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e 1/,1 Shpack_Landfill_01.06_0180_a QRT OT TRIP W.H .50N September 27 1954 Copiee To Mg $00 XAPL 16 J.Z Crever KAPL C.E Weber KAPL DOJ 03662 LLIL __ NOLLS ATOLcIC POllER LABORATORY Schenectady New York June 29 1956 J.P FrandBeU Bldg Q4 and Controls Subjeoti Report of Trip to etala ard On June 27 1956 the writer visited Metals and Controls with this visit from SOO and ORegan from SIR reaa_______ __________________ date ind future sue to discuss progree8 made to plAnning this is broken into subheadings For purposes of simplification report FACILITI and Controls is in the final The new building being constructed by Metals submitted detala and Controls stages of completion In the proposal by above of approximately ay 14th it was noted that an addition to the building 1956 It was originally 8000 square feet would be..pompleted September 15 work would be in this addition However planned that performed in the section of the building now being present plans ito do iwork completed for this work was made and it appears to be review of the space available will ample The area is not now air-conditioned Airconditioning equipment elements This area will be ready for be installed prior to fabricating the 1956 and Controls installation of equipnent in the middle of July etala the looation of the equipment in the has promised that floor ion showing area Will be available by July 1956 ORGANIZATION AND P210NN8L wilson is coordinating the At present DeLagi who reports directly to It is planned to effort of Leta1s and Controls personnel on this program of with etaff of so that closer coordination provide DeLagi persons the coordinator for the eta1a and Control programs can be obtained To date the been It was emphasized because of urgency S2G program has not appointed should be taken to appoint this coordinator of the program that immediate action the would be made within day Uetals and Controls indicated that appoinent the operations at Metals review of the applied labor for performing assembly Controls TL 7_showed and Controls has been made by AãeMLJ.n4 personnel on both power should be1fOr performance Controls from all divisions within getals and The coordinator will obtain services the initial of the program approximatelY It is currently estimated that for phases data All available as to meet the oouunient EngineerS i1l be tade required this at Metals and Controls are presently personnel who will work on program cleared FUSRAP2258 J.P Frandsen June 29 1956 SCH1XJLE 1966 It was The aohedulc date for beirrn1ng the dry run is August 25 emphasized and Controls would have to that this schedule is extremely tight and that ietals Metals and Controls devote all out effort in order to meet the date promised for of the that work schedule showing completion dates major phases program would be delivered to such as equipment installation parts procurement etc KAPL by July 1956 order wld be necessary It was also emphasized that in riit the in sufficient to submit certain reports as outlined in applicable specifications Metals and time for KAPL review prior to initiating the dry run SpeoifioaUy Control Lianual in one month from our Controls promised to deliver the Quality ware not set for the other reports discussions July 27 1956 Specific end dates to the dry run but it was agreed that they would required prior beginning PARTS AND MATERIALS have been received by Metals Quotes on all parts except for the corrugated ring stainless from and Controls The preent plans are to order all machine parts ARC has agreed to Bristol except for have bienplaaed amos the contract supply all beryllium parts No purciiiseHrs has not yet been signed for manufacturing parts at Bristol The use of tools and fixtu.rea owned by KAPL Jul 1956 etals and Controls and Bulova was discussed It was agreed that by their vendors on this program would submit list of KAPLs tools to be use noted that KAPL would certify the quality of Ml 1Aring our discussions it was indicate that moat of the stainless steel Further checks at KAPL however to fabricate the tubing and material is now available at Superior Tube Company to the Hi material that Superior should be required certify would of all parts at KAPL It was agreed that review surplus madiivailable to LietsJa be made It is hoped that some of these parts can and Controls for their dry run FABRICATION Nothing to report QUALITY CONTROL the vendors will be required W.7 Wa$ agreed Sinoe Navy inspection at plant the It was agreed that meeting to determine the Navy Inspector for area resident .nd of SOO area Navy Inspector the Attleboro Navy L4ale 4troia be held at Metals and Controls to Inspector the KAPL Inspector and Trailer also that meoting outline all of the inspection requirements It was agreed and XAPL personnel between LletalB and Controls inspection personnel inspection are completely be arranged It was emphasized that Navy and KAPL inspection does not necessarily imply independent T1uas oomplianoes to Navy requirements compliance with IAPL requiremento Dcjj 02851 1f4 June 1956 ..3 29 J.P Frandsen QUALITY CONTROL CONTD Contoli be etalB and that immediate actions de by It wan also reocwmended This with all applicable specifications acquaint themselves to thoroughly to satisfactory for it will be impossible prepare work should be expedited Msmal without thorough knowledge or ia1ity Control process Flow Charts of the specification reqyirementa EqJ IPft would visit KAPL and Controls representatives was agreed that Metals to It for Metals and Controls the available 1956 to review equipment be July that all out effort would It was nubially agreed this work this work and that perform end Controls to perform to equip Metals required propetlf which can not be etpplied be me4e to order equipment immediate efforts would by XAPL 4t /gp R.C Trsxler Supervis9r Adyano.dtMazfaaLrt1 gngineering MVFACTURI NG iNGINBSRING RCTtrrp cci K.A asae1i1ng E.B flames a.Ti Tard C.R Stahl Controls RJ DeLagi Metals 52--- DOj 02852 Co1aX Gener8 ElectriC O.4F LA3MD FOLL3 PTOC ScherctY Neil York TR TPORT to 11/29/56 DATE OF .IP 11/27/56 liomer Swart Nuclear ProduC Controls Corporation VISIT.t Metala pUEL DiTiaiOfl DavidS0 Gr Clark Loysen for processillgi 1.ity standards assist pyE OF TRIP To cotnpOEt emb1ing and storingi prepared Co-e5 to J.P Fre.Ud P.L ilofinaD R.C Tr8.X1T FUSRAP2411 December 121956 Trip Report and vault area Discussed Visited production area storage Discussed and with process engineer problems of process assembly with nealtn and safety engineer health physics problems in area Reviewed who is also responsible for criticality procedures and rules successfully used at KAPL with criticality procedures and vault areas health and safety engineers in the productio.n based on limit area concept were The procedures used at KAPL vai.dt areas and little found to be feasible in the production and modi be ruired Wall rhis method used in K4PL ientuE3 of space combined rules and proceireS written description of KAPLs criticality to meet Metals and Controls with sketches was rewritten so as sent This will be dupliç ed and copies requirements in detail Decisions for to KAPL for coent through modifications are handled by con.ittee vault procedures and committee was to approve which was to meet November 30 1956 The of and.ndling and include or modify the proposed method storage Procedures for unpacking handling it in the written procedure were discussed with the health and assembling eryllium recommended outlined This and safety engieer and procedure concluded the visit hoo08235 DOJ 04988 -r FACILITY DttTA REPT Date__________ Name and address number street of contracting colnpany Name and address number and street of cnpany to perform work___________ 2- 7z Exact address building name or number and street number where work is to be performed 32 I11L c4q subcontract Contract or purchase order numbers give prime contract number of all subcontrats and purchase order____________________________________ L7-77 cC 4..- 59- 4I Contract subcontract or purchase order Ccmimencement Date /7J7 Termination Date /7d8 Cmencement date of work /9c7 Highest classification of subcontract CRD contract or purchase order Work Documents LI tif Restricted Data or Defense Information specify in each of the above example SRD S.-DI Nature of work or security interest _.
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