I. K. A. Ibrahim1, A. A. Mokbel1, and Z. A. Handoo2*

1Department of Plant Pathology, Faculty of Agriculture, Alexandria University, Alexandria, Egypt; 2Nematology Laboratory, USDA, ARS, Beltsville Agricultural Research Center, Beltsville, MD 20705. *Corresponding author: [email protected]


Ibrahim, I. K. A., A. A. Mokbel, and Z. A. Handoo. 2010. Current status of phytoparasitic nematodes and their host plants in Egypt. Nematropica 40:239-262. In Egypt, phytoparasitic nematodes constitute a major constraint to agricultural production, espe- cially in sandy soil and reclaimed desert lands. Nematological surveys were conducted to determine the genera and species of phytoparasitic nematodes on associated host plants in Egypt. Historical records and survey results indicate the occurrence of 47 genera and 139 species of phyto- parasitic nematodes on crops, grasses and weeds. Several of these species are reported for the first time associated with new host plants in Egypt. Important phytoparasitic nematodes include species of the citrus (Tylenchulus), cyst (Heterodera), dagger (Xiphinema), lance (Hoplolaimus), lesion (Pratylen- chus), rice-root (Hirschmanniella), ring (Criconema, Mesocriconema), root-knot (Meloidogyne), spiral (Helicotylenchus) and stunt (Tylenchorhynchus) nematodes. Among these, Helicotylenchus and Meloidog- yne were the most frequently encountered nematode genera. Key words: Egypt, host plants, phytoparasitic nematodes, survey.


Ibrahim, I. K. A., A. A. Mokbel, and Z. A. Handoo. 2010. Estado actual de los nematodos fitoparásitos y sus plantas hospedantes en Egipto. Nematropica 40:239-262. En Egipto, los nematodos fitoparásitos constituyen un problema grave para la agricultura, espe- cialmente en suelos arenosos. Se condujeron una serie de inventarios para determinar los géneros y especies de nematodos fitoparásitos asociados con las plantas en Egipto. Los registros históricos y los resultados de los inventarios indican que se presentan 47 géneros y 139 species de nematodos fitopa- rásitos en cultivos, pastos y malezas. Varias de estas especies se registran por primera vez en sus plantas hospedantes en Egipto. Algunas especies importantes están en los géneros Tylenchulus, Heterodera, Xi- phinema, Hoplolaimus, Pratylenchus, Hirschmanniella, Criconema, Mesocriconema, Meloidogyne, Helicotylen- chus y Tylenchorhynchus. Los géneros Helicotylenchus y Meloidogyne fueron los que se encontraron con mayor frecuencia. Palabras clave: Egipto, plantas hospedantes, nematodos fitoparásitos, inventarios.

In Egypt, phytoparasitic nematodes root-knot nematodes (Fikry, 1939; Oteifa, have been recognized as important plant 1955; Oteifa, 1957; Oteifa, 1962; Oteifa, pests since 1901 when Preyer reported a 1964; Oteifa and El-Gindi, 1956; Oteifa and nematode disease of banana in Alexandria. Tarjan, 1965; Tarjan, 1964). Early studies on the occurrence of parasitic Previous studies in Egypt have shown nematodes on various host plants were the presence of large numbers of genera mainly concerned with citrus, lesion and and species of phytoparasitic nematodes


240 NEMATROPICA Vol. 40, No. 2, 2010

associated with many crops, grasses and El-Sharkawy, 2001; Ibrahim et al., 1994; weeds in different localities (Abou-Elnaga, Ibrahim et al., 2000; Ibrahim et al., 1976; 1979; Abou-Elnaga, 1989; Abou-Elnaga et Ibrahim et al., 1986; Oteifa et al., 1997). al., 1985; Ibrahim, 1990; Ibrahim and El- The objectives of the present work were Sharkawy, 2001; Ibrahim et al., 1994; Ibra- to elucidate the status of the genera and him et al., 2000; Ibrahim et al., 1976; Ibra- species of phytoparasitic nematodes and him et al., 1986; Oteifa et al., 1997; Oteifa their associated host plants by way of nema- and Tarjan, 1965; Tarjan, 1964). Many of tode surveys and to compile a list of associ- these phytoparasitic nematodes are consid- ated nematode plant hosts from previously ered a limiting factor in plant crop produc- published research in Egypt. tion in Egypt. Also, the practice of From 1999-2009, about 1120 rhizo- continuous cropping and use of local plant sphere soil samples were collected from a cultivars favor survival and rapid build-up variety of cultivated and noncultivated of nematode populations in the soil (Abou- plants from different localities in Alexan- Elnaga et al., 1985; Ibrahim, 1985; Ibrahim, dria, El-Behera, and Matrouh Governor- 1990; Ibrahim et al., 1994; Ibrahim et al., ates in northern Egypt. Nematodes from a 2000; Ibrahim et al., 1988; Oteifa, 1962; composite sample of 250 g soil were Oteifa, 1964; Oteifa 1987). extracted by means of Cobb’s wet-sieving Information concerning the occur- and centrifugal sugar-flotation techniques rence and host plants of phytoparasitic (Ayoub, 1980). Nematodes were examined nematodes in Egypt is very important since under the compound microscope. Identifi- nematode pathogens, such as citrus (Tylen- cation of the isolated nematodes to the chulus), cyst (Heterodera), dagger generic level was based on the morpholog- (Xiphinema), lance (Hoplolaimus), lesion ical characters of adult forms as described (Pratylenchus), rice (Hirschmanniella), ring by Goodey and Goodey (1963) and Mai (Criconema, Mesocriconema), root-knot and Lyon (1975). (Meloidogyne), spiral (Helicotylenchus) and Some nematode samples were fixed in stunt (Tylenchorhynchus) nematodes may 2% formaldehyde solution and sent to the occur in large numbers and cause eco- USDA Nematology Laboratory in Belts- nomic damage to many plant crops (Abou- ville, Maryland, USA for species identifica- Elnaga, 1979; Abou-Elnaga, 1989; Ibrahim, tion by Z. Handoo using compound 1990; Ibrahim and El-Sharkawy, 2001; Ote- microscopes. ifa, 1962; Oteifa, 1964; Oteifa et al., 1997; The nematode genera and frequency of Oteifa and Tarjan, 1965; Tarjan, 1964). occurrence in the collected rhizosphere Cumulative records of phytoparasitic soil samples are shown in Table 1. It is evi- nematodes and their associated host plants dent that both Helicotylenchus and Meloidog- in Egypt have been maintained in the Nem- yne were the most frequently encountered atology Research Laboratory, Faculty of nematode genera, with 53% and 62.5% fre- Agriculture, Alexandria University for the quency of occurrence, respectively. The last 40 years. Nematode identifications as genera Aphelenchus, Hoplolaimus, Pratylen- reported in this paper were made by many chus, Tylenchorhynchus and Tylenchus were scientists. Nematode records and survey quite common with 31.1-49.5% frequency studies showed the occurrence of 47 gen- of occurrence. The genera Aphelenchoides, era and 139 species of phytoparasitic nem- Criconemella, Ditylenchus, Heterodera, Hir- atodes in Egypt (Abou-Elnaga, 1979; Abou- schmanniella, Longidorus, Rotylenchulus, Tri- Elnaga, 1989; Ibrahim, 1990; Ibrahim and chodorus, Tylenchulus and Xiphinema were

Phytoparasitic nematodes and their host plants in Egypt: I. K. A. Ibrahim 241

Table 1. Frequency of occurrence (FO) of phytoparasitic nematode genera found in rhizosphere soil samples collected from plants in Egypt.

