March 14, 2011 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — H1781 minute and to revise and extend her re- cers’ service, their selflessness, and minute and to revise and extend his re- marks.) their sacrifice. marks.) Ms. BERKLEY. Mr. Speaker, I rise to f Mr. PAULSEN. Mr. Speaker, I rise call attention to the horrific murders today to congratulate the Eden Prairie that took place in Israel this past CONGRATULATING UNIVERSITY OF High School boys’ hockey team on win- weekend. Late Friday night during the ARKANSAS AT LITTLE ROCK ning the 2A State championship. It’s Jewish Sabbath, Palestinian terrorists (Mr. GRIFFIN of Arkansas asked and the team’s second State title in 3 murdered five members of a family, in- was given permission to address the years. cluding two young children and an in- House for 1 minute.) The Eden Prairie Eagles were well fant, by stabbing them to death in Mr. GRIFFIN of Arkansas. Mr. matched in the championship game their beds while they slept in their vil- Speaker, I rise today to congratulate against the Duluth East Greyhounds. lage in the northern West Bank. the University of Arkansas at Little With the game heading into triple This grisly murder, that young chil- Rock for earning berths in both the overtime, the Eagles came out on top dren can be killed along with their par- men’s and women’s NCAA basketball 3–2. This game would actually prove to ents for merely living in a place they tournament as champions of the Sun be the longest championship game in are not wanted. The world community Belt Conference. UALR’s sweep of the the 67-year history of the Minnesota must stand together in rejecting such Sun Belt titles makes them the first State hockey tournament. violence and state unequivocally that school to do so since 2008. I also want to recognize Eden Prairie negotiations are the only acceptable For the Lady Trojans, this is their senior Kyle Rau, who was named Min- way forward to resolve this conflict. first Sun Belt championship and their nesota’s Mr. Hockey by a group of We must also reject the notion that second consecutive trip to the tour- NCAA Division I coaches and NHL the West Bank must be rid of all nament. For the Trojans, this is also scouts. There’s no doubt that Kyle’s 41 Israelis—Juden free, where have we their first Sun Belt championship and season goals, including five in the heard that before?—before peace can be their first visit to the NCAA tour- State tournament, played a strong role had in the Middle East. Palestinian nament since 1990. in the Eagles’ championship victory. leaders have perpetuated this dan- Congratulations to coaches Steve Congratulations to Coach Smith and gerous myth while Israelis, by con- Shields and Joe Foley, as well as ath- Eden Prairie’s student athletes. We’re trast, have embraced their Arab neigh- letic director Chris Peterson, for their all very proud of you. bors as complete and equal citizens leadership this championship season. f since 1948. Congratulations, also, to the young IT’S A WONDERFUL LIFE Mr. Speaker, the Palestinians must men and women of UALR basketball. not be allowed to cleanse the West Thank you for representing your (Mr. KINGSTON asked and was given Bank of all Jewish life before they will school, the City of Little Rock, and the permission to address the House for 1 accept a peace agreement with Israel. State of Arkansas. minute and to revise and extend his re- The world community must call on We are rooting for you. marks.) them to condemn these horrific at- Mr. KINGSTON. Mr. Speaker, in the f tacks and immediately return to the classic movie by Frank Capra called negotiating table, which they have b 1910 ‘‘It’s a Wonderful Life,’’ the main char- acter, the hero, played by Jimmy Stew- avoided for far too long. THE KING JAMES VERSION OF art, contemplated the question of what f THE BIBLE would the world be like if you had not TRAGEDY IN VANSANT, VIRGINIA (Mr. POE of Texas asked and was have lived. In his case, what would his (Mr. GRIFFITH of Virginia asked and given permission to address the House town have been like. And I think that’s was given permission to address the for 1 minute.) the question we 435 Members of Con- House for 1 minute and to revise and Mr. POE of Texas. Mr. Speaker, in gress have to answer: What would Con- extend his remarks.) the days of merry old England, King gress be like if you were not serving? Mr. GRIFFITH of Virginia. Mr. James commissioned the translation of Would you go on spending money— Speaker, the Ninth Congressional Dis- the Bible into English. He made it pos- right now, borrowing forty cents for trict of Virginia and the law enforce- sible for the common man to have ac- every dollar we spend; a national debt ment community suffered a terrible cess to the Scriptures. This is the 400- of 96 percent of GDP; a deficit right loss yesterday. I was deeply saddened year anniversary of the 1611 trans- now of $1.6 trillion. What if you had not to learn that two deputies of the Bu- lation of the King James Version of the served? Would it make a difference? chanan County Sheriff’s Department Bible. Explorers and then Christians That’s what the debate is about right were killed and two others were seri- seeking religious