Vol. VIII, No. 137, 12th Waning of Wagaung 1383 ME Friday, 3 September 2021

Five-Point Road Map of the State Administration Council

1. The Union Election Commission will be reconstituted and its mandated tasks, including the scrutiny of voter lists, shall be implemented in accordance with the law. 2. Effective measures will be taken with added momentum to prevent and manage the COVID-19 pandemic. 3. Actions will be taken to ensure the speedy recovery of businesses from the impact of COVID-19. 4. Emphasis will be placed on achieving enduring peace for the entire nation in line with the agreements set out in the Nationwide Ceasefire Agreement. 5. Upon accomplishing the provisions of the state of emergency, free and fair multiparty democratic elections will be held in line with the 2008 Constitution, and further work will be undertaken to hand over State duties to the winning party in accordance with democratic standards. State Administration Council Vice-Chairman Vice-Senior General Soe Win arrives in Russian Federation, donates alms and day-meals to members of the Sangha at Theravada Buddha Vihara (Moscow)

Vice-Chairman of the State Administration Council Vice-Senior General Soe Win supplicates the propagation of Buddhism to the Sitagu Sayadaw at the Myanmar Theravada Buddha Vihara in Moscow on 2 September 2021.

N behalf of State Ad- morning to attend the closing ter of Defense of the Russian anmar Theravada Buddha Viha- the monastery Dr Bhaddanta ministration Council ceremony of the International Federation Colonel-General ra (Moscow) in Moscow where Acchariya and offered alms and OChairman Command- Army Games-2021 being held in Alexander Vasilyevich Fomin, they paid homage to Chancellor day-meals. er-in-Chief of Defence Servic- the Russian Federation at the Minister Counsellor U Zaw Lin of Sitagu International Buddhist First, the Vice-Senior Gen- es Senior General Min Aung invitation of the Minister of De- Oo of the Myanmar Embassy Academies Abhidhaja Maha eral supplicated the propaga- Hlaing, the delegation led by fense of the Russian Federation to , Myanmar Military Rattha Guru Abhidhaja Agga tion of Buddhism and donated State Administration Council Army General Kuzhugetovich Attaché (Army, Navy and Air) Maha Saddhamma Jotika Maha alms and cash for nine prereq- Vice-Chairman Deputy Com- Shoigu and arrived at Shereme- Commodore Kyaw Soe Moe and Dhammakathika Bahujanah- uisites. They then shared mer- mander-in-Chief of Defence tyevo Airport in Moscow of the officials, and the delegation pro- itadhara Upukkatha of Shw- its gained. Services Commander-in-Chief Russian Federation at night. ceeded to the hotel. egyin Nikaya Joint Shwegyin The Vice-Senior General (Army) Vice-Senior General The Vice-Senior General Yesterday morning, the Sangharaja Sitagu Sayadaw Dr and party offered day-meals to Soe Win left Nay Pyi Taw Tat- and party were welcomed at Vice-Senior General and dele- Bhaddanta Nyanissara residing members of the Sangha led by madaw Airport on 1 September the airport by Deputy Minis- gation members went to the My- at the monastery and abbot of Sitagu Sayadaw. — MNA


NATIONAL NATIONAL NATIONAL NATIONAL LOCAL BUSINESS Immunization MoALI coordinates IDPs receive 2nd Tatmadaw cultural troupe wins Palm oil price edges programmes begin thrice-yearly crop COVID jabs at one first prize, two second prizes up following Kyat at 11 IDP camps of production using Kintar Kyauktalone IDP and one third prize in Int’l Army depreciation Myebon Township irrigation water camp Games-2021 held in Russia PAGE-2 PAGE-3 PAGE-3 PAGE-5 PAGE-7 3 SEPTEMBER 2021 2 NATIONAL THE GLOBAL NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR

Public Announcement of Ministry of Health 2 September 2021

1. The Ministry of Health has categorized the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) as a disease of swift spread or the case to be reported with the Order No. 19/2020 on 28 February 2020 by exercising the authority stipulated in Sub-Section (b) of Section 21 of the Prevention and Control of Communicable Diseases Law for ef- fectively taking the preventive and response measures not to cause the spreading of COVID-19 in Myanmar. 2. The Ministry of Health is striving much for the control of COVID-19 by releasing necessary restrictions for the containment of infection in Myanmar, declaring stay-at-home programmes in the infected townships, adopting necessary health restrictions for the townships not involved in the stay-at-home programmes and taking action against the offenders under the existing laws if they failed to abide by the restrictions. 3. At present, persons with the variant virus of COVID-19 are found in Myanmar. The variant virus of COVID-19 is the variant of concern Delta. According to the press releases of the Health Organization, as it is necessary to take care of (Variants of Concern) Delta with high infection and severe impacts, it is reviewed that the virus may cause a high death rate. Such a virus may lessen the potency of some anti-COVID vaccines. 4. As such, the order issued by the Ministry of Health for the disease recognized as a disease of swift spread or the case to be reported for disinfection shall be ap- proved during the period before revocation. Hence, the people are requested to strictly follow the released orders, notifications, directives and work guidelines.

Ministry of Health

Immunization programmes begin at 11 IDP 5,000 Myanmar sailors camps of Myebon Township receive first dose of COVID-19 vaccines HE officials launched the vac- THE Myanmar Chinese Chamber of Commerce Tcination process and Mee Pya Tike Social Welfare Organization of the Sinovac COVID-19 jointly launched the first COVID-19 vaccination vaccine at 11 IDP camps campaign for 5,000 Myanmar seamen at the in Myebon Township of designated places starting 1 September. MraukU District of Rakh- There are more than 100,000 registered ine State yesterday. seamen in the country. The vaccination opera- The IDPs between tion was launched as the recruitment agencies the aged 18 and 65 re- prioritized those to get vaccinated, create job ceived the first dose of opportunities for international ships and control vaccines at respective the spread of disease via vaccination. vaccination locations of "We purchased the vaccines for 5,000 sailors. the camps. Township adminis- Beginning 1 September, we vaccinated 2,500 at tration body Chairman the vaccination sites for the first time. They must U Min Oo, Head of Pub- have two doses of vaccines and it costs K60,000 lic Health Department per person. Dr Than Tun Oo, health ''Currently, of nearly 30,000 seamen, over 20,000 haven't received the vaccines so far. The workers, staff of the of the camps jointly con- companies prioritize those to receive vaccines General Administration ducted the vaccination and if the seamen are fully vaccinated, they will Department, members programmes as per the be safe when they communicate at international of the Red Cross Socie- COVID-19 health rules. ports. So, we started the operations," said Captain ty, the ward administra- — Tin Win (Myebon U Sein Than from Mee Pya Tike Social Welfare tors and the in-charge IPRD)/GNLM Organization. Arrangements will be also made to vaccinate (photos top and left) Health workers are seen 20,000 more seamen after the vaccination oper- administering the vaccines to the IDPs in Myebon ations using the Sinopharm (Beijing) vaccines Township in Rakhine State. for 5,000 seamen. — Nyein Thu(MNA)/GNLM 3 SEPTEMBER 2021 THE GLOBAL NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR NATIONAL 3 BGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGA People should have a proper immune system and do exercise

ELDERLY people have a higher mortality rate, accounting for 80 per cent of all deaths is over the age of 50. Therefore, elderly people are prioritized for vaccines. Currently, the country receives 8 million vaccines and uses 6 million while 2 million are for second doses. On the other hand, people should have a proper immune system and do exercise.

(Excerpt from the speech to the 9th coordination meeting on COVID-19 prevention, control and treatment activities made by Chairman of the State Administration Council Prime Minister of the Provisional Government of Myanmar Senior General Min Aung Hlaing on 23-8-2021)

CHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHD MoALI coordinates thrice-yearly crop production using Kintar irrigation water

UNION Minister for Agriculture, cottonseed production field in Livestock and Irrigation U Tin Wundwin Township. Htut Oo and officials inspected During the meeting with the irrigation system of Kintar cotton growers and officials from Reservoir and Kintar Diversion the Cotton Entrepreneur Asso- Weir built on Panlaung river ciation in Wundwin Township, in Myittha Township, Kyaukse Region, the Union District, Mandalay Region on 1 Minister said it is necessary for September. farmers and entrepreneurs to During the inspection tour, work together in a joint venture the Union Minister said the Min- farming system to increase the istry is supporting the produc- cultivation of good and pure va- tion of cotton, paddy and various rieties of cotton and to increase crops to be able to produce three the per acre yield, adding that times per year and improve crop coordination is being made to yields. He added the need to sys- obtain timely loans for the culti- tematically use natural fertilizer vation of crops, to increase the and green manures, to increase yield of loans for the cultivation the efficiency of lakes and dams, of cotton, to import and use of to ensure the efficient use of wa- high-quality varieties with higher MoALI Union Minister U Tin Htut Oo and party inspects the irrigation system of Kintar Reservoir and Kintar ter, and to accelerate the natural Diversion Weir in Myittha Township in Mandalay Region on 1 September 2021. yields. disaster preventive measures. It is reported that the Union More than 150,000 acres of riculture, Livestock and Irriga- produced three times a year by research and technology devel- Minister and the cotton farmers paddy, cotton, oilseeds and puls- tion made the inspection tour to transforming the paddy-based opment activities; demonstration and entrepreneurs cordially dis- es are annually cultivated with coordinate the needs to be met crops into the new marketable of cotton seed hair removal to cussed the requirement to use the irrigation water from Kintar in upgrading irrigation system, crops, which need low water improve germination of seed- the modern agricultural machin- Reservoir and Kintar Diversion water supply and water manage- demand. lings and for machine planting; ery in cotton production, agricul- Weir. The Union Minister and ment technology so that a variety The Union Minister and par- spraying of cotton plantation tural management, and seedling officials of the Ministry of Ag- of crops, including paddy, can be ty also inspected the cotton crop using modern equipment and and input requirements. – MNA IDPs receive 2nd COVID jabs at Kyauktalone IDP camp

