the quick energy and the superhuman ..■! W. F. FINLEY, M. D- endurance necessary for fighters. Office over Reardon Drug Store. To give the people of England two PAID ADVERTISING pounds per month. Paid announcements will ap- Phone: Office 28, and Residence 276 To the people of one RED PEPS FAIT give under this head. LIBER COAL pear and a half pounds per month. : PH I LOSOPHY If you have anything to sell O’Neill, Nebraska The Same Old Phone No. 32 To give the people of Italy one or wish to buy tell the people of per month. pound it in this column. at There is only a limited amount of FRED L. BARCLAY Five cents per line each sugar available until the next crop. w^ek for announcements in this col- The Same Old Place We cannot increase the amount, NEB. umn. STUART, but we must divide it with honestly. Makes Long or Short Time Loans on Improved Farms and Ranches. O’NEILL MAN’S SELECTION. -r~ The Same Old Quality If you are in need of a loan drop O’Neill Merchant Proves He Made him a line and he will call and see you. and •^ No Mistake. FARM LOANS, R. H. PARKER. 22tf It has been time and time The Same Old Service proven WILL MAKE SCHOOL DRESSES DR. L. A. CARTER that the best the again thing for at reasonable prices. Call phone aches and pains of kidney trouble is 199. 12-2 PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Doan’s Kidney Pills. This is the WHEN YOU WANT BETTER Successor to medicine Mr. Mills selected and he soon Shoes we have them. — Fred Dr. E. T. Wilson. Albert. found that he had made no mistake. 46-tf Glasses Correctly Fitted. Office and Residence, Naylor Block. Successor to O. O. Snyder Mr. Mills tells about his experience in FOR RENT—A SUITE OF THREE rooms. In Jordan block—See Phone 72. an interesting statement. Here it is— Harry Jordan.' 43-tf O’NEILL :: :: NEBRASKA S. a copy of his signed testimony. Greorgre Agnes, G/Cm-gpr. WANTED—MAN AND OR R. H. Mills, O’Neill, says: “I have WIFE, woman with boys, to keep house.— had no further need of Doan’s Kidney James Beauchamp, Meek. ll-2p The O’NEILL Pills since publicly recommending mtn who take STRAYED—FROM OUR PASTURE, them some time ago. I still praise “Youafc ABSTRACT COMPANY NORTHEASTERN is a wonderful wheat and 5% miles southwest of O’Neill, on country, them because of the satisfactory re- women rvwiaA sKomU August 6 or 7th, one red yearling a success with Voimjj Kestenholtz. me from and steer.—A. L. Compiles big beans, Sugar lief they gave backache am* 11-lp COLORADO Beets and Al- lameness I had when my HAVE Potatoes. Corn, kidneys oxeluivt^ FORDS FOR SALE—I Abstracts of Title falfa and native enrich were disordered.” hn^tne several second hand Ford automo- grasses for sale. These cars can be Price 60c, at all dealers. Don’t biles THE ONLY COMPLETE SET OF the or live-stock man. This is advice, sometimes, seen at the Boggs Feed Barn. 4tf dairy for a good simply ask kidney remedy—get ABSTRACT BOOKS IN but not always. I HAVE $1,500, ALSO $2,000 OF SOUTHWESTERN ranches mean more than a Don’s Kidney Pills—the same that graz- private money to loan on land at Mr. Mills had. Foster-Milburn Co., HOLT COUNTY. for cattle. 7% interest. No commission, to pay. ing place Corn, Oats, N. Y. GRUMBLE Mfgrs., Buffalo, and GRIN See R. H. Parker, O’Neill, Nebr. 6tf NEBRASKA and Rye, Barley Alfalfa are British and French Sweep Enemy DR. E. B. McQUILLEN, NO. 627 TO W. K. HODGKIN to finish Grumble: But how do you 628 World Herald Omaha. grown for “topping” the Back on Front of 100 Miles. Building, manage always to look so slick and Practice limited to Oral d market. from Prophylaxis Lawyer^ (Continued page one.)* shirts and collars are span? Your and the Treatment of Pyorrhea. 6-26 Office: Nebraska State Bank Buildinjj. guards, continued to advance north immaculate. WYOMING HAS unexcelled deeded STRAYED OR STOLEN — ONE Reference: O’Neill National Bank. irrigated lands, and south of the Avre,” the commun- 67- also homesteads under as as small gray saddle pony. Finder -Phone irrigated ique said. Grin: That’s easy slipping the please notify George Sanders, O’Neill, O’Neill, :: :: :: Neb. Government ditch—20 years to “We occupied , Omnicourt on a banana peel—I patronize in town. it Nebraska. 