Advanced Nuclear Physics and Chemistry Experiments
DOCOIMW IES 60 AUTHOR Duggan, Jerome L.; An Ethers TITLE Advanced Experimilmts Nuclear Science, Advanced Nuclear 'Physics and Chemistry Experiments. SPONS,AGENCY National Science Foundation,Washington, L.C., North Texas State Univ., Denton. BUREAU NO NSF-SED-74-20286 PUB. DATE 17 ?) NOTE 258p.; Contains Occasicna and broken type ROES PRICE HP-$0..8;5 Plus Postage. HC, Not Available fxo ED VESCRIPTIS Chemistry; College Science; *Giadmate StaCy; H Education; Instructional Haterials; Laboratory Procedures; *NclearEhysics; Physics; Science Education; *Science Fxpeciaerts ABSTRACT The experiments in this anualrepresent state-of-the-art techniques which should Le within thebudgetary_ constraints Of a college 'physics or chewistry department. There are fourteen experiments divided into five modules. The modules are on X-ray fluorescence, charged particle detection, neutron activation analysis, X-ray attenuation, and accelerator experiments.' Each module contains an introduction, a guide to the types cf experiments contained, learning objectivcs,and a list of- prerequisite skills. Each experiment contains objectives, ar introduction, a'list of equipment, .data accumulation and analysis procedures, discussion of results; post-test questions, computer programs, o'ticnal work, and references. (Author/BB) ****** ***, **** ** *** ** ** * ****** * Re prod upplied by EDES are the best thatCEEto made from the original document. * * * * ***** *** * * * * * * * * *a * * * * * * * * * ** * * * -* Advaticed EiperimentsIii Nuclear Science T Vokorne I Advanced Nuclear:Physics And Chemistry Experiments oronr L. Duggan, Floyd D. McDaniel, and Jack G. itehn This Projett IS:Supported Jointly By The Nation4 Science Foundation And 1+ rtl Tias State University Denton, Texas 76203 INTRODUcTiO1 Many colleges and'universities throughout the-United Stateshave recognized the iMpo- nee of the study of nuclear science-and# radio- isotopes in the undqrgraduate curriculum.
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