HEALTH officials gave the sec- ple in the shelter in Kyaukphyu ond dose of COVID-19 vaccines Township on 4 August, and the to internally displaced persons second vaccination was given on at the Kyauktalone IDP camp 2 September (yesterday). in Kyaukphyu, Rakhine State An official from the township yesterday. Public Health Department said During the vaccination, staff that 12 people had been vaccinat- from the General Administration ed, and the remaining persons Department made records for the to be vaccinated for the second vaccinated people. time in the camp would contin- Next, staff from the Kyauk- ue to get jabs on the scheduled phyu Township Public Health dates. —Tin Tun Oo/ Pyoe Wai Department measured the body Lin (IPRD)/GNLM temperature before vaccination. Vaccines were given system- atically, and only those with nor- Medical examination is carried mal conditions are vaccinated, out prior to inoculation officials said. for the second time at the Kyauktalone IDP camp. The first dose of COVID-19 vaccines was given to the peo- 3 SEPTEMBER 2021 4 NATIONAL THE GLOBAL NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Imports of anti-COVID-19 devices, medical aids continue

HE Ministry of Com- merce is making efforts Tto ensure people have access to the essential medical supplies that are critical to the COVID-19 prevention, control and treatment activities, includ- ing liquid oxygen and oxygen cylinders, arranging continuous importation on public holidays. On 2 September (Yester- day), anti-COVID-19 equipment, medical products including ox- ygen plants and concentrators were imported by 13 companies with the use of 22 vehicles, in- cluding two bowsers. A total of 38 tonnes of ox- ygen (liquid) carried by two bowser vehicles by bowser, 10 The lorries and bowser are seen carrying and transporting the Covid protective devices and medical supplies to the needed areas. tonnes of liquid oxygen in cyl- inder, 1,740 empty oxygen cyl- were imported via Muse, Chin- to and Mawlamyine of- It is reported that the Min- trol and treatment of COVID-19, inders, six oxygen plants, two shwehaw, and Myawady trading ficials said. istry of Commerce is coordinat- as well as contact persons for oxygen generators, 457 oxygen posts and Yangon International Out of six oxygen plants, ing with relevant departments, inquiries that can be reached concentrators for home use, 760 Airport. four to Yangon and one each facilitating the importations of through the Ministry’s Website sets of PPE suits, 12 tonnes of Two vehicles carrying liq- to Myinmu and Mandalay were essential medical supplies re- — — gloves and 37 tonnes of masks uid oxygen were transported transported successfully. quired in the prevention, con- MNA

Anti-Covid equipment and medical aids are imported daily through border trade zones.

3,459 new cases of COVID-19 reported on 2 September, total figure rises to 406,099

MYANMAR’S COVID-19 positive cases rose to 406,099 after 3,459 new cases were reported on 2 September 2021 according to the Ministry of Health. Among these

confirmed cases, 355,764 have been discharged from hospitals. Death toll reached 15,600 after 110 died.—MNA

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State Administration Council Press Release Re-invitation to Myanmar citizens who reside in various regions for many reasons

1. Some student youths, State service personnel and citizens, with worries, have evaded to areas of EAOs and foreign countries due to the incitements and intimidation of NLD members, extremist followers, unlawful associations and terrorist groups such as CRPH and NUG, stimulation of CDM, and persons and organizations at home and abroad not wishing to restore peace and stability of the State since Tatmadaw assumed the State responsibilities on 1 February 2021. 2. They are further worried about the dictatorship statement and speeches of unlawful association and terrorist group CRPH and NUG, and some relevant persons. As they face no security guarantee and difficulties in socio-economic life in those areas, they wish to return to their native lands. 3. The State Administration Council will specifically ease restrictions for service personnel, intellectuals and intelligentsia, and persons from various arenas and citizens who, with worries, absconded from the country except for persons who committed murders, robberies, setting fires, mine explosions and intentional attacks on security troops, those who crowded to attack public service personnel and some people, those who destroyed government and pri- vate-owned buildings and those who are highly involved in the CDM activities by providing monetary assistance and other means. 4. As those who evade from their native areas are also citizens, the State Administration Council will arrange their returns from the evaded areas to various parts of Myanmar. 5. As such, the information was released that if those who evaded to various areas, except for persons who committed any kinds of crime, wish to return to their native lands in Myanmar of their own accord due to multiple worries, the citizens abroad can contact nearby ward, village, township and district administration bodies and relevant embassies, military attaché offices and consulates in accord with the easing restrictions under the law. Information Team State Administration Council

THE State Administration Council will specifically ease restrictions for service personnel, intellectuals and intelligentsia, and persons from various arenas and citizens who, with worries, absconded from the country except for persons who committed murders, robberies, setting fires, mine explosions and intentional attacks on security troops, those who crowded to attack public service personnel and some people, those who destroyed government and private-owned buildings and those who are highly involved in the CDM activities by providing monetary assistance and other means.

Tatmadaw cultural troupe wins one first prize, two second prizes and one third prize in Int’l Army Games-2021 held in Russia

HE members of the My- tume Performance, second prize anmar Armed Forces in Individual Singing in Russia, TCultural Troupe com- second prize in a performance peted in various competitions highlighting the country’s cul- with traditional cultural teams ture, as well as the third prize from 15 countries in the Crea- in online fan voting. tive Competition, which is the The Myanmar Tatmadaw related competition of Interna- Cultural Troupe has been taking tional Army Games-2021 in the part annually in the Creative Russian Federation, and won Competition since 2018 and won the first prize in Traditional Cos- the best dual dance award, the

best dual music award, the best mance award in 2020. related to the armed forces such traditional costume award in In addition to the partici- as Biathlon, Aviadarts in 2018; the best singing, dancing pation in the Creative Compe- International Army Games-2021 and music awards in 2019; the tition, Myanmar Tatmadaw is which is being held in the Rus- third prize in dancing event and also competing with countries sian Federation since 22 August. the best Russian singing perfor- across the world in competitions — MNA 3 SEPTEMBER 2021 6 LOCAL NEWS THE GLOBAL NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR

2nd dose of COVID-19 vaccination continues in Htantabin

VACCINATION is being car- Basic Education High School ried out in Htantabin Town- in Okpo Kyaungsu Quarter re- ship, North Yangon District to spectively. prevent and control COVID-19 The second vaccination in pandemic disease. Htantabin Township is being Yesterday morning, the carried out by township officials second vaccination continued in priority groups according to at Hleseik Station Hospital the designated areas. and affiliated Basic Education From 29 August to 2 Sep- High School in Okpo Kyaungsu tember, a total of 2,678 people Quarter. were vaccinated for the sec- The vaccination works ond time at Htantabin Township were carried out by health Sports Complex, the affiliated workers and volunteers. Basic Education High School Before getting the vaccines, in Kyutawsu Quarter, Tatthit healthcare workers measured Station Hospital, Hleseik Sta- body temperature, blood pres- tion Hospital and the affiliated sure and blood oxygenation and A health worker injects the COVID-19 vaccine to a local in Htantabin for the second time. Basic Education High School conducted tests for allergies. in Okpo Kyaungsu Quarter, A total of 265 people, includ- over 65 years of age, and 17 civil the civil servant and 28 volun- the second time at Hleseik Sta- officials said. —Zin Min Htike ing 31 monks, 188 older people servants, one family member of teers received the vaccines for tion Hospital and the affiliated (Htantabin)/ GNLM COVID-19 infection rate Domestic gold price gains up to over K1.7 mln drops in Thanbyuzayet

