Model Reconstruction of Restored Taiga Forest Cover O

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Model Reconstruction of Restored Taiga Forest Cover O ISSN 20790864, Biology Bulletin Reviews, 2013, Vol. 3, No. 6, pp. 493–504. © Pleiades Publishing, Ltd., 2013. Original Russian Text © O.V. Smirnova, D.V. Lugovaya, T.S. Prokazina, 2013, published in Uspekhi Sovremennoi Biologii, 2013, Vol. 133, No. 2, pp. 164–177. Model Reconstruction of Restored Taiga Forest Cover O. V. Smirnova, D. V. Lugovaya, and T. S. Prokazina Center for Problems and Ecology and Productivity of Forests, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia email: Abstract—A model reconstruction of the potential forest cover of dark coniferous taiga on the Russian Plain, the Urals, and some territories of Western and Central Siberia is presented. The dot area of tallherb dark coniferous forests has been constructed based on 850 geobotanical releves (from the Database of the Center for Problems and Ecology and Productivity of Forests, Russian Academy of Sciences). The dot area of tall herb dark coniferous forests has been compared to that of Tilia cordata and contemporary zonality of the studied area. The ecotopes and ecological characteristics of the tallherb forests have been determined. Con stant species of the tallherb forests have been revealed. Based on the literature data and the created database of herbaria labels, refined ranges of tallherb species were constructed. The importance of studying tallherb dark coniferous forests has been assessed to determine the origin of the dark coniferous taiga and select virgin forests for evaluating the main functions of the ecosystem. Keywords: potential cover, ecosystem functions, dark coniferous taiga, tallherb forests, ranges of constant tall herb species DOI: 10.1134/S207908641306008X INTRODUCTION along with the paleobotanical and florogenetic meth ods. The analysis of structural and taxonomic variety A vital task of modern natural resource manage of refugium vegetation allows us to define the natural ment is its reorientation towards preservation and res characteristics of vegetation cover and form an opin toration of ecological functions of ecosystems, ion as to the genesis of this vegetation type, while com namely, climate regulation, water and soil protection, paring the obtained results with the paleobotanical productional function, and maintaining the biovariety. and florogenetic data. It was proved earlier that the fullest realization of eco logical functions can be accomplished in a restored So far, plenty of data has been assembled on the forest cover, i.e., in this cover, which can form as a composition and structure of taiga forests communi result of a long spontaneous development (without ties in refugia on the Russian Plain and the Urals, as anthropogenic disturbances and natural disasters) and well as in some regions of Western and Central Siberia. is represented by all species preserved so far According to the studies performed, they are passing (Smirnova, 2004; Smirnova et al., 2006a, 2006b). Nat through the late successional or quasiclimax stage and are ural releves and/or model reconstructions of such characterized by the following features (Turubanova, cover will allow us to assess the ability of the forest 1999, Yaroshenko, 1999; Bobrovskii and Khanina, 2000; cover to fulfill its ecological functions under different Smirnova et al., 2001a, 2011; Yaroshenko et al., 2001; climate conditions. According to the today’s beliefs, Vostochnoevropeiskie lesa…, 2004; Smirnova, 2004; the taiga forests (boreal and hemiboreal) of the North Zaugolnova et al., 2009; Bobrovskii, 2010): ern Hemisphere have preserved their natural composi (1) the presence of dark conifer trees (Picea, abies, tion and ability to fulfill the main ecosystem functions P. obovata, Abies sibirica, and Pinus sibirica), broad to the fullest extent possible (Monitoring…, 2008). leaved trees (Tila cordata, Ulmus laevis, and U. scabra Therefore, the thorough study of these forests is a mat et al.), and smallleaved trees (species of the genus ter of theoretical and practical importance. Moreover, Betula and Alnus, Populus tremula, and Padus avium a model reconstruction of the restored taiga forest et al.) in the forest stand of the studied area; cover represents another step towards the solution of problem of origin and development of dark coniferous (2) unevenly aged cenopopulations of latesucces taiga. sional tree species; As was rightly mentioned by V.B. Sochava (1946), (3) the development of the entire set of micromo the studies of refugia, i.e., areas in which vegetation saic structural elements: intercrown and undertree has barely been touched by natural disasters and pow spaces of different tree species, elements of windfall erful anthropogenic impacts, play a considerable role soil complexes (treefall