the quick energy and the superhuman ..■! W. F. FINLEY, M. D- endurance necessary for fighters. Office over Reardon Drug Store. To give the people of England two PAID ADVERTISING pounds per month. Paid announcements will ap- Phone: Office 28, and Residence 276 To the people of France one RED PEPS FAIT give under this head. LIBER COAL pear and a half pounds per month. : PH I LOSOPHY If you have anything to sell O’Neill, Nebraska The Same Old Phone No. 32 To give the people of Italy one or wish to buy tell the people of per month. pound it in this column. at There is only a limited amount of FRED L. BARCLAY Five cents per line each sugar available until the next crop. w^ek for announcements in this col- The Same Old Place We cannot increase the amount, NEB. umn. STUART, but we must divide it with honestly. Makes Long or Short Time Loans on Improved Farms and Ranches. O’NEILL MAN’S SELECTION. -r~ The Same Old Quality If you are in need of a loan drop O’Neill Merchant Proves He Made him a line and he will call and see you. and •^ No Mistake. FARM LOANS, R. H. PARKER. 22tf It has been time and time The Same Old Service proven WILL MAKE SCHOOL DRESSES DR. L. A. CARTER that the best the again thing for at reasonable prices. Call phone aches and pains of kidney trouble is 199. 12-2 PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Doan’s Kidney Pills. This is the WHEN YOU WANT BETTER Successor to medicine Mr. Mills selected and he soon Shoes we have them. — Fred Dr. E. T. Wilson. Albert. found that he had made no mistake. 46-tf Glasses Correctly Fitted. Office and Residence, Naylor Block. Successor to O. O. Snyder Mr. Mills tells about his experience in FOR RENT—A SUITE OF THREE rooms. In Jordan block—See Phone 72. an interesting statement. Here it is— Harry Jordan.' 43-tf O’NEILL :: :: NEBRASKA S. a copy of his signed testimony. Greorgre Agnes, G/Cm-gpr. WANTED—MAN AND OR R. H. Mills, O’Neill, says: “I have WIFE, woman with boys, to keep house.— had no further need of Doan’s Kidney James Beauchamp, Meek. ll-2p The O’NEILL Pills since publicly recommending mtn who take STRAYED—FROM OUR PASTURE, them some time ago. I still praise “Youafc ABSTRACT COMPANY NORTHEASTERN is a wonderful wheat and 5% miles southwest of O’Neill, on country, them because of the satisfactory re- women rvwiaA sKomU August 6 or 7th, one red yearling a success with Voimjj Kestenholtz. me from and steer.—A. L. Compiles big beans, Sugar lief they gave backache am* 11-lp COLORADO Beets and Al- lameness I had when my HAVE Potatoes. Corn, kidneys oxeluivt^ FORDS FOR SALE—I Abstracts of Title falfa and native enrich were disordered.” hn^tne several second hand Ford automo- grasses for sale. These cars can be Price 60c, at all dealers. Don’t biles THE ONLY COMPLETE SET OF the or live-stock man. This is advice, sometimes, seen at the Boggs Feed Barn. 4tf dairy for a good simply ask kidney remedy—get ABSTRACT BOOKS IN but not always. I HAVE $1,500, ALSO $2,000 OF SOUTHWESTERN ranches mean more than a Don’s Kidney Pills—the same that graz- private money to loan on land at Mr. Mills had. Foster-Milburn Co., HOLT COUNTY. for cattle. 7% interest. No commission, to pay. ing place Corn, Oats, N. Y. GRUMBLE Mfgrs., Buffalo, and GRIN See R. H. Parker, O’Neill, Nebr. 6tf NEBRASKA and Rye, Barley Alfalfa are British and French Sweep Enemy DR. E. B. McQUILLEN, NO. 627 TO W. K. HODGKIN to finish Grumble: But how do you 628 World Herald Omaha. grown for “topping” the Back on Front of 100 Miles. Building, manage always to look so slick and Practice limited to Oral d market. from Prophylaxis Lawyer^ (Continued page one.)* shirts and collars are span? Your and the Treatment of Pyorrhea. 6-26 Office: Nebraska State Bank Buildinjj. guards, continued to advance north immaculate. WYOMING HAS unexcelled deeded STRAYED OR STOLEN — ONE Reference: O’Neill National Bank. irrigated lands, and south of the Avre,” the commun- 67- also homesteads under as as small gray saddle pony. Finder -Phone irrigated ique said. Grin: That’s easy slipping the please notify George Sanders, O’Neill, O’Neill, :: :: :: Neb. Government ditch—20 years to “We occupied Chaulnes, Omnicourt on a banana peel—I patronize in town. it Nebraska. 12-lp pay waterright, no interest. Ten (two miles east of Chaulnes), Balatre BEST LAUNDRY Try old man, try it—it’s a winner. FOR SECTION thousand free 640-acre homesteads. Take some of this ex- (three miles east of Roye), Roiglise SALE—NW% 28, Holt cellent land (two miles southeast of Roye) and Grumble: Name and address Township 30, Range 10, Co., and keep your profits instead of turning them Nebraska. One-half cash. Price $32 Verpilliers (a mile south of Roglise.) please ? Ne- over to a landloard. Let me you locate. per acre.