THE COVID-19 infection rate patients. So, the hospital didn’t is decreasing in Thanbyuzayet admit the patients with mild township, but people from the symptoms,” he added. township are still undergoing Some death cases were not medical treatment at their hous- registered by the Department es, according to the COVID-19 of Public Health because they volunteer organization. were undergoing treatment There were 1,088 COVID-19 themselves at their houses. patients in the township from Most of the people had died of 28 June to 31 July. The number COVID-19 due to a lack of oxy- dropped to only 321 COVID-19 gen, he explained. confirmed patients from 1 Au- The medical teams have The price of domestic gold is high right now due to a shortage of raw precious metals and the rising global gust to 29 August, according been formed, and they are pro- gold prices. to the report of the Ministry viding health treatment for those THE price of domestic gold bar is also monitoring to stop tuated between K1,572,800 (3 of Health. But many infected who are getting ill and having a gained up to 1,708,000 kyats per accepting orders without August) and K1,698,000 (31 people and suspected patients loss of smell in the township and tical (roughly 16.33 grammes), raw gold material and to stop August), the gold traders said. are having medical treatment nearest villages. according to Yangon Gold distance trading. According to gold traders, themselves at their houses, said The new COVID-19 infec- Entrepreneurs Association In January 2021, the gold the local gold reached the low- a volunteer from Thanbyuzayet tion in the township dropped (YGEA). price was ranged between the est level of K1,310,500 (2 Sep- township. significantly. The Health Minis- The price of domestic minimum of K1,316,000 per tical tember) and the highest level “The infection and death try reported 49 deaths from lab- gold is high right now due to (28 January) and the maximum of K1,314,000 (1 September). In rates have dropped. But it is oratory-confirmed patients from a shortage of raw precious of K1,336,000 per tical (6 Jan- October, the rate ranged be- not declined significantly. Some 28 June to 31 July and 61 deaths metals and the rising global uary). It reached an all-time tween K1,307,800 (30 October) are treating themselves at their from 1 August to 29 August. gold prices. Additionally, Kyat is high of K1,410,000 per tical on and K1,316,500 (21 October). home covertly. Earlier, the hos- Mon state reported 11,329 depreciating in the local forex 3 February and hit the mini- The rate fluctuated between pital in Thanbyuzayet township COVID-19 cases with 1,032 market, which is another cause mum of K1,340,000 per tical on the highest of K1,317,000 (9 was overcrowded and there is deaths from 28 June to 29 Au- of price gain in the domestic 2 February. In March, the rate November) and the lowest of no space for the COVID-19 new gust. — Aye Maung/GNLM gold market. fluctuated between the high- K1,270,000 (30 November). In Currently, the global est of K1,391,000 (25 March) December, the pure yellow gold prices stood at US$1,814 and the lowest of K1,302,000 (4 metal priced moved in the per ounce, while a US dollar March). The price has regis- range of 1,280,000 (1 Decem- exchange rate scaled up to the tered the highest of K1,455,000 ber) and 1,332,000 (28 Decem- Daily newspapers peak of around K1,800 in the (30 April) and the lowest of ber). local foreign market. K1,389,000 (1 April). The price With global gold prices on available online On 12 May, domestic gold reached an all-time highest of the uptick, the domestic price hit an all-time high of K1,709,000 K1,709,000 (12 May) and the hit fresh highs in 2019, reaching FOR those who would like to read the Myanma Alinn, the per tical in history. lowest of K1,447,000 in May. The K1,000,000 per tical between Kyemon and the Global New Light of Myanmar, published Thus, YGEA urges its price moved in the maximum 17 January and 21 February, daily by the Ministry of Information, please visit members to regulate trade to of K1,575,500 (11 June) and crossing K1,100,000 (22 June,, be able to stabilize the domestic the minimum of K1,543,000 (19 to 5 August), climbing to over and gold prices. June). The rate hit the lowest 1,200,000 (7 August-4 Septem- News and Periodicals Enterprise Besides, the shops are level of K 1,562,300 (26 July) and ber), and then reaching a re- urged to sell only small pieces the highest level of K 1,587,000 cord high of K1,300,000 on 5 of gold bar. The association (9 July). Last month, it fluc- September 2019. – NN/GNLM 3 SEPTEMBER 2021 THE GLOBAL NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR LOCAL BUSINESS 7

Heirloom bean price doubles on strong domestic, foreign demand

THE price of heirloom beans has penetrating the Chinese market risen twice on the back of strong in five years ago. It has grasped domestic and foreign demand a firm market share. It can be on recent days, Mandalay bean easily cultivated and they yield traders said. splendid in alluvial soil. As the Earlier, the market of those bean is a lucrative crop, the res- beans was cool in the early out- idents considered, and called it break of COVID-19. On recent luck. Both the growers and the days, the market raises its head traders will receive a handsome again on account of ’s profit with the price double this strong demand on butter bean year. Therefore, I suggest that and heirloom bean, added Man- the growers expand the sowing dalay traders. acreage next year,” an owner of During the early harvest the Soe Win Myint warehouse time in March 2021, the open- said. ing price of the heirloom bean That cold season crop has is K55,000 per three-basket an export market potential and it As the bean is a lucrative crop, the residents considered, and called it luck. Both the growers and the traders will receive a handsome profit with the price double this year. bag. Chinese market’s demand is commonly found in Ayeyawady raised the price to double, and and Chindwin delta regions; Pa- continued. from K65,000 in early March to cultivated in Sagaing, Magway the beans are highly traded at kokku, Yesagyo, Monywa, Mying- At present, the rice beans, K100,000 per three-basket bag and Mandalay. Pakokku, My- K110,000 per bag, the Soe Win yan, NyaungU and Sinbyukyun which are shipped to , is in early September. It is the five- itchay and Madaya. – Min Htet Myint warehouse reported. townships. They are usually also actively traded. The prices year record high. Aung (Mandalay Sub-Printing “The heirloom bean started harvested in early March, he of rice beans also climbed up The rice beans are primarily House)/GNLM Palm oil price edges up following Myanmar black-eyed pea Kyat depreciation exports earn $26.7 mln as of