soil pits, knobs, debris, and in dealing with the problem of vegetation genesis, stumps) at different stages of development; 493 494 SMIRNOVA et al. (4) presence in ecosystem of both vascular plants them to be representatives of taiga forests above all species and mosses of all ecocoenotic groups capable (Zaugolnova et al., 2009). to inhabit the studied forests; According to the International Code of Phytoso (5) the dominance of boreal and nitrophilous tall ciological Nomenclature (Weber et al., 2005), the herb in the soil cover in terms of spreading and phyto studied tallherb forests have the following syntaxo mass; nomic position: (6) the absence of traces of fire and cutting in vege Class VaccinioPiceetea Br.Bl. in Br.Bl., Sissingh tation cover, and coal in soil; et Vlieger 1939; (7) undifferentiated soil profile represented by Order Picetalia excelsae Paw lowski in Paw lowski, humus horizon developed as a result of recurrent soil Sokolowski et Wallisch 1928 (=VaccinioPiceetalia trenching due to the latesuccessional tree fall. Br.Bl. in Br.Bl., Siss. et Vlieger 1939); The abovementioned features are most pro Alliance VaccinioPiceion Br.Bl., Sissingh et nounced in quasiclimax forests, whereas the latesuc Vlieger 1939; cessional forests have not yet developed these charac Suballiance AtragenoPiceenion obovatae Zaugol teristics (The Population Structure …, 1985; The nova et al., 2009; MosaicCycle Concept …, 1991). This is most strongly Assoc. Aconito septentrionalis–Piceetum obovatae translated by the floristic incompleteness of commu Zaugolnova et al., 2009; nities caused by the considerable gaps in tree ranges Subassoc. A. s.–P. o. typicum Zaugolnova et al., due to the anthropogenic activities. A good example is 2009; the considerable gaps in Tilia cordata Mill. range in Subassoc. A. s.–P. o. filipenduletosum Zaugolnova the southern taiga subzone documented in the historic et al., 2009. literature (Vostochnoevropeiskie lesa …, 2004; Bakun, Communities of tallherb dark coniferous forests 2006; Bobrovskii, 2010). From a physionomical point are revealed on the watersheds in welldrained habitats of view, the latesuccessional and quasiclimax dark and in valleys with small rivers and brooks where there coniferous forests are characterized by the dominance is a flowing hydration. Diagnostic species of the entire of tall boreal herbs of two ecocoenotic groups, i.e., association are as follows: Aconitum septentrionale boreal tallherbs and nitrophilous tallherbs. The herbs Koelle, Veratrum lobelianum Bernh., Chamaenerion of these groups grow quickly and are capable of angustifolium (L.) Scop., Calamagrostis purpurea achieving a height of 1.5–3.0 m during growing (Trin.) Trin., and Thalictrum minus L. The watersheds period; the majority has either large leaves or a big forests belong to the subassociation A. s.–P. o. typi number of shoots with medium sized leaves in large cum, the diagnostic species of the entire association tufts (grasses). The dense canopy of these herbs, as being joined by Diplazium sibiricum (Turcz. ex well as the considerable herbaceous litter prevents the G. Kunze) Kurata; valley forests belong to the subas growth of boreal green mosses (Smirnova et al., 2011). sociation A. s.–P. o. filipenduletosum, within which a The phytomass of the annually falling aboveground group of diagnostic species was defined that included shoots of the vascular plants in tallherb forests is five to Filipendula ulmaria (L.) Maxim., Geum rivale L., Trol ten times higher than the phytomass of vascular plants lius europaeus L., etc. in the most widespread taiga forests, namely, those of Tallherb forests differ from those of green moss and a green moss and sphagnous type. The fall of the tall sphagnous types by the more complicated structure of herb species is highly enriched with mineral elements layers, unevenly aged tree cenopopulations, and the compared to that of the herbs and dwarf shrubs of highest species and ecocoenotic variety. The trees in green moss and sphagnous forests (Lukina and these communities are large and well developed, and Nikonov, 1998; Lukina et al., 2006). It is quickly their deaths are followed by pedoturbations. Conse absorbed by the soil biota, which explains the high quently, it is possible to preserve the mosaic of restora velocity of mineral elements turnover and advanced tion windows that determines the mosaicity of ground forest productivity. Tallherb species are lightdemand cover light regime, as well as the mosaic of windfall– ing, but at the same time tolerant to a lack of light, i.e., soil complexes that accounts for the mosaicity of they withstand the provisional reduction in light microhabitats with different regimes of temperature, intensity and quickly return to their former status due moisture, soil acidity, etc. to the light window.
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