HSWHPEHU   23 75,3 %7 /62%










)865$3 200.1e 1/,1 Shpack_Landfill_01.06_0180_a QRT OT TRIP W.H .50N September 27 1954

Copiee To Mg $00 XAPL 16 J.Z Crever KAPL C.E Weber KAPL

DOJ 03662 LLIL __ NOLLS ATOLcIC POllER LABORATORY Schenectady New York

June 29 1956

J.P FrandBeU Bldg Q4

and Controls Subjeoti Report of Trip to etala

ard On June 27 1956 the writer visited Metals and Controls with this visit from SOO and ORegan from SIR reaa______date ind sue to discuss progree8 made to plAnning

this is broken into subheadings For purposes of simplification report


and Controls is in the final The new building being constructed by Metals submitted detala and Controls stages of completion In the proposal by above of approximately ay 14th it was noted that an addition to the building 1956 It was originally 8000 square feet would be..pompleted September 15 work would be in this addition However planned that performed in the section of the building now being plans ito do iwork completed

for this work was made and it appears to be review of the available will ample The area is not now air-conditioned Airconditioning equipment elements This area will be ready for be installed prior to fabricating the 1956 and Controls installation of equipnent in the middle of July etala the looation of the equipment in the has promised that floor ion showing area Will be available by July 1956


wilson is coordinating the At present DeLagi who reports directly to It is planned to effort of Leta1s and Controls personnel on this program of with etaff of so that closer coordination provide DeLagi persons the coordinator for the eta1a and Control programs can be obtained To date the been It was emphasized because of urgency S2G program has not appointed should be taken to appoint this coordinator of the program that immediate action the would be made within Uetals and Controls indicated that appoinent

the operations at Metals review of the applied labor for performing assembly Controls TL 7_showed and Controls has been made by AãeMLJ.n4 personnel on both power should be1fOr performance

Controls from all divisions within getals and The coordinator will obtain services the initial of the program approximatelY It is currently estimated that for phases data All available as to meet the oouunient EngineerS i1l be tade required this at Metals and Controls are presently personnel who will work on program cleared

FUSRAP2258 J.P Frandsen June 29 1956


1966 It was The aohedulc date for beirrn1ng the dry run is August 25 emphasized and Controls would have to that this schedule is extremely tight and that ietals Metals and Controls devote all out effort in order to meet the date promised for of the that work schedule showing completion dates major phases program would be delivered to such as equipment installation parts procurement etc KAPL by July 1956

order wld be necessary It was also emphasized that in riit the in sufficient to submit certain reports as outlined in applicable specifications Metals and for KAPL review prior to initiating the dry run SpeoifioaUy Control Lianual in one from our Controls promised to deliver the Quality ware not set for the other reports discussions July 27 1956 Specific end dates to the dry run but it was agreed that they would required prior beginning


have been received by Metals Quotes on all parts except for the corrugated ring stainless from and Controls The preent plans are to order all machine parts ARC has agreed to Bristol except for have bienplaaed amos the contract supply all beryllium parts No purciiiseHrs has not yet been signed

for manufacturing parts at Bristol The use of tools and fixtu.rea owned by KAPL Jul 1956 etals and Controls and Bulova was discussed It was agreed that by their vendors on this program would submit list of KAPLs tools to be use noted that KAPL would certify the quality of Ml 1Aring our discussions it was indicate that moat of the stainless steel Further checks at KAPL however to fabricate the tubing and material is now available at Superior Tube Company to the Hi material that Superior should be required certify

would of all parts at KAPL It was agreed that review surplus madiivailable to LietsJa be made It is hoped that some of these parts can and Controls for their dry run


Nothing to report


the vendors will be required W.7 Wa$ agreed Sinoe Navy inspection at plant the It was agreed that meeting to determine the Navy Inspector for area resident .nd of SOO area Navy Inspector the Attleboro Navy L4ale 4troia be held at Metals and Controls to Inspector the KAPL Inspector and Trailer also that meoting outline all of the inspection requirements It was agreed and XAPL personnel between LletalB and Controls inspection personnel inspection are completely be arranged It was emphasized that Navy and KAPL inspection does not necessarily imply independent T1uas oomplianoes to Navy requirements compliance with IAPL requiremento

Dcjj 02851 1f4

June 1956 ..3 29 J.P Frandsen

QUALITY CONTROL CONTD Contoli be etalB and that immediate actions de by It wan also reocwmended This with all applicable specifications acquaint themselves to thoroughly to satisfactory for it will be impossible prepare work should be expedited Msmal without thorough knowledge or ia1ity Control process Flow Charts of the specification reqyirementa

EqJ IPft would visit KAPL and Controls representatives was agreed that Metals to It for Metals and Controls the available 1956 to review equipment be July that all out effort would It was nubially agreed this work this work and that perform end Controls to perform to equip Metals required propetlf which can not be etpplied be me4e to order equipment immediate efforts would by XAPL

4t /gp R.C Trsxler Supervis9r Adyano.dtMazfaaLrt1 gngineering MVFACTURI NG iNGINBSRING


cci K.A asae1i1ng E.B flames a.Ti Tard C.R Stahl Controls RJ DeLagi Metals


DOj 02852 Co1aX Gener8 ElectriC O.4F LA3MD FOLL3 PTOC ScherctY Neil York


to 11/29/56 DATE OF .IP 11/27/56 liomer Swart

Nuclear ProduC Controls Corporation VISIT.t Metala pUEL DiTiaiOfl


Gr Clark Loysen

for processillgi 1.ity standards assist pyE OF TRIP To cotnpOEt emb1ing and storingi

prepared Co-e5 to

J.P Fre.Ud P.L ilofinaD R.C Tr8.X1T

FUSRAP2411 December 121956 Trip Report

and vault area Discussed Visited production area storage Discussed and with process engineer problems of process assembly with nealtn and safety engineer health physics problems in area Reviewed who is also responsible for criticality procedures and rules successfully used at KAPL with criticality procedures and vault areas health and safety engineers in the productio.n based on limit area concept were The procedures used at KAPL vai.dt areas and little found to be feasible in the production and modi be ruired Wall

rhis method used in K4PL ientuE3 of space combined

rules and proceireS written description of KAPLs criticality to meet Metals and Controls with sketches was rewritten so as sent This will be dupliç ed and copies requirements in detail Decisions for to KAPL for coent through modifications are handled by con.ittee vault procedures and committee was to approve which was to meet November 30 1956 The of and.ndling and include or modify the proposed method storage Procedures for unpacking handling it in the written procedure were discussed with the health and assembling eryllium recommended outlined This and safety engieer and procedure concluded the visit


DOJ 04988 -r



Name and address number street of contracting colnpany

Name and address number and street of cnpany to perform work______2- 7z Exact address building name or number and street number where work is to be performed 32 I11L c4q subcontract Contract or purchase order numbers give prime contract number of all subcontrats and purchase order______

L7-77 cC 4..- 59- 4I

Contract subcontract or purchase order

Ccmimencement Date /7J7 Termination Date /7d8 Cmencement date of work /9c7

Highest classification of subcontract CRD contract or purchase order Work Documents LI

tif Restricted Data or Defense Information specify in each of the above example SRD S.-DI

Nature of work or security interest _.



SeTy Officer of facility performing work

Document control Custodian and AEC Clearance if known of facility perform ing work aj.aasined mailing address______


Hi- 7//fJ7

FUSRAP2323 Key pereonne to contact Clearances or if known_

ic Opera ions Office having work performed at facility involved none epecify-

I..work involves defense information- -non-restricted data name and addeas of Departhient of Defense Office mving security cognizance of facility iiwo1i1 if none specify




When all work under specified contract subcontract or purchase order has been terminated by the above facility innuediate notification shall be made to the Schenectady Operations Office Action shall be taken to have all docimienta returned to the contractor responsible for negotiating the contract subcontract or purchase order and easo to have all clearances terminated and Termination Stat inents on those personnel whose clearances were granted reinstated or extended for this work submitted to the Schenectady Operations Office

Name and address of contractor submitting this report

EP1 08952 WnodL/Jto4acLe amei1haoAa Y4eO9Z

IN YOUR REPL REFER To FILE onaieeooz Seee4 3cdtm 710 RECEIVED .7


58.36 January 15 1958

Mr Snyder Manager of Maaudacture Nuclear Inc Attloboro Massachusetts

Dear Mr Snyder

Enclosed is report by our engineer Mr Harold on his Bav.ey visit to your plant on January 10th We have been in keeping touch with your operations for some time Our previous reports have been sent to Mr Can

Very truly yours

Hervey EJcin Eno Director


January 13 1958

To Dr Nlkins Prom Mr Bavley Subject Thiclear Inc lormerly Thiclear Products Div Metals Controls Corp Attleboro Person Interviewed Mr Peter Loysen Health and Safety Engineer Date of Visit January 10 1958

follow.up visit was made to this location to survey the present operations and cheek the etatus of our previouelysubmitted recommendations relative to the control of the radiation hazard from the use of new X-ray machine located in the Laboratory and Production Department

The plant expansion program continues Construction of the Laboratory Building baa been completed The installation of equipment viii be completed in approximately one month Core Assembly building is being erected This building will be 60 feet by 50 feet by 65 feet high At present the foundation has been installed additional mezzanine office area iill be added to the present building

There are total of 660 employees working for Nuclear Inc Approximately sixty percent or 390 have been included in the health physics program

An X.uray machine is being installed in physically separated room in the new plant area At present the contractor is installing the shielding which consists of lead 1/2.-inch in thiokneaa The X..ray machine will operate at 300 kv and 10 ma

Mr Loysen advised that they bad contemplated having the u.rinelyaes performed by the Nuclear and Engineering Corporation Pittsburgh but on further investigation have asked for quotation from the Combustion Engineering Company windsor Connecticut This company will perform the urinalyses by electros. deposition and alpha count using the Oak Ridge metd.

Each new employee is given preassigument phyaical examination including blood count Mr Loysen advised that he

TIA 00110 is informing plant management that according to the official u1es and Regulations on Ionizing Radiation each employee must be given an annual examination The problem of terminal physical examination was discussed at this time The qu.eation as to what authority the company would have in requiring did not wish to terminal physical examination if the employee be subjected to same was discussed at this time Mr Loysen was advised that it is up to the company to provide the means for the physical examination but that the employee probably could not be forced to subject himself to such an examination

Film badge reports are kept up to date Each employee expo auras are entered on an individual card along with other pertinent information

special contamination survey has been completed covering the entire plant Such survey takes approximately one to perform The maximum allowable contaminations are as followe


Fixed 20000 D/M/l00 cm2 Removable 2000

CLEAN REL Fixed or Removable Less than 500 D/M/l00 cm2


Fixed No definite value Removable Less than 500 D/M/l00 cm2

RESPIRATORS Fixed or Removable Less than 500 D/M/lO0 cm2

Mr Loeen advised that the bad tentatively approved these values

Contaminated clothing is sent to Nuclear Laundry Service Inc Waterbury Connecticut According to Mr Loysen this company has been licensed by the to handle and launder contaminated clothing

check was made of the new L.ray machine known as Norelco Mg 150 rated at 150 kv and 10 ma to determine whether there was any leakage after the repairs had been completed It was found that the rates of radiation just below the view box area underneath the view box area and at the two tunnel open ings were negligible Our recommendations for physical examine tion and blood count were completed The film badge reports on these employees indicated readings of from 13 to 22 mr

EB os TIA QOili .0

Trip eport S.pter 25 and 1958 Th1esr .kae Cy Attieboro .ssaakuastts


October 1958

cc vith On Thtaeds S.ptber 25 Nuc1r visited in coti also visited the closeout of Pr1 Ccctr.ct Ar-3-216 plant by and Wi1er 1O Ccctracts. 14x. 11l Pxodrti had the WI visited cc urs.7 vera e4y1sM pla.us be had been and they vera not ezpsctin us that day No arrnts cged ii41 da for the visit that no equipzit .e svi1al for ing caaea etc and Wtsrial vera avai11l After discuss ion equixit azL psrs1 ob.i to yIi1ly un the ti-ia.1

to be After ticc of all tsriaia cerxd 2907 powts vera picked up ratur to APL for screp rec1eti as 1t stock Three thie4 fifty-ci to 3059 eonaid.red umi scrap sM viii be retmd 0Q pa as for credit Three thousand bua1rsd seventy 3170 pos conferred vith gond ht certified pirclay isdiate usa certlficaticcs the Qflty Ctro people of in order to szcerin vt the satis fact icc lth1. If of this tszi.l cet be certified to D.e of the PrOdition vill pick it up for the sez r.c1tiGn it vas to the difficuitisa ctred the visit epe.red for -hs1Z vith this ieninr necassazy to sp .4M dys

visited to revisv On Friy 8.pter 1958 the ke4 Cpcf WS to this office letter of 12 1958 scrap sirca1oua pcrted by S.pter site of this asterial This terial int.a4 at the Plsinviile

ii pcui1 is accaidared uaah4 in the scrap ree1ti.cc .ie 2259.5 of the terial 1598.5 powa consists of sireI1o1i tdPmOO for credit med is by APL This viii be r.turd ch.tpe in ter n1

of of terisJ has bs In via itin6 ts two plate total 5166.5 pounds for at eidarahls sa1vasd and ia $11 hebiiity viii be rec PL saving

Kiasingar KAIAT5 177RThTtT




Name Kenneth Arnold Jr Date March 1960

Order No Contracts SCH 29-270 5CR 58-237 and NP Copien AJ Brown 14770 end 14723 DN Dunning Contractor Location 3D Lee KAPL WA Neisz Schenectady N.Y CE Smith Proict GW VonStetina Status Review on above listed contracts ww Ward Contacta Brown RP Williamson Messrs VonStetina HR Winkler Thiebaud QA Field File Pagano Winkler

Date March 1960 Dunning

Objective Discuss status of contracts at NCN


Blister data on SCH 59-270 was given to Keats for statistical evaluation

Approved AR for Quality Control Plan on NPD 1i.1723

Discussed status of submissions On NP 1.770

Discussed M8Ns actions to date on audit report

Discussed 0VEC .s coverage on SCH 58-237


The data on the first sixty-five 65 ingots to complete the __J -furnished to Keats for statistical evaluation Th as to _____ was refused us what shifts certain operations were perfornd was not complete as MN this information

and The Quality Control Plan on NPD 1lJ.723 was approved by KAPL QA icc Arnold given to NCPE DN Dunning or final approval

NCPE winkl The status of the Quality Control Plan on NPD 1.1770 was discussed with this The approval of this plan was overlooked and will be acted upon week

taken action on the audit report was discussec .. The sifficant areas in which MN.has the wee1 with Thiebaud It is expected that MN will answer this report during of March 13 1960





The major item discussed on SCH 58-237 was OMC coverage at MCN It was agreed that OMC would be required to cover subassembly fabrication on this contract OC had originally not intended to witness the acceptance of these subasseriiblies



Arnold/nick Name

Quality Assurance Engineer NCO-QC Title and/or Cononent

Sh of NcQC-l9eont



Date April 26 1960 Name Harry Dee gan

RJ Enrico Contract SCH 59-270 Copiest th Orie NPD liii.191 14770 and JD Lee WA Ne isz ContraCtOl Location M8d Nuclear Inc CE Smith AttleborO Massachusetts Thiebaud GW vonStetina Proict zircaloy BR Winkler wW Ward Contacta RP Williamson MOf fat Payton and Clark QA File CQEA File

1960 Date April 18 April 23

source surveillance inspect ion Objective Quality Assurance


Cores ic and ld

subassemblies and S/A inspections on elements Performed visual and dimensional N1YT records and charts stacking Reviewed Dr and

Five iere dred percent inspected dimensional and visual should be on DNDRs for


billets to complete CWA poison started weigiing on sixty-two 62 on NPD 77

Harry Deegafl/mCk Name

DMEA 1CQC QA Field Representative Title and/or Component FUSRAP26S1

_O Sheet of tX.441


i-fl --- .- -..14 --

-- -t 1.fl1

-- tYr Jr -- .c ..-- J.t-I.g4tj4.t4 .- --1 -t. _--__-t ssL%.k4a_-.-d t--

%-- -rr-r rcflzzc -- 41c

p. S44sLtfeIi_Lc_s q%tt.4a.r-- 4r tY43

4r t- -c- ______fl ..r4-t.-L ttfl ______

___ -- ______

..$ A-- ______AC er. .4r- ______4-- ______--ti.t-rtf ______44 ci -tt -- ______

___ -i ______-- Cr Yt4t .r5fls-c4w-ff pr j.- r.-7t fljrrtcr.r.C7 r4 1i 4r4SfMUflftJ -- ___ las .c..s-4.art.t.r.t.b179r7ja1r.TtA4tr24c..Q4rr nra.- t.4 -a4Lt kf5stwr.n-.- 4as..a 4k -- rflwY4r47r ...L1C._ S/f.-b Li.- -- i- t.a..vztj--Cnta- 1- .V --I



4-L .\C 43-j...m -4 4..-...