ing to Myanmar Customs 20 Aug Department. MYANMAR has shipped more that the growers cultivate more “The oil palm trees than 48,336 tonnes of black- black-eyed beans. It is primar- produce fruits in abun- eyed pea to international trade ily cultivated in Ayeyawady, dance this time. The price partners as of 20 August in the Mandalay, Bago and Magway is likely to be in the bull current financial year 2020-2021 regions and Kayin State. market up to October if since October 2020, generating Myanmar’s agriculture any trade barrier will not a revenue of US$26.7 million, sector is the backbone of the occur,” Chair U San Lin of Myanmar Customs Depart- country’s economy as it con- Myanmar Edible Oil Deal- ment’s statistics showed. tributes to over 30 per cent of ers’ Association said. At present, black-eyed Gross Domestic Products. The “Normally, oil palm peas are fetching a good price country primarily cultivates trees are plentiful in Ma- on the back of strong demand paddy, corn, cotton, sugarcane, laysia this time. They pro- by European countries. The for- various pulses and beans. Its duce the fruits from June to eign trade partners prefer My- second-largest production is October,” U San Lin added. anmar’s black-eyed peas due the pulses and beans, counting Myanmar Edible Oil to the low content of chemical for 33 per cent of agro-prod- Dealers’ Association is at- residues. The prevailing price ucts and covering 20 per cent Myanmar brought in US$620 million worth of palm oil in the past tempting to maintain price is over $1,000 per tonne, accord- nine months (October-June) of the current financial year 2020-2021, of growing acres. Among them, according to Myanmar Customs Department. stability, prevent mar- ing to a depot owner from the black gram, pigeon pea and ket manipulation, import Bayintnaung Market. green gram constitute 72 per KYAT weakening in the local fo- sale market’s data indicated. the palm oil from foreign Following uncertainty in cent of bean acreage. Other rex market adversely impacted In early January 2021, countries sustainably for markets of black bean and pi- beans, including peanut, chick- the edible palm oil market, cou- production slump in import- self-sufficiency, distrib- geon peas last year, Myanmar pea, soy pea, black-eyed beans, pled with the shipment problem ing countries Malaysia and ute the edible oil at a fair Pulses, Beans and Sesame butter beans and rice beans, amid the COVID-19 pandemic Indonesia, caused by erratic price to the consumers Seeds Merchants Association are also grown in the country. and therefore, the prices of im- weather conditions and the and ensure that there will suggested, in October-end 2020, — KK/GNLM ported edible palm oil remained COVID-19 impacts, high im- be no edible oil shortage upward trend, the edible oil trad- ports by certain countries un- in regions and state when ers stated. der tax reduction, a tax hike on there is a rise in imported The price soared to exports in producing countries oil price. US$1,160-1,180 per 18-litre can and the short storage of palm The domestic con- at the present time. The price oil in those countries contrib- sumption of edible oil is es- may vary depending on the uted to the rise in edible oil timated at 1 million tonnes local currency value. Conse- price. The palm oil price stood per year. The local cooking quently, the domestic market at $1,055-1,200 per tonne in the oil production is just about also saw a price gap of over foreign market then. 400,000 tonnes. To meet K1,800 per viss (a viss equals Myanmar brought in the self-sufficiency in the 1.6 kg) in the past nine months. US$620 million worth of palm domestic market, about The palm oil is priced over oil in the past nine months (Oc- 700,000 tonnes of cooking At present, black-eyed peas are fetching a good price on the back of K3,800 per viss in the retail tober-June) of the current fi- oil are yearly imported. – strong demand by European countries. The foreign trade partners prefer market, Bayintnaung whole- nancial year 2020-2021, accord- KK/GNLM Myanmar’s black-eyed peas due to the low content of chemical residues. 3 SEPTEMBER 2021 3 SEPTEMBER 2021 8 OPINION THE GLOBAL NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR THE GLOBAL NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR ARTICLE/NATIONAL 9 Systematically Myanmar Gazette What would Prof. Hla Myint say to the current Heads of Service Organizations dispose of the transferred, appointed and waste for avoiding economic situation of Myanmar? confirmed By Hikari Ishido 1. THE State Administration Council has transferred and ap- water pollution (Professor, Chiba University, Japan) pointed Dr Mie Mie Khin, Rector of University of Computer CCORDING to the World Bank (in “Myanmar Economic surely benefit from this trade agreement when its domestic economy Studies (Meiktila) of the Ministry of Science and Technology, Monitor July 2021”), the growth rate of GDP of Myanmar in added. Myanmar could potentially become an important hub of an regains its boost. as the Rector of Yangon University of Computer Studies from ATER is of crucial source for the world which is home A the financial year October 2020 – September 2021 is estimated East Asian global value chain (GVC). For this to happen, the country’s Looking back to history, Myanmar joined ASEAN in 1997 with the the date she assumes charge of her duties. to the global peoples as well as all kinds of living be- to be minus 18%. The Bank also estimates that with the contraction open-economic policy would need to be sustained. invitation and approval from , Indonesia, Brunei Darussalam, W ings and trees. As such, global peoples need to strive of GDP, some 1 million workers face the risk of unemployment, and Malaysia and Singapore. Since then, ASEAN has constructively been 2. The State Administration Council has confirmed the following for the prevention of water pollution to make better changes in the share of those citizens living under the “poverty line” of 1.9 dol- Table. Myanmar’s trade partners (2020, US million dollars) engaged in Myanmar’s integration into the single southeast Asian persons as Heads of Service Organizations shown against each of their names after the one-year probationary period. the environment as part of paying back gratitude to the host lars a day in 2022 will be double that of the 2019 level. This is a really Country Myanmar’s Myanmar’s import economy, known as the ASEAN Economic Community or AEC (which planet Earth. worrisome situation at least from an economic perspective. export to: from: was completed in 2015). A “SWOT” analysis for Myanmar is as follows. Name Appointment It is necessary to urge owners of industries that are draining As an economics professor studying ASEAN economies, I have Brunei 0.4 0.0 S (Strengths): Myanmar’s strategic geographical location connecting out wastewater into the creeks, rivers and other water sources been intrigued by the Burmese and world-famous economist Prof. China and India (a short-cut trade route in a sense); Myanmar as an (a) Dr Aung Swe Tun Director-General Cambodia 31 3 so that impacts of toxic in the water must be mitigated. Local Hla Myint (1920–2017), who was born in Burma (Myanmar), got an integrated part of the AEC; affordable (and especially youth) workforce. Bureau of Study and Assess- Indonesia 165 1,072 ment (Education) authorities should persuade owners of these industries into education at the University of Rangoon (now Yangon) and W (Weaknesses): physical, legal and institutional infrastructures re- Ministry of Education understanding the value of water sources without pollution and School of Economics (LSE) in the UK, and also taught at the LSE 0.3 1 main to be developed; the current political and economic situations. urged them not to drain out ((from 1966 to 1985). He was among the pioneering development Malaysia 196 1,011 O (Opportunities): RCEP as a large-scale trade area, will take effect (b) Dr Thet Lwin Rector the toxic wastewater into economists who focused on the importance of export-orientated 111 45 in the not distant future among all ten ASEAN members (including Pyay University Department of Higher Education It is an easy the water sources. policy as the most useful “engine of growth.” Utilizing the foreign Singapore 697 2,454 Myanmar) and , China, Japan, Korea and . As an example, people capital coming from exporting, development is expedited. Symbol- Although Myanmar is not a member of another large-scale trade Ministry of Education Thailand 3,008 1,927 way to avoid need to reduce the use of ically (or “macro-economically”), the process can be depicted as agreement, the Comprehensive and Progressive Trans-Pacific Part- bleaching chemicals and follows. Y= C+I+G+X-M, where Y (meaning Yield, that is, Gross 177 588 nership (CPTPP), its membership in RCEP is an opportunity to bring ammonia used in cleaning Domestic Product or GDP) will expand when C (Consumption), I ASEAN total 4,385 7,100 in foreign investment from these countries. T (Threats): the negative the outbreak of the houses and environs (Investment), G (Government expenditure) and X (export) increas- (excl. Myanmar) impact of COVID-19, as well as the current political turmoil turning water pollution because of causing water es through establishing linkages with international markets. What China 5,376 6,528 into a larger-scale deterrent against Myanmar’s economic growth. pollution. In fact, they can we should note is the fact that while M (import) seems to reduce Japan 1,241 552 Japan, on its part, has been implementing its growth strategy, use vinegar and baking soda Y because of the negative sign before M, it (import) actually stim- 64 49 which formed an important part of the former prime minister Abe’s with the daily in household cleaning. ulates domestic suppliers to improve their products and services economic policy, known as “Abenomics.” With the ageing domestic Flood Bulletin India 696 682 In addition, people need over a medium to long period. Further, domestic market size is only population, needs Myanmar’s productive-age youth population as a (Issued at 09:00 hrs M.S.T on 2-9-2021) practices of US 869 398 to systematically dispose of limited, hence a limited policy impact of reducing M (import) for the collaborative workforce in Japan, in almost all its industrial sectors. Flood condition of Ayeyawady River drugs and other materials. purpose of promoting domestic production. In his The Economics of UK 488 60 More historically, the so-called Fukuda Doctrine (released in 1977) ACCORDING to the (08:30) hrs M.S.T observation today, the the people. Disposable wastes such as Developing Countries (London: Hutchinson, 1964), he emphasized World 17,964 16,929 of Japan establishing a “heart-to-heart relationship” with ASEAN diapers, tissues, plastic bags the positive role of open-trade policy: according to Prof. Myint, the countries remains valid: Japan, as an equal partner of the countries water level of Ayeyawady River at Seiktha has exceeded by So, everybody and other uneasily damaged market opening of both importing and exporting will bring about the Source: United Nations’ UN COMTRADE database (https:// of , will do its best for consolidating its relationship about (½) foot above its danger level. It may continue to rise materials must be thrown wealth of nations in the end. with Myanmar. As for broader development planning (in addition to from the present water level by about (½) foot during the next should dispose in systematic ways. If these What would Prof. Myint say to the current economic situation of trade and investment), Prof. Myint mentioned the introduction of the (3) days and may remain above its danger level. waste materials fall into the Myanmar? The Table below shows Myanmar’s trade partners in 2020. In connection to trade, the Regional Comprehensive Economic market mechanism, utilization of foreign aid and improvement of of any waste water, the people will face The total volume of trade (export and import) saw a negative growth Partnership (RCEP) was signed in November 2020, among 10 the domestic education as equally important components of a nation’s According to the (08:30) hrs M.S.T observation today, the the impacts of water pol- from the 2019 records (18,106 million dollars of export and 18,611 mil- ASEAN member states (including Myanmar) and their five dialogue economic growth. water level of Ayeyawady River at Hinthada has reached at the set sites lution triggered by these lion dollars of import, based on the UN COMTRADE database). This partners (Australia, China, Japan, Korea and New Zealand). But at As mentioned above, Prof. Myint stressed the importance of export its danger level and it may continue to rise from the present materials. is worrisome since export-oriented growth cannot be achieved. The the level of RCEP, which is expected to take effect in the not distant orientation as the most useful “engine of growth”. And his thesis on water level by about (½) foot during the next (3) days and to cut off the Furthermore, people Table reveals that ASEAN and China are comparable in the volume of future, would bring down unnecessary trade costs through “institu- economic policymaking is much relevant today. Japan needs ASEAN should not drain out pes- export and import with Myanmar; the US and UK have limited trade tional harmonization” (e.g., common custom rules with lower import with Myanmar as an important member, and Myanmar might also need may remain above its danger level. subsequences ticides, germicides, weedi- volumes in their transactions with Myanmar. Japan alone would not tariffs and service trade regulations). This would surely bring about partners in trade, investment and other fronts. And at its grassroots According to the (08:30)hrs M.S.T observation today, the water cides, insecticides, paints, make a big trade partner for Myanmar, yet technological cooperation Myanmar’s productivity enhancement. The RCEP was enabled with (non-governmental) level, at the very least, Japan stands ready to level of Ayeyawady River at Zalun has reached its danger engine oil, varieties of chem- between the two countries might lead to higher value-added activities the concept of ASEAN centrality, i.e., ASEAN on the whole serving collaborate with Myanmar’s growth strategy. of bad events level and it may continue to rise from the present water level icals used in industries, of Myanmar’s domestic economy, which currently seems to have a as the driver of this East-Asia wide plurilateral trade agreement, (The opinions and views in this article are those of the author causing water ammonia and other relat- comparative advantage in agricultural products, natural resources, which includes 3 billion people (45% of the world population) in its only.) – Ed. by about (½) foot during the next (3) days and may remain ed materials in the water. fishery products and clothes, all still with limited economic value single market. Myanmar, as an important member of ASEAN, would above its danger level. pollution. These materials can cause Advisory death to the water creatures It is especially advised to the people who settle near the river and plants underwater and above water. They have to Moderna says tainted Covid vaccines sent to Japan contained steel banks and low lying areas in Seiktha, Hinthada Township and discard waste at the designated sites. If not, solutions from the ZalunTownship, to take precaution measure. waste can flow into the water sources which will be harmful to ODERNA said Wednes- tigating the deaths of two men erna Covid-19 vaccine does not ticles identified in these lots in the living things. Mday that tainted batches who received doses from a taint- pose an undue risk to patient Japan would result in increased Naturally, the water located in various areas is able to digest of its Covid-19 vaccine sent to ed batch, but the cause of their safety and it does not adversely medical risk.” the chemical elements from waste. But it cannot completely de- Japan were contaminated with deaths is so far unknown. affect the benefit/risk profile of Moderna added that for the stroy a larger volume of chemical elements, leaving some residues stainless steel particles, but the In a joint statement with its the product,” the statement said. time being, there was no evidence which cause toxins upon living beings, including humans. Hence, company did not expect it posed Japanese partner Takeda, Mod- Metallic particles of this size that the two deaths were related systematic disposing can prevent the consequences of toxicity to “an undue risk to patient safety”. erna said the contamination in injected into a muscle may cause to administration of the vaccine the living beings in the environs through water pollution. The US biotech firm is facing one of three suspended lots had a site reaction, but are unlikely to and “the relationship is currently It is an easy way to avoid the outbreak of water pollution with major setbacks in Japan, with been traced back to production go beyond that, it added. considered to be coincidental”. the daily practices of the people. So, everybody should dispose hundreds of thousands of doses line flaws at a factory run by its “Stainless steel is routinely An investigation is ongoing. of any waste at the set sites to cut off the subsequences of bad suspended following reports of Spanish contractor, ROVI Phar- used in heart valves, joint re- Last week, Japan suspend- events causing water pollution. foreign substances detected in ma Industrial Services. placements and metal sutures ed 1.63 million Moderna doses vials. “The rare presence of stain- and staples. As such, it is not ex- across the country. Photo taken on 17 June 2021, shows a COVID-19 mass vaccination center in Authorities are also inves- less steel particles in the Mod- pected that injection of the par- SOURCE: AFP Tokyo. PHOTO: KYODO 3 SEPTEMBER 2021 10 TECH/ ENVIRON: WORLD THE GLOBAL NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR

