Harlestone Parish Council www.harlestonepc.org Executive Officer/Clerk to the Council : Paul Thomas The Old Bakehouse | | | NN7 4EP [email protected]

Minutes of meeting of Harlestone Parish Council 19:00 on Thursday 5 th July 2018 Harlestone Village Institute NN7 4EH



Councillors Cllr Francis (Chairman) Cllr Chantelle Denny Cllr Stock (Vice Chairman) Cllr Toni Perryman Cllr Ken Waller Cllr Sue Flynn Cllr Tim Cross Cllr Susie Holland

 The full council is in attendance, no apologies needed.

50. APPROVAL OF MINUTES FROM THE PREVIOUS MEETING(S) The distributed and published minutes from the previous meeting(s) of the parish council held on: 5th June & 27 th June 2018

 The council agree that both sets of minutes are a true and accurate account of the meeting. The Chairman signs both sets of minutes.

51. DECLARATION OF INTERESTS Members are requested to make any declarations of personal or prejudicial interests, in line with the 2018 code of conduct, relating to items on this agenda.

 No declarations of interest were offered by the Councillors

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Action source and description Update September 2017 – action 4 Cllr Halliday looking to secure £1,000 contribution Contribution to Church Lane Car Park from the Harlestone school. Cllr Halliday not in redevelopment costs (BH) attendance for an update.

03.Apr: No response as yet, will pursue and escalate to the governing board if needed. Will arrange a personal visit to the school.

05.Jun: B.Halliday to continue this dialog with the school as a Non-Cllr. PENDING

Item 90 November 2017 – action 11 EO emailed Ian Boyes, this has been referred to the Enquiry with Highways re Yew Tree cottage “Rights of Way officer” Nick Wedgebrow. Waiting to gateway and accessibility to field (EO) hear back. Nick Wedgebrow has visited the location and has reported that the gate is fine. It turns out that it is the ground and terrain that is the issue with a large dip and very muddy.

03.Apr: EO correspondence with Ian Boyes, waiting for a 2 nd visit from Nick Wedgebrook to inspect the ground, the actual gate has also become increasingly difficult to open by pedestrians and the horse riders.

05.Jun: Chairman agrees to look at the maintenance of this gate.

05.Jul: Chairman has mended/fixed the access gate CLOSE


Action 6 April 2018 05.Jun: EO spoke with Katie Evans, the Estate are EO to ask about making the quarry happy to support this project if the EO puts together harder to enter, possibly with planting a team of volunteers to help plant the whips. Stakes Blackthorn and ties will also be supplied.

05.Jul: This project to be done in the autumn. Move to the Environment & Management Committee CLOSE

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Action 1: 05.Jul: spoken to a carpenter in the village. Acco EO: Update on noticeboards. £1,250 from boards will be purchased and the wooden notice section 106 money was agreed for boards built around them. Installation in UH on posts, noticeboards at HM and at Loxton’s Fields. LH will be on the wall next to the phone box. HM: pending a location due to Green Belt restrictions. EO/CD to consider the options. PENDING

Action 2: 05.Jul: Cllr Cross & Holland ask for this item to stay Gate to keep the cows away from the path at pending and look at the possibility of putting a gate the rear of Manor Farm? in. Action: EO to raise this issue with the Estate. PENDING

Action 3: 05.Jul: Confirm a suitable date for the HPC Annual 1st Thu April meeting Meeting, so stakeholders are able to plan 1st Thu May meeting ahead. 2nd Thu May Annual meeting CLOSE

Action 4: 05.Jul: Cllr Waller: had a meeting with the town Cllr Waller to look at the Loxton Field edge planner to check the plans. Spoken with a tree and also the edge of HM. Note: nesting surgeon and will meet on-site to view the hedges at season Loxton Fields and the edges of HM. PENDING

Action 5: 05.Jul: Cllr Holland arranged for her gardener to Work House Bank is very overgrown on the strim some of the bank. Cllr Cross added that the verges, this could lead to an accident village verges have now all been cut. CLOSE

Action 6: 05.Jul: EO has visited this area and can confirm that Grass cutting needs to be done right along the full length of the firs has been cut back the front of the firs, currently it is only cut on CLOSE the LH side.

