Tailors and Military Outfitters for the Royal Engineers. (By Appointment-T.B./20707/K 297

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Tailors and Military Outfitters for the Royal Engineers. (By Appointment-T.B./20707/K 297 _I _ I _____ _ The t Royal Engineers i; Journal. i ; E ' General Robert Morse, First Inspector-General of Fortifications, 1802-1811 . Frontispiece X The Oxford Hudson Strait Expedition, 1931 . Captain C. M. Singer 389 Temporary Roads Department.-L . "Roadsurvey " 400 The Crossing of the Piave by the Austrian 24th Corps, June, 1918 . 414 A Soldier Family . W. Lydekker, Esq. 428 Demolitions, Fifth Army, 1918 . Major-General Sir Reginald U. H. Buckland 439 " How Soon can you Guarantee to Complete a Medium Bridge P " Captain E. V. Daldy 458 Ski-ing on the Arlberg . Lieutenant C. A. Swetenham 466 Dismantling the Inglis Bridge at Bara . Lieutenant M. C. A. Henniker 473 - A Graphical Method of Mapping from Lateral Oblique Air Photographs Captain D. R. Crone 480 The Sudan Camel Stamp . Colonel E. A. Stanton 486 I, Movement of Pontoon Bridging . Colonel H. N. North 488 Achorutes Viaticus . Major G. MacLeod Ross 492 I The Bridging of the Adour, February, 1814 . Colonel L. Chenevix Trench 495 Memoir. Professional Note. Books. Magazines. Correspondence . 607 0*I VOL. XLVII. SEPTEMBER, 1933. !S iCHATHAMd: Xi THE INSTITUTION OF ROYAL ENGINEERS. TELBPPHONB: CHATHAM, 2669. Ao"AaTS AND PRINTERS: MACKAYS LTD, ' LONDON: . Q RHluGH RFES, LTD., 5, REGENT STmRUr S.W.I. !1 Aill .- to INSTITUTION OF RE OFFICE COPY '-66 i,' DO NOT REMOVE i. __LII · _I ___I___··_L__·· ·· ·1111 __ I _ 1__·_11__ _1__·______ _ ____1___ __ ______ __ r. )'' ) i "EXPAMET" REINFORCED CONCRETE, ' Reinforrcementi PLASTER for Concrete.: and " B B " Expanded Metal BRICK Lathing for Plasterwork. Construction i' ' .1 "RIBMET" WITH for Concrete and Plasterwork. "EXPAMET" EXPANDED METAL I :, " EX1MET" PRODUCTS Reinforcement for Brickwork. BiXPAiME b Mild Steel Wall-ties. British Steel - British Labour. Write for illustrated technical literature. THE EXPANDED METAL COMPANY, LTD. Patentees and Manufacturers of Expanded Metal. Engineers for all forms of Reinforced Concrete and Fire-resistantConstruction. Burwood House, Caxton Street, London, S.W.1. Works: West Hartlepool. Established over 40 years. ij I_ Telephone: Woolwich 0275. 1, Artillery Place, Woolwich, S.E.18. Regent 3560. 6, St. James' Place, S.W.I. J. DANIELS & Co., Ltd., Military & Civilian Tailors, Outfitters and Breeches Makers. R.E. AND R.A. COLOURS IN STOCK CARLISLE & GREGSON 5, LEXHAM GARDENS, I KENSINGTON, W.8. *\ STAFF COLLEGES, PROMOTION, ARMY, NAVY AND ROYAL AIR FORCE ENTRANCE EXAMS. CIVIL SERVICE AND UNIVERSITIES, TERRI- TORIAL ARMY AND SUPPLEMENTARY RESERVE. Telegrams : "Lexjam, Kens, London." Phon : Western, 1287. I'.-1 DEMOLITIONS, FIFTH ARMY, 1918. 2/ o ,z,Seu- i I1 - 5,.4 .Ot-,e . - 9ee 23,6J"W 'IdC'~ z,sNr 1 1 /e 10 I 'A - / 11 'O -P0?o 27" 10 / 1 C Hacurfr /faresmon/ferj IFE .- 0 0 SCALE I 8 O . z 3 4 5 6 I 7 8 9 ,0 //ites 1 f /mt~er,3 '.1, 2:2 -4Cg'.q' /epos,.or ,a/'cYn '~/e on ~/g' i ,fi -, i / (o.',J B''odjcr,esoo-n,sres v I933.] DEMOLITIONS, FIFTH ARMY, 1918. 457 From the figures given by the III. Corps it looks as if bridges pre- pared by them and handed over to the French must have been included as " not destroyed." I must conclude by thanking my 85 correspondents for the help they have so kindly given. I am especially indebted to Brig.- General Sir James Edmonds and the whole of his staff at Audit House, where diaries of staffs and units, boxes of reports and cor- respondence, and copies of the daily position maps, prepared for the Official History now being written, were always produced at a moment's notice. I have also to thank Colonel E. E. B. Mackintosh, A.A.G., R.E., and his staff, for tracing the addresses of many of the temporary R.E. officers with whom I wished to communicate. ADDENDUM. With reference to the road bridge at Trilport destroyed by Lieut. Perkins on 3rd September, 19I4, and to the footnote on page 235 of The R.E. Journal, June, I932:- Major Gordon Dill, then a subaltern in the 5th Lancers, tells me that he saw a German car which had fallen into the river here, owing, apparently, to the driver (travelling west) not having seen the gap in the bridge. It was lying in shallow water, not very badly damaged, and the occupants had escaped, but in it was a letter written by a German Staff Officer to his wife. A French picture postcard, sent me by Major V. P. Smith, shows a car lying in the gap. It is curious that a car was trapped both here and at Isles les Villenoy. 