--14 .. %h4S 44 -r 4%t t- j3e.-te4 -2.44 --S t4 Ii 1\ttPlI -S JL-t- -Tt General Electric Compax KNOLLS ATCIIC POWER lABORATORY Schenectady New York

June 17 1960

Ma Brown E.l Mezz

Subject TIP TO MN ON 6.15.60

at in the and at got up 515 1noming about 605 picked up Brown We drove to WCN with short briskly only one stop for breakfast and axther for gas and arrived at about 10 a.m

Rod Dunlop us and we were soon greeted joined by Bob M1in and John Nedgeay Thsy were big help except think they were as mize upas we were We locked at slot of sample and told few stories and jokes At five thirty or so we went over tO the F1.röside restaurant and had delicious dinner with George Hanlon who is now very happy in his new job

after dinner had to Unfortunately we go back to SN to clear up the loose ends and write the of what we did all day We had few drinks at dinner so we were oufused and the minutes arent very clear Partly because of our confusion and partly because there were so many loose ends didnt get out of WN until lOzljS p.m

There was slot of fog on the way back so we didnt get home until about oclock in the rrning This makes very long day and hope you appreciate it

The work we did is explained in the attached report

Bishop Nuclear Core 1nnfacturiug gineering E-l Mess Room 201 70s3

SNB/lp cc HC Traxier TS Weiesiw

FuSRP267O OCT 1919

June 1979 MEMORANDUM FOR File Trip 14-79-093 12-14

FFMS Bran THRU George Smith Chief

FROM Roth Fuel Facility Inspector Kottan Radiation Speciali



of the Office was informed by Mr On May 24 1979 Mr Stohr Region Director of Radiation Control Parker Commonwealth of Massachusetts had written term Programs1 that two Brown University students paper Massachusetts Private Landfill see Appendix concerning the Norton had released this term paper to local during the month of May 1979 and that reporter from the Boston newspapers for publication Later day called the Norton Landfill Globe Jerry Ackerman 617-929-3157 regarding

Mr Ackerman stated that the students from Brown University at the John had taken water samples from the Norton suggestion of Mr Sullivan Interex 617-237-6650 site and had them analyzed at Natick Massachusetts shown on Tables and Director Mr Fix The analysis results are obtained These results are about factor of 100 higher than previously NRC results

confirmed the Brown students tabulated On May 25 1979 Region personnel results with Mr ACkF and determined where the water samples were determined to be taken on the landf ii Puddle in the landfill was NRC hole Marsh rainwater located in the previously identified HA to be the previously adjacent to the landfill was originally thought identified NRC water sample location WC but was later identified as area about 15 feet south of the new location positioned in the marshland Holden FurnaceSeeattaChed--FgUre

tor arrange with Hr RadfátióCóti take Parker Director of Massachusetts lPbFã the Brown additional water samples from the locations sampled by University both students on June 1979 and have these water samples analyzed by results also Interex and Idaho/RESL Comparison sample analysis are shown in Tables and

of Hecklers Office was On May 31 1979 Ms Carol Bauer Congresswoman Massachusetts informed of recent developments concerning the Norton Private Landfill

tan /skl O/..I79 f8/y_/79


Cpatka Conservation On June 1979 Region was notified by Mr water samples in sets of Director Town of Norton Massacnusetts that tabulated in Tables and two were taken from the private landfill as not from the well These and that water samples could be taken Shpack 1979 Mr Opatka indicated that the samples were obtained on June TV Channel 10 crews He also indicated sampling process was covered by Union Road had been that portions of the front end of the landfill near tMs observation bladed over and that he would obtain more specifics on to the Nortr Board On the same date Mr Trotrnan Executive Secretary and requested of Selectman 617-285-6301 Ext 600 601 called Region another meeting with NRC representatives

Report No On June 1979 the NRC Region Norton/AttleborO Survey with the Norton Massa 078-154 was released to the public and meeting 1979 at 100 chusetts Board of Selectman was scheduled for June 14 p.m

office that the front On June 1979 Mr Opatka informed the Region been the owner of the adjacent portion near Union Road nd graded by 1979 with Attleboro Landfill Corporation Landfill site on about May 20 his had some extra compactor He was sloping and grading own property be time and since he was friend of Mrs Shpack he was trying to much helpful However the area was too wet to do grading

States On June 1979 arrangements were made with USGS United Geological Private Landfill on June 13 1979 Survey personnel to examine the Norton of action available to in order to determine tne next oossible course site deternine the extent of radioactive material present on the NRC Mr Prudic USGS Albany New York Region contacts would include Massachusetts Office FTS 472-6042 and Mr Delaney USGS Boston Office 617-223-2822

brief Heckler in her office Arrangements were also made to Congresswoman Norton/Attleboro investi on June 12 1979 en the current status of the the radioactive material found at the Norton gation into the source of si te

OJune Region -I RepQO.7154A con inii into the source of the radioactve material found at thFi gation ....stewascompIetedaPdSentO NRCQ for review This repcrtwa ubse quently released to the

Results of Meetings

Briefing of Congresswoman Heckler June 12 1979

On June 12 1979 meeting was held at the Office of Congresswoman the current status of Heckler in Washington D.C to brief her on Norton/Attleboro Landfill investigations The attendees at this meeting were


Congresswoman Heckler Staff Bauer Member of Congresswoman Hecklers Smith Branch Chief FFMS Branch NRC Stohr Section Chief ESP Section NRC N1vCIEHQ Sniezek Director Division of FFMS Inspection Section NRCNMSS Crow Section Leader Uranium Fuel Fabrication persons from the Department of Energy Affairs Office person from NRC Congressional

to Congresswoman Heckler The purpose of this meeting was provide status of the radioactive material in with an update on the current Private Landfill in Norton Finberg Field Attleboro and the Shpack material in Field had She was informed that the radioactive Finberg that the Norton/At been physically removed by Attleboro personnel released to the public tieboro Survey Report No 078-154 had been into the source of and that the investigation report No 078-154A had been the radioactive material in the Shpack Private Landfill for action She was given completed reviewed and sent to DOE briefing on the contents of the investigation report

that she felt that NRC was not as Congresswoman Heckler stated landfill as it should responsive to the conditions at the private informed and have been that NRC had not been keeping her office of the that NRC had misled her with regard to the significance ad radioactive material at the Norton site These concerns were Mr Smith dressed during the briefing conducted by

1979 Attleboro Meeting with Texas Instruments June 13

Trust On June 13 1979 meeting was held in the Attleboro Company at the of Texas building located in Attleboro Massachusetts request included Instruments Inc Attendees at this meeting

Services Division TI Snyder Assistant Vice President Operating

-- -- Lawyer TI of G.Parker Director of Radiation Control Programs Commonwealth

Radiation Commonwealth of Comprorii Bureau of Control Programs Massachusetts Board of Selectman Trotman Executive Secretary to Norton Patenande Chairman Norton Board of Selectman Smith Chief FFMS Branch NRC Stohr Section Chief ESP Section NRC Sly Senior Health Physicist NRC IEHQ Fabrication Section NRCNMSS Crow Section Leader Uranium Fuel


Landfill and investigation The status of the Norton Private survey material was presented and discussed into the source of the radioactive to of action available the current available courses In addition noncomittal Texas Instruments personnel were the NRC were presented Texas instruments position in this manner on the present

Board of Selectm -June 14 Meeting with Norton Massachusetts

held at the Norton Massachusetts On June 14 1979 meeting was Town Board of Selectman Town Hall at the request of the Norton Attendees at this meeting included

of Selectman Patenande Chairman Norton Board Selectman Silver Norton Board of Diane Norton Board of Selectman Benson Norton Board of Selectman Norton Board of Selectman Trotman Executive Secretary Commonwealth of Massachusetts Legislature Representative Lombardi Keene EPA Region of Hecklers Office Rapetta Representative Congresswoman Massachusetts Keene Mayor Attleboro Defense Director Attleboro Civil Rollinson of Control Programs Comnonwe3lth Parker Director of Radiation Massachusetts of Control Programs Commonweait Comproni Bureau of Radiation Massachusetts Control Commonwealth of Swibble Bureau of Radiation Programs Massachusetts Smith Chief FFMS Branch NRC NRC Stohr Section Chief ESP Section NRC IEHQ Sly Senior Health Physicist Fuel Fabrication Section NRCNMSS Crow Section Leader Uranium NRCI Abraham Public Affairs Officer NRC Roth Fuel Facilities inspector Kottan Radiation Specialist NRC R.SettipaneStudeflt Brown University

two representatives trorr Texas Instruments In addition there were present -membe rs of-t-h ______

Commonwealth of Massachusetts Mr Smith NRC and Mr Parker recent water samples taken at the analytical results of presented of detailed the current status Private Landfill Mr Smith further the question 0f jurisdiction the investigation including comments results of of actions taken by NRC to date or NRC/DOE


sample analysis types of radioactive material identified and discussion of future courses of action available in order to resolve this situation The Board of Selectman questioned various individuals involved and stated that they would like to have an aerial survey conducted CAMS over the town of Norton

Re-examination of the Norton Private Landfill

was conducted on On June 13-14 1979 ct..rscry surface radiation survey those areas of the Norton Landfill which were previously described as in this being disturbed by compacting and grading Persons participating survey included

Swibble Massachusetts Bureau of Radiation Control Programs Opatka Director of Conservation Norton Massachusetts Delaney USGS Boston Massachusetts Prudic USGS Albany New York kottan Radiation Specialist NRC Roth Fuel Facilities Inspector NRC

In addition repcrter for the Boston Globe and camera man/reporter for TV Channel Providence P. accompanied the inspectors on this examination of the site

Is in map of the site showing the extent of the disturbed area depicted solid lines this Figure The disturbed area is outlined by double on figure The previously identified ridge of contaminated material located marks under the power lines and identified by the xx 1-12 could not be identified on this survey and the area of the ridge was found to be background 0.1 to MR/hr with no identifiable hot spots been Although the area marked H-D had disturbed the radiation levels at this location had not been changed significantly Similarly in the disturbed area near sample location 0-i the radiatior levels had not changed significantly

Concurrently with the examination of the disturbed areas the site was States exannned by the accompanying representatives-of---USGSUnited Geological Survey Three hand Auger sample holes were dug and sampled 24 in orthr in .approxiately .6 inch ncreto incs to evaluate the site for proposed extensive core This proposed technique may be used to determine the extent of subsurface radioactive material The locations of these auger holes are shown on taken Figure as sample locations 2-A-i 2-A-2 and 2-A-3 Dirt samples and the analysis results are tabulated in Table The samples were analyzed by the DOE Idaho Radiological and Environmental Labora tory


on the afternoon of June 13 1979 Subsequent to the site examination in order to define pro- meeting was held with the USGS representatives posed course of action Attending this meeting were

Swibble Massachusetts Bureau of Radiation Control Programs Massachusetts Opatka Director of Conservation Norton Delaney USGS Bostor Massachusetts Prudic USGS Albany New York Kottan Radiation Specialist NRCI Roth Fuel Facilities Inspector NRCI

USGS would write proposal to During this meeting It was decided that material the surface NRC to establish the extent of radioactive both on thickness to and below the surface to establish the of the landfill with radioactive determine if the site ground water has been contaminated the material and to determine if the site ground water were contaminated extent and direction of radioactive material migration in the ground water

available to On July 1979 it was determined that USGS would not be above conduct the work at the Norton Private Landfill as discussed for the work to be done However USGS could act as an agent in arranging by private firm

Off-Site Well Water Sampling

locations from On June 14 1979 water samples were taken at various away in the the Norton Private Landfill in order to determine if ground water radioactive area had been contaminated by the presence of uranium bearing this well materials in the landfill The Shpack well was resampled since flow was closest to the site in the supposed direction of ground water educated The direction of ground water flow was supplied as guessimates Town of Norton Conservation by the accompanying USGS personnel and by the water Director Swamp water on the surface was sampled as was deep well from the home of Mrs Gay 59 Union Road Norton Both of these samples two were taken in the supposed direction of flow In addition background samplsOfwellwater werobtaned at the homesof Mr and Mrs Cambellone 100 Peckham Street Attleboro Massachusetts and Mr and Mrs Rossario

of the at location which was aboüt 4000 feet southwest site For of landfill site information the sample locations and the location the have been plotted and shown on Figure The sample results obtained and EPA laboratories showed through independent analysis by RESL Interex that no levels of good agreement which indicated there were significant results are tabulated radioactivity present in any of the samples Analysis in table



NRC and other interested parties On July 1979 representatives of DOE the actions to be taken on held meeting in Washington D.C to discuss of the NRC Investigation Report this landfill site Based on the results discussions held during this O-78-154A issued on June 27 1979 and the lead responsibility to it was decided that DOE would assume meeting landfill actions be taken concerning this assure that corrective would DOE was confirmed by letter to Assumption of the lead responsibility by dated 1979 On July 2324 NRC Congresswoman Hecklers office July 31 Mr of DOE to the landfill site Region personnel accompanied Ramsey concerning the site and to in order to acquaint him with the particulars local units introduce him to the representatives of governmental

if Facilities Inspector I.ji Roth Fuel

Xottan Radiation Specialist

cc Allan Crocker Stohr Abraham File

NRC 00171 P/ey17i 4s __

e.lc4r Fiqut- Vcti

9J4 MI/4r

-gfl 8kqrsiv.I4 W.4J


Ho rt

NRC 00172 Fiçure

Norton rassachuSettS Water Sap1in Locat ions June 14 1979 1121 -__-/ -C- ._/__\.r_ LJI .------c


-fl----. \------r- --- -9



._j_ 1- .1 c_-____ -- \-.- t--

NRC 00173 Table


of Previous Sampi of State Mass./R State Mass./1fltere Brown tJ./1ntereX mple Location 10/31 11/2/78 Sediment filtered Sampled on

on 6/1/79 Shpack _____ 11/9/78 Sampled Shpack well sampled

Sampled approximatlY on from liquid of May 6/4/79 1st l197.9 well sampled on week Sampled 611779 well Stipack sampled 6/4/79 42

1.5 0.2640.03 1.90.2 not sampled 02 940

54 6.50.5 not sampled not sampled 3900200 1280440 7610120 48500 not 412 1.20.1 sampled 280 44030 80

52 3.840.3 0.0440.01 690 pACk Well

an systematic should include additional 25% of error C- 11/9/78







sampled sampled analyzed

analyzed analyzed

not not not not not


Previous Sampled






liquid 111 61

3.70.8 00.6



Sampled Shpack 6/4/79


Mass./RESL of

93 233 354 73

State Liquid









PICOCURIES Mass./Interex on IN of



Table 9.4

11 28 1506

State Sampled 13020








apprdximatiely of on



sampled sampled


1st not not 577

162800 1227






iiple Table


Locatlon Depth Results uCi/gm

2-A-l 0-6 inches U-235 4.15 O.llE-5

Pb-212 8.4 l.7E-7

Pb-214 3.8 1.8E-7

T1-208 7.2 2.8E-7

Cs-137 5.3 l.2E-7

Pa-234m 8.5 1.7E-5

K-40 1.62 O.19E-5

2A-l 6-12 inches U-235 6.53 O.17E-5

11-208 8.3 3.3E-7

Cs-137 7.4 1.5E-7

Pa-234rn 1.25 O.21E-4

K-40 1.38 O.22E-5

2-A-l 12-18 inches U-235 4.20 O.20E-6

Pb-212 1.08 0.15E-6

Pb214 53T177


Cs-137 1.0 O.1E-6

Ac-228 9.5 3.OE-7

Pa-234m 2.3 1.OE-5

K-40 1.76 0.2OE-5

See Figure

NRC 00176 Results uCi/gm LocatiO Depth

Eu-155 2.5 l.7E-7 2-A-i 18-24 Inches

tJ-235 L39 0.05E-5

Pb-212 8.3 l.8E-7

Pb-214 5.7 2.1E-7

Tl-208 5.9 2.8E-7

Cs-137 3.8 L4E7

Pa-234m 2.8 1.3E-5

K-40 1.44 0.22E-5

U-234 9.82 0.22E-4 2-A-2 0-6 inches

Pa-234m 2.09 O.04E-1

U235 9.55 0.26E5 2A2 6-12 inches

Pa-234m 8.80 0.29E-3

K-40 5.8 4.4E-6

U-235 1.56 0.04E-4 2-A-2 12-18 inches

Pa-234m 2.63 0.06E-2

Pb-214 5.98 tO.12E-3

Pa-234m 8.4 3.4E-4

Ra-226 7.6 O.6E-3

See Figure

NRC 00177 uCi/gm Location Depth Resui

Pb-214 1.24 0.03E-3 2-A-3 6-12 inches

Pa-234m 0.3 L8E-4

Bf-214 1.33 0.04E-3

Ra-226 1.6 O.2E-3

inches Pb-214 1.30 O.03E3 2-A-3 12-18

Pa-234m -2.4 1.7E-4

81-214 1.40 0.04E-3

Ra-226 2.7 0.3E3

See Figure

NRc 00178 Table

of Report Massachusetts Well Water Sample Analysis Comparison Norton Per in All Results Picocurles Liter 14 Sampes Taken June 1979 EPA

pe Interex Location INRC/RESL

Gro Gross Gross Beta Gross Alpha Aliha Gross Beta Gross Alpha 2.5 0.6 O3 93 0.50.7 ShpackWeIl 1.2O.2 NOT 2.0 1.0 ANALYZED 03 Swamp Water Ft NNE of 400 Site NOT -1 0.7 0.1 -2

0.2 01 ANALYZED Well Water 59 Union Road NE of 650 Ft Site NOT 1.3 1.8 -2

0.2 ANALYZED 2.6 Well Water 100 Peckham Street SW of ft 4000 Site NOT 0.9 0.8

-1 ANALYZED Well Water G.25 0.08 106 Peckham Street SW of ft 4200 Site 25% of an

The error should include additional systematic gross alpha results LNVESTIGATION OF NUCLEAR WASTE SITES IN


ngineering 196

Michael Cowel obe.rt.