NEWS IN BRIEF Facebook invests in new partnerships Twitter tests Safety with Argentine press Mode to block internet trolls SOCIAL media giant Facebook them,” said Shamma. will invest $1.5 million in Argen- Facebook will offer training tine media to train journalists in themes such as product devel- TWITTER on Wednesday and promote online develop- opment, format experimentation announced it is testing a new ment, a first in Latin America. and using statistics, amongst feature that automatically The agreement signed last others. blocks hateful messages, week with almost 150 media out- “We believe the digital trans- as the US site comes under lets will allow 3,000 journalists formation will create new oppor- increasing pressure to protect to be trained, while also helping tunities for the news ecosystem, its users from online abuse. Facebook develop commercial offering different possibilities to Users who activate the agreements. expand the audience through new Safety Mode will see their It’s part of the “Facebook social and interactive formats, “mentions” filtered for seven Journalism Project” that in- and to monetize content,” said days so that they don’t see mes- volves collaboration with media Shamma. sages flagged as likely to contain all over the world. Facebook is creating training and commercial partnerships with media Facebook has already in- hate speech or insults. The three-year Argentine all over the world. PHOTO: AFP/FILE vested $600 million worldwide The feature will initially investment aims “to support al- since 2018 to support digital de- be tested by a small number of most 150 media of every size and The agreement involves links to the Facebook platform. velopment in the news industry. English-speaking users, Twit- region in the country,” Julieta commercial commitments with “We’re collaborating with The Silicon Valley-based com- ter said, with priority given to Shamma, Facebook’s head of around 30 Argentine outlets in- media to try different forms pany plans to invest another $1 “marginalised communities strategic media partnerships in cluding Clarin, La Nacion, Pagi- of helping people find news on billion in the next three years.— and female journalists” who Latin America, told AFP. na12 and Infobae to attract more Facebook and connect with AFP often find themselves targets of abuse. “We want to do more to reduce the burden on peo- Uphill battle: Spain’s wine growers adapt to climate change ple dealing with unwelcome interactions,” Twitter said in a statement, adding that the FOR over a century, Joaquin workers pick the white grapes by platform is committed to host- Gay de Montella Estany’s family hand at a vineyard with sea views ing “healthy conversations”. produced wine in Spain’s Medi- in Penedes, about 40 kilometres —AFP terranean region of Catalonia (25 miles) south of the city of but the effects of climate change Barcelona. Higher temperatures have pushed them to seek higher have brought the grape harvest August Amazon ground. forward by 10 to 15 days over fires remain near Now their Torre del Veguer the past decade, said Gay de highs under winery also has vineyards at the Montella Estany, who owns the foot of the Pyrenees mountains ecological winery. “We have to Bolsonaro — at an altitude of nearly 1,200 harvest at the start of August metres (3,900 feet) — where tem- when the heat is the most in- THE number of fires in the peratures are cooler. tense,” he told AFP. Brazilian Amazon as the burn- It’s one of the ways in which So in 2008, the company ing season opened in August Spain’s wine producers are try- moved part of its production to Among the ways that producers are trying to adapt to a warming climate fell slightly from 2020, but re- ing to adapt, as a warmer climate Bolvir, a village in the Pyrenees is by reviving grape strains that perform well at high altitudes. PHOTO: mained close to the near-dec- advances the harvest season near the French border. AFP/FILE ade highs seen under Presi- and makes the need for more dent Jair Bolsonaro, new data heat-tolerant grape varieties Speedy ripening Spain has the largest area of and Wine says. It is the third big- showed Wednesday. greater. With a total of 961,000 hec- vineyards in the world, the In- gest wine producer behind Italy Brazil’s space agency, INPE, In searing August heat, farm tares (2.4 million acres) of vines, ternational Organization of Vine and France.—AFP recorded 28,060 fires in the Brazilian Amazon last month — down 4.3 per cent from Storm Ida brings heavy rain, flash flooding to New York City August 2020, but well above the average of 18,000 for the United States, forcing flight can- the city, brutal flooding and dan- decade before Bolsonaro took cellations and state of emergen- gerous conditions on our roads,” office in 2019. The far-right pres- cy declarations. Mayor Bill de Blasio said in a ident, who has pushed to open Ida slammed into the south- tweet as he declared a state of protected lands to agribusiness ern state of Louisiana over the emergency in the city. and mining, has presided over weekend, bringing severe flood- Hundreds of flights have a surge of deforestation in the ing and tornadoes as it blazed a been cancelled at nearby New- Amazon. trail of destruction north. ark, LaGuardia and JFK airports Under his administration, New York governor Kathy and flooding has closed major Brazil’s share of the Amazon Hochul declared a state of emer- roads across multiple boroughs has lost around 10,000 square gency as the remnants of the including Manhattan, The Bronx kilometres (3,860 square miles) storm caused massive flooding and Queens. Streets were trans- of forest cover a year -- an area in the country’s financial and formed into rivers while the nearly the size of Lebanon. cultural capital, leaving the bor- city’s subway stations were also That is up from around The Bronx borough of New York City has been inundated with oughs of Brooklyn and Queens flooded, and the Metropolitan rain. PHOTO: AFP 6,500 square kilometres per badly hit. “We’re enduring an Transportation Authority report- year during the previous dec- NEW YORKERS were inundat- ing early Thursday as Storm Ida historic weather event tonight ed service would be effectively ade.—AFP ed by heavy rain and flash flood- wreaked havoc on the northeast with record-breaking rain across shut down.—AFP 3 SEPTEMBER 2021 THE GLOBAL NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR PANDEMIC: WORLD 11 WHO monitoring new coronavirus variant named ‘Mu’

THE World Health Organization stellation of mutations that indi- can impact the properties of a has said it is monitoring a new cate potential properties of im- virus and influence how easily coronavirus variant known as mune escape,” the bulletin said. it spreads, the severity of the “Mu”, which was first identified There is widespread concern disease it causes, and its resist- in Colombia in January. over the emergence of new virus ance to vaccines, drugs and oth- Mu, known scientifically as mutations as infection rates are er countermeasures. The WHO B.1.621, has been classified as a ticking up globally again, with currently identifies four Covid-19 “variant of interest”, the global the highly transmissible Delta variants of concern, including health body said Tuesday in its variant taking hold — especial- Alpha, which is present in 193 weekly pandemic bulletin. ly among the unvaccinated — countries, and Delta, present in The WHO said the variant and in regions where anti-virus 170 countries. Five variants, in- has mutations that indicate a measures have been relaxed. All cluding Mu, are to be monitored. risk of resistance to vaccines viruses, including SARS-CoV-2 After being detected in and stressed that further stud- that causes Covid-19, mutate over Colombia, Mu has since been ies were needed to better under- time and most mutations have lit- reported in other South Amer- The ‘Mu’ coronavirus variant, first identified in Colombia, has mutations stand it. tle or no effect on the properties of ican countries and in Europe. indicating a risk of vaccine resistance, the WHO says. PHOTO: AFP/FILE “The Mu variant has a con- the virus. But certain mutations — AFP