12-lp pay waterright, no interest. Ten (two miles east of Chaulnes), Balatre BEST LAUNDRY Try old man, try it—it’s a winner. FOR SECTION thousand free 640-acre homesteads. Take some of this ex- (three miles east of Roye), SALE—NW% 28, Holt cellent land (two miles southeast of Roye) and Grumble: Name and address Township 30, Range 10, Co., and keep your profits instead of turning them Nebraska. One-half cash. Price $32 Verpilliers (a mile south of Roglise.) please ? Ne- over to a landloard. Let me you locate. per acre.—Joe Miller, Kenesaw, help Further south we penetrated Crap- raska. • ll-2p wood miles north of Grin: It’s Abstract eaumesnil (three FOR SALE—ON ACCOUNT OF GO- €o^«u Our Cleaner is here and now S. B. Lassigny) and took Dives (two miles Dry ing to France I will dispose of all Title Abstractors HOWARD, Immigration Agent, esat of Lassigny). our service will be more prompt. our household 'goods consisting of Office in Fifst National Bank “This morning we progressed piano, dresser, bed, springs, buffet, Building. costumer, 1004 Farnam toward the . North of the dining table, dining chairs, Street, Omaha, Nebraska hammock, oil stove. Parties interest- we reached the line of O’Neill Sanitary Laundry Avre general ed can see same at my residence.—Dr. (four miles east of Chaulnes), M. E. Pettibone. litf ^lBI3[B@]SI3IS®ISISI3ISISI5(3ISI3®lSlB®Itt!l5IS@ Home of Red Pep. "*■.as... Potte (a mile and a half south of YEARS EXPERIENCE IN KO- __ Licourt), Messnil Le Petit (a mile 9 dak finishing,. Developing any 1 Farm Loans 1 : : O’Neill, , Nebraska Post (First publication August 15.) lowing described real estate located in north and slightly east of ) and size roll, 15c; Pack, 25c; Cards, 20 discount (W. K. Hodgkin, Attorney.) said Holt County, Nebraska, to-wit: Nesle. 5c; Prints, 5c. per cent NOTICE TO CREDITORS. The OF COURSE. for cash.—W. B. Graves. 45- Southeast Quarter of Section Allies Reforming Salient. Farm Loans Estate No. 1107. Seven (SEV4 S. 7), And the Southwest I 1 With the Hindenburg line pierced FOR RENT OR SALE —EIGHT In the County Court of Holt County, Quarter of Section Eight (SWJ/4 S. 8), room house in southeastern of Nebraska, August 9,1918. all in Township 28, North, Range 9, by the British on a wide front east of part In the matter of the Estate of Martha West of the 6th P. M. Said sale will Arras, the French are approaching the city. Lots of bearing fruit trees 1 Farm Loans A. Deceused. remain for one | Austin, open hour. that famous defensive system near and plenty of shade trees.—Rebecca CREDITORS of said estate are Dated this 16th of A. day August, more than He Davidson. 12-2p hereby notified that the time limited D. 1918. Coucy-Le-Chateau, fifty to manufacture paper. suggests: for claims said miles to the southward. An increase in the subscription presenting against W. L. MOTE, I HAVE A FEW MODELS OF estate is December 1918, and for Administrator of The blunted where John L. 1 13, the Estate of Albert great Picardy salient, price of the paper, especially Overland and Willys Knight auto- I Quid the payment of debts is August 9, E. Deceased. 11-4 Wanser, by the allied initial attacks, is being the price is less than $2 a year. mobiles on hand, and will promptly 1 ■ 1919, and that on September 13, 1918, ®3JSI3JHI3Mi3EISlM5JSlBISISE®EiS(®S®)SlDHEl reformed on almost as a scale The discontinuance of all furnish, by order, any other car, of and on December at two (First publication August great subscrip- 12, 1918, 29.) the 36 models manufactured the o’clock P. M. each I will be at the NOTICE OF FINAL Ify the allied blows along the Scarpe tions that are not renewed and paid by day, SETTLEMENT Overland Co.—Sanford Parker. 