NRC 00180 was three as initiillY proposed The purpose of this study

We set out to detertnine pronged in tmrestricred dump Did raw radioactive waste exist


in certain dump If there was radioactive waste present

Co human life sites what danger did it pose

in these dump there was radioactive waste present

Who put it siteS what was it doing there i.e

there and for what reason

towards answering We re able to make significant findings in and therefore present this report each of these questions

similar outline


NRC 00181 Sites Exist in Unrestricted Dup itd Raw Radioactive Waste were not sure if radioactive When we .mdertook the study we that unrestricted dump sites We knew waste did exist in certain these con time and effort to determine whether it would take much existed that in the ditions actually existed and the possibility these circumstances we end we might find out nothing Despite did exist it was more to reveal decided that if hazardous conditions

thexn than risking possible failure

University student told It all began when certain Brown

levels were discovered in specific us that highly abnormal radiation The student also hinted that areas of AttlebOrO Massachusetts tblics which had preventeC certain forces had come into play

that existed He infered that full .derstanding of the danger

nature and succeeded in these forces were of highly political the find The student also insisted that bringing about overup

hazard and something had to be done At ings posed major health responstbilitY to undertake such this time we ..cided it was our the students at university such as 3rown an assignment Being administration would 3rove to facilities and cooperation of the

be key factor in this investigation

who were wor1ing on We icted to group of carpenters tatwe Providence At first cei were surprised mayer Street i.rt matter Then while reassurinUS had decided to investigate this

waed us of political dan that such study was necessary they

of these further about the nature political gers Upon guestior.ing tha he roots of such trouble were somehow dangers we discovered


NRC 00182 of industrial These inexorably tied up with some sort coverup

Bill and his unnamed men directed us to Jim Smith whose brother associate had direct involvement with the initial investigation

we decided to re Upon discussing the matter between ourselves quest an independent study

This coenced the most time consuming portion of the study

much the search for the two previous investigators There was

had difficulty in locating Bill Smith becuase he no telephone

tried to and lived by himself For three we repeatedly

for meet him at his apartment We would wait two to three

time him outside his apartment at different each day Each

Bill called us we left note asking him Co contact us Finally

at Brown in our Fraternity to say that he was willing to meet us

Me demanded that we meet in our Fraternity house to make certain

the that we were Brown students tt just so happened that on day

3i11 arrived an annual ceremony referred to as Orange Blossoms .s

in full swing fortumate coincidence the festival atmosphere

served to relax Bills apprehension concerning the investigation

Bill related to us that his initial fears had caused him to actually

that his avoid us during the three weeks He informed us part

in the initial investigation was not avery active i.Màesig

nL.icantly he revealed th id4héiôfhiS

John Sullivan

We were able to contact John Sullivan by phone The first

that had fotntd him time we talked to him he was very surprised we

NRC 00183 conversation was and connected him with the investigation This

to cooperate We de ended abruptly because of his unwillingness

with us was to re cided that the only way to make him cooperate

on him We explained throughly peatedly call him and put pressure

our In order who we werehow we had found him and objectives

students involved in an inde to verify our legitimacy as Brown the Dean with nuclear waste he contacted pendent study connected reassured him that we had who had sponsored our study The Dean

study Shortly after this been approved for such an independent the the Finberg John Sullivan began to cooperate He suggested

stte of radioactive waste Field in Attleboro Massachusetts was

We borrowed meter and that high radiation readings were present

office at Brown and proceeded through Dr Shearer of the Safety

find reading higher than nor to the field We were unable to any

Contacting John mal background and were somewhat disheartened

more sensitive meter Sullivan he convinced us that we needed for ore sensitive We went back. to Shearer and made request

he could not lend out the more meters Dr Shearer responded that

used in his He sensitive meters and they could only be presence

along with bring_whatever meter we requested

directed U3 the himself as long as John Sullivan personallY

dunp site terms The date for the coopera willing to cooperate along these

would be 29 tive investgatiOfl was set it ay


NRC 00184 Shearer .d ourselves to john Sullivan first brought Dr

entton of which was several dp site he had made no previous of we found abncralLy high levels miles from Fthberg Field Here

foot on the site Radioactive radiation alst as soon as we set the the whole site That vaste appeared to be scattered about

evident by the numerous metal waste were of thdustrial origin was

revealed to us con drs and other iron works Jcthn Sullivan

the nuclear regulatory corn- fidentiat report on the site done by

to copy of See mission NRC that he had somehow managed get

in the report indicated the Eichibit Analysis of soil samples radi 226 uranium 235 presence of radioactive isotopes

to of the soil fraction and urani 238 in concentrations up of several holes in the Indeed shin e4ning radiation levels

several inches frort the surface gromd higher levels were found

that the radioactive substances than dcm deeer this indicated

surface soil Je were surprised were acua.l fracon of the

had the radioactive materials at this finding because we expected

containers and to be partially buried at to be in some sort of

waste was dumped directly appears chat raw radioactive -- ostrface httanT recaut on f-or iñTC ro ha4s td.radatto- eels of on thts occasion was 3-6 mr/hr a.L that we were abe to verify

than radiation .02 mr/hr Ths was hLher background

where no invesciga next reeded to the Tinberg FLed previous

Here we found levels of been- ronducted by the i.C

NRC 00185 be con radioactive material appeared to .3 mr/hr Again the uuch it also appeared that stituent of the soil surface However

over with clean land fill of the field was built up and covered

much more radioactive waste This suggested the possibility that

There the waste could be leaching lie buried beneath the ground water thto and contaminating underground

at the days findings Overall Dr Shearer was very surprised

educational experience and referred to the trip as very

would be important to Dr Shearer also said that he though it

the surrounding area to continually monitor the water from

leaching into local determine if radioactive materials were

health hazard He furthermore water supplies so as to cause

if we were to bring them to him offered to analyze water samples after this without Dr We set out on several other occasions

in the NRC report Shearer to verify the higher readings suggested

for radioactive waste materials and to investigate other fields fields abnormal radiation levels in other We did not discovir any

in the NRC report and dis but did verify levels of over 20 mr/hr

below the surface at the covered levels of mr/hr several inches

Fi1d 11ge 1göuEd ànd

NRC .1.eadus to açcpç_ consistencY withthefinding30f the- report-

Furthermore we collected both soil the accuracy of its results

and water sap1es for analysis several weeks When we brought the samples to Dr Shearer

had had change of rnind He later for analysis he surprisinlY


NRC 00186 water sample declared that he would not be willing to analyze our

offered After contacting the State for us as he had originally

Interex of Rhode Island Health Departnent we were referred to

for radioactive analysis Corporation of Natick Massachusetts but We left some of QJr water samples with Interex for analysis

all be were unable to have compLete analysis done on our saniples

cause of the cost involved

NRC 00187 Waste tresent to Ruman Life It What Danger Did the RadioactiVe

realize the danger posed by Today we are just beginning to

Where once it was considered Low level radioactive materials

radium face or undergo frequent perfectty healthy to wear

these are detrimental to our health This z-rays we now know

evident the amount of coverage given to growing awareness is by

nedia such topics in the news today are of known danger and Although high dosages of radiation

is relatively uncertain effect the danger of tow level radiation

involved the Environmental Protection Because of the uncertainties considered it to rely on the judgements Agency has found necessary effects of ionizing radiatton The of experts on the biological

there is linear non-threshold rela conclusion reached is that and the illness pro non between the amount of radiation recieved radiation Therefore there duced as specific result of this

atributable to any exposure of ioniz is soDe potential ill health

of this potential ill health is directly ing radiation and the degree

of the dose recieved proportional to the magnitude

does exist at low Although the health danger of radiation

which radiation

easuraole health hazard theie levels become significant ie suh sUSubli dec ermiria ions have be en baiidies

that in couniZies Health Service study that indicated persons

of 6.7 had higher with water have concentration pCifliter

that in cotrnunities mortality incidence to bone sarcoma persons

NRC 00188 with water have less than oCi liter Such studies have lead

the EPA to determine the acceptability of tnaxicum contaminant

Level for radium of pCi/ liter of water See exhibit

Similarly ecperts have derived complex formula for workers exposed to radiation that averages out to 5000 mr per The

EPA has adopted the 5000 mr/year figure as safety guideline

for radiation workers Using these guidelines determined by the

EPA we can analyze the potential hazard posed by the radiation

level ëncomtered in Attleboro Massachusetts

The highest reading at the radioactive dtup site in Norton

Mas.achu.setts acccrding to the NRC report was 10 mr/hr As we

have already stated we consider this value to be accurate by our

own readings level of 30 mr/hr corresponds to one x-ray per

and ocal of 5.000 mr would be released during the course

of one week Furthermore this level of radiation is over 1000

times the normal backgromd radiation of .02 mr per year The

lover levels of 3-4 mr/hr are likewise over 150 times the normal

backgrotmd while the level of mr/hr at the Finberg Field is 50

times the normal We conclude by the linear hypothesis that the lrio rd1-atonat seri

and dangerous for iong te .eosure ______With regard to the specific elements present at tnese sites

we note chat urani-235 urani-238 and radium226 all decay by

alpha emission Since these elements are all present th the sur

face soil the short range alpha particles known to be high in


NRC 00189 increased for d.rnae cifer an biolotCal effectiveness potenttal

can be readily picled up haard Also the radioactive isotopes This is unique contact with the soil surface by the skin upon waste are sites since radioactive occurence with radioactive duinp 233 have half sealed drunis 235 and usuai.ly buried in therefore present of millions of and will tiles ott the order added risk Furthermore 235 presents an tong tert danger also of emicts neutrons .hich are in itself since it spontaneously both isotopes of effectiveness The halfilfeS of high biological will not disappear in the that the danger oresent uranii.ui suggest

near future than the 226 is soehat shorter The halflife of radium haiflife of 1620 years The shorter uraniunS is approxnateLy

added in that its daughter pro radiun 22 presents and danger into the Radon gas released duct radon gas is also radoactVe into the soil is readily breathed air the radium 226 tn the

also in the surrounding tn the field but lungs of people not only order of halflife of radon gas is on the areas Fortunately the yet term dawgc to the armosphere several days eliminating long

of water in the The4gr han life due to the poisenthg more severe of rdoactie waste presents area because of leaching value of radiation of the NRC report list the problen Results limit is of order than the EPAs safety found in different unit Table below are transposed in given The its


NRC 00190 C.

EPA Unit SAZLE RC Value Found MCi/mi pCi/liter

UA L.4x107 14 W-B 0.0 W-C x109 .4 io .6 W-E x10 .08 io10 .08

Table the EPA unit of As can be seen from the data in unit of ten greater than the RCs pCi/t are simply eight powers

the EPA safety limit for of Mci/mi Comparing these values to

MCi/mt1 we can see that only one of water pCi/I. l0

considered dangerous This the NRCs water samplings is to be

it measured to be 14 pCi/I. which places sample termed -A was

the EPA litit Our natural thcli almost three times higher than

these suspect especially when itation was to consider readings

indicated the soil fraction nsidering the fact that analysis Shearer refused to in of the field When Dr to uranium areas

we called R---I have the watersamples analyzed Depaenç-o---- of Natic Massa

and were only able to leave chusetts We drove up to 4atick

site for analysis We were limited three samples from the orton

due to the financial limitation imposed by to only three samples

the receipt for payment the cost of analysis We received


NRC 00191 week and half later included as Exhibit of this report

warning us that the levels we received call from Interex

after this we re found were dangerously high SeveraL days

included as Exhibit of ceived written report from Interex

follows this report The readings were as alpha Sample 689 pCi/I gross

alpha Sample 48000 pCi/I gross alpha Sample 282 pCi/I gross

with the EPA safety limit When comparing these findings chat our findings in pCi/I andche NRC findings we note

of radatiofl and stand in gross dicate dangerously high levels

disagreeteflt with NRC findings chat level of To discuss the results individually we note

the taken from the tap water in 689 pCi/I coded as sample was the home lies irediately adjacent to Shpack home The Shpack NRC The Shpack home uses Norton site and is shown on the map

its Sample analysis well water below the house to supply taps infected the from the field has Shpack suggest leaching adjacent with more tragic overtones is water suoply An interesting note omach

result that Shpack died as Although we cannot state outright

the possibility jsfinjCelY of the water he had been drinking of of can be supporred by the route entry present The type cancer water expected from tie well was taken from rain water Sample measured at 48flOfl pCi/L

the NRC As indicated in that ad acci.ulated in ole of report


NRC 00192 demonstrated some of the htghesc readings the NRC report Hole

that this level of radiation is fod It goes without saying times the EPA extrenely dangerous since it is almost 10.000

considered representative safety limit This sample might be

that the field is having on rain of the type of leaching effect

be noted that most of water that passes through it It must

of alternative this water goes derground where possibility

routes exist from The water of Sample .C 280 pCi/I was taken large

15 feet from Hole of the pool of surf aâe water approximately

level of radiation expected NRC report We observe the higher

radioactive sources We due to its closer proximity to the

this comes note however that most of the water in pool probably

lateral leaching directly from rainwater rather than from

Also this of water lies just through the radioacttve waste pool

so that it does not beyond the outer extremity of the waste durps matertals Therefore come into direct contact with radioactive

of radiation fowd is due only to we suggest that the high level

chat exist Along with this the low level of lateral leaching gion that cost of the leaching of radio where conCainaCiOfl active water is directed straight doward

Water from these 1.oer levels may be is probably greater

an carrted to host of different localittes where they present

unor danger for large scale contaminatton results very sgniftcant finding of the Incerex suggest

in truely representing that the RC report was in gross error

This is hard to under- the radoaCttVe contaminatton of water

NRC 00193 NRC in the safety stand when considering the role of the insuring

and that crew of of this nation from radioactive concaminatOn

almost rw weeks investigating investigators from the NRC spent

understand that the contamination of the site It is hard to

We note that the water would not be represented in the report

water Sample U-F NRC also made analysis of the Shpack home tap

This stands in dif and found only reading of .08 pCi/L gross

for the Shpack tap water ference to our finding of 689 pCi/L

water on the field The same difterence is found for the surface

be than NRC report indtcate only one sample to slLghtly greater

less than the limit Again the limit while the rest are much

values several hundred there is not even the slLghtest hint that

limit exist However and thousands times greater that the safety

results can be understood in the values found in the Interex

indicating the very high concen light of th RC sample analysis

tracion of radioactive aterials

are correct We hold that the results of the Interex analysis

the low levels suggested by the NRC by several reasonngS First

to adequate representation of water report are not possible give chahasbefl coci çtai 36 urani These the of concencrains of radioacve atertals ndate presence

radiation in water suggested by the iriterex the high levels of

seti of data for results Secondly the Interex report give two

rise each sample This represents two separate analysis giving

for water However the EPA to to sets of data highly abnorl

alpha data but safety limi of CL refer only to the gross

of the raio.ictivity of note ea emission as an indication

NRC 00194 the water Fna1ly that interex was eccened b7 the a.

of the arttertt of Health also ertharces the vaidity report adLctiO The validity of the tnere report ar the sharp con

calls for an nation it presents to the RC study exp

the the Interex study to be correct can cnly asst.e

the dan report to be gross iscake or art effort to disguise

make Lstake of thts we Ca1 present If the NC did gniude

into serious question their reliability in rotecth the cieDS

oaertais. of this ccttry fron the danger flosed by nuclear

also note the pOSsbtltY of the re.easth posed of fidential report so as to suzesc that no ccnainai wae

existed In this case we call into serous cesrLt the ner7

sad. of the iRC Either way the NC coees out .ookth zer

Of the three sarDles analied ere nore ce fr

there is strea.s near the Ti.nberg Fed note that possY.i7 f.e.i that conrair.attCTt fron radioactse waste for.d .s

tJe this aea leaching into the surrotding herefre cend

and srroundthg water for f.irther aasis

To conclude thiS dscussion the dar.ger iosed the rai

active waste discovered is reaa.d necessarj The water

ard -.as snoeed -e.r es the Spac oe is po.sot prcoabr

sgificantlY Achid Cr

and drinking water such as -a fotd in Ho.e oul ieay

and radiation eoie taking poison The danger posed aon gas

The of by the field aso presents an tnecessa7 dar.ge Leactin Fied water fron the oron site and also Pi.berg .acr once

NRC 00195 cf cca in its possible ard prbabl cca .or ae

relab.e and requires further iwesigi.o of our As final note we suggest the siiariy din

in the with those of recent newspaper arric.e apearthg at

York Tines includei as of this 1979 edicn of the ew xbi .s the suggesed th.s artiole report It sees that danger aertals which are coraine in due to leakage of radtoactve

that the eleer.s conained concrete silo We suggest dangerous

and the sourre of in the silo naelP rad urari oxes

scattered about the sie 2esen.n danger.are .iera those sae eeens cnained danger any es greater than

of these .eft tver fr the in the cower The sourte e.eents

of the in tanhatten project the developnen Atoi 3c

this .rase War II is Suggestive of the ortg.ns of

in the secir cuss the origin more exensi

NRC 00196 iii Radioactive aste Dtps

What Type Waste Origin

the overall significance of In order for soecr.e to grasp

rnust be derstcod FLrs the ev this report certain factors

radioactive waste dence presented up to this point does prove

Massachusetts the dtpe are scattered about Attleboro could de abnormally high radiation levels being transitced

And finalLy what we fixttely pose dangerous health hazard

with the sert3usnesS will actetpt to reveal in this secon deals

these origins possess of the samplel taken and the threat possible Ccissiofl in On Deceberl 1978 the uclear egulatory

of Massachusetts vestigated the land fill saple resu.cs orror.