Action 7: 05.Jul: EO has published EO to receive Terms of Reference from the CLOSE Chairman and to publish on the HPC website

Action 8: 05.Jul: Cllr Holland will continue to action this to Cllr Holland to contact the Pub, Garden raise money for the statue and the silhouettes. Centre and Golf Club for a donation to the PENDING Armistice event. Local businesses to be considered.

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52. FINANCIAL UPDATE FROM THE EXECUTIVE OFFICER The schedule of payments has been circulated and published with the agenda. The finances to be approved and items for payment authorised.

Appendix (i): Please see attached schedule of payments and petty cash spreadsheet

Executive Officer  We are currently in a period of exercise of public rights: Mon 2 nd July to Fri 10 th August where the public may book an appointment to view the audit paperwork  Audit report and figures handed out to all councillors  HMRC twice a year request PAYE tax payments. Late payments will now carry a 7.5% penalty. Could I ask the council to pay these tax demands asap to avoid the late penalty fees. The council agree as long as the Unity Bank rules for transparency apply and all payments are shown on the next schedule  Petty cash and schedules are read through in detail  Introduction of a new live budget paper is given to the councillors

Cllr Holland Congratulates the EO on passing the audit

53. PUBLIC TIME FOR COMMENTS BY MEMBERS OF THE PUBLIC Whilst parish council meetings are open to the public, contributions are limited by standing orders to allow only invited/scheduled guests or councilors to contribute. However, there is a section in each meeting when the Chairman suspends standing orders to hear any members of the public who wish to address the parish council.

This time is limited to 15 minutes and three minutes per contribution unless requested otherwise by the Chair and/or councilors. This is in line with Standing Orders of 2015

Standing Orders will then be reinstated to allow the Council to resume its meeting and discussion items.

*Please note: Due to the council discussing the important agenda item regarding the Community Governance Review, we would like all members of the public to have their views heard and so we will be limiting the speaking time for each person to one minute.

Chairman Asks the members of the public when speaking to please stand, as this makes it easier for everyone in the room to hear

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Mo Shapiro I have received a letter from Gigaclear, will everyone in LH be connected EO: have had meetings with Gigaclear, they are on target to provide SFBB to anyone who subscribes. Cables will be laid to the front of all properties. Gigaclear will look to do a presentation to the village in September. I believe that after 12 months you can then connect to any provider.

Colin Clayson I propose that UH and LH should have their own parish council as they have their own agendas. We could come together again with HM in the future if we need each- others help.

Simon Elton Regarding public comment time, I would like to be able to speak on each agenda item when necessary, otherwise the moment is lost. The elected council have been put into place based on a mandate, all the mandates that I saw talked about inclusion of the whole parish and embracing the whole community. So when Cllrs vote on the CGR item, they should not go back on their mandate 8 weeks after the election.

Neil Mitchell I would like to thank the council for distributing the CGR information pack. I have already submitted my own representation. I hope that the council would take into account community cohesion and geography. I hope that the council vote to split the 2 as Colin Clayson pointed out.

Dave Masters I have sent an email to Jane Lyons at DDC regarding the CGR: I wanted to raise my concerns about all the development in Harlestone. The new developments should be in a separate parish. Harlestone Village is unique and should not be spoilt by the rising population.



Gigaclear meeting EO: met with Katie Evans and Gigaclear to discuss the sighting of cables across the Church Lane carpark, good news is that the tarmac will be untouched. Katie is in full support of the Gigaclear project as long as wayleaves and notice is given. Gigaclear will look to connect the 2 properties in the firs.

