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Non-Profit Organization U.S. Postage PAID Sacramento, California Permit No.904 3200 Fifth Avenue Sacramento, California 95817 l l a F Anthony M. Kennedy Pacific Law Magazine Calendar of Events is published by the University of the Pacific For details on these and other events, please see the Alumni McGeorge School of Law and News & Events sections on the Pacific McGeorge web site Office of Development or call .. Alumni and Public Relations 3200 Fifth Avenue October 6, 2006 Sacramento, California 95817 Alumni Breakfast at State Bar of California Annual Meeting Monterey 916.739.7141 916.739.7333 Fax October 14, 2006 Women's Caucus 29th Annual Wine-TastingOctober 16, 2006 Discovery Museum, Old Sacramento Member Asian Pacific American Alumni Chapter Golf Tournament The Order of the Coif Empire Ranch G.C., Folsom Member October 18, 2006 The Association of Sacramento Area Alumni Chapter Reception Mason’s Restaurant, Sacramento American Law Schools October 21, 2006 Accredited by Alumni Reunion, The American Bar Association and Classes of 2001, 1996, 1991, 1981, 1976, 1971, 1966 the Committee of Bar Examiners, Pacific McGeorge State Bar of California October 27, 2006 Center for Global Business and Development Symposium Editor Michael Curran Rethinking Corruption Pacific McGeorge Editorial Committee November 9, 2006 Elizabeth Rindskopf Parker, Dean; Distinguished Speakers Series: Professor Peter Linzer Christine Manolakas, Associate Dean; Pacific McGeorge John McIntyre, Assistant Dean for Development & External Relations; December 1, 2006 State Bar of California Swearing-In Ceremony Barbara Thomas; Pacific McGeorge David Alan Gibb, Consultant December 7, 2006 Principal Photography Dean’s Council Holiday Party John Blaustein, Steve Yeater, The Delta King, Sacramento Bill Mahon, Barry Robinson January 4 – 5, 2007 National Security, International Breakfasts at Acknowledgments Association of American Law Schools Convention Lovelle Harris, Sally Cebreros, Washington, D.C. Lori Hall, Gaylene Lentsch, Kami Wong January 20, 2007 Alumni Association’s Southern California MCLE Printing The Grand, Long Beach Citadel Communications January 27, 2007 Alumni Association’s Sacramento MCLE Design Pacific McGeorge NeoDesign May 21, 2007 2006 © University of the Pacific U.S. Supreme Court Swearing-In Ceremony Front Cover: Washington, D.C. McGeorge School of Law Law & Policy, or the effort to globalize the curriculum. And Message from our service contributions are unsurpassed. Consider, for example, our effort to create a more robust educational pipeline to increase the pool of well-prepared diverse students The Dean interested in the law. This initiative has captured the imagina- tion of more than law schools nationally and was adopted as the signature project of the President of the California s I write, the - academic year is begin- State Bar. It also explains the increased diversity of our ning and we are welcoming to campus our incoming classes. In sum, I’m convinced that Pacific newest “counselors in training”—a group worth McGeorge is a rising star. This was the conclusion of the con- celebrating. Their qualifications are the highest sultants in our seven-year ABA Reaccredidation review this inA memory and they are our most diverse class in the law past spring. Their draft report, now on my desk, could hardly school’s history—% minorities. On both accounts, it is be more welcome. clear that Pacific McGeorge is looking at a strong future; Not only is our law school impressive, considered by itself, meeting each of them personally in back yard receptions at but increasingly, fewer and fewer law schools combine the the campus Dean’s Cottage reinforces this view. dedication to teaching, scholarship and service that Pacific On a more personal note, this September begins my fifth McGeorge offers. The decline in law schools’ dedication to year as Dean at the University of the Pacific, McGeorge producing fine practicing lawyers will be the subject of a School of Law. Personal milestones often prompt reflection national discussion in the next year as several reports critical on both our past and future. Looking backwards, I am of legal education are prepared. While I believe that the state reminded of why I was so attracted by Pacific McGeorge of legal education, thus described, is bad news for our when I first visited campus in . Its three important areas nation — and the world — it is nevertheless an opportunity of distinctiveness—global business and development, advo- for Pacific McGeorge leadership. Even more than at my cacy and dispute resolution and government law and arrival more than five years ago, Pacific McGeorge must light policy—seemed vitally important to the legal profession as it the way. entered the century. When a fourth focus was added— With all this good news, then, what could possibly hold dedication to