has others." 1970 1978 1996 made them 1982 1988 Starts Dynatel Sells Dynatel to 3M Distinguished Alumnus Award Sends pep band to Hamm r, t --- Janet Redding invaluable to rh'mari .1,i w.tpt 1 vice president of the university. - . 1978 1981 1982 1989 University The Simpkins start the [Receives the Towe'rl Distinguished Alumnus Award Named CS 1.1 r t r International Center and Award philanthropests if tie Advancement reinstates SISU Marching year _ Band S HMI WW PUNK MIMI'S Sharon Hall thr Spartan !hills .1v11 Spar! 11,111.1 Division of Technology: Pep needed to rally support By Melanie Balangue marketing coordinator. -.Aid that the.... Senior Staff Writer events will help generate excitement tor -t dents School sprit, anyone? Kan Cosenteno, a cieirdinallir ott. the project , future hangs in balance In recent years, the attendance of San Jose said it's about time students get some school spir- State By Andrew Hussey University football home games has been it Cosentino said the SJSI athletic department Senior Staff Writer diminishing slowly and its athletes need more in Irian t gram have one of the highest report approved by Caret which Last year, an average of 12,135 students and student population She sten, placement and salary rates on served to terminate all eight of added that the High-tech Silicon Valley non -students attended SISI. home games. In type of 5.151.' being just a campus. the technical programs offered commuter school firms could stand to lose a comparison, Fresno State University generated shouldn't he ;en excu,e for "The combination of techni- by the Division of Technology. students to not show major source of talent in the an average crowd of 37,373 people last yTar some Support for 5.151' sports cal specialization and a According to Veril near future if a proposal to ter- alone "I cringe when I hear SIS1' is just a commuter a required minor in business executive assistant tie the minate the Do:Isom This lack of interest in 5.151.' sports has school." said a 101 management is a powerful tool provost, the next step in the Cosentino "I think that at stu- Technology is approved by prompted the miirketing division of the at dents who for modern industry," he said process will see a committee aren't in a sport or who aren't in a fra SJSU President Robert Caret department to promote schisil spirit within the ternity or sorority really could get involved and and Provost Linda Bain. "Our graduate's can talk to composed of faculty and stu- S.151' student community engmeering managers, produc- dents make a final recommen- could really add their support it impiirt ant " The Division of Technology The at marketing divi sum will be work- Ortiz said that tion people and customers It's a dation to Caret by the end of they will hold their first event trains students for a !I 110 - ing with other school organizations, such as the this Friday The "Spartafest Rally," is a kickoff merit and technical jobs dealing very unique and flexible role." the semester. Caret will then Associated Students in arranging various events Stemming from recommen- decide the fate of the program. rally to introduce the opening season for the with electronics, robotics and dunng the semester. The athletic department 5.151' dations made by the Academic "The only decision made is to football team During the rally, this sea- engineering and, according to hopes that these events will make students more son's new Priorities Committee last initiate proceedings: Phillips football team will be introduced and Department Chair Dr. Seth aware of SJSU's sports programs. the cheerleading squad will perform at the rally Bates, graduates of the pro- semester which affect 280 pro- Javier Ortiz, the SNIT athletic departments grams on campus, Bain issued a See Tech page 7 See Pep rally page 9 PminetwwwworoweeMaillaS

OPINION Thursday, September 11, 1997 Page 2 SPARTAN DAILY `Good' books provide insight into life's problems is a talented man staring you in the face. The he ri, tot death tit I've only read two Grisham deal with all their supermarket, or to Grisham some substantial reader has escaped nothing. \Vi111,iin Iiiirroughs books, I couldn't tell vou which life. Reading about the mailing lists of who has made rr gives you has not con- A good author marked the end of ,in tiril ones because they both seemed somebody else's tri- the Book ,of the money, but he the way an author insight by making the reader \ iiiiI-1C.ili Ilitirilt Lire \Vali virtually the same. als and tribulations Month Club life tributed make decisions. When the read- ,ii -haat L.teneration- no longer Lawyers. trials, and long- in life helps the read- would be bearable. should. or book is con- er does put that book down, i pi( -alai it. .111(1 l'horles winded dialog that makes the er form an opinion It's when these sto- A good story written in they can stare back at the evil Hilki.\\ ski mid Iiihn Fame both thought of sitting in a dentist without ever experi- ries get made into cise, thoughtful, and makes the reader eye of life with confidence I. the door is low, II oli. open chair sound like a vacation, encing that problem 140-minute epics a way that matters. knowing they have just gained tot the tietll. and eId eini)irt comprised both tales of injus- personally. that invade both choose sides on certain more information about life and I ii. John I irisliam years art. tice. Unless you're a theaters and the Grisham's work is pure reader. They themselves by reading. ' ..itaimt, iiiiiiiiiiiisl over our Angst-ridden teenagers have high-powered TRAVIS PETERSON local video store, escapism for the heads been turning to Bukowski's lawyer from the south, Having Chris O'Donnell play a are written for people who the prob- i lris'iaill made more money "Tales of Ordinary Madness" Grisham won't shed any light lawyer is like have Marlon think they can escape lead role in lems of life as long as they have Travis Peterson is a Spartan last week than I will nniktt in a for years to find solace in a man on your problem. Brando play the After clos- Daily Staff Writer. Menine lint that iitit'Sll't Illli'dfl who dealt with more problems If these stories were confined The Richard Simmons Story. that book in hand. still there, I ciill i li.--1/17-, OIL Man.:: m,ork. in a month than they would to the paperback racks at the It's just unbelievable. ing his books, life is ./ ' Discriminating Editorial VW' m..,eng4;,; against learning T 111,r, ,-1,111.- iii hi' a CW11111011 thenW t hat rims throughout the front page centerpiece tiiitiv's Spartan Doily disabled `stupid' It is one itenerosity some San Jose State Their may be ienetiistIL tit tuna. if intellect, of modesty University students who have fallen .111(1 iii ti:111. ii Ilimmili's' through the Alan Simpkins husband, father of three, cracks of the educa- rad wire. philanthropist succumbed to tional system while cancer atter Li wo year battle early Wednesday on their scholastic mornmg journey from Vor iiio:e who ;ire unaware, Alan, idong with kindergarten II s de and partner PhyllIs. have been the SID - through high school. LitS.Itirs history: the intro- These are students II of Ii.- International Center, the remstat - with undiagnosed OW. it I marrhing band. :Ind their roost recent learning disabili- rift if a titt million. 22,700 square foot athletic ties. tai.ility. to mime Hist a few Now, these same ALLISON WRIGHT But t.n. hat has been reiterated time and time 4,g students are strug- again is I Hu Alan Simpkins did not just give gling with college courses wondering if they houi his porket book lie govt from his heart. 'NM YOU SHUT DOWN FI55 OFF THE PUBLIC, THEN WHEN THEY THROW A FIT, are going to pass. Ten years ago, these stu- Ph% two weeks tigo to the Spartan YOU'LL GET YOUR WAY!" dents did not have support services helping Is that. "Alan and I believe in giving back to them to graduate from college. Fortunately, 01.1i both a great education.- things have changed and colleges all over the \rlh `keepers of past' U.S. have centers where students can go to be Iii it, I fall of awards the Distinguished Grandparents: tested for learning disabilities. Alunimis A iirtl. Philiinthropist if the Year, the If they are diagnosed with learning dis- I Stadium Center ;11Id in Ii -mIll-li Ii it Sillipkins to popular belief, In 1991, my maternal grand- abilities such as Dyslexia, they now have the Slt-d doctorate liPrIfl Ulf' '1St Contrary honor:try your grandparents are father died of complications opportunity to be successful due to compensa- apparent that Alan Simpkins' recog- Hid d more than an ever-so- from lung cancer. tion methods such as note takers and double nit imis pale whim held up to the wealth of quali- well received $20 bill tucked Even though we had a full time, tests. These services empower the learn- ties that he wooled into apirthday card. relationship and I spent a great ing disabled student to succeed. It has itivoius that the s tirid %% mild be Granted, there are those of deal of time with him, I was Anyone that thinks a learning disabled stu- huller' place it noire people were is rich in giv- us who have a rich personal still too young and immature to dent is dumb or incapable of achieving their ing and as well versed in selflessness as Alan relationship with the olds and appreciate him for who he was. goals in life is just plain ignorant. Simpkins Rare is the person that could say he some of us have even been Six years later, I wish I could Here at S.ISIJ, the Disability Resource touched and tll rolled noire lives of people he raised by them. have known him as an adult. Center offers students free tests for learning never kiiew than even of those he did. But let's face it, for most of He was a World War II vet- disabilities. Currently, 650 students are Alan Simpkins has left behind a legacy of us, building a relationship with eran, the son of a bootlegger, receiving services from the center and are suc- iwIrir it Milli the true meaning of our grandparents is something experienced the Great ceeding at achieving their educational goals. 'lying and who never, ever wanted to be in the we have to make time for. Depression, and was one of 20 There are many demeaning stereotypes poi' ;Mt busy with school, children. about people who have learning disabilities. I Alan, tor :Mowing all of us those who were We're My grandfather and other have often heard people comment that they do locky enough to be a part of your diverse life, Ilk we're busy with work, we are grandparents are a source of history that not think learning disabled people are as whit have merely benefited from generally too busy trying to be somebody to cannot be replaced like a book or repeating intelligent as a non -disabled persons, or they to he the recipients of your go to the source and learn who we really are and where we came from beyond, "I'm three- the history course you dropped because of think they are not capable of making it in the : if! IV of t,Ifts Thank You quarters Cherokee" or "I'm Irish on my dad's your work schedule. work force. side." Beyond being irreplaceable, the history To dispel this faulty thought-process I American society is one perpetual pursuit grandparents have lived through is your would like to remind you of some of the policies of youth where the elderly are second class individual history. famous people who have achieved amazing Opinion page citizens and the extended family is quickly The relationship between grandparent feats and are in fact. learning disabled. Albert it,- Or'. aro I 1.,iirogvii hi exprean theninelvea on the Opinion becoming an unobtainable thing of the past. and grandchild is a symbiotic one, and as I Einstein, Harriet Tubman, Cher, Whoopi page virdir ri latter Ili I lie Editor or Campo. Viewpoint left, I'll be the one who Goldberg and Toni Cruise are just a few who A 14-tier to the Eirillor I,, a 200 word reapoome to an issue or point of That is the reality of the situation. now only have two view that ha. 111/11.141red in the Spartan Daily But as the keepers of tomorrow we cannot ultimately pays are price for not tapping the are not ashamed to admit they are learning A I Viewpoint lano 450-word money on current campus, petit- deepest remaining roots of my family tree. disabled. osi rir roc lid ISO., afford to let our relationships with the keep- leo fan, the property of the Spartan [holy and may be ers of the past crumble away with the con- They aren't getting any younger. I have ninny learning disabled friends who erlitnd Sir,Liras' kirainniar. libel and length Submission, must cept of the family, Make the call. all tell stories about how people in society toiniin the niithor'n name, addreas, phone number, signature have mistreated them because they and major. realize that some of us, to various learn in nit he pill in the Lettere to the Editor box at the degrees, have a strained relationship with different ways Spurt-in toil1 flrfif.f. in Dwight !lento] Hall Room 209, sent by faz to James S. Gunsalus is Production Editor of Learning disabled people should be treated Pie i'24 iLii i or icnriL,oI tu the Spartan r)aily Opinion F.ditor, School our grandparents myself included. the Spartan Daily. His column appears with as much respect as anyone else. If you of dournalioni and Mann Communiaitiona, San Jose State Llniettraity, lam guilty of not getting past the fact that every Thursday. W.Iallingi On Square, San JOA., CA 95192-014N my paternal grandfather is 87-years-old, are not learning disabled and discriminate Editoriale are written by, and are the consensus of, the Spartan Ilsity editors not the staff. going blind and set in his ways. against those who are, YOU are the one who 1..i1.110,1 opinions nod advortuatinento do not necessarily reflect But having both youth and an open mind looks stupid. the vorwir if the Sportful ihuty, the Sehonl of .Inurnaliam and Marna on my side, it is up to me get past our differ- orintnirrivirlion, 'Jr 5.1517 Allison Wright is a Spartan ences for my own piece of mind, not his. Daily Staff Writer. SPARTAN DAILY Society's view of the father must change One Washington Square, San Jose, CA 95192-0149 4013) 924-3280 +E -moil: recognition of your recent (except for educational financial aid Inwomen's series. I would like to and Stafford loans). Being self-sufficient allows me the EDITORIAL ADVERTISING make a comment. Naito, Inpartan Dolly Executive Editor Advertising Diroctor I feel that not until our society real- one Inkohintann AgAArA freedom to control, for the most part, Managing Editor Art Director ly allows fathers the responsibility to Ian JOSE, CA OS111-014, my own destiny. Production Editor Retail Manager , 2fi Assistant Production Editor Marketing Manager V o care for their offspring will both Today, my children's father takes Photo Editor . Downtown/Entertainment Mgr, 1 women and men arrive closer to equal- an equal role in the raising of our chil- Opinion Editor National Manager work. Just check dren, because I finally woke up and IA! I ity at home and at Chief Photographer Marketing Assistant r Today, my children's Sports Editor ’.’ Metall Account Executives: out family court sometime... realized what bull my mother and out Entertainment Editors society had been feeding me about Senior Staff Writers: While it may presently be fashion- father takes an equal ablf, for women to feel guilty about what a "good" mother is. Downtown/ EntortainneeM Essioutivos: "letting" their children's father share role in the raising of It would be nice to see the media representing fathers caring for Staff Writers: parenting duties (aside from finan- our children, because their Artists: cial>, it is due time for women to pur- children with dinners, medicine and a