NEWS IN BRIEF Philippines hits 2 million virus Moderna submits application to US regulator cases as Delta drives surge for Covid booster shot THE Philippines topped two mil- MODERNA on Wednesday announced it had begun submitting an lion coronavirus cases Wednes- application to the US Food and Drug Administration to authorize day as the country battles a a booster of its Covid vaccine after trial data showed a significant record surge in infections that increase in antibodies against variants. the World Health Organization The third shot of the vaccine, known as mRNA-1273, was given to confirmed is being driven by the 344 participants in a study six months after their second dose. hyper-contagious Delta strain. The first two doses were 100 micrograms, while the booster was In recent weeks, daily case half that at 50 micrograms. An analysis showed the booster increased rates have hit the highest levels neutralizing antibody levels against variants of concern, including since the start of the pandem- Delta by more than 42.3-fold, Gamma by 43.6-fold, and Beta by 32-fold, ic and the health department with similar gains seen across age groups including over-65s.—AFP warned the trend could continue. Wednesday’s official data show the country recorded ’s vaunted health system straining under 14,216 new infections, taking the Covid cases total caseload to just over two million, with 33,533 deaths in the CUBA’S vaunted public health system, which boasts more doctors per country of 110 million people. Health workers have been staging protests outside hospitals to demand capita than any other country, has been pushed to the brink in recent “It is possible the number the hiring of more staff. PHOTO: AFP months by the arrival of the coronavirus Delta variant. of Covid-19 cases will rise some In a country long left relatively unscathed by the global pandemic, more in the coming days,” the WHO representative in the tributable to the Delta variant,” doctors are now battling to get their hands on oxygen and drugs, and health department said Wednes- Philippines Rabindra Abeyas- Abeyasinghe told reporters, patients can wait up to 24 hours for a hospital bed. day. inghe said Tuesday the latest citing the results of genome se- Despite having rolled out its own, home-grown Covid-19 vaccines Daily cases exceeded 22,000 resurgence was being driven quencing. — Latin America’s first— Cuba has seen infections sky-rocket since July, for the first time on Monday -- by the Delta variant, which has The lockdown in the cap- especially in remote parts of the country, and deaths have soared too. more than double the number ripped through neighbouring ital and nearby provinces has Of the 5,300 coronavirus deaths recorded on the communist island on August 6 when the sprawling countries. been extended until next week of 11.2 million inhabitants since the outbreak started, nearly half were in national capital region went back “More than 70 per cent of as authorities battle to slow the the last month alone, as were almost a third of all reported cases.—AFP into lockdown. the current transmission is at- spread of the virus.—AFP

Ireland: Covid lockdown to be lifted on 22 October

IRELAND on Tuesday an- From 6 September, there remove the legal requirement nounced that it will fully reopen will be an easing of restrictions to prove immunity in order to on 22 October after 18 months on organized indoor and outdoor access indoor hospitality or other of rolling lockdowns introduced events and mass gatherings. events. to limit coronavirus infections. Theatre, music and live It wants to be able to lift all “The time is now right to events will at that point go ahead remaining restrictions on indoor begin the move from regulation for vaccinated people at 60-per- and outdoor events, along with and widespread restrictions on cent capacity indoors and 75-per- the legal requirements for mask people’s personal freedom, to an cent capacity outdoors. wearing outdoors and in indoor approach primarily defined by Restrictions on indoor and private settings. public health advice, personal outdoor group activities will “We’ve had to accept restric- behaviour, judgement and re- then be eased further from 20 tions on our personal freedoms Ireland on Tuesday announced that it will fully reopen on 22 October sponsibility,” prime minister Mi- September. that would have been unthinka- after 18 months of rolling lockdowns introduced to limit coronavirus cheal Martin said in a televised The government hopes that ble just a couple of years ago,” infections. PHOTO: UNSPLASH/ AFP broadcast. by 22 October it will be able to said Martin.—AFP 3 SEPTEMBER 2021 12 ECON: WORLD THE GLOBAL NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR What can central banks do to address climate risks?

The start of central bank in- would hold up in the face of cli- volvement in climate action is mate shocks. sometimes attributed to a 2015 While the European Cen- speech by the Bank of ’s tral Bank (ECB) has only just (BOE) then-governor Mark launched a climate stress test Carney entitled “Breaking the initiative, the Bank of France by tragedy of the horizon -- climate May had already examined nine change and financial stability”. banking groups and 15 insurance While not directly involved companies, revealing a moderate in addressing global warming, risk for these establishments. central banks do have to be alert The ECB also could take to its impact on the economy and climate risk into consideration the financial system. when buying corporate bonds or Amid increasing public con- accepting those used for collat- cern, the institutions are factor- eral, giving preference to assets ing considerations about climate of firms not involved in polluting into their policies and watching activities. for threats to their main mandate The People’s Bank of China for price stability, implications for also is considering climate stress banking supervision and econom- tests, while the BOE started in Central banks have faced increasing public pressure to take action on climate risks. PHOTO: AFP/FILE ic growth more broadly. June, reviewing banks such What can they do? as HSBC and Barclays. It also THE world’s main central banks 2008 financial crisis and when the fied when it comes to addressing One tool at their disposal should announce before the end were seen as saviors of the glob- coronavirus pandemic hit last climate change. are bank stress tests, which can of the year its program of green- al economy in the wake of the year, but they are less than uni- Why are they involved? gauge how financial institutions ing its asset buybacks.—AFP

NEWS Brazil’s economy contracts 0.1% in Q2 IN BRIEF BRAZIL’S economy performed October next year. ’s worse than expected in the sec- Hit hard by the drought in economy heading ond quarter of 2021, contracting the south and central-west, the 0.1 per cent in the latest sign agribusiness sector registered in right direction: the Latin American giant’s pan- the worst output contraction for president demic recovery has lost steam. the April-June period, shrinking Analysts had forecast 2.8 per cent, said the national growth of around 0.2 per cent, statistics institute, IBGE. PAKISTANI President Arif Alvi but the economy appeared to Industry retreated 0.2 per on Wednesday expressed sat- take a hit from high unemploy- cent, while the service sector isfaction over the economic ment, surging inflation and a expanded 0.7 per cent, it said. performance of the country, bad drought that is raising con- Analysts had been upbeat saying the economy of his cerns about electricity supply on Latin America’s biggest country is heading in the right from crucial hydropower plants. economy after Brazil’s bet- direction. The reversal from the first ter-than-expected first quarter. The economic develop- quarter’s surprisingly strong But the outlook has recent- Unemployment has soared in Brazil due to the coronavirus pandemic. ment reflected the confidence 1.2 per cent growth is bad news ly turned bleaker, with unem- PHOTO: AFP/FILE of the business community in for President Jair Bolsonaro as ployment stubbornly high at central bank’s target ceiling of fuelling fears that electricity the economic policies of the in- he battles slumping popularity 14.1 per cent, inflation soaring 5.25 per cent — and the worst shortages could be on the ho- cumbent government, Alvi said in the build-up to elections in to 8.99 percent — well above the drought in nearly a century rizon.—AFP at a meeting with members of the business community here, adding that steps are being Tourists back in Spain but far fewer than before Covid taken to further improve the business environment of the els reached in the same month counted for 30 per cent of all vis- country by providing various in 2019, before the pandemic, of- its, followed by the northeastern incentives and facilities. ficial figures showed Wednesday. Catalonia region with 18.5 per “Business community During the month, 4.4 million cent. Tourist spending reached played a significant role in the foreign tourists visited Spain, 5.2 billion euros ($6.1 billion), a economic development of the an increase of 78.3 per cent on 112 per cent increase on the same country and a number of steps the year earlier when the coun- month in 2020. have been taken to facilitate try was reeling from the Covid Before the pandemic hit in them, particularly during the pandemic, National Institute of spring 2020, Spain was the world’s COVID-19 pandemic,” the pres- Statistics (INE) figures showed. second-most popular tourist des- ident said. The largest number of visi- tination after France, and the sec- The government has been tors were French with 874,000 ar- tor accounted for around 12 per focusing on creating an opti- rivals, a year-on-year increase of cent of the economy. mum business environment 46.6 per cent, followed by 707,000 Although the figures show and due to its efforts, Pakistan’s In the first seven months of 2021, 9.8 million tourists arrived in Spain arrivals from Germany (up 64.5 an improvement in Spain’s key rank in the Ease of Doing Busi- compared with 47.9 million in the same period in 2019. per cent) and 555,000 from Britain tourism sector, the figures are ness Index have improved from PHOTO: AFP/FILE (up 46.5 per cent). far from pre-pandemic levels, 136th to 108th position, he said. THE arrival of foreign tourists in with a year earlier although the The top destination was raising doubts over its ability to —Xinhua Spain shot up in July compared numbers remain far from the lev- the Balearic Islands, which ac- fully recover.—AFP 3 SEPTEMBER 2021 THE GLOBAL NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR BIZ: WORLD / AD 13

NEWS Sea freight sector grapples with IN BRIEF shortage of container ships China orders ride-hailing firms Didi, Meituan to stop ‘disorderly expansion’ ty is now forecast to hit a will remain overheated in record-matching level by the short term. CHINESE regulators have summoned ride-hailing giant 2023, steaming ahead as Banchero Costa ex- Didi Chuxing and ten other car platforms to demand they the post-pandemic recov- pects only modest 3 per- cease “disorderly expansion” and “vicious competition” ery gathers speed. cent year-on-year growth tactics, the government said Thursday, amid a national “The container ship in shipping capacity in 2021 crackdown on the tech industry. order book is booming,” and 2022. China has in recent months tightened its scrutiny of said Italian maritime bro- Freight price surge its largest tech firms in sectors ranging from e-commerce kerage Banchero Costa. Freight prices have to entertainment, launching antitrust probes and rolling Orders have been meanwhile surged in re- out strict regulation. placed for at least 276 new cent months, sparking a The companies, including the ride-hailing arm of major vessels in the first seven major shortage of vessels services app Meituan, were told by regulators Wednesday The shortage of container ships cannot be quickly remedied months of this year which to meet runaway demand. that the industry suffered from poor behaviour including as cargo vessels take years to build. PHOTO: AFP/FILE would add slightly more The Freightos Bal- recruiting unqualified drivers and “shifting the risks of GLOBAL sea freight was of vessels. than 10 per cent capacity to tic Index of international operations onto drivers”, according to the transport min- severely disrupted by the Shipping companies, the large global container shipping prices shows that istry statement. Covid crisis but is now re- buoyed by soaring freight fleet as of 2020, according rates for the route from The companies were ordered to investigate internal covering and prompting a prices, are splashing out to data it provided. China to the West Coast of problems and “immediately rectify” poor behaviour, with boom new container ship cash on expanding their However, it takes at North America have gone regulators stressing that ride-hailing platforms must also orders as the industry fleets. least two years to build a up by more than five times reduce the cut they take from transactions and protect grapples with a shortage New shipping capaci- new ship, so the market in one year.—AFP passengers’ personal data.—AFP