Genus FO%y Genus FO%y

Anguina 0.9 Mesocriconema 1.3 Aphelenchoides 23.4 Nacobbus 1.1 Aphelenchus 35.5 Neotylenchus 2.9 Basiria 1.3 Nygolaimus 0.8 Belonolaimus 4.2 Paralongidorus 2.0 Boleodorus 2.3 Paratrichodorus 3.8 Criconema 8.3 Paratylenchus 18.2 Criconemellaz 25.1 Pratylenchoides 5.0 Diphtherophora 0.7 Pratylenchus 39.9 Discocriconemella 1.0 Pseudhalenchus 1.0 Ditylenchus 21.7 Psilenchus 16.0 Dolichodorus 3.2 Radopholus 3.6 Eutylenchus 1.2 Rotylenchoides 5.7 Filenchus 1.3 Rotylenchulus 25.9 Helicotylenchus 53.0 Rotylenchus 16.5 Hemicriconemoides 19.9 Scutellonema 14.7 Hemicycliophora 19.4 Telotylenchus 7.1 Heterodera 26.0 Trichodorus 23.2 Hirschmanniella 21.9 Tylencholaimus 0.9 Hoplolaimus 36.2 Tylenchorhynchus 49.5 Irantylenchus 1.1 Tylenchulus 26.6 Longidorus 27.2 Tylenchus 31.1 Meloidogyne 62.5 Xiphinema 29.6 Merlinius 3.0 Zygotylenchus 1.4 yFO% = 100 × Number of positive samples/Number of total soil samples. zFormerly reported as Criconemella; now considered Mesocriconema. common on certain host plants with 21.7- ously in Egypt with their corresponding ref- 29.6% frequency of occurrence. The gen- erences, are shown in Table 2. era Hemicriconemoides, Hemicycliophora, Nematodes of the genera Helicotylen- Paratylenchus, Psilenchus, Rotylenchus and chus, Hoplolaimus, Meloidogyne, Pratylenchus, Scutellonema showed 14.7-19.9% frequency Rotylenchulus, Tylenchorhynchus, Tylenchulus of occurrence. The other listed genera and Xiphinema were of widespread occur- were either less common or of limited rence among the nematodes encountered occurrence. in this study. Tylenchorhynchus and Species of phytoparasitic nematodes Xiphinema were represented by the highest identified and reported from the 1999- numbers of species (16 each), followed by 2009 survey, along with those found previ- Pratylenchus and Helicotylenchus with 13 and 242 NEMATROPICA Vol. 40, No. 2, 2010 , et al. , 1997 , 1997 , 1994 et al. , 1997 , 1997 et al. , 1985; Ibrahim, et al. et al. et al. et al. , 1997 et al. , 1997; Tarjan, 1964 , 1997; Tarjan, et al. 1985; Ibrahim, 1990; Ibrahim and El-Sharkawy, 2001; 1985; Ibrahim, 1990; Ibrahim and El-Sharkawy, Oteifa Amin, 2001 Abou-Elnaga, 1979; Abou-Elnaga 2001; Oteifa 1990; Ibrahim and El-Sharkawy, Abou-Elnaga, 1979; 1989; Abou-Elnaga Abou-Elnaga, 1979; Elmiligy and Geraert, 1971; Ibrahim 2001; Oteifa and El-Sharkawy, Ibrahim and El-Sharkawy, 2001; Ibrahim Ibrahim and El-Sharkawy, Abou-Elnaga, 1979; Oteifa, 1964; Oteifa 2001; Oteifa Ibrahim and El-Sharkawy, Abou-Elnaga, 1979; Ibrahim, 1990; Oteifa 2001; Tarjan, Abou-Elnaga, 1979; Ibrahim and El-Sharkawy, 1964 2001; Oteifa and Ragab, 1957 Ibrahim and El-Sharkawy, , z Cit- Olea spp. Gossyp- L., Cynodon Solanum Solanum L., y L. L., L., L. Fragaria Hibiscus palus- spp. Mill., , Lycopersicon escu- z (L.) Merr., L. L. Rosa spp., L., L., Zea mays L., Vitis vinifera Musa sapientum Capsicum frutescens (L.) Schott, Cucumis sativus L., L . , L., L. Glycine max Jasminum Mill, Saccharum officinarum L., Oryza sativa spp., Solanum nigrum Hibiscus mutabilis L., L., L., Vitis vinifera L., L., L., Lycopersicon esculentum L. (Linden ex André) H. Wendl. z Fragaria L. Colocasia esculenta L. L. Hedera helix L ., Capsicum frutescens Citrus aurantium , Brassica oleracea z L., L., Malus sylvestris L. Trifolium alexandrinum L., L. , Oryza sativa . L . , Solanum melongena L (L.) Pers., L., Mill., , Solanum melongena z tuberosum Oryza sativa Gossypium barbadense Beta vulgaris europaea tuberosum lentum L. ium barbadense Hibiscus mutabilis Washingtonia filifera Washingtonia Brassica oleracea tris L., Musa sapientum Brassica rapa dactylon Gossypium barbadense Triticum aestivum Triticum rus aurantium Solanum melongena Gossypium barbadense Polypogon monspeliensis sp. sp. sp. sp. Identified in 1999-2009 survey; also found previous records. Identified in 1999-2009 survey; new host association not previously reported. Aphelenchoides besseyi Aphelenchoides parietinus Aphelenchus avenae Criconema Boleodorus thylactus Aphelenchoides Table 2. Species of phytoparasitic nematodes reported and identified in Egypt and their associated host plants Table SpeciesAnguina Anguina tritici Hostsy z References Basiria graminophila Belonolaimus Boleodorus pakistanensis Phytoparasitic nematodes and their host plants in Egypt: I. K. A. Ibrahim 243 et , et al. , 1994; , 1997 , 1994; Ibra- et al. et al. et al. , 1997 , 1997 et al. et al. , 1997 , 1976 et al. et al. References , 1986; Oteifa , 1985; Ibrahim, 1999; Ibrahim , 1985; Oteifa , 1997; Tarjan, 1964 , 1997; Tarjan, et al. et al. et al. et al. ., 2000; Oteifa ., 2000 , 1997 , 2000 et al et al et al. et al. , 2000 Abou-Elnaga, 1979; Ibrahim, 1990; Oteifa Oteifa Abd El-Massih Ibrahim Abou-Elnaga, 1979; Ibrahim, 1990; Ibrahim 2000; Oteifa Ibrahim, 1999; Ibrahim and El-Sharkawy, 2001; Ibrahim Ibrahim, 1999; Ibrahim and El-Sharkawy, al. Ismail and Eissa, 1993 Ibrahim Abou-Elnaga Abou-Elnaga him Ibrahim, 1990; Ibrahim 2001; Ibrahim Ibrahim and El-Sharkawy, L., Plan- (Lin- (L.) L . , Cynodon L., Roystonea (L.) Pers., , L., Cupres- Bougainvil- z , y Cynodon dac- Cynara scoly- L. L., L., (L.) Beauv. Phoenix dactylifera Chabaud Thymelea hirsuta Mockenz, Dactyloctenium aegyptium Solanum tuberosum L. L . , Washingtonia filifera Phoenix dactylifera Allium cepa L., Cucurbita pepo L., L . , L., L., Setaria virdis Cucurbita pepo L., Mill., (L.) pers., L. Hosts spp., porrum Cupressus sempervirens Carex festivella var. Phoenix canariensis L., (Linden ex André) H. Wendl. Oryza sativa Zea mays Triticum aestivum (L.) Schott, Cucumis sativus (L.) Pers. , L., Rosa Cyperus rotundus L., y L., L., L. Arachis hypogaea Greene, L. Erigeron annuus Solanum tuberosum L. L. L., L., Solanum tuberosum L. Choisy (L.) Pers., Vicia faba (L.) Pers., Cook, L., Lycopersicon esculentum glabra

Oryza sativa Cynara scolymus Beta vulgaris tago major Endl., Allium cepa Hordeum vulgare Amaranthus caudatus Allium ampeloprasum dactylon Washingtonia filifera Washingtonia Cynodon dactylon (L.) Richt., Portulaca oleracea regia tylon den ex André) H. Wendl. mus lea Cynara scolymus Vicia faba Colocasia esculenta Plantago major sus arizonica , ) sp. sp. sp. us sp. Nothocriconema mutabile Identified in 1999-2009 survey; also found previous records. Identified in 1999-2009 survey; new host association not previously reported. Dolichodor Ditylenchus angustus Ditylenchus intermedius Ditylenchus myceliophagus Ditylenchus Criconema sphaerocephala Nothocriconemella mutabilis Diphtherophora Discocriconemella sphaerocephaloides Criconema mutabile (= y z Table 2. (Continued) Species of phytoparasitic nematodes reported and identified in Egypt and their associated host plants Table Species Filenchus filiformis Eutylenchus 244 NEMATROPICA Vol. 40, No. 2, 2010 ., 2000; et al , 1997 et al. , 1997; Tarjan, 1964 , 1997; Tarjan, , 1994; Ibrahim , 1997 , 1997 et al. et al. et al. et al. References , 1986; Abou-Elnaga, 1979; Elmiligy, , 1986; Abou-Elnaga, 1979; Elmiligy, et al. ., 1976; Oteifa , 2000; Oteifa et al et al. , 1997 , 1997 Abou-Elnaga, 1979; Elmiligy, 1970b; Ibrahim, 1990; Oteifa Abou-Elnaga, 1979; Elmiligy, et al. 1970a; Ibrahim, 1990; Oteifa Abou-Elnaga, 1979; Elmiligy, et al. Abou-Elnaga, 1979; Ibrahim, 1990; Ibrahim and El- 2001; Oteifa Sharkawy, Ibrahim Abd El-Massih 2001; Ibra- 1970a; Ibrahim, 1990; Ibrahim and El-Sharkawy, him Aboul-Eid and Ameen, 1991; Oteifa Abou-Elnaga, 1979; Ibrahim, 1990; Ibrahim and El- 2001; Ibrahim Sharkawy,

