--=tt,. s · o-? e =- 7==- T!!' ,a,,,,v=- / -=----=-"'I' ~--?t'S --/7_ -_- _- _- _- _- _------\ ~ J o- '7 /IAj t: B1/,-- 3/-'?'?-S---=-·---- I~~


1946 . Di ctor•. N . • ir ct r• ign Loe .,ion: · i 11 ge / t ige, Urt g

ddr s or O:t'fic : .eisling n, t • I 'Ud utsch r· zi ion AO.dr f ill t: · i lii(~ , tr. c . 79 1:elephone ) Q;fic : 625 2 7 b) 111 t: 567 Locs.l "111 tar.,y iJetac en t: l t rmor u. ivi ion, ffic '.-,0 in.,

h tor ian t1m.bly nt r ~- lin n. · rtt o rg erm-...n nt 3. our ..,, p gist· d corlpl t ly and corr~ctly. c. on D•

1 . Class I

~ rn cki, 'i told ale olia ir c ... or Dil ctor Eutenu, J n " r nc • ir-ctor P• i cto1 lsen, Tl -'orw g . a • lf.Off . B .' l.f .Of ic r r,r man, ... douurd t• rench d.O fie r • ed . O ic r

utczyn m. ·011 ,u.pply u ... f ic r ct. A • lf. f I roor, i u .ale l ch r hous f . r hous (lff. } i h or ohn i ti h . sin• o f . i l, f ie r ' " tin, ri ... . lgi uroe ur UC t, p C 1 1 ~r nch -r n port Off . Dr v r uill, tincan Driti h Dl'iv r 'riv Page 2 .

2 . l II ight tonian Di lac d r on o"" y t int rvie d, ti n soon xpect d .

2 . Viai tor ) .;..;N..;;;;.... ___o_f-.:.:, -~g_o __n_c._y_ ·upµliea riven

a) ' ,A ) Organ1 ation d J et b) Y .CA ) car of t e you·. ) ~) • '"uncti n :

• 7. · robl a which aff ct th oper tion of th 0 IJ. • About 7 ;.1onths ago w C ived by r i ition 25 pig in ord r to U 0 our food re at fror:i the ki .,chen. e fed heoe };.,igs un 11 this ti.o. • A ccording 0 the dir ctiv oa d 10th Jan. 1946 no fr at mat ma,y be uoed for Di plac d c~e rman. claim th pig back. tri d to tak ig contitLU to fe d th till th ti' wh n the abov men~ion d order ·ould bO re cind d in assocuch th t the pigs , re utill to ill th • Ho v r by ord r of' our .J O ~ leer ho

tol · u 1 th t U , A io ot uppo ed to h v any livi g toe e ere oblige to give the Jig to tl e ·ur•;cr eieter. 1. Probl .ms of ) 2 . bility of ~he ' 0am ember~ to ork ~og th r ) 3 . R lation hip ,·,i th .ill tar.; (loc 1 .i1. · otachment)) no co. 1 nt 4 . Hou in, co11ii tioas ) 5. Jcr ning 3nd ijepatriati on ) 6 . b curi t~ ana 11' iri.! Control ) Page 6 .


elf r Oi'iic r Reporting: ,..rn l n ) . elfur

::' of ·tll c.hildr ,n bet an 5 nd 16 ~ ar of g tt ncting chool: lOC2- , -· .,;~lCO.::.J ;'il d of' ·c·1ool ------lo . of 9tud·nts 1____ o . of 1 ...... f~c _r in

2 . VO CA:. IO l ;.,I ft AI:U G

Voc-tional ~r in­ ·oc tio al ., a.in­ ing course• ing cour _ ndance win£; ro c- m hop 6 - ilor hop 22 Co nbl r shop 2 - ak·.,rle,., 25 inti~ hop l

3 . .1.IUL~ ~Dt C.t. ~I ' Type of '.:!OlA.r e t urr ber in -YP of Cour Jatton ,.

rechnical cours a 225 Popular Univdr i ty 200 Drivers couroe 447 ook ping co e 62 Lngli h 1 u g .. 352

4- . Libr ry facilitio availabl to tho :J ' in our camp: ·mglish library containing 166 book, mo tly novel , fiction and adven tur and 130 old ti..,in , 11 fro r y ourc • 5 . comr.1ont on th e .... f ctivine::1 u1 .t:rnd o~ th ""due ton r.ogr: in our camp . ) _he library i1:d ~ua;,e, mor book n1nte ..

2 ') 1 ,ducation ; rog m m et tha n odtl of th c. P• l ed of the du.,ation P.L·o •.z:'(jfil: u) "oola an m t ri l fb th cobbler for r p 1r of foot 1 traini~ o ap rantic r b) ·uitionul ue ir,c t.~_cLiI s ·• n e l · for th ing room nd tailor . ~OP want d 0) cop:, book • p ncil , p n , nholu r ana p p r ne d d for t1'1e pri.m.;;.ry , condury school , technic conrs , d.riv •r' cour e , po 1 r u.ni erei ty, 'ngli h con..r. ; ..,imil:1rily el ctric bulb o 110 and 22 vol'ts. d) A motor c r d.nd g soli.n n d d for practical driving river• cou.r ar b al;y noed d ..

• . ere.a -:;ion · r ·;r l i the Cl p for . re- chool unil ren, ol dul t

2 ; a) l'r -~chool c l.ildr n: o. oon t11er condition p rmie, ply ground ill b opened. 3 ~ir <1 rg· 1·t n at~end d by 190 chilar n fro 3 - 7 ·ere aro in op rt- ion. b) vhildren: Eoy couta and guid or anization, Y P and y· CA clubsn provide recreation, such as indoor sport, gymna. tic , training in voll y- and ba c t- 11, tabl tennis, v rious g~ es, che~s, docino , handi1ork, (in­ clu _ing ne dle 'IOrk), iacu· ~ion o v riou topic , hi eking, ci1 emu p rfor ance chil ren sho tr a

c ) 1 do 1 • cent : m as bove, inclu i g r~a ~ table , brid~~, restlinB, boxing, cone· rts, v riut' sho• s and cin ma and theL. ttic 1 erforoanc , ance • (~ocau e of lack of 35 rnm fil~ the c 35 mm film projection ppa. rutue( h s bven idle uring m· rch) . d ) dult~: same as und r c) . In audition 3 clul t nul club ith 90 ooobers, ou adult femal club ,ith 42 m mbcra, Page 8.

a men chOrll 1th 70 membe r ' mi 8 choru ith 120 e b r ' a l rot -tan t C UL"Ch ( l.X (l) cnoru it mber 35 ' a \iree.t Ca-:;nolic c urch (mix d) cl oru ith 3 b l' t \ c:.:1, men quart t,.t' orch ·.. r -bana. ~i th 25 m b r an ' an artiats dun .JH'S ~ro P, 4 f m le, 1 ~ale, an actor3 group, 25 wal fl!L er: !.:l.le ctor , a che ~rn club, add, unu ·•r the g id n.c of r er tion eom- mi t'tee, to th rec:re 't on f the ault : rogular 'a.:10 - ti~os e week are being~ l . ' t110 tre nhll { Jahn .all) '"it 75r. t , a t ge and 2

35 wr.1 fila projection out:'iti, and 3 perm.an ntly 3Ut-' rvie d co 1i.:::.on ro e vailabl fo rccr~ation. 2 - 3 thoatric::.l porformanc s w~ .? kl vocul, piano , vio .in , cello or orchestra 001.,.c rt , vari ty 101 ado to the recr ~tion.

~ • 1 . :;o .. i:int on the ad. u cy of facili tie a nervic .., for tie Peli;~icus-·rogrum in the cu1p. • . he r~ligious n · do~ :rot~ tnnt (ca 90, of the camp r~siuents) h.re cai d for 5 oinLrt rs re idin.F us l' in t.be c~rep. In 01.. Lu tberian church and a chapel di vin services o~H.1 c urch cone rts are ing h ld re!~ularly . A churcr cnoru t end the rvic • Arrang :1ent with F.ornan \Jatholic 1-rieat permit the uue of on n Oatiolic chapel fo the r 1ular admini tr tion of Ore k -Catholic '1ivine :.:iervicea. o .:re k- atholic pri sts r si e s DP ' in this camp. A church choru <.:>ttend th ervic a . 11h f acili ti s und ervic o of both roligiou group ar atisfying. Red vine for the Holy ~omrr;union for both church wu.n t{.,d .

D. . : oHiae the ~elfare Cffic taf:f, 16 f ~male home vi 1 tor , one c ntrc:1.lly locat d information bure u, four bull tin bo1.rds, a printou camp bulletin, publi d twic· roe , circul tion 1500 copi s, n thr di trict information ._, Page 9 •

bur u, provid or 1nfor tion and cou.ncellinJ. 1 .o i t nee, ea.i c l financialt to the handicip ·JC i11g pro vi ed for by t. o• p n tion l co~~tt , p? c1a ly by th • toni: n · d Croo c of thi 0 t- ' ' p cial nou. .g board ( ti onnl) 1 in charg ions ~:-e la tiv to bil 1. ting of _, . • • ... . . --,L. A • ~ • ·~h - b, aic clot 1i .. ci foot r n e do, p c i l ly s · o nul , .f.eplo.ct!mor:t ,1:j d•· gro

str . ,,er . i o oportin_': fot · w , r fo vall - un.a b ac~t-ball t~ r:_,· , for fo ct-h 11 ar~d r,en1.i .>l r a·,ailabl ·•

i: . .:>: e chil.dr n u,;~e 1 i11, tl . .,,i .durgurt 1 o.ra btii!.;,; ·.::rv d \ tL, re i tl.. aor e u '.a.i ti o!J.a foo ( c 1ocol t ) . In:, true ti on in pr& -.11 1;ul and ~ot t-. a ta_ ca.re ar ')oin~ ~i ven b., home vii i tor , st ci 1 .c .. a bt:!lh · • 'ti in b_y t ·

l., utonian , e J ..... ro. 1;1, b,; sp cio.l child uoc .. or ( ·1. · • ) of th

cctmp .

1 • .:.wo cnoes o~ traiw1er of .l.. r::.ilY :.eub0:c:3 of .> .' . c..i p !'t:: io.E;-1.1.'t8 i'rom t.r.e :,ussiur, ccupation Zone · re pen.1.,.in.g solution. c! . :hti.: provi3imi or ;5 :nci cint.~a films for the 55 mm ci. oa i)roiection outfit of this cam .... h •• s not b n solv,d Jet . 3 . )L.r~;r-::-:.1.;.rvice (,lutes, G ocna, forke and kniv a und

cups) . re oadly lit¾•~ led.

Par t Y UU.. ' CC0° on .... -- Page 18 . tI.

1 . D.P.' gist-red 1. t .e a 1p .m1loyt .1t - r a 2253 2 . umbe1· ea loy d ( Y.cluct.ir.. g C as I. mploy )

_____512.,_ • • 13 -.... ---2 14 .0, E' ~8 _....,5..,7,_ 6 -- 3 . !~umb~r of n• .• • s n,~ut: d in C nt l.i Cini tration on the Bu.rF,~ rm L t r' ') roll: 397 . 4 . com'.' ent on the op !'utio :i. and eff C i i e of the plo nt

) th follo ing wor hoD : Ca. 1ci tchen otor-cur ri air' op !ailor'r; hop Lr Jmaker's hop '}hoc a or' shop Carvl.';ln t r' u ohop randier ~t shop ; do.ler' ahop

b) th fol1o .ing offic d n rpri 10 t-offic vin ma Theutr

II .

1. \11 re 1ui r; 1 t for r1ork 1· "• r uti fie nntil no~, but th UlUllU still w ve r;1 ..,1 ck. 2. 1 s the Gent r s Carpe.ute r' ahop ha no quiprnen t att mpt w maa tor qtiaition n n-operating ~ all car n- ter ' s shop in O 1 lingen, t 1 o n r f lioh 1 form r mber of th · az i-1--arty nd ut r ae t P . • but the quisi tion a rejected hy th .ilit• r overrun nt in Uppingen . \ 3 . Propo al wua . to >ro :1erty Con rol, Offic of :ili te.r,Y Governmunt ,iirtt./ ad n 'thro gh U ,.. rA Di tric-c HQ . , s tut tgart, to cte ign .J . • ' trust of t pre n t not , ■ Page 19 ._

op ratin~ r n f ctor· • h tr t ould eng 0 e only ' D. • • l ho r ploy of h f cto i a und rt ir ma ee 11 • e e ·, al tinr• fo

, • ~r i:ai,nG: i id th e ly C t op r ting th ollo 11g ,c ools nd cour . l . .Jriv cho 1 2 . D:r ft r:ien cou. s 3 . .a ctric 1 i atallu or' cour 4 . ngiILGi rL.g: b i ding c truction rchit ctur :.nf.'ineeri. . tr t <, high ay bride:,' , unde ground 5. ' 0 ks 6 . ookk p r• cour 1. ua1c 1 chool school • l'aint r'I 9 . nglish 1 gu ~e cur (

TO ]:'HE FOLLO'.V I NG DEP).R'.I'~·TENTS R2 Team. No. IJE ~lease read, initial, date , and pass on ;Ra .1;~. G-orps. I to the next department as soon as possiole. Rs LAST DEPARTT•.~T RETURN TO RE?ORTS&STATISTICS @ nate J.V ft/~ Jv, ' i ORDER DEPARTMENT INITIAL DAT~I NOTE T MEMO SENT I ESPECIALLY HEALTH DIETICI AN 1


SUPPLIES & TRANSPORT I R~caived ~ .( Copies Acknowledged ----- 1 • ) Routed 4 - '-I ! , Returned Zone 2.) Field Supervisor 4.) (;) ,. UNRRA DISTRICT No.1 OFFICE OF FIELD SUPERVISOR ULM, 52 HASSLERSTR. MY REF. "'8S/2/BJB/BS


ro, UHBRA Zone Hqs, through: District Director, District No. 1 susJEcr,J'ield Supervisor's Monthly Beport 24 March 1946 A. J'ield Supervisor 1. a) Name: R.l.D.G. Blackmore bl .fa.:>:'!.(v.::::' .6~s .. 2. UNBRA Hqs Ulm, Hasslerstr. 52 3. Telephone number: Office and Billet Ulm 3018 B. • Team visited: 1. a) Geislingen b) Team 190 2. Date of visit: 23 March 1946 c. 1. Personnel interviewed

• ·· Mr.UNRRA. Czarnecki, Dir ctor Kr. Buteau, Deputy Director Miss Dutczynska, Supply Otticer Mr. Highmore, Messing Otticer b. DP Estonian Committee 2. The Team's working relationship with both Mil. Govt. and the Tactical Troops is comparatively good; the Field Service Officer is helpful. 3. The relationship between the Team and tbe DPs appears to me to be very good and the attitude ot all the Team members to­ wards the DPs cannot be criticized. There 1s an wxcellent \ DP committee :f'unct1oning and the community is largely aelt­ governing. Almost every aspect or camp life is manage4 by the DPs themselves and the results of this are very good. At the same time the Team exercises supervision over the whole com­ munity and successf'ully controls and directs policy. 4. Examination of the supply aystem has so far shown that supplies are handled properly and that distribution is just. Becords are properly maintained. 5. ~he Director's reports are accurate. 6. I am pleased with the Team's performance. The members work well together under the direction or Mr. Czarnecki and seem to be contented. ·



TO :

susJEcT, J'ield Supervisor's Monthly Report (ctd)

7. Possible material for pu'blic information would be the recent Estonian art and er tt exhibition which contained many beau­ tiful examples or artistic ability 1n handworked leather, lace etc. together with many first class paintings, etchings and engravings. 8. No special information. 9. No special recommendation. 10. No action required. 11. Remarks: The camp is excellent and many or its features are a credit to the U!iRBA Administration. T0am ~To . 205 c/ o , rili ta ry '}ov o.rrm1en t etac'lJT!ent G 30 Vaiblingen/'furttemberg. 4..P . C. 757 u. s. Army --

Number of DP 1 s in hospiwls on this date - 12

s fo llo "{S: Schom::lorf Hospital 2

raiblinuen Bospital 2

Kinderheim, ·raiblintsen - 1

r{anJ!lel shausen (Infections l-iospital) 1

{innejJen, Jental Hospital 2

Freudenthal, T. B. 3anat:' 4


There ..,-ere nr, birt"ls or :ieaths :iurin_, the wePk.

