Special Issue

No. 641 • January 23, 2020 • outwordmagazine.com

Cirque Returns to Sacramento!

Kelsey Custard Clowns Off In “” Out & About With Matt page 16 page 11

Don’t Miss The Oscars page 12

Dorothea Puente Tells All page 17

The Naked Magicians Will Strip Down In Sacramento page 19

Proud to be part of this community for 25 years, and counting.

www.outwordmagazine.com Federal Court Upholds Injunction Outword Preventing Discharge of HIV-Positive Staff Airmen By Trump Administration PUBLISHER he U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit upheld a Fred Palmer lower court ruling in Roe & Voe v. Esper that halted efforts ART DIRECTOR/PRODUCTION by the Trump administration to discharge members of Ron Tackitt T the Air Force because they are living with HIV. The decision GRAPHIC DESIGN Ron Tackitt will allow two active-duty Airmen living with HIV, identified pseudonymously as Richard Roe and Victor Voe, to continue EDITOR [email protected] serving in the U.S. Air Force as well as preventing the discharge of

ARTS EDITOR any other Airmen living with HIV. Chris Narloch The court ruled that the government’s discharge these individuals is unlikely to justifications “fail to account for current pass legal muster,” said Scott Schoettes, SALES medical literature and expert opinion Counsel and HIV Project Director at Fred Palmer about current HIV treatment and Lambda Legal. “At the root of these discharge decisions and other restrictions CONTRIBUTING transmission risks.” The opinion, written WRITERS by Judge Wynn and joined by Judge Diaz on the service of people living with HIV are Chris Allan and Judge Floyd, stated: completely outdated and bigoted ideas Matthew Burlingame “A ban on deployment may have been about HIV. Today’s ruling clears the way for Faith Colburn justified at a time when HIV treatment us to definitively prove at trial that a Diana Kienle person living with HIV can perform the job Chris Narloch was less effective at managing the virus Lauren Pulido and reducing transmission risks. But any of soldier or airman as well and as safely understanding of HIV that could justify as anyone else. We are confident Roe and PHOTOGRAPHY this ban is outmoded and at odds with Voe will succeed because the Government Charles Peer current science. Such obsolete is unable to offer a reasonable justification Ron Tackitt understandings cannot justify a ban, even for their discriminatory treatment of ON THE COVER under a deferential standard of review and servicemembers living with HIV.” ’s “Amaluna” aerial hoop even according appropriate deference to Today’s ruling came in the case Roe & performance. Photo Yannick Déry Costumes the military’s professional judgments.” Voe v. Esper (formerly Roe & Voe v. Mérédith Caron © 2012 Cirque du Soleil “I am extremely relieved to learn that I Shanahan), filed in December 2018 by can continue to serve this country like any Lambda Legal and Modern Military DISTRIBUTION other service member. Serving in the U.S. Association of America (MMAA, formerly Kaye Crawford military has been the greatest honor of my OutServe-SLDN) with pro-bono co-counsel Michael Crawford life and I’m thrilled to see this court affirm Winston & Strawn. the lower court ruling in our favor. No one The decision on the preliminary ADVERTISING SALES should be discharged or discriminated injunction comes approximately four Northern against because of HIV when it does not months after a three-judge panel of the (916) 329-9280 interfere whatsoever with our capacity to Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals heard oral Fred Palmer serve.” said plaintiff Victor Voe. arguments from both sides on September 18, in which Geoffrey Eaton, Partner at National Advertising Representative In February, the U.S. District Court for Rivendell Media the Eastern District of Virginia granted the Winston & Strawn LLP, argued on behalf of (212) 242-6863 plaintiffs’ request for a preliminary the plaintiffs. In the argument judges injunction halting implementation of the questioned the Department of Justice administration’s discriminatory discharge lawyers representing the Trump policies while the lawsuit proceeded, Administrations for more clear answers as finding that the Airmen had a likelihood to why the Department of Defense believes of success on their claims at trial. Today, its policies are justified. the Fourth Circuit affirmed that ruling. Read more about the case here: https:// “This is the second federal court to find www.lambdalegal.org/in-court/cases/ Outword Magazine Inc. that the Trump administration’s attempt to roe-and-voe-v-shanahan Office 372 Florin Road, #133 Sacramento, CA 95831

PHONE: (916) 329-9280 FAX: (916) 498-8445 www.outwordmagazine.com [email protected]

ISSN # 1084-7618 United States Library of Congress

Nat. Gay and Lesbian Chamber of Commerce Sacramento Rainbow Chamber of Commerce Nat. Lesbian & Gay Journalist Association

4 Outword Magazine January 23, 2020 - February 13, 2020 • No. 641 outwordmagazine.com DNC on Trump’s Latest Rollback of Protections for LGBTQ Americans DNC Chair Tom Perez, DNC LGBTQ Caucus Chair Earl Fowlkes, and DNC Interfaith Council Co-Chair Sarah Levin released the following statement in response to Trump’s most recent effort to undermine the equal rights and endorse the discrimination of LGBTQ Americans:

“It is insulting and dangerous to conflate religious freedom with federally-funded discrimination against LGBTQ people. The Trump administration’s latest effort to roll back antidiscrimination protections in access to federal funding risks taking vital health, housing, and education services away from Americans just because of who they are. Under President Obama, we protected civil rights for groups that have faced historical discrimination, including the LGBTQ community. The Trump administration has gone in the opposite direction — endorsing discrimination against LGBTQ individuals, single mothers, and religious minorities, and putting their safety at risk. It is long past time for Trump and Republicans to stop using ‘religious freedom’ as a license to discriminate. Democrats support freedom of faith. We believe no one should face discrimination because of who they are, what they believe, or who they , and we will keep fighting for the full equality every person deserves.”