on the last page of The report is filed der r.ap didnt checkout the exibi reveals the sites they sar.pled They

which the several others in Attleboro The cst essential area

The materials RC displayed dealt with the ssiple results

the eans of analyzed in the saple results will be predizing

their origin

result with marking will Throughout Exhibit any sapie

the breakdown The only reason be considered cctal in sarple

these ubstancesight rac orIréf he

that- the- facz--

has its own critical over that certain substances are present

disccvered by the tones Of all the aerials


NRC 00197 Uraniin Oxide U3Q8 T.O tJO3 Zincoi

Uranium 235 U235

of there u.s an indication were the most significant in giving origin fission Uranium 235 is the ajor fuel of nuclear

to neutron nuclei undergoes fission sponcaineouslY by clinging

that it without This fission reaction is quite simple in happens

of the fission are the releas high energy bobardent The products of energy Due to the ing three neutrons and large quantity three nuetrons and since fact that one 235U nucleus rill produce

235U fission contin nuatrOn will cause nuclei to undergo This of pro uous self sustaining reaction could occur type

cess is referred to as chain reaction


NRC 00198 235U nuclei and neutron to produce Chain reactions between not shown by diagram neutrons and the emission of energy

235U and is the basLc principleS This chain of events characterteS and atomic bombs involved in the operation of nuclear reactors 35 element suggested in the Because of the quantities of this bombs on had to be either building atomic report some industry nuclear eactOt cores discovered NRC Zir Zirconium is another key material by

for the fuel rods in conium is used to make protective casing

is responsible for not only pro nuclear reactor The Zirconium

external elements but also maintains tecting the fuel rods from

If the fuel rods get too hot the level of heat to some extent

will burst believed to be caused at enough the Zirconium covering

itself is rare element Mile Island Reactor Zirconium very

of industrial Presently Zirconi has limited amount purposes reactors its use is cooti in nuclear In the RC report Uranium Oxide is also an umcoon element

where uranium oxide was found there were four seperate sites

in the operation of the Uranium Oxide is also key ingredient

are filled with pellets contain

the Uran..m We do tot know in what quantities ing uranium oxide

oxide discovered existed But once

there nuclear industrial origin U206 U02 and U03 was suggest formulate at this point The most important thplication we must

nuclear reactor components The three involves presence of three

NRC 00199 Uranium235 and Uranium Oxide all found ingridients Zinconium

the core This portion of in the most critical part of reactor

in that it high radiation the reactor is the most dangerous pocesses

also from this of the reactor level if not controlled It is part

of nuclear waste Zirconium which produces the most hazardous of Uranium 235 and Uranium Oxide could be waste products

of the construction of the used core or could be the bi-products

the of waste products core Further evidence supporting possibility

of core is the depleted Uranium


with the of such The final aspect of our report dealt origin

in elements It is difficult to implicate particular industry

with radioactive this type of situation because coron practice This waste is to send it to restricted radioactive compound

to an industry in this process usually involves large expense

to The area due to the costs of hauling the waste compound

itself is risk of dumping this waste within miles of the industry

of to radio not that high In fact the advantages company dump

First of all active waste close by out weighs the disadvantages

that concerned about several hundred years ago no one was really

in barrels covered over out in the woods Thirdly the concern

as as to Radioactive ill effects were not at all strong they are

able to dump with day Finally what if the industry was letting

dLdrtt know couLdnt do the public know If the public they any-


NRC 00200 with of cccrpany gettth away thing about it So the chances

5-10 ago is very likely dumping radioactive waste years the company Within AttleborO and florton Massachusetts only

and instrumented licensed to deal with nuclear fuel components

to find out if cores was Texas Instruments We did investigate

had legal license to manufacture any other companies in the area

and there werent any Our attention any nuclear fuel ingredients

of the Texas Insttents was then transferred to the operations some evidence is Plant in AtcieborO By examining Exhibit

does deal the notion that Texas IstenS given to support evidence car be extracted with these cyes of components Further out of the Texas when considering some of the products ccting

the radioaCtiVe used Instruments Plant in Attlehoro such is pai

of fuel rods for watch dials the manufacturing of rnajor parts

contract for defensie and there is question of thern having

weapons some years ago


NRC 00201 iv Conclusion

of with success in answering the three points In this study we wet

forth To suarie unrestricted investigation initially put

nuclear waste was present through nuclear dump sites do exist Much

exosed to the surface at norton Massa out the site and directly

waterials were also found on the surface of chusetts Radioactive Massachusetts Here large aomts the Finberg Field in AttieborO

exist beneath surface of radioaCtive waste are suspected to

has been shown to exist at the Leaching of radioactive waste

to exist at the Finberg Norton site and is likewise suspected


an increased danger to The radioactive zuatertals do present

site the radiation emitted fro the hu.an life At the Norton The the radio- field has been shown to be extremely high danger

of their surface exposure .s also active materials present because ecissiOTt and direct increased because of radon gas emission alpha

Contaminatton of water due to leach access to radioactive isotopes home has been detonstrated to be quite severe at one ing of the waste


and exst at te Fberg .eld exist at the Norton site possibly uclear

to be by products of industrial origin The waste are suspected

reactor core fuel components nuclear weapon manufacturing or similarly

waste are most likely nearby industries engaged The source of these

An industry that meets these re in this type of manufacturing


NRC 00202 involved located nearby nd ts known to be quirements by being Instruments of nuclear is Texas in the manufacturing components

and the driving force be- The important feature of this study nuclear is view of the hind this whole investigation to present realize Specifically industry that the public is just beginning

to life and the environment we are speaking of the thherrent danger

Our position should noi. that the nuclear industry presents

but rather stand against nuclear misunderstood as anti-nuclear

of sacrificing safty of the pubLic exploitation to the point longer for the sake of nuclear advancement ie pro-scy

of the nuclear industry nd can we rely on the ilijudgetient of the danger for the sace cc government more willing to ignore

defend the concerns industry than to earnestly publics

at work tder the cover We can observe these forces vividly

over the matter of nucicir waste in this the government has placed full invescigatic of the area only report The NRC conducted

real existed fact shar concrad..cted to conclude that no danger

of our own analysis is nly by completely ibi by the results facts will be such as this one that these tracy investigations ip

which pl_ç covers off the nuclear industry appear full the Only then will the scry to be so protected by government uncovered we be1eve we ha only of radioactive contamination ard

be told the tip of the iceberg

NRC 00203 we c3L for full inve8ciga- With regard to nuclear waste dumps

Field along with full release tior of the lorton site and Finberg We of the responsible parties of inforaCion and identification

entire to seek out furthermore call for search of the country

also exIst We also call for similar situations that most likely effect waste deionstrated to have harmful thu proper removal of site and possible for Finberg most likely probable for the Norton of these nuclear waste Field We then call for proper cont

and overseen by the general public along government regulations

it is by the responsible As final note we emphasize chat only will properLy action of the general public chat the goveent

will therefore submitt this reula the nuclear industry We citizens to bring aa duty as respcnsble paper to the press ir abo better tomorr

NRC 00204 G-tt





2-6 l0.S



fl.jitonSur/e oI1 in to the be mdi In mill is the in soil

emIssOfl l97 Ilranliim in The





u-238 uCt/grn .ini Silica 26





o.dJt uCigm -2


uCI/n analyses 81 -2 found



fraction ar1d and -6 sfl ZtrconiumT -1 concentration 8.6

metal urn

soil Uranium enriched and





Decenber strip 0.9 asjOfl Uranium 0.32 the


Uranium coir.r.ontfltS ran of diffraction




mesh mesh -35 as approximate1


9.01 -35 the -35 spectrociraphtC Uranium

dpproxllutely diffraction cated

is contains

1.35 in depleted

X-ray spectrographic cated major Uranium NdturII Depleted

Depeted 2.25

esu1iS -3

ResultS uij

Sample Lv








3pi Hap

See to Se IIole





J- 0-I 0-2 0-3 G-M LIJ






mR/hr mR/hr 2-3 0.3



mdi 36


is soil


Forrns Radium contaIns

The concentra 1.4 and the and


analyses In sample 26g fraction KOU06 20



Uranim Uranium ani Uranium 26i23S The


soil tJraisiunL Uranium

Uranium the and and and


diffraction Uranium In





-35 -2


Radium present Radium Radium Ra226/U35 RadIum 1i226/JS is spectroqraphiC

ep1eted X-ray cated tc-.2hI20 Depleted Depleted Sample



10/31-11/2/78 10/31-11/2/70 10/31-11/2/78

10/31-11/210 1O/31-fl12/18

10/31-11/2/78 10/31-11/2/78






from depth

surface surface

tP hole Hole

east hole 21__23w hole hole --- location Hole Il4le

Ho _j

1-3 1-8

rj ___J_1

ple Radiation Surveyjbsul

Ho Results LocatIon Date Spied contact C-li 0.3

and mR/hr 0-1 Uranluis

1-9 RadIum stole 10/31-11/2/78 18 Ra226/U235 surface 0.2 r9/Iir RadIum only ItolO 10/31-11/2/70 6H depth 0.3 and ilItr 0-1 Uoe Idium Uranium 1o/1-n/217a 45 1-fl 3_M 1a226/1J235 depth 30 contanS Uranium 10/3-11/2/Th 1The casting rnctIl ca1n9 to enriched 16weIiht perc1nb and dill aETói emission i-ray mdi analyses spectrographic in and cated UraniUm Aluminum UA3 the form and and Uranium-35 mR/hr MudIA Radium 230 present Qa221/Ul3S

mR/hr HudU fl1/31-l1//70 Radium only 1-14

Radium miT/hr pluC only i-IS 0mR/hr MudO 10/31-11/2/10 Radium only I.. NJ j.

Radiation Survey_ResiliL

lb Results 6-H Location Date Samnle4 Sanpe Sample______cortact -7 1.4 alpha mR/hr W-A uCi/ml gross Water 10/31-11/2/10

-9 mR/hr 1-U uCI/ol gross alpha Water 10/31-1 1/2/7 -9 uCI/ml gross alpha mR/hr Water 10/31-11/2/70

-9 mR/h 1-I uCtfrl gross alpha Water 10/31-11/2/18 -10 uCI/mi gross alpha Water 11/9/78 -10

1-F 11/9/70 uCi/mi gross alpha

Water we1 Shpak i23 and are

for natural

No This Indicates samples

uranium 11

natural and Ra226/U235 and are 13 Is enriched natural uranium samples urnum sample processed in Radium ..H 1c .- Wor7r 714o5


.h.elI$ lumY. .1oof.t.-I cr41

JL Mr/4r j5 mr/jr

.c- p1 .1


R.c -a


are levela tor rjun remo prpoid asnuc contag%Lnat Iech.rtoIoe 3PrtPC1IOdOI rnet deeJoOed Arortt coerIt ..a.ei Thi State of Tezus did report t3t ft NM TA $OCIS rs.iori 1ENVIPO wtar in tba SLate that te PA eLUCteI COOmW%t1 37tea3 bUd M3I te PROTECTION AG Wnit toe te4lt able at this Ume nd wowd exceed Lb pCI ItI the eIIatei ate too geoeral In si i334l essWd In Lbs preemble to vas not cottdfld rerulaftoni that total of so- ie PRIMARY prOpOeld of Baaj aT 141_lNTZRIM As discussed Us the 5Lat REGULATIONS proxjateL7 500 of the l4attoa3 ORNbtltiG WATER and Fu.rvoi for tn proposed tadlonu nih water syetame would .xceed the pro- rerulatloo3 co3Ls Lot rs4JWn of rodum LlJl Ii likely that rd.- cude rron R.Uo posed 10 RdIOnUCIWel gnOvsl were found to be e0U347 iets sw cenmunlty water systeots cur- sItS for s7It45 tho proposed dependent of systese AugiSsi 14.1973 LbS 1ZOaDJOL rIetl3e1ce.d mz1u On s0fl 1w titan thZS WU0R g3UOnS AseaaI tAJ proposed no- ron--I 1.ye4a toretther iron aIns OtSCtLO0 Since 00 data tCd.I Of anmed radio- day thUS US Infirm prmnar d5.nZ lI stçte_W1ttl Conta A$Ot t0 levels US tteud.d ug caUng that be osxlmu lot 0elUY7 pUn000% sUT1 Those eçjia.t1ODa Is betU Seeded sotailve ltIto rath.r tfl.ao secor- leret for rsdiun% and 14.60 of the sb- pie cost 14 rnIeaa latter than this the .A XSa1Lb 3.rtCS Act tbs Aci1 us recvw etIm.slea ste valid 5th OrtAk.S Wales Pvb$c Wafer 5patiJ Raqshlet Ra atedid b7 the thOuzht the cost iii onltormnq Three coientof1 93.....23 40 S34324 ifu.r- diwm AnaiyrU ct pub prolecUcO Or radium yto$l mlnt pewosed quirenents for Lb radIum rr-um uj wTttt coosiQti 00 Lb radIum iv.stn for In8Ua.l be low becauls dliposol of wero receIved sod pu%3a coota.rnlnsM level provide an sitace coiuldtttd Agrocy 1$ Pits- mossoremsot of goe 3Jp 0Ot Tb earing va hald 1.0 Wsaln$tOS% Oft Sip- 1scnenlUg CnII.I COCdIJCtICt rII4ieb IILI to a--. .. mbur 10 1975 .jparttds sctltty to deWrso sn.sl- vesLl$Ste disposal coats Cmops.red to- for Al ttvtti aU toe radltso-221 Is ueded The egiuisOoca IndusUlal eueots coets.lfllag rsdI pru1gtid In .oaI tor5 qunted comment on the number erei the scouM 01 raJw7s Involved quite bore been made In locaUoU of communfty wstr umber of ebonies dicsto milL Tb only aai3bIi data ei4MflAl to moons to that would ewed the pmpou.d reen proposed that commercial taste discosal serw xnm.nla receIved Thn cnaaxn repre- tog level 01 PC1J1 number of c- Ice for r%djOUt$Ve mateII3LI 0uid .--- castZy what are neces menu were received on Lit possibi tin- nt eorn 50 Ct0L3 01 the ereniflg ls.el The ecpect1d to coil about n.nua.Uy.. flI7 t4CbOiC$l and COmPISS provulons psct proposed served or radium dIsposaL.... requirements principal concern expressed was titsi per person to mat mon8ar1 eIU 4eper.dtn on screening level However costs vary en reaLIstic Thu proposed maximum pCI/lIter au 1ocIt7 504 the disposal ur.Od Lied levels donucfldes $5551 low and vrnuld force see wi intantiflsi that radium bit of waler systems to conduct it titould also be noted any eve been ietflid T0DCeld publIc problems generated Dy the pro The received ott pie expensiVe radium anslsii cases .dLsosi comtOU atU not be those- lImit posed reguiatlOnS we sed regulsUonc end Ai muons to wher the radium warn toi being ..Jresdl encountred by the .aol comments saw discussed 10 detaiL exceeded tos rsduim A.numbet of cmm.ntori under munitira alzeod7 emovrnT Appendix Tb promulgafid radio- that radI.im pert of the water of teolog rtessi- ... scUds re-gU.laUOfli and Appendix ha Unpmsloo dauthtar- urgested cu.n.ud.ra the context of the products were In eqtUbt1um wtto Other comnnients touid be reed in ne rij Liars occuPationaL expOSitta radium.. r.sl Interim prmnnsy drmiUni water urn In drinkiec water so tlt trtetr Sc- pluflu The AfeflC cpmpsovutg alpha pSrttcle asttty would In water tealntnt uuiettons as whole Tb reyuLallone baa made llaitted esinaflS..Ofl of tre ncemlns miczoblolOai chemical be an In6kal7nn of radium Monitoring ester evr1sot radlatlors to LbS s1eitv of lomy id mntaminint dot mmii .neny public syst.eyus pbjesl mItL ULc remove T3dIU Indicates that because of dmerences Itt eICfl0 Units veil and elated reituistilos deelini 1.IQ operating sT$tr smeetment Plinti tI pubUC noU5Uao of violations sOd. solubiLitY and geolotical processes the .lpba- particle activity -Is trequrotly psurelivil tO oPtut.9 psvtj sod record-keePtog bV- pubUa lower thaD would be observed or- 72tLsurOle 504 ipattonsL e.tpnsu aiae.systams wrw promulgated on Dq- wiseD mtrtut oh r.4iup could range up to 23-400 asrecsIyr These- .-mber 1973 40 PP 39664 equilibrium aod dailibler produce sod sowettmei sIjy doses are veil below the FederaL the balsocs of this preamble dbcumse be oi-.- geentir titan thai due tp ra41ui-22d pstlonsi gwdrs 10 rsdlat worker.L rt.07 the ve molar Ls.TOn iu ted.O0 cf 5000 -pr00ris Federal the be- proposed slonec mewiyY preambl.W 4o- wiU be that In ce-ui RadiatIon Cildance ov1e4 tL sod lists sum- agrm ada ucUdes rstnJa000a of can be obtained wti future studies lodirate Lb roDIefn torn lb chances mad tO the- pro tsta protection sa.ry tO L5iIC%IflI paOt- xi.tios.s aecreeoinq level higher than pCI/lIter occuvaOOnal exPosure that his of the Is serious preamble of the provided precision mesa- .flOnfleS proed the e.- whkJt uraie0t Li vest enough to Insure LZI3I On comment-or queUoed otis tW..d flie twues on corn- lit grna alpha activity elency of radium removal 57 tout ia- the cost s.naitsls l% .P number sod.-4ocadoirofth aceed pCl/L The sei-ulallons have been ebangs.used ti effect of IbLa pendlz of the StateoieOt otLitja1d wafer systems tpacted by Ut amended accordinlyThe tblie that ta that scre.otr tet in 3Iei.i Purpose That sfsliU s.bowe tre%L. rnpoad .aximno coot leretp chaags 01 radiom r1a17lLts permitted or most rrient cost La rei.Ltiety ndeoeodeot of

s-radiOOUCUdol -_ The number and locatIon of s-wtr system havl.XSC s.lphi oartcie ic- MrernOVaieenC7ri.3ntr exceeds 90 Oprttirl radium oilyta St tivititi .S Puib es pCI/i lT.wvvr as movil percent .plies requittflg vt- fT.alpPt noted irs ths Stsleoient of Hi.il arid Pur- d.sta from currently used murj.sp.tI iv proposed C1Pter for the proposed ru1lont.cjtde icc treatrOent yutes ltsi t-t .. ttlel.aCtlYItY sctt-efliCt Ievvi pose re ulations care ihould be taken In e2Iu- erze radium removal eceflc tsrnie

th results of the ti ct out the ecbnge cyce rinse r-i ii.j cf the costs and tecitziotos or aunt screeninj to P1 -u -moraL aus Lb alpha psrttce sctlvlry screems percent dos not me.sure radauin..C tr Dose t.erel no-t ri The vzihjlty ansi DrOort.tefle%s of 4garepafe O. For this reason EPA recormi- prr-stntIe to the propo-sd m-douj.Ce .yre-jst dc.se methorl or settIng tntLm.er tlaL to ocaiiti ichere rulm re-ulatlons IR LPt ..itnrJfTi coflLD.flatt Jmnds rmc-d present in su.rLictnt fllI- Tsic a.cce-Ltbd.C7 of rnaIciumA.B IT531 bitt reerted the u.ce cn --.m S..tte the .tbltsh ut ri rn\ -iun .-tirurta.l erI or rlti 16 -id rsLitlint cL% _ttie3el no .-TreIer iafl pCI/li rr nut leveli 3iOr4lC .oo..ed In tiziter or ger Tli Cu

