12 December 2001
Reviews known in the French bird- extreme rarities, by up to three INVENTAIRE DES watching community, and are distribution maps. About two- OISEAUX DE FRANCE largely responsible for the estab- thirds of a page is devoted to By Philippe J. Dubois, Pierre lishment of the magazine each species, and rarities get le Maréchal, Georges Olioso Ornithos. their fair share, reflecting their & Pierre Yésou.Nathan, The book summarises the interest to birdwatchers. Well- Paris, 2000. 400 pages; ornithological data amassed in studied species, e.g. Lesser numerous line- France since the publication of Kestrel Falco naumanni or drawings, histograms, and the previous detailed checklist, Herring Gull Larus argentatus, distribution maps. by Noël Mayaud in 1936, in the occupy a whole page or more. ISBN 2-09-260674-3. magazine Alauda. As such, it In such a monumental work, Hardback, £68.00. includes the results of two atlas which is not cheap, but which is surveys of breeding birds and excellent value for money, a few This large-format, copiously illus- one of wintering birds. blunders and omissions are trated and well-produced book is For each species, the text dis- inevitably found, but the total wholly in French, but, of course, cusses systematics; general status result is highly impressive. You the scientific names are given for and habitat; the annual cycle; will find a wealth of information each species. Two useful intro- breeding and wintering ranges; here on a national avifauna ductory texts cover, respectively, and population trends. The last which is still rich and varied. the history of ornithology in topic is discussed in some depth Appealing to birdwatchers of all France, by Roger Cruon, and the wherever possible, giving details persuasions, this book is essen- evolution and history of the of the present breeding or win- tial if France is a potential French avifauna, by Jacques tering distribution, and whether holiday destination.
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