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Acknowledgments Acknowledgments Many people contributed to the various sections of this report. The contributions of these authors, reviewers, suppliers of data, analysts, and computer systems operators are gratefully acknowl- edged. Specific contributions are mentioned in connection with the individual chapters. Chapter 1 Chapter 4 Authors: Jack Holcomb, USDA Forest Service Jack Holcomb, Team co-leader, John Greis, USDA Forest Service USDA Forest Service Patricia A. Flebbe, USDA Forest Service, Chapter 5 Southern Research Station Lloyd W. Swift, Jr., USDA Forest Service, Richard Burns, USDA Forest Service Southern Research Station Morris Flexner, U.S. Environmental Chapter 2 Protection Agency Authors: Richard Burns, USDA Forest Service Patricia A. Flebbe, USDA Forest Service, Bill Melville, U.S. Environmental Southern Research Station Protection Agency Jim Harrison, Team co-leader, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Chapter 6 Gary Kappesser, USDA Forest Service Jack Holcomb, USDA Forest Service Dave Melgaard, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Chapter 7 Jeanne Riley, USDA Forest Service Patricia A. Flebbe, USDA Forest Service, Lloyd W. Swift, USDA Forest Service, Southern Research Station Southern Research Station Jack Holcomb, USDA Forest Service Chapter 3 Jim Harrison, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Jim Harrison, U.S. Environmental Lloyd W. Swift, USDA Forest Service, Protection Agency Southern Research Station Geographic Information System Liaison (graphic and database development): Dennis Yankee, Tennessee Valley Authority Neal Burns, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Jim Wang, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Don Norris, USDA Forest Service Many people, in addition to the authors and their colleagues, contributed to the preparation of this report. Special thanks are given to the people who worked on various sub-teams and to the many reviewers and scientists who helped along the way. A number of scientists and members from other agencies attended meetings, provided data, and assisted in the development of the report. Many thanks go to: Paul Hampson, Briane Adams and Joe Connell of the U.S. Geological Survey vii John Fridell of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Neal Carriker, Kurt Riitters, Richard Urban and Betsy Smith of the Tennessee Valley Authority David Melgaard, Kimberly Patrick and Ron Preston of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Cindy Williams, Dave Wergowse, Leigh Ann McDougal, Cassandra Butcher, Karen Braddy, Jim Keys, acknowledgments The following people are recognized for their help in reviewing the report at various stages and providing valuable technical assistance: Team members and reviewers for this Edwards, Amy, University of Georgia Museum report are: of Natural History, Athens, GA Flather, Curtis, USDA Forest Service, Fort Adams, Marshall, Oak Ridge National Collins, CO Laboratory, Oak Ridge, TN Freeman, Bud, University of Georgia Museum Ahlstedt, Steve, USDI, Geological Survey, of Natural History, Athens, GA Knoxville, TN Freeman, Mary, USDI National Biological Alderman, John, NC Wildlife Resources Service, Auburn, AL Commission, Pittsboro, NC Fridell, John, USDI Fish and Wildlife Service, Beiser, Gary, GA Dept. of Natural Resources, Asheville, NC Calhoun, GA Geddings, Randy, SC Wildlife and Marine Bivens, Rick, TN Wildlife Resources Agency, Resources Dept., Clemson, SC Talbott, TN Godwin, Jim, AL Natural Heritage Program, Bodie, Russ, Savannah River Ecology Lab, Montgomery, AL Aiken, SC Gordon, Mark, private consultant, Cookeville,TN Borawa, Jim, NC Wildlife Resources Goudreau, Chris, NC Wildlife Resources Commission, Asheville, NC Commission, Marion, NC Braatz, David, Duke Power Company, Habera, Jim, University of Tennessee, Huntersville, NC Knoxville, TN Brasswell, Alvin, NC State Museum of Natural Hampton, Tom, VA Dept. of Game and Inland Sciences, Raleigh, NC Fisheries, Marion, VA Bruce, R.C., Highlands Biological Station, Herrig, Jim, USDA Forest Service,Cleveland,TN Highlands, NC Hill, Donley, USDA Forest Service, Bryan, Sheryl, USDA Forest Service, Asheville, NC Burnsville, NC Hook, Donald, Clemson University, Bulak, Jim, SC Wildlife and Marine Resources Clemson, SC Dept., Columbia, SC Hubbs, Don,TN Wildlife Resources Agency, Burkhead, Noel, USDI National Biological Nashville, TN Service, Gainesville, FL Huber, Cindy,USDA Forest Service, Roanoke,VA Carter, Bart, TN Wildlife Resources Agency, Hudy, Mark, USDA Forest Service, Morristown, TN Harrisonburg, VA Carter, Marcia, USDA Forest Service, Huntley, Jimmy, USDA Forest Service, Greenville, TN Montgomery, AL Catchings, Dan, AL Dept. of Fish and Game, Hurlily, Alan, U.S. Environmental Protection Eastaboga, AL Agency, Corvallis, OR Christie, B.M., TN Dept. of Conservation, Jessee, John, VA