The Low Emission Bus Guide

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The Low Emission Bus Guide THE LOW EMISSION BUS GUIDE H This report is published by The Low Carbon Vehicle Partnership Low Carbon Vehicle Partnership 3 Birdcage Walk, London, SW1H 9JJ Tel: +44 (0)20 7304 6880 E-mail: Project Team: Gloria Esposito, Daniel Hayes Author: Gloria Esposito, Head of Projects Reviewed by: Andy Eastlake, Managing Director Date of Report: 1st November 2016 Acknowledgments The production of the Low Emission Bus Guide has been sponsored by the following organisations: LowCVP would like to thank members of their Bus Working Group for providing technical information and case study material pertaining to the guide - Argent Energy, BOC, BYD, First Bus JouleVert, Roadgas, Scania, Stagecoach, Transport for London, Volvo, Nottingham City Council, Reading Buses, York City Council. 4 Low Emission Bus Guide Low Emission Bus Guide 5 Executive Summary Introduction The Low Emission Bus (LEB) Guide aims to provide bus operators greenhouse gas emissions. Road transport is currently responsible representative bus test cycle such as the LowCVP UK LUB cycle. There are presently 3,760 LCEBs in operation across England, and local authorities with an overview of the benefits of a range of for around quarter of greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) in the UK, Consideration of local policies such as Clean Air Zones or Low Wales and Scotland covering hybrid, electric, plug-in hybrid, low emission fuels and technologies that reduce both air pollution of which 4% is attributable to buses¹ . A range of policies have Emission Zones, which specify emission performance standards, electrified ancillaries, biomethane and hydrogen fuel cell buses. and greenhouse gas emissions. The guide outlines the emission been introduced over the last decade to encourage the take-up should also be taken into account in the fleet renewal process. performance, operational and financial factors, fleet operators of Low Carbon Emission Buses (LCEBs) and more recently Low should consider when procuring new buses or retrofitting exhaust Emission Buses (LEBs). The adoption of low emission buses can involve multiple Low Emission Bus Accreditation Scheme after treatment technology to existing diesel buses. Real-world bus stakeholders and require strong partnership working. It is important operator case studies are discussed in the guide to highlight and Improving local air quality is also extremely high on the to identify relevant stakeholders early on in the procurement In 2015 the Office of Low Emission Vehicles introduced the demonstrate the environmental and business cases for the range Government’s environmental agenda. The EU Limit value for process and map out timeframes for vehicle delivery and £30million Low Emission Bus (LEB) Scheme, with 326 buses of different technologies and fuels. nitrogen dioxide (NO2) is currently exceeded in 38 out of the 43 infrastructure installation with relevant contractors. funded alongside £7m towards supporting infrastructure. In 2017, UK air quality monitoring areas. Some 80% of roadside oxides of £11m was awarded to five local authorities to support the purchase This guide is intended to equip bus operators and local authorities nitrogen emissions (NOx) in these areas arise from road transport, The fiscal incentives for low emission buses operating in the UK 153 LEBs and supporting infrastructure. The Scottish Green Bus with relevant information to aid purchasing decisions and primarily diesel vehicles. Defra has published an air quality action are currently driven by the Bus Service Operators Grant including Fund has also adopted the LEB accreditation criteria for rounds 6 encourage the most appropriate low emission bus for a particular plan² outlining a suite of measures aimed to reduce NO2 levels the Low Carbon Emission Bus incentive, and in some cases and 7 supporting 93 LEBs with £3.2m. The LowCVP created the route and application. across cities in the UK. One of the key actions for improving air exemption from or a reduction in fuel duty. The incentives vary for definition of a ‘Low Emission Bus’ and the revised Low Emission quality is the establishment of Clean Air Zones (CAZ) in five regions, different technologies and fuels. The BSOG schemes in England Bus Accreditation Scheme to accompany the Low Emission Bus plus the Ultra Low Emission Zone (ULEZ) in London, by 2020. and Scotland are currently under review with changes expected to Grant. The LEB accreditation scheme is the new approval process What does this Guide cover? These ‘zones’ will discourage older, more polluting buses, taxis, take place in 2017. for qualifying different low emission bus models for Government coaches and lorries by charging them to access key areas. It is fiscal incentives both in