4tf County Court Room In said County to Estate No. 595. and the Ailette. This salient is more in advance at the time the subscrip- THE CITY GARAGE receive, examine, hear or ESTRAY — TAKEN UP ON MY allow, adjust In the County Court of Holt County, than fifty miles across its base and tions expire. Walter all claims and filed. farm near Meek, on 4, one Stein, Prop. objections duly Nebraska, August 28, 1918. about miles of all free July twenty deep. The elimination copies in one front Auto (Seal) C. J. MALONE, In the matter of the Estate of Ed- Billy Goat, seems" lame Livery 10- 3 French operations along the Ailette one to advertiser. and one hind Owner can have County Judge. ward Gallagher, Deceased. except eacji leg. All Kinds of Repairing. We have also are creating a pocket northeast The elimination of all exchanges ex- same by proving property and paying Workmen. All kinds of (First publication August 22) All persons interested in said estate Meek. competent of Soissons. The Germans in this where the papers received in ex- expenses.—James Beaucamp, IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF are hereby notified that the ad- cept Nebraska. 11-5 Oils and Automobile Accesaries. West ministrator of said estate has filed in area are under enfilading fire from are essential to the HOLT NEBRASKA. change absolutely K. C. Hall. Phone 176. O’Neill, Neb. COUNTY, said Court his a report and petition the French along the Ailette and the conduct of the paper. FOR SALE—MILLET SEED, CANE In the matter of the Application of for final settlement and distribution 1 farm scales, Aisne and those south of the Aisne. Publishers of weekly papers will be seed, pumpkin seed, Jacob S. Hoffman, Executor, for of the residue of said estate; and that eight 6-foot tanks, 8 to 4 foot round The British near are the war industries board FEED & AUTO LIVERY License to Sell Real Estate. said report and petition will be heard Scarpe driving supplied by tanks, 1 computing cheese cutter, tank At the Old Mullen Barn. Order to Show Cause. September 20, 1918, at 10 o’clock a. northeast along the railway toward with blanks for the purpose of re- heater, 3 counter stools, 1 index bill on this 19th of Now, day August, m. at the County Court Room in Douai, great coal center, twelve miles the amount of paper used by depository for credit store, one 8-foot Jacob S. Executor of porting and Service. 1918, Hoffman, O’Neill, Nebraska, when all persons from Arras. show case.—John Brennan. 6tf Day Night the them each month from Septtember 1, Estate of Charles A. Moore, De- interested may appear and be heard Abandonment of Perenne is con- 1918. The state- 195 ceased, having presented his petition concerning said final report and the WIT, to September 1, WOULD YOU LIKE TO BORROW Phone under oath praying for a license to distribution of said estate. sidered a near possibility although ment made by pubishers will be in the some money on your land, or would sell the like to renew the old or in- E. F. following described real estate (Seal) C. J. MALONE, the Germans doubtless will seek to form of sworn affidavits and each you loah, Roberts, Proprietor of the said Charles A. to-wit: 12-3 crease the old loan. I have plenty of Moore, County Judge. hold the British temporarily west of month for the next 12 will be Lots Three (3), and Four (4), in they Eastern money to loan at 6% inter- Block Forty-one (41), O’Neill, Ne- (First publication August 22.) that city. required to make a sworn statement est and small commission. See R. H. (Ehe braska, and the northwest Quarter of Notice to Non-resident Defendant. showing the amount of paper con- Parker, O'Neill, Nebr. Phone 22. Stf 5ai?itapy Section Three Government Starts Thrift Association (3), Township Twenty- Clarence J. Simmonson will take sumed during that month, and it is PLEASE BEAR IN MIND, THAT nine (29), Range Ten (10), West of 1918. notice that on the 14th day of August, Washington, Aug. 16, expected