--=tt,. s · o-? e =- 7==- T!!' ,a,,,,v=- / -=----=-"'I' ~--?t'S --/7_ -_- _- _- _- _- _- -- --------------------- \ ~ J o- '7 /IAj t: B1/,-- 3/-'?'?-S---=-·---- I~~ UN ARCHIVES PLEASE RETAIN -SERIES ORIGINAL ORDER BOX flLE ACC. -1 ' 1946 . Di ctor•. N . • ir ct r• ign Loe .,ion: · i 11 ge / t ige, Urt g ddr s or O:t'fic : .eisling n, t • I 'Ud utsch r· zi ion AO.dr f ill t: · i lii(~ , tr. c . 79 1:elephone ) Q;fic : 625 2 7 b) 111 t: 567 Locs.l "111 tar.,y iJetac en t: l t rmor u. ivi ion, ffic '.-,0 in., • h tor ian t1m.bly nt r ~- lin n. · rtt o rg erm-...n nt 3. our ..,, p gist· d corlpl t ly and corr~ctly. c. on D• • 1 . Class I ~ rn cki, 'i told ale olia ir c ... or Dil ctor Eutenu, J n " r nc • ir-ctor P• i cto1 lsen, Tl -'orw g . a • lf.Off . B .' l.f .Of ic r r,r man, ... douurd t• rench d.O fie r • ed . O ic r utczyn m. ·011 ,u.pply u ... f ic r ct. A • lf. f I roor, i u .ale l ch r hous f . r hous (lff. } i h or ohn i ti h . sin• o f . i l, f ie r ' " tin, ri ... lgi uroe ur UC t, p C 1 1 ~r nch -r n port Off . Dr v r uill, tincan Driti h Dl'iv r 'riv Page 2 . 2 . l II ight tonian Di lac d r on o"" y t int rvie d, ti n soon xpect d . 2 . Viai tor ) .;..;N..;;;;.... ___o_f-.:.:, -~g_o __n_c._y_ ·upµliea riven a) ' ,A ) Organ1 ation d J et b) Y .CA ) car of t e you·. ) ~) • '"uncti n : <licine , Cr s a) ;o 1 ·t l tation and l rovi · on.. for p cial li ,b ~o m~dic l tr t nt b)Care of •ri on r o! w r c)~&re of natt-ch d chil en d)Child ,Htlfal"' )_racing of lot or i ing f) ir t aid an em rgency ervic. • 7. · robl a which aff ct th oper tion of th 0 IJ. • About 7 ;.1onths ago w C ived by r i ition 25 pig in ord r to U 0 our food re at fror:i the ki .,chen. e fed heoe };.,igs un 11 this ti.o. • A ccording 0 the dir ctiv oa d 10th Jan. 1946 no fr at mat ma,y be uoed for Di plac d c~e rman. claim th pig back. tri d to tak ig contitLU to fe d th till th ti' wh n the abov men~ion d order ·ould bO re cind d in assocuch th t the pigs , re utill to ill th • Ho v r by ord r of' our .J O ~ leer ho tol · u 1 th t U , A io ot uppo ed to h v any livi g toe e ere oblige to give the Jig to tl e ·ur•;cr eieter. 1. Probl .ms of ) 2 . bility of ~he ' 0am ember~ to ork ~og th r ) 3 . R lation hip ,·,i th .ill tar.; (loc 1 .i1. · otachment)) no co. 1 nt 4 . Hou in, co11ii tioas ) 5. Jcr ning 3nd ijepatriati on ) 6 . b curi t~ ana 11' iri.! Control ) Page 6 . r... elf r Oi'iic r Reporting: ,..rn l n ) . elfur ::' of ·tll c.hildr ,n bet an 5 nd 16 ~ ar of g tt ncting chool: lOC2- , -· .,;~lCO.::.J ;'il d of' ·c·1ool ------lo . of 9tud·nts 1____ o . of 1 ......f~c _r in<wrg "rten 3 ___l;;;..;~;;..;O __ ----___,.~...,.........,._..,..11 Graue Jchool 1 )21 .1 ( prb10.r ) igh School 1 24 )5 (secondary) ------ 0th r(l mth, ical . 2 68 10 l art • p i lj, t • ch u O l r - a) ..... chool Juppli d quip nt 1.ot · dequ t • b) ur:1 ber o:f Teach" rs avuila bl for teaching d #qua., • 2 . VO CA:. IO l ;.,I ft AI:U G Voc-tional ~r in­ ·oc tio al ., a.in­ ing course• ing cour _ ndance win£; ro c- m hop 6 - ilor hop 22 Co nbl r shop 2 - ak·.,rle,., 25 inti~ hop l 3 . .1.IUL~ ~Dt C.t. ~I ' Type of '.:!OlA.r e t urr ber in -YP of Cour Jatton ,. rechnical cours a 225 Popular Univdr i ty 200 Drivers couroe 447 ook ping co e 62 Lngli h 1 u g .. 352 4- . Libr ry facilitio availabl to tho :J ' in our camp: ·mglish library containing 166 book, mo tly novel , fiction and adven tur and 130 old ti..,in , 11 fro r y ourc • 5 . comr.1ont on th e .... f ctivine::1 u1 .t:rnd o~ th ""due ton r.ogr: in our camp . ) _he library i1:d ~ua;,e, mor book n1nte .. 