—Joe Miller, Kenesaw, help Further south we penetrated Crap- raska. • ll-2p wood miles north of Grin: It’s Abstract eaumesnil (three FOR SALE—ON ACCOUNT OF GO- €o^«u Our Cleaner is here and now S. B. Lassigny) and took Dives (two miles Dry ing to France I will dispose of all Title Abstractors HOWARD, Immigration Agent, esat of Lassigny). our service will be more prompt. our household 'goods consisting of Office in Fifst National Bank “This morning we progressed piano, dresser, bed, springs, buffet, Building. costumer, 1004 Farnam toward the Somme. North of the dining table, dining chairs, Street, Omaha, Nebraska hammock, oil stove. Parties interest- we reached the line of O’Neill Sanitary Laundry Avre general ed can see same at my residence.—Dr. Licourt (four miles east of Chaulnes), M. E. Pettibone. litf ^lBI3[B@]SI3IS®ISISI3ISISI5(3ISI3®lSlB®Itt!l5IS@ Home of Red Pep. "*■.as... Potte (a mile and a half south of YEARS EXPERIENCE IN KO- __ Licourt), Messnil Le Petit (a mile 9 dak finishing,. Developing any 1 Farm Loans 1 : : O’Neill, , Nebraska Post (First publication August 15.) lowing described real estate located in north and slightly east of Nesle) and size roll, 15c; Pack, 25c; Cards, 20 discount (W. K. Hodgkin, Attorney.) said Holt County, Nebraska, to-wit: Nesle. 5c; Prints, 5c. per cent NOTICE TO CREDITORS. The OF COURSE. for cash.—W. B. Graves. 45- Southeast Quarter of Section Allies Reforming Salient. Farm Loans Estate No. 1107. Seven (SEV4 S. 7), And the Southwest I 1 With the Hindenburg line pierced FOR RENT OR SALE —EIGHT In the County Court of Holt County, Quarter of Section Eight (SWJ/4 S. 8), room house in southeastern of Nebraska, August 9,1918. all in Township 28, North, Range 9, by the British on a wide front east of part In the matter of the Estate of Martha West of the 6th P. M. Said sale will Arras, the French are approaching the city. Lots of bearing fruit trees 1 Farm Loans A. Deceused. remain for one | Austin, open hour. that famous defensive system near and plenty of shade trees.—Rebecca CREDITORS of said estate are Dated this 16th of A. day August, more than He Davidson. 12-2p hereby notified that the time limited D. 1918. Coucy-Le-Chateau, fifty to manufacture paper. suggests: for claims said miles to the southward. An increase in the subscription presenting against W. L. MOTE, I HAVE A FEW MODELS OF estate is December 1918, and for Administrator of The blunted where John L. 1 13, the Estate of Albert great Picardy salient, price of the paper, especially Overland and Willys Knight auto- I Quid the payment of debts is August 9, E. Deceased. 11-4 Wanser, by the allied initial attacks, is being the price is less than $2 a year. mobiles on hand, and will promptly 1 ■ 1919, and that on September 13, 1918, ®3JSI3JHI3Mi3EISlM5JSlBISISE®EiS(®S®)SlDHEl reformed on almost as a scale The discontinuance of all furnish, by order, any other car, of and on December at two (First publication August great subscrip- 12, 1918, 29.) the 36 models manufactured the o’clock P. M. each I will be at the NOTICE OF FINAL Ify the allied blows along the Scarpe tions that are not renewed and paid by day, SETTLEMENT Overland Co.—Sanford Parker. 4tf County Court Room In said County to Estate No. 595. and the Ailette. This salient is more in advance at the time the subscrip- THE CITY GARAGE receive, examine, hear or ESTRAY — TAKEN UP ON MY allow, adjust In the County Court of Holt County, than fifty miles across its base and tions expire. Walter all claims and filed. farm near Meek, on 4, one Stein, Prop. objections duly Nebraska, August 28, 1918. about miles of all free July twenty deep. The elimination copies in one front Auto (Seal) C. J. MALONE, In the matter of the Estate of Ed- Billy Goat, seems" lame Livery 10- 3 French operations along the Ailette one to advertiser. and one hind Owner can have County Judge. ward Gallagher, Deceased. except eacji leg. All Kinds of Repairing. We have also are creating a pocket northeast The elimination of all exchanges ex- same by proving property and paying Workmen. All kinds of (First publication August 22) All persons interested in said estate Meek. competent of Soissons. The Germans in this where the papers received in ex- expenses.—James Beaucamp, IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF are hereby notified that the ad- cept Nebraska.
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