PENLEE CENTRE PENLEE PARK TR18 4HE Telephone: (01736) 363405 Email: [email protected]


9 June 2020

Councillors S M Cordel (Chair) J H Dixon (Vice-Chair)

Councillors D J Axford J S Lambourn S Bosworth R A Mann N C Broadhurst N G Pengelly W Elliott M B Thomas B Jackson CAC White P Young

The Press and all other Town Councillors for information


You are hereby summoned to a virtual meeting of the Finance & General Purpose Committee to be held via Zoom on Monday 15 June 2020 at 7.00 pm to discuss the business set out in the Agenda below. Councillors will be provided with a link to access the meeting as a participant. Any member of the public wishing to speak during Public Participation at the start of the meeting is asked to contact the Town Clerk by 3.00pm on Thursday 11 June 2020.

Members of the public wishing to view the meeting only can use the following link for public access:

Hester Hunt TOWN CLERK

This meeting has been advertised as a public meeting and as such could be filmed or recorded by broadcasters, the media or members of the public. Please be aware that whilst every effort is taken to ensure that members of the public are not filmed, we cannot guarantee this, especially if you are speaking or taking an active role.


1. Apologies for Absence

2. Declarations of interest – Members to declare any interests they may have in agenda items in accordance with the requirements of the Local Authorities. (Cornwall Code of Conduct 2014)

3. Public participation

4. Exclusion of press and public To resolve to exclude members of the press and public. To agree any items to be dealt with after the public and press have been excluded as publicity would prejudice the public interest by reason of the confidential nature of the business to be transacted. (Public Bodies [Admission to Meetings] Act 1960)

5. Minutes of the meeting held on 10 February 2020 (attached)

6. Reports to Note (previously circulated and attached) (a) Paid Expenditure Transactions from 1 Jan to 31 March 2020 (b) Bank Reconciliation 1 Jan to 31 March 2020 (c) Financial Comparison for the period ending 31 May 2020

7. Thank you letters received from previous grant awards - for info (a) Penzance Chamber of Commerce (b) Whole Again Communities (c) iSight Cornwall (d) Penzance Literary Festival (e) Cornwall Air Ambulance

8. Reports for Decision from Other Committees (see attached) (a) Leisure & Amenities Committee Reserve Movements (b) Penlee House Committee - Virement from Penlee House Fab-Plant Reserve

9. Reports for Decision - (see attached) (a) Financial Papers to receive and accept: (i) Paid Expenditure Transactions from 1 April to 31 May 2020 (ii) Bank Reconciliation 1 April to 31 May 2020 (iii) Financial Comparison for the period ending 31 May 2020 (b) Revised 20/21 Budget – Covid Impacts & Appendices 1,2 & 3

10. Applications for Small Grants (see attached) (a) Cornwall Air Ambulance (b) Coast FM (c) Archive

11. Matters arising for report at next meeting only

12. Appointment of new Chair of Finance & General Purpose Committee (which will include appointment of Director for JPPL)

MINUTES OF THE FINANCE AND GENERAL PURPOSES COMMITTEE MEETING held in the St Piran Room, Penlee Centre, Penlee Park, Penzance on Monday 10 February 2020 at 7:00pm


Councillors S M Cordel (Chair) J H Dixon (Vice-Chair)

Councillors D J Axford N C Broadhurst W Elliott B Jackson J S Lambourn

Also present: Hester Hunt (Town Clerk), Michelle Davey (Acting RFO), Helen Wilson- Prowse (appointed Support Services Manager/RFO)


Councillors S Bosworth, R A Mann, M B Thomas, C A C White, P Young

Absent without apologies: N G Pengelly






To agree any items to be dealt with after the public (including the press) have been excluded as publicity would prejudice the public interest by reason of the confidential nature of the business to be transacted Public Bodies [Admission to Meetings] Act 1960.

In respect of Agenda item 10(a) Personnel Committee Confidential Report for Decision, it was unanimously

RESOLVED – to exclude the press and public from the meeting during discussion of this item. (Proposed: Cllr Broadhurst; seconded: Cllr Axford.)


The Minutes having already been circulated, it was unanimously

- 29 -

Finance & General Purposes Committee 10 February 2020 RESOLVED – that the Chairman sign the Minutes of the meeting held on 9 December 2019 as a true and correct record. (Proposed: Cllr Axford; seconded: Cllr Broadhurst.) 1 abstention


Letters of thanks for the receipt of a grant had been received from:

(a) Penwith Education Trust (b) Penwith 50+ Forum (c) Penzance/Concarneau Twinning Association (d) Penzance Street Pastors (e) Wild Young Parents Project (f) Mousehole Harbour Lights


(a) Cornwall Schools Cricket Association

The Association was seeking a contribution towards the cost of sending a young player from the local area on a cricket tour of South Africa.

Members considered the request and it was unanimously

RESOLVED – to write to the Cornwall Schools Cricket Association requesting the name, address and school of the recipient of the grant and to defer a decision until the next meeting of the Finance & General Purposes Committee. (Proposed: Cllr Dixon; seconded: Cllr Axford.)

(b) iSight Cornwall

iSight Cornwall had requested a grant to help fund a Community Outreach service for blind and partially-sighted residents of Penzance and West Penwith, providing a direct local one-to-one access to its services by breaking down barriers of transport affordability and rural and social isolation.

It was unanimously

RESOLVED – to award a grant of £450 to assist with the establishment of a Community Outreach service for blind and partially-sighted residents of Penzance. (Proposed: Cllr Broadhurst; seconded: Cllr Jackson.)

(c) Music At St Mary’s

Music At St Mary’s had applied for a grant of £350 towards the total cost of £2,100 for producing eight concerts to run from March to June 2020, and it was unanimously

RESOLVED – to award a grant of £350 towards the cost of producing eight concerts to run from March to June 2020. (Proposed: Cllr Dixon; seconded: Cllr Broadhurst.)

- 30 - Finance & General Purposes Committee 10 February 2020 (d) Newlyn Archive

Newlyn Archive was seeking a grant of £150 towards the cost of organising an Open Day in March 2020 on ‘Fishing Trades in Newlyn’ and it was unanimously

RESOLVED – to award a grant of £150 towards the cost of the planned Open Day in March 2020 on ‘Fishing Trades in Newlyn’. (Proposed: Cllr Lambourn; seconded: Cllr Axford.)

(e) Newlyn Penzance International Film Festival 2020

The organisation had requested a grant of £500 towards the cost of a three-day film festival to be held at the Acorn Theatre in April 2020 and it was unanimously

RESOLVED – to award a grant of £500 towards the cost of the three-day film festival in April 2020. (Proposed: Cllr Axford; seconded: Cllr Broadhurst.)

(f) Penzance Chamber of Commerce

Penzance Chamber of Commerce had requested a grant of £300 towards the total cost of £1,000 for developing an interactive map that would allow anyone with restricted access to have awareness of shops and café facilities.

It was noted that, under normal circumstances, a funding request from the Chamber of Commerce would not be considered, however, due to the recent disbanding of the Penwith Dementia Friendly Community, the Chamber of Commerce had taken up this project. It was therefore unanimously

RESOLVED – to award a grant of £300 to Penzance Chamber of Commerce towards the cost of developing an interactive map for those with restricted access. (Proposed: Cllr Dixon; seconded: Cllr Broadhurst.)

(g) Penzance Literary Festival

Penzance Literary Festival was seeking a grant of £500 towards the cost of an outreach programme to attract local participants to the festival and it was unanimously

RESOLVED – to award a grant of £500 towards of organising an outreach programme to attract local participants to the Penzance Literary Festival. (Proposed: Cllr Axford; seconded: Cllr Elliott.)

(h) Whole Again Communities CIC

The organisation had requested a grant of £600 towards the total cost of £1,020 for an extension of the kitchen to enable them to meet client demands. It was unanimously

RESOLVED – to award a grant of £600 towards the cost of an extension of the organisation’s kitchen. (Proposed: Cllr Dixon; seconded: Cllr Cordel.)

- 31 - Finance & General Purposes Committee 10 February 2020


(a) Financial papers to receive and accept

(i) Paid expenditure transactions made from 1 November to 31 December 2019

It was unanimously

RESOLVED – to receive and accept the paid expenditure transactions for the period 1 November to 31 December 2019. (The transactions form Appendix A to these Minutes.) (Proposed: Cllr Dixon; seconded: Cllr Cordel.)

(ii) Bank reconciliation 1 November to 31 December 2019

It was unanimously

RESOLVED – to receive and accept the bank reconciliation for the period 1 November to 31 December 2019. (Proposed: Cllr Dixon; seconded: Cllr Lambourn.)

(iii) Financial Comparison for the period ending 31 December 2019

It was unanimously

RESOLVED – to receive and accept the financial comparison for the period ending 31 December 2019. (Proposed: Cllr Dixon; seconded: Cllr Cordel.)

(b) Updated Risk Register

The updated Risk Register was presented to members and it was unanimously

RESOLVED – to approve the section of the Risk Register that related to the Finance & General Purposes Committee and the sections for the Leisure & Amenities Committee and the Penlee House Committee, and to recommend adoption of the Risk Register to Penzance Council. (Proposed: Cllr Axford; seconded: Cllr Dixon.)

(c) Updated Investment Strategy

The Internal Auditor had recommended in his Annual Report for 2017/18 that the Council should adopt a suitable investment Strategy and review it at least annually.

An updated Investment Strategy was presented to members which would enable Penzance Council to address the recommendations of the Internal Auditor and ensure compliance with relevant statutory requirements.

- 32 - Finance & General Purposes Committee 10 February 2020 Due to the recruitment process for the post of RFO, it was recommended that the annual review of the Investment Strategy be deferred for six months to allow time for the new RFO to consider options and present them to the Council.

Cllr Lambourn queried why the Town Clerk and the Responsible Finance Officer had provided the recommendations for the Council and it was unanimously

RESOLVED – to recommend to full Council that the Investment Strategy be noted and that a review of the document be carried in six months, at which time the question raised by Cllr Lambourn over the level of the input of the Town Clerk and the RFO would also be reviewed. (Proposed: Cllr Axford; seconded: Cllr Elliott.)


(a) Penlee House Committee – Acceptance of Funds

Penlee House had been offered funding from via the Cornwall Museums Partnership to provide freelance support to the Outreach & Education Officer in undertaking consultation work with young people required for the Culture Card project.

Further funding had been granted by the Weston Loan Programme to support the Laura Knight exhibition taking place at Penlee House in summer 2020.

It was therefore unanimously

RESOLVED – • To increase income line 210/1 by £4,000 of funding from Cornwall Museums Partnership to enable work to take place on the Carefree Culture Card project. Expenditure line 2140/2 to be increased by £4,000 to enable expenditure.

• To increase income line 290 by £9,270 of funding from the Weston Loan Programme with Art Fund to enable Penlee House to borrow Laura Knight paintings from the Imperial War Museum. Expenditure line 2055 to be increased by £9,270 to enable expenditure. (Proposed: Cllr Axford; seconded: Cllr Broadhurst.)

(b) Penlee House Committee – Virement of up to £2000 from Penlee House Fab/Plant Reserve

Penlee House had incurred some extra maintenance costs during the financial year and wished to create a buffer that would enable maintenance expenditure to continue as required. It was therefore unanimously

RESOLVED – to recommend to full Council that a virement of up to £2,000 from the Penlee House Fabric/Plant reserve line 2995/2 to the Maintenance budget line 2100 be approved to cover future maintenance costs incurred over the rest of the financial year. (Proposed: Cllr Axford; seconded: Cllr Cordel.)

- 33 - Finance & General Purposes Committee 10 February 2020 (c) Leisure & Amenities Committee – Water Fountains

The Leisure & Amenities Committee had considered the feasibility of installing water fountains in the parish.

It had been recognised that, due to the complex nature of implementing this scheme, Penzance Council would need to work in partnership with other stakeholders and it was unanimously

RESOLVED – to recommend to Full Council support in principle for the installation of water fountains or similar alternatives in Penzance. (Proposed: Cllr Axford; seconded: Cllr Broadhurst.)

Any members of the press and public left the meeting.


(a) Personnel Committee – Retail Assistant Cover

At its meeting of 4 February 2020, the Personnel Committee had considered options for providing adequate cover for the Retail Assistant post at Penlee House.

Members considered the recommendation put forward and it was unanimously

RESOLVED – to approve the funding of support cover for the 22.5 hour per week Retail Assistant post by utilising any underspend in the Penlee House Salaries budget (line 2000).

If insufficient funds were available in the Penlee House Salary budget, then a virement of funds from earmarked reserve 2995/3 Exhibition Reserve was approved. (Proposed: Cllr Axford; seconded: Cllr Cordel.)



The meeting closed at 8:00pm

Chairman 6 April 2020

- 34 - Paid Expenditure Transactions between 01/01/20 and 31/03/20 Start of year 01/04/19 Cheque Paid date Tn no Order Gross Vat Net Cttee Details Heading BACS 020120 02/01/20 7680 PZ2694PH £32.10 £5.35 £26.75 Complete Business Solutions Cleaning supplies - Toilet Rolls 2100/5 CBS BACS 020120 02/01/20 7703 £139.20 £23.20 £116.00 F&GP Complete Business Solutions 150 (+ 150 free) Christmas Cards 3050 CBS Designed by the school children BACS 020120 02/01/20 7708 PZ2673L&A £40.35 £6.72 £33.63 Trade UK Account 1015/5 TUK BACS 020120 02/01/20 7713 PZ2691 £34.52 £5.74 £28.78 Trade UK Account 1165/2 TUK BACS 020120 02/01/20 7729 PZ2723L&A £20.09 £3.35 £16.74 Trade UK Account 1165/5/1 TUK BACS 020120 02/01/20 7738 PZ2693PH £31.20 £5.20 £26.00 Complete Business Solutions Stationery, as detailed 2035 CBS BACS 020120 02/01/20 7751 PZ2730TC £16.98 £2.83 £14.15 Complete Business Solutions 3005/4 CBS BACS 020120 02/01/20 7767 PZ2728 £57.48 £9.59 £47.89 Trade UK Account 1100 TUK BACS 020120 02/01/20 7803 £1,453.20 £242.20 £1,211.00 De Lage Landen Leasing Ltd 953 4 0491943 - Lease of Photocopiers 2030 DLL 01.01.20 - 01.04.20 BACS 020120 02/01/20 7829 £1,440.00 £240.00 £1,200.00 F&GP Coodes Solicitors Professional Services in relation to The 3040 CS Orangery Café BACS 020120 02/01/20 7832 £140.00 £0.00 £140.00 PEN Hypatia Trust Ltd 7 x Bronte Territories 2045 HT BACS 020120 02/01/20 7833 £183.75 £0.00 £183.75 PEN Ewan Wilson Technical support for exhibitions (Munnings 2055 EW & Creative Tensions) BACS 020120 02/01/20 7843 £5,400.00 £900.00 £4,500.00 L&A Complete Weed Control SW Penzance Town Council - Weed Treatment 1055 CWC Contract 2019. 4 Treatments to be invoiced separately over the season @ £4,500 per treatment (All invoices now received) BACS 020120 02/01/20 7845 £13.50 £2.25 £11.25 L&A Trade UK Account 5 x Isolating valves 1165/2 TUK BACS 020120 02/01/20 7846 £120.00 £20.00 £100.00 L&A A.R. Newport Collection & Delivery of Christmas Tree 1100 ARN BACS 020120 02/01/20 7847 £22.50 £0.00 £22.50 L&A Cornwall Council Skateboard Park, Wherrytown for the quarter 1111/1 CC BACS 020120 02/01/20 7852 £385.02 £64.17 £320.85 L&A GSD Security Limited Park Security - November 2019 1020 GSD BACS 020120 02/01/20 7853 £29.95 £4.99 £24.96 L&A Trade UK Account 5 x timer plugs @5.00 each 1100 TUK BACS 020120 02/01/20 7854 £65.00 £10.83 £54.17 L&A Burncoose Nurseries Memorial Tree 1015/5 BN MAGNOLIA campbellii 'Kew's Surprise' Large

10/06/20 12:39 PM Vs: 8.44.00 Penzance Town Council Page 1 of 28 Paid Expenditure Transactions between 01/01/20 and 31/03/20 Start of year 01/04/19 Cheque Paid date Tn no Order Gross Vat Net Cttee Details Heading BACS 020120 02/01/20 7856 £288.00 £48.00 £240.00 L&A BemroseBooth Paragon Ltd 20,000 tickets at 11.65 each and £7.00 P&P 1060/1 BBP BACS 020120 02/01/20 7861 PZ2765PH £53.38 £8.90 £44.48 Complete Business Solutions Cleaning supplies, as detailed 2100/5 CBS BACS 020120 02/01/20 7870 PZ2639TC £560.00 £0.00 £560.00 Cornwall Computer Training 3015/1 CCT BACS 020120 02/01/20 7871 £44.00 £7.33 £36.67 PEN The Orangery Refreshments for John Daniel Centre visit 2140/3 TO (NPO porjects) BACS 020120 02/01/20 7875 £233.28 £38.88 £194.40 PEN The Orangery Invigilators refreshments - November 2060 TO DDM 020120 02/01/20 7906 £1,485.00 £0.00 £1,485.00 L&A Cornwall Council Penlee House Car Park - 8006 15333 1060/2 CC DDM 020120 02/01/20 7907 £92.00 £0.00 £92.00 PEN Cornwall Council Coach House - 8006 82605 2090/2 CC DDM 020120 02/01/20 7908 £3,100.00 £0.00 £3,100.00 PEN Cornwall Council Penlee House - 8006 22960 2075 CC DDM 020120 02/01/20 7909 £491.00 £0.00 £491.00 F&GP Cornwall Council Penlee Centre - 8025 49433 3005/2 CC DDM 020120 02/01/20 7910 £145.00 £0.00 £145.00 L&A Cornwall Council Wherrytown Toilets - 8025 56425 1165/8/2 CC DDM 020120 02/01/20 7911 £282.00 £0.00 £282.00 L&A Cornwall Council Superloo Toilets (TIC) - 8025 56416 1165/7/2 CC DDM 020120 02/01/20 7912 £92.00 £0.00 £92.00 L&A Cornwall Council South Pier Toilets - 8025 56407 1165/6/2 CC DDM 020120 02/01/20 7913 £123.00 £0.00 £123.00 L&A Cornwall Council Penalverne Toilets - 8025 56390 1165/4/2 CC DDM 020120 02/01/20 7914 £1,301.28 £0.00 £1,301.28 PEN Ecclesiastical Insurance 02/CHG/0162365 2070 E DDM 020120 02/01/20 7923 £854.63 £142.43 £712.20 Lex Autolease Ltd Vehicle Hire 1220 LA DDM 020120 02/01/20 8034 £994.14 £0.00 £994.14 F&GP Premium Credit Ltd Insurance renewal 3030 PC DDM 030120 03/01/20 7939 £43.39 £0.00 £43.39 F&GP Hewlett Packard Monthly IT Lease Payment - 01.02.20 - 3005/9 HeP 29.2.20 DDM 030120 03/01/20 8035 £446.31 £0.00 £446.31 F&GP Pitney Bowes DDM taken for previous 2 invoices 3005/6 PP DDM 060120 06/01/20 7951 £38.72 £0.00 £38.72 L&A Castle Water - TW0000348217 Balance due, tn 7714 - Gardeners Hut - 0112 1015/4 CW - 310320 DDM 060120 06/01/20 8036 -£38.72 £0.00 -£38.72 L&A Castle Water - TW0000348217 Contra (part payment) for tn 7951, Balance 1015/4 CW due, tn 7714 - Gardeners Hut - 0112 - 310320

10/06/20 12:39 PM Vs: 8.44.00 Penzance Town Council Page 2 of 28 Paid Expenditure Transactions between 01/01/20 and 31/03/20 Start of year 01/04/19 Cheque Paid date Tn no Order Gross Vat Net Cttee Details Heading DDM 060120 06/01/20 8037 £19.36 £0.00 £19.36 L&A Castle Water - TW0000348217 Part payment , tn 7951 - , Balance due, tn 1015/4 CW 7714 - Gardeners Hut - 0112 - 310320 DDM 060120 06/01/20 8039 £28.00 £0.00 £28.00 L&A South West Water Bus - 1018 Lescudjack Allotments 1045/6/1 10181478 1478 01 DDM 060120 06/01/20 8040 £54.50 £0.00 £54.50 L&A South West Water Bus - 1018 Trannack Allotments 1045/11/2 10181567 1567 01 DDM 060120 06/01/20 8041 £35.50 £0.00 £35.50 L&A South West Water Bus - 1018 Leskinnick Allotments 1045/7/1 10181594 1594 01 DDM 060120 06/01/20 8042 £45.00 £0.00 £45.00 L&A South West Water Bus - 2049 Crankan Allotments 1045/4/2 20498282 8282 01 DDM 060120 06/01/20 8043 £4.00 £0.00 £4.00 L&A South West Water Bus - 3293 Wherrytown Toilets 1165/8/4 32933190 3190 01 BACS 090120 09/01/20 7879 £10,253.25 £0.00 £10,253.25 H.M. Revenue & Customs December payment 3000 HMRC BACS 090120 09/01/20 7880 £1,125.00 £0.00 £1,125.00 Cornwall Pension Fund Dec pension deficit contribution 3000 CPF BACS 090120 09/01/20 7881 £9,887.08 £0.00 £9,887.08 Cornwall Pension Fund December pension contribution 3000 CPF BACS 090120 09/01/20 7916 £56.90 £0.00 £56.90 F&GP Waves Café Bar Flora Group - Mayoral invite 3050 WC BACS 090120 09/01/20 7917 £594.00 £0.00 £594.00 F&GP The Acorn Theatre Mayor's Christmas Drinks 3050 TA BACS 090120 09/01/20 7920 £10.52 £1.75 £8.77 PEN ASG Security 1 x new alarm security fob 2100/2 ASG BACS 090120 09/01/20 7922 £247.50 £0.00 £247.50 L&A Waves Café Bar October - December 2019 Community Toilet 1070 WC Scheme BACS 090120 09/01/20 7924 £510.46 £0.00 £510.46 L&A South West Water Bus - 3293 Penalverne Toilets 18.9.18 - 9.12.19 1165/4/4 SWW P 1369 01 BACS 090120 09/01/20 7925 £75.75 £0.00 £75.75 L&A South West Water Bus - 3293 Tourist Information Centre - 26.09 - 9.12 1165/7/4 SWWB TIC 1304 01 Estimate BACS 090120 09/01/20 7926 £515.80 £85.97 £429.83 L&A Crystal Clear Cleaning Supply of sharps and sanitary services 1.12- 1165/1 CCC 31.12 BACS 090120 09/01/20 7927 £8,440.00 £1,406.67 £7,033.33 L&A Crystal Clear Cleaning General Cleaning Services to Public Toilets 1165/1 CCC Penzance BACS 090120 09/01/20 7928 £13.00 £0.00 £13.00 L&A Bolitho Estates Allotment Rent 26.12.18 - 25.12.19 1045/11/1 TBE BACS 090120 09/01/20 7929 £99.87 £0.00 £99.87 L&A South West Water Bus - 1012 Water supply 13.9.19 - 9.12.2019 1015/4 SWWB PPG 7870 01 BACS 090120 09/01/20 7931 £37.86 £1.45 £36.41 L&A South West Water Bus - 5026 Alexandra Road - 08.11 - 27.11 read by us 1165/3/4 SWWB APP 3890 01

10/06/20 12:39 PM Vs: 8.44.00 Penzance Town Council Page 3 of 28 Paid Expenditure Transactions between 01/01/20 and 31/03/20 Start of year 01/04/19 Cheque Paid date Tn no Order Gross Vat Net Cttee Details Heading BACS 090120 09/01/20 7933 £121.70 £0.00 £121.70 F&GP South West Water Bus - 3320 Penlee Centre - 13.9. - 9.12 - estimate 3005/14 SWWB PC 9632 01 BACS 090120 09/01/20 7934 £21.60 £3.60 £18.00 F&GP Duchy Cleaners window cleaning - penlee centre 16.12.19 3035/2 DC BACS 090120 09/01/20 7935 £163.20 £27.20 £136.00 F&GP Duchy Cleaners Cleaning the Town Clerks Office - 4 weeks 3035/2 DC upto and inc the above date BACS 090120 09/01/20 7938 £172.80 £28.80 £144.00 F&GP Trinity Mirror Publishing Ltd Advert for Co-option of Councillor - Central 3170 RPS Ward DDM 090120 09/01/20 7940 £66.07 £3.14 £62.93 F&GP British Gas 6029 20372 - Golowan - 20.09 - 16.12 Read 3800/5 BG by them DDM 090120 09/01/20 7941 £371.72 £0.00 £371.72 F&GP Barclays Bank PLC Bank Charges - 13.11 - 12.12 3095 BB BACS 090120 L 09/01/20 7942 £322.45 £53.74 £268.71 Loomis UK Cash Collection - January 2020 2120

BACS 090120 09/01/20 7943 £940.00 £0.00 £940.00 F&GP Cornwall College IOSH Managing Safely course - 23/24/25 3025 CC March 2020 Delegates: Amy Simons, David Trevivian BACS 090120 S 09/01/20 7946 £38.64 £6.44 £32.20 F&GP Suez 120L Confidential Bin 01.12 - 31.12 3035/4

BACS 090120 09/01/20 7948 £88.00 £0.00 £88.00 F&GP Tracey Halliday Childcare 3075 TH DDM 100120 10/01/20 7977 £82.41 £7.00 £75.41 Barclaycard Commercial Charges for 01.12 - 31.12 2045 BCC BACS 150120 15/01/20 7825 £500.00 £0.00 £500.00 F&GP Penwith Education Trust Grant Application - Climite Change 3105/1 PET Explained Publication BACS 150120 15/01/20 7919 £19.20 £3.20 £16.00 PEN Anytime Hire Taxi for John Daniel Centre project 2140/3 AH participants - NPO funded BACS 150120 15/01/20 7947 £177.47 £29.58 £147.89 ITEC Connect Ltd Photocopier use 3005/5 ITEC BACS 150120 15/01/20 7974 £114.00 £19.00 £95.00 PEN 3 Lanes Transport Return of painting to WBG Trust (Creative 2055 2LT Tensions exhibitions) BACS 150120 15/01/20 7975 £30.00 £0.00 £30.00 PEN Alison Smith Remedial conservation of 'Spring Morning' 2095 AS by S J Lamorna Birch BACS 150120 15/01/20 7976 £70.44 £11.74 £58.70 F&GP Anytime Hire Taxi for Mayoral Duties 3050 AH BACS 150120 15/01/20 7978 £167.00 £0.00 £167.00 PEN Bernard Leach Trust Ltd Art Pass Partner Contribution - 2 Qtr July - 2045 BL Sept 2019 BACS 150120 15/01/20 7979 £168.00 £28.00 £140.00 PEN Be-ta-pest Pest control - Penlee House 2100/2 BTP BACS 150120 15/01/20 7982 £163.62 £0.00 £163.62 PEN Carefree Cornwall Reimbursement for travel and refreshments 2140/3 CF as part of culutre pass project (NPO)