.- er-s mjnelest Cut i%nJ Cts1It07 is trr tsjth -he .o r.t ic..i ori total lr.1iJcart ttnrmnLuti ts pcVvlied rnoirnl One cornmeaL rii n--i rs to ttte peulicn r-.1 .ç-ct The auctr of cornmu- cosu th.at the E\ tii LflUtTi cDn -rL --.i t.3t thm trait-i be too lit-iri oit cet 57.i1Dt miJ i-se--d unt -- rlittl

7Ir.ti sit VOL II P40 1T3__J3 Jj

NRC 00210 .uug AND Ecutri 23O to the lz 01 th eros.d oouIoo 3i ConmccU th conceal 01 to .p t- der ty ceJ.r ewet.j for th Contais vert ir.Ir o.erhemuii ec- fl.ant eeI tor 3i vy 3re fxeiej c104ied decision taot 3Clv tec EPA tO U.14 that lrc pectJt 117 dO not 3I7 01 d0ucLCe .a .ppros.cA the d.veIopceric at 0tO0 Urtg masj 3.tid tory pucIto a.cd Lfld4 Pu Sat Dr%n.g on at Ya ctsort 141.16 hi berts any earoac tio 1C Act rerrt to ne or Ctsflty and doa beta pagc ic.nu.n Con1omlnst ro/utor4 reliC iCI7 L.rrel /0 Ri be Tes ot dcL.r tJIg ay ecaaty as re-a number of States OOU5rtc Submitted beinio 141.25 eaery cooloI becvm $vatLsj ua omtnents to It On EPAs DrDpii tO oeOot.d tt estsbLLifl that th tnortjt or sQ.cc man ths fnax.Lum COotains.n avere lThuaI rt OlatOts level ta rs- Of slroneium.o m3cecon thceec dtuia jrIeIdtc oCtha aLjCLJUt.r O3tat xuUeted to 7t irattfed The Act bons nnry aol eolj pr1d UA that lITTXCIjiur be pCI est3bIUh.j I.s stated to itt Prapos..i ri ctey acnged for aaU pubUc wat.rt Rijo tta to UL sc Accordjgl ra1s isa gestlon Pus oat Seet be secte be his b.ets correced en4 t.ba CaSiO Is leg1a1otty history of Sri the Zag Ut for stronUum Dikin Waler Act Section Indleitat thu to baa been I4Ia1 aS lbs Act 14L3 cIanCr3 to pr II extent possthl all C1l sonj sevee by Section 141.23 hi prry esu pubLIc tern Tensed to vat.rsyst aIoWd be protected IocJu4 l.atio rst ths.i taXe newer SflStftlciI rtstthod by Uts cant to effect el5tateen ss snau want let- duets scm Ohs escenc m0at2 alter bs C..o of its fllJmbIr of other tstth0d TI Lh.jr States ixpre.s dlAniuon of Th loterI detecttoa .lzfllt has guon prt C0OCUT5 10 thi3 pCI/liter bests Utit Chanted 10 IndiCatE Cttttj ry ptomWt sets that aP3l irao or Oo Comentar cited the result of 0017 to U0Cen3i@C7 nucrnoloIOL and U.S In Lha Prsctuo at PbUc re1th Service study the phyit con sujetei due to csnong tam TE7 er P0 parsons In ettQ amiies sler Alio new detactino i1ntt of Wilmy PCI/Ui.t having concengrauoQ or has been estab1Li-i for gross Uter bad hgt.r ortaury be it Li Inc2de0e 30 fts e..a.ic due to S0.l.IJta ter-tta bon 3arcorna thort PerScos may to SubstItuted for prJnary d.nleng itar re4a4aiocj 3trooUu..59 5.00 tke olmtleswithwetar.avIn ant lb CesLum.134 anilys tO Sam eses a. date 104 in view pCI/IJisr 11 of the commentor cCnteded thould be Qoted that Iort lead tic proelded to tsnder 141.17 tI p1DLtc 414 State with the eiteryst toe compUans wItlt these concurrence of the sIgiflca dWertnc to Ad OauclJds cancer tISK mua.LiLrltor may auchorte LI reguiat VS Ui Of 5.1 thid1o. percentcon.nc level lcd that ernatIre tztatyUc.J nue sjjo wl.fl b.c.ii method bavtnq 2s aorj ci- 107 UVt tIs nUmber 01 ..ta Prert.n .. cic 1.04 5.CcW5.C7 as S.3 esa than would lutid In 1cantIy DfC 1141.25 and nro7e.-t..e that the eco. dct.ed 00 the of ne Section nomfe ar4 ba fA5-B 111.25 ha beets redrajt tnitaucnry macpj of Lheee Report for clarity acd alpha reDaianoca Ptive been th tsCiS SCOilty e2retu117 evilu EPAnotes.that tIe conde.nce eeaIsag lIed Ii level of ltvel his beets rededot aCordarco tlt ee.xtve pro- der Or 31443 paTtot vIde higher 1131 o.nd It has beefl u3 ITOS.a alpha acrecutg U.it dettrtsjced ii 001 iii JtLIy di.e.rst long as the 3.0 torn precLian at Uoa ttspec Li percent crit1 th3t intiTeOt 001 COO.3i4Ct tIe overall Urei the gross aDha tThe estimated too SCtlTlt7 Li jj preelgota LI tr4eiy to 1.to dollar iC.fluj sUd7 Motiauti cii jLiu Is IS than mates0AwbicJ PCI/2.1..r limIt QULecegfl tot rnhItlots quarterly has 0udre4 dollar annual ost %Vi3 baied.1nc.ded aS samp rt sami as the 1in or boni ..ere 0ne-yrar wlucn iflL record based ots utz Lps c.atesarsfarj1hu.e.rpo.ur wheveas Ccrly iapIthg hU rej.red to4 ..s average most In Us tAtual CYOSS aloha PO th reas elves CS3 Pritc tad av Pifl 141 study tar iii char 40 of the Coce trex.S .a0U.SJJ% CttviCy .hS tilt of Federil Shortw PttA Ufatlons ti heieoy CLC as follows level Ths nltj R3STc Turv ta wauj Iorrl ttat beret exteoded predlcted.byCIa-U0cr4oss ______oaodl Ud.bT1.DotIesaa.suesesed nv 23 1275 Quit at 1141.2 YDi4y be every thre Tr aeIu us- years or ground w%teT U0rtfif ney 1Lrusn ..n every fle ttratig year for rta-a.c watey led rnorjt1 fat bo grouno 504 ur..ace atr 141.2 D.nn.tioj of ve.rtatag cuoi i.et a-iter will be ru7 four iii 31LJ47 tsaWC nowever TlW cn .f11 atrv Section 1415 hbe.0t irfirt whether the 0tdCth tict the eh Oered .0 Sut Qbs.orted dose ram alis comm2 rod .tIOn pprOniat4prD.ecU0Ls arid suca ra.c.or a.saLh.j qred to as sc aunt ta pirtJCILato_ma a.elthed cs_n_bioi tnrtrnra the Of f1 or an mad ra- 3d.t an sd Lii resooc.sa to oiiy CP ton in Inc body St.tea rem that spece the proposedi re1ai5Crw amO.ir req progr In .ftn.l CommLsiort 1rtCt art cave valtrihed tsner ther jUTt3iic tt3 ..ieaureert can Qn. in Ii chanter th a.zed.ed ad ovuioo atio.7.11 CIICS.r.3 I.Se ot Re t2e Ta toLlOwmr..ii.rrt d31a hr tOOa nudror CLuflL rOrrt lortLg t2S In lIeu of ldato to r.atlxes cc.snger wtlc.0 vw onttortflt fr .0131 body or ny L1te-l or t3dotctyry becrt on to rv uet Liren the dtUtl..S Of /OO cC Ut7 .P ..u.i.it.t3l rein nd UvCUflc uita t.aea It lt-ce ctTte it13 tlVC7 A5 it Ui SUIt Ai 1u/ Of r.n rctic.cte mi..- ..rt TCIS ca0tu..Z iet fIr Os bU .uezk.i Ia.s r3aio-..a.r.3 w1tfl ben tite p_ .n r_tce diLC Le rtaOIhr1 t4 II mn-u.-nv 3y3 uI -tc Cg....i 3Lw-o nitcicir ictJIe ...-i flte.rj UC tOt.i .ctt- tie to

VOL 4i 3.....JtIoay JULY


Upi rtcjs Ls nferycj tiluje IDCI.JJSCflt4 Ol Ltd 01 dr s.Wiile te ud dc sbU ermfle cornpl used and ..I J4an-d be.a im.rtscje 14L.3 ..U and pho- eA rourlce 1.0 Ion 241.16 Qe .mc ez.nitIers fltLU% LU redluoucii OCU%7y ces htr ss .e emtuo beLa P.r.iUe aLer ev Deco muu C03LI cod/or Photons tç inent for Prod In icvj tile Ubstaocc LCCOI 0C rt 141...7 in eflc Body ffl Cross Bdu ItL1J Con- 3O an Beu.Method of Coi. tir d.u..7111 RJ.4OOUCJIdCS II Or cz beta R4.iVty Cuo Ar in .7 ac% Wt- for Oc up...oo.j POuze 8S L44i 1fetA for ke handbook 69 eaceat the 0eutu 13th tot %gts of tho Edo Mot ro 3-23Z urnnam-233 Puc aeaJh- PSJUcle and dtuOCJtzon Ji activity uraWwn33C Ne Yert N.Y. 1971 ri4um Total .J_m-228 Gzau I4.a Particle Ra4lwn_thod 304 $cUVlty diWfl fl3tfla the In total r1.diocUvry due to Var by pi..gjg Ibid PU.anCe With bef 13 141.13 chiLi bern thin DUci tltiuJon as 303 interred from Oflf_M.4 adi- YClZI Of -r eu- m-226 by thc 41cL urtm on dry wnpi. Radoo in rewaLozt w-j and the aoaJy 1.U By SLronu.0 MgthOd 303 thi addini 11143.13 141.26 141.23 0t1.lStrOnUwn badvt II in tbene WSU Ibid. U.or r.J.auoos Cpt tJ_ toe 341.13 1Za.xi. Thu ethI 304 an a.o.ajei.j ann.J COmPenIC of tour vvda..235 EOr.4J Lkr Ibid 4.33 ..I QUrt17 MmDI or tb OiI .hhi DICI Ctsi134 er.e of the 404i1U7 OC1Xfl caJy of four samp1i .. SPeCtf WaL4 1175 QU1tI7 IflICSVL Ths 4na Book toUOw are th gToea exim eon 4114 34 aJp DartIcje 2evti 4moDJcrac ctviy for rsdjum.225 4naJv$a. Parc mswe be raiurs Amrtca almay subinu toe the 224 and gy sJp Soo1ty for Tes rew rs4u225 SCv1t7 pj ycd .3.aLc PhUadeJppj and 1973 .....4 Loabsa r0tr.4jj Combth an4 3.4j .Jpb PaZUCJI quanutj of Urt activity doen not cx PCI/I Cd PCI/i oondence 1uozoinot.y Ibid level of 9$ Oroen alpha paztleje -- Prvtn 1.63 hI Dcre is duding syjyj When the Idet be sta.crd rtdJum.8 bus dSVtaOoa Of the net and Cciug Wtflt Of r1410 coung Ie of ura.mtu.....j3 pCiii CJ4othr -than Ifl the the. InLej In Ple 1OJitjj5 buS r$diUm..233 may be the toUj1 Prcnt to drin .aro be ua reCOmmda4 that at except ifl the Ste Ca wber ..1Lteray Tlum-224 and/or tgy method hai been MUG In accord Wb tb ITI s.ca With aro IP.b ZUC1I co 241.27 pCii $tvit7 C5 ii The Ym54e annual PTucedue CCCcencIJ When the grme of beta particle and AnoJp ipb. Dhoto ra41oactiyy p4zg4 c0 acUvity lutgo if exceed pCii the tram mn.ad and am or au r%4LQCuc1jd in dr1 Kz1e Gold EPA. WYjCnt lug water ab.Z1 R4.74 UmPI aha.U be not produc an naIy far annua May 1173 isdum-. If the to the total -. COnce oV aJ body or any rldiua_235 exceeds CIit cImxnaa fAS PrOC.C the organ grentr than mwjrem/ an saun Cr yexs by John IQwvaJ umple shall be 1Ia.y 300 lot 1feaft.2 1WA Td1UQt..234 and Salety xtep4 for the 21 Fur the Tibie Uata4 Yok N.Y 1973 totz..j s.najysij reiu the couceottetIon of PS.rrcpb For the 111 data purpos of acqu Ou veer prior to the body or e4e date of ta.s ortin do Dart may be shall be water the bsUti at the caJcW on the required senalavy of at basj of liter the the State per fl.diOaCalyit ii in water tot.ta tez do- using the 244 tsction Unijt SuppUt of hour data USL.d The l.st w.t1j Utar at be desam.jz3 saij once that cn7 tow veers sbj Body liudcn eonceoon be following 3M Ma.sffis COunted With PrOcure featured pree1ion of by parsgph ttrogiovt 100 Plujormcus At the percent at the dl3Cteu of the AU or Waler for $3 State whet an Ccccgr 2ev 1.98 nOtii record taken POswe Lx- Where Ls cood in C0n1ore.nce J4BS ULdho 63 Dan.grsp With ii amended VLaLjo of the net has Auiuzt 3963 U.S rat am thai Dsparsme of cou of the the exta Cam. M.P1PIO aver$ ennJ ccneen.anon If tea or more than is Ian To ball the prenen the are deIetto mammum ccccaminar.t rum of compliance with level their_ap dce 141.23 the eela.blW by 141 15 to the detectloá limit analysis total bOd7or ia eXcexd cha.u not islecampI maybe Organ shall pC/ To det.rnj gubgOtu let not exceed With compUc the aua.rt.j1 mlnjeIy 141 13b4 the Dr0CedU7 dSteCU i..jj Ubed by sapu fe- taas 0t exçe4 pl4 Dara4yp aJ Mor frqtj moo SoleS be Sndy Qf9 COmpU With torT cc 141.16 the diLecUon CdUC by th ltmit shaj the VICtORy of SLL Ceed the no minin4 or other COOCUo Ust.d in eCb opasbc ____ Tab1 $7 C0Obute alp 3rIe LO. rt4Io er $rra PAT1.j Poi WCteJ Z.irry It supplier or In eater she c.anforataflce with Within one Par.ra 1i yeer of the 341.23 flew Water Intrnucuo.i of Au.Ii.o.5 Jitjiod R4_0 Source lot JoCiDi.132 Yetem More com wate $Iy Cu.ij4 PC1fl lrequ monn CO0Cted -tzg odi when Ordered me fleced in to tile by th f1eM OtIr pc eve of P.Sib1 Raomjj rsdloucllu. contArfl.Ln.aon Mruj.oto io %h thancts rr ift9 a- to th Wa1r OV1rVp.jefl1 or tJeetment ItflbuU l-fOOltOrig t1 atd Support CtU Whi Lc2.orsjr7 tECJj tie to EPA3oj Ui t.e oflccnt.ral.iou of 1130 tJSE CInCinLl tCv1Li tO inLthed rdj Ohio 42C8 or Water 1etor 14115 ad14