458 [SEPTEMIBER "HOW SOON CAN YOU GUARANTEE TO COMPLETE A MEDIUM BRIDGE?" By CAPTAIN E. V. DALDY, R.E. INTRODUCTION. IN modern warfare, with mechanized forces, the medium bridge has increased in importance, as it is an undoubted fact that a force, faced by a river-crossing, may be able to get infantry and light vehicles over by means of assault bridges and folding boats, but it will not be able to advance far beyond the river without calling on its heavier vehicles for fresh supplies. A commander who wishes to carry out an assault across a river and take any position more than about two miles beyond it, will naturally ask his C.R.E. to give an estimate of the time by which a medium bridge can be completed. The timings of the various stages of the attack will be governed to a great extent by the answer given, and so accuracy is very important. Mechanization has affected the whole problem considerably, and as very few officers have the chance of working in a mechanized unit, the advantages and disadvantages are not generally known. This article has been written in the hope that it will draw attention to some points, often overlooked, and help officers to arrive at a correct solution to the problem. Throughout I have only dealt with what I call the " Primary Medium Bridge," a temporary bridge which is only intended to get a certain number of vehicles across a river, beyond which their own cross-country capabilities will get them to their forward formations. It should not be confused with the medium bridges which would be required for the normal traffic of the Division, and which would not be available for general traffic until some time later, owing to road work which is normally needed. GENERAL. The points particularly affected by mechanization are:- (I) Initial action by forward R.E. units. (2) Action by C.R.E., on receipt of reconnaissance reports. (3) Action by O.C. unit detailed to make the bridge. (4) Actual bridging operations. and these are dealt with in the above order. ADVERTISEMENTS. i. -r I·_··LI I V I CT-AU L C i IZ1 r ADAPTER PIECETfT -- -1 a1E FLANGED . LIiaf FLANGD- E J r -- -- ADAPTER T --- JOINT E,Eq llt- · s--REDUCERS---' BLANK END DIMENSIONS OF GROOVED FITTINGS FROM r" TO 6" BORE 0 -3 C C D DI E L L1 L2 L3 R RI T U in. n. in. in. in. in. in. in.n. in. in. in, in. in. in. j1 i 2 - 2A 5 1i 4 3- 3i 35 2j - - - 1 1_ 2 11 24 5 14 41 4i 4h 4 3A 14 21 9 1 1ll 2t 2 34 51 2 6 5} 51 5A 4j 14t 2* 9 1 1 a 2 3- G2 2 66 6 56- 54 5 14, 21 9 2 2a- 21 2T 41 7* 21 8 7 61 6 6i1 14 21 9 2. 3 3 215 5 8 2 9t 8- 81 8 7i 151 3 9 3 3 3 33 6 813 11110 9 93 93 168 3 12 4 4* 4, 4 74 10 3- 15 131 122 12 12 1 81 3 12 5 5. 51 44 9 12 4* 18 1 1 5 141 15 19 3 15 6 6C1 6 5* 10 131 5 22 19_ 181 181 18 20 3 18 An outstanding feature of the Victaulic system is the ease and rapidity with which a pipeline, no matter how complicated, can be made. Above are given illustra- tions and dimensions of fittings, such as bends, springs, tees, elbows, etc., which have been standardized with Victaulic grooved ends by all leading makers. A whole pipeline, from one end to the other, including the fitting of valves and closing lengths, can be carried out so easily with these fittings and the ordinary Victaulic joint-the only tool required being a small spanner. The introduction of the Victaulic system will greatly simplify your pipe laying with the resultant saving in time and money. VICTAULIC COMPANY Ltd. KINGS BUILDINGS, DEAN STANLEY ST. WESTMINSTER, LONDON, S.W.1 - r .1 ii. A D VERTISEMENTS. EST. 65. TAILORS AND AS MAKERS OF ESTABLISHED OVER 50 YEARS AS MILITARY " BREECIIES DEGE'S CELEBRATED " SEAMLESS KNEE-GRIP Extensively patronised by Officers of the Royal Engineers " J. DEGE & SONS, LTD. pilitarin anb tlutfti Gailors, Lrltrrlcs ltanklrs 13 Conduit Street, London, W.1 waited upon at Telegrams: Harkforward, Piccy, London Officers and Barracks Telephone: Mayfair 1325 Military Camps 11 -----. I The New R.E. Cigarette Case ---- By Appointment- The Royal Engineers Cigar- ette Case is in Sterling Silver, surmounted with Regimental Badge in Silver and with Colours finely reproduced in Enamel. Size, 31 ins. by 39 ins. £3. 5. 0. Illustrated Catalogues of the Corn pany's latest productions in Je-ellery, Silver, Leather Goods, etc., uill be sent post free on reiuest. THE GOLDSMITHS & SILVERSMITHS COMPANY LTD., 112, REGENT STREET, LONDON, W.1.
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