No cases of V. J. A. case of Jiphteria (in an a:iult) 0ccurri=d ':;ar11~ cll2 on 18/3/46. She was removed to hosnita 1 and the usual ')recautions taken. 1J o other cases riave oc('urre:i up t'o this :iate. '

The heal th stand3.r:i re•.,ains excellent. Sanitation anJ jisinfestation 1re satisfadory.

J . ,; . VuaDart Director m1 ',_ ,;_ TeBTT\ 20 5

/s/ )r . ':: . P. Bermin0i-arn 1•e:iic;i_l rffice, UN-~-\ Team 205 (

TO THE FOLLO'.;lIWG DEP).RTr•TENTS (;)Team No. l?D Please read, initial, date, and pass on Ra ~h. QorJ,-S. I to the next department as soon as possiol e . Rs LAST DEPARTMBNT. ·---- RETURN TC REFORTS&ST.ATn:;rr.r·r··--- : c s FS Date / f JY/.


SUPPLIES & TH1-rlffl"':rttRT'

R::cetved .Q~ ){~ 3 Copies Ack.:nowledged __,..._ __ _

1.) Routed 7j . ) ·.:.oL•0• ~ ~-'1 · R e t urnaa.- ~7 one -- --· ~ 2.) Field SupGrvisor 4.) I \?

u 1- ont 'Y 0

riod: l 3 . 6 1:.,. • •

15. }.46 ,. thi, 1 lin • n/ · 1 625 rt by thi 41 • i l

• 1 . n t n r h d: l 1943. l> t T al. • ' nt , : 6 J l 1945. 2 . tion 11 y of ~,,s·1n thi C nt r: toni • ot l po >al tion: 3664, o d port. h 3 . 4 . Utoi of tl 1 .n" rs) i lC p 1 5. Or anlz tion of I • .• } R port • 6. ecurit : 0 c. un in org 1iz tio1 inc pr vlou • ort . 7. Fir igJ1ti '.. ) 8 . Oll ing: ) :o change ince p nviouu port . 9 . Activi tio of l I t t : )

L p B. . A ' ! : 1. I gistration ) lo cno.n r 8 Gil'l p ·viou I. ,.,or 2 . Info tion ) ,. l er onul Coun 11 ing: 921 4. .., rvice tor ap cial OU : G 01 p: ervic . Tot 1: All children 72 352 :521 240

179 oy co t 148 1 1 cout 26 -· _.. - 2 -

TI tt ch d ch.cld n 14 e iding 1th frl n 0 In up rvi - homo 1

6'• ere tion: { ctivi ty dll i p riod):

a) l ! 5 Cam CL li1 . kl cto.r oj ct B kot 2 Voll y 3 oxing tr ini i b) Brid' C 1e er f .. c) Op .f. to 11 - gymu 1 . .

6. H li ion: < 7. . COIDJ uni C tions: ) a. Vit l stnti tic : ) i C p V OU 0 t 9 . ,; UC 'ti on: ) l • ork .ho pa: ) c. , L : l • • o Di- · on thl T port ro 16 . 2. - 2 .2.46. Ad flci ncy of ,a oline now p cially c11te , u d till no e m n ood ur for ooo di .. ibu tion ~rucka fro "otor >ool 11 u n a. Ul ~ arr1 vi l te and no t v r d. , •

Jo requi 1 ion for pu r for ch 1, of ic and C p bulle in ao approved . 2 . Fe d 1 n g: to p ci r tiona for ick people, pr gi an wo on d o r • r h v ht bl no v 1- ble in thi r 1 . ot toe 'Y b , orly lf of th! c ived am unt can b \1 • - ' - D.

1 . ) u ch 1no ort 2 . ,0 : ) t ·ion . ) Duri 1 - 0 pi - 1 d 1 C 1 Ho l al. b) n, o . it ti t .• 1 of .. 1


c) 0 ctu or t. 1 C int r

) D a i J. cont ol 0 - rli t •

'h '1 f:+'icer ·1 ) lll1 a . ry •

) D il;r h of 0 t .. n 1 1c C lli 95. . f) .. pr 0 ti C 8 • or 0 t ro c 1 0 n. n C . g) • n ber of t 11 .• 75

h) ... h 1th C -1 ,n. ' C an in pr \ per •

4 . · die l -r on 1: • UNR 1- onthly Team R port

Pe ri o d : 1 o 3 • 4 6 - 15 • 3 •.4 6 •

Tam. Nr . 190 Dat) 15. 3 . 4 Direc tor w. Czarne ck i Lo cation thi Center: G i l i ng n/ . Tam Location: Geiali ng n/ t e i g e steig Ary: 7th Ar Dir c iona for reaching: Office Te 1 .. : l r. 62 5 Road Nr . 10 sout h 3tuttgart .. r .of enter served b his Te l. xch. & Pr ~:Gei sli n ~ n 410 am 1 Addr ss of U NR billo t: Geisli gen , Babn.hofatr.79 Tel . r . 567

A• .Q_!.TIIB D INISTRATION: 1. Date c'ent r established: 1 ay 194 5 . Da e Te arr. center: 6 June 1945 . < 2 . Nationality of DP ' s in this center: .l!.)stonian • Total population: ·; 664, as of dat of Report. The capacity of this Oam·p i s. e xh u te ~. 3. Adm i nistrative Per~onnel: ) 4 .. DP ' outside of thia centers ) Noc si nce p vious 5. Organization of D ' s: ) Re ports. 6., security : No chang i.11 ·organization s i nce pre i ou Reports. 7o ire Fighti ng: ) s. Hous i ng: ) No chang since pl' vious H ports. 9. ACti vi tie Of DP f : ) n.

1. Regiatr a t i o ) No hange s s i nce previou · Re port 2 ~ I nfo r.cia ti on ) 3o Perso Couns lli g: 921 4 ., services for p i al gr oups: Group: service : Total : All childr n 720 Ki nder gart n 352 Pri m y Gy na i u.m 321 se con ary oho ol 240 Special diet Boy & Girl Scou ts 179 Boy cout 148 Girl Soou ts "CA & t CA 264 ...... - 2 ...

U ttached children 14 R siding 1th friends 0 In supervise homes 14

5. Re c reation: (ac ivit uring period) :

a ) Dances 10 Theatre 5 Cinema , Camp Cinema: I 3 daJ! s eekl y a 2 performances dai l y on borro e 16 mm projector, no f ilms ob ai ne for 35 mm pro jec or Basket ball 2 Volle ball 3 Boxi ng t r aining, gyrnnasi U.cJ. b) Bridge , chess, CA cr ofts c) Op en to , 11 - gymnasium .. 6. Relig ion, 7. C01Il1"'.unications: ) a. Vital statistics:) No changes since pr vious Reports 9a Educ ation: ) 10 . , orksho pa: )

C. S U :P P L Y: see Di - ·r onthl Team Repo rt from 16.2 . - 28. 2 . 46 . A def i iency of g-soline no specially acut , w used \ f till now ger man ioodburn r for food distribution. Tru ks fro~ fotor Pool Essling n and Ulm arri ving late \

1 a. not every day ,, Uo requisi ion for p p r f or s chool, off ice camp bull tin was pproved . 2 . F e ed 1 n g: No pe cial r ati on s for siok peopl e, pr egnant omen and workers. Fr esh veg table ot avail­ abl in this Kr i s;i :P o tatoe very bad, on l half of th r e-eiye ount can be use. - 3 - _,.. ...


1 . Facilities: ) Unchanged si noe previous Report 2. S nitary acilitios: ) 3. H8 th Con itions: ) During the last two weeks 4 oases have be en hospi talJ ieed 1 Center Infirmary aD:d 10 in German Hospital. b) The pr do inating illnesses among ho pital patienta are: Common r eepirat. dis ass Diseases of int ines Gyn cologic di eases surgical diseases

c) No actual or threa ened epidemics ha: e been in the i center. d) DP ' s are . inspecte at the admis ion control Pe riod­ ical anitary inspections of houses. The ' in .pections are made b edical Officer UNRKA a sisted by U iRRA Nur s and DP nurs • very satisfactory conditio s. ) D ily av rag nu.mber of persons attendi s ick call:: 95. f) Th predomi nating ca e are: sor throats Bronchi tis Di sease of kin Pregnancy •. g) AV rage numbe r of dent 1 cases treated daily: 75 h) Program of heal h ducation: No change since previou Reports.

4. ~edical personnel: uncha.ng • U.N.R.R.A. - TEAM 190

Telephone numbers: GEISLINGEN Adm. Office 62S Camp. Office 933 Garage 274 Nro l Medical Service 934/3S Mess S67 Transithotel 802 Kitchen 237 ~aon:


To : UNRRA Headquarters, Di?trict Nr.l Stuttgart.

Subject: Bi-Monthly .Team Report ..

In accordance with UNRRA Team. Bulletin Nr.15 as revise& we are forwarding you attached the Bi-Monthly Team Report, dated 1 March in quadruplicate .. ~he original of this Report is being submitted to the Displaced Persons Ofricer, 1st Armored Division, to be forwarded by endorsement through military channels to Director, UNRRA H.Q. 7th Army Area.


2000. ~1. 46. ..;.lllaurernh• Buohdruolctrel • Gel1lln&H (lttl&t, B/L Bi- Monthly Team Report , U~'RRA Team 190, dtd. 15 March 1946

1st Indorsement BV/hk 17 I'.'l arch 1946 HQ 1st Armored Division, Field Service Officer Goppingen To : Director 1JNRDA, HQ 7th Apny Area, APO 758 , US Army

1 . Forwarded

Encl. 1

DP Section BRA 2JK 1 VAN.U EVE NJ:E_ Jr Goppingen 2o14 1st Lt FA :Bixten.sion 398 1st Apnored Division Field Service Officer


2 ...,,, 1I arz 1Sl,6

h ,e:

. (' ·•·. - .... ~-... ..-- ., ..... B/L Bi - . onthly Team Report , UNRRA T8 am 190, dtd. 15 March .1946

1st Indorsement BVihk 17 March 1946 HQ 1st Armored Division, Field ~ervice Officer Goppi ngen Toi Director UNR A, HO ?th ApnY Area, APO 758 , US Army

l . Forwarded

a,ncl. 1 DP Section BRADE1 V.AN DE" .~ I'll' ER Jr Go:ppincen 2o14 1st Lt l A Extension 398 1st Apli..ored Division Field cervice fficer . '

. , ' .

) B/ L ~i- onthly Team

st Indorsement V/hk 17 ~arch 1946 H 1st Armored ivision, Field ervice Officer Goppingen To: rector mm., H 7th pn1 Area, APO 758 U ~

· l . L1 orwarded

;ncl. l BR Jr D "ection ls~ Lt ~A Gopp ir. ·en 201L,­ 1st A~or d Di iaion ... :tension 39 ield ~~rv~ce Officer - •a•

UNRRA Bi-i!onthly Team Report

Period: 1.3.46 - 15.3.46.

Team Nr.190 Datet 15.3.46 Director W.Czarneoki Location this centert Geialingen/ . Team Location: Geislingen/ steige steige Army: 7th Army Directions for reaching: Office Tel.: Nr.625 Road Nr.10 south Stuttgart ·Nr.of centers served by this Tel.Exch.& Nre :Geislingen 410 Team: 1 Address of UNRR.l billett Geislingen,Bahnhofatro79 Tel .Nr.567

A. CENTEB ADMINISTRATION: 1. Date Center established: 1 May 1945. Date ~eam arr.penter~ 6 June 1945. 2. Nationality of DP'e in this center: Estonian.a. Total population: 3664, as of date of Report. The capacity of this Camp is exhauatedo 3. Administrative Personnel: ) 4. DP' s outside of this ce,nter:) No change since previous 5. Organization of IlF's: ) Reports. 6. security: No change in organization since previous Reports. ?o Fire Fighting: ) 89 Housingt ) No change since previous Reports. 9. Activities of DP's: )

B. E L F A R E:

1. Regiat ration ) No changes since previous Reports 2. Information ) 3o Personal Counselling: 921 4. services fo·r spe-cial groups: Gro up:: services: Total:· All children 720 Kind er garte·na 352 Primary Gymnasium 321 Secondary School 240 Special die ts Boy & Girl Scouts 179 Boy Scouts 148 Girl Scouts YMCA & YWCA 264 -- . --- - 2 -

Unattached children 14 Residing with friends 0 In supervised homes 14

5. Recreation: (activity during period}:

a) Dances 10 Theatre 5 Cinema, Camp 'Cinema:. t 3 days weekly a 2 performances daily on borrowed 16 mm projector, no films obtained for 35 mm projector Basket ball 2 Volley ball 3 Boxing training, gymnasium b) Bridge, chess,. CA crofts o) Open to all - gymnasium. 6. Religio~: 7. COilllilunioations: ) a. Vital Statistics;) No changes since pr vious Reports 9. Education ) 10. orkshops: )

G. SU J? PLY: 1. see Bi-Monthly Team Report from 16.,2. - 28.2.46. A deficiency of gasoline now specially acute, we used till now german woodburner for ~ood distributiono Trucks from Motor Pool Esslingen and Ulm arriving late and not every day. No requisition for paper for school, office and camp bulletin was approvado 2. Feeding: No special rations for sick people, pregnant women and workers. Fresh vegetable not avail­ able in this Kreis. Potatoes very bad, only half of the received amount can be usedo - 3 -


lo Facilitie : ) Unchanged since previous Report 2o Sanitary Facilities:) 3o Health Conditions: a) During the last two weeks 4 cases have been hospital, ·

ized in Cent r Infirmary and 10 in German Hospital o b) The predominating illnesses among hospital patients are: Common respirat. diseases Diseases of intestines Gynecological diseases SUrgical diseases c) No actual or thre tened epid mies have been in the Cent r. d) DP's are inspected at the admission control Period­ ical sanitary inspections of houses.

The lnspections are made by Medical Of f icer UNRRA assisted by UNRRA Nurse and DP nurseo very satisfactory conditionso e) Daily average number of persons attending sick call: 95. f) The predominating cases are sore throats Bronchi tis Diseases of skin Pregnancy. g) Average num.ber of dental cases treated daily -:: 75 h) Program of health educationi No change since previous Reportso

4. Medical Personnel~ unchanged. UNRRA Bi- [onthl · Team Repor t

Period: 16 02 . 46 - 28 . 2 . 46 .

Team Nr. 190 Date : 28. 2. 46 Director w. czarne cki Lo cation this Center :Geisli ngen/ Team Location: Geislingen/ steige stei ge Army: 7th Ar my Directions for reaching: Offic Tel . : Nr . 625 Road Nr.10 s outh St uttgart Nr . of Centers se r ved by thi Tel . Each.& Nr. :Geisli ngen 410 Team: 1 Addres s of UNR 1?A bi llet: Geisline en ,Bahnhofstr o79 Tel . Nr. 567

Ao CENTER AD !INI STRATI ON: 1 . Date Center establi she: 1 ay 1945. Dae Team arr. center : 6 June 1945 . 2 . Nationality o'f DP 's in this center: Estonians. Total population: 3954, as of date of Repor t . The capacity of this Camp is exhausted . 3 o Adm i ni str ative Per s onnel: ) 4 . DP ' s outside of this Center : ) No change s i nce pr evious 5. Organi zation of DP ' s: ) Repor t s. &xx goi:Ea±xn 6-o s ecurit y: No change in or ganization since pe rvious Re ports 7. Fire Fi ghting: ) 8 . Housing: ) No change s s i nce pr evi ou s Repor t s. g . Ac tiviti e s of DP ' s: )


1 . Regiat r ation ) No changes since previous Reports 2 . I nfo ation ) 3. Personal counselling: 921 4 . Se r vices f or special gr oups : Group: Se r vice s : Total: All chil dren 720 Kinder garten s 352 Pr imar G mnaaium 321 secondar School 240 Special iets Boy & Girl Scouts 1 79 Boy Scouts 1 48 Girl Scb.u ts Y CA &: YWCA 264 - 2 -

Unattached children 14 Residing wi th frien a 0 In supervised homes 14

5. Recreation: (activity during perio ) : a ) Dances 8 Theatre 6 Cinema, Camp Cinema: 3 days ~eekly 2 perfo ance dail Basket ball 2 Volley ball 3 Boxing t r aining, gymnasium b) Bridg e, chess,YMCA crofts c) Open to all - gymnasium. . 6. Religion: ) 1. communications: ) 8 . Vital Statistics: ) io changes since pervious Reports 9. Education. ) 10. wo rkshops: )


1. A deficiency of workshop tools & timber ie han icaping strongly our work projects. The lack of electrica l bul bs make s the school work ne rl impossible.· 2. F ee ding: Special rations were provide only for chi ldren O - 17.