NRC 00212 Uu5 AND EULAflCS IIItfon of rsdjoscclnty shaU motor JIrC 3t.r IU rnonsr 1eM Itton to Wg trvr CYP.7 YOur 1r re-flowtng fOIlOi lJracedre Lap wh.n ozdee by t.eri t... Slit. jrsi v0 V41oa 10 t- VlI.h t.to s.s Monitc.t for ComDUanc tno. dte of Ues retgLOn tfle t1s at th 10111.1 Pined etd IuppIIer App.a4iz 1n ctude rsdtum42I 1XCr1 Wt.i eommunsey ter 3.sCOm ot no required tn thi nt by SLate a.a CS ova. Stat. Poindd That l2s udzu aVera ate mar gv.t.rs coam.t 3LtI Co anIr5uoo of Conum$ted by e1urttj from rucear rov i7 rum. pta 120 ty oem allayed LI Iiaat niuje l1.yS 00 OfI U31fl the 4uarterly nscIt CGmi.ta tarij Zor bets iV IC0 it QicaIarly eampilni gro ParticLe and Ii procedur requite4 b7 A11is- opov.l rm.no$ sr.4 para5fopa 131 aiw snnu rIng IV 3uppUer toy sIrosttum.o and 01 wa shall eonduI t1iUu tflflil mon11or1 of Quarti morn1o-nç fof m. ii 107 CO WUOiC7 1atar syneat PartJcIj-ji7 shaU In whtc th r4iu.23s be oazeq ot_j a_ COflcencraUon monLl excesde4 PCI/I vlten aj 11$- brii1r ny the Slaja SqffloOse 01 thri -fh1rr7 41 If fe tono.r Commiv oa .yq $VIr annual elnetmum -iijj Proeno beta Oflt.a livel for alpha XTy- Particle act1ry In 4I.OflS..J grt psru lampi nUmb of cli actIvity or total PCI/I 1504 ths$ ra41u I.e .$ eac lb ant or .coitn Lb In forth equ$vazeg 5142 to 141.13 Ia ezcwd.d sompi shall 5S ou 3.1 lbs supplIet of $naIpz for Pa.II id ti JPI ws1.r serontl.g9 and ovnCl conmunIty S7Itam snaU cium.l34 torn 110a0q bsca lv no- b.ta lb .aeug.o lIce 14 the 31.at psrtile acUtity ezceedj Ce pUnta to 141.31 and 54 t84lUfluc1tdm Tas notlIy the anaIysj of 3.driZiloa It. PUOUg as requle Ut iafpIe atusi tiItls4 by 1141.33 torote p.r iClualOGi 3dOUtot01 1$ to IdtnUly Ut major .rtr1y..1ty snail ranIosctli bs COnUije4 COntjt1 Present and tits annu_l tfe apprOpflato aryg and total COflCsno0 no body d3. shall be cal- Logy excs hi II.$$...HWt.OtI nLaz2mu euLat-4 to d.cmmth evva eOotMs5 level C0PIIanC I1fOUI or uneii 1141.15 un aiO5 1Ra moltlt.ortng 3C.bidu sa eoado tO iIh LCIy vaglanc For lodin .f xeipn or eampotze Sm.t tton eOJOri 3d- C3fl1tt eootgn.nt ahali bIco am ti thai lb Cecj 0tiiVIt COflt$Wt.i01 Ib fonftnrtn ana .efl 0I.ar0- Se /4 Ot atct trvuy aAotag4 node bfli IOu rdIoactlIty i-j iOti titor LOIs lIattI 00 004 coruy shad SOPI to aO0s ii coflduc Yhen todrL31 1dflt4 Ifl hi wirj IWO y.sr of l1J%Ilhld wucr the eectI% aai Of thIs part lii AnAu.I Ment.orny yneis using aurfsc fr stt Oti Oy 3e and tlum.o sha4L CltI4C$ of thi .OSS si serving more thin couce4 lICVli0.t OS 100.000 oi uranium i.d Ptre003 and SUCh Other ut naiis 01 Sad. 50 COIn at C3TtPOsita MOftiCrtt0 Otldurto and munhly Whit rout liulbe CO0l$$Ct. 11 S71tJ it dasilytated Qua iii saZtlt by the Stat aha4 anoI at aug be mooftored tot C0171 quarterly 3$ntptrs siu pliacce Ilter tei..s WIth 1141.15 procedu La by anaiy3Ls recofi.r l0 Compott our LV Stat mna.cunv Ouart.r Th au subsU- 3nmpI or a.n.atyvis ttj11 of 7r0C of four quarteriy enVgonnefltU WIt% 50.4 LOS smpIm d.l.i stL a..mt CompUance otttt 1146.1$ Ukei IA COfljUCcttoa As may nh 5010 tO assumed Without facIlIty for tC rt Sai.m.ni of further aflaiyyt direct the meItisoilJtg of 001 Ct 15 0a4fl avi.rage an.aus macs rftciIQ5U 234Ot1cj of COltCiflIraUon of Lt of WLu3i grass bet.. c0taan l.v.i ro partIcis activity Is liii ha 0tat .4 than as phruci SCIIStty 13 50 suc Ii pCI/i an It th app oi asbtS0IS 1d.uh.1 cab to pa ai- Cfl- Lone bsUt radium fl%.tAi 4euat. to CCflTI0nSOSWitIum sod stronuum.po iat.r lIet ipna are thousILItad tnTabl.A the ciaca 13 pC average annual Tna.zLmum ie yI%a of aided touts uzac3um aa are COntinlnat LiveI for C0fl.fr 57 C5.mlcai Or G4t.P I1I Dtoad at lb tr annus.4 dase $ctLvlIy set forth 4I to Iii 1141.1$ Compis soctodid LiCIpt tO 3un4 mazy not eai Intpac by ce.d mtUir/y.ai auc s.7. tf.gsohla bitt partIcle scttvi 10 41.1 Two a4 to public as ie- C0mnt.n etces-o PCI/I. an a.o.aiyiis ot Aug rto us 41..... t1 I3I be Moitartg at .rform.d to Ldanny the flIIfTI3 tC ibsU be cOfltStued Li major radioscUv lit pC/ consuojenu Uti to to Present C0nCsfllSatJ no to to and lbs the longer tWeeds utauoea approprl.alaorgin totsi raoc.g thta po a4 MaXlMM for CO5Lagt..IOt level 130 iimtz calcuLated to Met rou dticuaet ift deflrrtzi tOr.rtg sChedWi $csL.mu of s.s CofldLOo La 3mai comptLanc Cuipo. -- With yiria.g eaemption iI000 COt S%IZO0OS e1OrcNfle rad2oloIIcLy-51 it StJPi.LSt10f Wit ibtu COnuUCt ctoijj boto effect. oir.orut additional t01aJ5t0gg to seantm mocitortog I.e 0cered by the 5C1 go.a .Dh St.at La purt ci tinut determtn the Ofl 01 Aiwpi u5aç concentral C1ti4.i 30 urn titan Out A04 Zuranuum mad rt cUvttjn prlnctpdl w_ 1P031iC tO t4aaj PUIJ COUiuw óo COn.rat the astate by Seat. tO te In 341 sztoflhI rt iia IAIrn In the Uon of 10 04 5.nc at Su flTUIIIon to djoOttra ttut .tpn1 .tjDtIe of On rozrd p1 oa Publh4 pIui tatrs may be requited to OnItor or IS3 ftl.0 C.Ic COrnn13 CO t5 4-2t0 mat-nnt1 radtosc.ivny 4gU13I u.rs tIltof fl lar.to IntIt.taru1 pCt. t5A For the initIaL acslyu viuUed an tn prapo a. t1nsr en 5i.cb. nt ph Ii Lb scqu.r 13 I3 $C1.1cr is 01 Uts UrIt.A 3.0g t..lt.i prIor toUts iectlV ttale ul SCItut 1114 .I bC li may fir ci creLon of the StI 33.s W.tts eo.I .1 Aer th IC It pe1 tt un -rupn fbI upQUti of pz ier tX S.tt. rI.a

I.t HCIII.I 01 II Pto l7


NRC 00213 CNY NOV1t133

15515W So 4sioi fuu1 JO J5S31M 171 o.n03. VJ TLVSI 01.0.54 IS$vw.i 1iIl S1lOiIS55 si 15.54 vsc-i.tsoi.vi 1C Oao 15103.54 5954 p.5f15vI 0501 T5I$4150 p. o-i .514 5010555 195551355 It 541 8115 .3Ci $V05 P017 tisip 91 Ii-i7 -vt.u $1S.30.JS4 514$ 4$%05 17 554 110.5 p51ta LuSH 3rre..3 1$IP .3T7 551 s.. rpaa so Sjz- 41 g.iu 30 $545 155104 54%JO p.o.414 1$11155 3alfl.45C005S1 47 54 51041 wgir.3i p. is IV15I15$15e 6141$ l55.415 fl05j 51 05 504 94354 os 5.4 41 Lu Suitso 4510 0155$14 4155514 p51553 a45i5.0 15511 554 0954 0% $4151 WI sisW04 30 JIutt 5.55531 15SS 5151515nb 3$ W14â0s-l 54151 14$ 55 4SflV.f JO 05 p04ld 155117115 .40 5115 $II lsonsnb 14$451t115 .4 -51 05$ $IWfl 55111101 VI 51545s.id Ci 041 05w 0I_ 4% 5115$ S1 p.so4.14 0snTs1 1514fl415 14 S05$451500 059$ 354$ P151505 54551519 pI15tI01 4545150 11 rn.a 111511251 5.eo 1551754 site fI154 pp ST P-II 57 BPJ So .115 V.455041 54% 15SlIPS IV 45305110 5151 lsrp. siiispO 541 30 $311.515 41451115 05e14 105714145 45 11004 41p 153 SI 5$ II 01145404 51514 $$i .54t lwsq .31 51550515005 05 1.51115 VTS.5 50 11 55051515 .VTfl$71 51510$ JO 4$ vsaq t5 $151343 __ 111fl3sopj VI 5.05 55.110151.441 or.t 01 .s ocwo 015 .4.7 511434 051154$ 5154S 54% 7e114o.ig USflfl3fl54fl$ VT $05555101 v1555 .41555 414 ia.ob siif OSep 018 VT 5.g. 515114.1444 05 .41415114114% 05sorv 05$ .s4 55511 5414$ IU11.wn4 VT 1005115 154304 31153 5.7 .si 051111111. us 104$ 04 1nMvs 5054515 $i1R4$ -I545 $4154 5144515 5454 50 1001 5505554 05 i$jt5 4154w. 4005 VTos$1 as 1500 54% 43 411$111 51154 1051 15005 0511 js 013504 4% PSSIiQS 05p -sa 55475 05 sqs e145s pno 05uioo 554 04 Sawso pu.o LalsO 05 .4 ISP 5450% $5 PWbU SO4%od 3550% .715 __ 05 101% 1514 301% Jton-avs 041 05J..4a______04 54 J51$1155 30 V.101I4P P55 155 VT $JUU.4 1550115pi05 4o.I .Ia..a p.gp -4S 4p 5115155 55SS44$ 104$ .1055515 SWoop mr 5011 51 ______Sits iIiiV.i 13 505 $1SJO14 VT Vt.45i$015 05 045 05015 .4% SOS 11551 054% 55194 --- 0504055-SIP 0545T 54$VI ______5nsou 101W 1S1-V$ U0400w4515 SS 15S 005540 50$ 54141501513.1 .1 ______VT -- 1E vPwp 4$ R.. I.....11s 51115$ IJO1.q.L I054%s 145 515.152 .154 $JO0 05 01$ 51 05 1314015 .s.os 015 51055 L$VT p15qo.o I15154.i0f 51 1V.4 VI11O54 .%0$130 ma 1%05 EJL 1051 141545 SQ p5$5 15 1% Ill 54$ 3i 511511 SI So 0IV.p $0 ly 151.441115 V.t54 onon on Snoo44 pus 144 VT 1A11 054$ 55V.15 05 050 4.UTV5 014S IP55 115 .11411 .1150511157104 VTSP VT 04$ 444 1V 1us -414 45 054$ 0515 15ft111 $..-.._-e 5U154 ssp p.515 51 51 55PV.g $15TP- 5154 45 so14d .q 4141 14%0% son 55451- $$5 0% 54$ 05$ .14 50 15 1515 sia so 15 0513113 1154 So VTg I.5I$W0537 41451515 __ 130.55 $W 1514.$53 1$0 555015 04% P154 1315 15 VTW 1510D4 .153$4 ST 515$0 WIejqu 8P VIfliu 05 AJf7us .51105 4% si 15w 444 $00 0005W p. 45445 55 0155$ 55 V.1% .%VT 1u%% 4a15so 351a a.msoq4$ VT sou .4.7 .et II 15 coip U1 54.51 IVWOflIp.S %15UOUSt 104 n.an UI 51 iTitMi 044% 04 WIll soon UI 1$ ilVI 0515 1555Sp VTVT 155 V1IV.15 VTlWi bsiapT -.04 -- SI VT VIW%%1045$ vn 041 54% soT.w -_ V.10 15vS 54 Sb1S1515 a.o 0fSq .15 54$ vs% VI __ lS4 VIUI 55 01% 15i15E. LUTISO 1110 VT Sss.v $00555 I1UV P.1I -W15 4% pq 14$ S041514du VT 01$ 1LUsj 54% sq 1510W%p 54 PSW%15015 t1 PU $1004 ess $1154 5%V.I$%144 5154 15sj455 VT 115 VT .sso1 54 04 s.L vs iaso 104% 14$ ssq so. $4 SSTJ4$ VT 01 15 1Tno.uo .o -a4 0rso2sa an.o V.1045 sq S1p 54$$5 so 504 1sii OP S% lufl5V Pii IS1iS VTt W$mITVTry $15 I1 So PUS l41 S4 VTiIa14 053 151014 554% 14% esfl.p.a STaso Osi9S 541JS O4 SVI4%1s0% V.eV.asop si SO ITV JO mWIm$TV 15 11aI%pOad pia s.so so 1W Ill IIVTTI VI15141 4am 414SSTP.1 VT I4$% $04 VT I3s5y 45$ VT4% 11 14111.1 VTvsz sei 11 V.e17 WI sq .ev $V.fl 14140141 p.4sq 14% xIVT.b .us VT VT4V.iVTp psD.no. rivt wo im Spd..z ____ SI IV .i4I ofls VT 4$ 01 tn V.4 4W%iflsp 1VVT3 .sq--pi 4a 0%3W S4l%$Sd -V.0 VT 14% Siwi.aJ LVI -..s 04nftt lV.iMi PVIV lVTS VT VT Lio IWO 104% VT $aVT.p ______15Sti IV.%t ISTIS1 sIama.4 Isiap su sqi 1434 _p ps O0%%Ass 3W j7 pi p1I4Vmlp sr -nv.s 1V so .qi p.so -i siod qdr giin .s us ovo rd .uT pa STISzpog vs do.tdd i4 Sitl .ai jd.s sondVti iST .tj tU$ QJ g.I s00 ft iVT s.q iSo5 JlDST fl I$l .ui p.tm tIIlts7y -4 Soil 1rn DIt$ .sn VO5 liSruld tTifl3s ... ..- wii 17 ST DJ% $5 oar I3Pofps.g VT O5 p.s siq tOs.aap Cs pawn onb vd Ipi 30 ro Lllo og qJu.1 .q f3ai 3tioia VIO pus rtpu.ddy VT fVOOfls CbV P.1.fl.q %S .1lV oa D4s4 JO jp ITfl JOJ $lcufLAsn II a.jm ta r.ivd Is Z-1J D%COC 17 fl% 5IU 01 .I IuO3 lj.d Jo WS 1.-wiviD J0 VISQ WIT u.4 I3RlI It Aa-1.qv P-wyiJ pQq pa mu -i ____ 1S leaz$flb.z ap3 hTI%

1V1J014 OA 1P aut ON TIIff int

3IN TfLOO S1 230 sm033 .1iV$ JS .il00 sç V1 000 40 f.nij 30V lZWip U3 V7s14 Ie 00 7.s 10 v00... p.j I0 IU0 Put 50 jt1.o$Jp LCg 00 li 00i 40 S5 Vl 4vto 1ut 0S lI4I3Vyy 005Q0 00 P0.5y 3L0 lou 7s 37 W0J 03 703 -j Sii 541 $00 tPu 5j UIOQ .5$ g3 40 Va3 pj l3p7 10 50 lVp lvi 00300007 300 700

Imao .Va 1$ OVOIS.IJ a.V 00 JU5.W CCP47 00 00 000 00 00 U0b 03 00003 _I $.53g VI vsw 73 I.C Sl 00 11rn 0004a P010 .5 003 V3 00 0000400 5.S 0000 03 40P A00S5 SI I0w ww t311n.0w 00 i7Jtb 00 i$ 100 Sq P7 CC Uaoi P03 .j .sa.d 00ja P0003 lPUp OOU lI1J 007 0013 .51 00 Ppj Sp SI 03 00 5fl 00 75 IPsud ss 3I 105 J0 pq $IUCS..C tt 4y P0wUI 00 10.4 .i I5p ao 00 10 00 P005 00 .1 PUo 10 00 101 OSQ 100w 0w 00 5317 UI Ui ISIg 00Pw3 00003p JSSC 003 $00 ll 00000 P053 UI 4p 005.j 10 0JC400 $t 30$ lii 103 005 50 ius IS10 05 S1j Ii 00 101 V3 $llIP5 47Uf5 000.1 00333 1$ .. ii 000ç 005 10I 4Hn 003 PO30 1000 00 aJ pw alII 103 pis 1010.00 a... 00 II qpp ______V_am .y P00e 00 00n 103 3ro ___ .j 004 LI lb00tJS 0J SO Io 0000 s$ 20 O3 000 00 5.5J 002001. 001 7Oi 10 1000 01 30 SS A00p Dl 10j SO $g 103 ooc sso S0@1v 0I 4q b.C 103 000w 0500 1t1-11 ft.ft 000CCI I$ 0.7 $IV1IV-U PU..0 10$$fl UD Pto 00Us Put 1035 $sfl PUn@ _C Vft3$ 00I 10 00O 700 004 001 tOO JIVO 00 ID .t n.un 103 00.c 00 SC 000 03 00 00 V4 10W 00 P7 00 fl00 $151 aa 102 00fl 00 10QU _-I aj av l7Isq 00 00$ip II 7Ot ac 10 S10 l-n 00 00 iw.s 10 1Th 400 00000 00 SC 000 IC ifl UI I7 10 aa 00 II0 .ais CO -- 10 .o I4v oc __ __ -- 0000 4a 00 ICO yo an 00 -. __ iUl00t00.p 1SIi 30 Sisg 001 .5 73 003 lc JitISJ I0og SU $is 10 4s ey 00 4IIS Itdyi 00 i._ 20 I$0i .-- 1DI 4$D 4g atu sIiIC.J 116 n.b 00011 So 1LC 0I3 3i ._ 10ic aoJ IIll0S .i1 tI3IC $10 vo CI UI II_.. iIc aaz p. .i.. Da.1.0 --. .ai AIUc Ui 4Ib SIDO3l Di 03 It Dvt Ivct. 3s.oo yin.. iwSsJ3 .- i1 4jan Us .4 i.O0II wfl%uo lC TCII Sui -.s S9 t.j