, y L., L., Gos- Triti- Gossyp- L . , Cit- (Walt.) Prunus Wendl. L., L., Vitis Mangifera (L.) Pers., Cucumis sati- Olea europaea , Brassica rapa , , Cydonia z y y L., (Linden ex L. L., Phoenix dactyl- L. Batsch., Saccharum offici- Mill., (L.) Merr., Colocasia esculenta Hibiscus esculentus Thunb. L., Myoporum pectum capitata L., L., Sabal palmetto Batsch., L., Brassica oleracea Oryza sativa Cynodon dactylon Macfad., Washingtonia robusta (All.) Vign. ex Janchen, var. Glycine max L., Arecastrum romanzoffianum Citrus aurantium L . , Solanum melongena L., Solanum melongena Malus sylvestris L., L., Hosts Prunus amygdalus L., Nerium oleander Washingtonia filifera Mill., L., MacBirde, L., Cycas revoluta L., (L.) Scop, Pyrus communis Schrad., Helianthus annuus L., Beta vulgaris L., L. Vitis vinifera Brassica oleracea L. L., L., Citrus paradisi L., Prunus amygdalus Cynara scolymus L., Eragrostis cilianensis L., Arachis hypogaea Solanum tuberosum L. L. Saccharum officinarum L. Mill, L., (L.) Batsch., L., Musa sapientum L., Pisum sativum Opuntia compressa L., Cucurbita pepo Citrullus vulgaris Psidium guajava Zea mays Gossypium barbadense André) H. Wendl. Annona squamosa rus aurantium sypium barbadense (L.) Schott, Allium cepa (Cham.) Becc., vinifera narum Olea europaea L., L., oblonga Digitana sanguinalis indica Zea mays ifera persica vus Lycopersicon esculentum ium barbadense cum aestivum Lodd., sp. Identified in 1999-2009 survey; also found previous records. Identified in 1999-2009 survey; new host association not previously reported. Helicotylenchus agricola Helicotylenchus cavenessi Helicotylenchus digonicus Helicotylenchus dihystera Table 2. (Continued) Species of phytoparasitic nematodes reported and identified in Egypt and their associated host plants Table Species Helicotylenchus dihysteroides Musa sapientum Helicotylenchus y z Phytoparasitic nematodes and their host plants in Egypt: I. K. A. Ibrahim 245 , 2000; , 1994; , 1997 et al. et al. , 1997; , 1997 et al. et al. , 1997 et al. et al. , 1997 , 1997 , 1997; Tarjan, 1964 , 1997; Tarjan, , 1997 , 1994; Ibrahim , 2000 et al. et al. et al. et al. et al. et al. References , 1976; Oteifa , 2000; Oteifa , 2000 , 1997 , 1997; Tarjan, 1964 , 1997; Tarjan, et al. et al. et al. et al. et al. Oteifa Elmiligy and Geraert, 1971; Ibrahim, 1990; Ibrahim El- 2001; Ibrahim Sharkawy, Ibrahim Abou-Elnaga, 1979; Elmiligy, 1970a; Ibrahim, 1990; Abou-Elnaga, 1979; Elmiligy, Oteifa Abou-Elnaga, 1979; Oteifa Abou-Elnaga, 1989; Ibrahim, 1990; Ibrahim Ibrahim Abou-Elnaga, 1989; Elmiligy, 1970b; Ibrahim, 1990; Abou-Elnaga, 1989; Elmiligy, Ibrahim Abou-Elnaga, 1979; Elmiligy, 1970b; Oteifa Abou-Elnaga, 1979; Elmiligy, Abou-Elnaga, 1989; Oteifa Aboul-Eid and Ameen, 1991; Oteifa Tarjan, 1964 Tarjan, Abou-Elnaga, 1979; Oteifa, 1964; Oteifa Abou-Elnaga, 1979; Ibrahim, 1990; Oteifa Ibrahim, 1999; Ibrahim L., Zea Musa L . , Thymelea L . Vitis vin- Polypogon Dactylocte- Mangifera Mangifera , L., y , , y L., Phoenix y L., L., L. L. L. (Linden ex y Citrus aurantium L. (L.) Pers., (L.) Pers., annua Solanum tuberosum Solanum tuberosum L. Solanum tuberosum L., L., L. Mockenz, Phoenix dactylifera L., Gossypium barbadense Cyperus rotundus L., Mangifera indica L. Amaranthus caudatus Hosts L., Psidium guajava L., Washingtonia filifera L., Cynodon dactylon Cynodon dactylon L., , Phoenix dactylifera y L. L. L., L., (L.) Pers., , Vitis vinifera y Carex festivella L. , Musa sapientum L. , (L.) Richt., , Vitis vinifera L. y y Phoenix dactylifera Phoenix dactylifera L. L., Cucurbita pepo L., L., Cucumis sativus Musa sapientum Vahl L., L. (L.) Endl. L., Musa sapientum L., L. L. Allium cepa Allium cepa mays canariensis ifera Andropogon virginicus Andropogon catharticus

Gossypium barbadense Citrus aurantium indica hirsuta sapientum nium aegyptium Citrus aurantium indica Mangifera indica Citrus aurantium Musa sapientum Zea mays André) H. Wendl. Saccharum officinarum monspeliensis Cynodon dactylon sp. Identified in 1999-2009 survey; also found previous records. Identified in 1999-2009 survey; new host association not previously reported. Hemicriconemoides cocophilus Phoenix canariensis Hemicriconemoides affinis Helicotylenchus pseudorobustus Hemicriconemoides Helicotylenchus microlobus Helicotylenchus multicinctus Helicotylenchus microcephalus Helicotylenchus mangiferensis Helicotylenchus hydrophilus Helicotylenchus exallus Helicotylenchus erythrinae Table 2. (Continued) Species of phytoparasitic nematodes reported and identified in Egypt and their associated host plants Table Species Helicotylenchus egyptiensis y z 246 NEMATROPICA Vol. 40, No. 2, 2010 et , 1988 et al. , 1997; , 1986 , 1997 et al. et al. et al. , 1997 , 2000; Tarjan, 1964 , 2000; Tarjan, , 2000 , 1986; Massoud et al. , 1997 et al. et al. et al. References et al. , 1986 , 1997 et al. et al. , 1997; Tarjan, 1964 , 1997; Tarjan, Tarjan, 1964 Tarjan, Abou-Elnaga, 1979; Ibrahim, 1990; Oteifa, 1964; Oteifa al. Abou-Elnaga, 1979; Oteifa, 1964; Oteifa Abou-Elnaga, 1979; Ibrahim, 1990; Ibrahim and El- 2001; Ibrahim Sharkawy, Elmiligy, 1968; Ibrahim, 1990; Oteifa Elmiligy, Aboul-Eid and Ghorab, 1974; Ibrahim, 1990; Oteifa Abou-Elnaga, 1979; Elmiligy and Geraert, 1971; Ibrahim, 1990; Oteifa Ibrahim, 1999; Ibrahim 2001; Ibrahim Ibrahim, 1990; Ibrahim and El-Sharkawy, and Handoo, 2007; Oteifa Ibrahim, 1990; Ibrahim and Handoo, 2007; Ibrahim Ibrahim, 1990; Ibrahim Handoo and Ibrahim, 2000; Ibrahim Handoo, 2007 Oteifa, 1987