outwordmagazine.com January 23, 2020 - February 13, 2020 • No. 641 Outword Magazine 5 Out & About words and photos by Fred Palmer he Women’s March 2020 was held on Saturday Jan 18 in Sacramento and all over the world, as Women’s March Global. TThe first such march was held the day after the current President’s inauguration and drew huge crowds in numerous cities, including Sacramento. The Sacramento March 2020 drew thousands of enthusiastic marchers. They started at Southside Park and ended up at the State Capitol where speakers and local performers entertained and inspired the crowd. My favorite part of the march each year is the signs that people make and carry. Here are some of our favorite pics from this year’s event. Hope to see you next year! For more information go to: https://womensmarchglobal.org/about/

6 Outword Magazine January 23, 2020 - February 13, 2020 • No. 641 outwordmagazine.com Power of the Pronoun by Lauren Pulido • He/Him/His Instagram: @lauren_pulido • Twitter: @laurenpulid0 hether we are aware of how often we use pronouns or not, there is no escaping the daily frequency in which we Wuse them. But since we use them so often, why not take a moment to at least get them right. Supportive language and representation assumption can be offensive and triggering within wording is immensely important to for folks and puts us in an uncomfortable be able to completely connect with one position of having to correct your error. I another or communicate respectfully. Not prefer someone asking what pronouns I use using someone’s correct gender pronouns because it leaves no room for error and could derail your intimate respectability shows that you are respecting my experience between one another, break focus and and wanting to truly connect with me. concentration from your conversations, and Going forward, we should all try to be is very disrespectful to the person you are actively conscious of using gender neutral communicating with. If you wouldn’t call language so we can provide an all inclusive yourself something you don’t prefer, you environment for everyone. We should also probably shouldn’t do that to someone else. normalize asking someone’s preferred This brings me to my next major topic pronouns, and if you’re unsure just use when discussing pronouns, which is to never someone’s name in place of the pronoun you assume what gender pronoun someone uses. would use. It comes down the the simplicity Assuming someone’s gender identity and of treating others how you wish to be pronoun use and being incorrect with your treated, and we all deserve that same respect. Meaningful Representation Matters by Faith Colburn, she/her Twitter: faithcolburn1 epresentation matters. I hear that a lot. Probably because it’s true. When the Oscar nominees are revealed, we can’t help Rbut wince at the painstakingly obvious reality that crucial voices are being left out of the conversation. Affluent men rush to the Academy’s defense saying it’s not their fault that existing barriers quell diversity. Some agree some don’t. Outrage slides into apathy until we forget. Then repeat. Over and over again. But our most marginalized communities TV and film industry. But so often that is the don’t forget. This is about so much more focus of the Internet’s outrage (I use that as a than movies or awards. Lack of noun), and rightfully so. There is a representation seeps into our daily lives and tremendous lack of comprehensive, it is a crucial building block towards meaningful representation. News flash to comprehensive change. Society’s standards, Hollywood: A character whose only trait is for better or worse, are often settled in the that he’s gay (off-screen, I might add) is not court of public opinion. This influence seeps good representation. But you already knew into our policies, our laws, and the way that that. No more queerbaiting, no more shutting we treat one another. It happens like falling us out. We demand narrative and non-binary asleep, slowly socializing us until our eyes gender diversity. We demand non-able are shut. An unknowing and inescapable bodied persons and womxn of color and so apathy that contextualizes how we see the much more. You get the idea. world. Of course, representation goes so much further than this. We are needed in the places that decisions are being made, not at the mercy of those we hope will be good The intersections of allies in our cause. We need champions for our identities and our fight. In the same vein and when we get there, we must be courageous. The experiences are intersections of our identities and experiences are widespread. No one person widespread. speaks for a whole community. However, I do believe that is it our job to fight for the communities that built us, as well as other It is more than just a non-male director of communities that intersect with our own. To color. It is more than just a queer character. not speak on behalf of others but work It’s the display of our values. It’s about collaboratively to create a multi-racial and making sure that there are spaces to tell diversified coalition of people that rise up stories by and for people who do not want to and fight together. Representation matters. be a token or a marketing ploy. This is true We need it, desperately. But when we get it, for a multitude of spaces, not just within the it is on us to use it the right way.

outwordmagazine.com January 23, 2020 - February 13, 2020 • No. 641 Outword Magazine 7

“Becoming Eve: My Journey from Ultra-Orthodox Rabbi to Transgender Woman” written by Abby Chava Stein reviewed by Terri Schlichenmeyer ho are you? There are many possibilities. You can answer with ethnicity, gender, social strata, or surname, mention Wyour species, family origins, religion, or hobbies. So many things and yet, as in the new book “Becoming Eve” by Abby Chava Stein, only one answer really matters.