D. ~ALTH1 SAN I TATION & 'D ICAL CARE: 1. Facilities: ) Unchanged since previous Report. 2 . Sanitary Facilities:) 3. Health Conditions: a) During the last two weeks 6 cases have been hospital­ ized in center inf irmary and 9 in German Hospital. b) The predomi. ting illnesses among hospital patients are: Respirator y diseases Diseases of intestines Gyne cological disease s surgical dieseases. - 3 -

c) No actual of thre aten d e pidemics hav been in th center . d ) DP ' s ar inspect d at the admission control. Periodical sanitary in p ction of hou es. The i ns pections are ma b edical Officer UNHRA as lated by UNRRA Nurse an DP Nurs. e ) Daily averag number of p rsons att nding sick call: 80 . f ) The predominati ng case are; Co mmon re s pir a . disease sore·throats Diseases of ski n Pregnancy. g) Average numbe r of dental cases treated daily: 80 b) Prog~am of health education: no change sine previou e ports.

4. edical Personnel: unchanged .

·:,; U.N.R.R.A. - TEAM 190 Teli,phone numbers: GEISLINGEN Adm. Office 625 Camp. Office 933 Garage 274 N'r. ., ·J7.1• • . .J. R./D. Medical Service 934/35 Mess 567 Geislingen, 4 Mar@l\ 19 4 6 Transithotel 802 Kitchen 237 l UNRRA 4 D ISTf.'!CT OFFJCE N o. 1 I 5. Marz ,~"t~WWW ------! 1 hJe: To •. UNRR.A Headquarters, Distr,~·-e-=ti~.-1Hi,..,if,------Stuttgarto I tLccr: 1.

Subject: Bi-Monthly Team Report.

In acc~rdance with UNRRA Team Bulletin Nr.15 as_ revised w~• are forwarding you attahhed the Bi-Monthly Team Report, dated 16 February in quadruplicate. The _original of this Report is being submitted to the Displaced Persons Officer, 1st Armored Division, to be forwarded by endorsement through military channels to Directo,r, UNRRA H.Q. 7th Arr;,,y Area ..


5IOOO. 1. 46. .;.Maureraohe Bu0hdruokerel•Gel11ln&tft (St.Ill, - -.. .

UURRA Bi- Monthly Team Re port Period: l - 15 Febr. 1946.

Team Nr . 190 Date. 15 February 1946 Director w. czarnecki Location tnis Cent er:Geislingel1/' Team location: Geisli n,c:;en/ Stei ge steige Army: 7th Army Directions for reaching: Office ... el . : ~. r . 625 Road nr . 10 sou1hStuttgart Nr.of Centers served by this Tel . Zxch. & Ur . :Geislingen 410 Team: 1 Address of UURI billet: Geislingen, Bahnhofstr. 79 Tel . Nr o567

l o Date cer.l er established: 1 ~a.Y 1945 . Date Team arr. center: 6 Jtme 1945 . 2 . Nationali :,i.. of DI' ' s in this Ce.r .. ter: istonians. _otal population: 3939, as of date of Report. The capaci ·y of this Camp ia exhausted . 3. Adm.inistra ive personnel : ) l o DP 's outside of tnia Center:) .Jo change since previous 5. Organization of DP 's: ) eporta 6. securi y: .ll o change i n org nization sine prcviuL1s Reports 7. :E' · re Fi ghting: ) 8 . Housi 1g: ) I.o changes since previom~ Reports 9 . Ac t i vities of DP ' s: )

B. E L F A R E: special · \ielfare ~e port ir, ill be submi tte f ew a.ays l a ter.

c. UPP LY: l o Par tial supplies have been ob ain d . Still persist a need of wo rkshop tools , elec cal bulbs , cons­ t ructional wood material, and t pewriters . uel woo is awaited o 2 . F e e d i ng: o oupplementary rations for workers, pregnant and lactating omen , sick people . Upecial r ations only for children O - 6 (milk and chocolate), T:BC and ho .s pi talised patients (1½ of normal ration). - 2 -

3 . Transportation: Insufficien supply with gasoline.


1 o Facilities: Unchanged since pr evious Repor t 2 . Sanitary Facilitie :) 3. Heal h conditions. a) During the last two week 4 cases have been hospi­ alized in cen er 1 firmary and 14 c e in Ge r man hospitals. b) The predominating illn oses ong hospi vatients are Diseases of liver, in es ines Gy ecological ise ase , Strgical di ea es. c) No ac -ual or thre atened epidemi cs have been in the Cen tar. d) D • ~are ins ecte t e admission control . Perio ical s itar ins ec ions of houses . The inspec ions arc ade edi al Officer U R

assist d by U .i: R"qA nurse and D nu.r • very satisf, ctory con i tions . e) DailT average numb r of persons atte ing si - C 11: 75. f) The pre ominating ca s re: t3ronc i i i gina Diarrhea Diseases of sk n ?re 1anc • g) verage number of den 1 case tre ted dally~ 60 . h ) Program of health education: no changes since previous fopor s .

4 Medical Personnel: unch ed . .. U.N.R.R.A. TEAM 190

Telephone numbers: GEISLINGEN Adm. Office 625 Camp. Office 933 f~f Garage 274 Nr •••••• ;v.,cz./D. Medical Service 934/35 Mess , 567 Geisl~ngen, 15 February 194.6 Transithotel 802 Kitchen 237 u NR J°{A l ,,__1 · .;,~ r- ,,..-~l 0""'··:r·-r- ,,._T 1 f, · · J ,.,(,,.~ , r ,, -~- J' 0 . I I -~-----,------i-,..: .. ,,: .i

! 1 . -~; :

To ffifRRA . ' Stuttgart.

Subject: Bi-Monthly Team Report.

In accordance with U!m.UA Team Bulletin Nr.15 as revised we are forwarding you at tached the Bi- [onthly Team Report, dated l February 194~ in quadruplicate. The original of this Report is being submitted to the Dis placed Persons Officer, 1st Armored Division, to be forwarded by endorsement tho~)ugh military channels to Director, UNRRA H. Q. 7th Army Area.,


20CK).~1. 46. .;.Me.urersohe Bu;hdruokerel•Gelsllnt•n (Sbl&t, 1 n h1y p rt I ri . 1946.

n/ y r . 625 r rv by thi e : l


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TO THT::. FOLLON I YG :DE?ARTMEN?S Please r eRd , initial, dAte , and p~ss on

to tte next departPe~t 2s scan es possible.

LAS"T1-,;:f)F,F1\P..1TE:Wr- Rl':1URN·-- 'IO' RE:i?CR'rS- 9-~ 3·•------T b.TISrr Ie~ ORDER : DEPARTMENT I NITIAL DATE HOTE ss-o"i~C I t.LLY M'EALTH Wi ·

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?~ rGR~, initial , da~e , 8~d p~ss on C0rpsl~ to the next depertrcnt 2s soon es possible.

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R2c2ived 2.

~_,,, ..) R . ~ . -: -r . H~turned Zone 2. ) Fiald Supervis0r------4 . ) , ~ - ~- . f /i /t./t -·· r- - ~ u A Bi- onthly Te eport 2Lt) 1qo F riod: 16 - ,1 c . 1945·.

Team r . 190. Date: 2 Janu ry 1946. 1rector • arnecki . Location this Center: Tam location: 1 ling n/ G isli , n/Steige. st ige. Army: 7th !:r • Dir ctions tor reaching: Offic Tel. : r . 625 Rod r . lo,south tuttgart r . of c nt rs rved by thi am: l Tel. xch. r . :G islin n 410 Ad re O of UNR A bill t: Gei ling n, B hnhofstr. 79. 'el . r . 567.

A• cent r Administration: 1 . Date cent r e tabli h d: 1 ay 1945 . Date Te arr. cent r: 6 Jun 1945. 2. ationality of D~ •s in thi ccn r: atonians. Tot l population: 3934, of date of Report. Th C pacity oft C pis exhaust d I, nevertheless tonian continue to arriv fro diff r nt places. he Transit Camp 1 overca& ded . 3. ,Admini a) hi DP G nt r is ad nistere by U • b) The u ha no responsibility out id nt r . c) r . reor l on . 10. d) • Voluntary Ag nci operating in oentel°• 4 . o information on DP' living out ide of t.hi Cent r c n b 1ven us thy are not control d by this am. 5. Organization of lJP's. Th inhabitants of this cent r nre r present by the council ot t toni ational Ase bly ent r G isli n lected bf voting. 20 dmini trative ~ ction are controll b the council . I. 6. _ curitl • a) xtern a cu.ri suar : 45 •x stonian police n . b) Th gu rd are not arm d . ,- c) DP offend rs ay b handl d b th Court ot the stonian ational As e bly co itt e or th court o:t local 111 t ry Gover ent. j -.- .... - 2 -

d) DP ' s are confined to Cent r by guards. e) The order in the center is good.

7. Fire Fighting: d quate personn 1 but lack of equipment. s. Housing: DP's are billeted in pri vat houses. 9. The numbe r of DP • s taki ng part i n different activities . is about 2700. A breaJt down- was given in the previous Report.

B. r L F A R E: 1 . mhe registration with Form 1 , 2 , 3 is complete. 2 . An Information Bureau i s in action: u RRA - velfare informati on Bureau

Bull tin· 15 Rayon Offices & AC (3 a eek) It i s U~RRA. • s responsi bi lit y to check bulleti n f or mat ters of poli tical nat ure; t o fur nish news sources (Star & Strip to i nform C pleaders through Information Channels of all important UNRRA n we , directives and camp polio~. 3. Personal counselli ng: .. about 1000 cases re ceived personal consultat ion during period of report. 4. services for special Groups: Group: services Total number: All childre·n Kindergartens 716 Primary gymnasi e condary school spe cial di e ts Theatrical performances Christmas trees Boy & Girl Scouts YMCA -..- .... -

- 3 -

Unattached children 10 esiding with f r iends supervised home pla:w1ed ::for older group Older girls Gymnasium (school ) Gymnasium. (sports) Girl Guides Re creation hall Dances 0 e ~ ing clauses Ha.udicapp d Cl otning 1 ssued 34 eaical attention >lan for employme11t 5 · Recr ation: (activity during period): a Band conQer o l: Da,:... ces 10 Theatre 4 Cinem (local available Basl e!,; ball 4 Volley- ball. 4 Boxing training, mha tics b) nY outside sow.~ ces: ~stonian theatrical group from Augsburg - 2 performances ' c) Bri dg , chess, YkCA crofts d) Open to all - gymnasium ( ~ime arranged) 6 . Re ligion: 5 .cl r&imen, ChU:rch and Sunday School . 7. Conununi cations: Postal cards for USA available. ~. Vital Statistics: , All D births, deaths and marriages are currently made . 9. ~ducati-on: a) The following educattonal facilities are avail able: 3 Kindergartens · 3 5~ children 1 Primary school 314 pupils 1 .GJmnasi um 250 pupils - 4 - b) .Age of pupils: 4 - 20 c) l r . of teachers: 72 d) The educational program is based on the former program of Estonian Schools. e) vocational training -program: Tailor shop, sewing room, carpentry shop. f ) Adult classes:, English courses - about 400 pupils, i·tt endanc at 1>opu.lar University lectures (twice weekly) - about 400 . Dri r school . g) Inade~uan~es in ohool suppli sand equip ent: - xts,• Ma ~s , drawing equipment. h) The teaching personnel i adequate. 10 . Jorkshops. The workshops in oper ation are in need of me chanical equipment and tools. c. SUP :PLY: 1 . a ) 11 items of surplus s11:pply ,,ere d livered to UN A central ~a.rehouse, Kni e lingen. b) A serious deficiency persists in t he following items: :en• s (bi g sizes), wor ker clothing and gloves, maokonaw , , wom~n , tools for workshops, saws, typewriter ribbons.- The Team Office is in_need of two more t ypewriters. ­ The camp orchestra and. schools should be furnished with instruments. 2~ Feedi ng: a ) The average caloric value of daily ration for past two i8ek was 2300, for h avy ·orkers 3000 cal. b) The calorie value is comput d by the easing Officer. c) The food is issued in product . d) Suppl ementary or o oial food it ms are provided to following: Chil-clren: 0 - 18 ~xpe otant mo t hers-: by order of edical Officer nursi ng mother: IJ. II II II Siok . pers ns: II II II " workers and heavy worke rs. e) Complaints about monotonousness and lack of fresh foods. I - ...... - 5 -

3 . tion: a)List o Vehicl s . 1 . ere d s enz 09024 Sai11tary servic 2. illys ~4461 - 1/4 T Jeep ; . ·ierc des 1935 09023 1/2 T Truck 4 . ord on 1140 2 T " 5. " 1097 2 T It m 6. 746 2 .A. " 7 . " 664 2 T " 8. " 538 2 T " 9 . It DP 1518 30 cwt n 10. " DP 1699 2 T " 11. " 2420 2 T " 12. Opel: Blitz 4958 3 T " 13. " " 9025 3 T " 14. te r 7096 ' 2 T n .15. G., .c. 4493 2t T " 16. G• •c . 4072 2 T It 17. Ztindapp 1943 750 com otor- cycle

b} n ition: Out of ord r: Fordson 664 I n bad cone. it· on: ordson 746, .:steyr 7096 , G. · . C. 4072. In good condition: Other trucks. c) Th unavailability of spare parts is be coming a serious pr ble.m .

d} . All vehicles have been regi stered by UNRRA , District Transport Officer •

.. - 6 ...

D. JU Tl 2 s~nT EDICAL CAR : l. Facilities: a):rr. of hoapi tal beds in center: 28 b) tfr . of hospital beds availabl for DP u e in German hospitals: 50 In other hospital: 15 ( ' anatorium Freudental for cases TB) bl)For surgical cases: German hospital. c) No serious .cases are held 1n· center hospitals. d) DP 's in German hospitals are fed eupplementary rations. e) UNRRA edical Personnel supervises care of DP 's in German hospitals. el)X-Ray or Fluoroscope are available . f) Dental - care: 2 DP dentists. _g ) Twice a week special consul atlon hour by a specialist of child_ren dieseases for children and suck babies. I i A tuberculin culture reaction of all children pas been ' made .

