German Traffic Regulations for Navigable Mari- Time Waterways

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German Traffic Regulations for Navigable Mari- Time Waterways Pos: 2 /Seebücher/Module für alle Seebücher/Titel Seebücher @ 0\mod_1437983888911_79.docx @ 9072 @ @ 1 German Traffic Regulations for Navigable Mari- time Waterways English version of the Seeschifffahrtsstraßen-Ordnung permanently updated. Edition Amended to “Nachrichten für Seefahrer” Weekly Edition 06, dated 8 February 2019 === Ende der Liste für Textmarke Titel === Pos: 4 /Seebücher/Module für alle Seebücher/Innentitel Seebücher @ 0\mod_1438160830210_79.docx @ 9405 @ @ 1 Voluntary Collaboration All information to complete or correct the nautical publications serves the maritime navigation. We kindly ask you to provide such information to Federal Maritime and Hydrographic Agency Referat N2 Neptunallee 5, 18057 Rostock Telephone +49 (0) 3 81 45 63-5 (Reception) E-mail [email protected] Internet For more information see the “Handbuch für Brücke und Kartenhaus” (only available in German lan- guage). Form for ship reports are enclosed to the German NtM or could be requested from the BSH. The contents of this publication are protected by copyright. All rights reserved, specifically the rights of translation, reprinting, recitation, reuse of illustrations and tables, promulgation, reproduction on microfilm or in any other way, as well as the right of storage, either in whole or in part. Reproduction of this publication or parts of this publication is permitted only under the provision of German law, also in individual cases. © Bundesamt für Seeschifffahrt und Hydrographie (BSH) Hamburg and Rostock 2019 ISBN-Nr. not applicable ISSN-Nr. not applicable BSH-Nr. not applicable === Ende der Liste für Textmarke Innentitel === Record of amendments 3 Pos: 6 /Seebücher/Module für alle Seebücher/Berichtigungsnachweis @ 0\mod_1437981946407_79.docx @ 9060 @ @ 1 Record of amendments Updated to NtM by/at Updated to NtM by/at Updated to NtM by/at Pos: 7 /Seebücher/Module für alle Seebücher/Seitenumbruch @ 0\mod_1382702309853_0.docx @ 3731 @ @ 1 4 Record of amendments Pos: 8 /Seebücher/Module für alle Seebücher/Berichtigungsnachweis @ 0\mod_1437981946407_79.docx @ 9060 @ @ 1 Record of amendments Updated to NtM by/at Updated to NtM by/at Updated to NtM by/at === Ende der Liste für Textmarke Berichtigungsnachweis === Content 5 Pos: 14 /Seebücher/Module für alle Seebücher/Inhaltsverzeichnis SeeSchStrO @ 0\mod_1443185432626_79.docx @ 10651 @ @ 1 Content Introduction ............................................................................................................................................. 11 Part One ................................................................................................................................................. 13 General provisions ............................................................................................................................. 13 § 1 Area of application ................................................................................................................... 13 § 2 Definitions ................................................................................................................................ 15 § 3 Basic rules for conduct in traffic ............................................................................................... 30 § 4 Responsibility ........................................................................................................................... 31 § 5 Signs and signals for navigational purposes ........................................................................... 31 § 6 Visual signs and sound signals of vessels ............................................................................... 32 § 7 Vessels in the Public Service ................................................................................................... 32 Part Two ................................................................................................................................................. 33 Visual signs of and sound signals of vessels ..................................................................................... 33 § 8 General .................................................................................................................................... 33 § 9 Use of navigation lights and sound-signalling appliances ....................................................... 33 § 10 Small vessels ........................................................................................................................... 34 § 11 Signals of inland waterway vessels ......................................................................................... 35 § 12 [This section has been suspended.] ........................................................................................ 36 § 13 [This section has been suspended.] ........................................................................................ 36 § 14 [This section has been suspended.] ........................................................................................ 36 § 15 [This section has been suspended.] ........................................................................................ 36 § 16 [This section has been suspended.] ........................................................................................ 36 § 17 [This section has been suspended.] ........................................................................................ 36 § 18 [This section has been suspended.] ........................................................................................ 36 Part Three ............................................................................................................................................... 37 Sound signals of vessels .................................................................................................................... 37 § 19 [This section has been suspended.] ........................................................................................ 37 § 20 [This section has been suspended.] ........................................................................................ 37 Part Four ................................................................................................................................................. 37 Sailing rules ........................................................................................................................................ 37 § 21 Basic principles ........................................................................................................................ 37 § 22 Exceptions from the requirement to proceed on the starboard side of a fairway .................... 37 § 23 Overtaking ................................................................................................................................ 38 § 24 Head-on situations ................................................................................................................... 41 § 25 Right of way of ships in a fairway ............................................................................................. 43 § 26 Speed ....................................................................................................................................... 44 § 27 Towing and pushing ................................................................................................................. 61 § 28 Passage of bridges and flood barriers ..................................................................................... 62 § 29 Entering and leaving locks ....................................................................................................... 62 § 30 Bans and restrictions affecting navigation ............................................................................... 63 § 31 Water-skiing, towing of gear for water-sports, jetbiking, kite- and wind-surfing ...................... 78 Part Five ................................................................................................................................................. 81 Stationary traffic ................................................................................................................................. 81 § 32 Anchoring ................................................................................................................................. 81 § 33 Berthing and mooring ............................................................................................................... 86 § 34 Cargo-handling operations ....................................................................................................... 87 § 35 Anchoring, berthing, mooring, and sailing past by and of vessels carrying certain dangerous goods ..................................................................................................................... 90 § 36 Handling of certain dangerous goods ...................................................................................... 94 6 Content Part Six .................................................................................................................................................. 97 Miscellaneous provisions ................................................................................................................... 97 § 37 Conduct in the event of a marine casualty and of the loss overboard of objects .................... 97 § 38 Fishing and hunting ................................................................................................................
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