. V sue additional fulfillments. finally woke up and clean toilet, as too many of our adver- Graphics , When I left a rotten marriage with tisements seem to represent those Aihrisore: realized what bull my items as women's only issues. Plenty Ahortising , toddlers in tow, I had already been ,,,t , of fathers, especially single fathers, do Photographers: Eialtarial working full-time in addition to "tak- mother and our A Photo ," N ing care of the house." these things. 'Y I enrolled in college, found a better- society had been Mae Peen, 408 924 3280 Pax 408 924 3282 Advertising 408 924 3210 Spartan Daily OiSPS509 480) Is publateld earl, paying job near school, and after eight Cindy Scarberry scba,i tiny for Ihrflocaddrroic 00511 S21 srAt (samosa') Sit Pend* postage pod at San Joao and addhonel rafting offices years, will graduate in May, all with- feeding me... Journalism Mai1 subsc nylons accepted on a 'monde, of semester bees POSTMASTER Send saloon changes to R./ Spedan Daly San Jon. Slate Unnanoty One Wssnonglon Spusre San on. CA 95192-0149 out family support or public welfare Thursday, September 11, 1997 SPARTAN DAILY Page 3 Center gives women access to resources Free tickets for SJSU Services include home football games By Yvonne Ohunsukini-Urnese transit card with a current peer counseling, Staff Writer registration sticker to receive lending library, and a ticket and tickets are limited The Third Annual Silicon to one per student. Enrollment community referrels Valley Kick-Off Classic pairs transit cards will also be the SJSU Spartans against required when students use Wisconsin their free ticket for entrance at By Allimits Wright the University of according to A.S. Staff Writer Badgers this Saturday in the stadium, Spartan Stadium and 5,000 business office manager, In the 26 years since its free tickets have been made Shawn Chan. opening, the Women's Resource available to SJSU students. "Otherwise people would Center has grown both in size This Saturday's game is the get three or four tickets and and scope. first home game of the season use them for their (non-stu- The Women's Resource for the Spartans and, as in dent) friends." Center was opened in 1971 in past seasons, the free tickets The free tickets are sup- an effort to give students a are distributed on a "first- plied by the athletic depart- multi -faceted array of knowl- come-first-served" basis. ment through an agreement edge and support. Free tickets are available with the Committee for Women's Resource Center for students for every Spartan Instructionally Related Coordinator Katherine Bock football home game. The tick- Activities. said the philosophy of the cen- ets for each week's home game Instructionally related ter is to have a diverse multi- are handed out starting on the activity fees are paid by each cultural group of people join Monday of that week. Tickets student in their semester fees. together for friendship, healing can be obtained at the Event "Students pay an amount . . . and political activism. Center Box Office; the which helps support athletics, "We want the Women's Associated Students Business who in turn provide a certain Resource Center to be like a Office, located in room 235 in number of (free) tickets to ath- home on campus where you can the Student Union; the letic events," said Edd Burton, stop by and find a friendly face," Alise O'Leary/ Spartan Dail Express Store next to the Acting Associate Vice Bookstore entrance; and at President of Educational Bock said. Grad student Dwayne Hearn talks with Women's Resource Center intern Marlin Navarrete and coordi- Customer Service and all Planning & Resources who has There's' a wide range of ser- nator Rizwana Mahmood at the center's open house Tuesday afternoon. The center is actively recruiting Cashiers in the Spartan involved with the vices and emotional support volunteers and interns for the fall semester. been available. Bookstore. Committee since 1983. Women's Resource Center service place helps both men wide array of resources that will Event center box office man- Chrissy Shearer, athletic tick- Coordinator Elizabeth Tirado because members ;end women with enhance their life both mentally ager Mike Powell said that for et office assistant, denies that said a woman came into the spend a lot if time "We want the diversity." l'inol and emotionally this week's game, response at tickets are given away just so center because she had been working in coali- said. Thu resources and services the box office has been "pretty that people will come to the battered and needed a referral tions to improve Women's Pinol said he are vast: peer counseling, a steady" games. to a women's shelter to stay in the status on will be co-hosting small lending library, article "It's been brisk. The stu- "The fees pay for them, that's until she could go to her parents women tend chil- Resource a radio show on tiles by topic, employment dents know (the tickets) are why they get free tickets," said here." Only 5,000 tickets are the English major. "They pay for home. Torado, unable to find a dren. The social Center to be Sat Urdays called opportunity listings, campus shelter that wasn't full, found problems that the Esencia on KSJS and local events listings and available for each game and them in their tuition." the money the woman needed Women's Resource like a home on that will ,,,,ork referrals to community according to Powell, "When The Spartans' other home for gas so she could drive to her Center is current- ha nd-in-h endd resources. they're gone, they're gone." games this season are: Oct. 11 at parents home that same day. ly working on is campus where with the Women's Pinot hopes to inspire lethers Regular ticket prices for the 3:30 p.m. against Colorado Bock said she has seen many welfare rehirm you can stop by Resource Center to come to the center. Kick-Off Classic are $25 for State; Oct. 25 at 3:30 p.m. we come into the Women's and Prop. 209 to promote "When I first came here we reserved seating, $15 for gen- against Air Force; Nov. 1 at 1:30 Resource Center who have been Graduate stu- and find a weeneeni'. issuer. had 12 active members and now eral admission. For all other p.m. against Fresno State; and in crisis or just needed help dent Randy ['Mid The radio show wt. only have six or seven mem- home games, tickets are $15 Nov. 15 at 12:30 p.m. against finding organizations or sup- I'- a volunteer ;it friendly face." will have guest bers," l'ionol said. "One new for reserved, $10 for general. University of Hawaii. port groups. the Women's speakers that person that joins can make a Students will need to show Kick-off time for this their pink SJSU enrollment Saturday's game is 3:30 p.m. Last semester the Women's Resource Centcr Katherine Bock will speak on a ditThrunce.- Resource Center had a racism, and %vill help lead wide range of top- Center Coordinator The biggest threat sexism, classism and homopho- Cl men and ics pertaining to bia discussion group where men W11/11VICS '-ii tilt women, one of to depression is 7cit.- and women shared lelites and group that u ill which 1.4 domestic awareness of it. worked on their (mutt tonal focus on sexual harassment and violence. litrEllyssq Issues sexual assault uNTREATED Of PRE SSICIA1 hit. //www save or. Slide DUplictioN The Pride is Back!!! sow /IP011"Serving students for over 25 years" San Jose State Athletics Repeat History. Sales Photofinishing Proudly Presents logair glottal Imaging And BiologN. ChemistrN. 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L111111111111111111111111111111111111 Face/Ott Thursday, September 11, 1997