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Lucky Buddy Petcare Yisroel Avrom Ben Menachem Mendel woman who was nearly a stranger, Yisroel was born on the 24th of Tishrei in the year burned with envy that wearing a bridal BEST Pet Sitting 5752 – or, for those who are not Ultra- gown would forever be denied. Naming Orthodox Jews, the first of October, 1991. their firstborn son was devastating. The sixth child and firstborn son, Yisroel’s “Oh, and gender?” says author Abby birth was the cause of great jubilation: one Chava Stein today. “It started punching me main forebear was Baal Shem Tov, a holy in the face.” leader and the founder of Hasidism. In Without a doubt, “Becoming Eve” may be their Brooklyn community, that made one of the most fascinating books you’ll Yisroel a member of royalty. read this winter. Certainly, it’ll be one of the Almost from the moment of birth, the most unusual. future was set: Yisroel would follow the Set in a community that is meant only same path laid out for the males of the for adherents, author Stein’s story is told in family, starting with ritual circumcision rich detail that lets readers imagine and religious observances, then yeshiva to everyday life with restrictions that most of study the Torah and Jewish law, marriage us would chafe under, and without the at age 18, and hope for sons to continue internet, blue jeans, fast food, or English. the line. There was no alternative. The These day-to-day details are relayed in a entire family lived like this, like matter-of-fact tone that makes the severity “eighteenth-century Eastern Europeans,” of the “laws” seem even more astounding and had done so for centuries. because of the seeming scarcity of emotion The exception came when then-four- associated in their telling. year-old Yisroel insisted on having always Stein’s lifelong question of gender almost been a girl. seems secondary to those astonishments, Later, though other childish things were but as the tale progresses, her demand for forgotten, those thoughts never were. They answers grows quietly in a way you almost were constant, remembered, boxed up, won’t notice until it pounces on you. ignored, or excused. Even when theological Whoosh, it’s a relief you never knew you questions roared, when religious texts were waiting for. seemed to confirm Yisroel’s suspicions of And yet, relief is fleeting: Stein leaves girlhood, when sex – a subject no Ultra- readers hanging by not including an Orthodox Jew was supposed to know up-to-date which could be frustrating in any about until days before marriage – made other story, but this unusual book’s end still an all-boy yeshiva more bearable, feels just right. For that, “Becoming Eve” is questions of gender were suppressed. At a most satisfyingly unsatisfying book, and 18, “matched” with and married to a you’ll love it no matter who you are. 8 Outword Magazine January 23, 2020 - February 13, 2020 • No. 641 outwordmagazine.com Vice Mayor Eric Guerra Works With A Dino-Mite Exhibit At reviewed by Terri Schlichenmeyer Hotel Industry and Workers to Sacramento Zoo Prevent Sexual Harassment ou have until Feb. 17, 2020 to take a prehistoric trip to the he Sacramento City Council will be voting on the adoption zoo and visit some of the most ancient animals ever to walk of an ordinance to protect hotel workers against sexual Ythe earth, as the Sacramento Zoo extends its extremely Tharassment. The ordinance will require hotel and motel popular onsite installation of life-like, animatronic dinosaurs. operators to provide panic buttons to employees who clean guest rooms. Panic buttons are devices that an employee can quickly and easily activate to summon hotel staff to the employee’s location who are able to provide immediate aid and assistance.

These realistic, towering creatures will about their individual identification signs. make you feel like you’ve traveled back in Be sure and bring your cameras and take time while you learn about their many some video of the all-ages attraction. connections to modern animals. “Discover The Dinosaurs” at the Sacramento You can also spend some time learning Zoo is free with paid admission or “This ordinance ensures a safe working American Hotel and Lodging Association.” about paleontologists’ best assessments of membership. For more information, please environment for our hotel employees The hotel industry has been actively each of the dinosaur species as you read visit www.saczoo.org. while providing a welcoming experience taking steps to protect their workers from for Sacramento visitors,” said Vice Mayor harassment. Unite Here estimates that many Eric Guerra, who has been working with of their members who are housekeepers the Sacramento Hotel Association and have faced sexual harassment on the job. Unite Here Local 49, a labor union that While data is currently not available for represents workers in the hospitality Sacramento, in Seattle alone, 53 percent of with PUCCI’S, industry, on the ordinance. housekeepers surveyed said they had “Employee safety and security is a top experienced some form of harassment at priority at our lodging properties,” said their workplace. it’s personal. Teresa Stephenson, Executive Director of “Far too many hotel housekeepers have the Sacramento Hotel Association. “The experienced inappropriate guest behavior,” Sacramento Hotel Association has voiced said Chris Rak, President of Unite Here Local At Pucci’s Pharmacy, our goal is to deliver the support for the City of Sacramento 49. “No one should have to work in fear, and ordinance relating to Hotel Worker panic buttons will give an added measure of highest level of personalized care for individuals Protection. There are some hotels in the confidence to our members, just knowing seeking assistance for their health concerns. City of Sacramento that already have that help will be on the way if a hotel guest panic button programs in place. In makes them feel threatened. We support the ADDITIONAL addition, more than a dozen major hotel Hotel Worker Protection ordinance and Specialty medications available: SERVICES: chains have committed to providing panic applaud Vice Mayor Guerra for bringing this • HIV • RA • Home or Office buttons at properties, according to the issue forward.” Delivery • Hep C • Psoriasis • Compounding • Oncology/Hematology • MS • Immunizations • Transplant • and others • Travel Vaccines • Home Healthcare Aids & Devices Proudly offering: • Vitamins, Health • Pharmacist consultations & Beauty Aids • Herbal Remedies • Co-pay assistance & Natural products • Auto-fill, ship/delivery • Great selection of Greeting Cards Pucci’s PHARMACY • SACRAMENTO’S MIDTOWN PRESCRIPTION CENTER •

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outwordmagazine.com January 23, 2020 - February 13, 2020 • No. 641 Outword Magazine 9

Out & About With Matt by Matthew Burlingame s we already bid adieu to the first month of the new get a good story read to you. The Queer Sacramento Authors Collective invites you to decade we take time to remember the struggle, and the first “Milk & Cookies” reading of the Acelebrate the history, of our Black community members, new decade on February 7 at the Lavender allies and family. February is Black History Month and February Library, 1414 21st St. Indulge your sweet tooth and listen to the latest works (and 7 is National Black HIV/AIDS Awareness Day. HIV and PrEP works in progress) from local authors. www. education, testing and outreach is imperative as the black qsac.rocks community is only 13% of the U.S. population yet accounts for It’s time for “Crabaret!” Join host Patrick Harbison for an evening filled with great 43% of new HIV infections. For more information visit hiv.gov food, entertainment and opportunities to Congratulations to Golden Rule Services Opry country and you’ll come to a filling help the Sacramento Gay Men’s Chorus (GRS) for celebrating 20 years of HIV, STD station run by L.M. and Jim. So sets the (SGMC) raise funds. The dinner takes place education and prevention within the People scene for Pumps Boys and Dinettes running February 8 at St. John’s Lutheran Church, of Color (POC) and LGBTQ communities. through February 16 at Sacramento Theatre 1701 L St. where there will be music by GRS was founded in January 2000 by Company’s Pollock Stage, 1419 H St. If a members of the SGMC, games, raffles, and a Clarmundo Sullivan in response to a gap in country musical is what you’re hankerin’ for Dessert Dash. And maybe crabs? culturally competent services provided to come on down and listen to songs like Sacgaymenschorus.org