freedom carried the now. Eighty-seven new Members who ously injured in the line of duty in King James version to the New World. came to Congress to change this spend- Vansant, Virginia. Millions of American school kids used ing habit, to say ‘‘no,’’ and Democrats My condolences go out to the fami- the King James for decades as a basis and Republicans have their finger- lies of Deputy William Ezra Stiltner for learning English. Pioneers carried prints on overspending, but it is now and Deputy Cameron Neil Justus, who it in covered wagons while taming the time for changing. lost their lives yesterday. A 10-year West. In some families, the only book There’s another popular movie called veteran of the Buchanan County Sher- they had was the King James Bible. ‘‘The Blind Side’’ in which the main iff’s Department, Deputy Justus is sur- U.S. military took pocket copies of the character was drafted by Ole Miss Uni- vived by his wife, daughter, and step- version in both World Wars. And hun- versity to protect the quarterback on son. A 7-year veteran, Deputy Stiltner dreds of courtrooms use the Bible to his blind side. That’s what these Mem- is survived by his wife and his two chil- swear in witnesses. Presidents still bers need to do, Mr. Speaker, is protect dren. My prayers are with their fami- place their hand on a King James Bible the blind side of the taxpayers from ab- lies. at their inauguration. For 400 years, solute disaster. Also, my continued thoughts and the King James Bible has made it pos- f prayers are with Deputy Eric Dwayne sible for the Judeo-Christian beliefs of Rasnake and Deputy Shane Earl the Good Book to be read and studied IRRESPONSIBILITY Charles, as they recover from this hor- in the English language. (Mr. GOHMERT asked and was given rific shooting, as well as the Buchanan And that’s just the way it is. permission to address the House for 1 County Sheriff’s Department and the f minute.) entire community. Mr. GOHMERT. Tomorrow, we’re This act of violence is a reminder of CONGRATULATIONS TO EDEN going to take up another short-term the dangers our law enforcement offi- PRAIRIE HOCKEY continuing resolution. In the mean- cials face daily. As our community (Mr. PAULSEN asked and was given time, today, tomorrow, the next day, grieves, we will not forget these offi- permission to address the House for 1 we will be borrowing $4 billion a day

VerDate Mar 15 2010 03:41 Mar 15, 2011 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00009 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K14MR7.021 H14MRPT1 pwalker on DSKD5P82C1PROD with HOUSE H1782 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE March 14, 2011 that we don’t have to pay the deficit have made all the difference. Like all As they rolled down your fine strong that this administration is running. these young men and women, the ones chin .... We’re going to debate tomorrow about who do the best are the ones whose And your brave heart so began to pound, yes $6 billion here. Well, that’s a day and a loved ones are there with them each back then! As somehow you so tried to comprehend! half of deficit. We’re going to bring in day. And Lisa has been there from day Wishing somehow that it would all so go around $2.1 trillion for this year, and one. There should be a medal of honor away! we’re going to spend $3.6 trillion. It is for those who stand by their children All for what you gave! irresponsible. It is reprehensible. and put their lives on hold to help As you I had to so make a choice! For years, we’ve heard: For the good them rebuild theirs. Should, I live or should I die? of the children. It is for the good of the John is one of three quads who are As you who so heard that most inner children that this body man up across over at Walter Reed Army Medical voice .... the aisles and quit spending money Hospital. The other two are Brendon Telling you .... telling you to somehow that our children don’t even have. Marocco and Todd Nicely. Their heart stay! Let’s vote ‘‘no’’ until we can do some and their souls are something of beau- As it so spoke to you, all about faith and real saving. ty to behold. I ask that this Nation courage! continue to stand with and for those Telling you, to somehow not to be discour- f aged! CONGRESSIONAL REVIEW ACT troops who stood up for us; those who As you, United States Marine .... so gave the ultimate sacrifice, those he- marched off all out on your way! The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mr. roes, such as Corporal John Michael While, your mother with tears in eyes .... KINZINGER of Illinois). Under the Peck, who paid such a high price, and so began to pray! Speaker’s announced policy of January who rewards us with his indomitable And she stood behind you John, each and 5, 2011, the gentleman from Texas (Mr. spirit. And the strength of family and every blessed day .... CARTER) is recognized for 60 minutes as the love of a mother, all here in this All so you could have a fighting chance, and the designee of the majority leader. story, however sad, however tragic, it find your way .... Mr. CARTER. Thank you, Mr. Speak- lifts my heart to know that we have As you Marine, your magnificent er. Americans that will serve us in