2 . Sa.ni tary Facilities: a) 1. --...;...;.~~ ost of the houses inhabited by · stonian DP mod rn b th- ro • T iO st ll.&l b th-roo ill b socn complete

c) No actual -or threatened epidemics have -been i n the Cent r . d) DP •s are inspect d at the admission control. • Periodical sanitary inspections of houses. Th is ction are m de by Medical ·officer U RRA essi t d by-UNRR:A nurs and DP nurs9. V ry satisfactory. e ) Dail avera e number of persona attending sick call: 80 f) ~b predo inating cases are: Bronchitis Angina kzem Dia.rrhoo Pregnancy g) Averag nu ber of dental cases treated daily~ 20 h) rogram of he 1th ucation: Perio ical control-examinations for people with v.D. Go -sick . en will be r ated 1th clas ical treat ment ulfonaihide . - si k women will be isolated into German Hospital and +reated •ith Penicillin. pecial consultation f or: I'Z· - na 1 TD-test Bloo examinations for ~aR

4. · edi cal l!r . u:T . .lA :rr . p Doctor.;; 1 4 Reg. nurses l 7 liurses, aides 3 San. in pectors l 1 Dentists 2 A o h cary 2 Others 4 The -1 no hortag 1 medical person ..el .

w. 81,ektor ------·.. •. \ - - u . ·• , ...... -- 0!$T~it.. r Oi, ., E l':~.1 U.N.R.R.A. TEAM 190 17. Jan. 1946 GEISLINGEN tl,1.in ll ,i, nr. • 4~• •. ■ ,he's,. waz e a; . • Geislingen, l ½ei Jl!!:P:tO:a:'!"f ~ 9 4'. 0 ' -

To District Deputy Dire c tor, UNRRA District Office Nr . l, • Stuttgart •

From Director, UNIL~A Team 190 .

Subject Confinement of DP's.

In reply to your letter of 10 January 1946 we beg to inform you that paragraph 6 (d ) of our Semi-Monthly Report for the period 16 - 31 December 1945 should be "I -DP' s are not confined to center by Guards" . -The· word "not" was omitted by the ty pi st 1 s error which please kindly excuse.

~ (._ ,~ • CZA NEOKI 81relctor, U.N.R.R.A. Team t90 , '

I ;' !. ( I • . :~ ····- .' J/.+4 : v~-~~ (,4, . . . ~RS - He i delber g ( r Sl.i,12

Date ~...;:.....~-·------)ns listed below: t ajs_e_n ---~-Actio'n taken

--, -~------·---I -- -- , ______1 • ---

1 I ------·- I~··--- ~ ·-~-·--I---- . ·- ·- -- ·- ·~- ___, ______.,..... I --- 1 ' _...,..._.______------U Bi- onthly T Report. P riod: l - 15 cemb r 1945. Team Nr. 190 Date: b r 1945 · Dir ctor: . cz rnec i . Loe tion thi cent r: Te location: G 111 en;.,tei G 1 lingen/ tei Directions :for A:rmY : 7th Ar re chi : Roa~ r . 10 uth 111 t ry De t c n t: - Stutt art T 1 . r . 625 Tel. xch. & Nr. : G 1 lingen 410 r . or C nt r erved Addres o:f UNRRA billet: by this Tam: 1 G 1 lingen, ilh l tr. 16 · Tel. Nr. 567

TION: 1 . nter established: 1 y 1945 . Te arr. cent r: 6 . 6 . 45. 2 . N tionali ty of DP' in thi cent r: atoniana. Total population: 3810 a of te of R port. The c pacity of th pis xhaust d . , . Ad inietrative 1: a) Thi DP center is a 1n1 ter d by U A• b) Th u RAT a nor sponsibility outside Cent r . c) r . of U RRA rsonn 1 on Tam: 10 r . of DP ' on U RR T • 18 d) o Voluntary A ncie op r ting in Center. 4. No infor tion on DP' 11 ving out ide of this center can be giv n th are not, control 'd b thi T • 5. Organization of DP' : .. T council of tonian tional a e bly center ( lect d by vott ) Punctionari • Pr Vic aident, ecr tary • : l . Ad th! . council 2 . ,. supplies 4. el nd hating 5. ACCO odation 6.. Labor Office 7 . Building Office a. Infor at.ion q, • ati .PO t" (C p 11 tin) Archive a. - ·- - 2 -

9. due tion and Training~ Kind rg r n Pri ary uChOOl S condary School Popul r University roff aioual Tr 11 ing our a. 10. ecreation port Youth Organization u ic un Th tre Club C f. 11 . ed1c Attention and ~anitary service. Bo rd of dical Attention.

12 9 L g Offic - 13. ork hop 14. Polle 15. Pire - rigc de 16. Rayon Lader 17. court 18. Church 19 • ..: tonian d Cro 2 . P.e istered Organization.

6 . ecuri~: a) compo 1 tion of int rn security gu rd: X toniari police en. , b) xt rnal ecurity guard: 40 tonian poli c n . c) The guard ar not ar ed. d) DF often rs may be handled by the court of tonian tional s embly Co ittee or th court of loc l ilitary Government • • D' ar not confined to center by guards. f . h order in the C nt r is good.

7 . ire igbting: A :tire fighting organization is e tablisb d . Th rao iel.1 1a adequat b t th re is defici ncy of equip ent. - ' - a. Housing: DP's are billet din privat houuea in good condition. A certain nua r of stoves for h ting is till urgently needed. The inimwn floor pace per p raon is 4 aq. tr.

9. The number of DP's taking part in diff rent activitie ia given belo : a) Camp Qllitation and police Police and sanitation control 47 Camp cle ning :nd h ating 10 edical peraonr.e l 15 Str et cleaning in camp 120 192 b) Nee ssw construction Street re pair 10 construction of barracks in town 35 aintenance of hous nnd offices 36 construction of gar ge & baths 20 101 c) ~ducation

Teacher for all schools 128 Pupils £or pri ry chool 300 " " na itltl 300 " .. English courses 200 " " Kindergo.rden 60 " " popular univ rsi ty 400 1388 (per 1 ctur) d) y_ocational trainipg malting 7 Tailor akers 3' -Dancing 20 '' ) Sport and ph.ysical exccrci

Indoor b sk t-b 11, C',YWlaOi 100 scouta and guides 190 290 2004· - 4 - 2004 f) amp m9:AAS2m t c p office u••• R . A. · 24 ational c p off i~e 105 District office 77 evi ion Office 15 Driver and chanics 15 areh.ouae - 5 Hotel 2 243 ) a·rv1n~ proj eta Tailor shop 4 sewing shop 20 repair bop (1 ck of tools) 2 Carp-nter ahDp (lack of tools) 8 .:.oo~ hop 16 6 en 12 r vis! tor 13 ir curity upervieion 1 " quards every house l = 172 Le gal office l Kindergarden 6 R ligioua of ice 7 268 h) Prepar tion of nt i-;rti t and bo r of .. t r- t inm nt 62 Cin 10 72

1) ood cutting ... h lack of to ole and b d ath r hav a it imp ible to e ploy ore n but wood is coming in ell. 96 96

2683 - 5 -

he nu r of or.kere could be incre d it we w re not b ld b ck by the supply of tools , ( ick , and hovel , c r - penter toole , ho ker'e t~ols , swing achi , ,ood cutting t ol ) • 0 t of th"' iOl:l · e hou k p · r a th y p-r re their food and hav th r ponsibility of hou e cl· anne • The camp population is broken down a follo o: n over 14 y ar 1,09 ·o n " " " 1732 Child n 6 to 14 y r 369 under 6 39

~ot 1: 3806

The verage number of wor ing hour 1 around 40 per - week . '

B. .t:. l . ~he reg1 trat1on vith Form DP 1,2,3 is complet . 2 . n Info.rm tion Dureau Jith uba ction i in ction. 3 . 1830 ca ca rec iv d r l c ul tation by the eliare

C 'fice duri11g th t t~o w 1 • ks. 4. p c1al groue: All children 917 nattach d cnildren 36 xpt1ctant ::10th r.J 46 Older 61rls - VJ n 1724 : anciica" t d 42 5. Recre tion; activity duri · riod: ) ~ ce ~h atre - 3 Cin a - reproduction anp ratu in repair. b) Special int rest group pro ra s: 3 ch s clubo 3 bridge club 3 11 ing er. ru port club CA clubs Gymnastics for ev rybody. • __,.,. . .

- 6 -

6 ~ ..:..~.t!~ion: 7 .cha.plains. Services in town church. 7 . '"he giotration of all r births, d aths an arri es 1 .ciade currently. 9. due tional 1 cili tieo: ... a) i .nd rg den, l'rimary chool, condnry cho ol , ublic Hi h tchool . b) ilwnber of children enrolled in c~ool: 700. ": 3 - 20. c) Vocational ITlrc. ining: G wing, carpcnt ry, drivers courses, f!nglish courses. c. LY-. l a) 11 it ms of surplu supply citeQ in th pr viou r·port ~e been· transferred to u. ~ A Ventral .• arehou..;,e , knieli , n. b) oerious defic1 ncy p ' .siuts till in shoes for .... n and children, e: oui t~ v.nd .

2 . 1- e ding a) Th · average caloric value of daily ration for pat two week wao 230 , for 1orkcrs 3000 c 1 . b) ~h'~ c~loric value is computed b the esuing Officer, r . J • •• . lligho.ore. ,. Tran ortntion:

ble Vehicl s:

1 . .erced 1litary Government 2 . ere des II fl :, . Ford " " 4 . Ford " " It -5 . !!ans tf " " 6. Auto-Union " " " 7. ercedes II " II a. J P Je P . RA arlsru.b,e 9. ercedes t . Delivers van "111 t ary Go rnmen t - 7 -

10. • • • :.cruck UB A K rlsruh• 11. ord on 2420 It It " 12. " 1699 fl " 13 . fl 1518 It " " 14. 1140 II " ,. II 15. " 1097 " ,. 16 746 " " In ry po r n con•. t1on, eni ine use 17. 538 fl " ft 18. 0 l · 11 tz ; ton II 111tary Government 19 . ft " 11 " " 20. st yr " " 21 . ord on 6 4 . II UIDlR Karleruh C not be r aired 22 . uiln app 1943 lotorcycle_ 111tary Gov rn nt

D. . j!EALTH, 1 . a) r . of hospi tul beds in center: 28 b) • r . ot ho r.>i tul ~ada available for ; u. e in ho it· 1: 5 ix otb r o pi tc.lG: 15 (..' ud ntal •anatoriwn) . c) or urg1cal ·ca e 1 ~ r. n ho pital. d) cerious ca a ar not }eld in cent rho . pit ls. ) .i:' a in Ger.nan ho~pi tals are t d aupplementary rations su:t icient t provid adequate nouri ent. f) UNRR ied.ical t-ersoru el auporvi care of D a in rier, an hospi ta.la. g) - R or Fluoro cope is vail ble to center for TB xamination d t sting of • h) Dental c r 1~ vailabl; ourc: 2 D d ntist . 1) '2wice eek special consultation hour for children and sick babi s by a ... ci..tli t ot childr n is ases. k) Ambulance servic is uv ilnbl !or trsnsport ot ick to hospi t 1 . I

- 8 -

-2 . ani tar;l Facili ti . ) Bathing: oat of the houses inhabit d by tonian DP have od rn bath- rooms. Two t bath- roo will be oon co pleted. b) :· In every house ar modern and ble washing f cilitie • c) ash roo a: In every appartment. d) Local barber shops ·of G r an • e) oilets in very appart ent, 1th ter flush. fl Garb e di po al: of th ton, atiafactory. g) ater supply of the ton in all bui~dings. - . o shortage in medical equip ent and uppli s .

,. H alth Condition :

a) During the la t two k 14 C oe hav b en - hospital! e in cent r infir ary and 25 ca es in ran hoapit la. b) Thepr do inati illn es among hospital pati nts are: eumop thi Influ nza - co on diarrhoea Sur i al and· other di a . c) o actual or threatened epide cs have be n in the center. d) DPs ar in cted at the d s ion control. - P riodical anit ry in pectiona of hou s . The in pections ar ade by edic Officer U RRA a 1 ted by U A nur e and DP nur • e) an1 tary co 1 tion ·of groun:<1s and building is very~ ati factory . f) Daily averag numb r of per on att nding sick call: 85 : g) The predominating case are: onchi tie Angina z Diarrboe Pr nancy I

·, 9 -

h) A _rage n b r ·or ·d ntal ca treated daily: 15 ... 1) rogr ot he 1th education: Perio ical control- x inations to~ eople 1th v.D. ~ • co - sick en ill tre t d 1th classic 1 tr at nt aulfon id •

Go- ick women 111 be isolated into Ger an Ho pital and tre t d 1th Penicillin.

· cial con ult tion tor: - t T - t ets Blood ex inationa tor aR

4. edical Per ' r . tJ RRA r . DF Doctor 1 4 R g . nur e l 7 Bur e , aides 3 an. inspectors 2 Denti ts 2 Apothecary 2 • 0th rs 4

There is no ahorta in edical p r on 1 .

iii' U . RA.T R


h d: LMay 1 945 t

2. List ajor n tional ty ,roups in C nt r ~ number ot e ch: tionali;tY umber 1 . -- Estonians - - 3778 2. ; . -- -- .,.. _____ .. ___ ... 4. -- , · ot 1 popul tion: 3778 of date of C mp C p city: eAusted " " Report ,. .;; whom 1.;) t ered: - r y:---- ·•- yes (b) If r y Offic r tank T. irrtary D tachment (o) specify:• :L'e ______have respon ibility out ide C nt r: no_

(d) ir. o UNl~A er•on el o T : 10 Nr . of DP on. ·e am: ---r-s----- ♦ (e) Voluntarx ,&genci~s op ratlns in none ' 2 • ea o:r .A.gene! • r of lnalvldu ls , per M ncy -... •. -- -

(f) Chief Liaison oervinf'l,.;C nter: ■ R ...!!!! ______R.,.ank.....,.;-. ____..... N...... ,.!l ... o... r@...... 1 .....tt.._ __

( ) umber of other Li ion Officer: 'ationallty · Pull rime - 2 - 4 . Infor ation on DP living out ide of your camp but in your _ are . 1 . r th r any DPs in your e ho are not bil t din ca dir ctly under your control?~----.---- 2. If "Y s" fill in the follo ing Nationality All DP ' s are living in the local ssem­ -- bly ~e~t9r controled -- by our Team ren -- Nationality Estoni ans Bel lan -- -- ~ch0 l V -- cha -- er -- TO L , . no you con ider th ir living con !tion ati factory? Yea ____ ? ____

4. a rvfce do your nder the e peopl ?Ye 0 a . upply th m 1th food & clothing --...... - -- b. Provide dical facilitie / c. conduct anitary in pection d. Police function -7'.-- • ecreations J t . Educ t i on / 5. e hatev r re ka you d p .1.~tin nt to oonvey brief picture of th situ tion:

5. Org nizaUon ot D • : (a) A brief t te ent of organiz tional structure ba national groups; and ad ini trative function th reof. ot ·and describ any int rna.tional co ittee plan of org iz t1on and functionin . see appendix Nr .. l

(b) Ro t and by ho t ar Pl d r s lected:

(c) co ent on fficiency & co- operation of DP organization and led r: excellent - . - :, .. (d) Comment on gen ral ttitudes of _DPs d note jor co - plaints and/or reque t , if any, e ithin th past two \ w ek. Deficiency of stoves, certain items of clo thing {, shoes).