Argument continues in society as to whether or not working women in the '90s are doing "all they can do." Are working mothers neglecting their children by joining the workforce? Two Spartan Daily staff writers, Scott Shiley and Lois Jenkins, debate whether or not the family is being damaged by mothers returning to work. Where do SJSU students stand on the issue? See the campus comment below... Are working mothers destroying American families? Blaming women for destroying Women should think about how American families is evidence working outside the home of society's `double-standard' effects their families' lives obody ing time with your chil- a cer- parents, there would N There is wants to feel dren for money in your group in be fewer broken tain guilty about pocket is obscene. country families in our the choices What about personal giving America today. that is they make, but fulfillment? Well, what Did Laura women too much credit. guilt is good when about the right to be you Ingles ever It might surprise it signals a need taken care of by the peo- who they are. get divorced to know to reevaluate ple who created you? people who or need to see They're the those choices. Ask any child. It's women who a shrink? If feel that Scott Ask the mother Lois doubtful they will tell outside the home most men work Shuey who leaves her Jenkins Mom to go to work destroying families, today were are child at day care instead of staying To hear these people Staff Nriter dragged back \Ariter while the child Staff home. talk, you would think that a into their homes pleads for her to stay. Mothers can postpone women who doesn't spend and forced to deal Guilt is the first thing their personal dreams until her time at home raising her with their families, Mom feels on her way out their children no longer need kids and taking care of the American families might the door. constant supervision. It's called house is a threat. They make it be a little better off. A poll conducted by the delayed gratification, and it's sound that if women leave the It's only been since the Pew Research Center for one of those things mothers home, our family values, those Industrial Revolution, the People and the Press, (and fathers) are supposed to core set of believes we all share, when men were said women claimed their help their children learn. But if that common thread that holds pulled out of their greatest source of joy was parents don't understand this, America together, would come houses to work else- where, did we start to the people they care about how can we expect our children apart. husbands, children, par- to? Are they trying to tell us that see a change in the fam- ents and friends not work. A working mother brings women are Si) central to ily. The men who left for- So why, according to the added American home life that their got their responsibilities stress to her family when U.S. Department of Labor, entering the work force will with their children learning do housework and shopping are destroy western civilization? from their examples. 23 million American mothers still her domain. Berkeley soci- Well, not in those words. In The only ill-effect women with children under the age of ologist Arlie Russell 18 work outside the home? Hochschild's recent report, "The fact, the idea that these people entering the work force has: Women usually give one of Time Bind," showed that work- would admit women are that brought is the latchkey ' two reasons for working: ing mothers come home at night important are as fictitious as dren phenomenon. The , financial need or personal to find most of the housework the family values they say willingness of American fulfillment. In truth, work- they're trying to protect. couples to put their waiting for them, and it's not a ing is really just an excuse The question which needs to careers before family pretty picture. \ to shirk the be asked is: what family are reflect badly on both, J awesome, Hochschild found husbands, sometimes they destroying? Most people but it is an equally exhausting, in general, do not share house- resE d feel it destroys the "ideal" fami- shared blame. The onsibilities of moth- work. So frazzled women pick ly of the 1950s when Mom tendency of society up tired children who demand stayed at home while Dad to place the blame on Let's examine the Mom's attention. Then Mom escaped the responsibilities of females only shows financial need issue. sticks them in front of the elec- raising the kids by spending society's blatant dou- Many working women tronic baby-sitter with a bribe days at work. The results of ble standard. rz claim they must work to while she throws together a that era aren't golden either. When a women gives ) support their house- hasty meal or resorts to less The baby boomers, who were up her career to take on a holds. For mothers who healthy options. raised in these ideal families, family it's considered are the sole support of Increased stress levels also are responsible for the one of normal, even expected. their children, this is affect marital relationships probably the most notorious generation When a man is forced into true. negatively. in American history: the same position, he If being able to What's needed here is an Generation X. becomes a martyr. , own more "stuff" or attitude adjustment by working Real family values aren't Women are just as buy that fancy car mothers. Accept the responsi- found in "Leave it to Beaver," capable of working as men is really what that bility of caring for the little peo- but rather in "Little House on are, and men are just as second income is ple you carried, and stay home. the Prairie." If you want real capable of staying home being used for, it's Your children need you there. family values you need to go and raising a family. What a bogus excuse for Being a full-time mother is the back to the 1800s, when men people need to realize is leaving children hardest job you'll ever have, and spent their days working beside that a family is the result of to be raised by hands down the best thing you their wife and children and took two people, and if it falls someone else. could ever do. more responsibility for child apart, the responsibility Face it, ladies. rearing. If Ward and .June belongs to both. Trading nurtur- Cleaver really were the ideal

We Need You Campus Comment During the semester, the What do SJSU students think? Spartan Daily will offer a spe- "It depends. If cial feature called "Face Off." they're putting "Face Off" is a debate between At. their work in front of their two writers on a comtemporary kids, then yes. issue. If you'd like the chance Rut if they're able to balance to go face-to-face with a their kids and Spartan Daily staff writer con- "I don't think so. I "My mom is the "My mother worked "(Women) are trying work, it's no think they're only one keeping up my entire life, I to provide more for problem. 11 tact Opinion Editor Kimberly actually helping the the household don't think I missed their families by American family." and...everything" out on anything." working." Yancey Scoche Lamke by calling (408) 924- Richardson Srun Abiodun- African American 3281 or e-mail her at Laura Pulido, Juan Ojeda, Alison Davis, Studies English Music History Wright, [email protected]. Computer Engineering Asked by Yvonne Ohumukini-Urness/ Photos by Soren Hemmola

A Adnar Thursday, September 11, 1997 SPARTAN DAILY Page 5

1972: The National Wre Rights Organization is founded by former recipient.

1973: The first rape crisis centers open ia Ann Arbor, Mich., IA/8 Angeles and wasbuiron.n.c.

1974: Vietnamese women at Saigon observe International Women's Day by demonstrating against the government.

1975: Lynette Alice "Squeaky" From pulls a gun on President Ford.

1976: Canadian rapist requests his own atatration.

1977: Brown University agrees to give three professors tenure ff* to settle a sexual harassment suit.