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WW1 Oak Tree EO: Althorp to support the WW1 remembrance event by supplying an Oak Tree to mark the 100 years. Note: please do not plant poppy seeds as this can seriously damage the nearby crops around the village

Harlestone Allotments Althorp have given the HPC the opportunity to manage the allotments in UH, only half are currently being used We could generate an income for the parish Council agree that the EO should progress this

Business as usual Katie has confirmed that the field next to HM has metal gates and is padlocked at all times


Safety & Protection Committee Cllr Denny: the PCSO update we had earlier from J.Shephard and I will be attending the first PCSO meeting. Contacts have been provided to me by the EO to chase ANPR and CCTV. The Chairman proposes Stewart Clark and the Vice seconds SC to join the committee. Council agree

Environment & Management Cllr Cross asks the Chairman for committee members to be nominated Chairman proposes Mark Yoxon, Cllr Stock seconds Chairman proposes Stella Westall, Cllr Holland seconds Chairman proposes Louise Mills, Cllr Stock seconds Chairman proposes Richard Dyball, Cllr Holland seconds Council agree the four new members to join the committee First meeting: Wednesday 18 th July 2018, which will be open to the public and will have relaxed standing orders

Playing Fields Sub-Committee Cllr Perryman: as previously agreed Cllr Flynn has now joined the committee. The tractor garage has had to have some repairs as some of the stonework has collapsed. A quote was accepted by the PFSC Chairman and the HPC Chairman and this will appear on the next schedule The PFSC had a successful sports day for the Harlestone school and we will try and publish some photos of the event Gary Slinn and the team are continuing to do an excellent job looking after the playing fields 56. UPDATES FROM WORKING PARTIES

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Neighbourhood Plan – Cllr Waller I will be keeping an eye on all aspects of planning around the parish, including traffic, the SUEs, strategic plans and projects Rules are to be relaxed with developers in rural areas so that retail outlets can be agreed easier which could be a concern We need to consider our woodlands and conservation areas

Armistice Day – Cllr Flynn We have agreed to hold this event on the Sunday 11th November There will be a Church service in the morning The church would like 3 silhouettes to represent the 3 soldiers in the grave yard Afternoon event booked in the HVI with tea and cake, WW1 memorabilia on display boards, there will be a children’s craft area to make poppies We will consider music from this era and fancy dress is welcome In the evening we hope to light a beacon Unveiling of the statue on HM The total cost of the statue and silhouettes will be circa £1100 The benches will need to be ordered Cllr Perryman asks whether we could have collection pots for the British Legion/Help for Heroes The spend and costs for the project to be put onto the next schedule

Many thanks to Cllr Holland, Cllr Waller and Colin Clayson who have all agreed to buy a £300 WW1 bench each for the village

GDPR – Cllr Denny Security checklist sheets have all been circulated to Cllrs, this will identify any weaknesses we have with our movement of data A number of policies have been adopted to the HPC from NCALC Policies once checked and personalised will need to be circulated to the Cllrs and published We are considering that all council paperwork generated by Cllrs should be returned to the Clerk to be destroyed and recorded Meeting with the EO and the IT Manager P.Crotty is booked for Friday 13 th July regarding security and upgrades


Cllr Perryman

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Speed Watch has started on the A428, we have recorded high speeds of vehicles travelling in both directions through the village. The police will write to these people and in certain circumstances for persistent offenders or extremely high speeds they may be visited.

Cllr Holland We are hoping to be able to plant the HM roundabout, we will need a licence, plants no higher that bulbs, hopefully we will get support from Wyvale Garden Centre

Cllr Flynn I attended the quarry meeting in June with the EO, an application to extend the excavation towards UH won’t go in before the next meeting in November I will keep an eye on the roads for mud and damage, also that the lorries are using their covers The Charities meeting is next week

58. COMMUNITY GOVERNANCE REVIEW The council are asked to read the report circulated with this agenda, titled "2018 Community Governance Review – Harlestone Parish/ District” produced by the Neighbourhood Plan Working Party (Chaired by Cllr Waller)

Councillors are asked to vote to adopt the document so that it may be submitted to DDC’s Community Governance Review consultation on behalf of HPC. Members of the public can find the report on the parish website.

Chairman I bring you to the comprehensive report prepared by Ken and the 6 people on his working party, they have all put a lot of work in, in a short time and I’m sure you will all agree it is an excellent report.

Cllr Flynn I would agree that we as a parish council do not want to manage another 1500 houses. I believe that we should have an option to keep HM and Loxton Fields as we have built up a good rapport with the Manor, we are working together on community projects. To split would be to break our election promises.

Cllr Waller We have been working on this paper for about 2 months, we have put a lot of time into this. 6 people have given their time and energy.