6 . securiti; • ~a) ~ht is source /or nationalitf compo ition of intern 1 - s curity guard: ex estonian poli cemen (b) ~, hat is ourc of xternal security guard: 40 estonian police, men ( c) Are guard a rm d? xt rnal: no Internal: no (d) hat 1s machin ry for handling DP offender: ---- court of local Milit&r' Government and c-a~m~p-co-u_r_t__ _

(e) Ia there a national •court• yotem• for minor offender: yes (f) Are DPs confined to center by guardo _n_o______(g) Average No, of pa ue given rd y: ______(h) specify nny apscial probl s concerning DP confinement or circulation:------(1) I ord r in camp Good: ____Fair: ____ Poor: _____ ( j) hat are the major security proble a: mi nor bl a ck market offences

7. Pire ighti§: (a) I there a fir fighting organizati on in the Oont r: yes (al) Ia personnel and equipment adequate: Ye ______o If no explain personnel is a~e~u_a_t~e-- . but no eguipment (a2) quip~ent; water ( a '3) .,Jon-c nter(------..------Germ.an) fir -fighting resourcos: local f i remen ------

e. Hous1¥: (a) etspecify te of typesrepair: of ______-buildings utilized an co, cnt_ ____on eneral_ semi detached villas i n good cond i t ion

( b) What improve enta or re pairs are in proce s : ______general upkee

( c) h t type a of ad 1 tional rep ira an d improve nt r ne ded:· stoves for heati ng - 4 - - ---· (d), 1 ctricity: Y s - o~--• G S V Ieating. thOd a quate: Y 0 (e) ht ie c pacity of livi qu t on ----b 1 of 30 sq. ft. pr pr on with double deck b d , an 36 aq. ft. p r pr on ·i th single d ck b d : 3700 ( f) How many per on leep ------~: Dou.ble d ck b d : - 1 le deck b d 3e30D othe: types ( ak a if~t-e... )::::::::::: (g) How any aingle bed ar occupi db~ mor than l per on: Adult : 200 Childr n ult : 31 Ohildr n: 1 9 (h) How many p rson leep 1n roo providing----.le than:--- - - 1) 36 q. ft. of floor pc pr per on in 31.tl{").e deck bed:__ n_o_ne _ _. ___ 2) 30 q. ft. of floor r per on !n doubled ck b ( 1) • o. or p r on ·i .thout b d : 400 hat l ep1ng fac111t1 bedding roll, but we V': ill rece i ve the ne ceesary beds next week

( j) A,re faailie arried couple qu rtered (1) D crib w· · t , if y , arrange nts for marrie couples, fa 111 a lone o Peo.ple of one family ~re 13uartered

(2) re billet of 1 le p rsons gregat d by x:.xes 9.

No . of pr on e ploy d daily 500 Cent r Out ide Center ...!.!! ~-----"l-...... '~ tal ....!!! l 200 150 350 130 20 ( b) 1 . otal Ho . ot DPs at regula r job 1n center, and Administrationc 350 2 . o . 1 k in. Profe-s-_a... 1-on-al_j ... 0"""6r-s-: -r""5..,.o-- 3 . " "skilled or mi- skilled jo~: 100 • 4• " " u.n kill d job 100 ------(c) hat comp nation , inc ntive, or privil ge ar given to DP orkers: Eay - addi tional rations - ciearettes

10. Property .15hto ( ) Have all. mis b n inform th t th y may clai to..,,r w es, property, b . ccounta etc. : yes 6b) Hav e:n.y clai b n d: no ------ow any: ------Aga t hom: Estonians claim very seldom - 5- - ( 3) .ow m-v tb. e c b n di po d of? through B~rgerme iste~ ------

co pl te with Form D l . 2. 3z_Y~.·-e_s ___ a on:------2 . Information, (a) 4as n !nfor tion ur u been oot bli d ies (b) D scrib ore niz 'bion of Inform tion Bure u , howing what divioion of r spon ibility expi t et nu A, Li ison Officer , and DP lead rs: one i nformation office i n every sector of our Camp, one legal off ice

(cl) Does th c nt r e a public ddr : yes ( c2) .1 ne/f p per: __y_e_s ______(c3) ulletin ard: yes (c4) 0th rd vie (specify):------weekl y meeting between UNRRA and national co mm ittee

:5 . ,P rsonal coun e~l 1~ : (a) Ho many received per onal con ultation by a lfare offic r th pa t t-wo ks: ------1520 ot 1 > s in thi cate£,.or_y All childr n 823 unattach d c.hild en xpectant moth rs 16 Older g1r s & wo en 1660 Handicapped 40 Other groups (specify)

• .. 6 -

. r . of p rfo c C during period

Band cone rts 3 Dane girls t•:;ice a week, others once a week 20% The tre l Cineoa film not avai lable Footb 11 Other ( p city) I b) h t progro.m er giv n duri period by outsid ourcea

(c) peci linter st group programs in Center, ams•• 1 . e . hobby, clubs, er ft, tc. : 3 chess clubs, 3 bridge clubs , 3 singing chorus, sport club.

(d) In which ea e , if any, 1 c ive particip tion ncou- rag ctu lly open o all . lo uch 1 ctiv parti- cipation limit d to national group ? . sport, chess , bridge , singi ng ch~or~u-, s--

(e) Is th re a phy ical due tion p~~gr , or drilling: yes ' ' - (el) Compul ory to vhich groups 1 scouts 6- 20 years (e2) Avail ble to ht other group: gymnastics for everybody (f) .umber of r creation or co on rov 3 J ber ot radios 4 1 many private ra=--a:Jl!,..1."""6,.~------

6. elit~ion: ( ) ,hat faciliti s nd cl rgy ar vail bl for religion ervice: 7 chaplains - a church in t own

( 1) Ai> they dequat ? I! not, what 1 need d: ------1. rds available for ~oliah, C2och e. or 1 DP vi tl : yes yes ( b) hOm re iut d: chaplai ns and Btirgermeister (c) If 110t registered, explain: ------' - 7 - ree.k do n all ection by riat1onal1 ty group ) or inatructional l v l ~ pro i e Erimary school, public hivh school

(, b ) th ruin age usu.al maxim age for chool progr i d d: 20 inimum: . 3 ..1aximum: (b ) ow y f th ------child?' n theso ag ar nrolled in chool:- .;;;..,;.,___,,.;;._.all 70C______(b3) If not all, xpl in: ______

(c) ~ ma.fl¥ t acn rs for 60

(d) hat subject t ue t: List. all subjects con~aining the program of Estonian Public ------School before the war (e) Vhat extra-curricular act1vit1 ·------.

(f) ,hat voe ·t on l tz, i i program 1 there: sewing, carpentery, i~prepara~ion ~raining of drivers and engl . · course c (g) Arc any adult cla aee given? If ye , list courses with enrol nts: ------

(h0 J;re school material , ou 11 and quip ent ao.equat : n o If no, pecify major inadequacies: ~cnool books,rooms - (1) Is te ch.ing P' 01 la .. uat? .1.f no, sp ci:fy, : yes

mergency or _r.work1pg regularlz occasional orker

50 in project , 24

( b) m·iat · wo hop project. now in operation o t n ct xpansive garage , cobbler - (bl) ,,hat i - n . ded to f acili t te xp nsionz tool s ., 1) car foT driving- lessons .. e - - -·· {c) hat a ditio pr j C n de in• the C nter: films for movi e , books , newspapers ---- ( cl) 'tat _1 in ord ow roj eta:------~--~-~---~------~~~-~~------~~-----~------c. 1. () · cify below, in th appropri t ce y it ms in hie yo~ hn.v urplu. upply; ficient suplly, d s riou~ly ficicnt ~up~ly. X pl e ' it 10 u V urpl s m n•a pants, ent r • n' p nu' in th up r 1 tt see appendix Nr .. 2

Cl~thi~ enity Other uppli ( spe city)



D fi­ clency

rious fie?l- ·­ cl ncy

==--======-- --===-===-======-==- -======~=-======(b) 'r ny ha.n e n du.rin t ' pecify ty

2. ge c loric v lu ot d ily r tion 1 2 0300) workers . , ...... ,_.._ of d~ily figure for p t two we ) 3000 (b) ho co puts caloric lu « J~iqHi ghrnore, · Messing Officer - ·-· - 9 - (c) Giv bri f desription of typic 1 ration at ach eal a r ­ VGd (or write variable if no ~nerali~ation oan b m de) (If r.ieals are not th 3 -specified, write in actual mt:al ti es) . Bre kfast: Bread? la.,ra z c of f ~e., ITI,i lk, . suea,; :oon eal: meat, s ouP,., -potatoe s sup .er: cprne d beef , bi s cu its ( d) Are fresh foods regul r l y availa bl : yes ( ) hat supplem ntary or sp cial foo it ~ re provid d to fol loiing. (If non , vrite 'Nono • ) . Incas of ick note only special foods ~ wh ther or not given on ba is of doc- tor •· reco -1 a ati.on. Childr n : ~=6 sugar, o~t meal , butter, mi lk u6 xpectant- 14 ---~------mothers: tgctorB 1 Reco,mmendgtion," Nuro;>ing ot er : 11 " Sick: s~A ci aJ - f'ooa orker~: . 3000 Ka l ~;r;:j ~ s • Othor groups {specl?yj: ( f ) Ar_ complaints about food------Uo I f an wer is e.tri ati ve, -•-""!'t- f """r_e_q_u-en_ t_t_y __p_e_ o•f-, - or reason for, complaint :

(g) Docs the center lllV8 in continual storage an erg ncy food upply: • y;es _ For no many d ya: __1_0 ______

'(h) a . Kitchen 2 steam 3 . 200 1 t veri iood ...n_um....,.b"'!"c--r- type capacity cor1d1. t on 1 gas no+, ':lO' r l:i ng e; ood 1 ( ) .ange s. nuci 6er· - type ·- -capaci t-~- - cone I tion·· {2) soup kettles 17 steam 1 500 1 t very good nnnbtJr type _c_a_p_c_I_t~i'9- condition (3) -~1 c llaneous larfi equipment: 5 wo od bur ning s oup ke tt­ l es b . ~eao facili tic - type of dining hall 2 equip on ______d i hes n on e ai lv_r_w_ar___ n"""' o"""n_e__ other------, . rarun portut1on.: (a) , vail ble whiclca (all types) COndi tion

see appendi x Nr ~3 - 10 -- (b) r curr nt trucking f cilit1e quat to et n ed of C nt r: · no· If no , ------et.c.t hat is r quir :_ 2 trucks required - { c} I"" our ga olcne upply dequ t .• yes If no , explain:

I • local civi i an (d} " t vehicle r pair faciliti w.·e availabl • ( } I u.navail bility of •par part not a i;roble : ______) minor >rol 1 ni: ) chock on erious rob m: ------)

1 . ...,...... ,.....,...... ;_F cili tie : ( ) ~r. o hospital d in .. lt r: 28 (b) r . of " ,· " a ilabl for------lJ use: in G r an ho pit s: ..-5_o___ _ oth rho pit : 15(~reudentai Sanatorium) (bl) ·,hat f cilitie are tter for sureical cas : German hospital (c2)I(cl)AN yeos rious, explain: ca es ______r.ver held in nter ho pitals:_n_o__ _ _ (d) Jr DP in Ge an ho pit 1 fed suppl at ry r-tio~ su.ff1c1ent to provide adequat nour1 hm nt? yes If no , explain: ______~ ------

(e) Doe Ul • ~A ··edical .·eraonn 1 aupervi in r . " n ho a ital : Yes (el) Is , -Hay or :Fluoro------cop · vail ble to center for exa::ii- nation an ci te ting of D s:_Y_e_s______

(e2)~1 t p-rcentag of DPs ha n o tented: (f) I en'tal c· av...,,ilabl : yes ------..,our ce: 2 DP den ti st s --!!_ ...... _n~t_o_n_ad__ e_q_u_a_c_y_::::::::_-_

( g) ------4------·-ve se ar t child h.Ccllth cl nics be n 3t bl he

( ) andSpec supplieify if : ______ere are , serious short~ e3 in ~edical quipm _ nt

(c) ~Psuppl cify if: ______ttcre r any surplusen in meaical _

3. neal tr. uon · i tio.ns: ( ) urine th 1 st t ~o · -~.its how m ny cas s hav b n honpi• ta.11.z in: - 1. ce.t1t r 1nf1r , ry. 16 2 . ot r hO pit : 18 (b) ~hat a ?"e the p do 1nat1n 11lnes amon ho pital pati en a ------Pneumopathies,not activ TB, su!gical & other deseases ·- ( c) I ave th b , actu 1 o th.re t n d pid c in th een­ tor reoontly. Tf yos xpl in givin date, xt .nt an con- clu ion and action tak n o Jl'Ovant currence :------no

(d) ow :frequently .nit ry 1.n pection e: at the adm i ssion control. Periodical sanitary inspections of hoases . - 12 .. (1 ) B:/ ,. hot:1: nurs e and DP nurs e. (2) . t ~t 1 ur., con buil 11 : ? very satisfac~_j;~o. r~xr-----

(e) at d

(21 co t 10 iou. i y s (3) cs yes i./ - ----... B _____ ---.1-0__ _ 'es ~o ...... - ---•--"" ----- (f) u.ll ' cl i . c) UV r - - 80

(ll} c ibe rny po r, of heal.. d c ton no 1.1"" oar ied cu: (T • .• , re-n~ ,ul c . Period ica l con trol exami nations for peo.ple with V .. D Go-s ick me n will be trea ted with classi- c al ·tr eat rnen t, Su l fonami des . Go-sick women wil be isola ted i n t o Ge r man Ho spi t a l s & t r eated wi th Peni cillin . Spe cia l Con sul ta­ ti on f or Pre- nat a l , TB-te sts, Blood examina tion f or WaR.

4 . 1: ( ) tu of 1 dio l roon lt r an ors Doctors 1 4 l 1 7 oth r aides 3

2 2 DP Ap othe c aries 2 4

(b) o any ... riou ho t C i l, tned.LC l ..el exiat . o p cif .• ( c) oul y of t . ic l er on 1 b :_ X lain, if ye : Orgenis t ion of D!' 1 eo

e bl y Cemmittee, • Selected by voting Head, stollian N tion 1

• Co ittee) Seo i<>n • Coo trol db E •~ • 1. ini tr tion 2. Infor tion. uel -,. • I \ I 4o ·. eo o . io 1 ,, rt; Sp rt I 5. e th• \ ! 6. duo tion 7. upply \ ill ting . . '\ • '\ /, :Building /1 9. ~ 1 l I 10• g 1 ,,:·I! / 11 ,, E ploym nt / 12• or op 13• F ding 14• Polioe - .. . . APPENDIX Kre 2

Ao ,Def icient Item. (~ mporar y mi nimam numbe r required et once)

Articles i Uniti Req · • . r ticles: Unit: Re g o : Glot hinQ:. Ri ngs e 12 Overcoats ale a 200 Nee dles ea 2992 a l e eo 200 Paint Po,;der Lbs 24 Cotton t hread roll s 808 Layette ea 60 Ra2jor bledes 4624 Shaving ureem 2496 Sho s men ' s:° Hair pine ea 1552 ·_Size 42 pairs 2o 1 o Lotion ' 1 t Postal Cards, St amps 2695 " 43 3o Ci g r ettes e a 52.440 \ " 44 .. '3 0 Tobacco OB 11 15 732 atohes boxes 2.622 " 45 " 20 S ee t s oz . 29 .. 532 otal pai r 100 Candles e:ia 1 . 0 00 Toilet Rolls ea 1 oOOO Vitam.in Tablets :boxes 200 xatives boxes 200 pairs 1 00 .. Coqipr · s s ea 200 . 15o D,,Di>T « powder no quantity

Wal l ts f'abrieo1d ee, 6 .,000 ---._....-.~------~----Brilliantine phials 5 o OOO Q Skin or eam j ars 1 . 000 Knitting . ool Sha:ving Lotion ·phials 1.320 Combs pocket iz ea 3.568 Ameni ty SupI?lie · --Talc um powder b oxel!!I 8 o'o Pl aying o r~ p8Ck 72 Paprika l be . 1o4 Ord Pin pakts 24 Shampoo phi als 82'3 Safety Pi ne ea 376 L ies c cmbs ea 48 '!able Tenni e t 2 Shaving creBm t ubes 200 Chalk gross 2 Spoons and fork ea 1a5 12 nr au ht d e 4 ssorted ilvervrare ea Bo Domi nos · .ts ,atch tra.p ea 1.800 ffrasers fl 144 ir tonio phial 1 . 880 et al r uler a 48' ~ntal cleaning Combs e 104 oak 2.480 Tooth bru h 8 8 Bo ~ood working and Tie-on- t a e .· 2880 machi ne t(')ols Ho s peoified quantity Pencils 136 Shaving bruehes e a 8 0 P'. i nt ·bru he 4o Osyl Desi nfeotant 8 ace po d :r 3o4 polish ea 88 St ationary · ea 152 . riting pade 24 I ig S puz.z le , Pocket ches t 1 Clas p kni v s e 24 ool, mending oz • • 1o4 But t ons gr o s 16 nti fr oe ea 8 non ea: . ea 1 pg bocrdo e 1 APPE ND IX Nro2.

