Response of Fish Communities to Cropland Density and Natural

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Response of Fish Communities to Cropland Density and Natural Response of Fish Communities to Cropland Density and Natural Environmental Setting in the Eastern Highland Rim Ecoregion of the Lower Tennessee River Basin, Alabama and Tennessee, 1999 Water-Resources Investigations Report 02-4268 National Water-Quality Assessment Program U.S. Department of the Interior U.S. Geological Survey Cover photographs: Background photograph is the Duck River at Osteen Bend (river mile 173.1), Marshall County, Tennessee (Photograph by Rodney Knight, USGS). Left photo is the Northern studfish— Fundulus catenatus (Photograph by Rodney Knight, USGS). Right photo is the Slackwater Darter— Etheostoma boschungi (Photograph by J.R. Shute, Conservation Fisheries, Inc. Used with permission.) Response of Fish Communities to Cropland Density and Natural Environmental Setting in the Eastern Highland Rim Ecoregion of the Lower Tennessee River Basin, Alabama and Tennessee, 1999 By Jeffrey R. Powell U.S. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY Water-Resources Investigations Report 02-4268 Nashville, Tennessee 2003 U.S. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR Gale Norton, Secretary U.S. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY Charles G. Groat, Director Any use of trade, product, or firm name in this report is for identification purposes only and does not constitute endorsement by the U.S. Geological Survey. For additional information write to: Copies of this report may be purchased from: District Chief U.S. Geological Survey U.S. Geological Survey Branch of Information Services 640 Grassmere Park, Suite 100 Box 25286 Nashville, Tennessee 37211 Denver, Colorado 80225-0286 More information about the National Water-Quality Assessment (NAWQA) Program is available via the World Wide Web at: FOREWORD The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) is commit- Each assessment is guided by a nationally con- ted to serve the Nation with accurate and timely scien- sistent study design and methods of sampling and tific information that helps enhance and protect the analysis. The assessments thereby build local knowl- overall quality of life, and facilitates effective man- edge about water-quality issues and trends in a partic- agement of water, biological, energy, and mineral ular stream or aquifer while providing an resources. Information on the quality of the Nation’s understanding of how and why water quality varies water resources is of critical interest to the USGS regionally and nationally. The consistent, multi-scale because it is so integrally linked to the long-term approach helps to determine if certain types of water- availability of water that is clean and safe for drinking quality issues are isolated or pervasive, and allows and recreation and that is suitable for industry, irriga- direct comparisons of how human activities and natu- tion, and habitat for fish and wildlife. Escalating popu- ral processes affect water quality and ecological health lation growth and increasing demands for the multiple in the Nation’s diverse geographic and environmental water uses make water availability, now measured in settings. Comprehensive assessments on pesticides, terms of quantity and quality, even more critical to the nutrients, volatile organic compounds, trace metals, long-term sustainability of our communities and eco- and aquatic ecology are developed at the national systems. scale through comparative analysis of the Study-Unit findings. The USGS implemented the National Water- The USGS places high value on the communi- Quality Assessment (NAWQA) Program to support cation and dissemination of credible, timely, and rele- national, regional, and local information needs and vant science so that the most recent and available decisions related to water-quality management and knowledge about water resources can be applied in policy. Shaped by and coordinated with ongoing management and policy decisions. We hope this efforts of other Federal, State, and local agencies, the NAWQA publication will provide you the needed NAWQA Program is designed to answer: What is the insights and information to meet your needs, and condition of our Nation’s streams and ground water? thereby foster increased awareness and involvement in How are the conditions changing over time? How do the protection and restoration of our Nation’s waters. natural features and human activities affect the quality of streams and ground water, and where are those The NAWQA Program recognizes that a effects most pronounced? By combining information national assessment by a single program cannot address all water-resource issues of interest. External on water chemistry, physical characteristics, stream coordination at all levels is critical for a fully inte- habitat, and aquatic life, the NAWQA Program aims to grated understanding of watersheds and for cost- provide science-based insights for current and emerg- effective management, regulation, and conservation of ing water issues and priorities. NAWQA results can our Nation’s water resources. The Program, therefore, contribute to informed decisions that result in practical depends extensively on the advice, cooperation, and and effective water-resource management and strate- information from other Federal, State, interstate, gies that protect and restore water quality. Tribal, and local agencies, non-government organiza- Since 1991, the NAWQA Program has imple- tions, industry, academia, and other stakeholder mented interdisciplinary assessments in more than 50 groups. The assistance and suggestions of all are of the Nation’s most important river basins and aqui- greatly appreciated. fers, referred to as Study Units. Collectively, these Study Units account for more than 60 percent of the overall water use and population served by public water supply, and are representative of the Nation’s major hydrologic landscapes, priority ecological resources, and agricultural, urban, and natural sources Robert M. Hirsch of contamination. Associate Director for Water Foreword iii CONTENTS Abstract.................................................................................................................................................................................. 1 Introduction ........................................................................................................................................................................... 1 Purpose and Scope....................................................................................................................................................... 3 Description of the Eastern Highland Rim Ecoregion .................................................................................................. 3 Physiography and Land Use ............................................................................................................................. 4 Fauna and Flora ................................................................................................................................................. 7 Historical Land Use........................................................................................................................................... 8 Acknowledgments ....................................................................................................................................................... 9 Study Design.......................................................................................................................................................................... 10 Sampling Methods................................................................................................................................................................. 10 Environmental Characteristics..................................................................................................................................... 10 Fish Communities........................................................................................................................................................ 13 Analytical Methods................................................................................................................................................................ 15 Environmental Characteristics..................................................................................................................................... 15 Fish Communities........................................................................................................................................................ 15 Response of Fish Communities to Cropland Density and Environmental Characteristics ......................................... 17 Environmental Characteristics and Fish Communities in the Eastern Highland Rim Ecoregion ......................................... 17 Physical Characteristics............................................................................................................................................... 17 Variation of Natural Environmental Setting within the Eastern Highland Rim Ecoregion......................................... 20 Water Chemistry.......................................................................................................................................................... 23 Fish Communities........................................................................................................................................................ 24 Response of Fish Communities to Cropland Density and Natural Environmental Setting......................................... 26 Conclusions ..........................................................................................................................................................................
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