1978: Five women in West Virginia chemical plant submit to steralization to keep their jobs. that teens could not be made to 1979: U.S. Supreme Court ruled thought twice about wilting teaching, said she turned to get parental permission to have an abortion. III Mothers find time school. SJSU's Re-entry program when 1980: Actor Dustin Iluffinan stars as a woman in ''Footsie." for work, classes Hanson said finding reliable she decided to go back to school. child care while she attends "It really helped me out when 1981: Bell Hooks publishes "Ake% TA Woman: Black Women and and family duties classes has been a major obsta- I was making the transition Feminism." cle. from work to school," "During finals last semester Washington said. "I'm 32-years- 1982: National Organization of Native American Women is founded. By Jennie Fitzhugh my baby-sitter was late arid my old now so I wasn't really sure Staff Writer professor was one of those guys I'd fit in." 1983: Elise Eaves is the first female member of the American that takes no excuses so I had The Re-entry Program, locat- Society of Civil 'engineers. For many college women who no choice but to take them with ed in the Student Life Center, work and raise families while roe. I grabbed their pacifier and helps new students over the age 1984: Bob Dylan tells Rolling Stone that "Women rule the world." attending SJSU, life is often a coloring book arid that pretty of 25 make the transition to col- delicate balancing act. much kept them quiet. My lath_ lege. 1985: Retirement Equity Act ill paused to protect women's insur "Sometimes I feel like I'm in girl fell asleep on my feet while "When we get women in here ance and pension rights. the middle of a circus trying to I wrote my essay. "My kids are the with young children we let them juggle work and school while Niki Perez, a 21 -year -old workplace sexual harass know about the child develop- 1986: U.S. Supreme Court rules that still making time for my kids," child development major and reason I'm here. I ment is illegal. ment center and the women's said Felicia Hanson. a 26-year- single mom, talked about bal- want them to see services center," said Jane Boyd, Jr chil- 1987: The National MUSPIMI uf Women in Arts opens in old business administration ancing the cost or ,.ducat ion and coordinator for the Re-Entry n your Washington, D.C. major and single mom of two family while she bounced her that their momma Advisory Program. girls, ages 1 and 3. two-year-old girl on her knee. Washington said it takes cre- no tomer give pregnant 1988: Federally funded clinic/scan "My kids are the reason Fin "I didn't intend to hi'. a kid can make some- ativity to fit her children, two .?.rsonal women abortion information. , what here. I want them to see that this soon but that's just the way thing of herself." boys ages 3 and 7, into her busy eseeuted along with her husband. their momma can make sonic it happened," Perez said. "My schedule. to be 1989: Elena Ceaticescit Ii - Felicia Hanson he peo- Romanian dictator NIcolae Ceaucescti. thing of herself" biggest worry used to be scrap- "I get up at 5 a.m. every I you? "Sure, sometimes I wish I ing up enough money to pay for morning," Washington said. 1990: The I/es Moines Register fights the stigma of rape by pub had waited to have kids but now my education but now I worry "One time when she wouldn't "That's the price I pay for trying cf. It's lishing the survivors mulles (with their permission.) that they're here I'm going to about scraping up enough for stop crying I started nursing to balance work, school and rill tell her, since I was in the back of unanimously votes that women can't make sure that I treat them me to finish school and still kids, but it's worth it," she said. work 1991: The Supreme Court the classroom and no one would be banned front specific jobs because of their gender. right," she !.aid. "I wouldn't rec- being able to start saving ft )r my "No matter how bad my days itaying see. Well, ommend that anyone have kids daughter's education. It's scary., that just about are I can always look forward to 1992: Yamaguchi wins Use Lathe's Figure Skating Gold brought t lie house down. istpone Kristi before they finish school, but if wondering how much an edLICn- coming home to my boys night, Medal in the Winter Olympics. Everybody started turning ; until they do they'd better make sure ti011 is going to cost by the tiMP and I always try to spend quali- that they don't blame their kids she's my age. - around star ing like I was some ty time with them. r need 1993: A family/medical leave bill is slimed into law. kind of freak or for delaying their education. Like Hanson, Perez said thid- something and "When I'm studying I have ; called the prii1O-.sor z1,1(l'd IIIP to go 1994: Sarah Schulman publishes "My American Story: Lesbian SIMI,' people ought think Lou ing dependable child care has them sit at the table with me nd it's 1,1:;; and Gay life During the Reagan/ Bush Years." CraZy but if I had to do it over I'd also been it prohlem for outside It really embar- and color or do school work," 'others rassing I don't know w hy every ised to still have my kids with nit," 'MOSt Of my professors are Washington said. "They're 1995: Ruth Simmons is inaugurated president of Smith College, one ;los er ossed out by it . But if Hanson said having children really understanding when I always really quiet then. They becoming the first African American to serve in that 'mai How do they think they we're this, lion. gave her a sense of urgency to have to bring my kids to class,- know that's their mom's quiet .d tht,,1101 bnlik. finish her education. Perez said 'Some of the sj or hildren something ' 1996: American women capture Olympic Gold in gymnastics, "When I first started school I dent's look pr etty annoyed "A lot of people don't realize and field, swimming, softball and soreer. leiesea Vashington, ;t brings track wasn't sure w. hat I w.inted to do though, like liii trying to year-old liberid arts maior tool y when or it I (..en wanted to be here, rupt their education by bringiog 1997: Betty Shabazz, wife of Malcolm X, dies. single noon who plans to go into See Working page 10 rig are but after I had my baby I never My babv. iy tussell -t, "The work- t. night sework .-457 }Mite Alaih w ord rroblems s not a A(x)-3"2) le+ b2=c2 (x+2) (N-3) Va+6 Geometry ;bands, 16(4 Algebra Statistics house- Sin (X)) ch d,d4 in pick (2x)2 58.331o=y emand Calculus Jr Mom Word Problems Urn 2122- .67.s te elec- .991 i bribe Geometry x x+2 %at-iabkss ther a to less alculus

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ENTERTAINMENT Thursday. September 11, 1997 Page 6 SPARTAN DAILY `The Game' plays to win