10/06/20 12:39 PM Vs: 8.44.00 Penzance Town Council Page 4 of 28 Paid Expenditure Transactions between 01/01/20 and 31/03/20 Start of year 01/04/19 Cheque Paid date Tn no Order Gross Vat Net Cttee Details Heading BACS 150120 15/01/20 7983 £12.52 £2.09 £10.43 PEN City Electrical Factors 7 x GY 6.35 bulbs 2100/2 CEF BACS 150120 15/01/20 7991 £26.00 £0.00 £26.00 PEN Des Hannigan 4 copies of The Long Deep book 2045 DH BACS 150120 15/01/20 7994 £776.80 £129.47 £647.33 PEN Duchy Cleaners Cleaning Penlee House daily 2100/4 DC BACS 150120 15/01/20 7995 £87.31 £14.55 £72.76 PEN Enterprise Rent-a-car 1 x day's van hire for exhibition deliveries 2055 ECH BACS 150120 15/01/20 7996 £458.70 £76.45 £382.25 L&A GSD Security Limited Park Security - December 2019 1020 GSD BACS 150120 15/01/20 7997 £155.30 £0.00 £155.30 PEN Hearing Loss Cornwall BSL interpreter (NPO projects) 2140/2 HLC BACS 150120 15/01/20 7998 £373.20 £62.20 £311.00 PEN Headland Printers Ltd Posters and invites for Work and Play 2055 HP exhibition BACS 150120 15/01/20 7999 £225.00 £0.00 £225.00 PEN Helen Hesselbo Fee for 3 x Baby and Parent sessions (Sep, 2140/3 HH Oct and Nov 2019) (NPO projects) BACS 150120 I 15/01/20 8002 £60.56 £10.09 £50.47 PEN Initial Washroom Hygiene sanitary/medical waste collection - 01/10- 2100/5 31/12 BACS 150120 15/01/20 8003 £225.00 £0.00 £225.00 PEN Jo Lumber Fee for Tick Tock Time session x 3 (Oct, Nov 2140/2 JL and Dec) (NPO projects) BACS 150120 15/01/20 8004 £992.45 £165.41 £827.04 L&A Metric Group Ltd Contract Invoice 1060/4 MG BACS 150120 15/01/20 8007 £31.80 £5.30 £26.50 PEN Mounts Bay Wine Wine for Private View (sale or return) 2055 MBW BACS 150120 15/01/20 8008 £6.40 £0.00 £6.40 PEN Nick Hall 2 paperback copies of Salty Tails 2045 NH BACS 150120 15/01/20 8013 PZ2749L&A £335.14 £55.86 £279.28 RGB Builders As quoted by Wayne Martin. 1015/5 RGB Front entrance and bench installation BACS 150120 15/01/20 8015 -£682.58 £0.00 -£682.58 L&A South West Water Bus - 3293 South Pier Toilets - credit against last bill 1165/6/4 SWWB SP 1135 01 BACS 150120 15/01/20 8016 £1,337.18 £0.00 £1,337.18 L&A South West Water Bus - 3293 South Pier Toilets - credit against last bill 1165/6/4 SWWB SP 1135 01 BACS 150120 15/01/20 8017 £86.42 £0.00 £86.42 PEN South West Water Bus - 2676 Coach House - 13.09 - 20.12 - read by us 2090/3 SWWB CH 6002 01 BACS 150120 15/01/20 8018 £30.00 £5.00 £25.00 PEN Southbank Centre Image licencing for Creative Tensions 2055 SBC exhibition press images BACS 150120 15/01/20 8019 £521.33 £86.89 £434.44 PEN Southbank Centre Travel, accomodation and per diem for Arts 2055 SBC Council courier in respect of Creative Tensions installation BACS 150120 15/01/20 8020 £364.63 £60.77 £303.86 PEN Southbank Centre Courier costs for Creative Tensions exhibition2055 SBC

10/06/20 12:39 PM Vs: 8.44.00 Penzance Town Council Page 5 of 28 Paid Expenditure Transactions between 01/01/20 and 31/03/20 Start of year 01/04/19 Cheque Paid date Tn no Order Gross Vat Net Cttee Details Heading BACS 150120 S 15/01/20 8021 £5.95 £0.99 £4.96 PEN Suez 24L sack schedule x 2 2100/6

BACS 150120 15/01/20 8022 £139.20 £23.20 £116.00 PEN Tate Images Image licencing for Newlyn Interiors exhibition 2055 TI BACS 150120 15/01/20 8023 £44.00 £7.33 £36.67 L&A The Green Waste Company Green Waste 1015/1 TGW BACS 150120 15/01/20 8024 £30.00 £5.00 £25.00 PEN The Orangery Citizen Curators refreshments September- 2140/3 TO December 2019 BACS 150120 15/01/20 8025 £177.00 £29.50 £147.50 PEN The Orangery Invigilators refreshments - December 2060 TO BACS 150120 15/01/20 8027 £480.00 £0.00 £480.00 PEN Vivien Prideaux 8 Crysede Scarves 2045 VP BACS 150120 15/01/20 8028 £43.70 £0.00 £43.70 F&GP Penny Young September 2019 3050 PY BACS 150120 15/01/20 8030 £50.00 £0.00 £50.00 F&GP Plants For All Seasons Laurel Wreath for Mayor to lay at the 3060 P-FAS Trafalgar Service on Sunday 20.10.19 BACS 150120 15/01/20 8033 £583.44 £97.24 £486.20 ITEC Connect Ltd Various IT Support - Monthly payment for 3005/15 ITEC November DDM Sage 16/01/20 7944 £139.20 £23.20 £116.00 F&GP Sage Sage Payroll Licence - 01.1 - 31.120 3005/12 DD 160120 BT 16/01/20 8130 £33.00 £5.50 £27.50 PEN B. T. WW 3453 3430 - Penlee House - 2021 18/01/20 7905 £1,009.75 £0.00 £1,009.75 F&GP Aviva Credit Services UK Ltd Insurance 3030 18/01/20 7973 -£1,009.75 £0.00 -£1,009.75 F&GP Aviva Credit Services UK Ltd Regular monthly payment in error - insurance 3030

CC 220120 TC 22/01/20 7857 £45.01 £7.50 £37.51 L&A Morrisons Supermarket Fuel for vehicles/equipment 1015/2 CC 220120 TC 22/01/20 8001 £81.00 £13.50 £67.50 PEN Hobbycraft Trading Ltd A4 wooden frames x 9 2140/3 8 x frames returned 17/12/19 for refund CC 220120 TC 22/01/20 8009 £166.37 £27.73 £138.64 PEN Post Office Shop Canon CLI-42 ink cartirdge multipack (pk of 2055 8) x 2 CC 220120 TC 22/01/20 8014 PZ2759PH £143.94 £24.00 £119.94 Ryman The Stationers Storage boxes for Coach House 2140/1 CC 220120 TC 22/01/20 8029 -£72.00 -£12.00 -£60.00 PEN Hobbycraft Trading Ltd A4 wooden frames x 9 2140/3 8 x frames returned 17/12/19 for refund DDM 220120 22/01/20 8062 £2,535.16 £422.53 £2,112.63 PEN Total Gas & Power 3005066372 - Museum - 01.12.19 - 2081 TG&P 31.12.19 CC 220120 TC 22/01/20 8072 PZ2780PH £96.50 £16.08 £80.42 Hobbycraft Trading Ltd Wooden frames 30x40am x 9 2140/3 CC 220120 TC 22/01/20 8073 £24.19 £4.03 £20.16 PEN Post Office Ltd. Ink Cartridges for exhibition - outstanding 2055 order CC 220120 TC 22/01/20 8129 £45.01 £7.50 £37.51 L&A Morrisons Supermarket Fuel for vehicles/equipment 1015/2 DDM 230120 23/01/20 8026 £1,230.53 £205.09 £1,025.44 PEN Total Gas & Power 3004 2812 03 - Penlee House - 30/11-31/12 2082 TGP

10/06/20 12:39 PM Vs: 8.44.00 Penzance Town Council Page 6 of 28 Paid Expenditure Transactions between 01/01/20 and 31/03/20 Start of year 01/04/19 Cheque Paid date Tn no Order Gross Vat Net Cttee Details Heading DDM 240120 24/01/20 7953 £163.85 £7.80 £156.05 L&A British Gas 602319085 Princess May 02.12 - 31.12.19 1165/5/3 BG PM DD 240120 24/01/20 8076 £57.23 £2.72 £54.51 L&A British Gas 6023 19103 Alexandra Road -01/10/19 - 1165/3/3 BG 31/12/19 DD 24.01.20 EE 24/01/20 8099 £157.21 £26.20 £131.01 L&A EE Mobile Phones Plan Charges - 15.12- 14.01 1040

DDM 260120 27/01/20 7980 £341.87 £56.98 £284.89 PEN Biffa Waste Services Ltd Waste Collection - 23/11 - 27/12 2100/6 Biffa DDM 260120 27/01/20 7981 £301.18 £50.20 £250.98 PEN Biffa Waste Services Ltd Waste Collection - 23/11 - 27/12 2100/6 Biffa payflow 28/01/20 8175 £32,123.19 £0.00 £32,123.19 Payflow - Employees Salaries Payroll January 2020 3000 270120 DDM DLL 29/01/20 7945 £918.26 £153.04 £765.22 De Lage Landen Leasing Ltd 953 4 0499324 - Lease of IT Equipment - 3005/9 27.1 - 27.04.20 720223 30/01/20 7936 £26.28 £4.38 £21.90 F&GP Complete Business Solutions 10 reams white copier paper 3005/4 720223 30/01/20 7937 £12.24 £2.04 £10.20 F&GP Complete Business Solutions C5 Window Envelopes 3005/4 720223 30/01/20 7988 £11.40 £1.90 £9.50 Complete Business Solutions Stationery, as detailed 2035 720223 30/01/20 8032 PZ2775PH £45.00 £7.50 £37.50 Complete Business Solutions Stationery , as detailed 2035 720224 30/01/20 8047 £588.00 £98.00 £490.00 PEN Engine House Media Advertising in Cornwall Living magazine 2050 720223 30/01/20 8052 PZ2672TC £35.76 £5.96 £29.80 Complete Business Solutions 3005/4 720225 30/01/20 8055 £33.00 £5.50 £27.50 F&GP GSD Security Limited Callout charge for intruder alarm 3035/6 720225 30/01/20 8056 £33.00 £5.50 £27.50 F&GP GSD Security Limited Callout charge for intruder alarm 3035/6 720227 30/01/20 8058 £322.45 £53.74 £268.71 Loomis UK Cash Collection - February 2020 2120 720229 30/01/20 8061 £175.00 £0.00 £175.00 PEN Ocean Star Media Ltd Advertising in 2020 Explore Days Out Guide 2050 720228 30/01/20 8063 £273.00 £0.00 £273.00 F&GP Miss Michelle Davey Providing interim cover for RFO 3000 720226 30/01/20 8066 £50.00 £0.00 £50.00 F&GP Laura Jewell Minutes for Penzance Regen Board 3121 DDM 310120 31/01/20 8179 £464.68 £22.13 £442.55 PEN Total Gas & Power 3003913440 - Coach House - 01.07 - 30.09 2090/1 TGP DDM 030220 03/02/20 8070 £1,330.20 £0.00 £1,330.20 F&GP Barclays Bank PLC Bank Charges - 13.12 - 12.01.20 3095 BB DDM 030220 03/02/20 8091 £854.63 £142.43 £712.20 Lex Autolease Ltd Vehicle Hire 1220 Lex DDM 030220 03/02/20 8116 £54.50 £0.00 £54.50 L&A South West Water Bus - 1018 Trannack Allotments 1045/11/2 SWW 1567 1567 01 DDM 030220 03/02/20 8120 £994.14 £0.00 £994.14 F&GP Premium Credit Ltd Insurance Renewal - Royal and Sun Alliance 3030 PC Insurance

10/06/20 12:39 PM Vs: 8.44.00 Penzance Town Council Page 7 of 28 Paid Expenditure Transactions between 01/01/20 and 31/03/20 Start of year 01/04/19 Cheque Paid date Tn no Order Gross Vat Net Cttee Details Heading DDM 030220 03/02/20 8122 £145.00 £0.00 £145.00 L&A Cornwall Council Wherrytown Toilets - 8025 56425 1165/8/2 CC 425 DDM 030220 03/02/20 8123 £282.00 £0.00 £282.00 L&A Cornwall Council Superloo Toilets (TIC) - 8025 56416 1165/7/2 CC 416 DDM 030220 03/02/20 8124 £92.00 £0.00 £92.00 L&A Cornwall Council South Pier Toilets - 8025 56407 1165/6/2 CC 407 DDM 030220 03/02/20 8125 £123.00 £0.00 £123.00 L&A Cornwall Council Penalverne Toilets - 8025 56390 1165/4/2 CC 390 DDM 030220 03/02/20 8126 £1,301.28 £0.00 £1,301.28 PEN Ecclesiastical Insurance 02/CHG/0162365 2070 E DDM 04.02.20 04/02/20 8057 £43.39 £0.00 £43.39 F&GP Hewlett Packard Monthly IT Lease Payment - 01.03.20 - 3005/9 HeP 31.03.20 DD 050220 05/02/20 8174 £55.00 £0.00 £55.00 F&GP Information Commission ICO Renewal 3070 ICO DDM 060220 06/02/20 8038 £19.36 £0.00 £19.36 L&A Castle Water - TW0000348217 Balance due, tn 7951 - Balance due, tn 7714 1015/4 CW - Gardeners Hut - 0112 - 310320 DDM 060220 06/02/20 8115 £28.00 £0.00 £28.00 L&A South West Water Bus - 1018 Lescudjack Allotments 1045/6/1 SWWB 1478 1478 01 DDM 060220 06/02/20 8117 £35.50 £0.00 £35.50 L&A South West Water Bus - 1018 Leskinnick Allotments 1045/7/1 SWWB 5940 1594 01 ddm 060220 06/02/20 8118 £45.00 £0.00 £45.00 L&A South West Water Bus - 2049 Crankan Allotments 1045/4/2 swwb 8201 8282 01 DDM 060220 06/02/20 8119 £4.00 £0.00 £4.00 L&A South West Water Bus - 3293 Wherrytown Toilets 1165/8/4 SWWB 3190 3190 01 720234 07/02/20 8005 £13,188.00 £2,198.00 £10,990.00 L&A The Millennium Quest Ltd Christmas Lights - Year 1 of a 3 Year Rental 1100 Agreement 720234 07/02/20 8006 -£500.00 -£83.33 -£416.67 L&A The Millennium Quest Ltd Christmas Lights - Credit as a gesture of 1100 goodwill 720243 07/02/20 8044 £162.63 £9.80 £152.83 Petty Cash - Penlee House Various items - see below 2055 720248 07/02/20 8048 £294.00 £49.00 £245.00 PEN Headland Printers Ltd Prints for KH 2055 720236 07/02/20 8049 £135.00 £22.50 £112.50 PEN Vitamin Cornwall Hosting for Penlee House website and CMS 2100/2 licence Dec 2019 - Feb 2020 720239 07/02/20 8050 £150.00 £0.00 £150.00 F&GP Cornwall Computer Training 5 Hours in-house training - Word / Excel 3015/1 intermediate @ £30 per hour; 13 January 2020 720232 07/02/20 8065 £4,680.00 £780.00 £3,900.00 F&GP Target The Digital Agency Ltd Website Design - Payment 1 of 3 3010 720245 07/02/20 8067 £65.00 £0.00 £65.00 L&A Energy Performance EPC Penlee Lodge 1211 SouthWest 720245 07/02/20 8068 £275.00 £0.00 £275.00 L&A Energy Performance EPC Penzance Football Club 1120/1 SouthWest

10/06/20 12:39 PM Vs: 8.44.00 Penzance Town Council Page 8 of 28 Paid Expenditure Transactions between 01/01/20 and 31/03/20 Start of year 01/04/19 Cheque Paid date Tn no Order Gross Vat Net Cttee Details Heading 720244 07/02/20 8074 £1,327.50 £221.25 £1,106.25 PEN ASG Security Additional works to exisitng ASG Security 2100/2 CCTV system

To supply and install a sixteen way 6 TB digital recorder complete with HDMI and VGA outputs with a separate VGA to Coax spot interface unit with Coax output. The existing very short 16 coaxial cables to be extended to prevent tensions on the camera cables and allow serviceability fitted with BNC connectors and couplers. Increase the Hard drive capacity to allow for future replacement cameras being able to utilise the Hi definition (HD 1080p) capability of the new cameras without having to change the recorder

Supply, installation and commission

*Was Deferred to FY 2019-20 as new recorder not available in 2018-19* 72037 07/02/20 8077 £490.00 £81.67 £408.33 L&A Bu-mar Skip Hire 12 Yard enclosed skip. To be delivered 1015/5 Monday 13th January for two weeks. 720240 07/02/20 8078 £283.15 £47.19 £235.96 L&A Cornwall Council CCTV 1180/2 720240 07/02/20 8079 £85.20 £0.00 £85.20 L&A Cornwall Council CC Building Control - Surveyor Time and 1130/1 mileage 720242 07/02/20 8084 £21.60 £3.60 £18.00 F&GP Duchy Cleaners Cleaning external windows and frames at 3035/2 Penlee Centre 720249 07/02/20 8087 £330.00 £0.00 £330.00 PEN High Maintenance South West Clear gutters and vallies Penlee House 2100/2

720250 07/02/20 8088 £247.50 £0.00 £247.50 L&A Impresso Espresso Ltd Community Toilet Scheme 3rd Quarter 1070 720231 07/02/20 8093 PZ2818L&A £36.01 £6.00 £30.01 RGB Builders PO 2858 1015/5 720233 07/02/20 8096 £333.00 £55.50 £277.50 PEN The Tate Gallery Art Pass July-Sept Q2 201/2020 2045 720235 07/02/20 8097 PZ2751L&A £161.94 £26.98 £134.96 Trade UK Account 1165/2 720247 07/02/20 8100 £240.00 £40.00 £200.00 F&GP GSD Security Limited Annual keyholding charge 3035/5 720246 07/02/20 8104 £57.30 £9.55 £47.75 L&A Fire Crest Fire extinguisher servicing 1015/1 720230 07/02/20 8105 £216.00 £36.00 £180.00 L&A Premier Electrical Cornwall Ltd Full test and certification of condition electrics 1165/3/1

720230 07/02/20 8106 £864.00 £144.00 £720.00 L&A Premier Electrical Cornwall Ltd Tourist Toilets - Full test and certification of 1165/7/1 condition electrics 720230 07/02/20 8107 £216.00 £36.00 £180.00 L&A Premier Electrical Cornwall Ltd Full test and certification of condition electrics 1165/8/1

10/06/20 12:40 PM Vs: 8.44.00 Penzance Town Council Page 9 of 28 Paid Expenditure Transactions between 01/01/20 and 31/03/20 Start of year 01/04/19 Cheque Paid date Tn no Order Gross Vat Net Cttee Details Heading 720230 07/02/20 8108 £288.00 £48.00 £240.00 L&A Premier Electrical Cornwall Ltd Full test and certification of condition electrics 1165/4/1

720241 07/02/20 8109 £515.80 £85.97 £429.83 L&A Crystal Clear Cleaning Supply of sharps and sanitary services 1.01- 1165/1 31.1.20 720238 07/02/20 8111 £500.00 £0.00 £500.00 PEN Catherine Wallace Fee for writing essays for Laura Knight 2055 publication 07/02/20 8173 -£1,185.00 £0.00 -£1,185.00 F&GP Barclays Bank PLC Bank Charges - 13.12 - 12.01.20 Jesture of 3095 goodwill DDM 10.02.20 10/02/20 8146 £12.58 £0.00 £12.58 L&A Barclaycard Commercial Charges for 01.01.20-28.01.20 1060/1 Barclay 10/02/20 8182 £91.82 £7.00 £84.82 Barclaycard Commercial Charges for 01.01.20- 31.01.20 2045 Offset credit 11/02/20 8051 £10.39 £1.73 £8.66 F&GP Initial Washroom Hygiene sanitary/medical waste collection - 01/10- 3035/8 note 31/12 Offset credit 11/02/20 8081 £470.00 £0.00 £470.00 F&GP Cornwall College IOSH Managing Safely course - 8th June 3025 note Teresa Fogarty Delegates: Amy Simons, David Trevivian Offset credit 11/02/20 8082 -£470.00 £0.00 -£470.00 F&GP Cornwall College Managing Safely IOSH Course - credit for 3025 note Paula Smith - Paula Smith & Anna Renton Offset credit 11/02/20 8092 -£10.39 -£1.73 -£8.66 F&GP Initial Washroom Hygiene Credit against inv 60005048 3035/8 note 720251 12/02/20 8089 £307.50 £0.00 £307.50 F&GP Miss Michelle Davey Providing interim cover for RFO 3000 720254 14/02/20 8045 PZ2828PH £25.39 £1.05 £24.34 Complete Business Solutions Supplies, as detailed 2035 720254 14/02/20 8046 £17.64 £2.94 £14.70 PEN Complete Business Solutions Recycling bags x 200 2100/5 720254 14/02/20 8053 PZ2836TC £46.43 £5.14 £41.29 Complete Business Solutions 3005/4 720255 14/02/20 8054 £96.25 £0.00 £96.25 F&GP Cornwall Council Room hire, St John's Hall - 13 January 2020 3055

720260 14/02/20 8060 £63.60 £10.60 £53.00 PEN Mounts Bay Wine Wine for Private View (sale or return + glass 2055 hire) 720254 14/02/20 8064 PZ2833PH £53.70 £8.95 £44.75 Complete Business Solutions Stationery 2035 720254 14/02/20 8069 -£30.83 -£5.14 -£25.69 Complete Business Solutions Goods returned as incorrect sent 3005/4 720253 14/02/20 8071 £90.00 £0.00 £90.00 F&GP Artswork Ltd Fee for training course - Creattive 3015/1 Consultation with young people 20/03/20 - Zoe Burkett 720253 14/02/20 8075 £150.00 £0.00 £150.00 F&GP Artswork Ltd Fee for training course - Behaviour 3015/1 Management with young people 12/02/20 - Zoe Burkett 720255 14/02/20 8080 £96.25 £0.00 £96.25 F&GP Cornwall Council Room hire, St John's Hall - 20 January 2020 3055

10/06/20 12:40 PM Vs: 8.44.00 Penzance Town Council Page 10 of 28 Paid Expenditure Transactions between 01/01/20 and 31/03/20 Start of year 01/04/19 Cheque Paid date Tn no Order Gross Vat Net Cttee Details Heading 720262 14/02/20 8090 £247.50 £0.00 £247.50 L&A Poppies Community Toilet Scheme - 01.11.19- 1070 31.01.20 720267 14/02/20 8095 £89.93 £14.99 £74.94 L&A South West Water Bus - 5026 Alexandra Road - 28.11 - 07.01 read SW 1165/3/4 3890 01 720268 14/02/20 8098 PZ2819L&A £160.89 £14.64 £146.25 Trade UK Account 1015/5 720252 14/02/20 8101 PZ2651TC £39.54 £6.59 £32.95 A G Products 1 x Badge for ASB Officer uniform 3060 720265 14/02/20 8102 PZ2858L&A £67.20 £11.20 £56.00 RGB Builders PO 2818 1165/7/1 720265 14/02/20 8103 PZ2853L&A £77.24 £12.87 £64.37 RGB Builders Polytunnel fixings 1015/1 720258 14/02/20 8112 £160.57 £26.76 £133.81 ITEC Connect Ltd Photocopier use 3005/5 720254 14/02/20 8113 £27.59 £4.60 £22.99 F&GP Complete Business Solutions Copier paper & staple remover 3005/4 720258 14/02/20 8114 £608.64 £101.44 £507.20 ITEC Connect Ltd Various IT Support - Monthly payment for 3005/15 November 720256 14/02/20 8136 £475.00 £0.00 £475.00 PEN Energy Performance EPC Penlee House 2100/2 SouthWest 720254 14/02/20 8137 £32.10 £5.35 £26.75 PEN Complete Business Solutions Recycled Toilet Rolls 2100/5 720257 14/02/20 8139 £8,630.00 £1,438.34 £7,191.66 L&A Ferryman Polytunnels Ltd This is for a 16x42 polytunnel, including 1015/1 construction and includes all installation cost as per the quote from Gordon on the 20th Septmeber. 720268 14/02/20 8140 PZ2860L&A £41.01 £6.83 £34.18 Trade UK Account 1040 720266 14/02/20 8144 £234.00 £39.00 £195.00 F&GP Society of Local Council Clerks Vacancy advert - Support Services 3080 Manager/RFO 720265 14/02/20 8145 PZ2859L&A £28.52 £4.75 £23.77 RGB Builders 1040 720264 14/02/20 8147 £540.00 £90.00 £450.00 F&GP Reach Publishing Services Vacancy advert - Support Services 3080 Ltd Manager/RFO 28 days Fish 4 Jobs; 1 week social media 720259 14/02/20 8148 £321.00 £0.00 £321.00 F&GP Miss Michelle Davey Providing interim cover for RFO 3000 720261 14/02/20 8170 £84.00 £0.00 £84.00 F&GP Nicole Broadhurst January 2020 expenses 3050 720263 14/02/20 8176 £9,665.80 £0.00 £9,665.80 H.M. Revenue & Customs January payment 3000 720269 14/02/20 8177 £1,125.00 £0.00 £1,125.00 Cornwall Pension Fund Jan pension deficit contribution 3000 720269 14/02/20 8178 £9,409.62 £0.00 £9,409.62 Cornwall Pension Fund January pension contribution 3000 Credit 14/02/20 8188 £60.56 £10.09 £50.47 PEN Initial Washroom Hygiene sanitary/medical waste units 2100/5 60043877 Credit re 14/02/20 8189 -£60.56 -£10.09 -£50.47 PEN Initial Washroom Hygiene sanitary/medical waste units 2100/5 60005047 DDM 17.02.20 17/02/20 8121 £139.20 £23.20 £116.00 F&GP Sage Sage Payroll Licence 3005/12 Sage 10/06/20 12:40 PM Vs: 8.44.00 Penzance Town Council Page 11 of 28 Paid Expenditure Transactions between 01/01/20 and 31/03/20 Start of year 01/04/19 Cheque Paid date Tn no Order Gross Vat Net Cttee Details Heading DDM 17.02.20 17/02/20 8186 £88.56 £14.76 £73.80 PEN B. T. WW 34030 3612 - Penlee House - 2022 BT DDM 17.02.20 17/02/20 8192 £33.00 £5.50 £27.50 PEN B. T. WW 3453 3430 - Penlee House - 2021 Duplicate 21/02/20 7984 £45.00 £7.50 £37.50 Complete Business Solutions Stationery , as detailed 2035 Invoice Duplicate 21/02/20 8010 £335.14 £55.86 £279.28 RGB Builders As quoted by Wayne Martin. 1015/5 Front entrance and bench installation Duplicate 21/02/20 8031 PZ2777PH £11.40 £1.90 £9.50 Complete Business Solutions Stationery, as detailed 2035 invoice 270280 21/02/20 8083 PZ2831PH £29.66 £4.94 £24.72 Denmans Electrical Lamps as detailed 2100/2 Wholesalers Ltd 270281 21/02/20 8085 £765.46 £127.58 £637.88 PEN Duchy Cleaners Cleaning Penlee House daily 2100/4 270282 21/02/20 8086 £163.20 £27.20 £136.00 F&GP Duchy Cleaners Cleaning the Town Clerks Office - 4 weeks 3035/2 upto and inc the above date 720299 21/02/20 8094 £42.94 £0.00 £42.94 South West Water Bus - 2049 Crankan Allotments 1045/4/2 8282 01 720279 21/02/20 8110 £8,440.00 £1,406.67 £7,033.33 L&A Crystal Clear Cleaning General Cleaning Services to Public Toilets 1165/1 Penzance 720307 21/02/20 8131 £18.96 £3.16 £15.80 PEN Yorkshire Purchasing Cartridge paper for arts and health workshops 2140/2 Organisation 720307 21/02/20 8132 £20.88 £3.48 £17.40 PEN Yorkshire Purchasing A2 Cartridge Paper for Arts & Health 2140/2 Organisation 720272 21/02/20 8133 £284.18 £47.36 £236.82 PEN Biffa Waste Services Ltd Waste Collection - 28/12/19 2100/6 720272 21/02/20 8134 £281.09 £46.85 £234.24 PEN Biffa Waste Services Ltd Waste Collection - 27.07 - 23.08 2100/6 720311 21/02/20 8135 £4,415.10 £735.85 £3,679.25 PEN National Maritime Museum Maintenance contract -01/11/19-31/01/20 2100/2 720284 21/02/20 8138 £458.70 £76.45 £382.25 L&A GSD Security Limited Park Security - January 20 1020 720284 21/02/20 8143 £99.05 £16.51 £82.54 F&GP GSD Security Limited Callout charge for intruder alarm 3035/6 720302 21/02/20 8171 £40.38 £6.73 £33.65 F&GP Suez 120L Confidential Bin 01.01.20 - 31.01.20 3035/4 720277 21/02/20 8172 £222.82 £37.14 £185.68 F&GP Concorde Group Recruitment Temp cover for Finance & Admin Officer role 3000

