Ad Populos, Non Aditus, Pervenimus Published Every Thursday Since September 3, 1890 (908) 232-4407 USPS 680020 Thursday, June 26, 2008 OUR 118th YEAR – ISSUE NO. 26-2008 Periodical – Postage Paid at Westfield, N.J.
[email protected] SIXTY CENTS WF Council Proposes Ways To Help Generate Revenue By MICHAEL J. POLLACK arrangement for sidewalk-improve- itself in.” Specially Written for The Westfield Leader ment costs; the new policy would Mr. Caruana called the idea a “great WESTFIELD – Heeding the call assess a homeowner 100 percent of contribution.” from Finance Policy Committee the costs. Under his Code Review and Town Chairman Sal Caruana to enhance “While it would be wonderful to be Property Committee Report, Coun- revenue and cut expenses, two town able to provide these improvements cilman Jim Foerst proposed a “user- council committee chairmen have without any cost to the homeowner, based” approach to utilizing the ser- proposed concepts in which the town this policy still gives the homeowner vices of the town planner. He said could realize savings. the cost benefit and convenience of applicants utilizing the planner’s ser- Public Works Committee Chair- having the town provide the contrac- vices should reimburse the town. woman Jo Ann Neylan is recommend- tor, do the scheduling and work, and “You’re using the benefits and the ing a resolution, to be read at next give the resident a three- to five-year services that the Town of Westfield week’s public meeting, to codify a period to pay,” Ms. Neylan said. provides… Why should the Town of new proposed policy regarding side- She added that the “well thought Westfield foot the bill for one particu- walk assessments.