Linked with Deeds of Valor Throughout His Briggs Stated That in Five Text-Books Used in Indiana Schools Only One 1Ervice in the Mexican and Civil Wars
OFFICIAL BULLETIN 01'" THE NATIONAL SOCIETY 01'" THI!: SONS OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION President General Organized April 30, 1889 R. C. Ballard Thruston, Louisville, Ky. Incorporated by Act of ConKreu June 9, 1906 Volume VIII MARCH, 1914 Number 4 Published at the office of the Secretary General (A. Howard Clark. Smithsonian Insti tution), Washington, D. C., in June, October, December, and March. Entered as second·class matter, May 7, 1908, at the post·oflice at Washington, D. C., under the Act of July 16, x894. THE OFFICIAL BULLETIN records action by the General Officers, the Board of Trustees, the Executive and other National Committees, lists of members deceased and of new members, and important doings of State Societies. In order that the OFFICIAL BuLLETIN may be up to date, and to · insure the preservation in the National Society archives of a complete history of the doings of the entire organization, Secre taries of State Societies and of Local Chapters are requested to com municate promptly to the Secretary General written or printed accounts of all meetings or celebrations, to forward copies of all notices, circu lars, and other printed matter issued by them, and to notify him at once of dates of death of members. OFFICIAL NOTICES. THE TwENTY-FIFTH ANNUAL CoNGRESS will be held at Syracuse, N. Y., May I8 and 19, 1914. Headquarters will be at the Onondaga Hotel, where registration of delegates will begin at 2 o'clock Sunday afternoon, May I7. The following program was adopted by the National Committee on Arrangements at a meeting in Syracuse on February 27: Sunday, May 17.-4.30 p.
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