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[email protected] Page 2 Riding The Range • Fall 2008 Riding The Range ARHA PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE ARHA Quarterly Newsletter Dear Members, Volume 4 Number 15 2008 ARHA has had a good year. Even with the soaring gas prices and a slow The economy, this tells me that the members are starving for a place to gather and show their horses with fellow horsemen. There are still several events on the calendar; go to the ARHA website (www.americanranchhorse.net) “Events Calendar”, choose an event and attend! Next issue: THE CHARTERS NEED YOU! I am © challenging those of you who do not belong to a charter….join one. Those of you who belong to a CONTENTS charter….become active in your charter. It is not the ARHA that provides the shows you love to attend. It is the individual charters that make the shows possible. The charter shows enable you to earn points and achieve ARHA Contributing Writers: Mona Prater • Nikki Sutton titles for your horses. But these shows do not happen on their own. It takes ARHA Cartoon Artist Jimmy Shaw Graphic/Design Layout: Erica Keeney more than a handful of people to make it happen. Numerous volunteer hours are spent planning and preparing before a show takes place. Then, on the Page 2………………………………………Jimmy Driver Training Page 3………………………………………..Presidents Message show date, it takes more man hours to make the plan run smoothly and Page 4………………………………………….Calendar of Events efficiently.