By Lois Jenkins Staff Writer Review your popcorn before you sit Getdown, because "The Game- One after another. the orchestrat- grabs you quickly and neer ed events test the Iona, of his emo- lets go. tional and physical endurance. His Michael Douglas is superb as attempts to disengage himself from Nicholas Van Orion. a shrewd San "The Game" only pull Nicholas Francisco businessman who main- deeper into trouble. tains strict control over ever > part of The fun begins when Nicholas his life. He propels himself through returns home one night and finds a life like he driN es his car, fast and clown dummy in the driveway of his straight ahead. mansion. It's laid out in the same Enter his younger brother Conrad position in vc, Inch his father was (Sean Penn), an irresponsible found when he jumped from the roof charmer who gives Nicholas an unex- and committed when pected gift for his 48th birthday. Nicholas was just a young child. The gift is a certificate for CRS. "The Game- is under way, and Consumer Recreation SerN ices- and neither Nicholas nor the audience Nicholas's ticket into "The Game.- knows who the other players are. Conrad tells Nicholas that pla. mg the That's one of the best things about Tony Friedkint photo courtesy of PolyGram Films this film. You can't tell, with any cer- game will change his life. but Terrorized by unknown forces who seem intent on dismantling everything he has built, Nicholas Van Orton (Micheal Douglas) Nicholas is not a man who engages in tainty, who is playing and who isn't. has town this game or lose control of everything in his life. frivolous activities, so he remains You're kept guessing until the very skeptical of playing until he over- last moments of the story. previous work includes the1995 hears two men at his club talking Everything that happens here is thriller "Seven," used predominantly of rain and fog. Nicholas about CRS. plausible. with one exception. night shots, full Van Orton He approaches the men in the Nicholas's reaction to the final events Chase scenes down dark, dirty alleys (Douglas) club lounge and brings up the subject of the story are questionable in 11i. and through run-down neighbor- encounters opinion. but that wall doesn't hoods enhance the feeling of doom. Christine of "The Game.- and they unreserved- (Deborah ly recommend that Nicholas try it. detract from the film's 05 era!' appeal. "The Game- is quite a roller highly recommend Unger) as So despite his initial reservations. The intelligent script has been coaster ride and I he tries to Nicholas decides to check out CRS masterfully. written fw, John Brancato it for people with strong hearts and learn the and soon finds himself caught up in a and Michael Ferris. They weave normal blood pressure. object of which comic relief elements throughout the "The Game- opens nationwide "The rapid-fire chain of events over Game." he has no control. It's excruciating to stop. so that we rise with tension and Friday. watch Nicholas lose control, hut also drop with laughter. of PolyGram Filmy wicked fun. Director Da% id hitcher, winisc. Tony Friedkini photo courtesy Radio station turns Shoreline Amphitheatre into 'Kamp' ground event. the KOME Love Kamp featur- port of the Surfrider problems at all,- Peterson said. There are no In /Out privi- By Amy Bankston Bands pertorming on the ing Loveline host Adam Foundation. Kamp KOME 2 is an all - leges at the Amphitheatre, and Staff Writer main stage will include Camila and Dr. Drew, who Last year, Kamp KOME day event concert which lockers are not axailable. For Matchbox 20, Ben Harper. w ill sign autographs, or they raised SI 0,(XX) for the founda- begins at 3 p.m. and lasts until directions to Shoreline call mania is coming Concert Ilona Apple. Smash mouth. can spend time at the KOME tion, which helps to protect the 10 p.m. (415) 967-3(X8). to the Shoreline Cake. Third Fe Blind. and Kamp Howard, where televi- beaches and oceans of San Amphitheatre Saturday. The Violent Femmes. sion footage of shock jock Francisco and Santa Cruz. as 19 bands take the stage at On the "Dysfunctional Howard Stern can he viewed. "This year, we are hoping the second annual Kamp Stage, concert goers can According to Rockwell, to at least donate the same KOME. expect to find "We have so many events for amount," Rockwell said. New rock THUR SEPT 11TH Blink 182. Less everyone to participate in, that Shoreline Amphitheatre is OASGE radio station 98.5 Preview Than Jake. Stem, Kamp KOME is more than a also taking part in the produc- KOME-FM will $1.00 PINTS OF Buck 0 Nine, concert, it is a lifestyle event tion of Kamp KOME. present the action -filled event COAST MA/GE BEER and The Marginal Prophets. which typifies our listeners." "We are looking forward to a sold-out crowd of 22.500 While music plays on both Kamp KOME 2, which to the event," said Kaari PreseiltS 9-10PM and donate the total net pro- stages, additional activities sold -out in I() days, is antici- Peterson, Media Relations ceeds from the concert to char- will also take place in four pated to he a popular event for Consultant for Shoreline ity. camps set-up inside the the radio station. Amphitheatre. "We have a "Its going to be great," said Amphitheatre. "We would certainly like great relationship with KOME, Robin Rockwell, Promotions The KOME Boot Kamp, to hold the concert every year and we enjoy having all of the supEotoISCII)NiitouNGE and Marketing Director for will feature interactive games since it so far has been very bands here." a KOME. "Our aim is make the with and events such as a bungee successful for us," said Ron In the first year of Kamp event representative of our sta- run. Velcro wall and sumo Nenni, operations manager for KOME, Peterson spoke of the ommmz tic.), while giving money to wrestling. The KOMI'. Space KOME. radio station "needing more charity and having fun.- TORN Kamp will offer some of the "It is also one of the hest involvement in their planning," IIVIAVES Kamp KOME 2, which latest technology including selling concerts of the sum- because of problems they had MM2MG .10 opens at I p.m.. will encom- virtual reality, web-surfing, mer." he said, in production. BONES' pass two stages and several and CD-ROM games. All of the hands have However, "the planning Smokehouse & Saloon mini camps in its day -long "Kampers- can also v sit agreed to play for free in sup- this year has really had no 66 Post St. 1116-WAVSs Featuring Downtown So Jose CHINESE CUISINE -FOOD TO GO 'The [toilettes' ! Mandann & Schechuan Lunch and Dinner THUR 9:30 PM Boit I unf hes to Go Catering Itrailable 'Saddle Rae% Atik Thursday Nights MEM Miff 131 [.Jackson Street lir Back To School Special!! 6 Blocks North of Santa Clara Between ird and 4th Street Free Bull Rides!! BAY MEADOWS OPiDRhiV 294-3303 or 998-9427 9:1111 pm $1.00 Draft Beer!! No Cover Charge With Valid Student HE! FRIDAY'S ALIVE OLIVER STONE Not valid for special events PLAT/111 IN PERSON! Between Race St and Meridian Ave - 2 blocks North of 280 WELCOMES SJSU SPARTANS! Thurs. Sept. 18th (408)286-3393 up 're on the Internet!! ellp://www.( 1:30 PM: Screening or PLATOON Featuring Live 4:30-5:30 Pk Oliver Stone in Person for book signing of his new novel Thoroughbred Racing 'A CHILD'S NIGHT DREAM' Book', Lin All Platoon' Get a Room?! $1 Beers $1 Sodas Sale at the Tickets Only &mamma, W/ Student 11) Theatre $4.50 ?Fie 99e 3300 $89.00 ,Pleg /Me SWAMI Si Hot Dogs Si Admission Si HP1, loon I. V) PM If, 9 lii PM SI ill sod undo.. r.

the cult of midnig qtcd THIS WEEK: ROPE FIT E JERE Tr IN SPARTAN NIGHTS CEMETARY Free Grandstand Admission with wend student 1.II. MAN Arena Hotel Valley Park Hotel Sept. 12, 26 Oct. 17 * Nov. 7 817 The Alameda, 2404 Stevens Creek Blvd. - EVERY FRIDAY-SATURDAY AT 12AM --ALL SEATS $5.00 San Jose (408) 293-5000 wa 366 S. First Street, San Jose 998-3300 14081294-6500 Fire Parking BayMearlows Wmif HWY 101 at HWY 9.1 o, 540 Mn?.',, 650 5/4 RAF Park Free in garage next to Camera 3. lust a block away For Group Infoonation ell 650/5/5 of 408/192 911,1 F Rporr. II; gin ri..1,....1.01.5m .oher pr,....m.,n rrork..n. apply Thursday, September 11, 1997 SPARTAN DAILY Page 7 Simpkins: Philanthropist dies Continued from Page 1 Inmate may get second chance quished its chapter 14 and friend Ed Mosher SAN JOSE, Calif. (AP) A San Jose appel- pursue the juror misconduct allegations. years later and the build- "He was the said. "His idea was to late court upheld the multiple murder convic- In a declaration filed in March 1995, Sanchez ing became a half-way most out- enrich the value of a tions against Dorothea Puente but ordered that stated that he did not believe Puente was guilty house. After that went standing man I know His (SJSU) degree. He wanted allegations of juror misconduct be examined, of first-degree murder but was fed up and tired bankrupt, the Simpkinses, a degree (from SJSU) to leaving open the possibility of a new trial, of the process" and "gave up." seeing a similar facility Idea was to enrich the become more valuable as The 6th District Court of Appeal found that a Sanchez said he kept a log documenting the used to house internation- time went on. He was an second Puente trial might be necessary if any other jurors' actions that he considered to be in al students in Alabama, value of a (SJSU) degree. imaginative and profound one of three specific allegations made by juror violation of the judge's instructions. saw the opportunity to He was an imaginative sthpiirinkte? with a pioneer Jesus M. Sanchez is found to be true. Among other claims, Sanchez alleged that create what would become Puente, 68, is serving a life sentence without four jurors obtained evidence from outside the the International Center. and profound thinker with Jerry Fitzgerald, a possibility of parole for murdering three of nine courtroom; that one juror told the others that In 1978 the building longtime friend of tenants who died mysteriously at her she had heard from a news report that if the was opened to 40 students a pioneer spirit." Simpkins, said he never Sacramento boardinghouse in the late 1980s. jury deadlocked on the case, Puente would go from around the world. Ed Mosher wanted the accolades that The appellate court opinion, filed Aug. 28, free; and that two jurors concealed or lied about The center, the only one in friend and SJSU alumnus went along with his gen- found nothing wrong with the way the judge and personal experiences during pretrial question- the CSU system, currently erosity, he merely wanted the prosecutor handled the case and rejected ing. assists approximately 75 to give back to his univer- every procedural, instructional and evidentiary Puente was arrested in in foreign students in becoming University Philanthropists of sity. error claimed in Puente's appeal. November 1988, within days of fleeing adjusted to America. the Year. Phyllis received her "He once told me that he But it said that information that emerged Sacramento after police began digging bones The generosity of the degree in home economics and wished he had made more after the trial raised enough questions about and decomposing flesh from the yard of her Simpkinses extends to acade- marketing in 1946. money, so he could have shared juror misconduct that an evidentiary hearing boardinghouse. mics as well. The Moss Landing Simpkins was born March more," Fitzgerald said. my be required. Seven bodies, most of them wrapped in layers Marine Laboratories were of 17, 1923 in San Jose and served SJSU President Robert Caret Although disappointed with the court's rejec- of bedding, were exhumed from the yard. Other special interest to both he and in the Army starting in 1944. said in a statement, "They have tion of Puente's appeal claims, defense attorney evidence showed that Puente had been cashing his wife and they contributed Two years later he married been model alums, giving back Marc Zilversmit of told reporters the victims' state and federal benefits checks. greatly to its rebuilding. They Phyllis. After earning his so much more than we could he was `very pleased" with the opportunity to also gave equipment to the degree, he started working for dream of or hope for. We are Nutrition and Food Science Karr Engineering. deeply saddened by the loss of Department. In 1960 he started Deleon AlSimpkins."an Among their many activities Corp. and invented the Those who were touched by Virtual pets become virtual pains were the creation of the Santa "Scrambler" and one year later his generosity will never forget Cruz chapter of the SJSU invented an ultrasonic leak what he did and meant for APSandy Beckwith didn't the moment: virtual pets. One night at 2 a.m., as her Alumni Association. Other affil- detector. SJSU. Upon hearing of his think much about it when her With schools banning them husband slept with the toy next iations included Spartan He retired from Hewlett- worsening condition Sunday, 7-year-old daughter asked her across the country, the egg-size to his pillow, it began to beep. Foundation President 1980- Packard in 1968 and started the SJSU Marching Band, the to baby-sit her virtual pet. computer critters are being mis- "I'm 50 years old! I can't be 1982, SJSU Foundation Board Dynatel two years later. In 1978 same one the Simpkinses Unfortunately, she didn't do taken for pagers in executive doing this!" he said. She yelled, Senior Vice President and he sold Dynatel to the 3M brought back to life, traveled to much about it, either. pockets. They're keeping bleary- "You can't let it die!" Friends of Moss Landing Corporation. his home to serenade him one When Ms. Beckwith's daugh- eyed parents up at night. And Tamagotchi, the original Marine Laboratories. The Simpkinses have three last time. t,er came home, "the first thing they're stirring passions not computer pet, took U.S. markets In addition to his 1948 children: Robert, William and Men's Basketball coach Stan she did was run to her pet and usually associated with chil- by storm in May after proving a degree in physics, Simpkins was Diane. Morrison summed it up this say, 'Mom, you killed it!'" says dren's toys. hit in Japan. Some 4.5 million given, with Phyllis, the Tower Friends of Simpkins said way: "SJSU means San Jose the free-lance writer from "I thought it was a neat way Tamagotchi a name derived Award in 1981 and the there weren't enough positive Simpkins University. His gen- Fairport, N.Y. "I don't get to teach responsibility, but it from the Japanese words for Distinguished Alumnus Award words to describe what he erosity for athletics sets the Mother of the Year this year." ended up being a parental egg and watch have sold in in 1982. They were honored meant to his family, friends and standard for alums that will Just as Moms and Dads end thing," says Cheryl Kaiser, a this country for around $15 with Doctor of Humane Letters the university. probably never be matched." up cleaning the cat box and spokeswoman for WFD work- each. A half-dozen competing in 1996. In 1989, they were "He was the most outstand- Funeral arrangements have walking the dog, so parents are family consultants in Boston, cyber-dinosaurs, dogs, cats and named the State ing man I know," SJSU alumni yet to be made. being pressed into service as and mother to 7-year-old and 5- other creatures are also selling caretakers of the hottest toy of month -old children. well Tech: Division of Technology taces possible termination

