SI* Radiation Detection Instrument to Give Warning to Civilians

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SI* Radiation Detection Instrument to Give Warning to Civilians \r.v THURSDAY, MARCH 16. 1960 ittanrlif^Btrr Eiti^ninQ IfpraUt Lasi Call Is Nearing for Red Cross Contributions Tba oommlttaa yk charge of ar- Aircraft Oorporattoa. A 80-yaor awarded t o Erie Martin, n a e n d Talephooa brldgea wlU ba held pin wns awarded to Jomea atmultaneoiwly tomorrow evening rangementa t o r the Smorgasbord, ---------- sa J. A lo r managar. to Ralph Pounder and ■whaaR Noted Conductor Are Honored of 187 Wadsworth strest and 16- Jooaph J. caiunko of Eastford; and About Town in the homea of a number of Saturday evening, March 25 at the Cbvenant • Obngregatlonal church pins to Paul R. BaUsleper 6f 16-vm t pina to Frank A. Johnoon HALE’S membera of the Second Oongreaa- By Aircraft 70 Tanner ntroet and Waua E. o f New Britain, Pmnk Irmlscher Average Dally Net Prsee Run The Weather TM commlitM In chus« of Uit tlonal Women'a League. Mra. will have a meeting this evening at For the Memh el Fehruary, IPS* ; al U. a Waateat l the honw of Mrs. Robert WIdham Munsall of 76 Qrtenwood drive. M Rockville, and Kenneth J. Bot- Ml* of tickota for tlio Pnaaton Sherwood O. Bowera, the preal- Twenty-year plna wart olao m p of Eaat Hartford. Headquarters Play, “Maatar of Naaarath.” to ba dent, will receive the acorea and of Benton street. Mrs. Wldhaln and Three Local Men Re­ Fair aad eaa« Stven undar the auaplcaa of the award the priaea. Miss Ellen Johnson are co-chalr- FOR ^meratone Oub, St.V Bridgafa me’ > of a. committee from the Aid ceive Pins for Their 9,877 church, at the HolHatef achool on The Center Theaplana will pre- Society of Covenant League, pre­ et the AodH lEiiPuttw Bpralb aaew aad not oa eoM Mardi se, la aa foUowa: Mra. Rua- aent the rellgloua drama, St. Clau­ paring the meal. Further Informa­ Long Services eleariac, windy and eaM i aell Yerrlnfton. I l l Dalmont dia. by Martin Gold. Sunday eve­ tion In regard to the Smorgasbord Horo You A Manchester— ‘A City o f Village Charm atreet. tel. *-3088: Mra. Howard ning at 7:30 at tbe church. will be found In their advertlse- Three local men were recently Beaupre. 2M Summit a U ^ . 'ment elsewhere In today's Herald. recipienta of pine denoting either Sewer Disposal Problem? 8>13t9, and Mra. Soacph Lynch, 117 20 or IS years of service at Ham­ (Clnaaiaed AdvartMng oa Pace It) MANCHESTER, CONN., FRIDAY, MARCH 17, 1950 ilton Standard division of United VOL. LXDL NO. 141 (EIGHTEEN PAGES) PRICK FOUR CBNTS Delmont atreft, 2-8072. Major and Mra. Benjamin C. A. Lawrence RIker of Highland THEN Jonea, commanding offlcera of the Park, qusdity engineer In the In­ llambcra of the Women'a Home Manchester Salvation Army Ltafue of the Salvation Army ex­ spection division at the Pratt and Corpa. returned laat night from Whitney Aircraft plant for the CONSULT A SPECIALIST! pect more than 160 at their annual Roeheater, Pa., where they were Fire Razrs Maine Woolen Mill Iriab tea and enterUlnment thi* past three years, addressed the McKINNEY BROS. SEWAGE DISPOSAL COMPANY called laat week by the death of Hartford Society for Measurement evening at the citadel. The uavial Mra. Jones’ mother, Mrs, W. S. Commission Does and Control, at Its meeting last 130-1.12 Pearl Street, Manchester, Connecticut Radiation Detection Iriab aoda and other breada will be O’Dell. Mrs. Mary Jones, mother aerved. David Addy la In charge of of Major Jones, died a few months evening In the Old Colony Restau­ rant. East Hartford, on the subject o SEPTIC TANKS INSTALLED AND CLEANED tha4 >roffram. ago. of "Quality Control at Pratt and Ranges* Refrigeratora Not Favor Firing Whitney Aircraft." • SEWER LINES INSTALLED AND ELECTRIC­ Francis R. McCollum, of 470 ALLY CLEANED Washers and All Porter street, was among the top Instrument to Give PRESCRIPTIONS winners for the first year of the Members of the Army and Navy oD RAlN ACa DITCHES AND DRY WELLS IN­ suggestion system at the Con­ Club Auxiliary will meet at East STALLED Other Appliances Oamponaded by ntea of many Center and Summit streets to­ Iff 6 A iif>n State Employes necticut Mtitual Life Insurance Dr. fnmaa R. UonglitoB yaara experleaoe. Company. Mr. McCollum won two night at 7:30, and proceed to the John B. Burke Funeral Home in FOR PROMPT SERVICE CALL MANCHESTER 5308 Hm 'C O M of the cash awards to 180 em­ Dr. James R. Houghton, conilur- IN THE BASEMENT T ployes during 194P, ranging from tribute to Mrs. Agnes Hess who Such Proposal Not Nec* Warning to Civilians Arthur Drug Stores 810 to *110. was a member. tor of the Boston University Girl-.' Navy Putting and Men's Glee clubs which will essary or Desirable present a program Friday evoivu”, Under Plan to Reor­ Traffic Light Color* to at 7:30 at the Sknith Methodist Sub Defenses New Element Missing Co-Ed church. Is professor of muaic In ganize State Govern­ Show Whether or Not Boston University and director of Em M lodilral SUanlHl C tan M ^ choral activities for the Universi­ ment; Response Made First on List Fils Jigsaw Dangerous Anioiiiits ty. He Is perhaps most widely The Self Serve Way MADE WITH known os the conductor of the To Several Inquiries Reaching Device; Can Boston University Seminary Sing­ Strategists Not T oo Hap-- Of Creation Be Sold Coiiinicrcially ^ HoMood ers, the nationally-known male Hartford, March 17.