The cast of “Pump Boys and Dinettes.” Photo by Cindy Lawton. POC communities in Sacramento County “Farmer Tan” and “The Night Dolly Parton They’ll definitely have crabs at the NCAC and to resolve disproportionate health, Was Almost Mine!” Sactheatre.org Annual Crab Feed hosted by NorCal AIDS education, employment and criminal justice For those obsessed with food shows… and Cycle on February 15 at Sacramento Turn disparities. Two decades and countless food… cookbook author and host of the Verein, 3349 J St. Come for the food and fun, awards and accolades later the organization Netflix series Salt, Fat, Acid, Heat, Samin but also to raise funds for an amazing cause will celebrate that milestone with a Jubilee Nosrat, will be appearing at Jackson Hall in and one of the biggest HIV/AIDS to be held in June. the Mondavi Center, 523 Mrak Hall Dr., fundraising organizations in Sacramento Goldenruleservicesacramento.org Davis on January 29 at 7 p.m. The evening County. Get those tickets ahead of time, or Drag Queen Bingo has become a will consist of a 60-minute conversation become an NCAC volunteer. Norcalaidscycle. community institution. Come get moderated by Charlotte Biltekoff Associate org/crabfeed institutionalized on February 6 from 7-9 p.m. Professor of American Studies and Food February 1 is Free Museum Day. at Mango’s Burgertown, 1930 K St. for just Science and Technology at UC Davis Coordinated by Sacramento Area Museums $20 for 8 games. This month’s bingo will followed by a question and answer session over 25 museums are offering benefit the Sacramento LGBT Center. with the audience. Mondaviarts.org complimentary admission. Sacmuseums.org/ RainbowChamber.com What? You want more theatre? Something museumday The Rainbow Chamber will present the edgy? Well pop on down to California Stage, Happy birthday to Augie Garcia, William Business and Community Excellence Awards 1723 25th St. and check out Dorothea Niespodzinski, Charlotte Kosa, Sister Indica, on February 12. Awards will be given for running through February 23. Drama Desk Michael D. Williams, Mike Kelly, David excellence in business, community Award Nominee Janis Stevens will portray Aguirre, Justin Powell and all the other leadership and corporate advocacy. The event Dorothea Puente in a newly commissioned pre-Valentine’s Day babies. is hosted by the Sacramento Association of play of Sacramento’s infamous boarding Got events, birthdays, anniversaries or did Realtors, 2003 Howe Ave. Rainbowchamber. house murders. Puente and the Gold Rush something awesome happen to you recently? com have really put us on the map! Calstage.org Let Matt know at matthew.burlingame@ Drive down Highway 57 in Grand Ole You don’t have to be in your jammies to gmail.com. outwordmagazine.com January 23, 2020 - February 13, 2020 • No. 641 Outword Magazine 11 Don’t Miss The Oscars On Feb. 9 by Chris Narloch always watch the Academy Awards telecast every year, so I will be glued to my TV on the second Sunday evening in February, Ibut if I’m being honest the Oscars have me a little ticked off, since Sacramento golden girl Greta Gerwig was not nominated as Best Director for her exemplary work helming the new “Little Women.”

Sacramento native Greta Gerwig’s “Little Women” is nominated for several Oscars this year.

I realize that there is often a greater Story” and Best Supporting Actress for “Jojo number of deserving potential nominees Rabbit.” than there are slots to put them in, but The Academy did a fine job with the nine Gerwig did a better job with her material (in Best Picture nominees, and that category my opinion) than Todd Phillips did on (and Best Director) will provide some real “Joker.” suspense on Oscar night, since the acting The directors’ branch of the Academy is a categories look like a done deal this year, notorious boys’ club, however, and so Gerwig with Renee Zellweger (“Judy”), Joaquin was shut out, despite the fact that her movie Phoenix (“Joker”), Laura Dern (“Marriage is nominated for Best Picture, and her lead Story”), and Brad Pitt (“Once Upon A actress (Saoirse Ronan) got a nod for Best Time…In Hollywood”) the likely winners. Actress. Best Picture will probably go to “1917” or The Oscar snubs don’t end with Gerwig, “Once Upon A Time…”, but the Best either, and I was extremely disappointed that Director category is still wide open and more actors of color weren’t nominated this could be won by any of the five (male) year. Cynthia Erivo did get a well-deserved nominees. To see a complete list of all the Oscar nod for “Harriet,” but Awkwafina was robbed nominations this year, go to www.oscars. of a nomination as Best Actress for “The org, and if you really want to prepare for Farewell,” and Jennifer Lopez and Eddie the awards, you can check out the Murphy should have been recognized for nominees in the various short film their work in “Hustlers” and “Dolemite Is My categories, playing at the Crest Theater the Name.” first week of February (www. I don’t believe in nominating actors of crestsacramento.com). color just to nominate actors of color, but, Tune in to ABC and see for yourself who when their work last year was as strong as wins Oscar gold this year and who goes Lopez’s and Awkwafina’s and Murphy’s was, home empty-handed, when the Academy it seems like a slap in the face that they were Awards are given out, on Feb. 9. You can ignored while a Caucasian actress (Scarlett also read my reviews of new movies Johansson, who I love) received two Oscar currently in theaters, at nominations, as Best Actress for “Marriage www.outwordmagazine.com. 12 Outword Magazine January 23, 2020 - February 13, 2020 • No. 641 outwordmagazine.com HURRY IN! SALE ENDS MONDAY, JANUARY 27TH AT 9PM! BIG †


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Disney on Ice returns.