that this month will be 15 that in addition to the sale of Over- the 6th P. M. in Holt county, Ne- A. D. I 1918, C. J. Malone, County To its many activities for the sale cent less than that used during land and Willys Knight automobiles, braska, or a sufficient amount thereof of Holt per to Overland jjlfteat Market Judge County, Nebraska, is- of War the National give careful attention the to the sum of for the Savings Stamps the same month the bring ?800.51, sued an order of attachment for the previous year. service, and carry an extensive line payment of debts allowed against said War-Savings Committee has now ad- sum of fifty-seven dollars and thirty The patriotic publishers will cheer- of supplies. In case it is necessary to We have a full line of estate, and allowances ana costs of ded the States cents in an action then pending be- United Government fully obey the order; they have all order supplies from the Distributor at for the reason that Fresh and Cured Pure Homs administration, fore him wherein Charles F. McKenna $100 Thrift Association. Members Norfolk, or the factory, the factory Meats, there is not sufficient amount of ready made many sacrifices far be- per- is plaintiff and Clarence J. Simmonson of the Association themselves price, feeight or express, is the Rendered Lard. sonal in the of the pledge their means or the knowledge of plus property posession defendant; that property of the de- yond only charge" made.—Sanford Parker, said Jacob S. Hoffman, Executor, be- to buy during 1918, not less than $100 in but fendant consisting of one Magestic the authorities Washington, O’Neill. .4tf longing to said estate, to said of and to pay cook stove, two bedsteads, and two War-Savings Stamps get that is our duty, the newspapers men debts, allowances and costs. Wm. Simpson springs, and two rocking chairs has another member for the Association. not rock the boat Notice. IT IS THEREFORE, ORDERED of America will been attached under said order. These are the for that all persons interested in said only qualifications even if their work is not Picnic and fish, and have some fun; Phone 160 Said cause was continued to the 2nd appreciated Naylor Block estate before the District membership. but don’t be on Ditch appear day of A. D. at ten by the administration. They will caught Camp on October, 1918, Court the 1st day of October, 1918, The of the Association a or a o’clock A. M. of said day, when you machinery stand true until this war is won, they with rifle gun. at the hour of 10 o’clock A. M., to are required to appear and answer consists solely of a book of fifty post- will continue to give of their time, 12-2d J. C. COWDEN, Mgr. P. GILLIGAN show cauBe, if any there be, why a DR. J. said suit. cards, each one an license should not be granted to said being application their space, and what money they CHARLES F. McKENNA, for Jacob S. Hoffman, Executor, to sell membership. Inasmuch as the if to the at Physician and Surgeon 11-3 Plaintiff. have, any, support boys 4 so much of the above _ described real signer pledges himself to buy $100 of the front until they reach Berlin. estate of said decedent as shall be (First attentioa giro to publication August 29.) War-Savings Stamps during 1918 and After the come the news- Special necessary to pay said debts and boys home, (W. J. Hammond, Attorney.) secure another member to whom he expenses. paper men will get a square deal and GET RETURNS I DISEASES OF THE EYE AND NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT hands the the circulation of one IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that book, the wronge inflicted by pin-headed CORRECT FITTING OF a of Estate No. 1074. copy this order be served upon book means fifty members, and the in because their from the money you are 1 In politicians' congress GLASSES all persons interested in said estate the County Court of Holt County, sale of of for rent. $5,000 War-Savings rotten