720287 21/02/20 8180 £583.44 £97.24 £486.20 ITEC Connect Ltd Various IT Support - Monthly payment for 3005/15 November 720283 21/02/20 8181 £14.96 £0.00 £14.96 PEN Emma Wilson NPO Project - Book of Stencils and Loose 2140/3 Stencils 720302 21/02/20 8183 £1.25 £0.21 £1.04 PEN Suez 24L sack schedule 01.12.19 -13.12.19 2100/6

10/06/20 12:40 PM Vs: 8.44.00 Penzance Town Council Page 12 of 28 Paid Expenditure Transactions between 01/01/20 and 31/03/20 Start of year 01/04/19 Cheque Paid date Tn no Order Gross Vat Net Cttee Details Heading 720303 21/02/20 8184 £124.42 £20.74 £103.68 PEN Tate Images Image licencing for Newlyn Interiors 2055 exhibition - Laura Knight 720271 21/02/20 8185 £25.50 £0.00 £25.50 PEN Bernard Leach Trust Ltd Art Pass Partner Contribution - 3rd Qtr Oct - 2045 Dec 2019 720307 21/02/20 8187 £55.55 £9.26 £46.29 PEN Yorkshire Purchasing Materials for education activities 2140/1 Organisation 720305 21/02/20 8190 £1,151.42 £191.90 £959.52 PEN Total Gas & Power 3004 2812 03 - Penlee House - 31.12.19- 2082 31.0120 720295 21/02/20 8191 £89.60 £0.00 £89.60 PEN O'Dell Signs Display Panels at Penlee House 2055 720270 21/02/20 8193 £77.96 £12.99 £64.97 PEN Amazon Educational Supplies 2140/2 720286 21/02/20 8196 £450.00 £0.00 £450.00 F&GP ISight Cornwall Grant as approved by F&GP 11.02.20 3105/1 720308 21/02/20 8197 £150.00 £0.00 £150.00 F&GP Newlyn Archive Group - BACS Grant as agreed by F&GP 11.02.20 3105/1

720310 21/02/20 8198 £500.00 £0.00 £500.00 F&GP Penzance Literary Festival Grant as agreed by F&GP 11.02.20 3105/1 720306 21/02/20 8199 £600.00 £0.00 £600.00 F&GP Whole Again Communities Grant as agreed at F&GP 11.02.20 3105/1 CIC 720275 21/02/20 8200 £96.00 £16.00 £80.00 F&GP C.A.L.C. Accreditation fee for LCAS Quality Award 3070 720298 21/02/20 8201 £137.00 £0.00 £137.00 PEN Richard Shore Removal of mixed waste from Penlee House 2100/6

720307 21/02/20 8202 £27.76 £4.63 £23.13 PEN Yorkshire Purchasing Materials for education activities 2140/1 Organisation 720305 21/02/20 8203 £2,555.22 £425.87 £2,129.35 PEN Total Gas & Power 3005066372 - Museum - 01.1.20 - 31.1.20 2081 720294 21/02/20 8204 £9.00 £0.00 £9.00 PEN Newlyn Art Gallery Art Pass - Quarter 3 - October - Dec 2019 2045 720294 21/02/20 8205 £59.00 £0.00 £59.00 PEN Newlyn Art Gallery Art Pass - Quarter 2 - July - Sept 2019 2045 720285 21/02/20 8206 £5,043.38 £0.00 £5,043.38 L&A High Maintenance South West Second Part - To deliver the Christmas Light 1100 Rigging and Testing Contract as detailed in the specification document 720300 21/02/20 8208 £66.45 £11.07 £55.38 L&A South West Water Bus - 5026 Alexandra Road - 08.01.20-05.02.20 read SW 1165/3/4 3890 01 720305 21/02/20 8209 £341.93 £16.28 £325.65 L&A Total Gas & Power 3004 02780 40 - Public Conveniences, 1015/6 Penlee Park 720288 21/02/20 8210 £1,800.00 £300.00 £1,500.00 L&A Kennall Consulting Ltd Specialist procurement support - Public 1165/2 Toilet Cleaning Contract 720297 21/02/20 8211 PZ2875L&A £22.24 £3.71 £18.53 RGB Builders see PO 2859 1015/1 720294 21/02/20 8212 £614.10 £102.35 £511.75 L&A Newlyn Art Gallery Community Toilet Scheme - Gallery & 1070 Exchange to Oct-Dec 2019 720294 21/02/20 8213 £632.15 £105.36 £526.79 L&A Newlyn Art Gallery Community Toilet Scheme - Gallery & 1070 Exchange to July-Sept 19/20

10/06/20 12:40 PM Vs: 8.44.00 Penzance Town Council Page 13 of 28 Paid Expenditure Transactions between 01/01/20 and 31/03/20 Start of year 01/04/19 Cheque Paid date Tn no Order Gross Vat Net Cttee Details Heading 720274 21/02/20 8214 PZ2900L&A £7,324.57 £1,220.77 £6,103.80 C & D Flooring Services Ltd TIC floor replacement works in line with 1165/2 quote 1505 and to include the DPM membrane, removeal and fitting of new flooring. 720309 21/02/20 8215 £500.00 £0.00 £500.00 F&GP Newlyn Penzance International Grant as agreed by F&GP 11.02.2020 3105/1 Film Festival 720296 21/02/20 8216 £300.00 £0.00 £300.00 F&GP Penzance Chamber of Grant as agreed by F&GP on 11.02.2020 3105/1 Commerce 720291 21/02/20 8217 £350.00 £0.00 £350.00 F&GP Music At St Mary's Grant as agreed by F&GP 11.02.2020 3105/1 270283 21/02/20 8218 £90.00 £15.00 £75.00 PEN Dynamics Online Cost to set up new learning email address 2100/3 720301 21/02/20 8219 PZ2864PH £32.80 £5.47 £27.33 Specialist Crafts Ltd Materials for Arts and Health workshops 2140/2 720273 21/02/20 8220 £138.00 £23.00 £115.00 PEN Bridgeman Art Library Image licencing for Laura Knight publication 2055 720293 21/02/20 8221 £102.00 £17.00 £85.00 PEN National Portrait Gallery Image licencing for Laura Knight publication 2055 720276 21/02/20 8222 PZ2874PH £17.85 £0.00 £17.85 Complete Business Solutions Stationery and supplies, as detailed 2035 720304 21/02/20 8223 £247.92 £41.32 £206.60 PEN The Orangery Invigilators drinks - January 2020 2060 720290 21/02/20 8225 £250.50 £0.00 £250.50 F&GP Miss Michelle Davey Providing interim cover for RFO 3000 720277 21/02/20 8226 £759.60 £126.60 £633.00 F&GP Concorde Group Recruitment Temp cover for Finance & Admin Officer role 3000

720284 21/02/20 8227 £33.00 £5.50 £27.50 F&GP GSD Security Limited Callout charge for intruder alarm 3035/6 720289 21/02/20 8228 £25.00 £0.00 £25.00 F&GP Laura Jewell Minutes for Penzance Regen Board 3121 720270 21/02/20 8230 £1.69 £0.28 £1.41 F&GP Amazon Stereo jack lead for headphones 3005/4 720278 21/02/20 8231 £3,440.00 £560.00 £2,880.00 Coodes Solicitors Legal services re lease of Princess May Red 3135 Toilets & Penzance TIC Duplicate 21/02/20 8239 -£11.40 -£1.90 -£9.50 Complete Business Solutions Stationery, as detailed 2035 Invoice Duplicate 21/02/20 8240 -£45.00 -£7.50 -£37.50 Complete Business Solutions Stationery , as detailed 2035 invoice

Duplicate 21/02/20 8243 -£335.14 -£55.86 -£279.28 RGB Builders As quoted by Wayne Martin. 1015/5 Front entrance and bench installation Contra 2 24/02/20 4144 £67.47 £0.00 £67.47 L&A S.W. Water Gardeners House 19.9 - 09.03.18 1015/4 Contra 1 24/02/20 6451 £200.00 £0.00 £200.00 PEN Tricia Kings Ltd Fee for delivery of community workshops x 2 2055 (HLF Luminaries) - ACCRUAL

10/06/20 12:40 PM Vs: 8.44.00 Penzance Town Council Page 14 of 28 Paid Expenditure Transactions between 01/01/20 and 31/03/20 Start of year 01/04/19 Cheque Paid date Tn no Order Gross Vat Net Cttee Details Heading Contra 1 24/02/20 6452 £450.00 £0.00 £450.00 PEN Tricia Kings Ltd Fee for development work with care settings 2055 x 18 hours (HLF Luminaries) - ACCRUAL

Contra 3 24/02/20 6461 £27.00 £4.50 £22.50 PEN Royal National Institute of DL14 clear round-headed bumpons x 5 packs 2040 Blind People CC TC 24/02/20 7964 -£70.00 -£11.67 -£58.33 L&A Burncoose Nurseries Memorial Tree - Charged in error as smaller 1015/5 tree collected A 7854 CC TC 24/02/20 8149 £153.95 £25.66 £128.29 F&GP NALC NALC - Biggleswade Town Council - 3015/1 Eventbrite Ticket CC TC 24/02/20 8150 PZ2844PH £203.06 £33.84 £169.22 Post Office Ltd. Ink and paper as detailed 2055 CC TC 24/02/20 8151 £363.00 £0.00 £363.00 F&GP Society of Local Council Clerks Renewal of Annual Membership 3070

CC TC 24/02/20 8152 £83.00 £0.00 £83.00 L&A Cornwall Council Payment to Street Works department for an 1045/7/2 application to work within highways limits.

CC TC 24/02/20 8153 £14.99 £0.00 £14.99 F&GP Argos Kettle for office 3005/4 CC TC 24/02/20 8154 £45.01 £7.50 £37.51 L&A Morrisons Supermarket Fuel for vehicles/equipment 1015/2 CC TC 24/02/20 8155 £45.65 £7.61 £38.04 L&A Morrisons Supermarket Fuel for vehicles/equipment 1015/2 CC TC 24/02/20 8156 £47.00 £7.83 £39.17 L&A Morrisons Supermarket Fuel for vehicles/equipment 1015/2 CC TC 24/02/20 8157 £113.77 £18.96 £94.81 L&A Morrisons Supermarket Fuel for vehicles/equipment 1015/2 DD 24.02.20 EE 24/02/20 8229 £162.18 £27.03 £135.15 L&A EE Mobile Phones Plan Charges - 15.01.20 - 14.02.20 1040

CC TC 24/02/20 8232 PZ2825PH £107.41 £16.74 £90.67 Eco-Craft Ltd Packaging as detailed below 2045 CC TC 24/02/20 8233 £126.00 £21.00 £105.00 PEN Imperial War Museum Image licencing for Laura Knight catalogue 2055 CC TC 24/02/20 8234 PZ2822L&A £37.64 £6.27 £31.37 Amazon 1045/7/2 CC TC 24/02/20 8235 PZ2812L&A £42.11 £0.58 £41.53 Suttons Seeds Credit card payment 1015/5 CC TC 24/02/20 8236 PZ2856L&A £146.33 £24.39 £121.94 Amazon 1015/5 Contra 1 24/02/20 8249 -£450.00 £0.00 -£450.00 PEN Tricia Kings Ltd Contra 6452, Fee for development work with 2055 care settings x 18 hours (HLF Luminaries) - ACCRUAL Contra 1 24/02/20 8250 -£200.00 £0.00 -£200.00 PEN Tricia Kings Ltd Contra 6451, Fee for delivery of community 2055 workshops x 2 (HLF Luminaries) - ACCRUAL Contra 2 24/02/20 8251 -£67.47 £0.00 -£67.47 L&A S.W. Water Gardeners House 19.9 - 09.03.18 1015/4 Contra 3 24/02/20 8252 -£27.00 -£4.50 -£22.50 PEN Royal National Institute of DL14 clear round-headed bumpons x 5 packs 2040 Blind People CC TC 24/02/20 8263 PZ2816L&A £91.43 £0.00 £91.43 Jersey Plants Direct 1015/5

10/06/20 12:40 PM Vs: 8.44.00 Penzance Town Council Page 15 of 28 Paid Expenditure Transactions between 01/01/20 and 31/03/20 Start of year 01/04/19 Cheque Paid date Tn no Order Gross Vat Net Cttee Details Heading DDM 24.02.20 24/02/20 8294 £341.93 £16.28 £325.65 L&A Total Gas & Power 3004 02780 40 - Public Conveniences, 1015/6 TGP Penlee Park DDM 24.02.20 24/02/20 8295 £2,555.22 £425.87 £2,129.35 PEN Total Gas & Power 3005066372 - Museum - 01.1.20 - 31.1.20 2081 TGP 720272 25/02/20 8296 £281.09 £46.85 £234.24 PEN Biffa Waste Services Ltd Waste Collection - 27.07 - 23.08 Duplicate 2100/6 awaiting credit 720272 25/02/20 8297 £284.18 £47.36 £236.82 PEN Biffa Waste Services Ltd Waste Collection - 28/12/19 duplicate 2100/6 awaiting credit Contra 6 27/02/20 6457 PZ1910L&A £45.24 £7.54 £37.70 Polcrebo Nursery 1015/5 Contra 7 27/02/20 6458 PZ1762L&A £192.00 £32.00 £160.00 Cormac Solutions Ltd Work outstanding from PO : PZ/1616/L&A 1165/4/1 Contra 9 27/02/20 6459 £1,215.60 £202.60 £1,013.00 L&A Premier Electrical Cornwall Ltd To carry out the necessary works to access 1015/1 and test the lighting columns in Penlee Park including replacement of tri bolts as per quote ref: QU-0048 ACCRUAL Contra 8 27/02/20 6460 £84.00 £14.00 £70.00 L&A Cormac Solutions Ltd Wallgate in ladies Alexandra Play Park toilet, 1165/3/1 no water coming through. ACCRUAL Contra 6 27/02/20 8285 -£45.24 -£7.54 -£37.70 Polcrebo Nursery 1015/5 Contra 7 27/02/20 8286 -£192.00 -£32.00 -£160.00 Cormac Solutions Ltd Work outstanding from PO : PZ/1616/L&A 1165/4/1 Contra 8 27/02/20 8287 -£84.00 -£14.00 -£70.00 L&A Cormac Solutions Ltd Wallgate in ladies Alexandra Play Park toilet, 1165/3/1 no water coming through. ACCRUAL Contra 9 27/02/20 8288 -£1,215.60 -£202.60 -£1,013.00 L&A Premier Electrical Cornwall Ltd To carry out the necessary works to access 1015/1 and test the lighting columns in Penlee Park including replacement of tri bolts as per quote ref: QU-0048 ACCRUAL 720335 28/02/20 8141 £114.04 £19.01 £95.03 L&A The Green Waste Company Green Waste 1015/1 720313 28/02/20 8207 PZ2832L&A £1,519.80 £253.30 £1,266.50 C & D Flooring Services Ltd TIC floor replacement works in line with 1165/2 quote 1505 and to include the DPM membrane, removeal and fitting of new flooring. 720334 28/02/20 8237 £80.00 £0.00 £80.00 PEN Sefton Council Image licencing for Laura Knight publication 2055 720331 28/02/20 8238 £90.00 £15.00 £75.00 PEN National Museums & Galleries Image licencing for Laura Knight publication 2055 Of Wales 720336 28/02/20 8244 PZ2885L&A £67.96 £11.32 £56.64 Trade UK Account 1165/8/1 720312 28/02/20 8245 PZ2817L&A £166.85 £27.81 £139.04 BHGS - BACS 1015/5 720314 28/02/20 8246 £630.00 £105.00 £525.00 L&A Combined Tree Services To fell dying elm on Heamoor Field Site 1280 Quote ref: 1947 720326 28/02/20 8247 £322.45 £53.74 £268.71 Loomis UK Cash Collection - February 2020 2120 720315 28/02/20 8248 £40.20 £6.70 £33.50 F&GP Complete Business Solutions Stationery and supplies, as detailed 3005/4

10/06/20 12:40 PM Vs: 8.44.00 Penzance Town Council Page 16 of 28 Paid Expenditure Transactions between 01/01/20 and 31/03/20 Start of year 01/04/19 Cheque Paid date Tn no Order Gross Vat Net Cttee Details Heading 720321 28/02/20 8253 £108.00 £18.00 £90.00 F&GP Edge IT Systems Ltd End of Year Finance Seminar 3015/1 720328 28/02/20 8254 £372.00 £0.00 £372.00 F&GP Miss Michelle Davey Providing interim cover for RFO 3000 720317 28/02/20 8255 £78.00 £0.00 £78.00 F&GP Cornwall Council SSM/RFO Advertising 3080 720320 28/02/20 8256 £163.20 £27.20 £136.00 F&GP Duchy Cleaners Cleaning the Town Clerks Office - 4 weeks 3035/2 upto and inc the above date payflow 28/02/20 8257 £31,744.27 £0.00 £31,744.27 Payflow - Employees Salaries Payroll February 2020 3000 270220 720322 28/02/20 8259 £8,868.78 £0.00 £8,868.78 H.M. Revenue & Customs Februarypayment 3000 720316 28/02/20 8260 £908.08 £151.35 £756.73 F&GP Concorde Group Recruitment Temp cover for Finance & Admin Officer role 3000

720318 28/02/20 8261 £8,749.82 £0.00 £8,749.82 Cornwall Pension Fund February pension contribution 3000 720318 28/02/20 8262 £1,125.00 £0.00 £1,125.00 Cornwall Pension Fund Feb pension deficit contribution 3000 720327 28/02/20 8266 £600.00 £0.00 £600.00 PEN Melanie Young - BACS Fee for Arts and Health workshops x 5 plus 2140/2 gallery visit (NPO projects) 720324 28/02/20 8267 £150.00 £0.00 £150.00 PEN Jo Lumber Fee for Tick Tock Time session x 2 2140/1 (Feb/Mar) (NPO projects) 720324 28/02/20 8268 £75.00 £0.00 £75.00 PEN Jo Lumber Fee for Tick Tock Time session x 1 (Jan) 2140/2 (NPO projects) 720330 28/02/20 8269 £195.00 £0.00 £195.00 PEN Museums Association Fee for training course for Maisy-Sky 2018 Lumbers (NPO projects) 720323 28/02/20 8270 £450.00 £0.00 £450.00 PEN Helen Hesselbo Fee for 6 x Baby and Parent sessions 2140/1 (Jan/Feb/Mar 2020) (NPO projects) 720323 28/02/20 8271 £75.00 £0.00 £75.00 PEN Helen Hesselbo Fee for Tick Tock Time session x 1 (Sep) 2140/2 (NPO projects) 720329 28/02/20 8272 PZ2902PH £14.00 £0.00 £14.00 Mounts Bay Lugger Ass'n Assorted cards MBLA 0003 2045 720337 28/02/20 8273 PZ2901PH £33.00 £0.00 £33.00 Wild Duck Designs Cards 2045 720332 28/02/20 8274 £106.17 £1.66 £104.51 Petty Cash - Penlee House Various items - see below 2050 720333 28/02/20 8275 £105.60 £17.60 £88.00 PEN Royal Academy Of Arts Image licencing for Laura Knight publication 2055 720325 28/02/20 8276 £82.80 £13.80 £69.00 PEN Leicester City Council Image licencing for Laura Knight publication 2055 720319 28/02/20 8277 PZ2800PH £65.00 £0.00 £65.00 Des Hannigan books 2045 720320 28/02/20 8278 £764.77 £127.46 £637.31 PEN Duchy Cleaners Cleaning Penlee House daily 2100/4 01/03/20 8163 £994.14 £0.00 £994.14 F&GP Premium Credit Ltd Insurance Renewal - Royal and Sun Alliance 3030 Insurance 01/03/20 8165 £145.00 £0.00 £145.00 L&A Cornwall Council Wherrytown Toilets - 8025 56425 1165/8/2 01/03/20 8166 £282.00 £0.00 £282.00 L&A Cornwall Council Superloo Toilets (TIC) - 8025 56416 1165/7/2 01/03/20 8167 £92.00 £0.00 £92.00 L&A Cornwall Council South Pier Toilets - 8025 56407 1165/6/2 10/06/20 12:40 PM Vs: 8.44.00 Penzance Town Council Page 17 of 28 Paid Expenditure Transactions between 01/01/20 and 31/03/20 Start of year 01/04/19 Cheque Paid date Tn no Order Gross Vat Net Cttee Details Heading 01/03/20 8168 £123.00 £0.00 £123.00 L&A Cornwall Council Penalverne Toilets - 8025 56390 1165/4/2 01/03/20 8169 £1,301.28 £0.00 £1,301.28 PEN Ecclesiastical Insurance 02/CHG/0162365 2070 DDM 010320 02/03/20 8280 £854.63 £142.43 £712.20 Lex Autolease Ltd Vehicle Hire 1220 Lex BACS 020320 02/03/20 8330 £2.06 £0.00 £2.06 L&A South West Water Bus - 2049 Crankan Allotments - 1045/4/2 SWW CA 8282 01 Contra 030320 03/03/20 7989 £65.00 £0.00 £65.00 Des Hannigan books 2045 DDM 030320 03/03/20 8279 £156.60 £26.10 £130.50 PEN B. T. WM 4135 6554 - Penlee House 2022 BT Contra 030320 03/03/20 8300 -£65.00 £0.00 -£65.00 Des Hannigan books 2045 720345 04/03/20 8265 £70.95 £0.00 £70.95 Petty Cash - TC Details as below 3005/4 720346 04/03/20 8281 £34.99 £5.83 £29.16 L&A Trade UK Account Performance Power PTC450E 450W 1015/7 Electric Tile Cutter 230-240V 720341 04/03/20 8282 £815.78 £135.96 £679.82 L&A C & D Flooring Services Ltd Quote : 1512 1165/4/1 Repairs to Penalvern gents toilet floor 720341 04/03/20 8283 £592.96 £98.83 £494.13 L&A C & D Flooring Services Ltd Quote: 1510 1165/5/1 Repairs to Princess May toilets floors ecluding the disabled toilet 720342 04/03/20 8289 £235.20 £39.20 £196.00 F&GP Coodes Solicitors Professional Services in relation to Jubilee 3040 Pool Agreement 720344 04/03/20 8291 PZ2881TC £2,275.44 £379.24 £1,896.20 Lighting & Illumination Donation to Mousehole Harbour 3105/12 Technology Experience Ltd Lights/Purchase of new lights 720343 04/03/20 8292 £34.56 £5.76 £28.80 F&GP Kova Manufacturing Ltd 20 x Black Armbands S/M 3060 20 Black Armbands L/XL 720338 04/03/20 8293 £247.20 £41.20 £206.00 PEN Arrow Lifts Ltd Yearly service and test 2100/2 720340 04/03/20 8298 £1,620.00 £270.00 £1,350.00 F&GP Belmont Property Management Rent on Barbican15.08.2019 - 14.02.20 3800/3

720339 04/03/20 8299 PZ2692TC £248.10 £41.35 £206.75 Ashley Davies 3035/1 Contra 05/03/20 05/03/20 8303 £84.00 £14.00 £70.00 L&A Cormac Solutions Ltd T6462 Wallgate in ladies Alexandra Play 1165/3/1 Park toilet, no water coming through. ACCRUAL Contra 05/03/20 05/03/20 8304 -£84.00 -£14.00 -£70.00 L&A Cormac Solutions Ltd Contra 8303, originally T6462 which was a 1165/3/1 duplicate of T6460 Contra write off 06/03/20 6429 PZ1925PH £60.00 £0.00 £60.00 M. Jackson Books - Order is with Ancient Kernow 2045 Contra TGP 06/03/20 7555 -£0.01 £0.00 -£0.01 PEN Tate Gallery Publishing Books - previous overpayment 2045 060320 06/03/20 8158 £28.00 £0.00 £28.00 L&A South West Water Bus - 1018 Lescudjack Allotments 1045/6/1 1478 01

10/06/20 12:40 PM Vs: 8.44.00 Penzance Town Council Page 18 of 28 Paid Expenditure Transactions between 01/01/20 and 31/03/20 Start of year 01/04/19 Cheque Paid date Tn no Order Gross Vat Net Cttee Details Heading 06/03/20 8159 £54.50 £0.00 £54.50 L&A South West Water Bus - 1018 Trannack Allotments 1045/11/2 1567 01 06/03/20 8160 £35.50 £0.00 £35.50 L&A South West Water Bus - 1018 Leskinnick Allotments 1045/7/1 1594 01 06/03/20 8161 £45.00 £0.00 £45.00 L&A South West Water Bus - 2049 Crankan Allotments 1045/4/2 8282 01 06/03/20 8162 £4.00 £0.00 £4.00 L&A South West Water Bus - 3293 Wherrytown Toilets 1165/8/4 3190 01 DDM 060320 06/03/20 8264 £683.79 £0.00 £683.79 F&GP Barclays Bank PLC Bank Charges - 13.11 - 12.12 3095 BB Contra TGP 06/03/20 8305 £0.01 £0.00 £0.01 PEN Tate Gallery Publishing Books - previous overpayment 2045 060320 Contra write off 06/03/20 8306 -£60.00 £0.00 -£60.00 M. Jackson Books - Order is with Ancient Kernow 2045 DDM 060320 06/03/20 8329 £19.36 £0.00 £19.36 L&A Castle Water - TW0000348217 Gardeners Hut Water 1015/4 CW DDM 100320 10/03/20 8333 £0.32 £0.00 £0.32 F&GP Barclaycard Commercial PDQ Charges Feb 2020 PC 3005/11 BC PDQ DDM 10.03.20 10/03/20 8372 £100.59 £0.00 £100.59 PEN Barclaycard Commercial Charges for PDQ 2005 Barclay 720359 11/03/20 8301 £40.38 £6.73 £33.65 F&GP Suez 120L Confidential Bin 01.02.20 - 29.01.20 3035/4 720352 11/03/20 8302 £188.78 £31.46 £157.32 ITEC Connect Ltd Photocopier use 3005/5 720358 11/03/20 8307 PZ2919PH £98.01 £16.33 £81.68 Specialist Crafts Ltd Materials for Arts and Health course (NPO 2140/2 projects) 720362 11/03/20 8309 £45.00 £7.50 £37.50 PEN Vitamin Cornwall March - Hosting and CMS licence 2100/3 720357 11/03/20 8310 PZ2938PH £60.00 £10.00 £50.00 Simon Fraser Photography Cards 2045 Ltd 720347 11/03/20 8311 PZ2939PH £70.00 £0.00 £70.00 Carmichael Publishers 2020 Diary SOR 2045 720354 11/03/20 8315 £175.20 £29.20 £146.00 PEN Liftman Call-out to repair lift 2100/2 720353 11/03/20 8316 £18.00 £0.00 £18.00 PEN Lamorna Society membership subs for 2020 2065 720360 11/03/20 8317 PZ2910PH £85.61 £0.00 £85.61 Tor Mark Press Books 2045 720350 11/03/20 8318 PZ2906PH £83.00 £0.00 £83.00 Eleven and A Half Books and cards John Piper 2045 720355 11/03/20 8319 PZ2907PH £56.00 £0.00 £56.00 Penwith Local History Group Books 2045 720349 11/03/20 8325 £283.58 £47.26 £236.32 F&GP Concorde Group Recruitment Temp cover for Finance & Admin Officer role 3000