An exciting participatory adventure crystals to help build her ice palace. delivering compelling storytelling Witness Belle lift into the sky as the through multi-leveled production enchanted chandelier comes to life high numbers that immerse fans into the over the ice for onlookers seated above fantastic worlds of Disney-Pixar’s “Coco,” and below. Board the Jolly Roger and “Frozen,” “Moana,” “Beauty and the laugh hysterically as the hilarious pirates Beast,” “Aladdin,” “Toy Story” and “The flip, tumble, and twist on air tracks, stilts Little Mermaid,” this all-new show will and more in an effort to showcase their be playing at the Golden 1 Center in talents for Captain Hook. Sail away with Sacramento from February 13–17, 2020. Moana on her daring voyage across the Embark on a quest with Mickey Mouse ocean and bravely encounter the fiery and pals as they follow Captain Hook’s wrath of Te Ka. And make memories treasure map for clues to find Tinker Bell with your whole family during “Aladdin,” after he attempts to capture her magic. “Toy Story” and “The Little Mermaid” as the search party becomes an all-out Journey across the Marigold Bridge with magical celebration! Miguel from Disney-Pixar’s “Coco” into Tickets are available online at the magnificent and mystical Land of the www.DisneyonIce.com or at the Golden 1 Dead and discover a vibrantly colorful Center box office. It will be a magical performance with skeletons atop sway evening for families to help Mickey poles dancing over the audience in a search and look for clues to unlock an beautiful cultural celebration of family. epic journey when “Disney On Ice Travel to the wintry world of Arendelle presents Mickey’s Search Party” delivers and sing along with Elsa as video an unforgettable experience with your projection creates a kaleidoscope of family! 14 Outword Magazine January 23, 2020 - February 13, 2020 • No. 641 outwordmagazine.com Broadway Composer To Appear At UC Davis Plus “Puffs” Comes To Sutter Street Theatre by Chris Narloch n local stages this month, theater fans can enjoy “Peter and the Starcatcher” (an acclaimed Oprequel to “Peter Pan”) and “Puffs,” a loving satire of the “Harry Potter” stories. Peter and the Starcatcher Wayne Barker, the Tony Award-nominated composer of “Peter and the Starcatcher,” will discuss his career and perform his songs and music at UC Davis on Feb. 5. The event takes place in the Arena Theatre, Wright Hall, at 6 p.m. and is free and open to the public. Barker performed for six years with Barry Humphries/ Dame Edna Everage including on Broadway in “Dame Edna: Back with a Vengeance,” collaborating with Humphries on lyrics. Barker’s UC Davis appearance is presented by the College of Letters and Science’s Department of Theatre and Dance, which is producing “Peter and the Starcatcher” Feb. 27-29 and March 5-7. For information about Barker’s event and the Broadway composer Wayne Barker will perform at UC production, please visit www.theatredance.ucdavis.edu. Davis on Feb. 5. Puffs This charming Harry Potter spoof gets its area premiere this month, courtesy of Folsom’s Sutter Street Theatre, and is described thusly: For seven years a certain boy wizard went to a certain Wizard School and conquered evil. This, however, is not his story. This is the story of the Puffs, who just happened to be there too. Written by Matt Cox, “Puffs, Or: Seven Increasingly Eventful Years at a Certain School of Magic and Magic” is a hilarious tale for anyone who has never been destined to save the world. Direct from New World Stages in New York City, “Puffs” is an Off-Broadway comedy that takes its name from the Hufflepuff House of Harry Potter fame and tells the story of some of Harry’s forgotten peers. “Puffs” performs through Feb. 16 in Folsom. For more information, go to www.sutterstreettheatre.com.

Photo of Sharon Stone by Sheridan Klenk.

Photo by Paul Kuroda.

ctress and activist Sharon Stone helped christen the brand new National LGBTQ Center for the Arts, a beautiful $9.6 Amillion, four-story, Art Deco building located in the heart of San Francisco that will serve as the new home for SFGMC (San Francisco Gay Men’s Chorus). It is also the first-ever LGBTQ arts center in the United States. outwordmagazine.com January 23, 2020 - February 13, 2020 • No. 641 Outword Magazine 15 Kelsey Custard Clowns Off In “Amaluna” by Chris Narloch professional female clown is a rare bird, even at Cirque women besides me. I hope that changes. Speaking of The Clown Conservatory, do du Soleil, but San Francisco resident (and Sacramento they really give you a rubber chicken when native) Kelsey Custard didn’t listen when people tried to you graduate? A You do get a certificate of completion, tell her that clowning was meant for men. You can see for yourself just how wrong clowning in college and discovered my which is lovely, but you also get a rubber those folks were when Custard appears in home. I just totally fell in love with it. chicken, which in clowning is the ultimate Sacramento, along with the rest of the cast When performers tour, like you are with clown prop. of “Amaluna,” Cirque du Soleil’s Cirque du Soleil, are you ever home, or is What do you love most about your job? spectacular new show. your life like a gypsy? That I get to make people smile and Kelsey has been performing with Cirque I do now have a home base in San laugh every day, and I know that sounds for almost ten years and has toured with Francisco where I live with my husband, kind of cheesy and clichéd, but it’s so true. “Amaluna” for the last 3½ years, which but there have been times in my life when Getting to go out on stage and share what has taken her across Europe and to South I was on the road constantly and I love with other people and entertain America. everything I owned was either with me or them is so nice. When I see a kid falling I spoke with the 35-year-old performer in a storage unit. out of their seat laughing, it just makes by phone recently, about her Northern Where were you born? everyone around them and me feel good. California roots, her prophetic last name, I was born in Sacramento and lived in Tell me about “Amaluna,” Kelsey. What and, of course, “Amaluna.” Citrus Heights until my parents decided to is different about this Cirque du Soleil So Kelsey, I have to start by asking you move to Shingle Springs. But I came back show? about your name, which brings up images to Sac during my summers in college and The main thing is that this show’s cast is of custard pies being thrown in people’s worked as a wardrobe technician for 70% female. We have an all-female rock faces and seems like the perfect name for Music Circus. band, and many of the people behind the a clown. Is that your real name? Are women making more progress in scenes are women as well so it’s pretty It is my real name. I’ve actually gotten a the clown world? unique in that regard. lot of interviews in life just off of my name. Yes, but it has been a journey. I had What is the show about? It’s done me well. I was originally training teachers at my clown school that refused It’s loosely based on Shakespeare’s “The to be a classical actor, Shakespeare and to teach the women because they had ,” but our show is about an the like, and that was my passion, but I impression that women weren’t funny and of women ruled by Prospera and it takes always got cast in the awkward sort of that we wouldn’t make it. Finally, I’m place on ’s coronation day, which character roles. And then I took a class in seeing more women clowns popping up, is interrupted when a boat full of men but the majority are still men, even at crashes on to the island. From there, love Cirque du Soleil. There are a few other and comedy and magic ensue after these strong women and men are introduced to each other. “Amaluna” will bring Cirque du Soleil to West Sacramento’s Sutter Health Park, and the show will perform for an entire month, Jan. 23 – Feb. 23. For more information and to purchase tickets, visit www.cirquedusoleil.com/amaluna or call 1-877-9CIRQUE (1-877-924-7783).

