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LET.' GET IT Battle for the bracket The No. 11 Hens aim to break its rivalry Black Eyed Peas perform tie with Villanova and share an Atlantic 10 live at the Bob title along with a playoff appearance. Mosaic/ Bl Sports/ B6 Tuesdays The news source of & Fridays the Blue Hens FREE 250 Perkins Student Center •• University of Delaware • Newark, DE 19716 Volume 131, Issue 21 11 '\\'ll'.review.ude/.edu Friday, November 19, 2004 rs! UD aims to DuPont ou ld ird cleans ·ed he keep blood ut- 0- Army ~ld ' 11- drive title ·ly al he BY AARTr MAHTANI - although thi i . her fi·rst time toxin s, Copy Editor donating bl ood at th e university, d ln an attem pt to wi n the she donated once before in hi gh er oloni al Athletic As.soc iati on 'schoo l. BY DANA SCHWAHTZ le Blo d Dri e om petition for Lawnick said she kn ws Staff Reporter th e third consecuti ve year, stu her A- nega ti ve bl ood type is DuPont is currentl y develop p dents, facu lty, nurses, members rare, so she fe lt a need to ing technology for the removal of d of th e co mm unity and vo lun donate. phosphona tes from wastewater, ur teers fi ll ed the Trabant When she made an li ke that produced by th e destruc he Multipurpose Rooms all day appointment, she was advised tion of VX nerve agen t, DuPont ht Wed nesday. not to drink any alcohol for 12 chemical engineer Todd Gwens tt- The dri ve's co mp etition is hours before donating. Lawnick sa id. with oth er uni vers ities in the sa id she ate so she wo uld not "We've hea rd the concerns of CAA. feel sick after the procedure. .about phosphonates," he said . "Our te In 2002, the univers ity won However, her process took focus is on improving water quality with 252 donors and the fo ll ow longer than the expected hou r ·by remo ving phosphonates that are ing year with 408 donors. Thi s and a half. already in the environment." year, it aim to win again with "They took my vi tals and Phosphonate compounds are more th an 700 donors, sa id sa id my pu lse was too fast, so I often found in wastewater resu lting E_mil y Fowli e, publi c . relations had to wait," Lawn ick sa id. from the use and manufacture of spokeswoman for the Blood The third annual bl ood pesticides, pharmaceuticals, herbi ci des and other products and pro Bank of Delmarva. drive was sponsored by HOLA, THE REVIEW/Meaghan Jones "Our numbers continue to Resident Student Association duction pTocesses. grow as interest [for the drive] nnd Kappa Alpha Theta sorori Senior Matthew Pomerantz gives blood during the university's CAA blood drive. Anthony farina, DuPont continues l6 grow," she sa id . ty, in co njunction wi th . the spokesman, stated in a press re·lease The bl ood dri ve, whi ch Blood Bank of Delmarva. got involved wi th thi s particular "lt was a grea t op portunity here since 9 a.m., and so fa r it 's that the new technology woul d sig resembled an assembly lin e, · Fow li e sa id the CAA Blood dri ve because they had shown to vo lunteer for something so been -packed." ni ficantly remo ve phosphonates had vo lun teers and nurses at Dri ve Competition is . the interes t in small er dri ves be fore important," she said. "Thi s Fowli e said th e drive was from wastewater and could serve a every co rn er taking in forma the co mpetition started , fowlie drive helps the community by uni versity President David P. broad range of applications. biggest one-day dri ve Delmarva said . · tion, vital stati stics and the has . possibl y saving li ves." Rosell e's idea in Fa ll 2002. The announcement comes just actual blood. "We should have no prob Junior Melody asagrande, Casagrande sa id HOLA "We've been rei gning months after heated debates After donors registered, lem breakin g down last year's vice president of HOLA. sa id and the other spon ors adver champs ever si nce," she said . between concerned citizens , com they received a T-shi rt and read total," she sa id, at approxim ate the group opted to sponsor the tised the drive by e-mailing The university wi ll know if pany officials and state representa th e donor informa ti on as they ly 2 p.m ., with six hour to go drive aga