720361 11/03/20 8326 £1,300.00 £0.00 £1,300.00 F&GP Trisha Hewitt Penzance Regen Board -Communications 3000 Support

10/06/20 12:40 PM Vs: 8.44.00 Penzance Town Council Page 19 of 28 Paid Expenditure Transactions between 01/01/20 and 31/03/20 Start of year 01/04/19 Cheque Paid date Tn no Order Gross Vat Net Cttee Details Heading 720356 11/03/20 8327 £1,080.00 £180.00 £900.00 F&GP Reach Publishing Services Vacancy advert - Finance & Admin & 3080 Ltd Comms Role 28 days Fish 4 Jobs; 1 week social media 720348 11/03/20 8328 £6,000.00 £1,000.00 £5,000.00 F&GP Celebration Pyrotechnics Golowan Festival Firework Display - 26.06.20 3110

720351 11/03/20 8332 £583.44 £97.24 £486.20 ITEC Connect Ltd Various IT Support - Monthly payment for 3005/15 March 720348 11/03/20 8348 -£6,000.00 -£1,000.00 -£5,000.00 F&GP Celebration Pyrotechnics Contra (part payment) for tn 8328, Golowan 3110 Festival Firework Display - 26.06.20

720348 11/03/20 8349 £900.00 £150.00 £750.00 F&GP Celebration Pyrotechnics Part payment , tn 8328 - Deposit payment, 3110 Golowan Festival Firework Display - 26.06.20

720232 12/03/20 8370 -£4,680.00 -£780.00 -£3,900.00 F&GP Target The Digital Agency Ltd Contra 8065, cheque returned by supplier 3010 Website Design - Payment 1 of 3 BACS 12/03/20 8371 £4,680.00 £780.00 £3,900.00 F&GP Target The Digital Agency Ltd Contra 8065, BACS Payment to replace 3010 12.03.20 TTDA cheque Website Design - Payment 1 of 3 Credit note 12/03/20 8375 £6.99 £1.16 £5.83 L&A Trade UK Account Bolle Slam Safety Spec 1015/7 received Credit note 12/03/20 8376 -£6.99 -£1.16 -£5.83 L&A Trade UK Account Bolle Slam Safety Spec 1015/7 DDM TGP 12/03/20 8380 £1,151.42 £191.90 £959.52 PEN Total Gas & Power Duplicate Wating on Credit 3004 2812 03 - 2082 12.03.20 Penlee House - 31.12.19-31.0120 13/03/20 7805 -£488.70 -£81.45 -£407.25 PEN Trend Control Systems Ltd Service Contract - 15.7 - 14.10 paid twice in 2100/2 error BACS 13/03/20 8334 £247.50 £0.00 £247.50 L&A Waves Café Bar Jan - March 2020 Community Toilet Scheme 1070 13.03.20 BACS 13/03/20 8335 £360.00 £0.00 £360.00 L&A The Dolphin Tavern 4th quarter Community Toilet scheme 1070 13.03.20 Dolphi payment

BACS 13/03/20 8342 £154.68 £25.78 £128.90 L&A The Green Waste Company Green Waste 1015/1 13.03.20 TGWC BACS 13/03/20 8343 £374.76 £62.46 £312.30 L&A GSD Security Limited Park Security - February 20 1020 13.03.20 GSD BACS 13/03/20 8345 £317.40 £52.90 £264.50 L&A Cormac Solutions Ltd Call out to look at wherrytown ladies hand 1165/8/1 13.03.20 dryer on the wallgate. Cormac To look at gents wallgate as its tripping the electric. BACS 13/03/20 8346 £176.39 £29.40 £146.99 L&A Cormac Solutions Ltd Call out to look at wallgate which is tripping 1165/4/1 13.03.20 the power in gents at Penalverne toilets Cormac

10/06/20 12:40 PM Vs: 8.44.00 Penzance Town Council Page 20 of 28 Paid Expenditure Transactions between 01/01/20 and 31/03/20 Start of year 01/04/19 Cheque Paid date Tn no Order Gross Vat Net Cttee Details Heading BACS 13/03/20 8347 £247.50 £0.00 £247.50 L&A Impresso Espresso Ltd Community Toilet Scheme 4th Quarter 1070 13.03.20 Impres

BACS 13/03/20 8352 £25.50 £0.00 £25.50 L&A Cornwall Council Skateboard Park, Wherrytown for the quarter 1111/1 13.03.20 CC from 04/03/20 720363 13/03/20 8373 £1,440.00 £0.00 £1,440.00 L&A Longboat Inn Community Toilet Scheme - 2019/2020 1070 Period BACS 13/03/20 8374 PZ2946L&A £377.92 £62.99 £314.93 RGB Builders Quote for Polytunnel flooring and sides. 1015/1 13.03.20 RGB 105143 Wayne BACS 13/03/20 8377 PZ2945L&A £396.78 £41.11 £355.67 Trade UK Account 1040 13.03.20 TU DD 16.03.20 16/03/20 8164 £139.20 £23.20 £116.00 F&GP Sage Sage Payroll Licence 3005/12 DD 150320 BT 16/03/20 8323 £393.97 £65.66 £328.31 PEN B. T. WW 2856 1575 - 01736 363625 2021 DDM 16.03.20 16/03/20 8324 £33.00 £5.50 £27.50 PEN B. T. WW 3453 3430 - Penlee House - 2021 BT CC TC 23.03.20 16/03/20 8366 £34.56 £5.76 £28.80 F&GP Kova Manufacturing Ltd 20 x Black Armbands S/M - Duplicate 3060 awaiting credit 20 Black Armbands L/XL contra return 16/03/20 8391 -£34.56 -£5.76 -£28.80 F&GP Kova Manufacturing Ltd 20 x Black Armbands S/M - Duplicate return 3060 cheque cheque 20 Black Armbands L/XL DD 190320 BT 19/03/20 8388 £103.49 £17.25 £86.24 PEN B. T. WW 2981 7962 - 01736 331611 2021 DDM 20.03.20 20/03/20 8336 £41.62 £1.98 £39.64 L&A British Gas 602319010 - South Pier -02.12.19 - 1165/6/3 BG 01.03.20 DDM 200320 20/03/20 8337 £144.21 £24.04 £120.17 L&A British Gas 6029 34213 01.12.19 - 29.02.20 1165/8/3 BG DDM 20.03.20 20/03/20 8338 £511.16 £24.34 £486.82 L&A British Gas 602319085 Princess May 01.01.20 - 1165/5/3 BG 01.03.20 DDM 200320 20/03/20 8339 £57.54 £2.74 £54.80 L&A British Gas 602319082 Penalverne Toilets 12.12.19 - 1165/4/3 BG 01.03.20 DDM 200320 20/03/20 8340 £88.78 £4.23 £84.55 L&A British Gas 6023 19103 Alexandra Road - 01.01.20 - 1165/3/3 BG 01.03.20 cheque returmed 20/03/20 8422 -£70.00 £0.00 -£70.00 Carmichael Publishers Contra 8311, 2020 Diary SOR 2045

Cancellation 23/03/20 7756 £370.00 £0.00 £370.00 F&GP Elastic Lounge Ltd Remainder - Hire of Licence to Swing' for VE 3060 Day 75 on 8 May 2020 BACS GSD 23/03/20 8142 £33.00 £5.50 £27.50 F&GP GSD Security Limited Callout charge for intruder alarm 3035/6 BACS PB 23/03/20 8194 -£238.31 £0.00 -£238.31 F&GP Pitney Bowes Credit due to double payment 3005/6 BACS PB 23/03/20 8195 £123.67 £0.00 £123.67 F&GP Pitney Bowes Postage for franking machine 3005/6

10/06/20 12:40 PM Vs: 8.44.00 Penzance Town Council Page 21 of 28 Paid Expenditure Transactions between 01/01/20 and 31/03/20 Start of year 01/04/19 Cheque Paid date Tn no Order Gross Vat Net Cttee Details Heading BACS DL 23/03/20 8284 £1,453.20 £242.20 £1,211.00 De Lage Landen Leasing Ltd 953 4 0491943 - Lease of Photocopiers 01- 2030 04-20 - 01-07-20 DDM Biffa 23/03/20 8321 £277.46 £46.24 £231.22 PEN Biffa Waste Services Ltd Waste Collection Café Bib 25/01/20 - 2100/6 22.03.20 21/02/20 DDM Biffa 23/03/20 8322 £318.23 £53.04 £265.19 PEN Biffa Waste Services Ltd Waste Collection - 25/01/20-21/02/20 2100/6 22/03/20 BACS HS 23/03/20 8344 £29.99 £5.00 £24.99 L&A Hire Station - Formerly Replacement handle for FS46C 1015/3 Brandon Hire Cancelled 23/03/20 8350 £5,100.00 £850.00 £4,250.00 F&GP Celebration Pyrotechnics Balance due, tn 8328 - Golowan Festival 3110 Firework Display - 26.06.20 BACS PB 23/03/20 8351 £416.00 £0.00 £416.00 F&GP Pitney Bowes Postage for franking machine 3005/6 CC TC 23.03.20 23/03/20 8353 £46.00 £7.67 £38.33 L&A Morrisons Supermarket Fuel for vehicles/equipment 1015/2

CC TC 23.03.20 23/03/20 8354 £45.00 £7.50 £37.50 L&A Morrisons Supermarket Fuel for vehicles/equipment 1015/2

CC TC 23.03.20 23/03/20 8355 £7.98 £0.00 £7.98 F&GP Amazon Book for Mayor for World Book Day 3050

CC TC 23.03.20 23/03/20 8356 £11.20 £1.87 £9.33 L&A Amazon 2 X Hard and Fast Metal Epoxy Putty 50g 1165/7/1

CC TC 23.03.20 23/03/20 8357 £28.48 £0.00 £28.48 PEN Canadian Museum of History Image licencing for Laura Knight publication 2055

CC TC 23.03.20 23/03/20 8358 £42.00 £7.00 £35.00 PEN Science Society Picture Library Image licencing for Laura Knight exhibition 2055

CC TC 23.03.20 23/03/20 8359 £86.68 £0.00 £86.68 PEN The National Gallery of Canada Image licencing for Laura Knight publication 2055

CC TC 23.03.20 23/03/20 8360 £66.00 £11.00 £55.00 PEN Dept For Digital, Culture, Image Licencing for Laura Knight publication 2055 Media & Sport CC TC 23.03.20 23/03/20 8361 £67.85 £11.31 £56.54 F&GP Amazon Desktop Memory for Mayor 3050

CC TC 23.03.20 23/03/20 8362 £264.90 £0.00 £264.90 F&GP The Trainline.Com Train ticket to Coventry & Return for 3020 AdvantEdge training CC TC 23.03.20 23/03/20 8363 -£253.40 £0.00 -£253.40 F&GP The Trainline.Com Refund Train ticket to Coventry & Return for 3020 AdvantEdge training CC TC 23.03.20 23/03/20 8364 PZ2924PH £34.00 £5.67 £28.33 Musgrove Willows Cut craft willow 5kg (NPO projects) 2140/2

CC TC 23.03.20 23/03/20 8365 PZ2936PH £132.63 £22.10 £110.53 Post Office Ltd. Inks and paper for repro photos for sale 2045

CC TC 23.03.20 23/03/20 8367 £1.69 £0.28 £1.41 F&GP Amazon Stereo jack lead for headphones - duplicate 3005/4 awaiting credit CC TC 23.03.20 23/03/20 8368 £148.60 £0.00 £148.60 F&GP GWR Websales Train tickets for attendance on IOSH training 3020

10/06/20 12:40 PM Vs: 8.44.00 Penzance Town Council Page 22 of 28 Paid Expenditure Transactions between 01/01/20 and 31/03/20 Start of year 01/04/19 Cheque Paid date Tn no Order Gross Vat Net Cttee Details Heading CC TC 23.03.20 23/03/20 8369 PZ2899L&A £15.41 £2.56 £12.85 Suttons Seeds 1015/5

BACS SYMBRO 23/03/20 8378 £1,872.00 £312.00 £1,560.00 L&A Symbro Ltd (Subway) Community Toilet Scheme payment for 1070 2019/2020 BACS TRADE 23/03/20 8381 PZ2963 £97.92 £16.32 £81.60 Trade UK Account Additional sanitiser products for open 1040 UK spaces team BACS YPO 23/03/20 8382 £118.08 £19.68 £98.40 PEN Yorkshire Purchasing Aprons for Arts and Health workshops x 16 2140/2 Organisation BACS YPO 23/03/20 8383 £32.23 £5.37 £26.86 PEN Yorkshire Purchasing A2 Cartridge Paper for Arts & Health 2140/2 Organisation BACS SL 23/03/20 8384 £250.00 £0.00 £250.00 PEN Sarah Lee - BACS Fee for freelance work - development of 2140/2 audio descriptions x 10 hrs (NPO projects) BACS AE LTD 23/03/20 8385 £312.00 £52.00 £260.00 PEN Allium Environmental Ltd Asbestos survey Penlee House 2100/2 BACS SL 23/03/20 8386 £600.00 £0.00 £600.00 PEN Sarah Lee - BACS Fee for 4 days freelance work - development 2100/1 of costume interactive for gallery (NPO projects) DD 210320 BT 23/03/20 8387 £155.28 £25.88 £129.40 PEN B. T. WW 2996 9750 - 01736 361312 2021 DD 210320 BT 23/03/20 8389 £103.08 £17.18 £85.90 PEN B. T. WW 2981 7938 - 01736 332752 2021 BACS CC1 23/03/20 8390 £500.00 £0.00 £500.00 F&GP Cornwall Council ILM Level 3 Award in Coaching - Anna Renton 3015/1

BACS RGB 23/03/20 8392 PZ2969L&A £41.60 £6.93 £34.67 RGB Builders 1015/5 BACS NR 23/03/20 8393 PZ2930L&A £1,191.00 £198.50 £992.50 Nigel Rafferty Groundcare - 1015/3 BACS BACS NR 23/03/20 8394 PZ2931L&A £2,181.00 £363.50 £1,817.50 Nigel Rafferty Groundcare - Various Items as per Quote 1240 BACS BACS CC 23/03/20 8398 £87.74 £0.00 £87.74 F&GP Cornwall Council BID LEVY - Penlee House Car Park 3045 01.04.20 - 31.05.20 BACS CC 23/03/20 8399 £159.60 £0.00 £159.60 F&GP Cornwall Council BID LEVY - Penlee House Car Park 3045 01.04.20 - 31.05.20 BACS CC 23/03/20 8400 £26.41 £0.00 £26.41 F&GP Cornwall Council BID LEVY - Penlee House Car Park 3045 01.04.20 - 31.05.20 BACS CC 23/03/20 8401 £32.09 £0.00 £32.09 F&GP Cornwall Council BID LEVY - Penlee House Car Park 3045 01.04.20 - 31.05.20 BACS SWC 23/03/20 8402 £2,754.60 £459.10 £2,295.50 South West Councils HR consultancy and recommendations to 3150 council. BACS HI-TEC 23/03/20 8404 £6,713.40 £1,118.90 £5,594.50 L&A Hi-Tec Washrooms Solutions Replacement Activity for the Payment entry 1165/7/1 Ltd systems at the TIC Public Toilets - Final 50% of total paid BACS TRADE 23/03/20 8405 -£6.82 -£1.14 -£5.68 L&A Trade UK Account Cashback for February including 1015/7 UK adjustments

10/06/20 12:40 PM Vs: 8.44.00 Penzance Town Council Page 23 of 28 Paid Expenditure Transactions between 01/01/20 and 31/03/20 Start of year 01/04/19 Cheque Paid date Tn no Order Gross Vat Net Cttee Details Heading 720353 23/03/20 8409 £18.00 £3.00 £15.00 PEN London Transport Museum Images for Laura Knight publication 2055 (Trading) Limited Cancellation 23/03/20 8441 -£370.00 £0.00 -£370.00 F&GP Elastic Lounge Ltd Canx - Remainder - Hire of Licence to 3060 Swing' for VE Day 75 on 8 May 2020 Cancellation 23/03/20 8442 -£5,100.00 -£850.00 -£4,250.00 F&GP Celebration Pyrotechnics Canx - Balance due, tn 8328 - Golowan 3110 Festival Firework Display - 26.06.20 DDM Biffa 23/03/20 8464 -£565.27 -£94.21 -£471.06 PEN Biffa Waste Services Ltd Waste Collection - credit for double payment 2100/6 22/03/20 DD 24.03.20 EE 24/03/20 8397 £156.60 £26.10 £130.50 L&A EE Mobile Phones Plan Charges - 15.02.20 - 14.03.20 1040

DDR PB 25/03/20 8480 £301.36 £0.00 £301.36 F&GP Pitney Bowes Postage for franking machine 3005/6 25.03.20 BACS Duchy 26/03/20 8403 £21.60 £3.60 £18.00 F&GP Duchy Cleaners Cleaning external windows and frames 3035/2 02.03.20 BACS THStudio 26/03/20 8406 £4,548.00 £758.00 £3,790.00 PEN TH Studio Development of Core Wordpress Website 2110

BACS A 26/03/20 8407 £500.00 £0.00 £500.00 PEN Alice Strickland Invoice for essay for Laura Knight publication 2055 Strickland BACS Headland 26/03/20 8408 £382.80 £63.80 £319.00 PEN Headland Printers Ltd Posters and invites for Newlyn School 2055 Interiors exhibition BACS T Wilcox 26/03/20 8410 £500.00 £0.00 £500.00 PEN Timoth Wilcox Invoice for essay for Laura Knight publication 2055

BACS The 26/03/20 8411 £304.32 £50.72 £253.60 PEN The Orangery Invigilators Drinks 2060 Orangery BACS Gillian 26/03/20 8413 £81.25 £0.00 £81.25 Gillian Cooper Cards 2045 Cooper BACS PW 26/03/20 8414 £120.00 £20.00 £100.00 PEN PW Media & Publishing My Cornwall display advert feb/mar issue 2055 Media 2020 art listings BACS S 26/03/20 8418 PZ2962PH £120.00 £0.00 £120.00 Steven Cousins Tony Sheils book 2045 Cousins BACS HJ 26/03/20 8419 PZ2943PH £186.20 £0.00 £186.20 Redrawing History Books 2045 Gibson - BACS 26/03/20 8420 £568.79 £94.80 £473.99 F&GP Concorde Group Recruitment Temp cover for Finance & Admin Officer role 3000 Concorde BACS Loomis 26/03/20 8421 £322.45 £53.74 £268.71 Loomis UK Cash Collection - For April 2020 2120 BACS C 26/03/20 8423 £70.00 £0.00 £70.00 Carmichael Publishers 2020 Diary SOR (reraised due to returned 2045 Vermatt cheque) BACS Duchy 26/03/20 8425 £163.20 £27.20 £136.00 F&GP Duchy Cleaners Cleaning the Town Clerks Office - 4 weeks 3035/2 upto and inc the above date BACS CC 26/03/20 8426 £9,542.58 £0.00 £9,542.58 Cornwall Pension Fund March 2020 Pension Contributions 3000 Pension

10/06/20 12:40 PM Vs: 8.44.00 Penzance Town Council Page 24 of 28 Paid Expenditure Transactions between 01/01/20 and 31/03/20 Start of year 01/04/19 Cheque Paid date Tn no Order Gross Vat Net Cttee Details Heading BACS CC 26/03/20 8427 £1,125.00 £0.00 £1,125.00 Cornwall Pension Fund March pension deficit contribution 3000 Pension BACS HMRC 26/03/20 8428 £9,661.00 £0.00 £9,661.00 H.M. Revenue & Customs March 20 payment 3000 BACS 26/03/20 8429 £653.26 £108.88 £544.38 F&GP Concorde Group Recruitment Temp cover for Finance & Admin Officer role 3000 Concorde BACS RGB 26/03/20 8430 PZ2984L&A £10.37 £1.73 £8.64 RGB Builders 1040 BACS Trade UK 26/03/20 8431 £25.98 £4.33 £21.65 L&A Trade UK Account Browguard with Ear Defenders Yellow 1040 (43393) x2 @ £10.83 each BACS JDS 26/03/20 8438 £1,978.64 £329.77 £1,648.87 L&A JDS Properties & Repairs and Refurbishment of The Gatehouse 1210 Developments Ltd BACS Crystal 26/03/20 8439 £8,440.00 £1,406.67 £7,033.33 L&A Crystal Clear Cleaning General Cleaning Services to Public Toilets 1165/2 BACS Crystal 26/03/20 8440 £515.80 £85.97 £429.83 L&A Crystal Clear Cleaning Supply of sharps and sanitary services 1165/1 01/02-29/02/20 BACS CBS 26/03/20 8443 £15.73 £2.62 £13.11 F&GP Complete Business Solutions Toilet Tissue (pk of 18) 3005/4 BACS Hearing 26/03/20 8444 £155.30 £0.00 £155.30 PEN Hearing Loss Cornwall BSL interpreter (NPO projects) 2140/2 Loss BACS M 26/03/20 8445 £611.47 £0.00 £611.47 PEN Melanie Young - BACS Fee for Arts and Health workshops x 5 plus 2140/2 Young evaluation report (NPO projects) BACS T KING 26/03/20 8446 £300.00 £0.00 £300.00 PEN Tricia Kings Ltd Fee for development work with care settings 2140/3 (NPO projects) BACS CEF 26/03/20 8448 £1.87 £0.31 £1.56 L&A City Electrical Factors 2x Osram ST151B 4 - 20W Fluorescent 1165/3/1 Tube Starter @£0.79 each BAVS Beta 26/03/20 8449 £84.00 £14.00 £70.00 L&A Be-ta-pest Site visit to Allotment 20 at Crankan for pest 1045/4/3 control of rats. BACS 26/03/20 8450 £1,292.80 £0.00 £1,292.80 PEN Meridith Towne: Costume Costume for gallery interactive 2100/1 Meredith Historian and Dressmaker BACS Sarah 26/03/20 8451 £1,050.00 £0.00 £1,050.00 PEN Sarah Lee - BACS Fee for 7 days freelance work - learning 2140/2 Lee support (Culture Card funding) BACS A 26/03/20 8452 PZ2985PH £207.00 £0.00 £207.00 A E H Bedford - BACS Greetings cards and postcards 2045 Bedford BACS 26/03/20 8453 £2,924.40 £487.40 £2,437.00 PEN Art Works Exhibition Services Transport for Newlyn School Interiors 2055 Artworks Ltd exhibition BACS 26/03/20 8454 £156.00 £26.00 £130.00 PEN Bridgeman Art Library Two further images for Laura Knight 2055 Bridgeman publication (Manchester and Wolverhampton) BACS Rentokil 26/03/20 8455 £60.56 £10.09 £50.47 PEN Initial Washroom Hygiene sanitary/medical waste collection - 01/01/20- 2100/5 31/03/20 BACS Duchy 26/03/20 8456 £742.79 £123.80 £618.99 PEN Duchy Cleaners Cleaning Penlee House daily 2100/4 BACS E 26/03/20 8457 £500.00 £0.00 £500.00 PEN E. Knowles Author's fee for Laura Knight publication 2055 knowles

10/06/20 12:41 PM Vs: 8.44.00 Penzance Town Council Page 25 of 28 Paid Expenditure Transactions between 01/01/20 and 31/03/20 Start of year 01/04/19 Cheque Paid date Tn no Order Gross Vat Net Cttee Details Heading BACS Mount 26/03/20 8458 £9.60 £1.60 £8.00 PEN Anytime Hire Taxi for Arts and Health participants for NAG 2140/2 Lidden trip (NPO projects) S Webster 26/03/20 8459 £100.00 £0.00 £100.00 PEN Susanna Webster Fee for delivery of 2 x care settings 2140/3 workshops (NPO projects) BACS S 26/03/20 8460 £300.00 £0.00 £300.00 PEN Susanna Webster Fee for development work for care setting 2140/3 Webster tours (NPO projects) Whole again 26/03/20 8461 £1,500.00 £0.00 £1,500.00 F&GP Whole Again Communities Grant as agreed under delegated powers in 3105/1 CIC response to Covid19 support requests St Petrocs 26/03/20 8462 £1,000.00 £0.00 £1,000.00 F&GP The Saint Petrocs Society SAF Grant as agreed under delegated 3105/1 powers to support Covid19 response BACS Growing 26/03/20 8463 £750.00 £0.00 £750.00 F&GP Growing Links Grant agreed under delegated powers to 3105/1 support Covid19 activity BACS Nalc 27/03/20 8224 £102.00 £17.00 £85.00 F&GP NALC NALC - Biggleswade Town Council - Study 3015/1 Visit payflow 27/03/20 8424 £32,936.69 £0.00 £32,936.69 Payflow - Employees Salaries Payroll March 2020 3000 270320 bacs pengarth 27/03/20 8467 £1,000.00 £0.00 £1,000.00 F&GP Pengarth Day Centre - BACS SAF grant as agreed 26.03.2020 3105/1 BACS MJ Rowe 30/03/20 6476 £1,080.00 £0.00 £1,080.00 L&A Red Lion Community toilet scheme payment 2018/19 1070 ACCRUAL BACS SWW 30/03/20 8395 £2,425.51 £0.00 £2,425.51 L&A South West Water Business 1006 3916 01 - Car Park, Penlee Park - 1060/3 01.04.20 - 31.03.21 BACS SWW B 30/03/20 8437 £138.88 £0.00 £138.88 L&A South West Water Bus - 3293 Tourist Information Centre - 10.12.19 - 1165/7/4 1304 01 9.03.20 Estimate BACS Edger 30/03/20 8465 £777.60 £129.60 £648.00 F&GP Edge IT Systems Ltd Finance System Training 3015/1 BACS Wesley 30/03/20 8466 £60.00 £0.00 £60.00 F&GP Wesley Methodist Church Room Hire for Council meeting - 08/03/2020 3055

BACS Sid Reed 30/03/20 8468 £125.00 £0.00 £125.00 F&GP Sidney Reed Honorarium for 19/20 Civic Events 3065

BACS M 30/03/20 8469 £150.00 £0.00 £150.00 F&GP Mike Arnold Honorarium for Civic Events 19/20 3065 Arnold BACS P 30/03/20 8470 £125.00 £0.00 £125.00 F&GP Philip Northcott Honorarium for Civic Events 19/20 3065 Northcott BACS CBS 30/03/20 8471 PZ2998PH £41.40 £6.90 £34.50 Complete Business Solutions Stationery , as detailed 2035 BACS The 30/03/20 8481 £390.00 £0.00 £390.00 L&A The Lugger Inn Community Toilet Scheme -4th Quarter 1070 Lugger BACS The 30/03/20 8482 £390.00 £0.00 £390.00 L&A The Lugger Inn Community Toilet Scheme - 3rd Quarter 1070 Lugger BACS SWW 30/03/20 8493 -£2,425.51 £0.00 -£2,425.51 L&A South West Water Business Contra (part payment) for tn 8395, 1006 1060/3 3916 01 - Car Park, Penlee Park - 01.04.20 - 31.03.21

