Supporting Information Chemical Information Literacy at a Liberal Arts College George Greco Department of Chemistry Goucher College 1021 Dulaney Valley Road Baltimore, MD 21204 1 Table of Contents Course Syllabus 3-6 Handout 1: The Chemical Literature 7-8 Handout 2: Types of Papers 9 Handout 3: Citations 10-11 Handout 4: Secondary Sources 12-15 Handout 5: SciFinder 16-18 Handout 6: Free Public Databases 19-22 Handout 7: InChI and SMILES 23-25 Handout 8: Reaxys, Beilstein and Gmelin 26-27 Handout 9: Patents 28-32 Handout 10: Reading papers for current events 33 Handout 11: The publication process 34-37 Handout 12: Structure and sequence databases 38-41 Handout 13: Databases of Spectral and Thermodynamic Properties 42-43 HW #1: The Chemical Literature 44 SciFinder Assignment 45-46 HW #4: PubMed and PubChem 47 HW #5: SMILES and InChI 48 Current Events Assignment 49-50 Note about final exam 51 2 Chemistry 245 – Spring 2015 Chemical Information Literacy Instructor : Dr. George Greco Office : Hoffberger 220 Phone : 410-337-6313 Email :
[email protected] Class Meetings : Tuesdays 11:45– 12:35 Hoffberger 223 Office hours: Monday 11:00-12:30, Wednesday 1:30-3:00 or by appointment (e-mail me) Optional Text : Chemical Information for Chemists: A Primer edited by Judith N. Currano and Dana L. Roth. Published by RSC Publishing. ISBN 978-1-84973-551-3 Disclaimer: This is the first time we are offering this course. It is my first time teaching a course like this. I don’t expect everything to go 100% smoothly.