Kelsey Custard plays one of the clowns in “Amaluna.” Photo by Markus Moellenberg

16 Outword Magazine January 23, 2020 - February 13, 2020 • No. 641 outwordmagazine.com Burning Man Comes To Oakland Dorothea Puente Tells All In New Play by Chris Narloch by Chris Narloch have yet to attend the annual Burning Man event in Nevada’s Black Rock Desert, but it’s on my bucket list. If, like me, you’ve never been, Iyou can get a taste of ‘the burn’ in the Bay Area, where a fascinating art exhibition devoted to the art of Burning Man is currently on display. The Oakland Museum of California (OMCA) is the only West Coast venue to show this sensational exhibition, which originated at the Smithsonian American Art Museum in March of 2018. Sacramento “No Spectators: The Art of Burning Man” Dorothea Puente’s 1988 mug shot. allows patrons to view spectacular artwork and large-scale installations from one of the most widely celebrated cultural events in the world. The exhibition features many works by Bay Area artists including jewelry, costumes, “mutant” vehicles, sculptures, photography, and paintings. Don’t miss the companion exhibition within the gallery, “City of Dust: The Evolution of Burning Man,” organized by the fter you’ve seen “Dear Evan Hansen,” if you’re still hungry for Nevada Museum of Art in Reno, which more local theater, check out an intriguing new play about one of traces Burning Man’s origins from its countercultural roots in the San Francisco ASacramento’s most shocking crimes, the boarding house murders Bay Area to the world-famous desert “No Spectators: The Art of committed by elderly serial killer Dorothea Puente. gathering it is today. Burning Man” is currently on The great actress and director Janis Magnanimous, Distinguished and Noble Lady The immersive and multi-sensory display at the Oakland Museum. Stevens will play the infamous Puente, of Sacramento.” experience also extends beyond the gallery after a public reading of the play that Witness Janis Stevens’ transformation into walls into the Museum’s public spaces -- Art of Burning Man” so get to Oakland reportedly had audiences mesmerized. Sacramento’s “Killer Landlady” at California including an OMCA-commissioned 40-foot- Museum before Feb. 16 when it closes. Ms. Stevens stars as Puente in the Stage in midtown, beginning Jan. 24 and tall, outdoor temple by internationally Reserved timed tickets are required and can premiere of Mark Loewenstern’s newly continuing through Feb. 23. acclaimed sculptor David Best. be purchased at https://museumca.org/ commissioned play, “Dorothea Puente For more information and to purchase This is the last stop for “No Spectators: The exhibit/no-spectators-art-burning-man. Tells All! An Evening With the tickets, please visit www.calstage.org.

outwordmagazine.com January 23, 2020 - February 13, 2020 • No. 641 Outword Magazine 17 Nearly 20 Local Restaurants & Eateries Extend Special Offers on Free Museum Day oordinated by Sacramento Area Museums (SAM), 25+ museums are participating in Free Museum Day on CSaturday, February 1, 2020 by offering complimentary admission. Plus, nearly 20 local restaurants are extending special offers and discounts to those who attend Free Museum Day. To receive the special restaurant discounts, - Hoppy’s Railyard Kitchen & Museum Day participants will wear “I Love Hopgarden (1022 2nd Street, Old Sac Museums” stickers they receive at the Sacramento) – free order of fries or chips event. The other option is for attendees to with any purchase; show an image of the sticker on their - Marly and Moo (608 Sutter Street, smartphones (should sticker supplies run Folsom) – 10 percent off bill (not valid low at any museum). The following special with other discounts or offers); discounts offered by generous local - MOD Pizza (six locations – 2100 restaurants and eateries are available on the Arden Way, Suite 180, Sacramento; 5400 day/evening of February 1 only: Crossings Drive, Rocklin; 771 IKEA Court, West Sacramento; 10909 Olson Drive, - Danny’s Mini Donuts (900 2nd Street, Rancho Cordova; 2501 Bronze Star Drive, Old Sacramento) – four free mini donuts Woodland; 2150 Grass Valley Hwy, with purchase of a dozen; Auburn) – buy one MOD size pizza, get a - Dos Coyotes (two locations – 6450 second for free (BOGO); Folsom Blvd., Sacramento & 2701 Del - Original Pete’s (5005 Foothills Blvd, Paso Road, Natomas) – $6 two-taco Roseville) – 20 percent off bill (not valid basket; with other discounts or offers); - The Firehouse (1112 2nd Street, Old - Pizzeria Classico (702 Sutter St., Sacramento) – 15 percent off food bill Historic Folsom) – 15 percent off bill (not (excluding alcohol; restaurant open for valid with other discounts or offers); dinner on Saturday); - Sourdough & Co (5005 Foothills Blvd. Insomnia Cookies - Hop Gardens (2904 Franklin Blvd., #7, Roseville) – 20 percent off bill (not Sacramento) – free appetizer with valid with other discounts or offers). Studio40 Live, KSEG 96.9 FM, 106.5FM The public transit options, participating purchase of any 12” pizza; End, Outword Media and Sacramento365. restaurants and Sacramento Museum Week - Insomnia Cookies (DOCO, 414 K St Free Museum Day & Sacramento Museum com. More detailed information about special activities is available at Suite 120, Sacramento) – one free cookie Week are proudly supported by active and museums participating in Free Museum Day, www.sacmuseums.org/museumday. with purchase; engaged media partners including FOX40 & addresses, limitations, suggested parking and