-A. Deficient Items. {Temporary minimum numbe r requ_ired at once).

Tools and mat eri al f or the taylor' s shop:

Article Unit Req . 1 . sewi, machine ea 8 2 . Iron flat iron) " ,. easuring tape " 6 4. Scissors ti '6 5. Anglo {for taylors) " 2 6. blocks ti ,, Tools and materials for the shoe - make r s shop:' Article Unit 1 . La ts Nr.24-46 and 41- 43(10 heel) 2 . " Nr. 35- 41 " 37-40{high heel) 3. Mend ing machine"'ith foot drive ea l 4 • . Shoem~ing machine 11 :r., inks arm" " - 1 5. Leather sewing machine "Rechtsarai"" . l 6. Shoemaker' s knives ti 10 7. Owl stright t1 50 a. " curved fl 40 9. Owlshandles " 30 10. Shoemake rs hammers " 10 11 . Ordinary hammers 11 10 12. Heavy hammers " l 13. Rasps, finer and rougher fl 10 14. Files " 15. saw files ti 5 16. Shoemakers tongs {for nails) " 10' 17. Ordinary tongs " 5 18. Sand paper Nr.2 10 shee ts) " " Nr .3 20 " ) 40 " " Nr . 4 10 " ) 19. Eme ry grind stone ea 5 20. Grind· ston - fine " 5 21 . Glue for le ther tube 20 22 . Dextrin kg 5 23 . Rubber glue " 5 24. Acetone " 2 25 . Benzol - t1 2 26. Shoe nails {wooden) Nr .16 . 2 kg) " t1 " Nr.17 2 t1) t1 " t1 Nr.18 2" ) 6 27 . sewing cord " 3 28. a0 hai.r ds st• l a 100 b) t1 hog kg 0 ,1 29 . Shoemakers nails tex: Nr.1O " l ) 1¢• Nr .12 " 2 ) Nr. 14 .. Nr.16 ti ~ ~ . . .. - 2 - Shoemakers nails Nr.18 1.0 - Nr.20 Nr.22 30 ail for heels variou i z e II 5 31. Shoemakers nails for fastening leather "Swiek" a 1000 32 • Wax kg 1 33 • Pitch It 1 34. Sho brushe 11 · 4 :,5. Block for top boQts pair 1 3 6. Painters brushes ea 8 37. Cold leather paint - brown kg 2 " " " black " 2 38. Cleaning wax , brown 1 ") black 1 " ) 2 X 1 black 1 I 39 . Frazer ma t.hine 1 40 . Cleaning wax for Fraz r brown 1 black 2 3 41. Press f or s oles "Aagu" for 2 pairs of shoes ea 1 420 Glu for sole press ".Agu" kg 10

Tools for th carpent hop. 1 . PI ing stand for hand planing ea 2 (join rs bench) Plans long size " 3 Planes hort siz " 3 Grooving planes " 2 Carpente rs saws " 2 £kxa~:axi:3x " Carp nt r saws with narrow blad s 6 Chisels 25 mm 11 2 20 mm It l 15 mm It 3 10 mm II 2 5 mm " 3 a. Drills 5 - 25 mm " 10 9. Drills handl n 3 10. Fil s and ra ps 12" - 1811 " 3 11. Angl s " 4 12. Rule " 8 13. Hand crewpre s s It 8 140 Pot for co oki ng glue n 2 15. Gr indston round (hand driven) It l 16. " small si z " 2 17. Axes " 1 18. Comb i ned carpenter' s machin or corr spending iiple machi- nes II -- ·- A P P E N D I X r . 2.:,_

B. surplus It ms . (Due to not appropri ted s i zes, worn or oth r causes) .

Article Unit Reg .

1 . comfor t ers a 100 2 . Quilt- ca es,blue It 299 3 . illow-case, blue " 193 4 . Ap~ons (m dical) " 50 5. Ov rcoat (g rman ! n · 30 6. ,wool-male (civil . · tt 200 ti 7. t II " (mili t . 100 8 . Co ts ( r~an unif. )n s " 146 9. 11 (germen unif. )used tt 500 10. Heavy work-clothes It 100 : 1. (cotton) u sed " 111 12 . Under hirts (war ) male " 800 13. Overcoats - fem " 600 14 . Dress s , wool - f ale - n 175 15. Dresso , cotton• female " 1000 16. kirt, blu c tt n " 500 17. Dr s e -cotton - children " 316 1e. Pult"-ove r - chil r en " 400 19. oots, le t her- c.ale , us d plir 1 56 20. Shoes , canva - femal " 800 21 . " leaht r - f mal tt 150 22 . Thread rolls 500 23. Canva bls 10 24 • ... at rial for sh.,ets, white " 4 25 • · " 11 b -linnen " 7 26. " " heets , yellow " 12 ·. 27 . Plain cott on , white - narrow " 171 28. " " " - broad " 70 29 . " y llow " 7 30. "aterial f .t ble-cloth (unbl • ) " 4 31. >ail-cloth {khaki) " 70 32 . Blue broad-cloth (cotton) " 7 33. at. f . dress- hirt·(cott.on)gr. " 10 34. :rat.f. ress-(wash. silk)green " 3 35 . :at. f . dr as- ( cotton) " 8 36. 'tat . f . night owns - cotton " 15 37 • . a t . f . dress cotton (red) " 10 38. Ma.t . f . dr c:-,aes co tton(blue) " 10 39 • •"a t .• f . cotton (black) " 3 40. at. f . dresses cotton !brown) ti 2 41 . at . f . dreso cotton dott ed) " 5 42. ~at. f . dre sse cotton check) t1 2 43 . at.f, dresses cotton (green) " 9 44. V lvet " 2 45. ·at. f . dresaes,wool,fem. cherry-brown" 22 46. Silk, artificial - blact " 5 47. at. f . dress - fem . silk " 10 48. Lining-cotton - black " 2 49. Lining - rayon - gray " 3 50. Lining - rgyon - bege " 6· 51 . Curtai ns - cotton " 5 52 • Cu.rt ains - rgyon " 3 53 . Oil- cloth " 2 A p p e n d 1 x - Nr.3

List of vehicles.

M a ,k e: TY Ee:- 1. Mercedes Passanger Car. 2. Ford " " It 3 . Ford ft It 4 . :Mercede ") edical service 5. Auto-Union It II ) 6. Han a It II 1. ,ercedes " " a. erced: ' Truck 3/4 To 9. Wil ya Jeep .10. Ford on Truck 2 To 11. Ford on II " II II II 12. Fordso II II 13. Fordson II " It 14. Ford on II " 15 . Ford on 30 cwt. 16. Opel Blitz I Truck 3 To It 17. Opel Blitz II It " 18. steyr Truck 2 To 19. G• • c .. Cargo 2½ To 20. ZUndapp [otorcycle U.N.R.R.A. - TEAM 190 '\ GEISLINGEN

Nr .- o 4.J .j! . .W. Cz ./D. Geislingen, 5 December, 1945.

SUbject : :Bi - monthly Team Report.

Through : Commanding Officer, ilitary Government, Goppingen, APO 758.

T_o : Director UNRRA HQ., Western }4'111 tary District, . .APO 758, U.S • .A;rmy.

Transmitted herewith is a Team Report for the period 16.11.45 to 30.11.,45 to be forwarded by endorsement through military channels to Director, UNRRA H.Q. western [ilitary District, as requir~d by UNRitA Team Bulletin Nr.15 as revised, and SRAEF Administrative Memorandum Nr.39.

/hk Hq . 1st Mi l Govt Bn (Sep), Det G - 25, Goppingen 8.December 45 Subject : Report on DP 's 1s t Indorsement UNRRA Team 190, Gei slingen, Camp No. 615 To: Of fice,.,of Mil Govt Baden/Wurttemberg, Stuttgart, APO 758 u.s.A.rmy

Forwarded. ~~ IJ/_~ t el Goppingen Francis J ~ BOBLA.K extension 3o7 2nd L t. ' AUS DP Officer _. --- U.N.R.R.A. TEAM 190 GEISLINGEN

r • • --t.J;.' ..• z ./D. Geislin~n, 5 D oember, 1945.


\ SU.bje ct: Bi - onthly port.


0 • Di r ctor U IQ . , at rn ilit r'J' l>iatric t , 75 • u. • my • '

r Tran lo! p riod ~hrough ?!r . 39.

/hlt Hq. 1st il Gov t Bn (Sep), D t G - 25 , Gvppin en 8. D ce ber 45 u Jeot, epor t on DP ' s l t Indorsem t 190 , Gei ~- - en, C o . 615 of Lil Govt B d.en/ Urttemberg, c tuttg t , n 758 u. r-o .

or arded. \ ~ t el G"pp1n en . OB.LAK extension 3o7 s Officer

. ' UNRRA TE REPO T TEAM NR : 190 DATE: 1 December 1945 · DI RECTOR: 0zarne ck i , U> OATiON THIS T AM LO CATION : Ueis] ine;en)St. CENTER: Geislingeh/S1;eigl, Direct ions f or A Y: 7th Army reach i ng Road Nr .10 Sou th Stu ttBarMILI T.ARY DE- Tel . Exoh'. & r.: Geislingen 410 . TACHMENT: · ADDRESS OF UNRRA BI LLET:GeislinP,enTEL . NR : 6-2-~------TEL . NR . : 567 WilhelmstrNR. OF CE ERS 16 SERVED BY THIS TE : l ------A• CENTER ADMINISTRATI O : ' 1. Date center establi h d: 1 May 1945Dat Team arr oCent er:~.45 2. List major nation lity group inc nt r numbers of each : NationaliWL, Number __ Estonians -- 3778 __ ..,______

~ot l popul tio : 3778 of d te of Camp Capacity: ex1.usted " " R 9ort ,., Administrati ve Peru nnel: (a) By whom 1 Oen er d ini~ t~red: . Army:__ _ _ : yes ( b) If Army Of_ icer giv :.....,,.,.. _ _ : ___: Ranli --1•1•1-t_a_r_y_D_e_t_a_c_hm_ent

{ c) DoIf yess UNRHA, sp Tcify: am ______have outside C nter : no_

(d ) r . of UNRRA P r Team : _ 1_0 ______r . of DPs on u. 18 (e ) Voluntary Ag nci s operati ng in center:

Y~ber of individuel - p r agenoy

(f) ison Offic r servi ng cente~: ~------R_aiilt______,_I_t =--t_l_o_@=_! ....ft-. _ _

( g ) umb er of oth r Liai son Officers :

Na~I onality Full Ti m Par t Ti m --- .... - 2 - 4o Information on DPs living outside of your camps but i n your area . . l Are there any DPs i n your area who al"& not bill eted in camps directly under your control? j"fr"s___ ....,.. No__ _ 2. If "Yes" f ill i n the following chart: Nationalitz Numbe r All DP's are living Russian in the local Assem- Polish -- bly Center contra-· !tali n Team French -- led by our Belgi an -- Na tiona lity Esto- Dutch - nians Yug o l av -- Czechs -- Others TOTAL satisfac tory? 3 DO you cons id er their living conditions Yes ~/ 4 What services do you render th e people?Yes---i-- No __ a . suppl y them with food & clothing b Provide medical facilities c. conduct sanitary inspection do Police• functions e._ Re,acreations f. Education 5• ake whatever r emarks you deem perti nent to oonv ya brief picture of the situation:

5. Organization of DP ' s: (a) A brief statement ot · organi zational structure ba national groups; and admirtistrative functions thereof~ Note and describe any international committee plan of organi zation and, functioning. see appendix Nr.l

( b) Row, and by whom are DP leaders selected : b,y voting~ (c) comment on efficiency a:· co-operation of DP organi z tion and 1 ad rs. - es cellent

' - 3 - (d) comment on general atti tudes of DPs and note major co - pl aints and/or reque s t s , i f any, mad e with i n t he past t wo we ks . Deficiency of stoves, certa in items of clothing (trousers, shoes) 6. secur i ty. ~a ) What is source and/or nati onality composit ion of i nternal securi ty guard : ex e stonian po] lcemen (b) What i s source of external security guard:40 estonian police- men ( c) Ar e guards armed? External: no Inter nal: no (d ) hat is machinery f or handling DP offenders : . --- - Court of lo cal Military Government and Cam_p_ C""'o_ur_t__ _

(e ) I s t here a national •court' system' f or mi nor ofrenders : yes (f ) Are DP s confi ned t o Center by guards,: _n_o______(g) Average No. of pas se s given per day: (h ) specify any special problems concerning-- -DP------confi nement or circulation :------( 1) I order i n camp Good : ye_s Fair: _ ___ Poor: _____ ( j ) What ar e · t he· maj or security problem~~ minor black market off ences

7 • Fi re Fi_ght i nep ( a ) Is there a fir f i ghting organization in the Center: yes {al) Is 'personnel and quipment adequate: Ye s___ ~ No If no explai n personne-1 j_s adeq:...u_a_t _e __ b~t no equipment (a2 ) Equipment: wa ter ( 3) lon-c nter(G---erman-)-- f ire------f i ghti ng r-eso- ur------ces: l ocal f irernen ------

a. Hous i ll6: (a ) Sp cify types of buildi ngs uti l i zed and comment on general state .of repair: semi detached villas i n good condition

( b) What i mprovements or repairs are i n proc ss: general up ke e p

( c) What types· of additional r pai rs and provem nt ar e ne eded: stoves for · heati ng I - 4 - (d) Elec·trici ty: Yes / . o_,__ , Gas avail.able :Y s_io_l__ Heating iethod adequate: Yes____ No Stioves Ul:g·e11G::...Y 1i1.; 0 ..... -1.... ( ) What is capacity of living quarters on ba is of 30 sq.ft. per person with double deck beds, and 36 s q.ft.per person with singl deck b ds: _ ....3.... 7.... i...,_v ______(f). How many per~ons sleep in: Do ubl deck beds: ______Single deck beds 3. 300 oth r types ( ak shifts) (g) How many single beds are occupi d by mor than 1 ------pe,:- on: Adults: 200 Children & Adul ts:_.3..... 1 __ Children:__ 1__ 9 __ _ (h) How many peruon sleep in rooms providing l s than: 1) 36 qoft.of floor space per pe rson in singl deck bed: none · 2) 30 sqaft. of floor up c per person in double depk beds: none (!) No . of persona ithout be a: -----400 --What sleeping facilities bedding roll, hut we will receive the necessary beds next week

( j) Ar e families marrie couples quartered separateJ.y: nq ( 1) Descri b w h at, if any, arrange men ts are mad ..tP"-:.o_r _ ___p _r.... l_v ... a e f or marri d couples, famili a & lone women with children PeCftple of one family are quartered together

{2) Are billet of 1 le per ons segregated by s x: yes 9.

( a ) What averag No . of persons employed daily 500 Center 0utsid Center _!J! -----■___ ---'"'!"_T_o_a_l M!.!: _ women To tal 200 150 · 350 130 20 150 ( b) 1. Total No . of D sat regu.la r j obs in center, service and Administration: 350 2 . No . in Admin.& Profe_s_s.. l_o_n_a..,:L_j_o'l-b-s_: __1!""',5!!!"!0--

3 • 11 11 • skilled or s mi- k ill ed jobs: 100 4 o " " unskilled jobs i 100 ------(c) What compensations, incentives------, or privileges- are given t o DP workers: Pay - additional rations - ciisarettes

10. Property Rights & Cl ims: {a) Have all DPs been i nformed that they may make claims f o- r wages," property, bank accounts etc.: yes 6b ) Have any claims be n made: no ------How many: Agai nst whom: ------Estonians claim very seldom ..

- 5 - ( 3) How ve theqe cases been disposed of? through Fiirge rme i s ter

B 1. Registration: (a) Is :registration complete with ·orm DP 1. 2. 3:_,_re~s__ _ (al) If not, give reason: ______

_ 2. Information: ( a ) Has an Information u.reau been "tabli h..t yes (b) Describ organization of Information Du au------, showing what division of responsibility ex,ti ts between U RA, Liaison Offic rs, and DP leaders1 one information office in every sec~or of our camp; one legal office .