10/06/20 12:41 PM Vs: 8.44.00 Penzance Town Council Page 26 of 28 Paid Expenditure Transactions between 01/01/20 and 31/03/20 Start of year 01/04/19 Cheque Paid date Tn no Order Gross Vat Net Cttee Details Heading BACS SWW 30/03/20 8494 £1,212.75 £0.00 £1,212.75 L&A South West Water Business Part payment , tn 8395 - 2 stage payments, 1060/3 1006 3916 01 - Car Park, Penlee Park - 01.04.20 - 31.03.2 Amazon BACS 31/03/20 8312 £82.90 £13.80 £69.10 PEN Amazon Crompton 2D white light bulb 2100/2 Amazon BACS 31/03/20 8313 £19.68 £3.28 £16.40 PEN Amazon LED Light Bulbs Warm White 2100/2 Amazon BACS 31/03/20 8314 £9.17 £0.00 £9.17 PEN Amazon Tablet Tripod Mount Adapter 2140/3 Amazon BACS 31/03/20 8412 £574.00 £95.67 £478.33 PEN Amazon Smartphone for digital engagement projects 2110 Amazon BACS 31/03/20 8415 £14.99 £2.50 £12.49 PEN Amazon Sleeve for smartphone 2110 Amazon BACS 31/03/20 8416 £14.99 £2.50 £12.49 PEN Amazon Wireless charger for digital engagement 2110 Amazon BACS 31/03/20 8417 £11.99 £2.00 £9.99 PEN Amazon Quick Charge Charger - digital engagement 2110 Amazon BACS 31/03/20 8447 PZ2932PH £18.48 £3.09 £15.39 Amazon Digital equipment for NPO projects 2140/3 Amazon BACS 31/03/20 8476 PZ2992PH £21.85 £3.64 £18.21 Amazon Materials for educational activities 2140/1 Amazon BACS 31/03/20 8477 £54.16 £0.00 £54.16 PEN Amazon Back up Hard Drive 2100/3 BACS Newlyn 31/03/20 8485 £328.47 £0.00 £328.47 L&A Newlyn Art Gallery Community Toilet Scheme - Gallery & 1070 Exchange to Jan-Mar 20 BACS Crystal 31/03/20 8487 £515.80 £85.97 £429.83 L&A Crystal Clear Cleaning Supply of sharps and sanitary services 1165/1 1 01/03/20-31/03/20 BACS Crystal 31/03/20 8488 £8,440.00 £1,406.67 £7,033.33 L&A Crystal Clear Cleaning General Cleaning Services to Public Toilets 1165/2 Amazon BACS 31/03/20 8496 £29.99 £5.00 £24.99 PEN Amazon Replacement Penlee House emergency 2100/3 phone (screen broken) BACS CC 31/03/20 8497 £18,000.00 £3,000.00 £15,000.00 F&GP Cornwall Council Half costs of the ASB Caseworker Post for 3205 2019/2020 BACS SWWB 31/03/20 8501 £46.55 £0.00 £46.55 L&A South West Water Bus - 1012 Water supply 13/09/19-19/03/20 1015/4 1012 7870 01 BACS SWWB 31/03/20 8502 £7.60 £0.00 £7.60 L&A South West Water Bus - 3293 Tourist Information Centre - 9.03.20 - 19.03.20 1165/7/4 3293 1304 01 BAVS SWW 31/03/20 8503 £61.18 £0.00 £61.18 L&A South West Water Bus - 5026 Alexandra Road - 06.02.20-05.03.20 1165/3/4 5026 3890 01 BACS SWWB 31/03/20 8504 £133.18 £0.00 £133.18 PEN South West Water Bus - 2676 Coach House - 21.12.19-19.03.20 2090/3 2676 6002 01 BACS SWWB 31/03/20 8505 £224.73 £0.00 £224.73 F&GP South West Water Bus - 3320 Penlee Centre - 10.12.19-19.03.20 3005/14 3320 9632 01 BACS SWWB 31/03/20 8506 £325.05 £0.00 £325.05 PEN South West Water Bus - 1011 Penlee House Museum - 10-12.19-24.03.20 2085 1011 5067 01 BACS FFF 31/03/20 8507 £1,000.00 £0.00 £1,000.00 F&GP Food For Families Penzance Grant agreed under delagated powers 3105/1 CIC F&GP SAF fund

10/06/20 12:41 PM Vs: 8.44.00 Penzance Town Council Page 27 of 28 Paid Expenditure Transactions between 01/01/20 and 31/03/20 Start of year 01/04/19 Cheque Paid date Tn no Order Gross Vat Net Cttee Details Heading BACS Glasden 31/03/20 8508 £810.11 £135.02 £675.09 L&A Glasdon UK Nexus® City 240 General Waste Unit 1111/3 Supplied with Black body, 240litre Wheeled bin, Large Open Black aperture, Top standard DEFRA Graphic for General waste, Front door non-standard DEFRA Graphic for General waste (Wherrytown) and concrete in anchor fixing kit. As per the quote EQ70027976 BACS RGB 31/03/20 8509 PZ2947L&A £184.79 £30.80 £153.99 RGB Builders Quote for new door to paint shed. 109310 1015/1 Wayne BACS A 31/03/20 8523 £392.00 £0.00 £392.00 PEN Arther J. Gallagher Extra insurance from Blackwall Green for 2055 Gallagher Tate loans to Newlyn Interiors exhibition 720365 31/03/20 8526 £66.85 £0.00 £66.85 Petty Cash - Penlee House Petty Cash 25/02/20-31/03/20 2055 720364 31/03/20 8527 £41.55 £0.00 £41.55 Petty Cash - TC Details as below 3060 BACS A Davies 31/03/20 8528 £2,920.00 £0.00 £2,920.00 L&A Ashley Davies Repairs to the extenal and internal area's of 1165/6/1 South Pier toilets Repairs to the extenal and internal area's of South Pier toilets as per the quote sent on the 03.07.19. Correction 31/03/20 8529 -£45.00 £0.00 -£45.00 L&A South West Water Bus - 2049 Crankan Allotments - correction of posting 1045/4/2 31.03.20 8282 01 31/03/20 8530 £1,000.00 £0.00 £1,000.00 L&A Penlee House Re-Charge Community Toilet Scheme 1070 WO719663 31/03/20 8542 £170.07 £5.99 £164.08 Petty Cash - Penlee House Various items - see below 2055 WO719663 31/03/20 8543 -£170.07 -£5.99 -£164.08 Petty Cash - Penlee House Various items - see below 2055

Total £441,191.54 £32,741.99 £408,449.55

10/06/20 12:41 PM Vs: 8.44.00 Penzance Town Council Page 28 of 28

Item 6b(ii)

Bank Reconciliation Summary period 01.01.2020 - 31.03.2020

£ Opening Balance 01.01.2020 £1,978,887.30

Closing Balance 31.03.2020 £1,655,444.91 Less: Uncleared and Unpresented payments £3,596.87

Adjusted Closing Balance £1,651,848.04

Uncleared and unpresented effects Date Cheque No. Debit (£) Credit (£) Balance (£) £1,655,444.91 18/01/2020 Aviva Credit BACS 1,009.75 £1,654,435.16 14/02/2020 Cornwall Council 720255 192.50 £1,654,242.66 21/02/2020 CALC 720275 96.00 £1,654,146.66 21/02/2020 Music at St Mary's 720291 350.00 £1,653,796.66 21/02/2020 O'Dell Signs 720295 89.60 £1,653,707.06 21/02/2020 Tate Images 720303 124.42 £1,653,582.64 28/02/2020 Jo Lumber 720324 225.00 £1,653,357.64 04/03/2020 Arrow Lifts 720338 247.20 £1,653,110.44 11/03/2020 Penwith Local History 720355 56.00 £1,653,054.44 11/03/2020 Reach Publishing 720356 1,080.00 £1,651,974.44 23/03/2020 London Transport Museum 720353 18.00 £1,651,956.44 31/03/2020 Petty Cash TC 720364 41.55 £1,651,914.89 31/03/2020 Petty Cash PH 720365 66.85 £1,651,848.04

3,596.87 0.00 Item 6(c)

Financial Budget Comparison 2019 - 2020

Under/ Revised BudgetActual Net Commitments Total Over Budget INCOME Penlee House Committee 200 Council Run Exhibitions Grant Funding £1,000.00 £1,000.00 0 £1,000.00 £0.00 205 Shop £142,840.00 £132,321.41 0 £132,321.41 -£10,518.59 210 Education £20,400.00 £17,762.19 0 £17,762.19 -£2,637.81 215 Agency Fee £49,530.00 £49,526.92 0 £49,526.92 -£3.08 220 Friends Administration £2,690.00 £2,768.38 0 £2,768.38 £78.38 235 The Orangery £30,790.00 £24,339.49 0 £24,339.49 -£6,450.51 245 Cornwall Museums Partnership £27,560.00 £15,935.05 0 £15,935.05 -£11,624.95 250 Commission on Artist Sales £1,640.00 £1,446.86 0 £1,446.86 -£193.14 290 Grants -£270.00 -£271.00 0 -£271.00 -£1.00 295 Community Toilets - L&A Recharge £1,000.00 £1,000.00 0 £1,000.00 £0.00 299 Miscellaneous £520.00 £798.40 0 £798.40 £278.40 Total Penlee House Committee £277,700.00 £246,627.70 £246,627.70 -£31,072.30

Under/ Finance & GPs Committee Revised Actual Net Commitments Total Over Budget 300 Precept £1,389,218.00 £1,389,218.00 £1,389,218.00 £0.00 305 Council Tax Support Grant £89,291.00 £89,296.31 £89,296.31 £5.31 310 Interest £5,206.00 £7,041.03 £7,041.03 £1,835.03 311 National Savings Interest £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 315 Rents £13,690.00 £13,690.00 £13,690.00 £0.00 320 Neighbourhood Plan £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 325 Section 106 Monies £81,530.00 £81,530.33 £81,530.33 £0.33 390 Grants £400.00 £400.00 £400.00 £0.00 395 Penzance Projects £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 399 Miscellaneous £1,194.00 £1,605.24 £1,605.24 £411.24 Total Finance & GPs Committee £1,580,529.00 £1,582,780.91 £1,582,780.91 £2,251.91

Under/ Leisure & Amenities Committee Revised Actual Net Commitments Total Over Budget 100 Penlee House Car Park £109,380.00 £99,122.75 £99,122.75 -£10,257.25 Item 6(c)

105 St Anthony's Gardens Car Park £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 110 Greenmarket Car Park £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 115 Allotment Rents £4,700.00 £4,334.95 £4,334.95 -£365.05 120 Footpath Partnership Agency £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 125 Toilets £2,990.00 £2,184.60 £2,184.60 -£805.40 130 Jubilee Pool £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 131 Misc £150.00 £443.26 £443.26 £293.26 132 Skatepark Income £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 135 Penzance AFC £3,950.00 £4,512.48 £4,512.48 £562.48 140 Grants £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 Total Leisure & Amenities Committee £121,170.00 £110,598.04 £110,598.04 -£10,571.96 £0.00 £0.00 Total Council Income £1,979,399.00 £1,940,006.65 £1,940,006.65 -£39,392.35

EXPENDITURE Under/ Penlee House Committee Revised Actual Net Commitments Total Over Budget 2000 Penlee House Salaries £262,670.00 £255,646.16 £0.00 £255,646.16 -£7,023.84 2005 Central Admin £17,250.00 £17,350.59 £0.00 £17,350.59 £100.59 2010 Staff Travelling £1,990.00 £1,077.52 £0.00 £1,077.52 -£912.48 2015 Recruitment £500.00 £500.00 £0.00 £500.00 £0.00 2018 Training for Grant Funded post £1,000.00 £195.00 £0.00 £195.00 -£805.00 2020 Telephone/Fax £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 2021 Telephone £2,300.00 £3,227.36 £0.00 £3,227.36 £927.36 2022 Broadband £840.00 £817.20 £0.00 £817.20 -£22.80 2025 Postage £790.00 £644.21 £0.00 £644.21 -£145.79 2030 Photocopier £3,710.00 £4,201.36 £0.00 £4,201.36 £491.36 2035 Office Consumables £1,200.00 £824.05 £0.00 £824.05 -£375.95 2036 Petty cash expenditure £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 2040 Educational Development £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 2045 Merchandise for Resale £34,460.00 £32,700.21 £0.00 £32,700.21 -£1,759.79 2050 Advertising £8,380.00 £7,343.30 £0.00 £7,343.30 -£1,036.70 2055 Council Run Exhibitions £38,000.00 £36,768.77 £0.00 £36,768.77 -£1,231.23 2060 Exhibition Invigilation (Refreshments) £3,000.00 £2,633.09 £0.00 £2,633.09 -£366.91 2065 Membership Subscription Fees £980.00 £998.15 £0.00 £998.15 £18.15 2070 Insurance £14,250.00 £14,243.70 £0.00 £14,243.70 -£6.30 2075 Rates - House £31,000.00 £30,996.00 £0.00 £30,996.00 -£4.00 Item 6(c)

2080 Heat and Light £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 2081 Electricity £28,730.00 £25,591.41 £0.00 £25,591.41 -£3,138.59 2082 Gas £9,770.00 £9,638.30 £0.00 £9,638.30 -£131.70 2085 Water Rates £4,150.00 £3,349.12 £0.00 £3,349.12 -£800.88 2090 Coach House £2,270.00 £1,954.36 £0.00 £1,954.36 -£315.64 2095 Museum Exhibits - Maintenance & Conservation £500.00 £115.99 £0.00 £115.99 -£384.01 2100 Museum Fittings £49,310.00 £45,938.60 £0.00 £45,938.60 -£3,371.40 2105 Orangery Equip £3,000.00 £2,157.09 £0.00 £2,157.09 -£842.91 2110 Cornwall Museums Partnership £8,940.00 £5,174.84 £0.00 £5,174.84 -£3,765.16 2115 HLF Bid Writing £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 2116 HLF Resilient Grant - match funding £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 2120 Secure Banking Service £1,570.00 £1,562.38 £0.00 £1,562.38 -£7.62 2140 Educational Development £21,770.00 £15,886.33 £0.00 £15,886.33 -£5,883.67 2141 Educational Development £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 2200 Grant funded projects £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 2800 Capital Projects £19,250.00 £750.00 £0.00 £750.00 -£18,500.00 2995 Funds -£7,000.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £7,000.00 2996 Funds - Capital £1,250.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 -£1,250.00 2999 Miscellaneous £1,000.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 -£1,000.00 Total Penlee House Committee £566,830.00 £522,285.09 £522,285.09 -£44,544.91 £0.00 0 £0.00 0 £0.00 0 Under/ Finance & GPs Committee Revised Actual Net Commitments Total Over Budget 3000 Salaries £165,503.00 £166,193.94 £0.00 £166,193.94 £690.94 3005 Council Office £27,520.00 £25,675.03 £0.00 £25,675.03 -£1,844.97 3010 Website £9,500.00 £4,146.64 £0.00 £4,146.64 -£5,353.36 3012 External Communications £1,000.00 £155.84 £0.00 £155.84 -£844.16 3015 Training £15,921.00 £7,509.14 £0.00 £7,509.14 -£8,411.86 3020 Travelling Allowance £2,193.00 £1,402.15 £0.00 £1,402.15 -£790.85 3026 Health & Safety £9,880.00 £6,812.26 £0.00 £6,812.26 -£3,067.74 3030 Insurance £14,547.00 £15,968.42 £0.00 £15,968.42 £1,421.42 3035 Building Maintenance - Penlee Centre £7,513.00 £7,244.21 £0.00 £7,244.21 -£268.79 3040 Legal Fees £13,400.00 £5,197.33 £0.00 £5,197.33 -£8,202.67 3045 Penzance BID Levy £955.00 £1,260.84 £0.00 £1,260.84 £305.84 3050 Mayor's Allowance £4,800.00 £4,472.31 £0.00 £4,472.31 -£327.69 3052 Councillors Travel Expenses £800.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 -£800.00 Item 6(c)

3055 Accommodation - Mayor's Parlour/Meetings £1,377.00 £967.50 £0.00 £967.50 -£409.50 3060 Official Functions £8,500.00 £5,391.44 £0.00 £5,391.44 -£3,108.56 3065 Official Functions - Honorarium Etc. £675.00 £435.00 £0.00 £435.00 -£240.00 3070 Association Fees £3,908.00 £4,041.14 £0.00 £4,041.14 £133.14 3075 Councillor's Child Care £668.00 £470.50 £0.00 £470.50 -£197.50 3080 Advertising (Employment etc) £2,000.00 £1,623.00 £0.00 £1,623.00 -£377.00 3085 Audit Fee £4,500.00 £4,500.00 £0.00 £4,500.00 £0.00 3095 Bank Commission £2,160.00 £2,675.56 £0.00 £2,675.56 £515.56 3100 Twinning £1,250.00 £1,000.00 £0.00 £1,000.00 -£250.00 3105 Grants £214,930.00 £198,649.00 £0.00 £198,649.00 -£16,281.00 3110 Annual Firework Display £5,000.00 £5,750.00 £0.00 £5,750.00 £750.00 3115 Neighbourhood Plan £18,869.00 £1,084.63 £0.00 £1,084.63 -£17,784.37 3120 Section 106 Monies £105,954.00 £2,315.00 £0.00 £2,315.00 -£103,639.00 3121 Section 106 Administrative Support £725.00 £340.00 £0.00 £340.00 -£385.00 3135 Local Devolution Projects - CC funded £17,527.00 £2,880.00 £0.00 £2,880.00 -£14,647.00 3150 HR Consultancy Services £11,897.00 £5,543.00 £0.00 £5,543.00 -£6,354.00 3160 The Lodge £1,730.00 £700.00 £0.00 £700.00 -£1,030.00 3170 Election Costs £7,559.00 £144.00 £0.00 £144.00 -£7,415.00 3180 Community Engagement £1,000.00 £589.52 £0.00 £589.52 -£410.48 3195 Town Centre Hub £18,030.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 -£18,030.00 3200 Social Issues Support £4,800.00 £4,800.00 £0.00 £4,800.00 £0.00 3205 ASBN Caseworker - 50% Contribution to post £15,000.00 £15,000.00 £0.00 £15,000.00 £0.00 3210 Procurement Support £1,500.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 -£1,500.00 3220 Climate Emergency £30,000.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 -£30,000.00 3225 Youth Activities £2,300.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 -£2,300.00 3800 Golowan £23,350.00 £21,612.81 £0.00 £21,612.81 -£1,737.19 3995 Funds £302,699.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 -£302,699.00 3997 General Contingency £482.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 -£482.00 3999 Miscellaneous £2,000.00 £2,618.95 £0.00 £2,618.95 £618.95 Total Finance & GPs Committee £1,083,922.00 £529,169.16 £529,169.16 -£554,752.84

Under/ Leisure & Amenities Committee Revised Actual Net Commitments Total Over Budget 1000 Facilities Management £43,350.00 £43,273.62 £0.00 £43,273.62 -£76.38 1005 Park Salaries £151,500.00 £149,524.79 £0.00 £149,524.79 -£1,975.21 1010 Central Admin(Support Services) £10,050.00 £10,050.00 £0.00 £10,050.00 £0.00 1015 Penlee Park £38,040.00 £21,682.81 £0.00 £21,682.81 -£16,357.19 1020 Park Security £4,600.00 £3,745.15 £0.00 £3,745.15 -£854.85 Item 6(c)

1025 St Anthony's Gardens & Car Park £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 1030 Open Spaces £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 1035 Open Air Theatre £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 1040 Protective Clothing £3,710.00 £2,177.91 £0.00 £2,177.91 -£1,532.09 1045 Allotments £17,560.00 £4,418.84 £0.00 £4,418.84 -£13,141.16 1050 Footpath Maintenance Contract £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 1055 Weed Control £18,000.00 £18,000.00 £0.00 £18,000.00 £0.00 1060 Penlee House Car Park £25,060.00 £18,180.11 £0.00 £18,180.11 -£6,879.89 1065 Toilets £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 1070 Community Toilets £16,500.00 £12,830.14 £0.00 £12,830.14 -£3,669.86 1071 Community Toilets £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 1075 Jubilee Pool £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 1076 Jubilee Pool - Maintenance £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 1080 C.C.T.V. £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 1085 Flag Projects £15,040.00 £15,041.76 £0.00 £15,041.76 £1.76 1090 Erecting Flags £6,890.00 £6,099.25 £0.00 £6,099.25 -£790.75 1095 Heritage Plaque Scheme £2,000.00 £354.50 £0.00 £354.50 -£1,645.50 1100 Christmas Lighting £23,000.00 £22,989.47 £0.00 £22,989.47 -£10.53 1101 Christmas Lighting £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 1105 Other Amenities Expenditure £1,000.00 £283.95 £0.00 £283.95 -£716.05 1110 Skate Park Project £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 1111 Skate Park £4,090.00 £925.59 £0.00 £925.59 -£3,164.41 1115 War Memorials £4,580.00 £1,020.90 £0.00 £1,020.90 -£3,559.10 1120 Penzance Football Club £40,325.00 £1,484.41 £0.00 £1,484.41 -£38,840.59 1130 Open Spaces £13,160.00 £11,314.50 £0.00 £11,314.50 -£1,845.50 1135 Open Air Theatre £2,000.00 £1,342.66 £0.00 £1,342.66 -£657.34 1165 Toilets £159,910.00 £147,810.18 £0.00 £147,810.18 -£12,099.82 1180 Surveillance & Security £26,400.00 £22,307.19 £0.00 £22,307.19 -£4,092.81 1210 Lodge Refurbishment £1,650.00 £1,648.87 £0.00 £1,648.87 -£1.13 1211 The Lodge - Statutory checks & inspections £1,000.00 £242.58 £0.00 £242.58 -£757.42 1215 Barbican Building - Statutory Inspections £1,000.00 £232.50 £0.00 £232.50 -£767.50 1220 Vehicle Leasing £13,230.00 £12,208.36 £0.00 £12,208.36 -£1,021.64 1230 Machinery Replacement £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 1240 Maintenance & Repair of Vehicles & Machinery £3,500.00 £2,244.90 £0.00 £2,244.90 -£1,255.10 1250 Play Equipment £30,000.00 £26,450.00 £0.00 £26,450.00 -£3,550.00 1260 Secure Banking Service £1,530.00 £1,562.35 £0.00 £1,562.35 £32.35 1270 Devolution - Surveys & Inspections £10,080.00 £10,089.85 £0.00 £10,089.85 £9.85 1280 Tree Surveys £24,040.00 £4,796.50 £0.00 £4,796.50 -£19,243.50 Item 6(c)

1300 Morrab Gardens £20,000.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 -£20,000.00 1310 Alexandra Play Park & Tennis Courts £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 1320 Princess May Recreation Grounds £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 1330 Foxes Lane Play Park £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 1995 Funds £472,071.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 -£472,071.00 1996 Funds - Capital £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 Total Leisure & Amenities Committee £1,204,866.00 £574,333.64 -1204866 0 Total Expenditure £2,250,220.00 £1,625,787.89 £0.00 -£2,250,220.00 Total Income £1,979,399.00 £1,940,006.65 £0.00 -£1,979,399.00 Item 8(a)



Link to Strategic Plan Open & Green Spaces: 1. Environment 6. Develop action plan for legacy open space issues

Recommendation That the Finance and General Purposes Committee recommends to full Council the following virements from reserves to identified expenditure budget lines: 1) £21,048.00 from Car Park Maintenance reserve to budget line 1060/4 Penlee Park Maintenance. 2) £15,000 from Penlee Park Infrastructure Improvements reserve to the active budget line. 3) £17,334 from Allotment Provision Fund to budget line 1045/9/3 4) £17,500 from Boundary Repair/Replacement reserve to budget line 1130/1

Background As part of the 2020 / 2021 budgeting process, significant work was undertaken to ensure that budget lines were established for a significant amount of wall and boundary work required on Penzance Council owned or managed sites. Many of these works are required due to a significant period of time where “patch repair” work has been undertaken where the most prudent and cost-effective approach would have been to carry out more extensive repairs. A number of these areas are now failing with potential implications to people using the areas. It is recommended that Penzance Council acknowledges the extent of the work now required and takes steps to rectify the failing areas as a priority.

Details of the areas of work and budget is identified below:

Penlee Car Park:

Significant cracks and failures are evident in the “middle wall” in Penlee Car Park. This wall supports a significant weight behind it, with car parking spaces directly in front of it. Should this wall fail, it would pose a significant risk to people and vehicles within the car park, not to mention the potential for an impact on the trees and outdoor spaces of the properties behind the wall. A number of options are being finalised, including the construction of a re enforced retaining wall built in front of the existing wall to add additional strength and support. Initial estimates have been received in the region of £22k.

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Item 8(a)

Penlee Park South West Boundary:

The boundary on the South West border of Penlee Park, adjacent to the main drive toward the Trewithen Road Entrance remains the one unwalled border of Penlee Park.

Given the rise in anti-social behaviour in recent years, this boundary is becoming more frequently used as an access point into Penlee Park after the gates have been locked. It is recommended that approximately 170 metres of powder coated fencing is installed along the length of this board from the Gardener’s Compound to Penlee Lodge. The fencing would be installed along the existing tree line between1.5 and 3 metres from the main drive and would be finished in dark green to help it to blend in with the park environment. Installation of this boundary would also enable the development of this border in Penlee Park with early plans for the installations of bench bays, memorial benches and planters possible along the full length of this boundary once it is secured.

Estimated costs for the works have been received in the region of £15k.

Trannack / Mennaye Allotments

Two allotment sites have experienced similar wall failures to those seen last year to the wall at Heamoor Field. There is evidence that some historic repairs have been carried out by Penzance Council to the walls although a number of these repairs have been completed using cement rather than lime mortar. It is on a number of these repairs that the walls have subsequently failed again but now to a greater extent.

Heamoor Field

Following the repair works completed in 2019, a need to establish an earmarked reserve for the rebuilding of the remainder of Heamoor was identified. This was to ensure that Penzance Council would be able to pro-actively carry out the repair work, before further failures required an urgent rectification.

Helen Wilson-Prowse Support Services Manager & Responsible Financial Officer

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Item 8(b)



Link to Strategic Plan or other Town 3.5 Continue to seek funding opportunities to enable Council Policy progress on the redevelopment of the Penlee House site to increase the size and potential of the café, shop, collections store and exhibition space

Recommendation That the Finance and General Purposes Committee recommends to full Council a virement of £1,637.50 from the Penlee House Fab/Plant reserve line 2995/2 to the Penlee House Maintenance budget line 2100/2 to enable the café awning to be recovered.

Background At present The Orangery Café has an awning, which is only a sunshade and cannot be put out when raining, as it cannot take the weight of the rainwater. There are usually 27 covers under the awning area, and a further 16 covers on benches and a table that is not covered by the awning, however, social distancing measures will reduce this number significantly. The timing of reopening following the Coronavirus closure is uncertain at the moment, although will certainly be after 4 July. Café customers will be encouraged to practise social distancing when the café reopens, possibly through a takeaway offer. The awning will undoubtedly be in use at some point during the summer. At a previous Penlee House Committee meeting (27 January 2020) it was resolved that the Director would seek three quotes for the re-covering of the café awning. Three quotes were sought but only two companies replied. The best quote is for £1,965 including VAT (£1,637.50 excluding VAT). This quote represents the best value as well as being the cheapest. The other quote was for £2,983 + VAT and £320 for a site visit.

Helen Wilson-Prowse Support Services Manager & Responsible Financial Officer

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Item 10(a)



The Finance and General Purposes Committee receives and approves the financial papers for the period 1 April to 31 May 2020.


Financial Regulations charge the RFO with presenting reports to Members on a timely basis for a number of different financial areas. To this end, the following papers are attached:

(i) Paid Expenditure Transactions made from 1 April to 31 May 2020 – these papers list all the payments made during the period with all expenditure being authorised by budget holders and payments being approved by authorised signatories.

(ii) Bank Reconciliations for the same period – these papers reconcile the bank statement for our main account to the accounting records, highlighting those payments which remain un-cleared. The reconciliation is verified by councillors as set in Financial Regulations; and

(iii) Financial Comparison of actual expenditure against the 20/21 budget as agreed by Council in December 2019.

