1 TUE Holy Martyr Patrick of Prussa 2 WED Alexei Metropolitan of Moscow 3 THU Holy Sts. Equal to the Apostles Constantine and Helena Meeting of the Holy Icon of the of Vladimir 4 FRI Holy Martyr St. Basilliscus. Icon of the Theotokos "UMILENIYE" 5 SAT Saint the Confessor 6:00 pm VIGIL SERVICE. 6 SUN 9:00 am LITURGY, SUNDAY OF THE BLIND MAN, St. Symeon of the Wondrous Mountain. 7 MON 3rd Finding of the Head of St. John the Forerunner (The Baptizer) 8 TUE Holy Apost. Carpus and Alphaeus of the Seventy 6:00 pm LAST PASCHAL SERVICES of 2021, Vespers and Matins 9 WED 9:00 am LITURGY, Apododosis of PASCHA, Holy Martyr Therapon. Martyr Saint John the Russian. 6:00 pm VIGIL SERVICE. 10 THU 9:00 am LITURGY, ASCENSION of Our Lord Saint Nicetas of Chalcedon. Icon of the Theotokos of «Nicea» 11 FRI Venerable Theodosia, Blessed John (Castro Valley, LITURGY 10:00 AM) 12 SAT Saint Isaacius Dalmat. 6:00 pm VIGIL SERVICE. 13 SUN 9:00 am LITURGY, SUNDAY of the HOLY FATHERS, Holy Apostle Hermias of the 70, M. Hermias, St. Philosophus of Alexand. 14 MON St. Justin the Phylosopher and another Saint Justin. 15 TUE Saint Nicephorus, Great Martyr John Sochav the New 16 WED Holy Martyrs Lucillian and Company 17 THU Saint Metrophanes of 11 FRI NO SERVICE Holy Martyr Abba Dorotheus NO SERVICE FRIDAY EVENING 19 SAT Saint Bessarion of Egypt. 9:00 am LITURGY, REQUIUM LITURGY, Ancestral Sabbath. 6:00 pm VIGIL SERVICE. 20 SUN 9:00 am LITURGY, FEAST OF THE HOLY PENTECOST Immediately VESPERS with Bended Knee Prayers

Saint Theodotus of Ancyra 21 MON 9:00 am MATINS, 10:00 am LITURGY, HOLY SPIRIT DAY, Great Martyr 22 TUE Saint 23 WED NO FAST Holy Martyr Timothy of Prussa 24 THU Apost. Bartholomew and (Castro Valley, LITURGY 10:00 AM) 25 FRI NO FAST Saint Onuphrius. the Athonite 26 SAT Holy Martyr Aquillina 6:00 pm VIGIL SERVICE. 27 SUN 9:00 am LITURGY, SUNDAY OF ALL SAINTS Holy Prophet Elisha. 28 MON Apostle’s Fast BEGINNING OF APOSTLE’S FAST, Holy Prophet . Saint Jona Metropolitan of Moscow 29 TUE Apostle’s Fast Holy Martyr Tychon and two other Saints named Tychon 30 WED Apostle’s Fast Holy Martyr Manuel and Company