(cl) Do th Cen ar ha e a public <4"e s yst :_.i,y_e_s______(c2) A new paper~ _ _.J._'e_s______(c3) Bulletin Bo~~ds: _y-e_s______(c4) Other device (specify): weekly meeting hetween UNRRA 1 and ·national cofllmi t1;ee 3. fersonal counsellipg~ (a) How many cases received personal consu~ation· by a welfare officer during the past two week : 1520 4 . _services f 9r ------Groul? otal DP Nr.given ill this or using category rvice - Al 1 children 823 unattach! d . 34 children Expectant mother 16 Older girls & women , 1660 Handic app d 40 ther groups ( sp cify) · . ' - 6 -

5o Recreation: (a} activity Nr.of performance Aver ge attendance during p riod and remark

Band cone rts 3 Dane s girls twice a week, others once a week,20% T.heatre , 1 Cinema film not available Football Other (specify) lb) hat programs were given duri ng period by outsid sources

(c) Lit special intere t group progra in Cente r,ams■ a 1.e,. _hobby , club , crafts, etc.: 3 chess clubs, 3 bricfge clubs, 3 singing chorus, sport club.

(d) In vhich gam s, if any, is activ participation encou- rag and actually op to all. IIo much is aotiv parti- cipation 11.mi ted to national groups? sport, _ chess, - hr idge , singing chorus.

r (e) Is ther a phy ical education program, or drilling:..2!l3 ,. (el) compul ory to which group : scouts 6-20 years (e2 } Avallabl to what other groups: gymnastics for everybody (f) Number of recreation or co on rooms 3 Numbe r of radios 4, many private ra!""'t!"""'l"""D"""S______

6. Religion : ( a) What facili ti and clergy are vailable for religions ervice : 7 chaplains - a church in __ town

{al} re t~ y ad quate? If not, what is needed;

7~ Communication: (a) Ar field· postal cards vailabl f or ~olish, Czechs and Yugoslavs: (a2) For other groups~ no a. Registration of Vital statist------ics: (a) Is regi~tration currently mad e - of all DP Births: yes Deaths: _ yes Marriage : __y_e_s ______(b) 1th whO ragi t• d: chaplai ns -and Biirgermeister (c) If not re isterfid, ~xpl ·n:

f ... 7 .... 9. Education: (Break do n all section by national! ty groups) ( a) ·Ho w many grades or ins tructional levels ax·e provi for childr n: prima-ry ,schoo 1, puhl ic high school

~b ) What is the minum.um age and th usual maximum. ag for which school program is designed: Minimum: 3 ' aximu.m: 20 {b2) How many of the children between these ages---- are enrolled-- in school: a l-1 700 (b3 ) If not all------, explain: ______

(c) How many teachers for~on ah nationality group:----- 6 O ( ) 1hat subj cts ar ta.~ht: List. all subjects conta ining the prog r a m of Estonian Public s r,hool hefore the war

(e) What xtra-currieul r activiti .

(f) ., ha voca~ional training program is there: sewing, carpente,r;z,_ in prepar a tion tra ining of drivers a M eng l. coursei: (g) . r .any adult claa e giv n? If y , list cours with enrollments: ------

(h0 Ar school mat rials, supplie and ui.pmen·t adequat : no I f no ; pecify a jor inadequacies: school books, r ooms- (1) I tea ching personn 1 quat? If no , specify n~ eds:yes

10. Em rgency or orki:ng regu.larl3 orker

50 i n project 2 4

(b) /hat workshop pro j ect now in operation most need expansiv ear a.ge, co'6hler / (bl)What is needed to facjlitate expan: ipn: ------tools 1) car for driving le s sons - .. - 8 - (c) hat additi onal projects are needed in the Center : f i lms for movie, books, ne wspapers ----

(cl)What is needed in order to initiate now projects: _____ ------~------c. SUPPLY: 1. ( a } Specify below, i n the appropria te space s any it sin which you ~ve a surpl us suppl y; a deficien suppl y, and a aeriou l y defici ent s pply. or xao.ple~ i f you have surplu ro n ' s pants, iter •nen• s pant s• in the upper left spac • see appendi x Nr· .2

Clothing Shoes Tool Scho ol Bede & Amen ity Others Sho p ·•qui p- B ddi ng Supplie ( sp ci fy) Equi pc. t l nt

Defi•­ clencz

- seri ous Defl­ cl ency

=-======~=====-==~ =-======-=~======-======(b ) :er any supplie drawn from sources oth r than German during he l t two Specify typ and ourc : Ha na u Cro s s , etc. ) 2. Fee41ng :

(a) hat is aver age caloric v alue of daily r a tion : 2 . 3001 workers (Use average of daily f .i gurea for past. t wo weeks) • 3000 J .W. Highmore , Messing Officer b) · ho computes c lorio v lue - -- - 9 - (c) Give brief desription of t ypical rat i on at e ach meal ser­ ved (or write variable if no generalisation can be mad e) (If meals are not the 3 s pecif ied, write in actual me al t i me s). Breakf ast: Breadz lard, coffee, . mi lk, sugar Noon Meal: _!:eat, soup, potatoes $Upper: corned beef, biscuits (d) Are f resh· foods r egularl y available: ___y_e _s______(e) What supplementary or speci al f ood items are pr ovi ded to followi ng. ( I f none , writ e' one •). In -case of s ick note onl y sp cial f o ods, wheth r or no t given on basis of doc­ t or's recommandation . yes Chil r e1l: sugar, oatmeal, butter, milk 6 - 14 " " II Expec tant mothers : Doctors Recommendations I ursi ng mothers: Sick: special fo o /Orkers : 3doo Kalories 0th r groups ( specify) : ( f ). comp l aints about food co:n on: no If answer is,· affi rmati ve, what 1s -m.... clt_s..,.t_f,..r_e_q_u_ e_n_,t,.....,t,..y_p_e_ o_f... ,- o r reason for, comp l aint:

( g) Does the center have i n conti nual storage -an e ergency food s1pply: yes For how many days: l()'

(h) a . Kitchens 2 steam. ~.200 lt ~er[ P'f QQ. number type capacity con it on

(1) Range s 1 ~as not working food number "type capacity con i t ion

(2) s oup kettle s 17 steam 1200 lt vert: eood numbe r type capacity condiion (3) · ~scellaneous larg · qui pment: 5 wood burning soup kett le: b . 11 ss facili ti a - type of di 1ing halls _ _2 ______e qui pment______diahes none s ilv £ ar e none other------3~ Transportation: ( a ) Availabl e vehicles (all types) sourc Capacity Condi tion

See appendix Nr.3 -10 -- ( b) Ar current trucki ng facilities adquate t o eet ~eeds of Center: no I f no, ------state what i s requ+red : 2 trucks reQuired

( c) IfIs youno, r explain:gaeolen ______e supply adequat :._.;;.y_e_s______

(d) Yhat vehi cl e repair facilities are available: local · civilian (e ) Is unavailability of spare parts nC'lt a problem: ______) mi nor problem: )) ch ck one seri ous proble~------

D. HEALTH , S ,JITATIOI & fEDIC.AL CAR!: 1. Facilities: ( a) r r . of hospital beds in center: 28 (b) br. of " " availabl for------DP use: i n German hospitals: __5~0.._ ___ other hospi als: 15 (Freudental sanatorium ( bl )\that facilities are there for ur i cal cases .. (ier mo n bos:Di tal (cl Are seriou cases ever held 1n center hospi tals: ...... n_o ______(c2 If y e s , xplain: ______(d } A;r e DPs in Ge rman hospital fed supplementary r ations sufficIf no , ientexplain: t o provid ______e adequat____ nourishm______.ent?_ _.y,_e_s______

(e ) Does UNRRA Medical Personnel supervi care of DPs in German hospitals: --"'-e~s______(el)Is X- Ray or Fl uoros cope available- to center f or TB exami- nation and testing ot DPs:_~y_e_s______, ______(e2) T,1!ha perc entage of DP have been so teated: ______(f) I dental care available: yes sourc : 2 DP Dentists -c~o-l!l!-,-e-n~t-o_n_a_d_e_q_u_a_c_y_: _____

(g) Have eparate child healt h clinics been established: __ If ya , de crib service offered: Twi ce a we ek special consu.,....-ltation.hour----- for----- children - nnd sick bnb ies

(h) :Ia a tuberculin culture r eaction of all children been made?: ( 1) Is ambulan------ce servi ce available fo r transport of s ick t o Hospital:_~y~e_s______II

- 11 - 29' san.1 ta9 acili tie : ( a ) 1. Bat hi ng ( i n imum req 8 tubs or shower he ads per 100 p~rsona a o Pype shower most tub b. Numb_e_r______of the houses--o_c_c_u_p"""i_e_d_ b_y_ DP ' s c. -c ondition have hathing rooms. Two vapour- d. Ad e uate by above standards? ba th._rooms will be soon c o □ p1e ted, washing facili- 2 0 Laundry. ties a re in eve ry house. a e Type b ., Equipment dCtt. Acon editquait oe?n-- ___- ----_ _ _ _

3 . \f ash rooma . a. 1. r . of ro om lJ r ,; of basins b. Typ ------In every appartment----- do . Adcond quaitlt on?______------German t&cal 4. Is there a barbers p : Yes_ 5 o Toil t (mini mum req l seat per 20 persons,------1 urinal per 25 male ) a+ um b r _,...... ______• Ty pe _ wa t er £lu sh, in every appartment Co Disj.nl'eotant • Conditi on ------o Adequate by above stanO:a.rds?. 6 Gar bage Di po s al ------!i. ~1 thod b . Sa. ti r c tory : Ye yes oe 1 .. .V ·i; r: in all buildi ngs______Yes ----- _ J_re_s______sourc s ______1 wa t r c or n t ed is water eu ppl y adeq_u_a_t_?- ,-,-e-s ____

(b) Sp cify if there are e rious short ages in med ical equipment a."l · upplies : ______

( c) Specif y i f t her e are any urpluses i n medical equipment and uppl i s: ______

3. Health Conditions: (a) Du.r i ng the last t wo w eks how many ca ses have been hospiw taliz d in: - 1 . Center inf i rmary~ 16 2 , . oth r ho apit s: 18 ( b) h&t ar e the predomi n t i ng illne e s among hospital pati ents Pneumopa~hies , not activ ~B z surgical & other deseases . (c) Hav . there been actual or threatened e pidemics in the Oen .. tr recentl y. If y es , xplain g iving ~a t , ext nt and con­ clusion and action t aken to prevent recurrence:----- no -

(d) o frequently are s anitary i nsp ction made: DP ' s at the admissi on control. ~eriod ical s a nita r y inspections of houses _. __ .. - - 12 - (1) :av- who : UNRRA nurse and DP Nurse (2) Wha t is s nit ry oondi tion of grounds and buildings? very sat isf act ory

(e) speci al hea lth pr cautions (1 ) Ar e -new arriva ls segregated until medica l ly exami ned

Yes Ab . 1 (2) Isolation of actual or expected cont ag1ou di se e cases: Y s - ,,{J6 (3 ) DDT Tr eatm nt (a) Upon arr ival - Y ;res • /tj6 ____ (b) Duri ng occupancy - Y s ______No ____ _ ( c ) Upon par ture - Yes No (f ) How many p r aon att en ad iokpall (clinic) daily aver - d ur i ng t he past two ·wee k ..:. 80 (f2 )-Vh at were the predomi nati ng c------au e : Ang i na s i mp~. ,-Pneumopat hie s r,. 3.s tri tis Ekzems . .:P r e.,gn,ancv ' · (g) Av~rage num~.,r·or u-en"ta.L c~s s t r eated daily i n the past two we eks: - 14 ( h ) cri b any-- pr------ogr am of h 1th du--ca tion----- now bein----g carr-ied cutt (V . D., :p re-natal, etc .• ) Pe rio d~ua l control exa~i nati ons . fo r people with V . D. Go-sick me n vnll be t r e a ted with classi­ ca l trea t me nt , Sulfonami des . Go - sick women will be isolated into Ge r man Hosp ita ~ ~ treated wi t h Pen icil lin. Spe c i al Cons ultation fo r -pre-nQt al, TB-tests , Bl ood e xami nations for WaR.

4. tte a. i c al I' r sonnel : ( a ) !!umber an sta t us of all me d ical p rsonn 1 s erving C nter: - ( specify ) Nr .U r . DP lr . Germ~ Nr. others Doct ors 1 · 4 Reg . nur ses 1 ' 7 Nur e , oth er Nur ses, a i de s 3 Mi dwi v s San . engineer s San. i ns pe c+.or 2 2 DP Apo t he­ Dentis ts 2 c aries 0th r · 4 ( b) Do any se r i ous shortage i n medical p r soD.L l exist: no Spec i f & : (e) could any of t h med ical po r o 1 be spar d:______Explain, i f y es: ______Appendix Nro 1

Ore~nisation _of TIP'so


Sections : (controled b~r E .. N.A. Committee) 1. Administration 2. Informationo

; o Fuel 4~ Eco11om.ical 5o Hea lth, Art; Sport

6 e Education 7. Supply 8 .. ·Billeting 9 ., Building 10• Legal 11 .. Employment 12 . Workshops ✓ 13 Feeding 14 .. Police APPENDTX: 11.Jr. 2

(Temporary minimum nu~ber required at once) \

TJ:nit: Re q_. : .Article~: Unit: Req.: C1 o thing_:__ _ Rings ee 12 Overcor-its mi=ile ea 200 ?00? ea 200 NePn}_PR f'P Suits male .lhs . ?4 Lc1yettes ea 60 Paint Powder Cotton tbreaa rn 1_l R RnR ,i h? 11 RR 17, 0 r 1-, 1_::::! 0 P R ShoeA r:en's: 2496 Size nAirs ?o s~~winc; creE-m ,, Hair pin8 1 i:; t=;? 30 1 " 11 -;i: n Fµce Lotio.!l 11 2G95 11 " ?o .t'oRtPl Carn<:!, --:;;;~- .i... otc1l Cic;Prettes ec1 52. ~ 4o 'j' oh BCCO oz 15 .. 77:? 1\il µt~!"'PR r oxeR 2. 6~'.? VIPPr~R Q'7, ?O i:;-;i:r;i r,-7: Swer:>+.R - _, II _,., • '- -:i;_6 VeRrS CanrllP<:\ ,e:,A ~-1 t1 ·, vePrR T0il_e t _._.01 1 R po (h~ys) ~60 Yita,r.in TPhl e boxes 200 (,..~_._•rlR) 200 ,o - -1,. 170 " Lc>xat i ,rPR "o~ee Compresses ea ?oo 580 D.D.T. pomrli=>..,.. Wallets fRhricoi~ ~8 6.000 Bri_l li?-t: i ri,e phiels 5.ooo Amenity SunnliPR 1.000 ------4"---- Skin creflm jars Pl?:'ine: u~ros packs 72 Shaving Lotion !'l1 if-1ls 1. 7'20 Ord.Pins pBJ.rtR. ?4 Comhs QOIJ~Pt size eP ~.568 SAfety Pins 376 Ta le U".'.1 po'H~er 1::cv:i=> 8 Boo• 2 1 n t1 Tc1hle Tennis sets Paprika lbs ~' Chalk grosn ? Shampoo pl ials 823 Draught bds. ea 4 Lar1iAR cnmhs .18 Dominos set c­ 7:.,, Shavin.e: crPe.m tubes 200 Fra sers ee 14~ f0r~R ee 1 • 512 ,1P Spoons and PP Rn 11'.i ete.l rule..,..R e~ ' - A RR orte fl 'Ri J_,rPr~~rµrP Co!"'lrf1 e~ 1 o4 W,=.+0b R+ri=ips ea 1.800 Tooth brushes ea 80 .1.~?ir ttJ"'-;,-. 9r iP ls 1 . 9So Tie-on tRe:s BR ?RRn Dentel cleanine pencilf1 BA 17=6 ' cakes ea ?.8.1o PRin+; hrusheR 4o forJn w0rkjne; and Osyl DeRtnfe~t~n+; R machine +,oolR auan­ -z:oG -tity F 0 0P rowder i,ont po lisb e a 88 eR 80 Stationary ea 15? ,;:-: Ll 'iJ r it -; rip- n P rl R f>A C' 7 iiP' ui:wr ri117,r1, l'?"" :2ocl:.et ct:eRR 'J le. Q ~ !:~i"t ,re R Y!ool, me n<'ling IJ'7,R • B ut+oriFt o-rnR~~ J1Pnt,ifri~PR pp T~rion 88WR eo Ring boaras ee ··• - ·-