Dept. of Game and Inland Nashville, TN Fisheries, Marion, VA Cincotta, Dan, WV Dept. of Natural Keferl, Eugene, Brunswick College, Dept. of Resources, Elkins, WV Natural Sciences, Brunswick, GA Clayton, Janet, WV Dept. of Natural Krakow, Greg, GA Dept. of Natural Resources, Resources, Elkins, WV Social Circle, GA Clemmons, Micky, NC Wildlife Resources Krotzer, Steve, AL Power Co., Birmingham, AL Commission, Waynesville, NC Kuhajda, Bernie, Univ. of Alabama Dept. of viii Denton, Greg, TN Dept. of Environment and Biological Sciences, Tuscaloosa, AL Conservation, Nashville, TN Laerm, Joshua, University of Georgia Museum Dolloff, Andy, USDA Forest Service, of Natural History, Athens, GA Blacksburg, VA Larsen, Phil, EPA, ORD, Corvallis, OR Duffield, Dan, USDA Forest Service, Elkins, WV McGrath, Chris, NC Wildlife Resources Durniak, Jeff, GA Dept. of Natural Resources, C i i A h ill NC acknowledgments Mickey, Joe, NC Wildlife Resources Seehorn, Monte, USDA Forest Service (retired), Commission, Elkins, NC Gainesville, GA Mitchell, Joe, University of Richmond, Seyle, Win, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Richmond, VA Savannah, GA Mohn, Larry, VA Dept. of Game and Inland Shute, Peggy, Tennessee Valley Authority, Fisheries, Verona, VA Norris, TN Moore, Steve, USDI National Park Service, Smith, Eric, VA Polytechnic Institute and State Gatlinburg, TN University, Blacksburg, VA Mulvey, Margaret, Savannah River Ecology Smith, Scott, VA Dept. of Game and Inland Laboratory, Aiken, SC Fisheries, Forest, VA Neves, Richard, USDI, NBS, Blacksburg, VA Tedder, Steve, NC Dept. of Env. Health, and Nodvin, Steven, University of Tennessee, Natural Resources, Raleigh, NC Knoxville, TN Tennessen, Ken, Tennessee Valley Authority, Oldham, Tom, WV Division of Natural Chattanooga, TN Resources, Elkins, WV Thomas, Cecil, USDA Forest Service, O’Neill, Pat, Geological Survey of Alabama, Marion, VA Tuscaloosa, AL Tonnessen, Kathy, USDI National Park Service, Parker, Chuck, USDI National Biological Denver, CO Service, Gatlinburg, TN Underwood, Martin, USDA Forest Service, Pauley, Tom, Marshall University, Blacksburg, VA Huntington, WV Wadja, Becky, VA Dept. of Game and Inland Penrose, David, NC Dept. of Env., Health, and Fisheries, Richmond, VA Natural Resources, Raleigh, NC Weaver, Reggie, GA Dept. of Natural Pierson, Malcolm, AL Power Co., Resources, Gainesville, GA Birmingham, AL Webb, Rick, University of Virginia, Powell, Duncan, EPA, R4, Atlanta, GA Charlottesville, VA Raschke, Ron, EPA, Region 4, Athens, GA Williams, Joe, VA Dept. of Game and Inland Redmond, Bill, TN Valley Authority Natural Fisheries, Blacksburg, VA Heritage, Norris, TN Withers, David, TN Dept. of Environment and Robinson, Bradford, Clemson University, Conservation, Nashville, TN Clemson, SC Wyatt, Pete, TN Wildlife Resources Agency, Russell, Kelly, USDA Forest Service, Nashville, TN Columbia, SC ix Figure 1 SOUTHERN APPALACHIAN ASSESSMENT AREA Executive Summary The Southern Appalachian ecosystem is those involved with resource planning for widely recognized as one of the most diverse in ecosystem management. The four SAA techni- the temperate region. The headwaters of nine cal reports address terrestrial resources, aquatic major rivers lie within the boundaries of the resources, air quality, and social/cultural/ Southern Appalachians, making it a source of economic aspects in the Southern Appalachian drinking water for much of the Southeast. Mountains. The SAA is a cooperative effort of The Southern Appalachian Assessment the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (SAA) area (fig.1) includes parts of the (EPA); U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Appalachian Mountains and Shenandoah Service; U.S. Department of the Interior, Fish Valley extending southward from the Potomac and Wildlife Service (FWS), Geological Survey River to northern Georgia and the northeastern (USGS), National Biological Service (NBS), and corner of Alabama. It includes seven states, 135 National Park Service (NPS); U.S. Department counties, and covers approximately 37 million of Energy, Oak Ridge National Laboratory; acres. The Southern Appalachians are one of Department of Commerce, Economic the world’s finest remaining ecological regions. Development Administration; Tennessee Valley Early in the 20th century, the Appalachian land- Authority (TVA); the U.S. Army Corps of scape and natural resources were being exploit- Engineers (COE); and the states of Tennessee, ed; croplands, pastures, and hillsides were Georgia, and North Carolina. eroding; and timberlands were being cut with This SAA aquatic technical report compiles little thought for sustaining the resources. existing regionwide information on aquatic National forests and national parks were creat- resource status and trends, riparian condition, ed to preserve and restore the natural
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