Trifo- L. L., L., Lycoper- z L., Pyrus Helianthus L . , Trifolium L. Zea mays Roystonea elata Vigna cylindrica , Triticum aestivum y L. L., L., L. L., Oryza sativa , Zea mays L. L. (L.) Pers., y z L ., Ficus carica L. L. L. (L.) Skeels., Phoenix dactylifera Solanum tuberosum Vitis vinifera L., Hosts Zea mays Mangifera indica Mill., Triticum aestivum Musa sapientum L. y Triticum aestivum Triticum aestivum Cynodon dactylon Brassica oleracea Yucca aloifolia spp., L. Ibrahim and Handoo, 2007; L., L. L. (L.) Pers., Vigna cylindrica L., L., Mill., (L.) Skeels. , Trifolium alexandrinum , Panicum coloratum z z Perrine, L., Zea mays L. L. L., Rosa L., Mangifera indica Phoenix dactylifera Citrus aurantium communis Cynodon dactylon Oryza sativa (Bartr.) F. Harper, annuus Vigna cylindrica Oryza sativa alexandrinum Arachis hypogaea Arachis hypogaea sicon esculentum lium alexandrinum (L.) Skeels., L., vulgare Hordeum L. Lycopersicon esculentum L., vulgare Hordeum sp. sp. Identified in 1999-2009 survey; also found previous records. Identified in 1999-2009 survey; new host association not previously reported. Hemicycliophora thienemanni Hemicycliophora similis Hemicycliophora oostenbrinki Heterodera goldeni Heterodera Heterodera cajani Heterodera davertiHeterodera Table 2. (Continued) Species of phytoparasitic nematodes reported and identified in Egypt and their associated host plants Table Species Hemicriconemoides mangiferaeHemicycliophora Agave sisalana Heterodera avenae Heterodera glycines Heterodera latipons Heterodera rosiiHeterodera y z Melilotus officinalis Phytoparasitic nematodes and their host plants in Egypt: I. K. A. Ibrahim 247 , , et al. et al. , 2000; , 2000; , 1997; et al. , 1994; et al. et al. et al. , 1997 , 1974 et al. , 1997; Tarjan, 1964 , 1997; Tarjan, et al. , 1994; Ibrahim ., 2000; Oteifa et al. et al. et al References , 1986; Abou-Elnaga, 1979; Elmiligy, , 1986; Abou-Elnaga, 1979; Elmiligy, , 1986; Aboul-Eid and Ghorab, 1981; et al. et al. , 2000; Oteifa , 2000 , 1997; Tarjan, 1964 , 1997; Tarjan, , 1997; Tarjan, 1964 , 1997; Tarjan, et al. et al. et al. et al. Oteifa Abd El-Massih 2001; 1970a; Ibrahim, 1990; Ibrahim and El-Sharkawy, Ibrahim Oteifa Ibrahim, 1990; Oteifa, 1964; Oteifa 1997 1997 Ibrahim and Handoo, 2007 Ibrahim, 1990; Ibrahim and Handoo, 2007; Oteifa Abd El-Massih Ibrahim, 1990; Ibrahim and Handoo, 2007; Oteifa Abou-Elnaga, 1979; Ibrahim, 1990; Ibrahim Ibrahim Ibrahim and El-Sharkawy, 2001; Ibrahim Ibrahim and El-Sharkawy, Shafie and Koura, 1970; Ibrahim, 1990; Ibrahim Abou-Elnaga, 1979; Ibrahim, 1990; Ibrahim and El- 2001; Ibrahim Sharkawy, y , z L. L., L., L. Mill, Wash- L. Gossyp- L. capitata Solanum , L., z botrytis Phoenix dac- var. Chenopodium L. y L. (L.) Pers. Saccharum offi- var. Roystonea regia , L. y , Zea mays y z Citrus aurantium L., Cynodon dactylon , Zea mays y L. L. (L.) Merr., Psidium guajava Malus sylvestris L., Narcissus jonquilla Vitis vinifera Phoenix dactylifera (L.) Lam., , z Oryza sativa L., Schrad., , L., L., Zea mays y Brassica oleracea L. Batsch., , Zea mays y L. Brassica oleracea (Walt.) Lodd. Glycine max L., L., Oryza sativa , , Erigeron annuus L. y y , y L. L. Hosts (L.) Skeels., Conyza linifolia L . , Yucca aloifolia (Bartr.) F. Harper, Oryza sativa , Chenopodium album y Ipomoea batatas L. L. Musa sapientum L., capitata Citrullus vulgaris (L.) Pers. Beta vulgaris Sabal palmetto Phaseolus vulgaris (L.) Ait, Hordeum vulgare Prunus amygdalus L., L., L., , var. L., y (Linden ex André) H. Wendl. L., Helianthus annuus Perrine, , Triticum aestivum L. L., z L., Vigna cylindrica L. Roystonea elata Gossypium barbadense , Cyperus rotundus L. , y y L., L., L. , Solanum tuberosum y Brassica rapa Cynodon dactylon , z Arachis hypogaea L. Agave sisalana Agave tylifera tuberosum cinarum Amaranthus caudatus Oryza sativa Beta vulgaris Gossypium barbadense Brassica oleracea Brassica alexandrinum Trifolium (L.) Pers. murale L., ingtonia filifera Cook Pyrus communis Oryza sativa ium barbadense Mangifera indica sp. sp. Identified in 1999-2009 survey; also found previous records. Identified in 1999-2009 survey; new host association not previously reported. Hoplolaimus aegypti Hoplolaimus Table 2. (Continued) Species of phytoparasitic nematodes reported and identified in Egypt and their associated host plants Table Species Hirschmanniella oryzae Hirschmanniella gracilis Heterodera zeae Heterodera Hirschmanniella Heterodera schachtii Heterodera trifolii Heterodera y z Hoplolaimus clarissimus Conyza aegyptiaca 248 NEMATROPICA Vol. 40, No. 2, 2010 , et al. , 1997; , 1997; , 1997 , 1997 et al. et al. , 1997; Oteifa and et al. et al. et al. , 2000 , 1997 et al. , 2000; Oteifa et al. , 1997 et al. References et al. , 1994; Ibrahim , 1997 et al. et al. Tarjan, 1965; Tarjan, 1964 1965; Tarjan, Tarjan, Abou-Elnaga, 1979; Aboul-Eid, 1970; Ibrahim, 1990; Ibra- 2001; Oteifa him and El-Sharkawy, Ibrahim Abou-Elnaga, 1979; 1989; Aboul-Eid, 1970; 2001; Oteifa Ibrahim, 1990; Ibrahim and El-Sharkawy, Oteifa, 1964; Oteifa Abou-Elnaga, 1989; Oteifa Elmiligy, 1970a; Ibrahim, 1990; Oteifa Elmiligy, Abou-Elnaga, 1989; Ibrahim, 1990; Oteifa 1965 Oteifa and Tarjan, Ibrahim, 1990; Ibrahim 1964 1965; Tarjan, Oteifa and Tarjan, 1997; Tarjan, 1964 1997; Tarjan, Abou-Elnaga, 1979; Aboul-Eid, 1970; Ibrahim, 1990; Oteifa 2001; Oteifa Ibrahim and El-Sharkawy, L. Zea L., L., , L. Musa y spp., Saccha- Gossyp- Hook., Cynodon L., , L., L., y L. L., Solanum Fragaria Ficus carica , , Urtica urens y L. y Vahl Olea europaea Prunus amygdalus , Prunus amygdalus y L., L., Vitis vinifera L. L., Ziziphus zizyphus Saccharum officinarum Vitis vinifera L., (L.) Pers., Mangifera indica (L.) Pers. Pyrus communis L., L. L. L., Citrus aurantium L., (L.) Beauv. , Portulaca grandiflora y , y Zea mays (L.) Merr. L., Vitis vinifera L. Saccharum officinarum Hosts Bromus catharticus L., L., Oryza sativa , Mangifera indica y (Linden ex André) H. Wendl. Musa sapientum (L.) Batsch., L. L., L. Cynodon dactylon Muell. Arg. Cynodon dactylon Glycine max Poa annua Musa sapientum Batsch., , L., Solanum melongena , y y L., L., Musa sapientum L., Gossypium barbadense L., Setaria viridis L., L., L., Psidium guajava L. L., Gossypium barbadense , y L., Vitis vinifera L., Olea europaea Saccharum officinarum Prunus persica (L.) Pers. spp. L. Washingtonia filifera Citrus aurantium (L.) H. Karst. dactylon sapientum Portulaca oleracea Acalypha wilkesiana L., Fragaria Prunus amygdalus Citrus aurantium Gossypium barbadense melongena Batsch., Batsch., Arachis hypogaea Amaranthus caudatus Citrus aurantium Musa sapientum mays Citrus aurantium ium barbadense rum officinarum Citrus aurantium Gossypium barbadense ) L. siddiqii Identified in 1999-2009 survey; also found previous records. Identified in 1999-2009 survey; new host association not previously reported. Table 2. (Continued) Species of phytoparasitic nematodes reported and identified in Egypt and their associated host plants Table Species Longidorus sp. Hoplolaimus columbus y z Hoplolaimus tylenchiformis Irantylenchus clavidorus Hoplolaimus seshadrii Hoplolaimus pararobustus Hoplolaimus galeatus Longidorus elongatus Longidorus africanus Longidorus brevicaudatum (= Phytoparasitic nematodes and their host plants in Egypt: I. K. A. Ibrahim 249 , , , 2000; et al. et al. , 1996; et al. et al. , 1988; Oteifa et al. , 1997 , 1997 et al. et al. , 1994; Ibrahim et al. , 1997 , 2000; Ibrahim et al. References et al. , 2000; Oteifa , 2000; Oteifa et al. et al. , 1996 , 1997; Tarjan, 1964 , 1997; Tarjan, , 1997 , 1997; Tarjan, 1964 , 1997; Tarjan, , 1997 et al. et al. et al. et al. et al. , 1997; Tarjan, 1964 , 1997; Tarjan, , 1994; Ibrahim Elmiligy and Geraert, 1971; Ibrahim, 1990; Ibrahim El- 2001; Oteifa Sharkawy, Lamberti Abou-Elnaga, 1979; Aboul-Eid, 1970; Ibrahim, 1990; Oteifa 1994; Ibrahim 1994; Ibrahim et al. Abou-Elnaga, 1979; Ibrahim, 1990; Oteifa, 1964; Oteifa Oteifa Abou-Elnaga, 1979; Ibrahim, 1990; Lamberti Abou-Elnaga, 1979; Ibrahim, 1985; 1990; Ibrahim 2001; Ibrahim and Mokbel, 2009; and El-Sharkawy, et al. Abou-Elnaga, 1979; Ibrahim, 1985; 1990; Ibrahim and Mokbel, 2009; Ibrahim Ibrahim, 1985; Ibrahim and Mokbel, 2009; Ibrahim, 1985; Ibrahim and Mokbel, 2009; Oteifa , z Zea L., L. L., Arachis Arachis Zea mays Cucurbita , y Phoenix dac- Beta vulgaris L. , L., y (Thunb.) W.T. L. Musa sapientum var. capitata var. L., Vicia faba (All.) Vign. ex Jan- Mangifera indica aestivum