Helen Wilson-Prowse Support Services Manager & Responsible Financial Officer

Start of year 01/04/20 Paid Expenditure Transactions between 01/04/20 and 31/05/20

Cheque Paid date Tn no Order Gross Vat Net Cttee Details Heading DDM 01/04/20 8290 £43.39 £0.00 £43.39 F&GP Hewlett Packard Monthly IT Lease Payment - 01.04.20 - 3005/9 01.04.20 HeP 30.04.20 DDM 010420 01/04/20 8486 £854.63 £142.43 £712.20 Lex Autolease Ltd Vehicle Hire 1220 Lex DDM 010420 01/04/20 8582 £1,513.75 £0.00 £1,513.75 L&A Cornwall Council Penlee House Car Park - 8006 15333 1060/2 CC 5333 DDM 010420 01/04/20 8583 £122.00 £0.00 £122.00 L&A Cornwall Council Penalverne Toilets - 8025 56390 1165/4/2 CC 6390 DDM 010420 01/04/20 8584 £88.75 £0.00 £88.75 L&A Cornwall Council South Pier Toilets - 8025 56407 1165/6/2 CC 6407 DDM 010420 01/04/20 8585 £286.10 £0.00 £286.10 L&A Cornwall Council Superloo Toilets (TIC) - 8025 56416 1165/7/2 CC 6416 DDM 010420 01/04/20 8586 £143.45 £0.00 £143.45 L&A Cornwall Council Wherrytown Toilets - 8025 56425 1165/8/2 CC 6425 DDM 010420 01/04/20 8587 £499.00 £0.00 £499.00 F&GP Cornwall Council Penlee Centre - 8025 49433 3005/2 CC 9433 DDM 010420 01/04/20 8588 £96.58 £0.00 £96.58 PEN Cornwall Council Coach House - 8006 82605 2090/2 CC 2605 DDM ECL 01/04/20 8605 £1,301.28 £0.00 £1,301.28 PEN Ecclesiastical Insurance 02/CHG/0162365 2070 01.04.20 DD Prem C 01/04/20 8606 £1,046.38 £0.00 £1,046.38 F&GP Premium Credit Ltd Insurance Renewal - Royal and Sun 3030 010420 Alliance Insurance DDM 010420 01/04/20 8607 £3,147.00 £0.00 £3,147.00 PEN Cornwall Council Penlee House - 8006 22960 2075 CC1 DDM SWW 01/04/20 8608 £35.50 £0.00 £35.50 L&A South West Water Bus - Leskinnick Allotments 1045/7/1 010420 1018 1594 01 DDM SWW 01/04/20 8609 £45.00 £0.00 £45.00 L&A South West Water Bus - Crankan Allotments 1045/4/2 2049 8282 01 DDM SWW 01/04/20 8610 £4.00 £0.00 £4.00 L&A South West Water Bus - Wherrytown Toilets 1165/8/4 3293 3190 01 DDM SWW 01/04/20 8611 £28.00 £0.00 £28.00 L&A South West Water Bus - Lescudjack Allotments 1045/6/1 010420 1018 1478 01 DDM SWW 01/04/20 8612 £54.50 £0.00 £54.50 L&A South West Water Bus - Trannack Allotments 1045/11/2 010420 1018 1567 01 DDM 060420 06/04/20 8483 £210.04 £0.00 £210.04 F&GP Barclays Bank PLC Bank Charges - 13/02/20 - 12/03/20 3095 BB 06/04/20 8630 £19.36 £0.00 £19.36 L&A Castle Water - Gardeners Hut water supply monthly direct 1015/4 TW0000348217 debit DD BG 07/04/20 8432 £87.42 £4.16 £83.26 L&A British Gas 602319085 Princess May 02.03.20 - 1165/5/3 602319085 19.03.20

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Cheque Paid date Tn no Order Gross Vat Net Cttee Details Heading DD BG 6029 07/04/20 8433 £14.72 £0.70 £14.02 L&A British Gas 6029 34213 01.03.20 - 19.03.20 1165/8/3 34213 DD BG 07/04/20 8434 £7.32 £0.34 £6.98 L&A British Gas 602319010 - South Pier -02.03.20 - 1165/6/3 602319010 19.03.20 DD BG 07/04/20 8435 £9.24 £0.44 £8.80 L&A British Gas 602319082 Penalverne Toilets 02.03.20 - 1165/4/3 602319082 19.03.20 DD BG 6029 07/04/20 8436 £1,388.77 £231.46 £1,157.31 F&GP British Gas 6029 20290 - Penlee Centre - electricity 3005/13 20290 04.12.19-19.03.20 BACS 08/04/20 8551 £1,000.00 £0.00 £1,000.00 F&GP Solomon Browne Hall Social Action Fund Emergency Grant 3105/1 08.04.20 Association Covid 19 agreed through delegated powers SBMH BACS 08/04/20 8559 £3,000.00 £500.00 £2,500.00 L&A Cornwall Council Car Parking Order 1060/4 Golowan BACS WCWA 09/04/20 8554 £1,000.00 £0.00 £1,000.00 F&GP West Cornwall Womens Aid Social Action Fund Emergency Grant 3105/1 080420 Covid 19 BACS Fish M 09/04/20 8555 £1,000.00 £0.00 £1,000.00 F&GP The Fisherman's Mission Social Action Fund Emergency Grant 3105/1 080420 Covid 19 DDM 100420 14/04/20 8548 £2.88 £0.00 £2.88 F&GP Barclaycard Commercial PDQ Charges March 2020 PC 3005/11 BC PDQ DDM 10.03.20 14/04/20 8558 £78.57 £7.00 £71.57 Barclaycard Commercial Charges for PDQ 2005 BC PH DDM 150420 15/04/20 8500 £73.67 £3.50 £70.17 F&GP British Gas 6029 20372 - Golowan - 17.12.19- 19.03.20 3800/5 BG DD 16.04.20 16/04/20 8596 £139.20 £23.20 £116.00 F&GP Sage Sage Payroll Licence April 2020 3005/12 Sage DDM 16.04.20 16/04/20 8601 £35.04 £5.84 £29.20 PEN B. T. WW 3453 3430 - Penlee House - 2021 BT BACS CBA 17/04/20 8568 £750.00 £0.00 £750.00 F&GP ISight Cornwall Grant as approved by F&GP delegated 3105/1 170420 power BACS MV 21/04/20 8511 PZ3002L&A £45.52 £7.59 £37.93 Mole Valley Farmers 1015/5 210420 BACS MV 21/04/20 8512 PZ2995L&A £35.40 £5.90 £29.50 Mole Valley Farmers 1015/1 210420 BACS Allium 21/04/20 8518 £204.00 £34.00 £170.00 L&A Allium Environmental Ltd Quote LQ20-0256 1120/1 21.04.20 Re inspection survey of Football Clun and Penlee Cenre BACS CBS 21/04/20 8531 PZ2937TC £108.98 £15.07 £93.91 Complete Business Solutions 3005/4 210420 BACS CBS 21/04/20 8532 £14.39 £2.40 £11.99 F&GP Complete Business Solutions White Window Envelopes for Penlee 3005/4 210420 Centre office BACS CBS 21/04/20 8533 £29.82 £4.97 £24.85 F&GP Complete Business Solutions Copier Paper for Penlee Centre office 3005/4 210420

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Cheque Paid date Tn no Order Gross Vat Net Cttee Details Heading BACS 21/04/20 8534 £425.38 £70.90 £354.48 F&GP Concorde Group Recruitment Temp cover for Finance & Admin Officer 3000 Concorde role 210420 BACS CBS 21/04/20 8535 PZ2917PH £43.14 £7.19 £35.95 Complete Business Solutions Cleaning supplies, as detailed 2100/5 210420 BACS CBS 21/04/20 8536 £36.67 £6.11 £30.56 F&GP Complete Business Solutions Invoice approval stamp for Penlee Centre 3005/4 210420 BACS CBS 21/04/20 8537 PZ2867PH £39.76 £6.63 £33.13 Complete Business Solutions New fire door signs 2100/2 210420 BACS CBS 21/04/20 8538 PZ2949PH £21.28 £3.55 £17.73 Complete Business Solutions Cleaning supplies, as detailed 2100/5 210420 BACS GSD 21/04/20 8539 £395.28 £65.88 £329.40 L&A GSD Security Limited Park Security - March 20 1020 210420 BACS SUEZ 21/04/20 8545 £40.38 £6.73 £33.65 F&GP Suez 120L Confidential Bin 01/03/20-31/03/20 3035/4 210420 BACS ITEC 21/04/20 8546 £116.02 £19.34 £96.68 ITEC Connect Ltd Photocopier use 3005/5 210420 BACS 21/04/20 8547 £10.39 £1.73 £8.66 PEN Initial Washroom Hygiene sanitary/medical waste collection - 2100/5 Rentokil/Initia 01/01/20-31/03/20 BACS SAGE 21/04/20 8549 £1,296.02 £216.00 £1,080.02 F&GP Sage Sage onsite support training session 3015/1 210420 BACS 21/04/20 8553 £131.76 £21.96 £109.80 PEN The Orangery Stewards Drinks - March 2060 Orangery 210420 BACS FPJC 21/04/20 8556 £143.68 £0.00 £143.68 Friends of PZ Jewish Books 2045 210420 Cemetery BACS SUEZ 21/04/20 8557 £74.40 £12.40 £62.00 PEN Suez 24L sack schedule Jan-March 20 2100/6 210420 BACS PrimT 21/04/20 8574 £100.80 £16.80 £84.00 PEN Primary Times Advert 1 for 2020 2050 210420 BACS Ellis W 21/04/20 8575 £3,953.88 £658.98 £3,294.90 Ellis Whittam - BACS 3026/1 210420 BACS Prim T 21/04/20 8577 £100.80 £16.80 £84.00 PEN Primary Times Advertising in Cornwall Easter 2020 Issue 2050 210420 BACS EllisW 21/04/20 8578 £178.08 £17.00 £161.08 Ellis Whittam - BACS 3026/1 210420 BACS GF 21/04/20 8579 £3,000.00 £0.00 £3,000.00 F&GP Golowan Festival CIC 2nd payment for 2020 festival 3800/6 210420 BACS CC 21/04/20 8581 £19.00 £0.00 £19.00 Cornwall Council Rent for Allotments as below 1045/9/1 210420

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Cheque Paid date Tn no Order Gross Vat Net Cttee Details Heading BACS Jub 21/04/20 8589 £15,300.00 £0.00 £15,300.00 F&GP Jubilee Pool Penzance Ltd Winter maintenance strategic grant as 3105/10 Pool 210420 agreed by Council BACS CFA 21/04/20 8590 £6,826.80 £1,137.80 £5,689.00 PEN Crown Fine Arts Transport and crating for Newlyn School 2055 210420 Interiors exhibition BACS NMoL 21/04/20 8591 £96.00 £16.00 £80.00 PEN National Museums Liverpool Image licencing for Laura Knight publication 2055 210420 BACS SWC 21/04/20 8592 £513.60 £85.60 £428.00 F&GP South West Councils Associate Subscription - 01.04.20- 31.03.21 3070 210420 BACS CALC 21/04/20 8593 £3,567.86 £358.67 £3,209.19 Cornwall Association of Annual Subscription CALC & NALC 3070 210420 Local Councils BACS CTPA 21/04/20 8597 £2,750.00 £0.00 £2,750.00 F&GP Churches Together Pz Area Annual Town Grant 2020/21 3105/1 210420 BACS SPIP 21/04/20 8598 £1,000.00 £0.00 £1,000.00 F&GP St. Piran In Penwith 2020/2021 event grant award 3105/2 210420 BACS PDC 21/04/20 8599 £15,000.00 £0.00 £15,000.00 F&GP Pengarth Day Centre - BACS Grant 2020/2021 3105/5 210420 BACS GF 21/04/20 8629 -£3,000.00 £0.00 -£3,000.00 F&GP Golowan Festival CIC Contra 8579, 2nd payment for 2020 festival 3800/6 210420 CC TC 22/04/20 8474 £34.28 £5.71 £28.57 L&A Morrisons Supermarket Fuel for vehicles/equipment 1015/2 22.04.20 CC TC 22/04/20 8475 £16.48 £2.75 £13.73 L&A Morrisons Supermarket Fuel for vehicles/equipment 1015/2 22.04.20 CC TC 22/04/20 8478 £150.00 £25.00 £125.00 PEN Cornwall Glass 1 x replacement window pane and fitting 2100/2 22.04.20 (Pay by Credit Card) CC TC 22/04/20 8479 PZ2954PH £162.02 £27.00 £135.02 Artway Ltd Art Materials 2045 22.04.20 CC TC 22/04/20 8484 PZ2982PH £62.96 £10.50 £52.46 Ryman The Stationers Storage boxes for handling collection 2140/1 22.04.20 CC TC 22/04/20 8510 £76.50 £12.75 £63.75 L&A Ironmongery Direct Disc Padlock - Stainless Steel - 70mm - 1015/1 22.04.20 Keyed Alike Key 1 15 x £4.25 per padlock CC TC 22/04/20 8513 £47.34 £7.89 £39.45 L&A Best4Hedging To Supply 50 40/50cm bearroot Hawthorn 1130/1 22.04.20 plants. Price includes 11.94 P&P CC TC 22/04/20 8524 PZ2993PH £29.84 £4.97 £24.87 GreatArt Materials for eduational activities 2140/1 22.04.20 CC TC 22/04/20 8561 £7.99 £1.33 £6.66 F&GP Amazon Amazon charges 3005/4 22.04.20 CC TC 22/04/20 8562 £43.00 £7.17 £35.83 L&A Morrisons Supermarket Fuel for vehicles/equipment 1015/2 22.04.20 CC TC 22/04/20 8563 £125.27 £20.88 £104.39 L&A Morrisons Supermarket Fuel for vehicles/equipment 1015/2 22.04.20

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Cheque Paid date Tn no Order Gross Vat Net Cttee Details Heading CC TC 22/04/20 8564 £45.50 £0.00 £45.50 F&GP Cornwall Council Electoral roll detail for Welfare leaflets 3105/1 22.04.20 during Covid-19 CC TC 22/04/20 8565 -£147.60 £0.00 -£147.60 F&GP Great Western Railway Refund on train tickets - cancelled IOSH 3015/1 22.04.20 course CC TC 22/04/20 8566 £7.99 £1.33 £6.66 F&GP Amazon Amazon charges 3005/4 22.04.20 CC TC 22/04/20 8631 PZ3012L&A £134.04 £22.34 £111.70 Bradfords Aggregate, cement and silicone 1015/5 22.04.20 DDM TGP 23/04/20 8544 £1,127.69 £191.15 £936.54 Total Gas & Power 3004 2812 03 - Penlee House - 29.02.20- 2082 230420 31.03.20 DDM TGP 24/04/20 8550 £2,516.41 £419.40 £2,097.01 Total Gas & Power 3005066372 - Museum - 01.03.20-31.03.20 2081 240420 BACS TGWC 24/04/20 8567 £88.00 £14.67 £73.33 L&A The Green Waste Company Green Waste 1015/1 240420 BACS PWM 24/04/20 8569 £420.00 £70.00 £350.00 PEN PW Media & Publishing ADVERTISING 2050 240420 2 x 1/3 page - Spring and Summer ART Guides 2 x 1/8 page in Apr/May and Jun/Jul EDITORIAL 1 x VIP (one page editorial feature about a special exhibition/event – Apr/May 1 x Art News editorial mention in - Jun/Jul BACS ITEC 24/04/20 8594 £583.44 £97.24 £486.20 ITEC Connect Ltd Various IT Support - Monthly payment for 3005/15 240420 March DD 24.04.20 24/04/20 8603 £160.70 £26.78 £133.92 L&A EE Mobile Phones Plan Charges - 15.03.20 - 14.0420 1040 EE BACS Liz Tyr 24/04/20 8604 £1,053.63 £0.00 £1,053.63 L&A Liz Tyrrell - BACS As per the contract to make 70 new and 1085 240420 repair 100 town flags. BACS Duchy 24/04/20 8613 £163.20 £27.20 £136.00 F&GP Duchy Cleaners Cleaning the Town Clerks Office - 4 weeks 3035/2 upto and inc the above date BACS Duchy 24/04/20 8614 £360.00 £60.00 £300.00 PEN Duchy Cleaners Cleaning Penlee House 2100/4 BACS Artway 24/04/20 8620 £600.00 £100.00 £500.00 PEN Art UK membership 2020-1 2050 240420 DDM Biffa 26/04/20 8498 £382.84 £63.81 £319.03 PEN Biffa Waste Services Ltd Waste Collection - 22/02/20-27/03/20 2100/6 26.04.20 DDM Biffa 26/04/20 8499 £356.20 £59.37 £296.83 PEN Biffa Waste Services Ltd Waste Collection Café Bin 22/02/20 - 2100/6 26.04.20 27/03/20 payflow 28/04/20 8618 £32,476.56 £0.00 £32,476.56 Payflow - Employees Salaries Payroll April 2020 3000 280420 28/04/20 8632 £628.26 £104.71 £523.55 PEN Total Gas & Power Electricity charges Coach House Q1 2020 2081

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Cheque Paid date Tn no Order Gross Vat Net Cttee Details Heading BACS Tate 29/04/20 8571 £169.64 £28.27 £141.37 PEN The Tate Gallery Art Pass Oct-Dec 3rd Q 19/20 2045 290420 DDM DLL 29/04/20 8600 £918.26 £153.04 £765.22 De Lage Landen Leasing Ltd 953 4 0499324 - Lease of IT Equipment - 3005/9 290420 27/04/20-27/07/20 BACS CC 29/04/20 8615 £1,125.00 £0.00 £1,125.00 Cornwall Pension Fund March 2020 pension deficit contribution 3000 Pension BACS CC 29/04/20 8616 £9,735.90 £0.00 £9,735.90 Cornwall Pension Fund April 2020 Pension Contributions 3000 Pension BACS HMRC 29/04/20 8617 £9,973.90 £0.00 £9,973.90 H.M. Revenue & Customs April 20 payment 3000 BACS TEG 29/04/20 8619 £78.00 £0.00 £78.00 PEN Touring Exhibitions Group Annual membership 2065 290420 BACS Loomis 29/04/20 8621 £322.45 £53.74 £268.71 Loomis UK Cash Collection - For May 2020 2120 290420 BACS 29/04/20 8625 £1,500.00 £0.00 £1,500.00 F&GP Cornwall Refuge Trust Social Action Covid Fund Grant approved 3105/1 29.04.20 CRT under delegated powers BACS 29/04/20 8628 PZ3025PH £25.00 £0.00 £25.00 Lamorna Society Books delivered December 2019 2045 Lamorna 290420 DD LEX 01/05/20 8639 £854.63 £142.43 £712.20 Lex Autolease Ltd Vehicle Hire 1220 010520 01/05/20 8653 £1,046.38 £0.00 £1,046.38 F&GP Premium Credit Ltd Insurance Renewal - Royal and Sun 3030 Alliance Insurance 01/05/20 8655 £3,149.00 £0.00 £3,149.00 PEN Cornwall Council Penlee House - 8006 22960 2075 01/05/20 8656 £94.00 £0.00 £94.00 L&A Cornwall Council South Pier Toilets - 8025 56407 1165/6/2 01/05/20 8657 £1,301.28 £0.00 £1,301.28 PEN Ecclesiastical Insurance 02/CHG/0162365 2070 01/05/20 8717 £96.00 £0.00 £96.00 PEN Cornwall Council Coach House - 8006 82605 2090/2 01/05/20 8718 £499.00 £0.00 £499.00 F&GP Cornwall Council Penlee Centre - 8025 49433 3005/2 01/05/20 8719 £148.00 £0.00 £148.00 L&A Cornwall Council Wherrytown Toilets - 8025 56425 1165/8/2 01/05/20 8720 £287.00 £0.00 £287.00 L&A Cornwall Council Superloo Toilets (TIC) - 8025 56416 1165/7/2 DDM 010520 01/05/20 8722 £1,509.00 £0.00 £1,509.00 L&A Cornwall Council Penlee House Car Park - 8006 15333 1060/2 CC 5333 DDM 010520 01/05/20 8723 £125.00 £0.00 £125.00 L&A Cornwall Council Penalverne Toilets - 8025 56390 1165/4/2 CC 6390 DDM HeP 04/05/20 8595 £43.39 £0.00 £43.39 F&GP Hewlett Packard Monthly IT Lease Payment - 01.05.20 - 3005/9 040520 31.05.20 DD LEX 04/05/20 8640 £6.00 £1.00 £5.00 L&A Lex Autolease Ltd Vehicle Hire 1220 040520

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Cheque Paid date Tn no Order Gross Vat Net Cttee Details Heading BACS FFF 05/05/20 8646 £500.00 £0.00 £500.00 F&GP Food For Families Penzance SAF Grant Covid-19 Agreed by SC and NB 3105/1 050520 CIC DC Barclays 05/05/20 8696 £181.97 £0.00 £181.97 F&GP Barclays Bank PLC Bank Charges April 2020 3095 050520 06/05/20 8648 £28.00 £0.00 £28.00 L&A South West Water Bus - Lescudjack Allotments 1045/6/1 1018 1478 01 06/05/20 8650 £35.50 £0.00 £35.50 L&A South West Water Bus - Leskinnick Allotments 1045/7/1 1018 1594 01 06/05/20 8651 £45.00 £0.00 £45.00 L&A South West Water Bus - Crankan Allotments 1045/4/2 2049 8282 01 06/05/20 8652 £4.00 £0.00 £4.00 L&A South West Water Bus - Wherrytown Toilets 1165/8/4 3293 3190 01 06/05/20 8698 £54.50 £0.00 £54.50 L&A South West Water Bus - Trannack Allotments 1045/11/2 1018 1567 01 BACS AM 07/05/20 8623 PZ3029PH £35.55 £3.00 £32.55 Amazon Digital equipment for production of virtual 2141/3/2 070520 content - tripod for filming (NPO projects) BACS AM 07/05/20 8624 PZ3028PH £32.57 £5.43 £27.14 Amazon Digital equipment for production of virtual 2141/3/2 070520 content - tripod for filming (NPO projects) BACS OTB 07/05/20 8633 £950.00 £0.00 £950.00 PEN Open The Box Arts Fee for development, delivery and 2141/3/1 070520 evaluation of 'Invitations to create' digital and non-digital content x 6 (NPO projects) BACS BQ 07/05/20 8634 PZ3027PH £72.00 £0.00 £72.00 Bob Quixley Book sales up until April 2020 2045 070520 BACS WDM 07/05/20 8635 £144.00 £24.00 £120.00 PEN We Design Maps 2nd installment of 2 year map inclusion 2050 070520 BACS GSD 07/05/20 8636 £446.52 £74.42 £372.10 L&A GSD Security Limited Park Security - April 2020 1020 070520 BACS MV 07/05/20 8637 £102.79 £17.13 £85.66 Mole Valley Farmers 1015/5 070520 BACS CC 07/05/20 8641 £8,440.00 £1,406.67 £7,033.33 L&A Crystal Clear Cleaning General Cleaning Services to Public Toilets 1105 070520 BACS CC 07/05/20 8642 £515.80 £85.97 £429.83 L&A Crystal Clear Cleaning Supply of Sharps & Sanitary Services to 1105 070520 Include Disposable Bins as Agreed 01/04- 30/04/20 BACS MJ 07/05/20 8647 £1,500.00 £250.00 £1,250.00 PEN Matthews Johns Associates The Coach House 2800/1 070520 Ltd DD CW 11/05/20 8666 £16.40 £0.00 £16.40 L&A Castle Water - Gardeners Hut water supply monthly direct 1015/4 110520 TW0000348217 debit DD 10.05.20 12/05/20 8680 £42.00 £7.00 £35.00 PEN Barclaycard Commercial PDQ Charges April 2020 2045 BC PH

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Cheque Paid date Tn no Order Gross Vat Net Cttee Details Heading BACS TR 14/05/20 8674 £800.00 £0.00 £800.00 F&GP Trelya SAF Grant Covid-19 Agreed by SC & NB 3105/1 14.05.20 DD BT 150520 15/05/20 8645 £88.56 £14.76 £73.80 PEN B. T. WW 40303612 - Penlee House - 2022 DD SAGE 16/05/20 8654 £139.20 £23.20 £116.00 F&GP Sage Sage Payroll Licence May 3005/12 160520 BACS TU 18/05/20 8520 PZ2898L&A £60.31 £10.04 £50.27 Trade UK Account 1165/6/1 180520 BACS NMM 18/05/20 8552 £4,680.44 £780.07 £3,900.37 PEN National Maritime Museum Quarterly Maintenance charge - Jan - Mar 2100/2 180520 2020 BACS CTA 18/05/20 8573 £500.00 £0.00 £500.00 F&GP Cuxhaven Twinning Grant 3100/3 180520 Association BACS TU 18/05/20 8638 -£26.04 -£3.09 -£22.95 Trade UK Account Cashback for purchases 1015/3 180520 DDM 18.05.20 18/05/20 8643 £11.19 £1.87 £9.32 Total Gas & Power 3004027840 Public Conveniences Penlee 1015/4 TGP Park BACS ITEC 18/05/20 8659 £24.01 £4.00 £20.01 ITEC Connect Ltd Photocopier use 3005/5 180520 BACS ITEC 18/05/20 8660 £583.44 £97.24 £486.20 ITEC Connect Ltd Various IT Support - Monthly payment for 3005/15 180520 April BACS SUEZ 18/05/20 8661 £40.38 £6.73 £33.65 F&GP Suez 120L Confidential Bin 01/04/20-30/04/20 3035/4 180520 BACS CSE 18/05/20 8664 £648.00 £108.00 £540.00 PEN Cornwall Scales & Equipment 12 month lease of till software 2045 180520 BACS HA 18/05/20 8665 £1,250.00 £0.00 £1,250.00 F&GP Hudson Accounting Ltd 2019/20 Year-end Internal Audit 3085 180520 BACS TGWC 18/05/20 8667 £123.64 £20.61 £103.03 L&A The Green Waste Company Green Waste 1015/1 180520 BACS SWWB 18/05/20 8673 £99.13 £16.52 £82.61 L&A South West Water Bus - Alexandra Road 01.04.20 - 30.04.20 1165/3/4 5026389001 5026 3890 01 BACS JT 18/05/20 8675 £108.00 £18.00 £90.00 F&GP J T Fabrication & Metal insert for notice boards 3012 180520 Engineering Ltd BACS HCIO 18/05/20 8681 £500.00 £0.00 £500.00 F&GP Heamoor Community Heamoor Christmas Lights 2020 3105/15 180520 Interest Organisation DDM 18.05.20 18/05/20 8721 £35.04 £5.84 £29.20 PEN B. T. WW 3453 3430 - Penlee House - 2021 BT DDM 20.05.20 20/05/20 8644 £1,015.54 £169.26 £846.28 Total Gas & Power 3004 2812 03 - Penlee House - 31.03.20- 2082 TGP 30.04.20 BACS CM 22/05/20 8515 £115.20 £19.20 £96.00 L&A Cormac Solutions Ltd Princess May Gents walllgate waste pipe is 1165/5/1 220520 broken. Call out charge for works. BACS CM 22/05/20 8516 £70.56 £11.76 £58.80 L&A Cormac Solutions Ltd Call out charge for site to look at leak in the 1165/3/1 220520 disabled toilet at Alexandra play park