this shades of green .... got up on that very day! I would like to yield such time as he way, and Americans who inspire us may consume to my good friend, Mr. As you took your very first steps, with your with their spirit in the aftermath of most courageous heart leading the KING, to talk about an American hero. such a service. way! HONORING CORPORAL JOHN MICHAEL PECK God bless you, Corporal. The way to recovery! Mr. KING of Iowa. Thank you, Judge I ask that this poem penned by Al- As you so chose life on that day! CARTER. It’s with honor I take the floor bert Caswell in honor of Corporal Peck As your new war had just begun! tonight. I very much appreciate your be placed in the RECORD. As from out of the darkness, you so marched yielding, and I understand your great .... our Father’s Son! WHAT I GAVE respect for the troops and the pain that To so represent him, until your last and so you suffered down at Fort Hood and the On battlefields of honor bright .... dying days .... There are but all of those Magnificent’s, who To So Teach Us All! involvement that you have had in each so fight! and every engagement standing up for To So Reach Us All! Who but so bring their light .... To So Beseech Us All! our military, standing up for our coun- All in what they gave! So Each, and Every Day! try, standing up for our national secu- Who now so lie in such cold soft quiet With what you gave! rity. graves .... For you were so surely put upon this Tonight, I step to the floor with your Teaching us all how to behave! earth .... acknowledgment, Judge CARTER, to Whose family’s pain, is something that only To so teach us all what comes first! honor a real American hero. This heaven can take! All in your amazing grace! American hero that we honor tonight And then, there are all of those who are so As our tears roll down our face! left .... here on the floor of the United States Because, each new morning as you So left with such pain, so close to death Congress is an American hero, Corporal awaken ...... living day by day! One more step forward, yes dear John you so John Michael Peck, who’s with us here All because of what they gave! in the audience tonight up in the cor- take! And the ones who live without arms and legs! All out there upon your most magnificent ner and watching the proceedings here Without eyes and ears, and strong faces in the House of Representatives. Cor- ways ...... as they .... Because, you will walk.... and you will poral Peck is a United States Marine, All .... for .... what .... they .... run .... 3rd Battalion, 1st Marine Division. gave! And it’s no over, and your are not done! Mr. Speaker, I rise to honor this Whose, most brilliant valor no one can ever You United States Marine, one of the best American hero who is from Rockford, so take away! things this country has ever seen! Illinois. Corporal John Michael Peck is And all of those children, who now so live Yes, arms and legs we all need! a member of, again, the 3rd Battalion, without moms and dads .... who But, without a heart one can not so surely 1st Marine Division. His mother, Lisa wake! breath! Peck, is here with us tonight. She was And all of those who’ve so lost the As with your heart you now so lead! greatest loves of all, as have they! Just moments are all we have! a single mother for 16 years. Michael As it’s for them we now so weep, this very was born in Daytona Beach, Florida, Just seconds, to so find the path! Our way! day! To crush hearts! To turn the good into the and grew up in Rockford, Illinois. After All because of what they gave! bad! graduating from Antioch High School, So in the night, as you lay your head down All in our thoughts, and deeds! he went into the Marine Corps. On Au- to rest .... To win wars .... all in our parts we gust 23, 2007, in Iraq, he received his While, all of your loved ones you so play .... first Purple Heart after an explosion caress .... To but give to this our world, but a better and he received a TBI injury. Then, on And you realize why you are so blessed, and day! May 24, 2010, he was in Helmand prov- what you have .... Don’t cry for me! ince in Afghanistan, where he received Remember, all of America’s very best! For I am the one who so made that choice! And what they gave! his second Purple Heart after an IED And so raised my hand, and with my voice! explosion nearly cost Corporal Peck his And John, on that morning after when you All for liberty .... awoke .... And for something far .... far .... greater life. John lost all four of his limbs. And somehow so tried to cope .... than me .... Against all odds, and with the help of And so saw, all what this war had his mother, he climbed out into the But, to be A United States Marine! Oooha! invoked .... All to defend, my sweet Country Tis of Thee! light. His progress has been incredible. As your great heart, to you so spoke! And I’d do all again you see! His fellow marines talk of his prowess So spoke of what you gave! For there are no regrets inside of me! in the weight room. He is truly a man Quivering, so back then .... oh how the For wearing those most magnificent, shades possessed. His attitude and his courage tears you made! of green!

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