Cllr Flynn, Denny, Perryman Ask why they did not know about the 6 people working on this paper and who are these people? Why were we not consulted?

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Cllr Waller I worked on this paper with Susie, Sarah, Tim, Richard Dyball, Russell You are being consulted now We believe that this is a fair reflection of the whole of the parish We need to look at the future and individual identities and what is right for the whole parish The rural houses in the village will be completely outnumbered by the new developments The new developments will have all their own amenities and facilities Harlestone Manor have a separate sense of place and identity If HM had their own parish then they would have their own voice, they could manage their own issues.

Cllr Denny I want it to go on record that I will not be opposing the submission of this paper to DDC. But, I cannot support the hate message within it! We all put ourselves up for election of a diverse and changing parish I am disappointed in my colleagues that at the first opportunity they propose a segregation of the community that we have built I pledge to lead as a representative to be a fair and inclusive councillor to all in my parish I will support any decision made by the DDC

Executive Officer As the Clerk I do have to go through a few items that have not been discussed in the document. I believed that this document was written by Ken alone? All other committees and working parties had their members nominated and 3 of the Cllrs were also unaware, which I struggle with from a transparency point of view To take on the whole 1500 new houses could be an impossible task We currently have £11,000 CIL money in the HPC bank account for Loxton Fields, the 2 nd payment of £32,000 will be next March The previous HPC negotiated POS and we will receive a payment of £60,000 to manage Loxton Fields We would have to consider these finances if the parish was to split Cllr Holland A CGR is only every 15 years I want to keep UH and LH as a rural community Urban and SUE do not apply to UH and LH, we have separate identities The communities have different needs, I would like to keep the parish small

Chairman Asks the council to vote if they would like to adopt the paper or vote to not adopt the paper that will be sent to the DDC as part of the CGR process.

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The council votes To adopt: Cllrs Cross, Waller, Holland, Stock, Francis Abstain: Cllrs Flynn, Denny, Perryman

The motion is passed to adopt this document

59. VEHICLE ACTIVATED SIGNS (VAS) RAILWAY COTTAGES Cllr Flynn has raised this agenda item The previous council agreed to have these signs relocated from the A428 *EO: I will try and find out the location of these signs from the previous Chairman, they will need to be reconfigured to 40mph and will need to be solar powered Chairman asks for this item to passed to the Safety and Protection committee to continue the process and installation

60. LOCAL GOVERNMENT REVIEW (LGR) UNITARY AUTHORITY The Council are asked to familiarise themselves with the official guidance published by Council, titled Future Northants available from: http://www.ors.org.uk/_docs/Future_Northants_(web).pdf) Cllr Cross update from the Town & Parish consultation event The Council is asked to decide what response, if any, should be submitted to the consultation.

Chairman This is a consultation to reduce 8 Northamptonshire Councils down to 2 Unitary Authorities with an excess of 300,000 residents in each Town and Parish Councils should not be affected. However, there may be some extra duties that could be passed down to the parish councils We would end up with West Northants and North Northants, the HPC would come under West Northants There is a public consultation until 22 nd July, conclusion and implementation from April 2020

The council agree to make no HPC representation and asks that all Cllrs and members of the public to make their own representations to the DDC

61. PATHWAYS & WALKWAYS BEYOND OUR PARISH Cllr Denny raised this agenda item to bring information to the council regarding areas that the public use that are dangerously narrow and difficult to pass with pedestrians and buggies heading in opposite directions

Cllr Denny The path from HM to is very overgrown with vegetation and is a danger for pedestrians *EO to get quotes to clear this path asap as this is a H&S issue

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CD to speak with Duston Parish Council to ask about clearing this area and if they have an annual maintenance schedule

62. PUBLIC SPACES PROTECTION ORDER CONSULTATION Enhanced Dog Control Powers, consultation ends 24 th July 2018

The council agree to make no HPC representation and asks that all Cllrs and members of the public to make their own representations to the DDC

63. PCSO DOCUMENTS FOR SIGNATURE John Shephard – Council Member for Ward

The Chairman outlines that the council need to appoint a single point of contact (SPOC) to work with the PCSO project. The SPOC is a liaison role. The Chairman proposes Cllr Denny to fulfil this role, seconded by the Vice Chairman. The council agree and Cllr Denny is appointed as the SPOC