18 Outword Magazine January 23, 2020 - February 13, 2020 • No. 641 outwordmagazine.com Insomnia Cookies

The Naked Magicians will take it off in Sacramento on Feb. 6. The Naked Magicians Will Strip Down In Sacramento veryone’s got a gimmick, especially Mike Tyler and Christopher Wayne, comedy magicians from Australia Ewho make their own clothing disappear over the course of the duo’s act. Tyler and Wayne believe that “good fringe festivals. The pants came off and the magicians don’t need sleeves and great act caught on, and before they knew it the magicians don’t need pants,” and so men were touring the world, appearing on their show is a mix of magic and America’s Got Talent, and enjoying a comedy that finds the sexy illusionists 4-month residency in Las Vegas at the MGM in the buff by the end of their Grand. performance. For more information about The Naked Hailing from Australia, The Naked Magicians’ Sacramento show at the Crest Magicians are two hunky guys who Theatre this Feb. 6, visit www. first performed together at comedy and crestsacramento.com.

Presented by the XOXO

Come Early for Burgers & Beer! Thursday, February 6th, 7-9pm • $20 Mango’s, 20th & K Benefiting


outwordmagazine.com January 23, 2020 - February 13, 2020 • No. 641 Outword Magazine 19 20 Outword Magazine January 23, 2020 - February 13, 2020 • No. 641 outwordmagazine.com Celebrate Valentine’s Day with A New Take on Classic and Contemporary Comfort Food Recipes hat do you get when you combine family roots from the - Sautéed Cabbage with Bacon and Alabama, this “Calibama” girl learned very Garlic early that food cooked with love has the heart of Dixie with a girl born and raised in California? - Mama’s Potato Salad power to inspire and heal. WYou get some seriously delicious comfort food just like - Bourbon Peach Cobbler Chef Lorious has been cooking for her your grandmother used to make. With Lori Rogers (known as Chef - Sweet Potato Pie family and friends in her kitchen for almost - Pumpkin Brown-Sugar Pound Cake two decades. She regularly shares her Lorious), you also get new and innovative twists on classic recipes - Chocolate Bread Pudding with Irish recipes and meal preparation ideas by we all love, just in time for Valentine’s Day. In her first cookbook, Whiskey Caramel Cream Sauce conducting cooking demonstrations and Calibama Cooking, Lori puts it all together in a delicious collection Each recipe in Calibama Cooking has sharing her culinary expertise through easy-to-follow instructions, full color photos, television programming in the Washington, of classic and contemporary food recipes perfect for any occasion. tips and serving suggestions, and feel-good DC metropolitan area and various social “When you’re a California native with reminiscing and talking about life at the stories from Lori’s life that will make you media outlets. She made her national Alabama influences, you love things like table. Chef Lorious will have you laughing laugh and want to eat. television debut on Home and Family on The grits and collard greens, and you learn how and cooking with stories of her childhood “Recipes are what bring to life the endless Hallmark Channel and can be seen regularly to make an amazing sweet potato pie,” Lori and family while simultaneously handing combinations of both common and unique on Washington DC’s “Good Morning explains. “Calibama is the intersection of you a spoon inviting you to “taste this.” ingredients in a way that produces your very Washington” (WJLA-ABC), “Good Day DC” where I grew up and where I’m really from. Some of the mouth-watering recipes in the own signature style for others to enjoy!” Lori (WTTG-FOX). At the end of the day, knowing who I am book include: says. “The ingredients of my life are my Lori is a devoted wife and mother of three and where I’ve come from is the foundation experiences combined with my family beautiful children, and she especially enjoys for my classic cooking style. Accepting where - Chipotle Deep-Fried Macaroni-and- traditions that shaped me. For me, serving her church family. She is grateful for I am and embracing my future is the Cheese Balls embracing who I am translated through the the opportunity to take her message of stepping-stone for my contemporary - Calibama Corn Fritters expression of cooking. I want others to loving others authentically through food to interpretation of what true comfort food is - Spicy Sausage Gravy and Biscuits experience what it is like to taste the the masses. Whether cooking with her on - food that makes you comfortable, brings a - Garlic and Brown Sugar Pork expression of authenticity for their own screen or following her recipes, you are sure smile to your face, and reminds you of all Tenderloin enjoyment and inspiration!” to feel the love that she has for both her the good in the world around you.” - Smothered Pork Chops Who says cooking can’t be easy, fun and community and for cooking! Her goal is to - Lorious Chicken and Waffles delicious? Chef Lorious believes it can be inspire you to embrace your authentic self, This Valentine’s Day serve your family or - Country Fried Steak and Gravy all of that and more with Calibama Cooking. and then represent that … through food! someone special some of the delicious dishes - Lamb Chops in Madeira Wine Sauce Lori “Chef Lorious” Rogers specializes in To learn more about Lori Rogers, visit her in Calibama Cooking. With each bite of her - Rosemary Seared Chicken Thighs both classic and contemporary comfort food. website, www.ChefLorious.com. Follow her recipes you are transported to a place that - Lobster and Shrimp Rolls Born in California and raised by a close-knit on YouTube, Facebook and Instagram (@ makes you feel loved and cherished, eating, - Spicy Shrimp and Grits family anchored in southern tradition from ChefLorious).

