SIG1 MS7 – Hot and cool structures, difficult structures s1.m7.p9 The High-Resolution Crystal Structure of s1.m7.p10 Structural and functional characterization Eukaryotic Assimilatory Nitrate Reductase Mo Domain. of bacterial YeiK nucleoside hydrolase from E. coli: Katrin Fischera, Guillaume Barbierc, Hans-Juergen Hechtb, Ralf catalytic mechanism and possible role in cancer gene R. Mendela, Wilbur H. Campbellc, Guenter Schwarza, therapy. Barbara Giabbaia, Michela Savoldi Boles a,b, Massimo aDepartment of Plant Biology, Technical University Deganoa. aBiocrystallography Unit, Dibit San Raffaele Braunschweig, Spielmannstr. 7, D-38106 Braunschweig, Scientific Institute, Milan, Italy. bBicocca University, Milan, Germany, bGerman Research Center for Biotechnology, Italy. E-mail:
[email protected] Mascheroder Weg 1, D-38124 Braunschweig, Germany, cResearch Center and Department of Biological Sciences, Keywords: Structural enzymology; Catalytic mechanism; Michigan Technical University, Houghton MI 49931. E-mail: Cancer gene therapy
[email protected] Enzymes with nucleoside hydrolase (NH) activity are Keywords: Molybdenum enzymes; Nitrate assimilation; crucial for the salvage of nucleic acid components in purine Molybdenum cofactor auxotrophic protozoan parasites. Several genes encoding for putative NH proteins have been annotated in genomes from both Nitrate reductases catalyze the first and rate-limiting step of prokaryotes [1] and eukaryotes [2] [3] based on the presence of a nitrogen assimilation in autotrophs. This assimilatory pathway consensus sequence formed by a N-terminal aspartate cluster plays a key role in the global nitrogen cycle and about 90% of all [4]. Here we show the characterization of the YeiK (RihB) gene reduced nitrogen found in living organisms is derived from product from Escherichia coli as a calcium-dependent, nitrate assimilation.