SAS narrows loss as air travel remains muted US aiming new lawsuit at Google over ads: report SCANDINAVIAN airline mer season with demand SAS said Wednesday it slowly increasing,” CEO US officials are preparing a new antitrust lawsuit against sees encouraging signs Anko van der Werff, who Google over its power in the online advertising market, of travel increasing that took over the reins in July, Bloomberg reported Wednesday. it still faces “headwinds” said in a statement. Bloomberg cited an unnamed person familiar with from the global pandemic “Vaccination rates the matter as saying the Justice Department could file the as it reported a narrower are also rising, but signif- litigation by the end of the year. net loss. icant challenges remain The internet titan reiterated its position on Wednesday, The carrier reported ahead as new cases of the saying it competes fairly in an online market where people a net loss of 1.36 billion Delta variant are multi- have many options. ($157 million, 133 million plying and delaying ramp- “Our advertising technologies help websites and apps euros) Swedish kronor for up,” van der Werff added, Flight technicians prepare the last of 25 SAS aircraft for fund their content, enable small businesses to grow, and the period of May to July, noting that “imposed trav- long-term parking at Oslo Airport. PHOTO: HAKON protect users from exploitative privacy practices and bad MOSVOLD LARSEN/NTB SCANPIX/AFP down from a net loss of el restrictions remain in ad experiences,” Google said in response to an AFP inquiry. 2.37 billion for the same force.” the company said, driv- per cent below the same “There is enormous competition in advertising tools, period a year earlier. Revenue rose to en mainly by increased quarter of 2019, which was which has made online ads more relevant, reduced fees, “We noted encourag- 3.98 billion kronor, from demand, but the compa- unaffected by Covid-19.— and expanded options for publishers and advertisers.” ing signs during the sum- 2.5 billion a year earlier, ny noted this was still 70 AFP — AFP

Uber Eats Japan halts CLAIMS DAY NOTICE hiring of foreign students M.V NORDBORG MAERSK VOY.NO. (132S) for food delivery Consignees of cargo carried on M.V NORDBORG are hereby notified that the THE operator of the Uber Eats food delivery service MAERSK VOY.NO. (132S) vessel will be arriving on 3-9-2021 and cargo will be in Japan has stopped hiring new overseas students, a discharged into the premises of MITT/MIP where it will company official said Thursday, after facing allegations lie at the consignee’s risk and expenses and subject to that it illegally employed overstayers last year. the byelaws and conditions of the Port of Yangon. The hiring freeze, effective 25 Aug., will likely affect Damaged cargo will be surveyed daily from 8 am many foreign students looking for jobs amid the eco- to 11:20 am and 12 noon to 4 pm to Claim’s Day now declared as the third day after final discharge of cargo nomic fallout from the coronavirus pandemic. A decline from the Vessel. in the number of employees could also reduce service No claims against this vessel will be admitted after quality, despite growing demand for food deliveries the Claims Day. amid government stay-at-home requests. Phone No: 2301185 An Uber Eats Japan Inc. official told Kyodo News Shipping Agency Department Myanma Port Authority it has stopped recruiting new foreign students because Agent For: checking their visa status every half year in person and confirming their attendance at schools “requires a lot of M/S SEALAND MAERSK ASIA PTE LTD human resources,” making it difficult for the company to ensure compliance. In June, police referred Uber Ja- pan Co. and two of its former employees to prosecutors with us/ for allegedly hiring two Vietnamese overstayers as food A d v e r t i s e Hot Line : delivery staff in violation of the country’s immigration 09974424848 control law.—Kyodo News 3 SEPTEMBER 2021 14 SOCIETY THE GLOBAL NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR

NEWS IN BRIEF Pope to visit , Cyprus, Malta Japan’s Princess POPE Francis announced plans small,” he said. Mako, boyfriend to to visit Greece, Cyprus and Malta “Now Slovakia is on the pro- marry by yr-end, and confirmed he hopes to attend gramme, then Cyprus, Greece with no ceremony the COP26 climate conference in and Malta. I wanted to take that Glasgow, in an interview broad- option: first to the smaller coun- PRINCESS Mako, a niece of cast Wednesday. tries... Japanese Emperor Naruhito, The 84-year-old has already “And if I go to Santiago, I go and her boyfriend Kei Komuro scheduled a visit to Slovakia Sep- to Santiago but not to Spain, let’s will marry by the year-end tember 12-15 after a brief stop in be clear,” ruling out an official and may start a new life in Hungary to celebrate a mass in trip to the country. the United States, but in a the capital Budapest. The pope, who has been rare decision will not hold the Asked by Spain’s Cope radio outspoken on the need to tackle usual related ritual ceremo- whether he may also travel to climate change, also confirmed nies, a government source said Spain to coincide with the Holy he hoped to attend the COP26 Wednesday. Year in the northwestern city conference in Scotland in No- Amid public unease about of Santiago de Compostela, the vember — and urged partici- their marriage due to a money pontiff said he could not rule it pants to aim high. The pope, who has been outspoken on the need to tackle climate dispute between Komuro’s out. “It all depends on how I feel change, also confirmed he hoped to attend the COP26 conference in mother and her former fiance, “But my choice so far of trav- at the time. But in fact, my speech Scotland in November. PHOTO: AFP the princess will likely decline el to Europe is the small coun- is already being prepared, and a lump-sum payment of up to tries. First it was Albania and the plan is to be there,” he said. mit since the 2015 Paris negotia- summum (pinnacle) in becoming about 150 million yen ($1.36 then all the countries that were It is the biggest climate sum- tion, which Francis said “was the globally aware”.— AFP million) usually given to female royal family members upon their departure from the Japan, Pacific nations vow Mongolian pupils go back household, the source said. Under the current rules, to tighten defence ties for to school and end long female imperial family mem- bers lose their royal status upon marrying a commoner. maritime order education exile The marriage of the prin- GUIDING her younger brother Still, masked students in cess and Komuro, both 29, has from their yurt on the outskirts blazers filed into a primary been postponed for over two of Ulaanbaatar, 15-year-old school in the capital Ulan- years due to the dispute over Urangoo Basandorj could bare- baatar, where classrooms were 4 million yen that the former ly contain her excitement for kitted out with temperature fiance claims the mother owes Wednesday’s return to school, monitors, hand sanitizer and him. The sum includes money as ’s children mark social distancing stickers. spent on Komuro’s education- the end of grinding months of “I heard the news about al expenses.—Kyodo exile from education. reopening schools and I was The country of three mil- super excited— I was so hap- German man lion has taken some of the py and I dreamt (of) my class- world’s toughest and most en- mates all night,” Urangoo Ba- tried for spying during measures against the sandorj told AFP. on parliament for Covid-19 pandemic, shutting “It was so difficult not (be- Russians Japan’s Defence Minister Nobuo Kishi (L) attends an online meeting schools and kindergartens ing) able to meet my friends... with Pacific island nations’ representatives in Tokyo on 2 Sept. since January 2020 and plung- the online class wasn’t nice.” THE German employee of a 2021. PHOTO: KYODO ing children into a purgatory Parents across Mongolia security company went on trial of remote learning with patchy — a landlocked country where Wednesday for allegedly pass- MINISTERIAL-LEVEL defence Japan’s Defence Minister access to technology. nearly a third of people live be- ing on floor plans of parliament representatives from Japan and Nobuo Kishi noted during the Nearly two-thirds of the low the poverty line — have buildings to Russian secret 13 Pacific island countries vowed meeting that the Pacific region population has been fully vac- complained of varying access to services, a case that has further on Thursday in an online meeting faces new challenges, including cinated yet Mongolia report- education since the pandemic frayed ties between Berlin and to tighten cooperation to main- defending against authoritarian- ed 3,726 new virus cases on first emerged in neighbouring Moscow. The suspect named tain maritime order amid China’s ism, according to the Japanese Wednesday — the highest daily China, with televised classes only as Jens F., 56, is accused increasing military activity in the ministry, in a veiled reference to increase since the pandemic hit condemned as limited and on- of handing over a CD-Rom region. China. “We need to strengthen the country, the health ministry line learning restricted to those with more than 300 files of The participants in the first our ties,” said Kishi, who chaired said. with internet access.—AFP floor plans of buildings used by such gathering affirmed the the meeting called the “Japan Pa- the German Bundestag to the importance of promoting a free cific Islands Defence Dialogue.” military attache of the Russian and open Indo-Pacific, their joint The gathering follows a embassy in 2017. statement said. The concept is meeting of Japan and Pacific The military attache in an initiative by the United States island countries’ leaders in July post at that time is believed and Japan, apparently aimed at when they also agreed on coop- to be an employee of Russia’s countering Beijing’s rising asser- eration under the free and open GRU military intelligence ser- tiveness in the nearby waters and Indo-Pacific initiative. vice. The suspect meanwhile its growing economic influence China’s military activities worked for a security company in the region. are expanding in the East and contracted by the Bundestag. The representatives agreed South China seas, conducting Reading out the charge sheet on the need for their “mutual un- more exercises with fighter jets before a court in Berlin, prose- derstanding and trust-building to and naval vessels, including its cutor Frank Stuppi accused the address challenges for regional aircraft carrier Liaoning, in the Mongolian children have returned to the classroom after a long man of espionage.—AFP security”, the statement said. region.—Kyodo Covid-shutout. PHOTO: AFP 3 SEPTEMBER 2021 THE GLOBAL NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR GLOBAL AFFAIRS 15