outwordmagazine.com January 23, 2020 - February 13, 2020 • No. 641 Outword Magazine 21 Advertiser Directory ACCOUNTING/TAX PREP FAT’S FRIENDS OF THE SAC. PUBLIC LIBRARY 916-441-7966 8250 Belvedere, Ste. E, RUSSELL, CPAS www.fatsrestaurants.com 916-731-8493 Jason Russell, CPA Lic. 99177 [email protected] 916-966-9366 LA COSECHA - THE HARVEST 917 9th St. 916-970-5354 MEN’S CLUBS lacosechasacramento.com ADULT STORES STEVE’S L’AMOUR SHOPPE LUCCA RESTAURANT & BAR 1030 W. 2nd St., Reno 775-323-8770 2531 Broadway, 916-736-3467 1615 J St., 916-669-5300 www.StevesReno.com www.LuccaRestaurant.com SUZIES ADULT STORES MAYAHUEL MORTGAGE Multiple locations Corner of 12th and K St. www.suzies.com/locations.html 916-441-7200 MICHAEL POLAND Movement Mortgage ATTORNEYS 916-936-3710 [email protected] M. JANE PEARCE FINANCIAL PLANNING 455 University Ave. Ste 370. 916-452-3883 MIDTOWN FINANCIAL JEREMY WILLIAMS Al Roche, 1750 Creekside Dr. Suite 215, Positive Lending AUTO DEALERS 916-447-9220 MidtownFinancial.net 707-592-1732 cell ELK GROVE SUBARU [email protected] 8585 Laguna Grove Dr., Elk Grove, FURNITURE 877-360-0259 ASHLEY FURNITURE OPTOMETRY ElkGroveSubaru.com Multiple locations CAMERON YEE, .D. ELK GROVE DODGE, CHRYSLER, JEEP www.AshleyHomeStore.com 8575 Laguna Grove Dr., Elk Grove, 6407 Riverside Blvd., 916-395-0673 877-399-4262 [email protected] ElkGroveDodge.com HEARING www.outwordmagazine.com UNIVERSITY AUDIOLOGIC, INC. PEST MANAGEMENT BARS / CLUBS Deborah Powell, M.S., 1325 Howe Ave., Ste. EARTH GUARD PEST SERVICES BADLANDS 101, 916-927-3137 916-457-7605 2003 K St., 916-441-6823 SacBadlands.com [email protected] THE DEPOT HEATING & AIR 2001 K St., Sac, 916-441-6823 TheDepot.net PERFECTION HOME SYSTEMS PET SITTING/CARE SIDETRAX 916-481-0658 GRATEFUL DOG 2007 K St., 916-441-6823 www.HotCold.com 430 17th Street, Sacramento facebook.com/sidetraxsac 916-446-2501 HEALTH SERVICES gratefuldogdaycare.com CANNABIS DISPENSARY CAPITAL CITY AIDS FUND LUCKY BUDDY PET CARE ABATIN 1912 F Street, 916-448-1110 916-505-4375 2100 29th St., Sac., 916-441-7966 ONE COMMUNITY HEALTH LuckyBuddyPetCare.com www.abatinsacramento.com 1500 21st St., 916-443-3299 onecommunityhealth.com PHARMACY CHIROPRACTORS PUCCI’S PHARMACY HEALING TOUCH CHIROPRACTIC INSURANCE 2821 J Street, Sacramento, 916-442-5891 Dr. Darrick Lawson, 1919 21st St, Ste. 101, KEVIN KNAUSS www.puccirx.com 916-447-3344 www.FixMyBack.com 916-521-7216 [email protected] REAL ESTATE CLEANING SERVICES LELAND INSURANCE COLDWELL BANKER HOUSE 2 OM Bill Skinner, 916-428-1309 Mark T. Peters, 916-341-7794 916-833-8510 [email protected] www.MarkPeters.biz www.house-2-om.com Tim Miguel, 916-798-0746 STATE FARM INSURANCE www.TimMiguel.com Stephanie Slagel, 916-485-4444 COUNSELING StephanieSlagel.com MCMARTIN REALTY WEAVE Brian McMartin, 916-402-4160 916-920-2952 (24/7) LANDSCAPING [email protected] www.weaveinc.org McMartinRealty.com DEMETRE LANDSCAPES 916-648-8455 THEATERS & MOVIES DENTISTRY BROADWAY SACRAMENTO ERIC GROVE, DDS LIBRARIES BROADWAY AT MUSIC CIRCUS & KENDALL HOMER, DMD BROADWAY ON TOUR 9216 Kiefer Blvd., STE 5 LAVENDER LIBRARY 916-557-1999 916-363-9171 • grovehomerdentists.com 1414 21st St., 916-492-0558 www.BroadwaySacramento.com LavenderLibrary.com MONDAVI CENTER DINING/BEVERAGES 1 Shields Ave, Davis, 530-754-5000 ERNESTO’S MEXICAN FOOD www.mondaviarts.org/events 1901 16th St. 916-441-5850 ernestosmexicanfood.com Stockton Hosts The “Ladies of the ‘80s” Tour by Chris Narloch t’s time to get those leg warmers out of mothballs and tease your hair up to heaven in honor of the “Ladies of the ‘80s” tour which will bring three of the Ifinest female singers from that era to Stockton this February. Soulful sirens Taylor Dayne, , and Lisa Lisa will bring a multitude of hit songs and their timeless talent to the Bob Hope Theatre for one unforgettable evening, on Feb. 21. Taylor Dayne is a singer, songwriter, and actress who rocketed to international fame thanks to her 1987 smash “Tell it to My Heart,” which she followed up with hit after hit, including “Prove Your Love,” “I’ll Always Love You,” “Don’t Rush Me,” “Love Will Lead You Back,” “Heart of Stone,” and “With Every Beat of My Heart.” Jody Watley is a singer, songwriter, and producer who won the Grammy Award for Best New Artist in 1987. Her many hits include “Real Love,” “,” “Don’t You Want Me,” “Some Kind Of Lover,” “,” “Everything,” and “.” Lisa Lisa rode to the top of the charts as one third of the band Lisa Lisa and Cult Jam, an enormously popular hit-making machine whose chart-topping singles include “Lost In Emotion,” “All Cried Out,” “Head to Toe,” and “I Wonder if I Take You Home.” For more information about the “Ladies of the ‘80s” concert, visit www.stocktonlive.com.

22 Outword Magazine January 23, 2020 - February 13, 2020 • No. 641 outwordmagazine.com