in because it is th eir their group and posting flyers its third annu al CAA Blood tives over DuPont's plan to dispose organizati on's tradition and aro und ca mpus. Drive Competition has been a wa ited for their name to be and already 25 0 s u cce~sful of VX wastewater into th e ca lled. donors . they enjoy helping the uni vers i "Each group did a great job success Tuesday, after Towson Delaware River. Junior Katy Lawnick sa id The un ivers ity's spo nsors ty exceed its goa l and win every and we think this wi ll be a great University completes its dri ve. Foll owing the Sept. II , 200 I yea r. success," she sa id. "I've been terrorist attacks, th e federal gov ernment increased efforts to dis po se of m6Je th an 8,000 tons of stockpil ed VX oerve agent. The VX nerve agent was to be treated at th e Army's chemical Pedestrian collisions faci lity in Newport, Indi ana and shipped to DuPont's treatment plant in New Jersey where it would be further neu trali zed and released to the river through an underwater raise safety concerns discharge point. Stanley Sandler, chemical engineering professor, stated in an BY LISA ROMANO e-mail message phosphonates are Staff Reporter also formed during the chemical Paul Christopher Quinn, psychology reaction that produces hydrolysate, professor, was hit by a car Nov. 11 . the compound formed during the He was crossing Delaware Avenue and breakdown of VX nerve agent. heading toward Main Street when he was While environmental concerns struck by a driver who did not stop at the are a factor, he sa id , the toxicity of crosswalk. the hydrolysate is rell)tively low. Quinn sa id the car in the right lane . "[Its] toxicity is not wors than stopped, but then he glanced over again and many chem icals routinely handled noticed the car in the other lane did not seem in the chemical industry," Sandler to be slowing down. · sa id. "The next thing I knew," he said,"[ was The· nerve agent would be dan up on the hood ." gerous if it fell into the hands o( Quinn said he suffered several inj-uries terrorists, he said, so it is' important from the colli sion. to destroy the VX. "You live and learn," he sa id . Sandler sa id because it still has From hi s experience, Quinn questioned low toxicity, the compound is safe the safety of crosswalks because they do not to transport. carry the sa me meaning for drivers as they still be aware and no t always' count on the "I wo uld feel much safer trav do for pedestrians. other person to do what they should. eling on I-95 next to a truck carry "Based on what happened to me, cross One way to stay alert is to keep eye in g the solution than l wou ld next wa lks give a fa lse sense of security," he sa id. contact with the other perso n, he said. to trucks we have on the highway "1 think at least for awhile l wi ll be crossing "[You] ca n't always count on the car everyday ca!JYing gasoline or com at the light." stopping for yo u, even if you ha ve the right bustible material," he said. The old method used to cross the street: of way," he said . "At the end of the day if Sandler said one problem with i stop, look both .ways and then cross has d you're ri ght, but get hit by a car, it does n't the proposal is the prospect th at come into question with each pedestrian co l do much good." some of the phosphonate chemicals li sion on and arou nd ca mpu s. Now citi zen t Tn Newark, there are everal traffic might make it th ro ugh the DuPont will be more aware of traffi c safety laws due symbo ls to be aware of such as crosswalks, neutra li zation process. e t efforts by the university and Newark. d bike lanes a11d traffi c ignals. Since it is a A l ~n Mull er, director of Green Newark Police Traffic Lt. Th mas co ll ege town, there are a many pedestrians THE REV fEW/Mary Beth Wi lde Delaware, sa id the recent fact LeMin sa id although tltey are focusing on A vocalist with Special When Lit performed at The Ground DuPont provided show no evidence improving traffic afety, the individual mu st rt see POLICE page AS Floor Wednesday. The nightclub will close its doors Nov. 22. ee MILITARY page A5 11 n Ground Floor holds Just the Fach e • The U.S.