NEWS Ukraine’s Zelensky seeks Biden’s IN BRIEF support on NATO Danish minister faces trial for separating migrant couples PRESIDENT Joe Biden assured A former Danish immigration minister goes on trial on Thursday Ukraine’s leader Volodymyr in a rarely used impeachment court accused of illegally separating Zelensky on Wednesday that the couples who arrived in the country to claim asylum. United States opposes “Russian The 26 judges of the special court, which only convenes to aggression” but he showed no try former or current members of government, will determine sign of moving on requests to whether Inger Stojberg violated the European Convention on open NATO to the eastern Eu- Human Rights. ropean country. Law professor Frederik Waage pointed out that it was only “The United States remains the third such case in more than a century, calling it “historic”. firmly committed to Ukraine’s Stojberg ordered the separation of 23 couples in 2016 where the sovereignty and territorial in- woman was under 18 -- though the age differences were mostly tegrity in the face of Russian small -- without examining the cases individually.—AFP aggression and our support for Ukraine’s Euro-Atlantic aspira- tions,” Biden told the Ukrainian Police and paramedics charged over death of US President Joe Biden assures Ukraine’s President Volodymyr Zelensky president in the Oval Office. of support against Russian “aggression”. PHOTO: AFP Black man in Colorado Zelensky, who spent Tues- day at the Pentagon pressing tense US withdrawal from Af- sky, who has been trying to line COLORADO handed down criminal charges including manslaugh- for military assistance to combat ghanistan, completed Monday. one up since he took office in ter to three police officers and two paramedics over the 2019 death Russia and Russian-backed sep- “President Zelensky and 2019. of a young Black man put in a police chokehold and injected with aratists, is only the second Euro- Ukraine have gotten as much, A former comedian virtually ketamine, prosecutors said Wednesday. pean leader to get a White House if not more, attention from this unknown in the West, he found A grand jury returned a 32-count indictment over the death meeting so far under Biden. administration than any other himself caught in a US domes- of Elijah McClain, after the western US state’s governor opened The coronavirus pandemic European country,” a senior tic political firestorm when a special investigation last year amid a groundswell of public and a hectic first seven months Biden administration official then-president Donald Trump outrage including a celebrity-backed online petition calling for of the administration mean Bid- told reporters, asking not to be asked him to launch a spurious justice. en has had few foreign visitors. identified. corruption probe into Biden’s “Each of the five defendants face one count of manslaughter Even Zelensky’s meeting was The White House visit was family ahead of the 2020 US pres- and one count of criminally negligent homicide,” said Colorado at- delayed by two days due to the undoubtedly a triumph for Zelen- idential election. — AFP torney general Phil Weiser, who headed the investigation.—AFP Marseille’s drug crime in Most Afghan allies left behind as US describes spotlight as Macron visits haunting choices

MOST Afghan allies seeking and indeed years,” said Gen- to flee with the US withdrawal eral Mark Milley, the top US were unable to do so, an offi- military officer. cial acknowledged Wednesday, “We are all conflicted with as the United States began to feelings of pain and anger, sor- wrestle with painful choices row and sadness, combined in the chaotic final days of the with pride and resilience,” he war. said. President Joe Biden’s A senior State Department administration says the victo- official vowed to keep working rious Taliban have promised to help everyone leave. to keep letting Afghans leave “Everybody who lived it is -- but many who worked for the haunted by the choices we had United States over its 20-year to make and by the people we mission fear retribution. were not able to help depart,” “These have been incredi- he said on customary condition bly emotional and trying days, of anonymity.—AFP Macron met residents of the rundown district of Bassens on the first day of a three-day visit to Marseille. PHOTO: POOL/AFP

RESIDENTS in some of Mar- But with the April 2021 pres- police, public investment and seille’s poorest crime-ridden idential elections approaching, better housing as they de- districts pleaded with French a surge in deadly shootings scribed their daily encounters President Emmanuel Macron has put its long-standing so- with drug dealers, as well as for help on Wednesday as he cial problems on the political the decrepit local schools and visited the Mediterranean port agenda. high-rise blocks. following a spate of drugs-relat- “I’ve suffered so much, I “We’re scared on this es- ed murders. can’t put it into words. I want tate,” one 63-year-old social France’s second-biggest to leave,” one woman on the worker from Bassens told city has long been known for verge of tears told Macron as AFP ahead of Macron’s arrival. its run-down streets and des- he met residents of the Bassens “When I get back from work at olate housing estates, as well estate in northern Marseille at 10 pm, it’s deserted and some- as its gritty charm and fierce the start of his visit. times you hear shooting like it’s Afghans crowd the tarmac of the Kabul airport on 16 August 2021, to local pride. Others asked for more a Western film.”—AFP flee the country as the Taliban took control. PHOTO: AFP/FILE 3 SEPTEMBER 2021 16 SPORT THE GLOBAL NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR

Republic of the Union of Myanmar State Administration Council Nine Objectives

1. Political affairs (A) To build a Union based on democracy and federalism, through a disciplined and genuine multiparty democratic system that is fair and just. (B) To emphasize the achievement of enduring peace for the entire nation in line with the Nationwide Ceasefire Agreement (NCA). (C) To continue implementing the principle of peaceful co-existence among countries through an independent, active and non-aligned foreign policy. 2. Economic affairs (A) To enhance production based on agriculture and livestock through modern techniques and strengthen all-round development in other sectors of the economy. (B) To develop a stable market economy and promote international investment in order to enhance the economic development of the entire National people. (C) To promote and support local businesses to create employment opportunities and increase domestic production. 3. Social affairs (A) To ensure a strong and dynamic Union spirit, the genuine spirit of patriotism. (B) To respect and promote the customs and traditions of all National peoples and preserve and safeguard their cultural heritage and national char- acteristics. (C) To enhance the health, fitness and education quality of the entire nation.

ASEAN’s pride: Thailand beat France 3-2 in Paralympic football event

ONE of the ASEAN power- Baodee scored the first-ever The two most prominent houses, the Thailand Blind Thai football-5-a-side goal, fol- versions of Paralympic football Football team defeated France lowed by two more goals from are 5-a-side football for ath- Blind Football team 3-2 in the Panyawut Kupan. letes with visual impairments Tokyo Paralympic football Football 5-a-side is played and 7-a-side football for ath- event yesterday. by athletes with vision impair- letes with cerebral palsy. The win for Thailand lifts ment. The sport, governed by their team ranking to seventh They must pass, tackle and the International Blind Sports place. shoot by relying on the sound Federation (IBSA), is played Thailand blind footballers (red) are seen battling for the ball against In their historic first win of the ball and the voice of their with modified FIFA rules.— the French counterparts during their Tokyo Paralympic football event at the Paralympics, Kittikorn guide. GNLM yesterday. PHOTO: ASEAN FOOTBALL

Paralympics: “Blade Jumper” Rehm repeats History man Ronaldo saves as long jump champion Portugal as France held in GERMANY’S “Blade Jumper” Markus Rehm won qualifying gold in the men’s long jump T64 event at the Tokyo Paralympics on Wednesday, despite falling short of CRISTIANO RONALDO be- hearts with an 89th-minute extending his own world record. Rehm recorded came the all-time top scorer equalizer — a goal that took his best leap of 8.18 metres at the National Stadium in men’s international football him past the Iranian Ali for his fourth Paralympic gold medal. He won long with two late goals as Portu- Daei’s record of 109. jump events at the 2012 London Games and the gal beat the Republic of Ire- The 36-year-old Ronal- 2016 Rio de Janeiro Games. land 2-1, while holders France do then snatched all three “I feel great. It was all about winning the gold drew 1-1 with Bosnia and Her- points for Portugal in the medal. My third , my third (long zegovina in 2022 World Cup sixth minute of injury time, jump) gold medal,” Rehm said. “It’s great to be qualifying on Wednesday. rising highest to power in a able to bring it back and celebrate with my beloved A day after completing his header from Joao Mario’s people back home.” France’s Dimitri Pavade took return to Manchester United, right-wing cross. silver with a jump of 7.39 and American Trenten Ronaldo had an early penalty “This record is mine and Merrill bronze with 7.08. saved by teenage goalkeeper it is unique. I’m extremely The 33-year-old Rehm, whose right leg was Gavin Bazunu in Faro before happy and it’s another one amputated below the knee, came into these Ireland took the lead on the for my career,” Ronaldo told Paralympics as one of the biggest stars in the stroke of half-time. RTP public television. The world of Para sports. Rehm, whose nickname John Egan’s glancing five-time Ballon d’Or winner Markus Rehm of Germany competes in the men’s T64 long jump final at the Tokyo Paralympics on 1 Sept. comes from the bladed prosthetic leg that he header put Stephen Kenny’s also equalled Sergio Ramos’s 2021, at the National Stadium in Tokyo. PHOTO: springs off, set a world record for his category of side on course for a famous European mark of 180 caps.— KYODO 8.62 in June. — Kyodo News win, but Ronaldo broke Irish AFP