A. Deficient Items-. ( Temporary minimum num ber required at once).

- - Tools and material for the taylor•s shop:

' Article - Unit 1. sewi~ machine ea 8 2. Iron (flat iron) II 3 3. Measuring tape II 6 4. Scissors__ n 6 5. »i.gles (for taylors) tt - 2 6. Ironing blocks 3

Tools and materials for the shoe-makers shop;: Article Unit 1. Lasts Nr.24-46 and 41-43(low heel) 2. " lT r.35-41 1t 37-40(h-igh heel) 3. Mending machine with foot drive ea 1 4. Shoemaking machine "Linksarm" " 1 5. Leather sewing ma.chine 0 Rechtsarm•rn 1 6. Shoemaker's knives .. 10 7. Owls stright tt 50 a. " curved 11 40 9. Owl shandl es •• 30 10. Shoemakers hammers " 10 11. Ordinary hammers n 10 1241> Heavy hammers 11 1 13. Rasps, finer and rougher " 10 14. Files " 3 15. Saw files " 5 16. Shoemakers tongs (for nails) " 10 17 Ordinary tongs » 5 18. Sand paper Nr.2 10 sheets) tt " Nr .3 20 t• ) 40 tt " Nr .4 10 11 ) 19. Emery grind stone ea 5 20. Grind stone - fine 11 5 21. Glue for leather tube 20 22. Dextrine kg 5 2;. Rubber glue 11 5 240 .Acetone • " 2 25. Benzol " 2 26. Shoe nails (wooden) Nr.16 2 kg) » • ~ Nr.17 2") " 11 n Nr.18 2 •r ) 6 27(/, sewing cord . " 3 I 28. aO hairds st•el ea 100 b} ' hog kg 0,1 29. Shoemakers nails tex: NrolO lt 1) ·1¢. Nr.12 It 2) Nr.14 » 2) Nrci.16 It 2) . . . ___ .. _

Shoemakers nails Nr.18 10 Nr 20 Nro2'2 Nails for heels various sizes 5 Shoemakers na11s for f tenin.g leather "Swiek" · ea 1000 Wax kg 1 Pitch " 1 Shoe brushes "' 4 Blocks for top boQts pair 1 Painters brushes • ea 8 Cold leather paint - brown kg 2 " " " black .. 2 38,. Cleaning wax, brown l " ) black 1 It) 2 X 1 black 1 "" 39. Frazer machine ea 1 40.- Cleaning wax for Frazer brown l kg) black 2 " ) 3 41. P~e ss for soles "Aagu" . for 2 pairs of shoes ea 1 42. Glue for sole press O ,Agu" kg 10

Tools for , the carpenter• shop. 1. Planing stand for hand planing ea 2 (joiners bench) 2 • Planes long size 3 3. Planes short size " 3 4. Grooving planes " 2 5. Carpenters saws u 2 ip:CaxPUXi:txn " 6. Carpenters saws with narrow blaqes 6 7. Chisels 25 mm 11 2 ·20 mm 11 1 15 mm II 3 10 mm " 2 5 mm II 3 s. Drills 5 JJllil - a5 mm tt 10 9. ])rills handles 11 3 10. Files and rasps 12"' - 18 11 u 3 11. Anglea " 4 12. Rales •t 8 13. Hand sorewpre sses " 8 149 Pots for cooking ~lue .. 2 15 .. G-rindstone round 1{hand driven) 11 1 16. , "' small si ze •• 2 17. Axes n 1 18o _Combined c~penter•s machine or corresponding siiple machi­ nes tt 1

. . • A P P EJ D I X Nr.2.:,_

B .. surplus Items. (Due. to not appropriated sizes, worn or other causes).

Article Unit Reg •• lo comforters ea 100 2o Quilt-cases,blue It 299 3. Pillow-cases, blue 193 4o (medical) " 50 It 5 0 Overcoats (german uni orml 30 61> Jackets, ool-male (civil. tt 200 7. It • u (milito 100 8. Coats (german unifo)ne s ti 146 9. t1 (german unif. )used 500 lOo Heavy work-clothes It 10·0 11. Coats (cotton) used 111 12 o ( warm) male .. 800 13. Overcoats - female " 600 14. Dresses, wool - female . tt 175 15. Dresses, cotton - female 1000 16 .. , blue yotton 500 17. Dresses-cotton - children 316 18 Pullover - children 400 19. , leather-male, used pft.ir" 156 20. Shoes, canvas - female 11 800 · 21. ~ 1 ahter - femal 150 22. Thread rolls 500 23. Canvas bls 10 24. Material for sheets, white ti 4 25 • tt n bed-linnen " 7 26. t1 n sheets, yellow 12 270 P1ain cotton, hite - narrow ·171 28. " 11 " - broad 70 29. " " yellow ti 7 300 Material f.tabie-cloth (unbl ) " 4 31~ Sail-cloth (khaki) ti 70 32. Blue broad-cloth (ootton) ti 7 33. Mat f.dress-shirt(ootton)gr. 10 340 Mat.f.dress-shirts(wash.silk)green ~ 3 35., Mat f.dress-shirt(cotton) 0 8 36 .. Mat .f onightgowns - cotton " 15 37. Mat.f.dresses cotton (red) " 10 38. Mat.f.dresses cotton (blue) " 10 39. Mat.f.dresses cotton (black) "· 3 40. Mat.f.dresses cotton !brown) ~ 2 41. Mat. f. dresse cotton dotted) " 5 42 Mat.f.dresses cotton check) t1 2 43 Mat.f.dress s cotton (green) 11 9 440 velvet . 11 2 45. Mat.f.dresses,wool,fem.cherry-brown ~ - 22 46q Silk, artificial - black " 5 47. Mat.f.dresses - fem. silk n 10 48. Lining-cotton - black " 2 49. Lining - raYon - graY " 3 50. Lining - r9Yon - bege t1 6 51. Curtains - cotton •• 5 52. Curtains - rayon " 3 53 o Oil-cloth tt 2 - ..

A p p e n' d i x Nro3

List' of vehicles.

M a k e: Ty p e:

Passanger car 1. :Mercedes ti ti 2. Ford ., 3. Ford " » 4. M.ercedes .. \ 1:edical service ti " ) 5. Auto-Union It \I 6 .. Hansa It tt 7o Mercedes Truck 3/4 To s. Mercedes I Jeep 9. Willys ,. Truck 2 To \-1 10. Fordson n II 11. Fordson " 11 II II 12. Fordson It 13. Fordson " " II II ll 14. Fordson 30 cwt. 15. Fordson Truck 3 To 16. Opel Blitz I ti II 17 Opel Blitz II •• Truck 2 To 18. steyr Cargo 2i To 19. G.M.C9 Motorcycle 20. ZUndapp Terun No . 190. cntion: G ISLINGF.N. Date 92 Octobcr . 19~h.

Direct or: w. C :rnecki. C. D.L. rnccr.

C Ponulatim by major nationPli ies: Poles 1500 - Loc.ving to-1. orrow, 2~. 10. 45.

Es toni r'.n □ 270 0.

Maximum Cauaci t/ unr__ er ',inter Conditions: 3,300. a . OrJT,e.nization ;r i tl1in th~ cemr n t o insure:

(1) Good Order: 1 othoni.n · olice helped by . P. pa r ol.s. ( 2) Occunation of dis laced ncrsons - lo. nont bureau in liaison with Bur •on:is.· .tor and local ili te.r f.. • ( 3) Ed catiort - d cation co ittce cing or anisnd. (4) Recreation - Recreation co _it t oe b ing organized. ( u) R')li .,Jon - Tv;o Esthoni ..... n priestn - -church sec· red• . (6 ) Medical Servi ce - On ., m Doctor and rse - DP doctors and 10 DP nursqs . ( 7) Proper dist ribution and nrcnarc ,ion of' f'ood - under UNR messing of'i'ic0r h e l ped b t ,;:o D. P. controls. / Sanitary conditions - Re sponsibility of sanitary police and i nspector. Inspection do b, Do ctor nnd ''elf'nre orr·ccr. c. ~encral physicr l condition - Checked b vizitin0 nurses 1 or doctor ' s superv:sion. d. Ade t., acy o ..: clothinc, and becldinfi. Clot h i ng good. ddin beings pplicd by Mi litary Government, ppin en. {owing to lack of p r p ara ... ion in OOppil'l~!en o receive t he Polee tie h ad to s en · ei r bee s :Ji th them o bcin~ rcy_ e ntcd by the J"i litnr ,· erru·~ent t :;pin.sen , end thin ·nL \70 re short of' beds ourselV88. · -✓c have been :, r01 :.iscd p rior:!. t o ,., conci en of cw b s by .1.,iC t ennn - i 'ilso:ri). -

:r. . No fe.il r e on t he u ni-- - of' iili t ar· rrev r ._ent to co-op i-•a -e. We h1 .v ·, e l •· oys r ec-:., i v d t hu b~·s t ~o-oJ,cr ion in ,,11 ~att :::r e .

Dr CTOR - can. 190. . I\ "£p ... 6 194 iJ-v TEAi, !lo 190 G ISLI:iGEN k:j 4th Septer.1ber 1945 From: !.Ir. C. D. L. Fraser, Field/ Supervisor, Gmund To: ?, r . Squadrilli. I visited this teem to-day ,,.i th the object of' becoming acquainted vii th the new· \ elf are Personnel and also in order that I might inspect some of the 1-µmbering operations• . I ,;;as struck with the personality of ·!iss Brown ,.,nd imagine she will do a very capable job assisted by lrs. Butczyncka. Afterwe.rds, I visited 4 of the gangs, each consisting of 10 men. There are 6 gar1gs al together but there ias no time to visit them all. I understand from the Director that he"could put into the forest 300 men but is sadly hampered by the la,.J.. of the rncessary tools. I believe axes Find cr·oss cut sa\·s can be obtained at Reimsheid, near Solingen in t'lespha .ia. This question is bein taken up with the Military Goverrlli1ent a ,GeisliJ.1gen by the Director. I cannot understand why all the gangs I visited ·.1ere ,.orr.,_ing in belts of deciduous hard1ood such as alder and beech. I did not see any work in belts or f'ir or pine. I shall ta e up this question \Ti th the Forestry Officer at / Stuttgart. It will• be necessa1.,y to furnish e.lJ. these men with good stout foot·iear, as soon as possible. Each gang. consists of 10 men, as I have said, undel" a Polish foreman and all gru1gs being co 1troled by a German Forestry Officer. It would appear that this rnan only con­ cerns hims ..... lf 1.d th the selection of the proper ti iber and with directions f'or felling it. There was ainple evidence that there was no supervision or D.dvise in the matte1" of the sharpening o:r the axes ru1d cross cut saus. Many axes ,ere loose i 1 the shaft havi ig been badly f'itted or having in­ suf'ficient ,-,edges. These axes had not been properly sharpened f'or timber \.ork. In the matter of the saws - these rere .not properly sharpened - neither was there enough "way" on them for cutting the class of timber 1u.entione · Insufficient files for · :hetting the tools were kept on the job, nor was there any paraffi or diesel oil :for cleaning vhe sa',s, the lack of these esse:,,1tia s 111akes the ,rork mmecessarily harder. The German Supervisor to hho I spoke on this matter seemed perfectly well aware of the state of aff'airs but- had

- 1 - ...... I

•. p

2 - done nothing to rectify it. I think that in the future he u ill cto so. I further noticed that the countr;-y- ii.1 \•hich these gru1gs 1.!ere i;orking was very precipitous ai-1d difficult, ( no doubt this has been arranged by the Burgomaster). Al1 the 11,en see1,1 very ha1Y~J Y in their \fork but e:>..'J)ect to receive better foot,.ear and more and better tools. There uas not a single peavey on al1.Y job. I ex-_plained the need :for these tools and I thillk some ,,ill be provided ilnrnediately. They are essential in handling timber especially in diff'icult country. It will be appreciated, no doubt, that the alrnost use must be made o:f available manpower 2.1 J.d that the use of mechanical means must not be lmdertaken­ vrhich is exactly the reverse in any corn11ercial contract.

Field Supervi sea?- 4t Septe1:lbe 194

:Pr : Mr. c. D. L. Fr or, Fie d S :pervisor, d To: fr. Sq_ adrilli.

I vio1 t c this earn t y · ,i th the object of bee 1ing cquainted i th tho ne Ve :fare Porso · -el obd also o or h t l ight inspect some of the lumber operations.

I '188 st th the pcr~c ality of 41 s. rown nd agine she VCr]," CQP lhle JO ~.saistod by 1rs. Butczyne a.

Afte .1 ~o, I visite 4 o tp.o fJ' . c, ch co uiotin3 · f 10 men. There e.1~e gangs al.to ether but there m.s n t e to visit hem all. I derst d. :f'ro 1 t e Director thnt he could put into the forest 30 1:1en but is sadly h ered by tho lack o the neees a:ry tools. I believe axes .d crosa ~ut ean be obtained at eimsheid, near

~li:n.gen in es:phalia. Thi,:, quest1o.. is be' 0 t alc0n · ;p 1th t o iil:t tary Governmen:t at u-e1alirigen by the Director .

I C8DZ.i.Ot • - .erste .. why e.11 tri.e ga...>.g I visited .. ei., , ork i n belts of decictuous hardwood such as alder eech. I did not see a,,"'XY work 1n bel ta or fir oz, pin • I ehall tnke u_ thia quest ion dth the orestry 0£':cicer at tuttgart. It will be ecess :ey to nieh F'.ll ·these men i th good stout foot ear, a.s sc, n as p ss ble..

Each gang consists of 1? ~t1 'l, a. I he.ve sai( , under a Polish fo:r man a.-id all g igs being col'.ttroled l:>y ~ rman ~ oreetr-.r .Offi er. l'.t would &.);>i,ea1"' tihat thi. n.811 only co - cerns himself .t. th th aeJ.eotton of the pror)ev "';ll1"?!>e1~ end w1 th c.irocti ·:i: s 1,or "'Ci.ling i ,,. Tl.1.e1ie M.'.l.s fu1!_p ~e v 1do.nce that there w s no supcr.rioion or advice i:r ~rA.B ·i:, atter of' ·the sharpening oi.. the axes a.r:a. croso eut saws. \ erE: loose n the 0hoJ. t ~ ...... -; 'i.1.g been bcdJ.y i'i tte in- sufficient .euges.

These a-os had r.. t been :, o erly s ar-pei 06. ·for timber ~ork. In the matter of· the saws - these we:i:•e i;...:,t 11ro:pe_1y aha _ ened - nei the:r· vaa there en.o-ugb. Pwey' on 1,,he.z.n for euttin the class of timber mentioned.

I:. sufi'icie t f'ilea to-.-. whet /' 1 the ·tools we "e "cept on the job, or s ther- all,V ... ,a.'\"'aff 1 • · or die el oil for cle ir . tho saws., ti.. e lac ~ of tl't -·se ossm.:d;j ls m .. ea .f- o work ur.1.Lecensru.~11y hard~1~ The ci0nnan Supervisor to ~tho I Gpoke on this .matt •r seemed ~ort~ectly ell a ,c.1.. e of· ·the st.-: te of - airs but .hPo.

- 1 -