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NOT.- es... 1954 r' r. ------,_-__:. Special. ..,.... - ...--,,,. s_ -,:-"N. Special Edition Edition Vo. 6 U. S. Marine Corps Air Station Kaneohe Bay, T. II. Friday, May 21, 1954 lne Ions. MILLSAP, COOLEY TO NATIONALS d rs Lig to ec Marine Aviation Day TASK FORCE age OVER 100% 'hick r re- IN DRIVE tiger The 1st Provisional Marine Air- Ground Task Force and its at- bola tached units have exceeded the wit goal of one dollar per man which for was being sought to complete Ma. the Marine Corps Memorial sta- tue in Arlington, Va. wX THIS FACT WAS announcoo they late yesterday by Maj. William J. Zaro, drive coordinator for the pal! force. This ends the drive stet and a check in the amount of earn 31517.25 will be presented to Col. Beker C. Batterton, task force CpI. :Millsap T/Sgt. Delmar Cooley .m., a at:7:er, today. This money Charles will .:1 be turned over to Lt. Gen. a'anklin A. Hart for inclusion am n the total donations by ele- KAN.E0IIE SHOOTERS WIN nents of Fleet Marine Force. TWO Pa cific. First unit to go over the top TRIPS TO NATIONALS; MAKES in the drive was the task force'a, headquarters company with $129.30, Maj. Zaro reported. The SECOND TIME FOR BOTH MEN money not collected from enlist- ed personnel war made up by Cpl. Charles Millsap. star shooter of the K-Bay pistol team officers of the headquarters. won himself a trip to the Nationals by sweeping the grand ag- MARINE AIR GROUP 13 con- gregate in the Hawaii Pacific Regional pistol championships tributed a total of $965.86 and held last weekend under the sponsorship of the Hawaii Na- ce, men and officers of the 1st Pro- tional Guard. The match took place at Diamond Head pistol visional Amphibious Reconnais- range. sance Group 5422.09 put another HAD a 2565 aggne- in the pot MILLSAP McLaughlin gate. The Kaneohe pistoleer also With approximately 200 men iIIt captured the center fire matches from the MAG and 30 from the Placesaces High aggregate with 850 and the .22 :ask force attached to the air office cal. matches aggregate with a Ration for duty, their number The station newspaperw received more results on the Reg- score of 866. was not included in the drive. I Insead, solicitations of this group 'Jona, High Power Rifle chaanpioh- He took the .45 cal. matches !ships at Puuloa Point. Sgt. with a score of were made by air station drive held aggregate total presentatives. Bob McLaughlin was another K- 849. The aggregate of all slow and Bay star as Ye won second place rapid fire matches, with all pis- lin 'the 200-yard rapid fire match, tols, went to Millsap with a STAFF NCO WIVES !second place expert in the 300- 1,119 total. :yard. rapid fire and first place T/SGT. DELMAR COOLEY, 2.41e.4411CL- s. MEET THIS WEEK !expert in the 600-yard firing. the rifle expert, did a fine job air a The sensational McLaughlin 444 ,, The second meeting of the Staff also with the pistol. Cooley won NCO Women's club was held also captured fifth place in the seven awards with 2nd place in LIRTHDAY-Ton photo international free rifle fire. His is the new Fury jet recently acquired ; Tuesday at club, with the .22 aggregate and captured the staff Vince Villav- L, the Marine Corp,. at MCAS. El Tort,. Calif. Bottom photo teammates. ('p1. 2nd place in the grand aggregate is 'Mrs. Monica Doran presiding. S/Sgt. todays concept of Marine pioneered close air support which is erde. Cpl. Kenny Jones, with 2379 score. By-laws were read and sever- Cpl. Charles Mill- tatieht here by 1st Don Fisher and at Kaneohe the Provisional Marine Air-Ground al points were acted upon. These sap also did splendid jobs. Last week, Sgt. Cooley set a Ta,i; Force. See pages two and three for additional story and Pic- will be written up in correct Villaverde took second place in possible national record when tures on Marine Corps aviation. form and presented at the next firing match. he scored 490-48V out of a pos- the 200-yard rapid Mill- meeting for approval and com- Jones took a first in the 200-yard sible 500 to win a trip with pletion. rapid fire. Fisher copped a sec- sap to the Nationals. Kailua Grade Kids GEN. HART GIVES Also discussed at the meeting ond place in the 200-yard affair, Both shooters were in the na- Taken on Tour of WELL DONE was the forthcoming election of while Millsap won fourth in the tionals last year with Millsap be- FOR officers and future projects. Re- grand aggregate. ing tabbed as the fourth best Station Wednesday SERVICE DAY freshments were served which pistol shot in the Marine Corps. Air station officials announced consisted of cake