Lycopersicon esculentum Lycopersicon esculentum , y , y L. Mill. L. Oryza sativa y (L.) Merr., Mill., , y Triticum . , Cucumis sativus L. , y Schrad. Pittosporum tobira L Thunb. Brassica oleracea , Hosts y L. Mill. , y L. Vitis vinifera Solanum melongena L. Eragrostis cilianensis Glycine max capitata L . , L., L., y L., Musa sapientum var. L. L. Lycopersicon esculentum Cycas revoluta , Psidium guajava Citrullus vulgaris y , y , (L.) Merr., y Psidium guajava , y Beta vulgaris L. L. spp. spp., Phoenix dactylifera Ficus carica L. y , Zea mays , y y L. L., Lycopersicon esculentum Lycopersicon esculentum , y y mays hypogaea pepo Solanum tuberosum many plant crops, grasses and weeds; notably Brassica oleracea chen, Citrus aurantium > 150 plant species, found on many field, fruit, ornamental and vegetable crops as well grasses, weeds, timber trees; notably Glycine max many plant crops, grasses and weeds; notably hypogaea many plant crops, grasses and weeds; notably L. Aiton tylifera Fragaria Citrus aurantium L., Vitis vinifera L. Fragaria Mill. Mill. ) L. latocephalus (= sp. Identified in 1999-2009 survey; also found previous records. Identified in 1999-2009 survey; new host association not previously reported. Table 2. (Continued) Species of phytoparasitic nematodes reported and identified in Egypt and their associated host plants Table Species Meloidogyne javanica Merlinius brevidens Longidorus taniwha Meloidogyne Meloidogyne arenaria Meloidogyne incognita Longidorus pisi Longidorus laevicapitatus y z Meloidogyne hapla 250 NEMATROPICA Vol. 40, No. 2, 2010 , 1997; , 1996 , 1994; et al. et al. et al. , 1997 , 2000; Oteifa, 1964; , 2000; et al. , 1997 et al. et al. et al. , 1997; Tarjan, 1964 , 1997; Tarjan, , 1997; Oteifa and Tarjan, 1965; , 1997; Oteifa and Tarjan, References et al. et al. , 1985; Oteifa et al. , 1994; Ibrahim , 1994; Ibrahim , 2000 , 1997; Oteifa and Tarjan, 1965; Tarjan, 1964 1965; Tarjan, , 1997; Oteifa and Tarjan, , 1997; Tarjan, 1964 , 1997; Tarjan, et al. et al. et al. et al. et al. Oteifa Abou-Elnaga Tarjan, 1964 Tarjan, Oteifa Oteifa, 1960 Ibrahim, 1990; Oteifa Abou-Elnaga, 1979; Elmiligy and Geraert, 1971; Ibrahim, 2001; Oteifa 1990; Ibrahim and El-Sharkawy, Abou-Elnaga, 1979; Ibrahim, 1990; 1999; Ibrahim Ibrahim, 1990; Ibrahim and El-Sharkawy, 2001; Ibrahim, 1990; Ibrahim and El-Sharkawy, Ibrahim Abou-Elnaga, 1989; Oteifa Ibrahim, 1990; Oteifa 1964 Tarjan, Ibrahim Ibrahim and El-Sharkawy, 2001; Ibrahim Ibrahim and El-Sharkawy, 2001; Lamberti Ibrahim and El-Sharkawy, Zea (L.) (L.) Vitis L., Vitis vin- L. Prunus per- L., Setaria Amaranthus Oryza sativa L., Malus sylves- L., L., Mill., Lycopersicon esculen- Batsch., Cynodon dactylon (L.) P. Beauv., Vicia faba Cynodon dactylon L., L., L., Vitis vinifera Solanum melongena Schrad. L., Musa sapientum (L.) Richt., L., Portulaca oleracea (Linden ex André) H. Wendl., Mockenz, Hosts y L., Prunus amygdalus Setaria verticillata Mill. L., Alopecurus partensis Morus alba L., Citrus aurantium Citrullus vulgaris Batsch. Solanum melongena L., L., Musa sapientum L. (L.) Pers. L., Lycopersicon esculentum L., L., Carex festivella L. geniculatus Phoenix dactylifera Mangifera indica L., L. L. (L.) P. Beauv., Ficus carica Dactyloctenium aegyptium L. L., Washingtonia filifera Mill., (L.) Batsch., Phoenix dactylifera Pers., tum glauca Pers., Arachis hypogaea Lycopersicon esculentum Prunus amygdalus Citrus aurantium tris Mill., sica mays Alopecurus Citrus aurantium caudatus vinifera ifera Zea mays Allium sativum L., Citrus aurantium Cynodon dactylon Vitis vinifera sp.) ) ) , Trichodorus Criconemoides sp., sp. us erriae sp. sp. sp. ) Tylenchorhynchus nothus Trichodorus christiei Longidorus georgiensis Criconemella Identified in 1999-2009 survey; also found previous records. Identified in 1999-2009 survey; new host association not previously reported. Table 2. (Continued) Species of phytoparasitic nematodes reported and identified in Egypt and their associated host plants Table Species Paralongidor Mesocriconema Nacobbus Neotylenchus Nygolaimus (= minor Nygolaimus parasquaticus Merlinius nothus (= Paratrichodorus minor (= Merlinius nanus Paralongidorus georgiensis (= y z Phytoparasitic nematodes and their host plants in Egypt: I. K. A. Ibrahim 251 , 1997; , 1994; et al. , 1997 et al. et al. , 1997 et al. , 1976; Oteifa , 1997 et al. , 2000; Oteifa et al. et al. References , 2000; Ibrahim , 2000 , 2000 et al. et al. et al. Abou-Elnaga, 1979; Ibrahim, 1990; Ibrahim and El- 2001; Oteifa, 1962; Oteifa Sharkawy, Tarjan, 1964 Tarjan, Abou-Elnaga, 1989; Oteifa Ibrahim Ibrahim, 1990; Tarjan, 1964 Ibrahim, 1990; Tarjan, Abou-Elnaga, 1979; Ibrahim, 1990; Ibrahim Ibrahim 2001; Ibrahim, 1999; Ibrahim and El-Sharkawy, Ibrahim Ibrahim, 1990; Ibrahim y , z L., L. capi- Rosa Vigna Mill., Cydonia L., Solanum L., var. Gossypium z Prunus per- (L.) Endl., capitata (Linden ex , L., y Citrus auran- Phoenix dactyl- Phoenix dactyl- L. Malus sylvestris Pyrus communis (L.) P. Beauv. L. , , y y Olea europaea L., Vitis vinifera var. L. Prunus amygdalus Thunb., L. L., Hibiscus esculen- L., L. L., H. Wendl. L., Schrad., (L.) Merr., Mill., Pyrus communis L., Vicia faba Brassica oleracea L. Pisum sativum Chabaud Thymelea hirsuta L., Zea mays Lycopersicon esculentum L., Zea mays L., , Zea mays y L., Cycas revoluta Brassica oleracea Phoenix dactylifera , Washingtonia filifera , Setaria verticillata y y , Glycine max , y Hosts z L., Cyperus rotundus Pisum sativum L. , y Wendl. L., Triticum aestivum (L.) Batsch., Vitis vinifera L., Musa sapientum Gossypium barbadense (L.) Lam., spp., Citrullus vulgaris Gossypium barbadense L., L. Beta vulgaris Washingtonia robusta Oryza sativa Choisy Chabaud (Walt.) Lodd., L., Pyrus communis (L.) Pers. L., Pyrus communis Phoenix canariensis L., spp., L., L., , L. y Trifolium alexandrinum Fragaria L. L . , L., Lycopersicon esculentum (L.) Skeels., Prunus persica Citrus aurantium Fragaria , Portulaca oleracea , Mill, y Ipomoea batatas z Mangifera indica Sabal palmetto L., L. L., Pinus strobus L. (L.) Batsch., L., cylindrica tus Musa sapientum tuberosum Arachis hypogaea tium L., Vitis vinifera Arachis hypogaea Oryza sativa tata oblonga Phoenix canariensis Citrus aurantium Citrus aurantium Mill., barbadense ifera André) H. Wendl., sica Cynodon dactylon Bougainvillea glabra L., Washingtonia robusta Batsch., Amaranthus caudatus ifera spp., Trifolium alexandrinum sp. sp. sp. Identified in 1999-2009 survey; also found previous records. Identified in 1999-2009 survey; new host association not previously reported. Table 2. (Continued) Species of phytoparasitic nematodes reported and identified in Egypt and their associated host plants Table Species Pratylenchus brachyurus Pratylenchus Paratylenchus projectus Pratylenchoides Pratylenchoides crenicauda Paratylenchus y z Paratylenchus minor 252 NEMATROPICA Vol. 40, No. 2, 2010 , et et al. , 1997 , 1997 , 1997 , 1997 , 1997 et al. et al. et al. et al. et al. ., 2000; Oteifa, 1962; Oteifa , 1997; Tarjan, 1964 , 1997; Tarjan, et al References et al. , 1997; Oteifa and Tarjan, 1965 , 1997; Oteifa and Tarjan, Ibrahim, 1990; Ibrahim al. Abou-Elnaga, 1979; Ibrahim, 1990; Ibrahim and El- 2001; Oteifa, 1962; Oteifa Sharkawy, Ibrahim, 1990; Oteifa, 1962; Oteifa Ibrahim, 1990; Oteifa, 1962; Oteifa Ibrahim, 1990; Oteifa, 1962; Oteifa Ibrahim, 1990; Ibrahim and El-Sharkawy, 2001; Oteifa Ibrahim, 1990; Ibrahim and El-Sharkawy, Ibrahim, 1990; Oteifa, 1962; Oteifa 1997; Oteifa and Tarjan, 1965 1997; Oteifa and Tarjan,