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Cheque Paid date Tn no Order Gross Vat Net Cttee Details Heading BACS PZCON 22/05/20 8580 £500.00 £0.00 £500.00 F&GP Penzance/Concarneau Grant for 2020/21 3100/1 220520 Twinning Assn. CC TC DD 22/05/20 8602 £39.12 £6.52 £32.60 L&A Morrisons Supermarket Fuel for vehicles/equipment 1015/2 22.05.20 DD BG 22/05/20 8662 £408.90 £68.15 £340.75 F&GP British Gas 6029 20290 - Penlee Centre - electricity 3005/13 220520 0290 20.03.20-01.05.20 CC TC DD 22/05/20 8663 £40.00 £6.67 £33.33 L&A Morrisons Supermarket Fuel for vehicles/equipment 1015/2 22.05.20 DD BG 22/05/20 8669 £19.30 £0.91 £18.39 L&A British Gas 602319010 South Pier 02.03.20 - 01.05.20 1165/6/3 220520 9010 DD BG 22/05/20 8670 £27.81 £1.32 £26.49 L&A British Gas 602319082 Penalverne Toilets 1165/4/3 220520 9082 - 01.05.20 DD BG 22/05/20 8671 £112.52 £5.35 £107.17 L&A British Gas 602319085 Princess May 20.03.20 - 1165/5/3 220520 9085 01.05.20 DD BG 22/05/20 8672 £41.24 £1.96 £39.28 L&A British Gas 6029 34213 20.03.20 - 01.05.20 1165/8/3 220520 4213 CC TC DD 22/05/20 8678 £31.98 £5.36 £26.62 Amazon Office Stationary 3005/4 22.05.20 CC TC DD 22/05/20 8679 -£8.28 -£1.40 -£6.88 F&GP Amazon Office Stationary 3005/4 22.05.20 BACS RSPL 22/05/20 8682 £156.00 £26.00 £130.00 F&GP Rural Services Partnership Membership Subscription to the Rural 3070 220520 Ltd Market Towns Group 2020/21 BACS DC 22/05/20 8683 £360.00 £60.00 £300.00 PEN Duchy Cleaners Cleaning Penlee House 2100/4 220520 BACS GUL 22/05/20 8684 £1,500.00 £0.00 £1,500.00 F&GP Gulval Christmas Lights Grant for Christmas Lights 2020/2021 3105/11 220520 BACS DC 22/05/20 8685 £21.60 £3.60 £18.00 F&GP Duchy Cleaners Cleaning the Town Clerks Office- cleaning 3035/2 220520 external windows and frames 11.05.20 BACS DC 22/05/20 8686 £204.00 £34.00 £170.00 Duchy Cleaners Cleaning the Town Clerks Office 3035/2 220520 BACS CS 22/05/20 8687 £1,800.00 £300.00 £1,500.00 F&GP Coodes Solicitors Legal Charges in relation to the football 3040 220520 club tenancy BACS TU 22/05/20 8692 PZ3047L&A £82.89 £13.80 £69.09 Trade UK Account 1015/5 220520 BACS EDGE 22/05/20 8694 £2,239.80 £373.30 £1,866.50 F&GP Edge IT Systems Ltd AdvantEDGE Online - 3 Year Contract. 2nd 3005/11 220520 Year, 8 concurrent users, 24/07/20- 23/07/21 BACS NF 22/05/20 8695 £108.00 £18.00 £90.00 L&A Nigel Rafferty Groundcare - Price for servicing your Iseki Mower is as 1015/3 220520 BACS follows:

2 hours @ £45 = £90.00 + VAT

03/06/20 06:36 PM Vs: 8.43.00 Penzance Town Council Page 9 of 10 Start of year 01/04/20 Paid Expenditure Transactions between 01/04/20 and 31/05/20

Cheque Paid date Tn no Order Gross Vat Net Cttee Details Heading BACS SLCC 22/05/20 8724 PZ3033 £276.00 £46.00 £230.00 Society of Local Council Training 3015/1 220520 Clerks BACS PARKS 22/05/20 8727 £305.00 £0.00 £305.00 F&GP Parks Plumbing and Heating Call out charge plus parts and labour to 3035/1 220520 replace water heater. BACS CBS 22/05/20 8728 PZ3044 £70.32 £11.72 £58.60 Complete Business Solutions Stationary and Toilet Roll 3005/4 220520 BACS CC 22/05/20 8729 £1,302.62 £217.10 £1,085.52 F&GP Cornwall Council Print Work - Covid Leaflet Pz Central - 3105/1 220520 0747 Social Action Fund BACS CC 22/05/20 8730 £1,060.37 £176.73 £883.64 F&GP Cornwall Council Print Work - Covid Leaflet Pz Prom - Social 3105/1 220520 0746 Action Fund BACS CC 22/05/20 8731 £1,200.56 £200.09 £1,000.47 F&GP Cornwall Council Print Work - Covid Leaflet PZ TC Newlyn & 3105/1 220520 0748 Mousehole - Social Action Fund BACS CC 22/05/20 8732 £451.86 £75.31 £376.55 F&GP Cornwall Council Print Work - Covid Leaflet PZ TC Gulval- 3105/1 220520 0749 Social Action Fund BACS Loomis 22/05/20 8733 £322.45 £53.74 £268.71 Loomis UK Cash Collection - For June 2020 2120 220520 CC TC 22/05/20 8743 £39.86 £6.64 £33.22 L&A Muck Off Hand sanitiser for L&A team 1040 22.05.20 CC TC 22/05/20 8745 £7.99 £1.33 £6.66 F&GP Amazon Amazon charges 3005/4 22.05.20 DDM Biffa 26/05/20 8626 £71.35 £11.89 £59.46 PEN Biffa Waste Services Ltd Waste Collection Café Bin 28/03/20- 2100/6 26.05.20 24/04/20 DDM Biffa 26/05/20 8627 £298.30 £49.72 £248.58 PEN Biffa Waste Services Ltd Waste Collection - 28/03/20-24/04/20 2100/6 26.05.20 DDM 26.05.20 26/05/20 8658 £2,361.93 £393.66 £1,968.27 Total Gas & Power 3005066372 - Museum - 01.04.20-30.04.20 2081 TGP DD EE 260520 26/05/20 8693 £160.06 £26.68 £133.38 L&A EE Mobile Phones Plan Charges - 15.04.20-16.05.20 1040 DD BG 27/05/20 8668 £42.11 £2.00 £40.11 L&A British Gas 602319103 Alexandra Road 02.03.20 - 1165/3/3 270520 9103 30.04.20 payflow 28/05/20 8739 £33,779.06 £0.00 £33,779.06 Payflow - Employees Salaries Payroll May 2020 3000 280520 Total £218,911.92 £10,871.28 £208,040.64

03/06/20 06:36 PM Vs: 8.43.00 Penzance Town Council Page 10 of 10 Item 9(a) ii

Bank Reconciliation Summary for the period 01.04.2020-31.05.2020

£ Opening Balance 01.04.2020 £1,655,444.91

Closing Balance 31.05.2020 £2,299,889.39 Less: Uncleared and Unpresented payments £2,028.07

Adjusted Closing Balance £2,297,861.32

Uncleared and unpresented effects Date Cheque No. Debit (£) Credit (£) Balance (£) £2,299,889.39 18/01/2020 1,009.75 £2,298,879.64 14/02/2020 720255 192.50 £2,298,687.14 21/02/2020 720291 350.00 £2,298,337.14 21/02/2020 720303 124.42 £2,298,212.72 28/02/2020 720324 225.00 2,297,987.72 23/03/2020 720353 18.00 2,297,969.72 31/03/2020 720364 41.55 2,297,928.17 31/03/2020 720365 66.85 2,297,861.32 2,297,861.32

2,028.07 0.00

Item 9(a) iii

Financial Budget Comparison Comparison between 01/04/20 and 31/05/20 inclusive. (Original 20/21 Budget) Excludes transactions with an invoice date prior to 01/04/20

2020/21 Actual Net Balance 2020/21 Actual Net Balance

Penlee House Committee Income 200 Council Run Exhibitions Grant Funding £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 205 Shop £181,090.00 £0.00 -£181,090.00 210 Education £10,000.00 £0.00 -£10,000.00 215 Agency Fee £50,420.00 £50,418.40 -£1.60 220 Friends Administration £2,690.00 £0.00 -£2,690.00 235 The Orangery £29,220.00 £4,208.47 -£25,011.53 245 Cornwall Museums Partnership £32,450.00 £0.00 -£32,450.00 250 Commission on Artist Sales £1,640.00 £0.00 -£1,640.00 290 Grants £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 295 Community Toilets - L&A Recharge £1,000.00 £0.00 -£1,000.00 299 Miscellaneous £400.00 £0.00 -£400.00 Total Income £308,910.00 £54,626.87 -£254,283.13

2020/21 Actual Net Balance

Expenditure 2000 Penlee House Salaries £259,560.00 £32,101.67 £227,458.33 2005 Central Admin £17,600.00 £2,875.00 £14,725.00 2010 Staff Travelling £1,990.00 £0.00 £1,990.00 2015 Recruitment £500.00 £0.00 £500.00 2018 Training for Grant Funded post £1,000.00 £0.00 £1,000.00 2020 Telephone/Fax £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 2021 Telephone £1,830.00 £58.40 £1,771.60 2022 Broadband £1,200.00 £73.80 £1,126.20 2025 Postage £690.00 £0.00 £690.00 2030 Photocopier £3,770.00 £4.29 £3,765.71 2035 Office Consumables £1,200.00 £0.00 £1,200.00 2036 Petty cash expenditure £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 2040 Educational Development £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 2045 Merchandise for Resale £46,460.00 £672.00 £45,788.00 2050 Advertising £8,830.00 £788.00 £8,042.00 2055 Council Run Exhibitions £37,880.00 £5,769.00 £32,111.00 2060 Exhibition Invigilation (Refreshments) £3,050.00 £0.00 £3,050.00 2065 Membership Subscription Fees £1,000.00 £78.00 £922.00 2070 Insurance £15,740.00 £2,602.56 £13,137.44 2075 Rates - House £31,530.00 £6,296.00 £25,234.00 2080 Heat and Light £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 2081 Electricity £29,220.00 £2,491.82 £26,728.18 2082 Gas £9,940.00 £846.28 £9,093.72 2085 Water Rates £4,220.00 £0.00 £4,220.00 2090 Coach House £2,310.00 £192.58 £2,117.42 2095 Museum Exhibits - Maintenance & Conservation £500.00 £0.00 £500.00 2100 Museum Fittings £58,460.00 £908.04 £57,551.96 2105 Orangery Equip £1,500.00 £0.00 £1,500.00 2110 Cornwall Museums Partnership £1,000.00 £0.00 £1,000.00 2115 HLF Bid Writing £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 2116 HLF Resilient Grant - match funding £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 2120 Secure Banking Service £1,600.00 £268.72 £1,331.28

Item 9(a) iii

2140 Educational Development £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 2141 Educational Development £16,550.00 £1,009.69 £15,540.31 2200 Grant funded projects £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 2800 Capital Projects £0.00 £1,250.00 -£1,250.00 2995 Funds £41,470.00 £0.00 £41,470.00 2996 Funds - Capital £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 2999 Miscellaneous £1,000.00 £0.00 £1,000.00 Total Expenditure £601,600.00 £58,285.85 £543,314.15

Item 9(a) iii

2020/21 Actual Net Balance

Finance & GPs Committee Income 300 Precept £1,435,230.00 £717,615.00 -£717,615.00 305 Council Tax Support Grant £78,910.00 £39,454.76 -£39,455.24 310 Interest £5,210.00 £52.80 -£5,157.20 311 National Savings Interest £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 315 Rents £12,590.00 £1,240.00 -£11,350.00 320 Neighbourhood Plan £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 325 CIL/Section 106 Monies £0.00 £1,597.21 £1,597.21 390 Grants £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 395 Penzance Projects £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 399 Miscellaneous £700.00 £33.20 -£666.80 Total Income £1,532,640.00 £759,992.97 -£772,647.03 2020/21 Actual Net Balance

Expenditure 3000 Salaries £180,160.00 £25,598.13 £154,561.87 3005 Council Office £27,940.00 £3,452.48 £24,487.52 3010 Website £730.00 £0.00 £730.00 3012 External Communications £1,000.00 £90.00 £910.00 3015 Training £15,000.00 £230.00 £14,770.00 3020 Travelling Allowance £2,190.00 £0.00 £2,190.00 3026 Health & Safety £10,230.00 £3,455.98 £6,774.02 3030 Insurance £14,740.00 £2,092.76 £12,647.24 3035 Building Maintenance - Penlee Centre £6,640.00 £662.65 £5,977.35 3040 Legal Fees £8,000.00 £1,500.00 £6,500.00 3045 Penzance BID Levy £1,830.00 £0.00 £1,830.00 3050 Mayor's Allowance £4,800.00 £0.00 £4,800.00 3052 Councillors Travel Expenses £800.00 £0.00 £800.00 3055 Accommodation - Mayor's Parlour/Meetings £1,610.00 £0.00 £1,610.00 3061 Official Functions £6,350.00 £0.00 £6,350.00 3065 Official Functions - Honorarium Etc. £680.00 £0.00 £680.00 3070 Association Fees £4,280.00 £3,767.19 £512.81 3075 Councillor's Child Care £670.00 £0.00 £670.00 3080 Advertising (Employment etc) £2,000.00 £0.00 £2,000.00 3085 Audit Fee £4,500.00 £1,250.00 £3,250.00 3095 Bank Commission £2,160.00 £181.97 £1,978.03 3100 Twinning £1,250.00 £1,000.00 £250.00 3105 Grants £108,240.00 £42,196.18 £66,043.82 3110 Annual Firework Display £5,000.00 £0.00 £5,000.00 3115 Neighbourhood Plan £10,000.00 £0.00 £10,000.00 3121 Section 106 Administrative Support £730.00 £0.00 £730.00 3160 The Lodge £860.00 £0.00 £860.00 3170 Election Costs £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 3180 Community Engagement £1,000.00 £0.00 £1,000.00 3200 Social Issues Support £25,000.00 £0.00 £25,000.00 3205 ASBN Caseworker - 50% Contribution to post £28,000.00 £0.00 £28,000.00 3210 Procurement Support £1,500.00 £0.00 £1,500.00 3220 Climate Emergency £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 3225 Youth Activities £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 3230 Heritage Plaque Scheme £1,000.00 £0.00 £1,000.00 3240 Surveillance & Security £33,330.00 £0.00 £33,330.00 3800 Golowan £23,070.00 £0.00 £23,070.00 3995 Funds £34,640.00 £0.00 £34,640.00 3997 General Contingency £4,000.00 £0.00 £4,000.00 3999 Miscellaneous £2,000.00 £0.00 £2,000.00 Total Expenditure £575,930.00 £85,477.34 £490,452.66

Item 9(a) iii

Item 9(a) iii

2020/21 Actual Net Balance Leisure & Amenities Committee Income 100 Penlee House Car Park £140,800.00 £0.00 -£140,800.00 105 St Anthony's Gardens Car Park £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 110 Greenmarket Car Park £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 115 Allotment Rents £4,700.00 £166.25 -£4,533.75 120 Footpath Partnership Agency £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 125 Toilets £10,280.00 £0.00 -£10,280.00 130 Jubilee Pool £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 131 Misc £150.00 £0.00 -£150.00 132 Skatepark Income £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 135 Penzance AFC £5,080.00 £741.66 -£4,338.34 140 Grants £0.00 £0.00 £0.00

Total Income £161,010.00 £907.91 -£160,102.09

2020/21 Actual Net Balance

Expenditure 1000 Facilities Management £45,520.00 £5,777.34 £39,742.66 1005 Park Salaries £159,270.00 £19,063.28 £140,206.72 1010 Central Admin(Support Services) £10,250.00 £1,675.00 £8,575.00 1015 Penlee Park £23,050.00 £547.54 £22,502.46 1020 Park Security £4,680.00 £372.10 £4,307.90 1040 Protective Clothing £3,420.00 £300.52 £3,119.48 1045 Allotments £14,560.00 £345.00 £14,215.00 1050 Footpath Maintenance Contract £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 1055 Weed Control £9,000.00 £0.00 £9,000.00 1060 Penlee House Car Park £22,430.00 £3,022.75 £19,407.25 1065 Toilets £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 1071 Community Toilets £31,260.00 £0.00 £31,260.00 1085 Flag Projects £25,040.00 £1,053.63 £23,986.37 1090 Erecting Flags £7,010.00 £0.00 £7,010.00 1101 Christmas Lighting £23,210.00 £0.00 £23,210.00 1105 Other Amenities Expenditure £3,000.00 £7,463.16 -£4,463.16 1111 Skate Park £4,090.00 £0.00 £4,090.00 1115 War Memorials £2,910.00 £0.00 £2,910.00 1120 Penzance Football Club £5,000.00 £0.00 £5,000.00 1130 Open Spaces £6,400.00 £0.00 £6,400.00 1135 Open Air Theatre £2,000.00 £0.00 £2,000.00 1165 Toilets £130,550.00 £1,616.35 £128,933.65 1211 The Lodge - Statutory checks & inspections £1,500.00 £0.00 £1,500.00 1215 Barbican Building - Statutory Inspections £1,000.00 £0.00 £1,000.00 1220 Vehicle Leasing £8,550.00 £717.20 £7,832.80 1230 Machinery Replacement £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 1240 Maintenance & Repair of Vehicles & Machinery £3,500.00 £0.00 £3,500.00 1250 Play Equipment £5,000.00 £0.00 £5,000.00 1260 Secure Banking Service £1,560.00 £268.70 £1,291.30 1270 Devolution - Surveys & Inspections £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 1280 Tree Surveys £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 1300 Morrab Gardens £127,700.00 £0.00 £127,700.00 1310 Alexandra Play Park & Tennis Courts £21,720.00 £0.00 £21,720.00 1320 Princess May Recreation Grounds £12,280.00 £0.00 £12,280.00 1330 Foxes Lane Play Park £2,250.00 £0.00 £2,250.00 1995 Funds £107,320.00 £0.00 £107,320.00

Total Expenditure £825,030.00 £42,222.57 £782,807.43

Item 9(b)





That the Finance and General Purposes Committee accepts the revised budget developed (Appendix 1) by the Finance Working Group for 2020/21 and subsequently recommends it to full Council for approval and adoption.


As with most businesses the Covid-19 crisis has had an impact on the Council’s income levels. This is predominantly because of the closure of Penlee House and public toilets and the loss of revenue from our car park.

In accordance with Financial Regulations and risk management practices, the existing 2020/21 budget, agreed at full Council in December 2019, has been reviewed and revised to reflect the current and potential ongoing situation. A review of risk, as a result of the Covid-19 crisis, was also recommended in the subsequent internal auditor’s report.

The Mayor, Deputy Mayor and Chairs of Committees were invited to join a working group with the Senior Management Team to discuss and agree assumptions and budget revisions.

Zoom meetings took place with the Mayor, Deputy Mayor and the Chairs of Penlee House and Finance & General Purpose committees. The Chairs of L&A and planning were unable to attend, although Cllr Jackson has reviewed and agreed the revisions to the L&A budget at a separate meeting with the L&A Manager.

The revised budget was included on the agenda for full Council on 26th May but a decision was made, as a result of financial decisions made at that meeting along with lack of time, to defer the decision to a future meeting.

This provided the opportunity to review the ever changing Covid situation and resulting impacts as well as build the decisions made at Council on 26th May 2020 into a further revision. Item 9(b)

The working group will continue to meet to review the income and expenditure budget as the Covid-19 situation evolves. Any further recommended revisions will be brought to full Council for approval

A summary of the revised budgets is detailed below with the full budgets attached at appendix 1.

Income Summary

Committee Original Budget Revised Budget Difference Penlee £308,910.00 £172,631.00 -£136,279.00 L&A £161,010.00 £111,090.00 -£49,920.00 F&GP £1,532,640.00 £1,532,651.24 £11.24 -£186,187.76

Expenditure Summary

Committee Original Budget Revised Budget Difference Penlee £601,600.00 £543,360.00 -£58,240.00 L&A £825,030.00 £763,721.25 -£61,308.76 F&GP £575,929.70 £624,927.22 £48,997.53 -£70,551.23

It is worth noting some expenditure budget lines have increased as decisions made at Council 26th May 2020 to vire unspent 2019/20 budget have now been reflected in the revised budget. These have been highlighted in green on the budget appendix.

At the start of the 20/21 financial year the general fund stood at £642,116.54 which equatined to 38.5% of gross expenditure in 2019/20 and within generally accepted parameters.

The possible loss of net income of £115,636 would reduce the general fund reserve to £526,480. This equates to 26% of the original gross expenditure or 27% of the revised gross expentiture.

The minimum recommended level of general fund reserves is 25% of gross expenditure.

A further £40,000 will need to be identified to contribute to the £20,000 now earmarked for the contribution to the redevelopment of Penzance Promenade.

Item 9(b)

The level of Earmarked Reserves, which includes 2020/21 in year additions, currently stands at £1,227,053.92.

Decisions made at Penlee House Committee, 1st June 2020, and at Leisure & Amenities Committee, 8th June 2020 will not be reflected in this revised budget until approved by F&GP and Council, however these are all virements from earmarked reserves as opposed to new requirements.

Helen Wilson-Prowse Support Services Manager/RFO Penlee House Committee - Revised Budget 2019/20 & Budgets 2020/21 to 2022/23

2020/21 2020/21 Draft Covid 19 Comments relating to revisions Budget Budget £ £ Income 200 Council Run Exhibitions Grant 0 0 205 Shop

205/1 Admission Charges 97,290 28,200Assuming 60% of attendance of last year from October - March 205/2 Sale of Books & Non VAT Sales 46,500 8,510 Sales from 2019 Oct-Mar (split equally between VAT and non-VAT) 60% visitors + 10% Aug & Sep 205/3 Sale of Vatable Merchandise 36,800 8,510 Sales from 2019 Oct-Mar (split equally between VAT and non-VAT) 60% visitors + 10% Aug & Sep 205/4 Image Licensing Fees 200 200 205/5 Education Workshop Charges 300 150Assumes bookings normal from Jan 205 Total 181,090 45,570 210 Education 210/1 Education Development Grants 5,000 5,000 210/2 Educ. Dev. Grants - NPO 5,000 5,000 210 Total 10,000 10,000 215 Agency Fee - Cornwall Council 50,420 50,420 220 Friends Administration 2,690 2,690 235 The Orangery As defined by lease however Council need to be aware this may not be acheivable as a result of 235/1 Orangery Franchise 24,850 18,500 closure and will need to be reviewed at a later date. 235/2 Energy Costs 4,370 1,558 235/3 Waste Disposal 0 0 235 Total 29,220 20,058

245 Cornwall Museums Partnership 32,450 32,450 250 Commission on Artist Sales 1,640 1,200 Assuming downturn (actual was down turn this year) 290 Grants 8,343 Grant income for Laura Knight exhibition 290/4 HLF Grant - Luminaries Exhibition 0 0 290 Total 0 295 Community Toilets - L&A recharge 1,000 1,000 299 Miscellaneous 400 900Apprentice payment Total Income 308,910 172,631


2000 Penlee House Employee costs 259,560 259,560 2005 Central Admin 17,600 17,600 2010 Staff Travelling 1,990 900Assume no travel for 6 months 2015 Recruitment 500 250 Assume won't need to use 2018 Training for Grant Funded post 1,000 1,000Fully funded

2021 Telephone 1,830 1,830 Need to get new system running - delayed

2022 Broadband 1,200 1,200 2025 Postage (office) 690 414 Mailing just done + 2 mailings (Nov/Jan)

1 Penlee House Committee - Revised Budget 2019/20 & Budgets 2020/21 to 2022/23

2020/21 2020/21 Draft Covid 19 Comments relating to revisions Budget Budget £ £

2030 Photocopier 3,770 2,200Reduction of photocopying cost by approx 5 months 2035 Office Consumables 1,200 700Reduction of consumables by 5 months 2140 Educational Development 2140/1 Community educational activities 2,000 2,000 Assuming no change at present (repurposing to digital) 2140/2 Other grant funded projects 2140/2/1 Health & Wellbeing 2,500 2,750Agreed £250 roll forward from General Funds, Council 26.05.2020 2140/2/2 Communities in Residence 2,500 5,450Agreed £2950 roll forward from General Funds, Council 26.05.2020 2140/3 NPO Funded projects 2140/3/1 Health & Wellbeing 2,500 2,500 2140/3/2 Communities in Residence 2,500 2,500 2140/3/3 Children & Young People 2,500 2,500 2140/3/4 Citizen Curators 2,050 3,483Agreed £1433 roll forward from General Funds, Council 26.05.2020 Total 16,550 21,183

2045 Merchandise for Resale 46,460 27,101Assumed 7 months expenditure 2050 Advertising 8,830 6,036 Assumed 7 months expenditure + £1036.70 roll forward from General Funds, Council 26.05.2020 2055 Council Run Exhibitions 37,880 18,231Transport and other costs for new exhibition programme + £1231 roll forward TC 26.05.2020 2060 Volunteer Stewards 3,050 1,000Cost for less than 5 months (stewards in at risk group) 2065 Membership Subscription Fees 1,000 1,000 2070 Insurance 15,740 15,740 2075 Rates - House 31,530 31,530

2081 Electricity 29,220 29,220 Assuming no change - will adjust when more info known about closure

2082 Gas 9,940 9,940 Assuming no change - will adjust when more info known about closure

2085 Water Rates 4,220 4,220Assuming no change - will adjust when more info known about closure 2090 Coach House

2090/1 Coach House Electricity 1,120 1,120 Most usage in winter months 2090/2 Coach House Rates 940 940 2090/3 Coach House Water Rates 250 200 Assuming some change due to closure - more info required 2090 Total 2,310 2,260 2095 Museum Exhibits - Maint. & Conservation 500 250 reduced by 50% 2100 Museum Fittings 2100/1 Museum Fittings - Purchase 500 0 redyced by 100%

2100/2 Museum Fittings - Maintenance 42,480 42,480 2100/3 IT Replacement 1,000 1,000

2100/4 Cleaning Contract 8,360 7,170Assuming reduced rate of £300 for 3 months

2100/5 Cleaning Materials/Hygiene contract 830 830Assuming no change to contract

2 Penlee House Committee - Revised Budget 2019/20 & Budgets 2020/21 to 2022/23

2020/21 2020/21 Draft Covid 19 Comments relating to revisions Budget Budget £ £

2100/6 Penlee House Waste Disposal 5,290 3,445Assuming reduced costs for 5 months 2100 Total 58,460 54,925 2105 Orangery Equip 1,500 500Possible expenditure on repair for broken equipment 2110 Cornwall Museums Partnership 1,000 1,000 2120 Secure Banking Service 1,600 1,600 2200 Grant Funded Projects 2200/1 HLF - Luminaries Project 0 0 Total 0 0 2800 Capital Projects 2800/1 Coach House Refurbishment 0 0 2800 Total 0 0 2995 Funds/Earmarked Reserves

2995/1 Conservation Fund 500 0No in year addition to reserve

2995/2 Penlee House Fab/Plant Fund 10,000 0No in year addition to reserve

2995/3 Council Run Exhibition Fund 0 0 2995/4 Coach House Refurbishment Fund 0 0

2995/5 Agency Fee Buffer Fund 30,970 30,970 2995 Total 41,470 30,970 2996 Funds - Capital

2996/1 Acquisition Fund 0 0 2996 Total 0 0 2999 Miscellaneous 1,000 1,000 Total Expenditure 601,600 543,360

Net Expenditure 292,690 370,729

3 Leisure & Amenities Committee - Revised Budget 2019/20 & Draft Budgets 2020/21 to 2022/23

2020/21 2020/21 Comments Draft Covid -19 Budget Budget £ £ Income 100 Penlee House Car Park 100/1 Daily Tickets 126,420 88,494 100/2 Quarterly Tickets 13,080 9,156 100/3 Excess Charges 1,300 910 100 Total 140,800 98,560 Assumes 30% drop in income 115 Allotment Rents 4,700 4,700

125 Toilets 10,280 5,140 Assumes 50% drop in income 131 Misc 150 150 135 Penzance AFC 135/1 Club house lease payment 3,880 1,940 135/2 Ground/Changing Room lease 1,200 600 135 Total 5,080 2,540 Payments suspended June 20 - Dec 20 inclusive 140 Grants 140/1 CCTV 0 0 140 Total 0 0 Total Income 161,010 111,090