and coffee. MILLSAP AND COOLEY have Lt. Gen. Franklin A. Hart Two More Suggestion as pistol and his week that a group of school The next meeting will be held sensational records commanding general of Fleet June 1 at 7:30 p.m. in the Awards Presented rifle experts. Cpl. Millsap was a children from the Kailua ElP- patio Marine Force, Pacific, this week of the Staff club with Mrs. Elaine TWO beneficial suggestions member of the Marine Corps :nenta school toured the air last year which published a dispatch to all Ma- Darton as acting chairman. At were adopted by the Station Com- pistol team station on Wednesday. meeting the wcmen in its confer- placed high in the Nationals. His rine commanding officers whose this will mittee on Awards Jane Marley and Vernon Sa- complete the by-laws and elec- ence on April 14, resulting in Itearn also captured the 14th Na- personnel participated in the Championships this teachers at the school, tions will be made for president, cash awards to the suggestors of val District Armed Forces Day observance. secretary-treasurer and commit- $10 each. An annual savings to year. Millsap, prior to entering -ught 70 fourth grade children "Please express my apprecia- tee heads. the Navy Department was es- the Marine Corps, was a student .a bus to visit the air installa- timated at $145 plus intangi- at Tennessee Technical college. tion and a hearty well done to All staff NCO - women club - a and were ,taken to Marine ble benefits, according to Maj. Sgt Cooley fired on the Ma- all members of your command members are urged to attend r Group 13, where they saw this meeting. Ray Bishop, Industrial Relations rine Corps rifle team last year ho contributed to the sucess- officer. and won two gold medals. He - fighters take off the runway. ful observance of Armed Forces TO PRESENT CONCERT The awards were presented to placed ninth out of a group of addition, they visited HMR- Day. 1954.' the dispatch stated. the recipients, James L. Herron 550 shooters. the Kai- a where they were given infor- personnel from the headquart- General Chairman of of public works department and ALSO PARTICIPATLNG in the :aation lectures on helicopters, ers company lua High School PTA announced Manuel M. Silva, Navy supply matches with Millsap and Cooley of the task force this week that the Kailua school were permitted to look them and the 1st Provisional Marine and fiscal department, at the last included T,Sgt. Nat Pratt. band will present a -Calabash" meeting of the Employees' Pratt won eleven awards in th' er. lAmphihious Reconnaissance concert at the Kailua high schoal croup played a major role in Ccuncil by the commanding of- marksman division with a 1st Accoreing to 7.Tes. Marley, the auditorium starting at 7:30 p.m. ficer, Col. Frank G. Dailey. place in the .45 cal. aggregate, c..ildren, .he parade down Ala Moana on "enjoyed themselves aaaaet-a:d last week June 7. Mr. Herron's suggestion in- plus being a division and grand and look and to ano:lar vis- during the fur one day observance. Vai.ous All children performing the volved the developing of a aggregate winner. Marksman .a in the future." static displays were exhibited concert are in grades from five trouble call progress form which Sgt. Ben Vinson won a bronze After the visit to the air group, throughout Honolulu and Waikiki. to nine. The KHS band. under the has been found to expedite con- medal in the .45 cal. match. children were taken on a direction of Ruth Gallegos. has siderably the detailed report pro- Bill Turnage won five An estimated 13,000 present T Sgt. :--aaded tour around the station. appeared at Mokapu school be- cess iavoleed. With the use of with a second place in and future members of awards the task force's the fore a large audience, and was Mr. Silva's idea on a pressure 7-!'3' visited Armed Services, it the .45 cal. aggregate. ------annaissance group and pack was reported, well received, according :o all gauge system on participated in the celebration. fuel loading vitzer battery and saw Ma- reports. racks the !nal-functioning of the ILKUSKAMEP es practising field actions. Also performing the same eve- fuel section's hydraulic storage Born to Sgt. and Mrs Harold The tour was conducted by TR XFFIC VIOLATION ning will be Dorothy Chung's system can be detected at an P. Kruskamp , a boy, Charles David Krum and Sgt. Dale GFO3S. John I. Pfc, B Co.. Choral Group. All personnel and early stage and corrected before Paul, at Tripler Army hospital. her of the public information 1stProvRecon-Speeding 35 MPH dependents from the air station substantial damage occurs, Maj.