L., L., L . , Zea L., Musa L., L., L., L., Gossypium Vigna cylin- L., Portulaca Vigna cylin- (L.) Skeels. L., Hibiscus esculen- Colocasia escu- Gossypium bar- Pisum sativum Citrus aurantium spp., L., (L.) Skeels. L., Vigna cylin- Solanum tuberosum L., Citrus aurantium L., Oryza sativa L. L. L. L., Vitis vinifera Musa sapientum Musa sapientum Solanum tuberosum Fragaria Schrad., L., Schrad., Mill., Mangifera indica Pisum sativum Schrad., Zea mays Zea mays spp., , Vigna cylindrica z Mill., L., L. L., L. , Zea mays L., L., Triticum aestivum (L.) Batsch., Mill., Vigna cylindrica Hosts Musa sapientum Citrus aurantium Fragaria L., L., (L.) Batsch., L., Triticum aestivum Gossypium barbadense L. Ibrahim, 1990; Oteifa Mill., , Vicia faba Citrullus vulgaris . L . , Trifolium alexandrinum Citrullus vulgaris L., Vitis vinifera Vitis vinifera L Cucumis sativus Vitis vinifera L., Mangifera indica Schrad., Schrad., L., L., Citrullus vulgaris L. L., Phoenix dactylifera L., Prunus persica L., Vicia faba , Prunus persica L., Lycopersicon esculentum y L., L. L., Lycopersicon esculentum (L.) Schott, (L.) Skeels., (L.) Skeels., (L.) Skeels., L. L., Lycopersicon esculentum Cucumis sativus oleracea Arachis hypogaea Lycopersicon esculentum Trifolium alexandrinum Solanum tuberosum barbadense lenta Citrullus vulgaris drica Solanum tuberosum drica badense Arachis hypogaea Oryza sativa Oryza sativa Musa sapientum drica L . , Trifolium alexandrinum mays sapientum Citrus aurantium tus L., Arachis hypogaea Arachis Identified in 1999-2009 survey; also found previous records. Identified in 1999-2009 survey; new host association not previously reported. Pratylenchus coffeae y z Pratylenchus pratensis Pratylenchus crenatus Saccharum officinarum Table 2. (Continued) Species of phytoparasitic nematodes reported and identified in Egypt and their associated host plants Table Species Pratylenchus minyus Pratylenchus goodeyi Citrullus vulgaris Pratylenchus musicola Pratylenchus neglectus Pratylenchus penetrans Phytoparasitic nematodes and their host plants in Egypt: I. K. A. Ibrahim 253 , et al. arjan, , 1997; T et al. , 1997; Oteifa and , 1997 et al. et al. ., 2000; Oteifa, 1962; Oteifa , 1997; Tarjan, 1964 , 1997; Tarjan, References et al et al. , 1997 et al. Abou-Elnaga, 1979; Ibrahim, 1990; Oteifa 1964 1964 Abou-Elnaga, 1979; Ibrahim, 1990; Tarjan, 1964 Elmiligy and Geraert, 1971; Ibrahim, 1990; Tarjan, Tarjan, 1965 Tarjan, 1964 Ibrahim, 1990; Tarjan, Ibrahim, 1990; Oteifa Ibrahim, 1990; Oteifa, 1962; Oteifa Ibrahim, 1990; Ibrahim 1964 1997; Tarjan, Ibrahim, 1990; Oteifa, 1962; Oteifa Ibrahim, 1990; Ibrahim and El-Sharkawy, 2001; Oteifa, 1962; Ibrahim, 1990; Ibrahim and El-Sharkawy, Oteifa , y L., L., L., Pru- L. Trifo- (L.) , . Lycoper- Brassica L., L , y Vigna cylin- Vicia faba Psidium gua- L., Cucumis sativus Oryza sativa Vigna cylindrica Ipomoea batatas L., Choisy L., (L.) Lam., L., Gossypium barbadense Solanum tuberosum Vigna cylindrica L., Lycopersicon esculen- Musa sapientum spp., L., Schrad., L. , . L., Gossypium barbadense L. L., Phoenix dactylifera L L., (L.) Batsch., Hook., L. Fragaria Zea mays L., Solanum tuberosum Triticum aestivum Hosts Ipomoea batatas Mangifera indica Ficus carica Oryza sativa Trifolium alexandrinum , Oryza sativa . L., Triticum aestivum L. Bougainvillea glabra L., L L. L., Citrus aurantium (Linden ex André) H. Wendl. Schrad., L., Vitis vinifera Mangifera indica L., L., Citrullus vulgaris (L.) Pers. Mill., L., L. (L.) Skeels., L., Prunus persica L., Gossypium barbadense (L.) Batsch., Zea mays Solanum tuberosum capitata spp., Portulaca grandiflora (L.) Batsch., Solanum melongena var. L., (L.) Skeels., Mill., Hibiscus esculentus Hibiscus esculentus Fragaria Washingtonia filifera java drica nus persica Gossypium barbadense Gossypium barbadense oleracea sicon esculentum L., tum Cynodon dactylon Pyrus communis Cucurbita pepo Vigna cylindrica Prunus persica Arachis hypogaea Pisum sativum (L.) Skeels., lium alexandrinum L., Citrus aurantium (L.) Lam., Citrullus vulgaris L., Skeels. Arachis hypogaea sp. sp. Identified in 1999-2009 survey; also found previous records. Identified in 1999-2009 survey; new host association not previously reported. Table 2. (Continued) Species of phytoparasitic nematodes reported and identified in Egypt and their associated host plants Table Species Psilenchus aestuarius Psilenchus hilarulus Pseudhalenchus Pseudhalenchus anchilisposomus Psilenchus Pratylenchus zeae Pratylenchus vulnus Pratylenchus scribneri y z Pratylenchus thornei 254 NEMATROPICA Vol. 40, No. 2, 2010 , et al. , 1976; , 1976; . 2000; , 1997 et al. et al. et al et al. , 1997; Oteifa and , 1997 , 1997 et al. et al. et al. ., 2000; Ibrahim , 1994; Ibrahim , 1994; Ibrahim et al et al. et al. , 1985; Oteifa , 1985; Oteifa et al. et al. , 1976; Oteifa, 1964; 1970; Oteifa , 1997; Oteifa and Tarjan, 1965 , 1997; Oteifa and Tarjan, et al. et al. Tarjan, 1965; Tarjan, 1964 1965; Tarjan, Tarjan, Oteifa, 1964; 1970; Oteifa El-Sherif and Embabi, 1975; Ibrahim, 1990; Ibrahim El- 2001; Ibrahim Sharkawy, Oteifa Ibrahim, 1990; Ibrahim Ibrahim 1964 1997; Tarjan, Ibrahim, 1990; Ibrahim Abou-Elnaga Ibrahim, 1990; Oteifa, 1964; Tarjan, 1964 Ibrahim, 1990; Oteifa, 1964; Tarjan, Abou-Elnaga, 1979; Ibrahim, 1990; Oteifa Ibrahim, 1990; Tarjan, 1964 Ibrahim, 1990; Tarjan, , z L., L., L. Abou-Elnaga Cit- L., L. L., (L.) Lycoper- Solanum Jasminum L., Nerium capitata L., (Linden ex L., Prunus L., Schrad., L., Trifolium alex- Cucurbita pepo Sabal palmetto Ficus carica Solanum tubero- L . , Vicia faba Vitis vinifera Glycine max var. L., , y Opuntia compressa Citrus aurantium Citrus aurantium L., Mill., L., L., L., Lycopersicon esculen- L. L. Musa sapientum (L.) Batsch., Schrad., Schrad., Chabaud Citrullus vulgaris Helianthus annuus , Cucumis melo z Washingtonia filifera Brassica oleracea , Zea mays L., Musa sapientum y Mill., L. Saccharum officinarum L., , Gossypium barbadense y Solanum tuberosum L., L. Cynara scolymus L., Musa sapientum , y L. L. capitata Choisy Wendl. (All.) Vign. ex Janchen, Prunus persica (L.) Schott, Gossypium barbadense Saccharum officinarum Lycopersicon esculentum , y Citrullus vulgaris Mill., L., Pyrus communis var. , (L.) Merr., (L.) Lam., y L. L., Thunb. Vitis vinifera Phoenix canariensis L., Citrullus vulgaris Oryza sativa L., Mangifera indica , Batsch., y L . , , y L., Vitis vinifera L. Gossypium barbadense Lycopersicon esculentum L . Mill. Glycine max Brassica oleracea sicon esculentum tuberosum André) H. Wendl. MacBirde., spp., oleander Washingtonia robusta Cycas revoluta andrinum Merr., tum Colocasia esculenta L., Brassica rapa amygdalus Cucurbita pepo sum Eragrostis cilianensis (Walt.) Lodd. rus aurantium Beta vulgaris Bougainvillea glabra Musa sapientum Gossypium barbadense Ipomoea batatas sp. sp. Identified in 1999-2009 survey; also found previous records. Identified in 1999-2009 survey; new host association not previously reported. Rotylenchus Table 2. (Continued) Species of phytoparasitic nematodes reported and identified in Egypt and their associated host plants Table Species Hosts References Rotylenchulus reniformis Psilenchus iranicus Psilenchus magnidens y z Rotylenchulus Radopholus similis Rotylenchoides variocaudatus Gossypium barbadense Psilenchus striatus Phytoparasitic nematodes and their host plants in Egypt: I. K. A. Ibrahim 255 , et et al. , 2000; , 1997; , 1997 , 1997; Oteifa et al. , 1976; Oteifa, et al. et al. et al. et al. , 1997 et al. , 1997 , 2000; Oteifa , 1994; Ibrahim , 1997 et al. , 1997; Oteifa and Tarjan, 1965 , 1997; Oteifa and Tarjan, et al. et al. et al. , 2000; Ibrahim References et al. et al. , 1985; Oteifa , 1997; Oteifa and Tarjan, 1965; Tarjan, 1965; Tarjan, , 1997; Oteifa and Tarjan, et al. , 1976; Oteifa, 1964; Oteifa et al. , 1997; Tarjan, 1964 , 1997; Tarjan, et al. et al. , 1994; Ibrahim 1964; Oteifa 1964 Ibrahim, 1990; Ibrahim and El-Sharkawy, 2001; Ibrahim Ibrahim, 1990; Ibrahim and El-Sharkawy, al. and Tarjan, 1965; Tarjan, 1964 1965; Tarjan, and Tarjan, Ibrahim, 1990; Oteifa 2001; Oteifa, 1964; Oteifa Ibrahim and El-Sharkawy, 1997 Abou-Elnaga, 1979; Ibrahim, 1990; Ibrahim and El- 2001; Oteifa Sharkawy, Abou-Elnaga, 1979; Ibrahim, 1990; Oteifa Tarjan, 1964 Tarjan, Ibrahim 1964 1965; Tarjan, Ibrahim, 1990; Oteifa and Tarjan, Abou-Elnaga Abou-Elnaga, 1989; Oteifa Ibrahim, 1990; Ibrahim , , y z L. Ibrahim, 1990; Ibrahim Cit- L. (L.) Glycine L., Citrullus L., Digi- Jasminum L. L., Cycas Thunb. , z L., Musa L., Opuntia MacBirde., L. spp., (L.) Scop. Oteifa Vitis vinifera Pyrus communis , y L. L . L. Lycopersicon esculen- Brassica rapa capitata Fragaria Cynodon dactylon , (L.) Lam., Phaseolus vulgaris z Cycas revoluta , L., y Batsch., capitata L. L. L., Vitis vinifera L., Vitis vinifera L., var. L., Bougainvillea glabra L., L. Mangifera indica Mangifera indica L., Cucurbita pepo Mill., L., Zea mays var. capitata Digitana sanguinalis Nerium oleander Mill., Hosts L., Opuntia compressa Mill., Ficus carica var. Oryza sativa L., L., Ipomoea batatas Brassica oleracea Cucumis sativus Cydonia oblonga Citrus aurantium L ., Vitis vinifera L., Mangifera indica L. L. (L.) Pers. (L.) Pers., L., Beta vulgaris Gossypium barbadense (L.) Pers., , (L.) Scop. L., Musa sapientum L., y L., L., Prunus amygdalus Trifolium alexandrinum L., Brassica oleracea Malus sylvestris MacBirde., L., Olea europaea spp., Schrad., Brassica oleracea Thunb. Daucus carota , Lycopersicon esculentum y (L.) Merr., Mill., tum max Pers. Arachis hypogaea vulgaris sapientum Citrus aurantium compressa Gossypium barbadense spp., Pisum sativum Citrus aurantium Citrus aurantium Mangifera indica L., Rosa tana