Harlestone Parish Council www.harlestonepc.org Executive Officer/Clerk to the Council : Paul Thomas The Old Bakehouse | Harlestone | Northampton | NN7 4EP
[email protected] Minutes of meeting of Harlestone Parish Council 19:00 on Thursday 5 th July 2018 Harlestone Village Institute NN7 4EH MINUTES 002 49. ATTENDANCE & APOLOGIES Councillors Cllr Francis (Chairman) Cllr Chantelle Denny Cllr Stock (Vice Chairman) Cllr Toni Perryman Cllr Ken Waller Cllr Sue Flynn Cllr Tim Cross Cllr Susie Holland The full council is in attendance, no apologies needed. 50. APPROVAL OF MINUTES FROM THE PREVIOUS MEETING(S) The distributed and published minutes from the previous meeting(s) of the parish council held on: 5th June & 27 th June 2018 The council agree that both sets of minutes are a true and accurate account of the meeting. The Chairman signs both sets of minutes. 51. DECLARATION OF INTERESTS Members are requested to make any declarations of personal or prejudicial interests, in line with the 2018 code of conduct, relating to items on this agenda. No declarations of interest were offered by the Councillors Harlestone Parish Council – July Agenda 2018 Page 1 of 14 ACTIONS OUTSTANDING FROM PREVIOUS MEETINGS Action source and description Update September 2017 – action 4 Cllr Halliday looking to secure £1,000 contribution Contribution to Church Lane Car Park from the Harlestone school. Cllr Halliday not in redevelopment costs (BH) attendance for an update. 03.Apr: No response as yet, will pursue and escalate to the governing board if needed. Will arrange a personal visit to the school. 05.Jun: B.Halliday to continue this dialog with the school as a Non-Cllr.