(Pahs) in the Memphis Tri-State Area Final Report

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(Pahs) in the Memphis Tri-State Area Final Report Memphis PAHs Study Revision: 02 Final Report Date: 01/09/2020 Characterizing Community Exposure to Atmospheric Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) in The Memphis Tri-State Area Final Report Prepared by: Chunrong Jia, Ph.D., University of Memphis Xianqiang Fu, University of Memphis Larry Smith, Shelby County Health Department Robert Rogers, Shelby County Health Department January 09, 2020 Memphis PAHs Study Revision: 02 Final Report Date: 01/09/2020 Disclaimer The contents of this report reflect the views of the contractor and subcontractors, who are responsible for the accuracy of the data presented herein. The contents do not necessarily reflect the views of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. This report does not constitute a standard, specification, or regulation. The U.S. Government does not endorse products or manufacturers. Trade or manufacturers’ names appear herein only because they are considered essential to the object of this document. i Memphis PAHs Study Revision: 02 Final Report Date: 01/09/2020 Project Contributors U.S. EPA Region 4 Office Sara Waterson, Technical Project Officer, Air, Data, and Analysis Section Tim Slagle, Designated Approving Official, Science, and Ecosystem Support Division Solomon Pollard, Ph.D., Environmental Toxicologist, Community Air Toxics Monitoring Shelby County Health Department Larry Smith, Assistant Manager, Pollution Control Section Robert Rogers, Manager, Pollution Control Section Judy Low, Supervisor, Pollution Control Section Tyler Zerwekh, Dr.PH, Administrator, Environmental Health Services Bureau University of Memphis Chunrong Jia, Ph.D., Associate Professor, School of Public Health Xianqiang Fu, B.S., Research Associate, School of Public Health Fariha Sultana, MPH, Research Assistant, School of Public Health Cem Akkaus, Ph.D., MPH, Research Assistant, School of Public Health Zhuqing Xue, Ph.D., Research Assistant, School of Public Health ii Memphis PAHs Study Revision: 02 Final Report Date: 01/09/2020 Acronyms AQS Air Quality System ASE Accelerate Solvent Extraction CCV Continuing Calibration Verification CFR Code of Federal Register COC Chain of Custody CV Coefficient of Variance DFTPP Decafluorotriphenylphosphine DQO Data Quality Objectives EPA Environmental Protection Agency FB Field Blank GC/MS Gas Chromatography/Mass Spectrometry GIS Geographical Information Systems GPS Geographic Positioning System IS Internal Standard LCS Laboratory Control Sample MDL Method Detection Limit MQOs Measurement Quality Objectives MS Matrix Spike MTA Memphis Tri-State Area NATA National Air Toxics Assessment PAHs Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons PM Project Manager POM Polycyclic Organic Matter PUF Polyurethane Foam PT Proficiency Test QA Quality Assurance QC Quality Control QAM Quality Assurance Manual QAPP Quality Assurance Project Plan QFF Quartz Fiber Filter RPD Relative Percent Difference RSD Relative Standard Deviation RT Retention Time SCHD Shelby County Health Department SD Standard Deviation SOP Standard Operating Procedure VOC Volatile Organic Compounds UM University Of Memphis iii Memphis PAHs Study Revision: 02 Final Report Date: 01/09/2020 Executive Summary Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in the ambient air are classified as priority pollutants by the U.S. EPA because of their adverse effects on human health, persistence in environmental matrices, and reactivity and ability to transform into more active species. In the U.S., monitoring of PAHs is insufficient despite the ubiquitous presence of this group of chemicals. The objective of this study was to characterize PAHs in the community ambient air in the Memphis Tri-state Area (MTA). Specifically, the data collected in this monitoring campaign were analyzed to understand the pollution levels, spatiotemporal variability, sources, health risks, and environmental justice regarding PAHs. PAH samples were collected at 19 monitoring sites in Shelby County, TN, Crittenden County, AR, and DeSoto County, MS, every 12 days from March 2018 to May 2019. At each site, particulate- and gas-phase PAHs were collected at a flow rate of 200 L/min to a filter and PUF/XAD-4/PUF cartridge housed in a high volume PUF sampler over 24 hours. A total of 663 samples, 57 collocated duplicate samples, and 71 blanks were collected. In the laboratory, samples were extracted using an accelerated solvent extractor. The extract was then nitrogen blown down to 1 mL and then analyzed on a GC/MS system operated in the SIM mode for 30 target PAH compounds. The sampling and analysis procedures followed the requirements established in the Quality Assurance Project Plan (QAPP) that was reviewed and approved by EPA Region 4 Office. All the 30 target PAHs were detected in this program, and the low molecular weight (LMW) PAHs were detected in 100% of the samples. The mean (±standard deviation) concentrations of naphthalene and sum of the remaining 29 PAHs were 27.1±45.9 and 45.4±57.1 ng/m3, respectively. The overall PAH levels were higher than the average urban levels in the U.S. The concentrations displayed a clear seasonal pattern of summer>spring>fall>winter, and a spatial pattern of urban>suburban>rural. The major source was on-road diesel exhausts in this region, according to the diagnostic ratios. The average cancer risk from all the carcinogenic PAHs (cPAHs) was 2.1×10-6, suggesting low cancer risks from inhalation of airborne PAHs in the ambient air. PAH levels showed negative associations with community-level household incomes, indicating low-income populations face higher exposures to ambient PAHs than do high-income populations. This monitoring program established a community-government-academic partnership and engaged the local communities throughout the project process. The study team delivered over 40 presentations to students, stakeholders, professionals, and regulatory committees via multiple venues over the four year study period. The results of this study will be made publicly available and be disseminated to the general public. The study team will continue the efforts to promote the use of environmental monitoring data by community members. iv Memphis PAHs Study Revision: 02 Final Report Date: 01/09/2020 Table of Contents Disclaimer .................................................................................................................................. i Project Contributors ................................................................................................................ ii Acronyms .................................................................................................................................iii Executive Summary .................................................................................................................iv Table of Contents ..................................................................................................................... v List of Tables ...........................................................................................................................vii List of Figures ........................................................................................................................ viii 1. Introduction .......................................................................................................................... 1 1.1 PAHs in air and the associated health effects ................................................................... 1 1.2 National PAHs monitoring and data gaps ......................................................................... 1 1.3 PAH sources in the Memphis Tri-state Area (MTA)........................................................... 2 1.4 Environmental health and justice issues in MTA ............................................................... 3 1.5 Need for exposure and risk assessment of atmospheric PAHs in MTA ............................. 4 2. Study Objectives .................................................................................................................. 5 2.1 Overall objective ............................................................................................................... 5 2.2 Specific aims .................................................................................................................... 5 2.3 Target PAHs ..................................................................................................................... 6 2.5 Project progress and major activities ................................................................................ 9 3. Sampling and Analytical Methods .....................................................................................10 3.1 Study area .......................................................................................................................10 3.2 Sampling sites .................................................................................................................10 3.3 Sampling schedule ..........................................................................................................14 3.3.1 Sampling frequency ..................................................................................................14 3.3.2 Sampling duration .....................................................................................................15 3.3.3 Routine sampling sequence ......................................................................................15 3.3.4 Sample size ..............................................................................................................15
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