sanguinalis Cynodon dactylon dactylon Cynodon rus aurantium revoluta Arachis hypogaea Brassica rapa Citrus aurantium Choisy, sp. sp. sp. Identified in 1999-2009 survey; also found previous records. Identified in 1999-2009 survey; new host association not previously reported. Table 2. (Continued) Species of phytoparasitic nematodes reported and identified in Egypt and their associated host plants Table Species sp. Trichodorus Trichodorus teres Trichodorus Rotylenchus robustus Rotylenchus uniformis Scutellonema y z Scutellonema blaberum Scutellonema brachyurum Telotylenchus ventralisTelotylenchus Cynodon dactylon Tylenchorhynchus Tylenchorhynchus Tylencholaimus teres Tylencholaimus 256 NEMATROPICA Vol. 40, No. 2, 2010 , , et al. et al. , 1997 , 1997 et al. et al. , 2000 , 1997 et al. , 2000 et al. , 1997; Oteifa and Tarjan, 1965 , 1997; Oteifa and Tarjan, , 1997; Tarjan, 1964 , 1997; Tarjan, , 1997; Tarjan, 1964 , 1997; Tarjan, et al. et al. et al. et al. , 1997 , 1994; Ibrahim et al. et al. 2000; Oteifa and Tarjan, 1965; Tarjan, 1964 1965; Tarjan, 2000; Oteifa and Tarjan, 1964 1965; Tarjan, Ibrahim, 1990; Oteifa and Tarjan, Ibrahim, 1990; Oteifa Abou-Elnaga, 1979; Ibrahim, 1990; Oteifa Abou-Elnaga, 1989; Oteifa 2000; Oteifa Elmiligy and Geraert, 1971; Ibrahim, 1990; Ibrahim Ibrahim, 1990; Oteifa Abou-Elnaga, 1979; Oteifa, 1964; Oteifa Ibrahim Ibrahim, 1999; Ibrahim Elmiligy and Geraert, 1971; Ibrahim, 1990; Ibrahim Zea L., L., Vitis Prunus Phoenix L., L., L., Capsi- L., y L., L. Pyrus commu- Pyrus communis Polypogon monspe- Trifolium alexandri- L., , Zea mays L., y (L.) Pers., Oryza sativa Gossypium barbadense Pisum sativum L. , L. y Saccharum officinarum Solanum melongena Anabsis articulata L. (L.) Batsch., L., , L., y Wendl. L . , Trifolium alexandrinum Trifolium (Linden ex André) H. Wendl., , y Hibiscus palustris Psidium guajava , , Cynodon dactylon z L. L. Ibrahim, 1990; Oteifa y Muell. Arg. y (Linden ex André) H. Wendl. Prunus persica Cucurbita pepo Cucurbita pepo (Walt.) Lodd., (Walt.) L. L., L. L., Musa sapientum L. (L.) Endl. Phoenix dactylifera L., L., L. L., Solanum tuberosum L., Saccharum officinarum Batsch., Chabaud , y Washingtonia filifera L. Washingtonia robusta L., Washingtonia L. L. L., Sabal palmetto L. Washingtonia filifera Washingtonia Citrus aurantium Vitis vinifera Gossypium barbadense Citrus aurantium Citrus aurantium Thymelea hirsuta L., amygdalus liensis Zea mays num Myoporum pictum cum frutescens Brassica rapa nis Allium cepa mays Oryza sativa Acalypha wilkesiana vinifera Hibiscus mutabilis canariensis Identified in 1999-2009 survey; also found previous records. Identified in 1999-2009 survey; new host association not previously reported. Tylenchorhynchus ebriensis Tylenchorhynchus Tylenchorhynchus clavicaudatus Tylenchorhynchus cylindricus Tylenchorhynchus dubius Tylenchorhynchus Tylenchorhynchus brassicae Tylenchorhynchus Tylenchorhynchus besselatus Tylenchorhynchus kegenicusTylenchorhynchus Gossypium barbadense Tylenchorhynchus annulatus Tylenchorhynchus Tylenchorhynchus clarus Tylenchorhynchus Tylenchorhynchus capitatus Tylenchorhynchus Table 2. (Continued) Species of phytoparasitic nematodes reported and identified in Egypt and their associated host plants Table Species Hosts goffartiTylenchorhynchus y z References Phytoparasitic nematodes and their host plants in Egypt: I. K. A. Ibrahim 257 et et , 1994; Ibra- , 1994; Ibra- , 1976; Oteifa , 1997; Oteifa and et al. et al. , 1997 et al. et al. et al. , 1997 , 1997 et al. , 1997; Oteifa and Tarjan, 1965; , 1997; Oteifa and Tarjan, et al. , 2000; Ibrahim References et al. et al. , 2000 ., 2000 et al et al. , 1997; Tarjan, 1964 , 1997; Tarjan, , 1994; Ibrahim al. Tarjan, 1965; Tarjan, 1964 1965; Tarjan, Tarjan, him Abou-Elnaga, 1979; Ibrahim, 1990; Ibrahim and El- 2001; Oteifa, 1964; Oteifa Sharkawy, 2001; Ibrahim Ibrahim, 1990; Ibrahim and El-Sharkawy, al. 2001; Ibrahim Ibrahim and El-Sharkawy, him Ibrahim and El-Sharkawy, 2001; Ibrahim Ibrahim and El-Sharkawy, El-Hamawi, 1993; Oteifa Abou-Elnaga, 1989; Oteifa Ibrahim, 1990; Oteifa 1964 Tarjan, Ibrahim, 1990; Oteifa, 1964; Oteifa , , z y L., L., L., L., L. L. Mac- Musa Portu- Portu- Wash- , y Citrullus , L., z Convolvulus Vitis vinifera Mill., L. , y Hook., Pyrus communis L., Urtica urens Cynodon dactylon Pisum sativum Prunus amygdalus Helianthus annuus Vahl Pyrus communis capitata Poa annua L., L., Olea europaea y Mill, Batsch., Opuntia compressa spp., Cupressus sempervirens L. var. L. , (L.) H. Karst. y Malus sylvestris L., Gossypium barbadense , L., y L. (L.) Beauv., Fragaria (L.) Pers., Hosts , Zea mays Portulaca grandiflora Mill. y L., , y (L.) Batsch., Phoenix dactylifera Cydonia oblonga (Linden ex André) H. Wendl. Trifolium alexandrinum L. , y Ficus carica L., Bromus catharticus Brassica oleracea Prunus amygdalus , Diospyros virginiana (Linden ex André) H. Wendl. y L. L., L., (Thunb.) W.T. Aiton, L. Setaria virdis Cucumis sativus L., Musa sapientum L. L., L., L., Ziziphus zizyphus H. Wendl. y Myoporum pictum y Thunb., Cynodon dactylon L., L. L. Daucus carota L. , y , y Prunus persica L., Schrad., L. Oryza sativa Lycopersicon esculentum Washingtonia filifera Amaranthus caudatus L., laca oleracea sapientum vulgaris Pittosporum tobira Arachis hypogaea (L.) Pers. Cycas revoluta Citrus aurantium Washingtonia filifera Birde., Vitis vinifera ingtonia robusta arvensis Batsch., Solanum melongena Citrus aurantium Casuarina glauca Citrus aurantium Mangifera indica L., Vitis vinifera Oryza sativa laca oleracea L., sp. Identified in 1999-2009 survey; also found previous records. Identified in 1999-2009 survey; new host association not previously reported. Tylenchus afghanicus Tylenchus Tylenchus Tylenchorhynchus latus Tylenchorhynchus exiguusTylenchus y z Amaranthus caudatus Table 2. (Continued) Species of phytoparasitic nematodes reported and identified in Egypt and their associated host plants Table Species Tylenchulus semipenetrans Tylenchulus Tylenchorhynchus mexicanus Tylenchorhynchus phaseoli Tylenchorhynchus Tylenchorhynchus martini Tylenchorhynchus 258 NEMATROPICA Vol. 40, No. 2, 2010 , 2000; , 1996 , 1997; Oteifa et al. et al. et al. , 1997; Oteifa and , 1997; Oteifa and et al. et al. , 1997 , 2000 , 2000 , 1994; Ibrahim et al. , 1997; Oteifa and Tarjan, 1965; , 1997; Oteifa and Tarjan, et al. et al. et al. References et al. , 1996 , 1976; Oteifa, 1964; Oteifa et al. et al. Tarjan, 1965; Tarjan, 1964 1965; Tarjan, Tarjan, Ibrahim, 1990; Oteifa, 1964; Oteifa Tarjan, 1965; Tarjan, 1964 1965; Tarjan, Tarjan, Ibrahim, 1990; Oteifa, 1964; Oteifa and Tarjan, 1965; Tarjan, 1964 1965; Tarjan, and Tarjan, Ibrahim, 1999; Ibrahim Ibrahim, 1999; Ibrahim 2001; Lamberti Ibrahim and El-Sharkawy, Ibrahim Ibrahim, 1990; Ibrahim Ibrahim, 1990; Oteifa 1964 Tarjan, 2001 Aboul-Eid, 1970; Ibrahim and El-Sharkawy, Abou-Elnaga, 1989; Oteifa Lamberti , , z . L L., L. Rosa Musa L., Opuntia Citrullus (Walt.) Vitis vin- L. , z L., Lycopersicon L., L. Olea europaea L., Mangifera indica spp., spp., L. Cucumis sativus L., capitata Morus alba , Phaseolus vulgaris y Sabal palmetto L., Prunus amygdalus Pyrus communis L. Solanum tuberosum L., Vitis vinifera var. L., Olea europaea Fragaria Arecastrum romanzoffianum L., L., , y L. L., Fragaria L., L., L., Vitis vinifera (Linden ex André) H. Wendl., Hosts Trifolium alexandrinum (L.) Batsch., Oryza sativa Batsch., Gossypium barbadense Muell. Arg. Brassica oleracea y L., Ficus carica Citrus aurantium L., Pisum sativum Mangifera indica L. L., L., Ficus carica L., Musa sapientum L. , Roystonea regia L., y L. L., L., Citrus aurantium L. Mill. MacBirde., L., Nerium oleander Schrad., Prunus persica Washingtonia filifera L. spp. , y Saccharum officinarum y L. Citrus aurantium compressa Batsch., spp., ifera Acalypha wilkesiana Citrus aurantium L., Prunus amygdalus Cucurbita pepo esculentum Lodd. (Cham.) Becc., sapientum vulgaris Arachis hypogaea Allium cepa Mangifera indica Citrus aurantium Phoenix dactylifera Solanum melongena Zea mays L., Vitis vinifera Fragaria Phoenix dactylifera Ficus carica sp. Identified in 1999-2009 survey; also found previous records. Identified in 1999-2009 survey; new host association not previously reported. Xiphinema arenarium Xiphinema basilgoodeyi Xiphinema americanum Xiphinema Xiphinema elongatum Xiphinema hygrophilum Xiphinema imitator y z Table 2. (Continued) Species of phytoparasitic nematodes reported and identified in Egypt and their associated host plants Table Species Xiphinema diversicaudatum Xiphinema ensiculiferum Xiphinema incognitum Phytoparasitic nematodes and their host plants in Egypt: I. K. A. Ibrahim 259 , 1997 , 1997 et al. , 1997 et al. et al. , 1997 References et al. , 1996 , 1996 , 1996 , 1996; Oteifa , 1997 et al. et al. et al. et al. et al. Ibrahim, 1990; Oteifa Oteifa Lamberti Lamberti Abou-Elnaga, 1989; Oteifa Lamberti Lamberti El-Hamawi and Ali, 1992; Oteifa L., L. L. L., Musa sapientum L., Vitis vinifera Hosts Vitis vinifera L., L., Musa sapientum L., Mangifera indica L. L. L. L. L. L. Vitis vinifera Medicago sativa Vitis vinifera Citrus aurantium Citrus aurantium Saccharum officinarum Vitis vinifera Ficus carica Zea mays guevarai Identified in 1999-2009 survey; also found previous records. Identified in 1999-2009 survey; new host association not previously reported. Xiphinema index y z Xiphinema ismailiensis Xiphinema italiae Xiphinema lamberti Xiphinema insigne Table 2. (Continued) Species of phytoparasitic nematodes reported and identified in Egypt and their associated host plants Table Species Xiphinema santos Xiphinema simillimum Zygotylenchus 260 NEMATROPICA Vol. 40, No. 2, 2010