2 ') 1 ,ducation ; rog m m et tha n odtl of th c. P• l ed of the du.,ation P.L·o •.z:'(jfil: u) "oola an m t ri l fb th cobbler top for r p 1r of foot 1 traini~ o ap rantic r b) ·uitionul ue ir,c t.~_cLiI s ·• n e l · for th ing room nd tailor . ~OP want d 0) cop:, book • p ncil , p n , nholu r ana p p r ne d d for t1'1e pri.m.;;.ry , condury school , technic conrs , d.riv •r' cour e , po 1 r u.ni erei ty, 'ngli h con..r. ; ..,imil:1rily el ctric bulb o 110 and 22 vol'ts. d) A motor c r d.nd g soli.n n d d for practical driving river• cou.r ar b al;y noed d .. • . ere.a -:;ion · r ·;r l i the Cl p for . re- chool unil ren, ol dul t 2 ; a) l'r -~chool c l.ildr n: o. oon t11er condition p rmie, ply ground ill b opened. 3 ~ir <1 rg· 1·t n at~end d by 190 chilar n fro 3 - 7 ·ere aro in op rt- ion. b) vhildren: Eoy couta and guid or anization, Y P and y· CA clubsn provide recreation, such as indoor sport, gymna. tic , training in voll y- and ba c t- 11, tabl tennis, v rious g~ es, che~s, docino , handi1ork, (in­ clu _ing ne dle 'IOrk), iacu· ~ion o v riou topic , hi eking, ci1 emu p rfor ance chil ren sho tr a c ) 1 do 1 • cent : m as bove, inclu i g r~a ~ table , brid~~, restlinB, boxing, cone· rts, v riut' sho• s and cin ma and theL. ttic 1 erforoanc , ance • (~ocau e of lack of 35 rnm fil~ the c 35 mm film projection ppa. rutue( h s bven idle uring m· rch) . d ) dult~: same as und r c) . In audition 3 clul t nul club ith 90 ooobers, ou adult femal club ,ith 42 m mbcra, Page 8. a men chOrll 1th 70 membe r ' mi 8 choru ith 120 e b r ' a l rot -tan t C UL"Ch ( l.X (l) cnoru it mber 35 ' a \iree.t Ca-:;nolic c urch (mix d) cl oru ith 3 b l' t \ c:.:1, men quart t,.t' orch ·.. r -bana. ~i th 25 m b r an ' an artiats dun .JH'S ~ro P, 4 f m le, 1 ~ale, an actor3 group, 25 wal fl!L er: !.:l.le ctor , a che ~rn club, add, unu ·•r the g id n.c of r er tion eom- mi t'tee, to th rec:re 't on f the ault : rogular 'a.:10 - ti~os e week are being~ l . ' t110 tre nhll { Jahn .all) '"it 75r. t , a t ge and 2 35 wr.1 fila projection out:'iti, and 3 perm.an ntly 3Ut-' rvie d co 1i.:::.on ro e vailabl fo rccr~ation. 2 - 3 thoatric::.l porformanc s w~ .? kl vocul, piano , vio .in , cello or orchestra 001.,.c rt , vari ty 101 ado to the recr ~tion. ~ • 1 . :;o .. i:int on the ad. u cy of facili tie a nervic .., for tie Peli;~icus-·rogrum in the cu1p. • . he r~ligious n · do~ :rot~ tnnt (ca 90, of the camp r~siuents) h.re cai d for 5 oinLrt rs re idin.F us l' in t.be c~rep. In 01.. Lu tberian church and a chapel di vin services o~H.1 c urch cone rts are ing h ld re!~ularly . A churcr cnoru t end the rvic • Arrang :1ent with F.ornan \Jatholic 1-rieat permit the uue of on n Oatiolic chapel fo the r 1ular admini tr tion of Ore k -Catholic '1ivine :.:iervicea. o .:re k- atholic pri sts r si e s DP ' in this camp. A church choru <.:>ttend th ervic a . 11h f acili ti s und ervic o of both roligiou group ar atisfying. Red vine for the Holy ~omrr;union for both church wu.n t{.,d . D. : oHiae the ~elfare Cffic taf:f, 16 f ~male home vi 1 tor , one c ntrc:1.lly locat d information bure u, four bull tin bo1.rds, a printou camp bulletin, publi d twic· roe , circul tion 1500 copi s, n thr di trict information ._, Page 9 • bur u, provid or 1nfor tion and cou.ncellinJ.
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