—(^P) chorus who have toured the coun­ — ^The C!ommi88ion on State py About State o f For $10 to $15; Could S k ^ try with popular acclaim. Of Food Shopping ClING PEACHES Dr. Houghton has appeared Government Reorganization Readiness; Air Arm to Slrangc, Invisililp Suit- Be Useil to Determine 1^ W onderful pic-filler with several of the leading orches­ does not propose that any Use Older Planes Safety After Blast . fine foe cake* and tras of the country and at many present state employe be slaiiro, Dinrovi'ri'il l»y turnover*. festivals including the Bach .Fes­ yfos Originated In New England fired. Nor does it think such tival at Baldwin Wallacs College, Washington, March 17—[iTi—Its Flames sweep through four wooden buUdlngs of the Moosehcad Woolen mills at the height of a fire Atom SiiiakluTH, Docs a proposal is necessary or de­ Rullclin! Pinehunt hringt you another $pecial on these Ohio, the Harvard University Glee funds and strength clipped sharp­ which wiped out the Irniling Industry of Corlnim, Me., nllh a Ins-, estlmiili'd at 83<H),000. Fir<-m--ii (li-ft) Not Exiat Naliirally sirable under its plan to reor­ are pumping water from the river but flames Irvellcil the frame buildings In Ires than an hour. (Al* WaHhinKton. March 17,— Club and Radeliffe Choral Society. ly, tbe Navy la pressing a top- wonderful peaches (sliced or halves) Ho tours extensively, presenting At Hale’s. It Led The Way Then — ganize the state government. wlrephoto). (/P)— Mayor Fletcher Bowron priority program to deal with the Bcikelcy, C’nilf., March 17 (Jf) AND song recitals in many sectiona of Polat Made Clear of I.OS Anifeles cfimplained to SHURFINE CLING — The alom smashers have pro­ COnAGE CHEESE this country and Europe. Under his The commizoion made that submarine menace in any future CongrcHH today (hat, cities direction, the glee clubs have caught IT STILL DOES For Quality and Values duced another new element, a point clear In a ztatement tzaued war. Aclieson Gives 'don’t know what we’re ex­ the spirit of hla great person­ today in reaponze to zeveral But Naval strategists made Mundt Attacks Quick strange, Invisible substance which PEACHES can ality, character and artistic tem­ queriez the eommizziaB zayz it hzz pected to do” about civilian perament. His hands have molded plain In disclosures to Congress aeema to fit dramatically Into the defense against atomic at­ DfCM up your Hollywood SaUid with Csrrot gnd Cclory Betty Crocker received from atate employea and that they are not too happy about Third Wotice** jigsaw puzzle of creation, them Into skilled and highly tech­ Confectionery others. the state of the Navy's rezdlness. tack and can't 6nd oat. Bow­ Stidn. nical musical organizations and HEALTH MARKET 'Hie newcomer is Number 98 In hla heart haa given them the spir­ Skx)nomy in g o v e m m ^ la a They said the bilUon-doIlar bud­ Defense for Service the list of known elements which ron teatided at the 6rst pab- get cut they are taking means the make tip tho universe. It does not JrrI Lon Ely, l8-year-o|d Univer­ CRISP GOLDEN it with which to sing. matter of organization and monue, Advises American Peo­ sity of Kllchlgan freshman, la tbe lic hearing on the probiems Imported from England Apple the commlaaion aald, with Incen­ fleet air arm will have to fall back now exist naturally on earth, but on second-line aircraft next year, may have for a few fleeting min­ object nt a wideapread searcdi. Hbe by the Senate-House Atomic tives for good government pro­ ple Foreign Policy Acts .Stale Depaiimcnl In Hit ........... ■ lissn't been seen slnro she left Sugar Smoked RIB PORK ducing better service with fewer while combat s ^ strength will utes "In the hepinntng,’’ when mat­ committee. by KeUler CARROTS her room to attended eloasea In 12 Applications Pyequlck people. This, said the commission, be trimmed to 239 vessels from O f AH Nation’ s Citizens For Defending Dipio- NcWS TldbitS ter »-as formed. the present 288.
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