producing the very best practicing lawyers — Pacific McGeorge back? Could anything prevent our school Pacific McGeorge could be described as providing a unique from being one of the top institutions of legal education in and powerful recipe for legal education. It was a model for the century? what a law school should be if our legal system was to retain No one person can answer this question, yet each of us its central importance to our nation and to the world in a must. Until each of us begins to demonstrate appropriate time of post-Cold War change. pride in this wonderful institution, our combined leadership As Justice Kennedy remarked on a recent visit, “sometimes potential will not be realized. Stated in other terms, the time we stumble onto the truth.” Perhaps that describes my deci- has come for every member of the Pacific McGeorge commu- sion to join Pacific McGeorge. Yet, no matter how my luck nity to stand up and serve our law school, our profession and in becoming the eighth dean is explained, I am even more our communities with pride at the leadership demonstrated convinced today than I was five years ago that Pacific by Pacific McGeorge. McGeorge may be poised for national leadership in our pro- Take a look at the Alumni News section and you’ll see fession. As my understanding of legal education has deep- some alums leading us on this path! ened, I have realized increasingly that the type of remarkable preparation our students receive may be unique among law With Warm Regards, schools. Today’s Pacific McGeorge retains its traditional rigor, but does so in a supportive context, which ensures that each student can do his or her best. No other California school Dean Elizabeth Rindskopf Parker requires all California Bar subjects, offers more electives or I internship opportunities, or provides a better Academic l l u s t r Support Program. Our faculty, too, has never been more pro- a t i o n ductive or relevant in their scholarship and in their special- : J a c ized contributions, like our new Journal of National Security k U n r u h Fall PACIFIC LAW 1 PACIFIC LAW Wazhma Mojaddidi The Man In A National Force Lawyer, Mother, Linguist, The Middle Pacific Legal Foundation Designer and Beyond As Swing Vote, Justice National Security — Squaw Valley Kennedy Can’t Escape The Third House Workshop Looks at Chlorine Plant the Headlines Pacific McGeorge a Scenario — see Powerhouse in story on page 31 A Very Special California’s Lobbyist Relationship Industry Priming the P20 Pipeline Competing for the Best and the Brightest —Nationally All in the Family Alumni Groups Seek to Connect the Dots Beyond Geography 2 PACIFIC LAW Fall Fall A Publication of the University of the Pacific McGeorge School of Law Office of Development, CLAW Alumni and Public Relations School News Message from the Dean International Program In U.S. News Top 20 Faculty News Gevurtz Shares Stage Faculty Profile Professor Michael Vitiello Alumni News Lynch’s Legacy Beauvais Believes Bellingham’s Best Marathoner McFadden Reisig Ready Jerry Desmond, left, and Mike Belote are The Last Word two of more than 70 alumni lobbyists — Globalizing Update see story on page 13 Calendar of Events Fall P A CIFIC L A W 3 The Man in the Middle As Swing Vote, Justice Kennedy Can’t Escape the Headlines By Michael Heenan The new Supreme Court of the United States: front row, from left, Anthony Kennedy, John Paul Stevens, John Roberts, Antonin Scalia, and David Souter. Back row, Stephen Breyer, Clarence Thomas, Ruth Bader Ginsburg, and Samuel Alito. 4 PACIFIC LAW Fall n in the Middle Justice Kennedy Can’t Escape the Headlines By Michael Heenan Fall PACIFIC LAW 5 P h o t o g r a p h y resh from the Senate’s stinging : P h o t o g r rejection of Robert Bork and the a p h y : A P high profile implosion of replace- / W i d e F W ment nominee Douglas Ginsberg, o r l d Ronald Reagan in was looking for a little peace and quiet. Besides impeccable qualifications in Constitutional law, his next appointment to the Supreme Court Associate Justice Anthony M. Kennedy talks with Attorney General Alberto Gonzalez, left, following would need a somewhat lower profile. a Rose Garden swearing-in ceremony for a feder- When the president reached into a Pacific McGeorge class- al appellate judge in June. room and selected longtime professor Anthony Kennedy, it seemed he had found his man. The Sacramento native was occasional and important votes with the more liberal faction. known as hard-working, competent and qualified. Perhaps His votes in to uphold the right to abortion and main- most importantly, he was known to have a pleasant, unassum- tain a strict ban on school-sponsored prayer drew fire from the ing personality. right. Subsequent votes to strike down the death penalty for Today, years after he was sworn in, Justice Kennedy’s juveniles or the mentally disabled and in favor of gay rights profile could scarcely be higher.