Expenditure 1000 Facilities Management 45,520 45,520 1005 Park Salaries 159,270 182,934 Increased for recruitment of facilities officer post 26.05.20 full council. Money from reserves 1010 Central Admin(Support Services) 10,250 10,250 1015 Penlee Park

1015/1 Penlee Park - Maintenance 10,000 10,000 1015/2 Fuel for vehicles & equipment 2,460 2,460 1015/3 Maintenance of Park Machinery 2,030 2,030 1015/4 Utilities - Park (water) 650 650 1015/5 Plants, materials & tools 5,000 5,000 1015/6 Utilities - Park (Electricity) 910 910 1015/7 Maintenance - equipment 2,000 2,000 1015 Total 23,050 23,050 1020 Penlee Park Security 4,680 4,680 1040 Protective Clothing & Equipment 3,420 4,952 Additional £1532.09 agreed 26.05.20 Council from General Funds 2019/20 underspend 1045 Allotments 1045/3 Alverton Playing Field 1045/3/1 Rent 10 10 1045/3/2 Maintenance 250 250 1045/4 Cranken 1045/4/1 Rent 130 130 1045/4/2 Water Rates 400 400 1045/4/3 Maintenance 1,500 1,500 1045/5 Gulval

1 Leisure & Amenities Committee - Revised Budget 2019/20 & Draft Budgets 2020/21 to 2022/23

2020/21 2020/21 Comments Draft Covid -19 Budget Budget £ £ 1045/5/1 Maintenance 2,500 2,500 1045/6 Lescudjack 1045/6/1 Water Rates 50 50 1045/6/2 Maintenance 1,500 1,500 1045/7 Leskinnick 1045/7/1 Water Rates 250 250 1045/7/2 Maintenance 2,000 2,000 1045/8 Love Lane 1045/8/1 Maintenance 750 750 1045/9 Mennaye 1045/9/1 Rent 10 10 1045/9/2 Water Rates 1045/9/3 Maintenance 2,000 2,000 1045/11 Trannack 1045/11/1 Rent 20 20 1045/11/2 Water Rates 880 880 1045/11/3 Maintenance 2,000 2,000 1045/12 Allotment IT Package 310 310 1045/13 Allotment Maintenance General 0 13,141 1045 Total 14,560 27,701 19/20 £13,141.16 Underspend from General Funds 26.05.20 Council 1055 Weed Control 9,000 4,500 1060 Penlee House Car Park 1060/1 Car Park Consumables 730 730 1060/2 Car Park Rates 15,110 15,110 1060/3 Car Park Water Rates 2,330 2,330 1060/4 Car Park Maintenance 4,260 11,140 19/20 £6879.89 Underspend from General Funds 26.05.20 Council 1060 Total 22,430 29,310 1070 1071 Community Toilets 1071/1 Operational Scheme Costs 24,380 24,380 1071/2 Leaflets 4,880 4,880 1071/3 Communications 2,000 2,000 31,260 31,260 1085 Flag Projects 25,040 25,040 1090 Erecting Flags 7,010 7,010 1095 Heritage Plaque Scheme 0 0 1100 1101 Christmas Lighting 1101/1 Christmas Light Hire 10,990 10,990 1101/2 Christmas Light Rigging 9,360 9,360 1101/3 Christmas Tree installation & delivery 630 630 1101/4 Overhead wire testing 1,010 1,010 1101/5 Suspended Wire Repairs 1,220 1,220 23,210 23,210 1105 Other Amenities Expenditure 3,000 3,000 1111 Skate Park

2 Leisure & Amenities Committee - Revised Budget 2019/20 & Draft Budgets 2020/21 to 2022/23

2020/21 2020/21 Comments Draft Covid -19 Budget Budget £ £ 1111/1 Rent 90 90 1111/2 Electricity

1111/3 Maintenance & Consumables 4,000 7,164 19/20 £3164.41 Underspend from General Funds 26.05.20 Council 1111 Total 4,090 7,254 1115 War Memorials 1115/11115/1 Cleaning Contract 1,010 1,010 1115/21115/2 Maintenance & Upkeep 1,900 5,459 19/20 Underspend £3559.10 carried forward from General Funds 26.05.20 Council meeting 1115 Total 2,910 6,469 1120 Penzance Football Club 1120/1 Statutory Checks, Inspections & actions 5,000 43,841 19/20 Underspend £38840.59 carried forward from General Funds 26.05.20 Council meeting 1120 Total 5,000 43,841 1130 Open Spaces 1130/1 Heamoor Field 3,000 3,000 1130/2 Jewish Cemetery 200 200 1130/4 Planters 3,200 3,200 1130 Total 6,400 6,400 1135 Open Air Theatre 1135/1 Maintenance 2,000 2,000 1165 Toilets 1165/1 Cleaning Contract 91,650 91,650 1165/2 General Supplies - all sites 1,920 1,920 1165/3 Alexandra Road 1165/3/1 Maintenance 2,000 2,000 1165/3/2 Council Tax 0 0 1165/3/3 Electricity 320 320

1165/3/4 Water 450 450 1165/4 Penalverne 1165/4/1 Maintenance 2,000 2,000 1165/4/2 Council Tax 1,510 1,510 1165/4/3 Electricity 300 300 1165/4/4 Water 3,430 3,430 1165/5 Princess May 1165/5/1 Maintenance 2,500 2,500 1165/5/2 Council Tax 1165/5/3 Electricity 1,150 1,150 1165/5/4 Water 2,800 2,800 1165/6 South Pier 1165/6/1 Maintenance 3,500 3,500 1165/6/2 Council Tax 1,130 1,130

1165/6/3 Electricity 160 160 1165/6/4 Water 790 790

3 Leisure & Amenities Committee - Revised Budget 2019/20 & Draft Budgets 2020/21 to 2022/23

2020/21 2020/21 Comments Draft Covid -19 Budget Budget £ £ 1165/7 TIC 1165/7/1 Maintenance 5,500 5,500 1165/7/2 Council Tax 3,450 3,450 1165/7/3 Electricity 1165/7/4 Water 400 400 1165/8 Wherrytown 1165/8/1 Maintenance 2,500 2,500 1165/8/2 Council Tax 1,830 1,830 1165/8/3 Electricity 410 410 1165/8/4 Water 850 850

1165/10 Legionella Testing 0 0 1165 Total 130,550 130,550 1180 Surveillance & Security 1180/1 Annual Monitoring 0 0 1180/2 Additional Monitoring 0 0 1180/3 Maintenance Contract 0 0 1180/4 Repairs 0 0 1180/5 Storenet 0 0 1180 Total 0 0 1210 Lodge Refurbishment 0 0

1211 The Lodge - Statutory checks & 1,500 1,500 1215 Barbican Building - Statutory 1,000 1,000 1220 Vehicle Leasing 8,550 8,550

1230 Purchase of Machinery 0 17,040 As agreed 26.05.20 Council. Virement from reserves 1240 Maintenance & Repair of Vehicles & Equipmen 3,500 3,500

1250 Play Equipment- Penlee Park 5,000 5,000 1260 Secure Banking Service 1,560 1,560 1270 Devolutions - Surveys & Inspections 0 7,100 Virement from 1300/1 26.05.20 Council

1280 Tree Surveys 0 0

4 Leisure & Amenities Committee - Revised Budget 2019/20 & Draft Budgets 2020/21 to 2022/23

2020/21 2020/21 Comments Draft Covid -19 Budget Budget £ £ 1300 Morrab Gardens

1300/1 Salaries 86,540 0 1300/2 Water 3,760 0 1300/3 Gas 3,000 0 1300/4 Electricity 890 0 1300/5 Waste 7,750 0 1300/6 Security 4,680 0 1300/7 Machinery 2,030 0 1300/8 Maintenance - Gardens 10,000 0 1300/9 Plants & Materials 5,000 0 1300/10 Tools & Equipment 2,000 0 1300/11 PPE 2,050 0 1300/12 Friends 0 0 Budget available to cover impact of Covid-19 due to delay in Devolution activities until April Total Morrab Gardens 127,700 0 2021 1310 Alexandra Play Park & Tennis Courts 1310/1 Waste 2,090 0 1310/2 Street Lighting 260 0 1310/3 Ground Rent 0 1310/4 Security 1,170 0 1310/5 Machinery 500 0 1310/6 Maintenance/planting 5,000 0 1310/7 Play Equipment repairs 5,000 0 1310/8 Tools & Equipment 7,700 0 Total Alexandra Play Park 21,720 0 1320 Princess May Rec 1320/1 Water 0 0 1320/2 Street Lighting 380 0 1320/3 Waste 2,020 0 1320/4 Ground Rent 530 0 1320/5 Security 2,340 0 1320/6 Machinery 1,010 0 1320/7 Maintenance - contractor for cutting 2,500 0 1320/8 Plants & Materials 1,000 0 1320/9 Play Equipment & Skatepark Repirs 2,500 0 Budget available to cover impact of Covid-19 due to delay in Devolution activities until April Total Princess May Recreation Grounds 12,280 0 2021 1330 Foxes Lane Play Park 1330/1 Waste 160 0 1330/2 Security 590 0 1330/3 Maintenance - repairs 750 0 1330/4 Play Equipment Repairs 750 0

5 Leisure & Amenities Committee - Revised Budget 2019/20 & Draft Budgets 2020/21 to 2022/23

2020/21 2020/21 Comments Draft Covid -19 Budget Budget £ £ Total Foxes Lane Play Park 2,250 0 1995 Funds 1995/1 Well Fields Car Park Maintenance Fund 1,500 1,500 Required - wall repairs needed this year Penzance Council have an obligation to aquire new allotment space if an opportunity 1995/2 Allotment Increase in Provision Fund 1,500 1,500 presents itself. Required to establish an appropraite budget to replace the junior equipemnt in the next 2 - 1995/3 Penlee Park - Play Equipment Fund 5,000 5,000 3 years Required - the total £15k is needed on an annual basis - items earmarked for this year include the removal of redundant water storage tanks (H&S) and replacement of obsolete 1995/4 Toilet Refurbishment Fund 15,000 15,000 handwashing facilities with up to date wallgate units

1995/5 Devolution Fund 0 0

1995/6 Weed Treatment Equipment 17,040 17,040 Budget already utilised for this financial year in the purchase of machinery 1995/7 PAFC - roof replacement Budget already alocated for H&S repairs

1995/8 Tree Maintenance 2,000 2,000 Budget required for future tree works to prolong the life of ageing tree stock in Penlee Park Future replacement of compact tractor. Has already been identified as needing 1995/9 Machinery Replacement 7,780 may replacement with more suitable equipment Ad hoc seasonal repairs of the CCTV installation - the current budget would cover the 1995/10 CCTV repair/replacement replacement of two cameras

Member decision to improve disability access throughout the park and to repairs to the 1995/11 Penlee Park - Infrastructure Improvement 15,000 15,000 bond and steps (H&S item) 1995/12 Boundary repair/replacement 17,500 17,500 Signficant boundary repairs due to historic lack of maintenance 1995/13 Christmas Lighting Infrastructure 7,500 7,500 H&S improvements to stop Christmas lights being powered by residential premises. Morrab Gardens - Reinstatement & 1995/14 Improvement projects Recommend to remain in place due to work required identified in devolution surveys Alexandra Play Park & Tennis Courts - 1995/15 Reinstatement & Improvement projects Recommend to remain in place due to work required identified in devolution surveys Princess May Rec - Reinstatament & 1995/16 Improvement projects Recommend to remain in place due to work required identified in devolution surveys Foxes lane Playpark - Reinstatement & 1995/17 Improvement projects Recommend to remain in place due to work required identified in devolution surveys 1995/18 Princess May - skatepark refurbishment Skate park in need of refurbishment reserve to be maintained to support 1995/19 Princess May - play equipment 5,000 5,000 Play equipment in need of updating reserve to be maintained to support 1995/20 Alexandra Play Park - Play Equipment 5,000 5,000 Play equipment in need of updating reserve to be maintained to support 1995/21 Foxes Lane Play Equipment 7,500 7,500 Play equipment in need of updating reserve to be maintained to support Welfre facilities will need to be refubished and extended and storage extended to support 1995/22 Devolution welfare accommodation - Penl 0 0 devolution TUPE and equipment for new sites 1995 Total 107,320 99,540

Total Expenditure 825,030 763,721

6 Leisure & Amenities Committee - Revised Budget 2019/20 & Draft Budgets 2020/21 to 2022/23

2020/21 2020/21 Comments Draft Covid -19 Budget Budget £ £

Net Expenditure 664,020 652,631

7 Finance & General Purposes Committee - Revised Budget 2019/20 & Budgets 2020/21 to 2022/23

2020/21 2020/21 Draft Covid-19 Comments Budget Budget £ £ Income 300 Precept 1,435,230 1,435,230 305 Council Tax Support Grant 78,910 78,910 310 Interest 310/1 Interest in H.I.B.A. Accounts 5,210 5,214 310 Total 5,210 5,214 315 Rents 315/1 Tennis Club 6,250 5,000 Reduction in rent as per minute 136 a, 9th March 2020 Full Council meeting. 315/2 Lodge 6,000 6,000 315/6 Bryncliffe Flat 340 0 315 Total 12,590 11,000 325 Section 106 Monies 0 1,597 CIL Payment. 390 Grants 390/1 Solomon Browne Memorial Hall Grant 0 0 390/2 Local Devolution Fund Project - CC 0 0 390 Total 0 0 399 Miscellaneous 399/1 S W W Shares Dividend 180 180 399/2 Miscellaneous 520 520 399 Total 700 700 Total Income 1,532,640 1,532,651

Expenditure 3000 Salaries 180,160 180,160

3005 Council Office 3005/2 Office - Council Tax 4,990 4,990 3005/3 Telephone 1,480 1,480 3005/4 Printing & Stationery 1,500 1,500 3005/5 Photocopying 3,130 3,130 3005/6 Postage 1,500 1,500 3005/7 Office Equip/Furn 620 620 3005/8 IT Equipment - Purchase 100 100 3005/9 IT Equipment - Lease 4,240 4,240 3005/10 IT Software & Support 3,720 3,720 3005/11 Accounting Software 1,610 1,610 3005/12 Payroll Software 1,390 1,390 3005/13 Penlee Centre - Electricity 2,520 2,520 3005/14 Penlee Centre - Water Rates 480 480 3005/15 Penlee Centre - Broadband 660 660 3005 Total 27,940 27,940 3010 Website 730 6,083 19/20 £5353.36 underspend carried forward from General Funds 26.05.2020 Council meeting 3012 External Communications 1,000

1 Finance & General Purposes Committee - Revised Budget 2019/20 & Budgets 2020/21 to 2022/23

2020/21 2020/21 Draft Covid-19 Comments Budget Budget £ £ 3015 Training

3015/1 Staff Training 12,000 12,000 3015/2 Councillor Training 3,000 3,000 3015 Total 15,000 15,000

3020 Staff Travelling Allowance 2,190 2,190 3026 Health & Safety 3026/1 External Support Service 9,830 9,830

3026/2 Occupational Health 350 350 3026/4 First Aid Supplies 50 50 3026 Total 10,230 10,230 3030 Insurance 14,740 14,740 3035 Building Maintenance - Penlee Centre 3035/1 Buildings Maintenance 2,510 2,510

3035/2 Buildings Cleaning 2,090 3,500 Increased to allow for more frequent cleaning to adhere to Government guidance on safe work places. 3035/3 Penlee Centre - Refurbishment Project 0 0

3035/4 Waste Collection - Penlee Centre 390 390 3035/5 Building Security - Penlee Centre 440 440 3035/6 CCTV - Penlee Centre 140 140 3035/7 Fire Safety Contract - Penlee Centre 370 370 3035/8 Cleaning materials & supplies 100 100 3035/9 Statutory electrical checks 600 600 3035 Total 6,640 8,050 3040 Legal Fees 8,000 8,000 3045 Penzance BID Levy 1,830 1,830 3050 Mayor's Allowance 4,800 4,800 3052 Councillors Travel expenses 800 800 3055 Accommodation - Mayor's Parlour/Meetings 1,610 1,610 3060 Official Functions 3061/1 Mayor Choosing 2,800 2,800 3061/2 Annual Town Meeting 620 620 3061/3 St John Feast 110 110 3061/4 Mazey Lunch 1,500 1,500 3061/5 Remembrance Sunday 920 920 3061/6 Miscellaneous 400 400 6,350 6,350 3065 Official Functions - Honorarium etc 680 680 3070 Association Fees 4,280 4,280

2 Finance & General Purposes Committee - Revised Budget 2019/20 & Budgets 2020/21 to 2022/23

2020/21 2020/21 Draft Covid-19 Comments Budget Budget £ £ 3075 Councillor's Child Care 670 670 3080 Advertising (Employment etc) 2,000 2,000 3085 Audit Fee 4,500 4,500 3095 Bank Commission 2,160 2,160 3100 Twinning 3100/1 Twinning-Concarneau 500 500 3100/2 Twinning - Bendigo/Nevada 250 250 3100/3 Twinning-Cuxhaven 500 500 3100 Total 1,250 1,250 3105 Grants 3105/1 Small grant scheme 9,000 17,880 19/20 Underspend £8400 + £480 carried forward from General Funds as per Council 26.05.20 3105/2 St. Piran/Montol/Sea Salts Festivals 4,500 3,500 Sea Salts & Sail not going ahead. 3105/3 Penzance Street Pastors 2,750 2,750 3105/4 Welcome West Cornwall Centre 5,000 2,500 Will be drawing down a proportion of grant later in the year. 3105/5 Pengarth Day Centre 15,000 15,000 3105/6 Penzance Community Flora Group 3,390 3,390 3105/9 Hypatia Trust 0 0 3105/10 Jubilee Pool 61,400 61,400 Subject to gaining Quest accreditation. 3105/11 Gulval Christmas Lght 1,500 1,500 Mousehole lights have been cancelled for 2020. Could re-purpose funds to aide smaller displays going 3105/12 Mousehole Christmas Lights 1,900 0 ahead. 3105/13 Newlyn Christmas Lights 1,000 1,000 3105/14 Open Air Theatre Grant/Brochure 2,300 0 3105/15 Heamoor Christmas Lights 500 500 3105/16 Solomon Browne Memorial Hall 0 0

3105/17 BID - Town Centre Watering 0 0 3105/19 Penzance Summer Get Together 0 0 3105/20 Mounts Bay Academy/St John's Hall Project 0 10,000 As per Council 26.05.20 3105 Total 108,240 119,420 3110 Annual Firework Display 5,000 0 Not going ahead as Golowan is cancelled. 3115 Neighbourhood Plan 10,000 27,784 19/20 £17784 Underspend carried forward from General Fund as per Council 26.05.20 3120 Section 106 Monies 0

3121 Section 106 Administrative Support 730 0 Not required. 3135 Local Devolution Projects - CC 0 3150 HR Consultancy Services 0 3160 The Lodge 3160/1 Rent on temporary accommodation 0 3160/4 Bryncliff reinstatement 0 3160/5 Tenancy Management fees 860 860

3 Finance & General Purposes Committee - Revised Budget 2019/20 & Budgets 2020/21 to 2022/23

2020/21 2020/21 Draft Covid-19 Comments Budget Budget £ £ 3160 Total 860 860

3170 Election Costs 0 0 3180 Community Engagement 1,000 1,000 3190 Trereife Crossroads - Traffic Survey 0 0 3195 Town Centre Hub 0 0 3200 Social Action Support 25,000 25,000 3205 ASB Caseworker - contribution to costs 28,000 28,000

3210 Procurement Support 1,500 1,500 3220 Climate Emergency Support 0 30,000 19/20 £30,000 underspend carried over from General Funds as per Council 26.05.2020 3225 Youth Activities 0 0 3230 Heritage Plaque Scheme 1,000 1,000 3240 Surveillance & Security 3240/1 Annual Monitoring 17,780 17,780 3240/2 Additional Monitoring 1,500 1,500 3240/3 Maintenance Contract 9,980 9,980 3240/4 Repairs 3,530 3,530 3240/5 Storenet 540 540 Total 33,330 33,330 3800 Golowan 3800/1 Telephone/Internet 0 0 3800/2 Licences & Permits 0 0 3800/3 Office Rental 2,750 2,750 3800/4 Office Rates 0 0 3800/5 Water/Gas/Electricity Charges 1,320 1,320 3800/6 Service Level Agreement 19,000 9,000 Event cancelled and only 3K paid for 20/21 but they will draw down 6K in Sept for following year 3800/7 Insurance Cover 0 0 3800/8 Plastic free initiative 0 0 3800 Total 23,070 13,070 3995 Funds 3995/1 Buildings Fund 13,900 13,900

3995/2 Election Costs Fund 10,000 10,000

3995/4 Devolution Fund 0 0 3995/5 Social Issues Support Fund 0 0 3995/6 Coastal Communities Reserve 0 0 3995/7 IT Replacement 2,740 2,740 3995/8 Tour of Britain Reserve 3,000 3,000 To contribute to the reserve for the event taking place in 2021. 3995/9 Youth Reserve 0 0

4 Finance & General Purposes Committee - Revised Budget 2019/20 & Budgets 2020/21 to 2022/23

2020/21 2020/21 Draft Covid-19 Comments Budget Budget £ £ 3995/10 Local Devolution Projects - CC 0 0 3995/11 Hypatia Trust - Gardeners House Project 3995/12 CCTV repair/replacement 5,000 5,000 3995 Total 34,640 34,640 3997 General Contingency 4,000 4,000 Could utilise contingency 3999 Miscellaneous 2,000 2,000 Could utilise miscellaneous budget if required. Total Expenditure 575,930 624,927

Net Expenditure/ (Income) -956,710 -907,724

5 Item 10



Link to Strategic Plan or other Town Strategic Plan – Section 3 Culture & Council policy Sport (page 6) – Promote small grants scheme within local community groups and associations

2020/21 Annual Grants Budget - £9,000 Total of current approvals: Annual Budget £ 9,000.00 Existing approvals £ 0 Balance remaining £ 9,000.00

(a) Cornwall Air Ambulance

Cornwall Air Ambulance were awarded a grant of £300 in July 2019 towards the new AW169 air ambulance which went into service in April 2020.

The new helicopter is a vital piece in the strategic plan to radically improve pre-hospital critical care for some of the most seriously injured or ill.

They currently fly from 7am to 7pm. With the new AW169 air ambulance they can extend air operations until 2am, 365 days a year. Flying an extra seven hours a day will allow the crew to reach an average of two more seriously injured or ill adults and children a day.

To fly an extra seven hours, they need to make some significant investments in additional resources which the charity is unable to do without help, especially given the current economic climate.

Additional resources are detailed below:

• Pilots: They are recruiting and training two new Pilots; this will double the Aviation Team to four. • Paramedics: They are expanding the Medical Team from six Critical Care Paramedics to ten, with four new recruits. They will need to invest in their training to upskill these Land Paramedics to Helicopter Emergency Specialist Paramedics in Critical Care. • Night-flying: To extend into night flying, they will need to purchase their own weather stations at strategic points across the county (as MET systems go off-line at 10pm), crew helmets with lip lights and helipad lighting systems.

Over the last two years they have piloted a Rapid Response Vehicle (RRV) until to 2am, four days per week to test the demand for extending the air operation. Despite a

Item 10 significant number of limitations (like the road distance to Penzance), in 2019 the Rapid Response Vehicle out of hours and daytime back-up service led to 380 missions. Excluding the set-up costs, to increase our hours by 7 a day operating costs will increase by one third.

In sharp contrast the charity is facing a significant loss of annual income as a result of the Covid-19 restrictions: charity shops are closed, community and events fundraising has ceased, and their business partnerships have been severely impacted by the wider economic impact. Also, having recently purchased the AW169, their reserves are now depleted to operating costs.

They want to ensure that every seriously ill or injured adult and child receives the highest possible clinical care within what is termed in the industry as the ‘golden hour’. Treatment within this time improves survival rates and reduces the long-term impact, i.e. patient recovers more fully and more quickly. They are tasked to both local residents (80%) and visitors (20%); adults and children. However medical missions for age related conditions such as cardiac and strokes account for a third of our call outs. In 2019, the crew were tasked to 172 road traffic collisions.

Cornwall Air Ambulance attended 83 time-critical patients in the Penzance and Lands Ends area during 2019 (averaging almost 7 per month). Their highly trained Critical Care Paramedics provided advanced medical care at scene and air transfers to mostly Derriford Hospital. This life-saving care costs approx. £3,400 per patient. Extending our air operations is expected to increase missions by a third. They therefore estimate they will be tasked to 110 seriously injured or ill adults and children in the Penzance area alone each year.

Their bank statement shows a balance of £219,261 as of 11 March 2020.

RECOMMENDATION – to consider awarding a grant of £300 to Cornwall Air Ambulance.

(b) Coast FM Penwith Community Radio Coast FM Penwith Community Interest Company is a registered Community Interest Company, registration number 5874266. They are currently providing Coronavirus updates throughout the week which include valuable information re local support and deliveries along with mental health related assistance keeping listeners informed and importantly lessening the feeling of isolation during the current crisis and on into the future. The grant will enable them to increase their on-air presence from home during the crisis as well as enabling them to undertake more outside events once the crisis is over by enabling them to purchase additional kit to deliver more broadcasts. The cost of the kit they wish to purchase is as follows: 2 X HP Computers £320.00 Mixing Desk £309.00 Case £119.00 2 x Microphones £224.00

Total £972.00

Item 10

Their broadcasts are done on a voluntary basis from home as well as outside broadcasts for the Penzance and West Cornwall community. Broadcasts benefit the whole wider community including men, women, all ages, races, abilities, backgrounds, races, and sexual orientation. The grant will benefit their volunteer base of 37 but also the wider listening base of West Cornwall which is estimated at 12,500 listeners per week. Their accounts as of 30th June 2019 indicate a gross profit of £6,165 with expenses of £6,145 resulting in a profit of £20.00 RECOMMENDATION – to consider awarding a grant of £972.00 to Coast FM Penwith Community Radio.

(c) Newlyn Archive

Newlyn Archive are applying for a grant to produce 1000 copies of a Newlyn Walk book. The original book has been out of print for a long time and they are responding to demand and believe the book will raise the profile of the area. The money will go towards the cost of printing the book. It will highlight areas of cultural interest and include photographs of paintings by some of the well-known Newlyn Artists, in relation to the walk. It will also raise the profile of the area, promoting local trades, fishing trades, businesses, cafes, pubs, fishmongers, copper works etc. especially those passed on the walk. It will also identify old industrial buildings. This book will be an opportunity to promote Newlyn, thus helping local businesses after lockdown. Volunteers have been busy helping with the walks, identifying places of interest, and developing the route. The Archive volunteers will be able to offer this book to future visitors to purchase. This book will be an opportunity to promote Newlyn, thus helping local businesses after lockdown. The cost of the project is £1,074 and the request for funding is for £800. Their bank statement shows a balance of £11,000 as of 7 May 2020. Newlyn Archive received a cheque for £150 for their Open Day at Trinity Centre on March 23rd. Due to Covid-19, the Open Day was cancelled. The Archive and Trinity Centre have been closed since and will remain so for the foreseeable future. They had purchased the items listed ready for the Open Day so fully utilised the funds. RECOMMENDATION – to consider awarding a grant of £800 to Newlyn Archive.

Helen Wilson-Prowse Support Services Manager & Responsible Finance Officer

Item 10

Item 12




The Finance and General Purposes Committee elects a new Chair who will also serve as a Director of JPPL.


Councillor Cordel has made the decision to stand down as Chair of the Finance & General Purpose Committee after concluding business at the 15 June 2020 meeting.

Helen Wilson-Prowse Support Services Manager/RFO