Continued from Page I ed into another program. part of the San Jose community "We hope and expect that the for the future," Bates said. said. "It's not a decision to ter- "The president and the provost have never visited a class- review will show that we are minate at this time." room or talked needed and we( should remain a IF In the meantime, a strong with (Division of Technology) faculty. We II base of support has appeared in believe that a decision of this magnitude really deserves defense of the Division of Technology. more careful consideration before being made." Companies such as Lockheed Martin and [AM Research, who regularly pick up fresh gradu- Veril Phillips ates of the program, as well as Executive Assistant The biggest former students, have begun threat to writing letters backing reten- nate& "In essence, (the Division of decision of this magnitude real- tion of the program. "President Caret made his Technology) was notified at the ly deserves more careful consid. depression is your "Certainly the viewpoints announcement to the media same time as the rest of the eration before being made. - expressed by a number of the first," he said. "We did not hear campus," he said. "It would have No matter what the final letters are being taken into from him before or even after been impossible to notify all 280 decision may be, Pres 'den t awareness of it. account," Phillips said. "Those the decision. We first heard department chairs ahead of Caret has assured the Division letters will be presented to the about the decision from a time." of Technology that no faculty Seeous depression strikes millions Serious depression stnkes 011 . committee." reporter who called. To me, Dr. Bates also feels that members will lose their jobs and Serious depression Is MOST dangerous Alen it goes unrecognize,1 inat s ,'lily It s Despite this support, Bates that's poor management and it President Caret and Provost that all students in the program gn orportant to always be aware of the threat led to a lot of anxiety." i,nregsion And a yQur life is eye. has expressed many concerns Bain have not put as much will be allowed to complete their L/N T RE4TED about the upcoming decision Phillips, however, defends the thought into their collective training and graduate before it ..,r .oted by a persx1 of and the road taken to reach it. decision to tell the media as decision as the issue warrants. is fully eliminated. remember that it ,s DE PRE ssION Ile is especially disappointed being one where the entire cam- "The president and the Depending on the evidence, ,fically treatable pus could be alerted, instead of provost by how his department first have never visited a the 11 -person review committee http//www save or. heard about the recommenda- announcing the recommenda- classroom or talked with may recommend that the tion that the program I,e termi- tions to those affected individu- (Division of Technology) facul- Division of Technology be termi- ally. ty," he said. 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ACROSS FROM CAMERA ONE Janet Masan Mortal Kom bat 4 080DY San Francisco Rush alriera NEWSWEEK yew C i ne ma. s "L.A. CONFIDENTIAL' is a stylish thriller. House of the Dead CAMERA 3 2nt1 San Carl. 948 1100 Director Curtis Hanson brings IN THE Top Skater James Ellroy's novel of cops and CAREER COMPANY LOVE Medieval Madness GIRLS OF MEN SERENADE corruption to rancid, racy life." C A .IF liA ONF FIrst St 9441 1100 -Owl/ Allem Marvel Super Heroes vs Street Fighter 'ENORMOUSLY ENT1 FITAINING" We also have the Neo-Print Sticker Machine SHALL WE DANCE? CULT OF MIDNIGHT f Pi SAT 1200AM Attention Club and Group Leaders: M. I (1, 0.. Call us for information on Donations and Fundraising CEMETARY Ask For Dean Golden MAN 0141 II 111 Al ANit I 1411, iill lWr. IIRKWTTF 2980 Stevens Creek Blvd #1015 '.1 lOAFS OARDOT .. Gonamotc.. DIFFERENT In Town and Country Village Nis SWIM a u.r,"' FOR (Across from the Winchester Mystery House) MRS. BROWN CONTEMPT GIRLS ewe,. 2010 Xing Mon-Toes (408)985-6992 11711141. LWCIN FESTIVAL Eloginst 10/30/97 MAHJONG DRAGON This otter expires on YES MADAM Not valid with any other coupons or promotions A The Spartan Daily WINNER? AWARDS ARRIVE EARLY FOR San Jose State University CANNES FILM FEST (1000 SEATS, September 11. 18, 25, 1997 ,e a "IS WEBS1TE WWW.CAMERANET COM OPENS SEPTEMBER 19TH Thursday, September 11. 1997 Page 8 SPARTAN DAILY After we put everything in it, we took something off.