14 species, respectively. The genera mendations or endorsement by the United Hoplolaimus, Heterodera and Longidorus had States Department of Agriculture. 7-10 species, while the other listed genera showed only 1-5 species each. LITERATURE CITED Some of the nematodes reported Abd El-Massih, M. I., S. El-Eraki, and A. Y. El-Gindy. herein, especially of the genera Aphelen- 1986. Plant parasitic nematodes associated with choides, Aphelenchus and Ditylenchus may be sugar beet in Egypt. Bulletin of Faculty of Agri- feeding on fungi, algae or other soil micro- culture, Cairo University 37:477-483. organisms present in the rhizosphere of Abou-Elnaga, M. M. 1979. List of free-living and plant- parasitic nematodes recognized from Egypt hith- the plants that were surveyed. Also, some of erto. Opuscula Zoologica (Budapest) 16:3-10. the nematodes may have fed on the roots Abou-Elnaga, M. M. 1989. A survey of nematodes asso- of the previous crop in the rotation rather ciated with some orchard crops with reference to than the one present at the time of sam- certain new records of nematode species in pling. Egypt. Journal of Agricultural Sciences, Mansou- ra University 1:396-401. Occurrence of the nematode species Abou-Elnaga, M. M., M. E. Mahros, and S. A. Montass- Criconema mutabile associated with cypress is er. 1985. A survey of nematodes associated with considered a new record in Egypt. Also, vegetable crops in Egypt. Journal of Agricultural survey results showed new host plant associ- Research, Tanta University 11:547-553. ations for most of the identified nematode Aboul-Eid, H. Z. 1970. Systemic notes on Longidorus and Paralongidorus. Nematologica 16:159-179. species in Egypt, such as Heterodera daverti Aboul-Eid, H. Z., and A. I. Ghorab. 1974. Pathological on rice and wheat, Heterodera zeae on effects of Heterodera cajani on cowpea. Plant Dis- potato, Hemicriconemoides mangiferae and ease Reporter 58:1130-1133. Hoplolaimus aegypti on aloe yucca, Aphelen- Aboul-Eid, H. Z., and A. I. Ghorab. 1981. The occur- chus avenae and Tylenchorhynchus goffarti on rence of Heterodera zeae in fields in Egypt. Egyptian Journal of Phytopathology 13:51-61. cotton and rose-mallow, and Tylenchus exig- Aboul-Eid, H. Z., and H. H. Ameen. 1991. Distribu- uus on Washington palm. More research is tion and population densities of root-knot, reni- needed to further identify other genera form and spiral nematodes on different banana and species of phytoparasitic nematodes cultivars in Egypt. Bulletin of Faculty of Agricul- that might occur in Egypt, especially on ture, Cairo University 42:919-928. Amin, W. A. 2001. First record of Aphelenchoides besseyi grasses, weeds and wild plants in desert Christie, 1942 (Nematoda: Aphelenchoididae) areas, the Sinai Peninsula and the Mediter- in Egypt causing white tip leaf disease on rice. ranean coast. Results reported herein form Opuscula Zoologica (Budapest) 33:3-6. a valuable database that should be con- Ayoub, S. M. 1980. Plant nematology, an agriculture sulted in designing crop rotations and training aid. Sacramento, CA: Nema Aid Publica- tions. nematode control programs to deal with El-Hamawi, M. H. 1993. Tylenchorhynchus mexicanus phytoparasitic nematode problems. from southern Tahreer province, Egypt. Bulletin of Faculty of Agriculture, Cairo University ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS 44:945-950. El-Hamawi, M. H., and A. H. Ali. 1992. Zygotylenchus species from Giza province, Egypt. Bulletin of The authors thank Dr. D. J. Chitwood Faculty of Agriculture, Cairo University 43:1329- for suggestions and review of the manu- 1332. script and David Martel for technical assis- Elmiligy, I. A. 1968. The occurrence of Heterodera gly- tance. Mention of trade names or cines on Trifolium alexandrinum in United Arab commercial products in this publication is Republic. Nematologica 14:592-593. Elmiligy, I. A. 1970a. On some Hoplolaiminae from solely for the purpose of providing specific Congo and Egypt. Mededeling Faculteit Land- information and does not imply recom- bouw, Rijksuniversiteit Gent 35:1141-1153. Phytoparasitic nematodes and their host plants in Egypt: I. K. A. Ibrahim 261

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Received: Accepted for publication: 9/VIII/2010 3/XXI/2010 Recibido: Aceptado para publicacion: