Copyrighted Material
Index Index alloc_root function, 571–572 A alloc function, 572 abstract classes, 119–120 alternation, regular expressions, 220 abstract methods, 119–120 anchors, regular expressions, 217–218 abstract value types, 35–36 AND (&), bitwise operator, 56, 62 dynamic type, 35–36 AND (&&), logical comparison operator, 59 garbage collection, 572–573 animation, Neko Media Engine (NME), 549 Neko and C/C++, 563–565 anonymous keyword, 28 null type, 35 anonymous objects, 126–127 void type, 35 declaring, syntax for, 126 accessor methods, with dynamic typedef, use with, 128–130 keyword, 113 Apache web server Action Message Format (AMF) installing on Linux Ubuntu, 233–234 server, 426 installing on Windows, 232–233 Flash-to-AMF server connection, 434 application programming interface (API) ActionScript Flash API classes, 359–361 and Flash, 316 Flash drawing API, 337–342 compared to haXe. See ActionScript/haXe haXe API, 206–208 comparison reflection API, 464–469 Screen Weaver HX extensions, 523–524 Remoting API communication methods, synchronous communication in, 523–524 427–428 version 3 and Flex 2, 344 serialization API, 473–474 ActionScript/haXe comparison arctic project, 146 classes, 357–359 arithmetic operators. See binary constant values/special values, 346–347 operators data types, 344–346 array(s), 40–45 functions, top-level, 347–352 adding/removing items from, 42–43 keywords, 354–358 array access operator, 352 operators, 352–353 array fields/descriptions, 41–42 properties, 356 concatenating, 45 statements, 354–358 converted to strings, 68 structures,
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