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rI.AL 1CII 510L kO 0_

NRC 00216 L1 cs

4.pay Se$p $00 333 35 V4-.-p..J 45 Ca i.c 1t33S0 IJII35T0t3j 11.04 4$.J .t 110VI%053 50T0 030$ i-- ..0- 11 4r3C 3.3 3PJ rsZ.c 51 0000.0 0133.00 1070... 4$.1S.j% t0a... 4.4 t- 1poS ..r. oo oe .4 0151 303 03 tJ% ID.3Z-3..5 333 3153.23 40p.3 1% 03 3$ PSI 03 1133 3n530$ 4-3 43 Ii 00 11$II$.0 I021$4 SOP 3I3 01033 4. ..c 4$ 4tsjoa$ 53 04ps3.p 13f P-a $05 30$135.5 501735 PP 540j..43 03444 IC a.oC.. S3 0300 E10t.0 oç Stp 05100 331.43$ 115.1 001 0% S0%.a t05aP 03150 so 03 eo4 5I30 404 100OT0%_ VI 0%t50 014303 03003001000 s4$4 0j %ILa74 33100 40 403231 51 0.30 53003 os 4334 SI00.03 0001$ 1.Sf ..i oppsus i5 00 It5L03a 110331p4 00330511 00 a.te 1f.o.21ss Pap asp PW3 03 $5 0% P1fl.$a 04p333.3 V34 LXU 01031 $5300110 053104 esli 0304 015j 4.3 03 3S1% ..$1400 $05 03 p.3034$P4J 00001 VI 5D13 453 513 4000% 010003550 43 0000...p 53 JJO.40J -app 003403 03 rnd p-pp.pp 1101$ PP p044003.558445$ 0333PI I3 11 oi 4psp 15304 4-4- .001 SalaaV 0301304 0a l1 4504 1510p54 SO33ISP.3 0053 0150o 00%1%l$OP4 00$ _gp .1 4U0 aljpg -_ 301 PIP PP 4. XI 031 303155103 01003 .00 r30s.pp Pal 2i p.510 41 ap 1CS.DO 03113 035 42SC 53 400.1 000$ p101S 03051 003S01St $003 -3ss 003331 0000I .0%. 05001 P3I.4 005$ 000000 44 51155 03 1013003150 0104 5053 00 053 00 00 PPII$D PP33 lPI$t 4450 Se.lv ag 03ia4 0403 .40113.3 0.aps PP 03 $000a1al 41500i 03 35 03 .0004 vs .s .p 1000VIIac2 Cl sisp4 p. ps 5$ l0100 00505 15 3513.fl S03 05 .li $0.50osp n1fl0 V15II 0011 535300.1300 54 A33o.pt co 1151 $5. .5 05.4 105% 500000 VI 503 03Sp.i 545 .1000 .ocr.ii 10010 4$ 04311503$ 13300 05 p.q Um0ais. sc 03h 003054 1031SJ 000.5 453 Lp.31-4 ti 5% PPSM.3 051 00015051 41St 4$ 0000 P51I 541IS01p..j 54140Sp aa03 003 .o Ca 014 PVUPSP poe 0515 s..s Paa.i 43.1015 15330 0155 Tt3013 004$.0_ 3I4VIa3 100001C0 40100 0e.p 003 033 pp 21004 0P05 003 5.3 05 PS...I 40 43 3.a .a0014 -..a 43SI$ j- .-.i.c l0%% 413031 PP100 0151 p..$ as .a S03is.pt 031 l1.$lsaiSI Ill f00al p00pu.sj vs Psso srnz Sac is 0003.03 00 spo 0J 414034 011$ Sti .s $V01u 2% ppp. ai ..u4n $543 S3bDI.P04 .5 30 P5100 4$ 00030 0150 rp 03 p.rp..co. .03 00.00 03 S.D 0% .ZI.CI It P1$01p1 0125SJ p.- .30 403.5 .i .evç as 0100% asi s.3.s.. 0% 51 0044 P3 503 35 01 40.$v 13 00 A000 15111 SV1aj 0000p.4 033 4PSI 003.5 04.35010 PtI P01 IlL 04 fl ia $0$V% 0P0J$a PP tt0.0 Op 1.1 4$ ias Io.moe SCa0ps P$ IOnpIt0 1S10 a.flS0 P%0 DO tsIS00 $a31033$ iI 3105 Ca a01 pp P13SP 4.aid P3 turn 03 ITS pp oesb.ml.j 40 000Pt 135300$ V7%.0303 U4.5 ap b03...410 03 PS15p l03 0% 3.4 A.$.P$iI PP Sa03 4$ 0003 11% 010 s.50 1034315 0010003 10 P0CSJ 000o4 Pt p. s$t00s.t. $15 .5 .303 .o iCaP PPP3.3SI 30 003 .s pp.p 30p a1 43iaa 03 4P15 4$ 0% Cal sO.s% poe CaP-p 0t03$ 4-1 i10a C% br-p 33-ps 0pp IOUflV%03s3 003$003 PP p.ta Pal ppg .p %.Cjtq .IP 01 4000St 0elp 030135 .3% sot .-..40 $vup 40s03s4 Oe afl 001 ISV .5 ip. PP -o.pp st .It% 0i5 4s sa aiiug is 0I 43sP S7 spi 4aa 0313 lPtt SI 0%I-0.. CoosTtua ap p.1.35 S3 bwi.Mp 00. 33D0 0330 Co p.sd asp .ap Ova 1t.. CI iI03o 0a 000oc. -4- .ao 0I0 nLs .$japp p.. ItO.i4 000300 0%.015apt 00 J000015I 000 0% 0400 Il .03 pp 47$T sa Ot 31IT1 4$ pa.4sd ovow 03asa 0aes liJ3rnr 00150 OP y3S SSi SI%fl00J 0% 10310pp 000P.3SJ 0rVt 75 ..I0I to PP IT0 0Pso 54$ VI 00I S0 I0.%4 0010 P3 03 %asSI O- Ca3ttP P0-a VP0Pfl.a4 V%t% 0003 Csob Ca .ct %IJ ...UPP00$l 00 03 ppsi iS S..aaaa 00.0.. soi 0J.-.pp 530 -P 10 .OI2TPU 00Pfl0l 0JpsC0% tVU0asj Ca0.1 50 0% 03003 10 30 LI1PSC 03 PPJ P0C.a Cl 00 OP 0w a.. baaA$ IS 0% $Ca1 4PV3 0003315 SPW3 01P4010 .SS 003 W43 110303.30 a-IP.a 4S 03 Uefl3 0335.30 pI O3%l p.. PP 0W.0A 0.30 .- 0u.r -0 $%S 43flSo PITt t73 CI V1IP PIP t1S$ 0$ 0%P Isd 0WV Ca 03S1 OP 1S1 p03003 P0J3àJó 4am. 0-3 a00j __ 01 __ .a .a 03 103.0110 30 04$s3 C4 0030003 I.Ci0a bf1%13.i 7Ic4$a P-D13 fa_ 4.%U aa0O0WO4 33 0. .hC 4$ .aC 0lII 02OS ..10 lts %T1 V1 3-tI .00 Ca 0.a0 ._ 1II3 00100 .flOdS 03 .. 0%S.a.0311 V1.a 00301 paa vj -a. 333 SC$ ..tV3C Z. 33 lIt Ofl10fl. %% s.7a $.-s.....p .a.Yr.1 a-..o .c -o.. V73 0333 3l.3 ..--c. aOola.3...i..js portco 33. 4. 34 JO .1 0333WTU %ts03% 3f II -13 33_ %V%l.tl 4$ rv .._ %3 0LU a. I333%3 30 0%30 .374..a U44 I0.è 0% 4.D$fVO.3 .an ...3 7- .- 33l 10 331 03.3 10 -13 t. _.3 -i WO ... .- aol r...- VQ.3 1o3.0OJ Cl 3-.- %13 t3%l370 7$ 33._ 1W .. i-i -.- .- 33 Li .-

.iI .Z

3dM LTOO Exki6f


J4 k49 jwt Lit4 Tik If /nJI CJU dtA4r


NRC 00218 xk1


$oaT A.aLT$$

Rebut Settipsas $sapls Us.t.I....tC_. 11 C.rdt.r vess Water Sa.ipl.e Iogth tovtdiflCI RI 0291 D.C .c.Lv.d sc.rsz Lab 3Oi63C$

.G St ______

C3ss A1b P.rttcl. Cress 3ea art1s eCt/t

6O 1227 II

4esoo 00 L2$00 4CC 28020

Th /- Notss P.r/Dsts

NRC 00219 fly .. .Il

TowiiTieCañcer.Deaths to Silo Wae flBbi.._ .. S41 L-wu1N of za of of ii LI_U UL.. ft Wm as as

of .uI 5a of as..uIIn Ljr ii as ___ of .-- w.w4 as Mapt as 0s SSt of as gi of as as as ss iw a. pi as Isi of as Las uy of .i of ______as as am sDj as

sca IM as va Lfaka as ame 2$I I$ rattofay.y of ra gis trI as Ct4 Ps1

NRC 00220 11


11 ii

-C 7P C1 /f own LUIRS ancerLeatfls to zio Wastes containing AtomkBomb

CthuS4f1D1P1SAi -- Oiw.c Ore. at II4 LI Ii tho UU thiiC3it rrzl ___ aca wu St 3et tJ4 tactW TIlT di1$ Woald Wit 11 se at ri41WJ W%3 LI CII sastlrI ad tttesi ftLl A1 taU iM bf oic 1m LI WflUa ims at asLId Us uil .-a te pyss pnfsnt at 41spzs wzu 4iJIU Fz.1L LII ntIt1 C1 Jvuty i4 f5- CILIJJ ai 2. absf said rICy Miat l$g4 AI Site IL CZ awl as tha iat dt ygyq it 31T thi IlLS .tth yesrs VW G3CnS ft1I4 tpiii p.--- 11 1$ qsy rad1r.p 13 v513e S- uas tWI fttt1i iS ttn rilalis atnt l4Z ISV ud cternzca V7sal be tsu LII t-TOI tM I1.di yz LI MI dt th 0C3V1 SCt 31 LIC ial of LIS rsdi dnt srd afi dW WDI 3uaie aa Farce dasi thiM it satd be teteas .4 wr an the site 1e or toe say for .0O0 ywl sai4 Hc da nt ta to 2.e .-tay ereter cz C9 .1. SA eir.ç13$C1 SD at F3Z Other cszoiue catcz.aarts of LII T11 sd te uazpiy 101 eflicu$ at 34Jn aaa er tens s.swi to wtaU da of nida basith p5 asa affca-a cance.i4 o.t 3eSf1O eaaiL b.as dii1a ItI tas so tM thr sute saitary ras at ai ca caste ts we asta 304 e6cG tI 13 ar __ ..1n the littie c42.tOt orn 0311.4 $.e .e sto S.C0r5C .3 i5 Lk3 tie $04 3....S...MC SI- USI31Z V3 Model City uats aL t....$ tSt 1C eia- .Ct thiS ioas4 tctst Mu LI thi LIftS ate .aate s4e of @r had arn itiovetad tip rather .a$ oas died 00055 .ai tey were Lt .3 1C It laM velr 0M4 OQPT3tCI 0t in the eIIl it the tre.. .e lrv C1e a.e$ i04 at er aca Ca ie .e t4 It .5 Lauatofl 0t wa 0lxa_.y ir.aZ aty tt.3c.e$..54St3- tC1Il3tl 051 AC133St Paid Moore Piea UILS er -e ..$ wI atLt.T Sill Far Disd cli is i.d tEfl3Ifl Of A3 CCr.grgaUDfl with .a Ct .ra 11till osi P.04 c.rteU tg .n ptCt

.itt eCrn p1 to the Lewiston area about 10 uo ete was s.e res AtOtTUC C.n- .jr.lte LII thIiCtli YSf25 he 3001J1 the onr.er Eegy ..e S.r..5CI with 3fld r.Cfertce ML G.pp also amed Mr SchxtidZ otissioc eatly ..i3lOfl 5.CI .31 ISC in ua.t .eie a31year.oid plvmboVl Wbo worked 0111C iaitzi -rocietns iCC ec.stan an bofTl$ 14 tas t.tS310...Sstil .3 r.Ot $e3.5 1$ aOCiM lEer as taYUt 0.221- mere -er- Te_tlte t3W 5TiI5d .1iCiL cr r- tere %d whtt nCitreI CLQbtOr IIa4ILthalDóSI -Lti P113 PS VI St Itdf.L was told by te ion ofl cot V0.... .43 Mi èOttC 11 T.o rerers ZV5 .SZ Lie -- 3itht bed sed ts4prnmreradit host _- __ easrr iS 21403 leter aTin wttCC Lethal dose Mrs saiu thC idO wtth tt$ Goertment r04iation e.etts are

skepucal of same of t.rie ers ut of 1S105 are peateCly say rt etast rsearcl on ii.O COntth OS effect on radiatiOns hrar ss aice 3CC VO ..r.ii therit Ofl of hand 40 clod tTtU ac..e 3i1 te pey v-zo rm YOg flay to mOW Ifie pathway Ma.1 oCC chtef of the bcy said Paul G.ar4ifla em te Bean Cngo radiation for the Federal Environmental Il woie ProtectlOflAgeflCS Retton The rtLCfl tU r..n ar testk body daseof gamma rslr..se ret raret 35.3 Eey spa more likely to pr.ace systemic waS rtteete thri tocaied t1i an like letikei1 r- the tveioCe0 A-a tuniot pt.rr r..t.e Cr.1r..g fTC.i raioft gs itt tte .OmSS paIICICS e-l ..rg erti wouid proaaiy pr..c 3tCPt

ratIer Lt.iri areas i.t CrC wCi1

yo.i aesc.e

NRC 00222 of 103 CP ap CP for .P 54 As the hem asi

thissi oilier in cadet Ut


iurcrs 15505w

.Otsi atit finish



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from nCePhiss

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ti ti 01 EV131

Trfp Report Norton and Beverly 1ass July 24251979

ott Drector ECT

Norton July 24 1979

visited the site of the Shpak Landfill Dump at Uorton pass that was the subject of the meeting with Coniresswoman Heckler on June 12 1979 and the subsequent NRC letter of June 13 1979 frci Sniezek to flott The rose was to make initial DOE contact and arrauce for any follu-up survty and rccdi1 action that mictht ncssry was cccrpand Lw crie Stibc of the Deprt2t of Health R3QiO1onji Ficaith Section ad we fret ilr CotrI and 1r Shi ui of CEJL ho cane uo fre.i the Keilex site at cy rcnest the site l.3 also net with Mr Phil storer and Mr Jii ortn of Office Mr Dave Opetka of the Department of Corvatim Fortou Mass and Mr Ravorid PateHi Chairman of tiv Scarc of S1ecben and of the iJepartment of health of Norton Mass

We tord the site and the CRUL roorcser.tatjve took instruet ri.is at ta several areas of contaiination nreviously ldcr.tifid survey copy of the survey report was ciiven to Mr Cotrel iC The site is flat boqny area althcwnh it this scson it Is dry It ws used for rany years at least the past 10 yrs site fcr dump industrial equipment scrap ad waste by ti c.r3 ilr Shra who eceased his wdo lives in house cet to the dispos.1 area Material was evidently dumped CaC Cz gencral depth of six feet above the orioinal nround over ab acres Containatjop was confircd In the areas surveyed The FC has rcport ialyzed the material as enriched and depleted ureni that has some idontiflcatjn with the ooerations of Metals ano Controls uirisien of Texas Instrurets ef AttcIboró Mass

After the walver of the site we paid coTrtesy visit to rs Szk and cl1ecteo of el1 srpe water her house fcr aralysis hy OM. 1e assrcd Mrs Shpak that there was nc -adialocictilFca1ti cc.-.re with the prcprty as it is uniess Scecie trespasses aud revs Cotamjnatcd naterjai Th9 site has been postea bY oitc ipart.ent of icalth firs hpak told us of hr crrrl cjt beinq able to sell the property and her desire to inovC ioilc-i hcr husL-aJs dact

FUSRAP3346 of the town of Norton afternoon we nt with representatives In the remedial action and brief them on the Mass to outline next steps included program AttcndeeS Mr Storer Mr Kotten Mr Swible Mr Opetka