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!, SPORTS Thursday. September 11. 1997 SPARTAN DAILY Page 9 Blin refuels offense for road Pep Rally: SJSU Women's soccer: around and moved Momi Am from midfielder to forward. tries to raise spirits Coach tinkers with These changes are intended to benefit senior forward Stacie Continued from page 1 attack before tough Savage, who was the Spartans' as well. The rally itself will be said. "It would be so much leading scorer last season but schedule begins held from 12:30 to lp.m. at more fun for the players if has only scored two goals this the Student Union students got involved. It season. By Anthony Perez Amphitheater. SJSU football would be important to see "The old system did not fit Staff Writer players and cheerleaders will people watch us play. Just her," Blin said. "You give her the run various game booths that hearing people cheering ball and she'll score. We haven't The five-city tour, also known will be provided for students makes it exciting." done that yet." as the first half of the SJSU 30 minutes before the rally The coordinators of the pro- "I've played with her (Aiu) women's soccer team's non- begins. ject also hope that these types before on club teams," Savage league schedule, is winding Ortiz said that they will of events will encourage stu- said. "We should make some down. officially unveil SJSU's mas- dents to voice their opinions good connections." Spartans (1-2-0) will cot at the Third Annual and ideas for future events The Shrader, who has been a force play two games over the week- Silicon Valley Kickoff Classic and activities for the school. in the backfield so far this sea- end, traveling over 800 miles against the Wisconsin Cosentino added that they are son, had her role change this before the road trip finally Badgers Saturday at 3:30 looking for suggestions from week in practice. She has moved comes to an end on Sunday. p.m. at Spartan Stadium. students and that they are into the sweeper position, which SJSU will play University of Some students are skepti- interested in student input. was formerly occupied by Aiu. Arizona Friday in Sacramento, cal that these types of activi- Cosentino is optimistic that "I feel more comfortable with then fly south to face UC-Irvine ties will generate enough sup- marketing will have activities her at sweeper," said SJSU goal- on Sunday. port from individual students. the students will be interest- keeper Amee Brown of Shrader. Once all the traveling is over, Shannon Sorlie, a recreation ed in. Cosentino said that in "Savage and Momi kok good the Spartans will finally have major, said some students the past, SJSU hasn't focused out there (in their new posi- the opportunity to play a home have different priorities in on creating spirit within the game as they host rival tions)." life. student community. Shrader is tied with the team Univeristy of Pacific Tuesday at "I go to school to learn, not Ortiz hopes these activities lead in goals, which were all Spartan Stadium. to have fun," Sorlie said. "If! will build unity within the scored in ht eseason openign "Every time we travel it wanted to go to a sporting student population. He said loss to Santa Clara University. takes a toll on each of us," said event, I would go I don't that if they can build student Shrader's performance in that SJSU defender Staci Shrader. need a rally to motivate me to support for the athletic pro- game earned her the W.AC Head coach Philippe Blin put go." gram, it will only enhance the Pacific Division player of the together the hectic non-league Others disagree with student's college experience. week. schedule because he knew it Sorlie's view. Jill "College is a social experi- would expose the team's weak- Women's soccer Burningham, an SJSU volley- ence as well as an educational nesses before it started playing ball player, said the school experience," Ortiz said. "I in the Western Athletic needs rallies to motivate stu- hope students will look back Conference. WAC STANDINGS dents as well as players. on this experience and think "The girls know their goal," Pacific Div Conference Overall "I think that (the activities) of it as one of those great Blin said. "Winning is impor- would be great," Burningham memories." Mitch Cartwright/ Spartan Dezth WLTTeam w L tant to them but performing BYU 0 0 0 40 0 well is even more important. I SJSU forward Momi Aiu heads the ball during practice as her team Fresno St. 0 0 0 3 1 0 feel good about what we have prepares for Friday's match against the University of Arizona. San Diego St. 0 0 0 3 1 0 done so far." Hawaii 0 0 0 1 1 The Arizona Wildcats (2-1-0) McGwire smashes No. 50 University of Portland squad. four-forward. three-midfielder Spartans 0 0 0 1 2 0 have a balanced offensive "I'm not going to worry abinit and three-defender alignment Utah 0 0 0 1 4 0 SAN FRANCISCO (AP) Giants. attack, featuring three different them ,Arizona and IT - Irvine in favor of a three-lour-three Placing his name next to Babe "Any time you can have your players with at least three Mountain Div. Conference Overall Blin said. "Against UCLA, we fortmition. The new fiirmation Ruth's in the record books left name associated with Babe points each this season. Arizona Team WLT WLT had a scouting report SI) we was used in the Spartans' first Mark McGwire in awe of Ruth. it's a pretty awesome will be in Sacramento to face New Mexico 0 0 0 4 0 0 adjusted ... and lost. Against victory of the season against himself. thing to think about," McGwire Sacramento State Sunday, so SMU 0 0 0 3 1 0 , we didn't know any- Oregon. McGwire joined Ruth as the said. "I'm blown away. I think instead of traveling down to UTEP 0 0 0 3 1 0 thing about them and we won. "We looked tired against only players in major league I'm sort of in awe of myself. I've San Jose, the Spartans will save Tulsa 0 0 0 1 2 1 We know what we have to do UCLA," Blin said. "The game history with consecutive 50- surpassed anything I ever the Wildcats a trip and travel to we can't worry about the could have been different, hut Air Force 0 0 0 0 3 0 homer seasons by hitting a a expected to do in the game of the state capital for Friday's and other teams." we gave them a free kick and a TCU 0 0 0 0 3 0 446-foot shot Wednesday in his baseball." match. After the 4-1 loss to UCLA penalty kick." Wyoming 0 0 0 0 4 0 St. Louis Cardinals' 7-6, 10- The Wildcats are currently Blin scrapped the Blin also shuffled the line-up inning loss to the San Francisco unranked and lost 2-1 their last last week. match to Arizona State. The UC-Irvine Anteaters (2- 1-0) have outscored their oppo- nents 13-7 in the three games they have played and have only lost to a highly ranked

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Psychology, Speech, or 11 g srder-'s Aro wish to taught a.e Glad we are still kends 2nr, 2ba apt in WG area. Pool, Dolly consist of paid advertising BABYSITTER WANTED Tuesdays. Julia or Victor. Must be 18+ yrs. desired. Experience preferrea ,mi'iip,,1'r g guitar or bdss. All and close no doors to the future aundry. OW. night sec, parking. and olkeings we not approved or SECURITY - ACUFACTS, INC. 12- 3:30prii for 18 month old. My $10:00 to $15:00 per hour Cas eve s we come: Beginning, I iove you. VLR 823. Near SJSU, 87, It. rail. $500/mo verified by the newspaper. NO EXPERIENCE NECESSARY home in Campbell. $7.50 per SAN JOSE LIVE! Kevin 1-415-827-9310 orb' rir, lsre,,ediare or Advanced. Learn 1/2 PG&E. 445-9814. M or F. Great for Students. hour. Call Carol 8661915. NOW HIRING 4082942712. any sty e Jazz. Biues. Rock. WE GOT WHAT Your?, Looldng For No drugs. Dep. neg. F/T or P/T. NI shifts. Flexible schedules for students. Fusion. 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RESTORED VICTORIAN Essays. etterS, application 856-2952. staff teams, great experience schedule appointments with small $8-$12/hour. apply at 305 N. CITILINK PAGING & CELLULAR PROFESSORS, STUDENTS - WORDPROCESSING starer, ems, proposals, reports. in working with elementary age to medium sized companies Mathilda, Sunnyvale. CA 94086. seeks full/ part time sales Live only 1 block from campus etc For more info, please call children, career advancement and throughout the Western US. Fax: (408) 5239810. person, data entry, customer & accumulate real equity. not EXPERT WORD PROCESSORS. Dave Bolick at 510-601-9554. FOR RENT good training opportunities. We'll provide you with service & electronic technicians. Just rent receipts. Easy financing Science & Eng i5ni papers arieses VISA/MasterCard. FAX. E-Mall Teachers require minimum 6 units fully paid training, competitive JOBS AVAILABLE' Temp. FT/PT Call 404453 7243 or available on this 2 story home 2 BORM APARTMENT $900/MO. in ECE. 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Must be a nigh Coritact California Cryobank 'Great Rates 'iv MOUM MONO RIBBON month old girl. 10-15 hrs/week in and support person with develop- school grad with 1+ yrs. related 1 650 324 1900, M F. 8430 'Good Rates fix Ni,iGuit: . ,CI , .1i .k MMMM OMMODOMMINO Sunnyvale $10/hr mental disabilities Must be fun, experience. our home. $7 $8.50 S10.00/ hr. SPECIAL ON ./’ ' 1.1,10,1 ,ets,1 Ill1t!JW depending on experience. Loving, creative and enthusiastic. P/T & DOE. FT & PT avail. Call Anarte TELEMARKETING PT/FT. We 'Good Student f .r MIlD WOO 2,4., la HI', Ire n.1SP MUM OMMB dependable and non-smoking. FIT, benefits, flexible schedule. Letona at 408735-7890 or mail sell discount subcriptions to Bay CALL TODAY I 4.11r1r,t Call Jennifer at 408-737-2352. Opportunity to give back to your resume to: CDP, 505 West Olive Area newspapers Auto dialers FREE (,)I...(a( MUMMMMUM MOMMUM community while being Ave. *320, Pm, paid. Sunnyvale. 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Classified readers should be MMOMMMUMMM 00012 BRITANNIA ARMS P/T TUTORS/INTERNS NEEDED weekends for special ever frr (.. rt I' rr.0, P T reminded that, when making MMMIEM MEM MUMO 5027 Almaden Exp. San Jose, to prepare Santa Clara County Los Gatos and Saratoga are, ,,,,r r ft, e .ron, n 5'' these further contacts. they MINIM MOM @ME middle/high school students for Polite, well groomed & c 1: l'r F T dur r.g Ks,' f4i 4,4 lx,r should require complete VIET/ENGL SPEAKER NEEDED college. Teach (AVID) Advancement attitude only. 19 years., hi ,t 25.1W s my P s. information before sending Translations, general office work Via Individual Determination per hour + tips Can Mo,e it on Saratogd money kr goods or services. Law Office 4 blocks from SJSU. methods: daytime. 4 16 hrs, wk; 1 800825 3871, Rem C oi 1.-n1 if 354 8700 In addition. readers should ,111,00 Call 995-3226 or Fax 995-3230. $6.$8/hr. Attend Recruitment Fair carefully investigate all firms P.I x221 dyriatai %tool year'? 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Volunteers' SportsThrills' After the fifth day, rate increases by $1 per day Sari Jose State University For Sale' Insurance Censenieleallon SY/dented First line (25 spaces) set in bold for no exam charge San lee CA 95192-0149 ATM: Autos San Jose Live' is seeking music Up to 5 additional words available in bold for $3 each For Sale' Entertainment' and sports programmers The Classified desk is located in Dwight Bente' Hal, Room 209 Computers Ftr Travel candidate should have a strong SEMESTER RATES Deadline 10 00 a m two weekdays before publication Wanted' Tutoring' When, mum know4w1ge AN ads are popped No refunds on cancelled ads technical 3-9 lines $70 10.14 lines $90 Employment Word PrOoessIng and general sports knowledge Rates for consecutive publicahore dates only 15-19 lines $110 Opportunities SCholarships This position offers an excellent II QUESTIONS? CALL (I00) 924-3277 training program that will be beneficial to your commur.ications Special student rates available for these classifications. $5.00 for .3 Ilne ad for 3 days. Ads must he placed in person career. Apply in person at 150 So. in DBH209, between 10am and 2pm. Student ID required Rrel Si, Sin Jose or fra your mean. to Milos Edlwerds. 4080900477 **Lost & Found ads are offered free, 3 lines for 3 days, as a service to the campus community