records were will be spending by causing the same to be published Nebraska, August 29, 1918. exposed, for four successive weeks in The In the matter of the Estate of Ezekiel Stamps. made right. FROST P. Each book constitutes a of DR.H.MARGARET Frontier,_ a legal newspaper printed Hicks, Deceased. chapter nminim hi and published in said county of Holt. All persons interested in said estate the Association. It is the plan to or- 11- 4 R. R, are notified that the adminis- OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN DICKSON, Judge. hereby ganize a minimum of ten chapters in Leave iFor Camp Funston. trator with the will annexed of said BUILD YOUR OWN each which would Jordan Building O’Neill, Neb. estate has filed in said county, mean about The men left this (First publication August 22.) Court his final following young j and a for final settle- 930 books in circulation in Nebraska. All Diseases Treated NOTICE OF report petition city last Wednesday morning for HOME ADMINISTRATOR’S ment and distribution of the The residue resulting pledges would aggre- on the first Phone 262. SALE OF REAL ESTATE. of Camp Funston, Kansas, said estate; and that said report but as gate $4,650,000 there is certain of their to Berlin. can II In the District Court of Pierce and petition will be heard September step journey They and in a few years you County, to be a demand for more than ten Nebraska. 23, 1918, at 10 A. M, at the County were escorted to the station by the for it with the money you j|j from most even would for rent. w DR. O. K. TICKLER In the Matter of the Application of W. Court Room in O’Neill, Nebraska, chapters counties,- Home Guards and a large delegation pay L. as when all ; are Mote, Administrator, of the persons interested may p- larger results expected. our of citizens: fpayWe have a few well located VETERINARIAN Estate of Albert E. De- pear and be heard concerning, said | Wanser, The books are now being distribut- Otto A. residence lots within reach of. ceased, for License to Sell Real final and the distribution of Wahletz, Page. report ed the Chair- water and sewerage con- J Estate. said estate. by County War-Savings Henry L. Wagner, Ewing. city PHONE | DAY men. venience. Notice is hereby given that in per- (Seal) C. J. MALONE, Elmer E. Wolfe, O’Neill. 108 | NIGHT suance of an order of the Honorable 12-4 County Judge. Earl H. Miller, Atkinson. We will be glad to quote Anson A. of the District Cltorspapers To Reduce Size. terms at time. O’NEILL NEBRASKA Welch,Judge John Z. Wideman, Swan. prices and any Court of Pierce County, Nebraska, Reason For the Sugar Limit. T’eftamah Herald: Newspaper pub- made on the 10th of A. Charles Schollmeyer, Dorsey. Call and see me. day August, The reason we are asked to limit lishers are up against it again. The D. 1918, for the sale of the real estate Fred Niebauer, Stuart. WHEN IN OMAHA VISIT THE ourselves to two of sugar per war board has ordered reduction of 15 HiII111HTT I hereinafter described, there will be pounds Frank E. Inez. month Backhaus, at auction to the for household use: per cent in all weekly papers to take ‘‘°SS&"Pun sold public highest George Hotaling, Atkinson. bidder for cash in hand at the front To honorably equalize the limited effect on September 15, 1918. T. E. JOHN L. QUIG House in Ivan C. Grubbs, Page. door of the Court the City of sugar supply among all who set at Donnelly chairman of the pulp and !vEvwebkMusical Burlesque O’Neill, in the County of Holt, in the George C. Jonas, Stuart. The Home Loan Man our common table. paper section of the war board 4*kUr** State of Nebraska, on the 16th day of gave Paul A. Root, Atkinson. To give our soldiers and the Allied as reason September, A. D. 1918, at the hour of his for the order to reduce DON’T 60 HOME SATINS: the fol- Armies the for the circulation to the 9 o’clock A. M., of said day sugar they require scarcity of coal The Frontier, only $1.60 per year. I DIDN'T VISIT THE QAYETT