England and Scotland. (The LCEB The low emission bus technologies and fuels covered in this expected that bus operators will be encouraged to either purchase Accreditation Scheme has been replaced by Low Emission Bus guide are: new Euro VI buses or retrofit existing diesel buses with technology Low Carbon Emission Bus Accreditation Accreditation Scheme.) The definition of a LEB is: that can achieve NOx emissions equivalent to Euro VI. Scheme — Alternative Powertrains – electric, hybrid, plug-in hybrid, ‘A Low Emission Bus is a hydrogen fuel cell A number of local and regional authorities have already introduced In order to reduce greenhouse gas emissions arising from buses, — Spark ignition engines – gas policies to help encourage the adoption of clean buses. For the Department for Transport and Transport Scotland have, over bus that achieves more than — Low carbon fuels – biomethane and renewable biodiesel example, Oxford City Council and Transport for London have the past six years, introduced fiscal incentives to stimulate the — Efficient Euro VI diesel buses – electrified ancillaries implemented Low Emission Zones, with plans to introduced take-up of ‘Low Carbon Emission Buses’. The incentives include 15% WTW GHG emissions — Diesel bus retrofit technology – selective catalytic reduction stricter emissions standards. Various cities have prepared Low the Green Bus Fund, Scottish Green Bus Fund and the BSOG Emission Strategies. Some local authorities are using procurement Low Carbon Emission Bus Incentive. The Low Carbon Vehicle savings compared to an Structure of the technology and fuel chapters is as follows: standards, via Bus Quality Partnerships, to set emission standards Partnership and its members designed the LCEB accreditation and thereby increase the adoption of low emission buses. scheme that has served to qualify different low carbon bus models equivalent Euro V bus, and — Overview of vehicle technology and suitable routes for Government funding. The scheme entails determining Well- — Outline of fuel production and supply The purchase of low emission buses can offer fuel costs savings to-Wheel greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions of types of low carbon meets the Euro VI engine — Environmental credentials as well as whole life cost/total cost of ownership benefits to bus buses. The definition of a Low Carbon Emission Bus is: — Refuelling/Recharging Infrastructure operators, demonstrating a clear business case for choosing emissions standard or — Factors influencing total cost of ownership alternative technologies to conventional diesel buses. There is also — Overview of the current market evidence to suggest that operating low emission technologies and 'A Low Carbon Emission Bus — Low Emission Bus accredited models fuels can increase passenger patronage as environmental issues proven equivalent levels’ — Low Carbon Emission Bus models are becoming increasingly important to the travelling public. is one that achieves more — Bus operator case study than 30% Well-To-Wheel The LEB accreditation procedure involves determining WTW GHG Purchasing low emission buses – what to emissions, energy consumption and compliance with Euro VI Why do we need low emission buses? consider? greenhouse gas emissions engine standard of potential LEBs through measuring NOx and PM emissions. The LowCVP has created a new bus test cycle called Buses play a critical role by delivering sustainable transport in our There are a range of factors that should to be taken into account savings compared to an the LowCVP UK Bus cycle. Each accredited bus model receives towns and cities and provide rural connectivity to a broad cross by bus operators when choosing to purchase a particular type an LEB certificate, showing air pollution and WTW GHG emissions section of the UK population. However, existing diesel buses are a of low emission bus technology. These include total cost of equivalent Euro III diesel bus and savings, fuel/electricity consumption and electric range. Data source of air pollution and greenhouse gas emissions. ownership (TCO), route characteristics, maintenance, Government from LEB certified vehicles is presented in this guide. Full details fiscal incentives, infrastructure requirements, technology maturity, of similar passenger capacity.' of the scheme and LEB certificates can be found on the LowCVP The UK Government is committed to limiting climate change operation and environmental performance. Many aspects are Low Emission Bus website³. through a package of policy measures aimed at reducing difficult to measure in service but are routinely assessed against a ¹ Dft Transport and Environment Statistics, 2016 ² Air Quality Action Plan for Nitrogen Dioxide in UK, Defra 2015 ³ 6 Low Emission Bus Guide Low Emission
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