A w----

Page 12 SPARTAN DAILY Thursday, September 11, 1997

'First Freshman' at Stanford to draw Sparta Guide large crowd during week of orientation STANFORD, Calif I API Chelsea. ’1’)(Ilty Itiioksale Meteorology Seminar When Chelsea Clinton becomes "Whatever it is Chelsea does, Seine.ter Al)riliat1 The Library and The SJSU Meteorology the First Freshman at Stanford "It's like the she's the best person we've ever I hi. -.tan and 1.1colt% of. the Information St1111(.11tS Seminar Series will feature Dr. University next week, her seen doing it," the Unofficial F. .thonio Fan Club '-`1'nfof lfffis vi II 1/1. 11.1\ 11W :1 book,ale from Jerry Steffens from the depart- proud and wistful parents will whole country Chelsea Clinton iii li,it 10 a.nt. to 3 p.m. in Vf:alquist ment of Meteorology at SJSU be watching. gets to go to declares on its Web site. or.ill -f Lwow:fed North. it it floor For more discussing the El Nino phe- And so will reporters and Thousands of people were ito.rff:itional iii ii liii 01 mho Iwo woo. call Lenore nomena from noon to 1:15 photographers eager to docu- college with her interested enough in Chelsea to 111,11i1 ;III 111fill'Illa11.11:11 1111'11 V.Tec1 wol .11 tir, 388 :1149 p.m. in Duncan Hall Room ment the start (of twr new life give her sonic tongue-in-cheek I IIIIri1111 :I- .1:3111).111. 615. 1,000 miles from home. they get to live advice in a survey the Internet limun 11 1 1,r mule Career night Chelsea, accompanied by company Excite! recently ran on odortuation.r;111 Fluaheth Van Phi chi Theta, the co eil Tomorrow President Clinton and first lady vicariously." its Web site. P. ek at 921 \11,1 11,, and economic, Ira Jum'ha Prayer Hillary Rodham Clinton, will "It's like the whole country 'prim% \%111 Is' 11.1% mg career The Mos! i in Students' begin her Stanford career with Joe Krauss gets to go to college with her iii fit from 6 to 6::10 said p.m. at Association will be holding a five days of orientation starting Stanford Alumni they get to live vicariously," ilroaft(1 I mid from 6:30 to 8 p.m. clion'ha Prayer from 1 to 2 Sept. 19th. Joe Krauss, one of six Stanford l’Itt \h it ill rritt Cttnittlittitt in the St tident 1'1111/11 A1111i1111.11 p.m. in the Student Union She'll move into her dorm, grads who founded the compa- 0.111 it.t\ Int! :I 11111111w from Itooin For mon. information. Almaden Room. For more meet her roommate and get to student," not as a celebrity, says ny. I I:31) ant. to 1 p.m. in I he call Eddie at :470 infiormation, call Wall know the sprawling campus 30 the paper's editor, Carolyn Stanford, determined to 'tiilitI 'won amphitheater Rahniani at 305-2080. miles south of San Francisco Sleeth. guard Chelsea's privacy as it 1.111.11 iiII Iff fro, food miff Christian Fellowship before classes start on Sept. Chelsea, as the only child of would that of any other student, io For tool, inform: aloft. Spartan Christian "Life Performance" meeting 24th. the president, was long protect- isn't saying much about her life .,11.1of ono Mho of :it 92-1 ellinvship I, having a meeting The Chinese Campus The Clintons plan to let ed from the glare of the press at the university. She'll be just at noon in the Student Irmon Fellowship will be holding a reporters follow them about but has recently become some- one of its entering 1,660 fresh- SN1/1 MS meeting Pacheco Itooni 1:or more nfor "Life Performance" meeting campus on the first day of ori- thing of a public figure in her man who ante up nearly 11,,...V-1N1.11\1:-1 is having the motion. roll Lindell Bennett at from 2:30 to 4:30 p.m. in the entation with the idea that the own right with increasing pub- $30,000 in tuition, room and e,nef 1111’ i ow of the Tf7S7 St l/dent Union Almaden press will get enough pictures lic appearances over the past board to study at the campus )))))) II Room. For more information, and fodder for stories and year. The 17-year-old would-be that sits at the foot of rolling, it, Iiiii I'm- l'hit Beta Sigma social call ’incent at 954-9728. then leave Chelsea alone. doctor has received high marks oak-studded hills. t;111 PH Beta Sigina having it "That's the hope," said for being intelligent, poised and But celebrities who've ..coci.ol :ft 7 in II... Student Saturday Marsha Berry, Mrs. Clinton's personable. attended other prestigious l 'mon 1.1,totion, Room an initial flurry "Welcome Back" BBQ press representative. "I've found inspiration in the schools after Sopioirt group fin t hi. Iliad floor For more of publicity have been able to Student Association will be And once she's settled in, Olin-Gess grace that a girl half ttitittitt liftalth information. call ,a thin at lives on having a "Welcome back" BBQ Chelsea will not be hounded by my age has brought to an intim- enjoy relatively normal C,111. t 1- Hi\ mg tot eating 978 91116 from noon to 5 p.m. Saturday the student newspaper, the idating challenge," Patti Davis, campus. ..11111,1.f t ono from 4::1() at the BBQ pits. For informa- Stanford Daily. Rather, she'll he Ronald Reagan's daughter, 5:31) Co-op workshop p.m. in filo I loalt If tion, call treated as "a student, a regular wrote in Harper's Bazaar about Itomn 20s The Caroor Conte,. Is lifivoig Angela at 924-4704. mt ..thritltolial for neofflo a Co on \Vorkshon it 1:30 p.m. Phi Beta Sigma party %%Oh oat on! ih,or in the St tillt.rit rition Phi Beta Sigma is having a Too rich to care; Las Vegas man out a $1 million H.I loft' infiro informal oft' .\1;tittatittit Ittittni Vor mon. "Big Thangs" party from 9 .111 Ndne% lilark. NTS. in> at information. call the Career LAS VEGAS (AP) Oh, to paperwork. McDonald said this is the most I Iff Is f?o,00rro Cent or at 92.1 (03.1 p.m. to 2 a.m. Saturday at the San Jose State Ballroom. For be so rich that when someone "I can find a person, but 1 fun job he's had. Unlike most more in call 978- wants to return $1 million to can't fbrce him to send a claim state bureaucrats he's a little I astcrii rig hour you, you can't be bothered to fill hack," said Steven McDonald. bit of' a detective. a little hit of '1'au I)elta l'hi meeting 9106. 11-ottitint! littur vill 11.1 out the paperwork. administrator of Nevada's Santa Claus. t111-1' \VIII/i1111 '1.1.11111/1... 'Fin !fond Ow S holastic Mariachi workshop An elderly, wealthy and fin.- Divisnm of Unclaimed Property. "I don't take money away 111, X I.:- ittlittr ft aternit having the The 5.151' Mariachi getful Las Vegas man lost track McDonald doesn't have a clue from somebody, I give it hark en,enifleiIrrii with first mooting of tho ,-.emester Allan Workshop will he from 7 to of some Raytheon Co. stock he why the man doesn't want his It's just the opposite of !nest Strom, .11,1 Don Vvnion ploy Students nijiut have a :i 2 I;PA 9:30 p.m. in the Music build- owned. $1 ruillin. state agencies." he said. littrytt- frttm 12:311 tit 1, loin The meeting will 1/4- :it 6 ing Learn to play and sing After five years of inactivity, while that', the biggest One technique he uses are 1:15 p,ni, n the 1/111111 p.m. in t Iii' St iiiivnt Union marnichi music. For more the brokerage firm turned the chunk of change currently on legal ads. McDonald encourages fir 1111111. Lotila Priet a Boom For inure information, call 924-4675. stock over to the state of the state's books waiting to be Flop!' to read the ads and look nut rn tin Itifitrtuttlittti, N1101:144 at llti:11 11 III 91157 Nevada as unclaimed property, returned to the rightful owners. for their own names, names of :Is required by law. After the McDonald has a total if $.15 friends, acquaintances and rela- sixth year, the state sold the million that he would like to tives, either dead or living. stock for $1 million. give back tO people. And even if they don't see The Division of Unclaimed "We want to give it away, we any familiar names, they can dimlrelf Property located the man two want to give it hack, vkac want call the state's Unclaimed years ago and sent him a claim the heirs to have it," he said. Property office and the staff will form, but he hasn't returned the After two years on the job, check its computer list. So Much Better Than Soap, You'll Be Hooked. 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