John Shepherd: I have been on the DDC since 1984 The other District Cllr is Sarah Peck This is a new concept to have a PCSO sponsored by a parish council The sponsors are Boughton, , Bramptons, Spratton and Harlestone Sargeant Sam Dobbs is directly responsible for the PCSO The 5 parishes would join together to share the cost and create enough work for the PCSO role We are finally in a position where all parishes will sign the contracts over July and the PCSO could start in September The PCSO role: work emerges from discussions with the parish, the PCSO, the SPOCs and Seargeant Sam Dobbs Day to day running of the PCSO is managed by S.Dobbs Parishes do not have any line management of the PCSO In a serious emergency a PCSO can be diverted to an incident in another part of the country The PCSO goes where he is needed within the 5 parishes, the PCSO will not be doing 20% in each parish each week, it will be based on priorities The cost is £37,000 divided by using the council tax base worked out on the number of Band D properties, Harlestone has 390 which equates to 17% of the cost The PCSO is allocated by need and not by the percentage each parish pay Unlike the other 4 parishes, Harlestone has been very forthright and has already precepted for the PCSO cost. Cllr Denny raised a couple of points: Publicity, the agreement says you must get permission with the police before issuing any publicity from S.Dobbs. However, Sam is content that local publicity does not have to go through this process. Termination, was originally a 6 month termination. As this is a multi-sponsor PCSO, we have to

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give 8 months notice, to give the other 4 parishes time to consider the extra costs. There are 2 exit months, March and September. Ideally we would like to give the project 24 months with continuous reviews.

The HPC Chairman signs 2 sets of the documents in front of the council and the public

Maureen Halliday (Pitsford Parish) has agreed to run the admin for the PCSO project. Cheques to be made payable to the police every 6 months

Chairman: I would like to thank Sam Dobbs and Barry Halliday for all their efforts in putting this important PCSO project together for the Harlestone Parish.


The Council lists and considers here, any correspondence or contact between the council, the clerk and the public on issues which are of interest. Since the last meeting, such correspondence included:

 Northamptonshire County Council withdrawal of all local authority bus subsidies, legal challenge being considered  Gigaclear: 3 digging teams working in the Harlestone area, laying cable from Brampton  Planning objection letter regarding 96 sent to Cllr Stock  Daventry District Neighbourhood Policing Report – published  Rural Conference Date 4 th 5 th September  Harlestone Road Bus Stop bench needs staining  CPR Training August 8 th 18:30 Brampton Heath Golf Club, contact Robin Green 01604 842376 Rotary Club event  Speed Watch Team active on Harlestone Road  Cllr Cecile Irving-Swift appointed DDC Chairman 2018/2019

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 Next Quarry meeting 6pm Monday 12 th November 2018  CGR letter printing estimated at £56, Cllr Holland arranged for the printing to be done for free  Fly Tipping reported along Church Lane  Workhouse Bank sign reported missing  Online Crime Reporting: www.northants.police.uk/webform/online-crime-reporting  Stagecoach Northampton to Coventry: from July 21 st the 96 service will be combined with service 86

 Cllr Flynn: the stagecoach service combining the 96 and 86 doesn’t really affect the village, this service will now go further than Rugby, in fact all the way to Coventry, the timetables that we currently have will all run approximately 6 minutes later

 DA/2018/0092 Planning Granted  DDC Daventry Calling Magazine delivery commences 24th September  Rhian Morgan: Harlestone Conservation Area Leaflet  A428 Harlestone Road near HM speed reduction review

Meeting Duration: 2hours 44mins

NEXT MEETING THURSDAY 2nd AUGUST 2018 19:00 at Harlestone Village Institute

The council may need to convene for planning items which require a response before the date of the next meeting. Deadline for items for the next meeting to the EO/Clerk please:

NO LATER than 27st July 2018

Paul Thomas - Executive Officer Dated: 27th July 2018

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Signature: …………………………………………..

Executive Officer/Clerk: Paul OR Thomas

Signature: …………………………………………..

Chairman: Cllr Russell Francis

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