Mr pae-ande of Nortcn Secretary of the Town Paul Trotman Executive Mr of Health of Norton Aqent for the Board fir Joseph Gremoldi local An unr.amed reporter for paper

related to the NRC was turning all matters Mr Storer explained that the action prcqrafl because we have the remedial Shpak dump over to DDE of and the sequence of events the scope of the procjrarrlS then outlined for DOE remedial action told them that plen for remedial our generic survey and Is to conduct comprehensive action sites the first stee the course of actions The that could be Us2d to decide issue report of discussed includlnq the possibilitY need to ccnsier options was but stabilizing in place large major spots of contamination removing large cantities to avoid having to remove areas of low-level contamination of Improved d1posal elseer of landfill materials with uncertainty action thtt elimi seemed sypathetiC with any The local represcntatiVeS district health concern in their nated the possibility of public

officials fir Storer ir Kottan Foiling the meeting with Norton local and fir Joe HinchleY of Texas Mr Swible and visited Tom Snyder at Attelboro iass to etals and Controls Inc Instruments siccessor Instruments and suggested that Texas We discussed the plans for survey the Norton prcpertY as ..eans consider the ossibillty of acquiring might remedial act lrI is the owner until the of relieving the ir.at on present to tre State or to also iszue letter of intent coip1eted They could if it was necessary for remedial to transfer the oroperty DOE offering wI1UI consiCer this as possible good acticn They said t-.y would on the part not admission of wrong doing gesture provided It did imply of lexas Instruments

Ventron Corooratioul Beverly flass July 251979

Beverly ass visited the offices of Ventron Corporation Public Parker of th ass Departm2nt of accompanied by Gerald met with health end Corge Swible of the Sa Departent General tanager of-Ventron Mr Ralph Renzi nd flr Jay Stewart

with Vantron and reviewed briefly the history of cur prior contacts ie said that there were ce explaic the present oroqrarr rr to the S1tV ty cf reviou

EPA 09869 ott AUG iJ J7

these could be remedied told him that we still desire to do the and survey explained what would be involved promised to send draft of press release copy of typical reoort and schedule of the told him survey that Fred Haywood of ORL would visit in the near future to arrange details of the survey

He asked about responsibility for the cleanup told hiri that we didnt have that resolved and that in absence of any clear resoon sibility or authority we will probably have to seek lealsiative authority He said if that is the case why not put off the survey until the authority to clean up is clear said we had to find out if cleanup is necessary first

believe Ventron will allow but will not be happy partner in the effort survey Hence it will be billed as collaboration of tie DOE and State of flassachusetts with cooperation of Ventron dont think the issue of public releases will arise to hamper the effort although am very sympathetic with Ventrons sensitivity


Robert Ramsey Jr Chief Nuclear Technoloajes Branch Environmental Control Technology Division

bcc Aerospace Whitman EC


RWarey--cav 8/16/79



radiation survey was made on the grounds of the Attleboro Landfill

Company on Tuesday February 1980


Instrumentsused were as follows

Scintillation Probe and Eberline PRM-6 Meter The sciñtil

lation crystal was an unshielded Sodium Iodide

Thallium activated crystal and photomultiplier tube assembly

operated at 1100

The background counting level was 1000 1500 counts/

depending on the location

The sensitivity with 137Cs was 3.2 10 counts/minUte/mR/hr

at levels of 0.1 mR/hr or for the front surface of

the crystal in contact with point source of 137Cs 5.1 lO


Geiger Probe HP-230A and Eberline E-520 Meter The Geiger Tube was thin 1.5 mg/cm2 window probe This Geiger unit also was calibrated with 37Cs so that readings and

exposures may be given in mR/hr

Ionization Chamber Victoreen 470A

The scintillation probe/meter was used for all survey measurements The unshielded Sodium Iodide crystal was carried approximately one foot above ground level The 1oudspeakerwas kept activated at all times to provide an audible alert to increased radiation levels

FUSRAP3378 and This was partially for the benefit of the members of the press

local radio station representative who accompanied the survey team

could monitor or the majority of the survey In this way they too

of the progress the investigation and be made immediately aWare

any unusual conditions


The survey was commenced at 1000 a.m Personnel consisted of

Mr Jim Mooney and Mr Donald MacDonald of the Attleboro Health Department

and Mr Jerry Keegan of GHR Associates

The background levels for each instrument were taken on Peckham Street

These levels were determined to be 1500 counts/minute -40 counts/minute

and mR/hr for the scintillation Geiger and ionization chambers


Area The first area investigated was the north side of the

bank adjacent to Peckham Street see Area ion the attached

map Five passes were made at approximatelyfive foot verti

cally spaced intervals No significant increase in counting

rates above background levels could be found

Area The second area surveyed consisted of three-pass

East-to-West survey of the front Peckham Street side of the

mound see Area on the attached map

No significant increase in counting rate above background level

could be found In fact it was observed that the background

counting rate decreased to 1000 counts/minute on the top of

the mound

Area series of sweeps were made between the Attleboro

attached Landfill area proper and the Norton line Area on the

map The background level varied from 1000 1500 counts/minute

in general being less further away from the road

AHIJ 00152 Several patches of ground with increased radiation levels were

found These are designated as locations and on

the attached map Count rates at contact with the scintillation

probe at three feet from the patch and the ambient background

level are shown below


Scintillation Probe Contact Count Rate kgrouCOURate. Patch Count Rate

1000 cpm 3000 cpm l000 cprn

1800 1500cprn 7000 cpm cpm

1800 1500cprn ..10000 cpm cpm

1500 1500 cpm 3000 cpm cpm

It should be noted that at only one location Location could

significant reading be obtained on the Geiger probe when placed

in contact

The sizes of these areas appear tO vary in size from few square

inches to approximately few square feet Soil samples were

taken from each of the above patches

Area Area as showhon the attached map was surveyed

The in series of seven sweeps in the North/South direction

background varied froml500 counts/minute near the road to

1000 counts/minute on top of the mound No significant increase

in count rate above background could be determined

the Area general random survey of Area as shown on

attached map was conducted No significant increase in the

background count rate of 1500 counts/minute was detected

During the course of the survey several other patches of moderately increased activity i.e 2000 2500 counts/minute were also detected 4vO e.g in contact with patch of black asphaltyith various rocks which appear to be indigenous to the area O153 Analysis of Survey Results

unusual For all except the four areas designated above in Area no

increase in background radiation level could be found The slight

increase in radiation level found in the asphalt and various rocks

is both measure of the sensitivity of the monitoring equipment

and an indication of the way.in which background radiation levels

radioactive materials.. may vary due to the presence of naturally occurring

It is possible that the decreased background levels found on top

of the landfill mound are result of the shielding effect of the

landfill on the natural radiation background of the area

The external radiation levels detected at the four patches

as tabulated in Table may roughly be translated into units of mR/hr

the 137Cs calibration is accepted These levels range.from 0.01

mR/hr for the 3000 counts/minute patch to 0.03 mR/hr for Patch

Only Patch was of sufficient activity to significantly increase

the reading on the Geiger probe in contact with the ground surface

at This gave rough agreement i.e 0.05 to O.06mR/hr although

these extremely low levels there is considerable difficulty in obtaining

an accurate reading on Geiger counter

The levels at three feet in the same units are of the order of back-

ground i.e 0.01 mR/hr It therefore appears that these patches

of slightly increased radioactivity are not hazardous from the per

spective of external radiation i.e in no case can major portion

of the body be subjected to an exposure rate such that dose of

10 mrem is received in one week

Preliminary Soil Sample Analysis

TwO test tubes of soil were taken from each site Each sample in

the test tube was inserted into shieldedwell counter interfaced

to multichannel analyzer This system has minimum detectable

activity for Radium of nCi No significant increase in count

rate above background could be determined

ABD 00154 Lhis As the means soil sample weight was approximatelyl grams

indicates that the concentration of Radium in the sample is less.

than..8 nCi/gram

If the source of the increased radiation level is indeed the soil

much larger samples must be taken for analysis of the radioactive


The finding is however compatible with the extremely low radiation

levels found during the survey

Discussions and Recommendations

The above results indicate no significant radiation hazard due to

radioactive material .on the Attleboro Landfill site In fact o.n

the landfill itself decreased radiation backgroundlevels were found

For the sakeof academic completeness it is suggested that the nature

of the radioactive material on sites through Dbe determined

On his it is that in of survey of type always possible spite the completin of the survey sweeps some patches may have been missed.

In view of the sensitivity of.the monitoring instrumentation however

it is unlikely that any such patches would pose any significant hazard

as any significant increase in background radiation level would have been detected during the survey It should be emphasized that only..

one of the discovered patches caused any significant deflection on

Geiger counter and the radiation level on contact with this patch

is only slightly greater than the natural background radiation in

some parts of Colorado

The possibility may be raised that some radioactive material is buried

so far underground that.it was not detected during the survey If

so it poses no more external radiation hazard than the stores of

radioactive material already present in the earths crust providing

that the land remains undisturbed

AHD 00155

.5 not In order to check that any such radioactive material is leaching

be used for consumption into water supplies which may subsequently

should be taken on regular basis in accor appropriate%er samples dance with standards to determine if Radium is present For

than liter should example any gross alpha activity greater pCi per be investigated

Health should take If such is found to be the case the Department

minimize of this water whether the appropriate steps to ingestion radioactive source is natural or otherwise

Douglas Shearer Ph.D

ABR Certified Radiological Physicist



To Jeffrey Gould Re Attleboro TNT Attlebozo Landfill From Ronald White Shapack Property Hazardous waste Disposal Data March 31 1980

Attention William farhoffer Glen Gilmore

The writer and Gerald Monte of the Solid Waste Division of D.E.Q.E inspected and sampled the area described above on March .25 1980

Upon arrival at the site the writer and Mr Moüte met withJJoseph Grimaldi Norton Health Agent James Mooney Attleboro Board of Health David Rich Norton Water Department and David Opatka Norton Conservation Cowmission

The writer and Mr Monte were given..abrief history of the subject site by the town officials andthen proceeded to obtain soil and water samples at and around the site total of eight soil samples of various materials and wateE samples were taken about the subject sits as outlined on the attached sketch

The area under the powerlines and areas in close proximity to this area contained scrap rubber hoses burnt material few 55 gallon drums and various areas of soil having colors and consistancies of black adhesive tar substance oil soaked soil white powdery substances bright orange paintlike substance and bright yelloworange statified soil

The area directly behind the Shapack Rouse contained approximately 300400 55 gallon drtmis in varIous states of decay 99% of the drums were empty broken ceramic pitces under whch the soil appeared oil contaminated several areas of hard tar cover material and an area of soil having dull green color and having sludge conslstancy

Soil samples were taken of representitive areas of possible contamination as outlined and water samples were taken at the Shapack well the landfill firepond an upstream culvert south of the landfill and at Union Road in Norton downstream from the landfill and swamp as it flows to Chartley Pond

All samples taken were given to the Lawrence Experiment Station for analysis






LII 01 ._3 BEAK

SUBJECT Attleboro Lc.ufi1l Inc TO Paul Anderson hapack Property rWM Gerald Monte

DATE April 1980

On 25 4arch 1930 artent represènatives erald onte tror the Dertnt of vironental uality Enineering outheaet eion and onald Whit Division of Water FollutionControl broke accompanied by Jth Mooney and Dave Rich Attleboro Derartrnent Joe Guimaldi iorton Eea.lth Agent and Dave Opatka norton Conservation Corimission inspected and took sarmies at the subject locations

urface water sitls ere tJiri ro ire Pcr.1 lrcate 1cent to the orton Att1eoro 1n nd 1sco1oron scon sannie at the donistre outfall hartley Pond near tie rai1roa .rac on the Iorton side physical arpear.flce was clear third S5ple utrear ror the ltndtill located to the south rc culvert pbyslcal appearance clear ax fourth ae.riple trot private veil located on the Shape.ck proierty aiacent to the Attleboro t.ndfi1l the p1e was taken from itchen tao fter ein rm for five ninutethe well hand du anc .thouvht to 1e tn 10 eet in depth the physical appearance ras clir

The Shatack property id an area located under the over line easement adjacent to the Attleboro Landfill was walked and eight separate soil saxsples were taken from various iocationa The soils had been discolored by what appeared to have be thc dupir..- or various sludt solvents tars oils rowdera etc the soil was duc irto hand shore1 the soils were stratified ilth discolor ation Further observed lehind the Enapack house were approxirately 3C0 to 1400 like 55 --allon drurs ro3t1 ey broker cerq.rtics eta1 rarts ni iar tar substance In the aroi Lner the over lines were cieces .-reen hose burnt ziteriai few erioty rr.s Iisco1ore-1 soils

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May 12 1980

To Haywood

From Myrick Cottre111

Subject Trip Repoxt Shpack/Attleboro and Ventron Site Visits April 710 1980

Measurements Myrick and Cottrell of the OffSite Pollutant in Group were requested by the Department of Energy DOE to participate preliminary site visits at two RASCA sites the Shpack/Attleboro landfills in Norton Massachusetts and the Ventron Corporation facility in Beverly Massachusetts This memorandum serves as the trip report for the April 710 visit to these sites


Traveled from Oak Ridge National Laboratory ORNL to Pawtuckett Massachusetts Made initial contact with DOE representative -lerbert Fish at hotel


Met with Richard Beers and Louis Isaacson of CeoCenters Inc to discuss their possible role in assisting ORNL in the survey of Shpack/ Attleboro landfill sites Their firm utilizes equipment designed to detect buried materials i.e metals and other dense objects It was decided that they should follow us to the site later in the day and give their assessment at that time of the applicability of their system to our needs

Attended 900 a.m meeting at the Norton Municipal Center chaired by Fish DOE with participation of state and local health officials representatives of the concerned citizens of Attleboro/Norton CCAN and members of the press see attached list for attendees of this meeting The discussions at the meeting centered around the present status of the three areas of concern in the Attleboro/Norton vicinity the Shpack dump the Attleboro landfill and Finberg Field Very little new information was presented at the meeting the primary points being

Court order had closed Attleboro landfill

State water pollution control and hazardous waste offices had conducted soil and water testing at Shpack/Attleboro on March 25 results are not yet available


LJC N-30 arisen from Contamination on Attleboro site seems to have transport and to from adjacent Shpack dump during heavy equipment operation be confined to the area along the Attleboro/Norton line

activities State and local officials are concerned about drilling contain.ination of on Shpack and Attleboro sites due to possible water table

Field contami Concerned citizens group was concerned over Finberg nation They claimed that the state had officially cleared the site while they still find hot spots

ORIL could All parties wanted to know when the survey begin Fish indicated that due to survey scheduling at Canonsburg and moisture conditions at the Shpack site the survey would likely begin in July or early August

the entire toured the three Upon completion of the meeting group sites At each stop cursory scan was made with the scintillators member of the primarily in those areas known to be contaminated instrument concerned citizens group also had ysurvey scintillator had been and participated in the scan of each site Several spots Field discovered by the individual on earlier scans of the Finberg area Three soil td our survey confirmed these measurements samples two The and one piece of metal were collected for analysis at ORNL walk familiarize us with the over surveys at Shpack/Attleboro helped to of the area to be layout of the site the boundary lines and the extent surveyed later on Nothing new of significance was discovered during felt that this preliminary survey The individuals from Ceo-Centers their radar technique could be useful on the Shpack site in those the areas accessible by automobile The presence of junk will hamper in quality of the results but the information should still be useful determining where it would be feasible to drill

After site visits we met with Fish DOE Hallisey State Health Department Mooney Attleboro Health Department and Keane Mayor of Attleboro to discuss the situation at Finberg Field It was decided that the state would send survey team down the next day to resurvey and remove contaminated areas where possible


Drove to Danvers Massachusetts to meet with Ventron management concerning the survey at the VentronBeverly facility Meeting at 1000 a.m was attended by four members of the Ventron staff Fish and Hallisey see attached list of attendees At the meeting the groundwork for the full radiological survey was laid out including discussion of point of contact for future operations Paul Geary DOE plant manager at Beverly handling of press releases left to and Ventron access to site and cooperation during survey and time of survey to coincide with completion of Shpack/Attleboro survey Ventron management seemed extremely cooperative Also dis cussed the previous operations at the plant and obtained copy of building plans and aerial photo of site scan The afternoon was spent conducting walkthru and preliminary of of the Beverly site Accompanying us on this scan was Hallisey the State Department of Health and Geary Beverly plant manager of contamination Survey of the site showed little evidence significant located with in the main building or outdoors Only few areas were One of readings significantly above background piece equipment originally found to be used in cutting operations of uranium billets was slightly contaminated check of hot spots found in the 1977 preliminary Review and survey showed evidence of contamination still existing reassessment of the survey plan developed in 1977 will be required

April 10

Traveled from Beverly Massachusetts to Oak Ridge Tennessee


April Norton Municipal Center

Name Organization Telephone

Gerald Keane Mayor of Attleboro 617 2229610 7276214 Robert Hallisey Massachusetts Department of 617 Public Health Richard Beers CeoCenters Inc 301 4233333 Louis Isaacson CeoCenters Inc 617 9647520 Gerald Monte Massachusetts Department of 617 9471231 Environmental Quality DEQE Ron White Massachusetts Division of Hazardous 617 7279675 Waste Bill Johnson Concerned Citizens Attleboro/ 617 2228451 Norton CCAN John Sullivan CCAN Julian Kadish CCAN 617 2856033 31L Jim Mooney Attleboro Health Department 617 2229610 ext Herbert Fish U.S Department of Energy 212 6203570 Joe Gramaldi Norton Health Department Dave Opatka Norton Health Department Tim Myrick Oak Ridge National Laboratory Woodrow Cottrell Oak Ridge National Laboratory Reporter Providence Journal

April Ventron Corporation

Name Title/Organization

Forrest Griffin Operations Manager Ventron Paul Geary Manager Beverly Plant Herbert Fish U.S Department of Energy Ralph Renci Health and Safety Manager Ventron Parker Stokes Manager Ventron Robert Hallisey Massachusetts Department of Health Tim Nyrick Oak Ridge National Laboratory Woodrow Cottrell Oak Ridge National Laboratory