Planning Applications for Determination
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PLANNING AND REGULATORY COMMITTEE 26 January 2016 PLANNING APPLICATIONS FOR DETERMINATION Item 1: 07/15/1102/F Location: Hoddesdon Town Football Club Lowfield Sports Ground Park View Hoddesdon Hertfordshire EN11 8PX Description: Erection of a new spectator stand, extension to pay booth and 1.83m high fencing Applicant: Mr R Merton MBE Agent: Attfield & Jones Date Received: 09.11.2015 Date of Committee: 26.01.2016 Officer Contact: Colin Free Expiry Date: 13.01.2016 Ward Councillors: Cllr. Hutchings; Cllr. Rowland; Cllr. Gordon RECOMMENDED that: planning permission be refused for the reason set out at the end of this report. 1. CONSULTATIONS 1.1 Arboricultural Officer – no objection subject to conditions requiring tree protection measures 2. PUBLICITY 2.1 The application was advertised by means of two site notices erected at the entrance to the football ground and at the southern boundary of the site and 29 individual neighbouring letters. The consultation period expired on 24th December 2015. 3. REPRESENTATIONS 3.1 47 representations have been received from local residents, four supporting the application and the remainder objecting to the proposal. Their concerns are summarised as follows: In terms of the physical development; The proposed stand, fencing and turnstile would be visually intrusive and detract from the openness of this parkland setting. The stand would look like a A1 prison and in combination with the fencing would degrade the overall visual amenity of the locality. The stand and fencing would block the views of the park from Park View. The new stand should be on the west side of the pitch next to the existing stand. The trees on the boundary are already overgrown, ugly and obstruct views – the proposal would make matters worse. The fencing would be a fire hazard and be unstable in high winds. The proposed ‘straightening’ of the boundary fence in the south east corner should not encroach into the open areas of Barclay Park. The proposal is out of character with the residential areas close by. In terms of the Football Club; If the football club wants to expand it should relocate away from Barclay Park and unburden the Lowfield site The club is taking over the park – which should be for the enjoyment of all The football played at the park should be amateur only – the bequest of the land was not for professional use This is an unnecessary application as the club has little chance of gaining the promotion it seeks and performance and attendances are falling, not increasing The use and activities at the club are already responsible for noise and anti- social behaviour. The sound system and floodlighting is intrusive on match days and intensification of such activities would be to the further detriment to the amenity of local residents Traffic and Parking issues; Increased attendances from the enlarged capacity will lead to more traffic congestion and parking issues locally Illegal on-street parking, parking on pavements and trespass on private land already occurs on match and training days causing conflict with local residents Poor parking prevents use of and safe passage along the pavements by pedestrians, especially those with kids’ buggies and with disabilities 4. RELEVANT LOCAL PLAN POLICIES 4.1 The following policies of the Borough of Broxbourne Local Plan Second Review 2001-2011 (adopted December 2005) apply: GBC2 Development within the Green Belt GBC16 Landscape Character and Enhancement CLT1 Community, Open Space and Recreational Facilities HD9 Parks and Gardens of Historic Interest HD14 Design Statement on Local Character HD17 Retention / Enhancement of Landscape Features 4.2 The Borough Supplementary Planning Guidance (SPG) (August 2004 – updated 2013) is relevant in this case as it provides design guidance for all forms of development. A2 4.3 The National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) 2012 also needs to be considered as it sets out the Government’s planning policies for England and how these are expected to be applied. 5. LOCATION AND DESCRIPTION OF SITE 5.1 The site measuring approximately 0.23 ha, is located to the west of Hoddesdon Town Centre in an area designated as Green Belt land. To the east side of the ground the site is bounded by the through road, Park View, and to the opposite side of the road the development is all residential in nature. To the south and west the Lowfield grounds are adjacent to the Barclay Park Community Open Space and the southern end of the pitch marks the boundary between the two. The western boundary runs behind the stands and clubhouses of the Lowfield site and to the north of the football ground is the cricket pitch. The grounds of Lowfield Sports Ground are surrounded by high, open mesh, security fencing with entrance gates located along Park View. Along the eastern perimeter of the portion of the site accommodating the football pitch, between the entrance and the southern corner of the site, a mature conifer hedge has been planted just within the fence line to provide screening for the pitch. This hedging has reached a height of approximately 5-6m and obscures views into the ground from outside, dependent on the varying density of growth and foliage. A3 5.2 The football pitch has a low railing, approximately 1 metre high, surrounding the playing area and a stand on the western side of the pitch, close to the single storey club house, which is a shared facility for the cricket and football clubs. On the eastern side of the pitch is a smaller stand, two dugouts, a container for storage and a single turnstile pay booth, at the entrance to the ground. There is no dedicated car parking area for either club at the site. The nearest public car park is located at the southern end of Barclay Park, which is accessed from Cock Lane and is over 250m away. Others are located elsewhere around the town centre. 5.3 The park to the south of the site has an open access from Park View with tarmac paths that branch off in two directions. One pathway extends along the eastern boundary of the park, whilst the other runs close to the southern perimeter fence of the football pitch and slopes downwards to the south western corner, where it continues adjacent to the western side of the pitch before leading down towards an ornamental lake. The pathway leading westwards from the entrance is approximately 2 metres wide, but increases in width to 4 metres wide just inside the entrance. The pathway is lined with mature trees along the section that follows the southern perimeter of the football pitch. Aerial view of site A4 Site images Site entrance in Park View Eastern boundary of site in Park View South – east corner of site – boundary with Barclay Park, from Park View South – east corner of site – boundary with Barclay Park, from within Park A5 Southern boundary of site with Barclay Park Western boundary of pitch Pay booth, storage container, dugouts and stand on eastern side of pitch 6. PROPOSAL 6.1 This application is for the erection of a new spectator stand along the eastern side of the ground, an extension to the pay booth turnstile entrance to the ground, erection of an 1.83m high wooden fence along portions of the south west and south east perimeters of the pitch and a re-alignment of the boundary of the site at its south east corner. This would re-align a length of 2.9m of the boundary fencing up to a depth of 400mm into the adjacent Barclay Park site, thus incorporating an additional area of land of 0.54m2 footprint and triangular in shape inside the Lowfield site boundary. The development is sought to facilitate a move for the club from the existing (Step 5) Spartan South Midlands League Premier Division to (Step 4) Southern League Division 1 Central. The Applicant advises that such a move will necessitate the ground complying with the Football Association’s requirements for a ‘Category E’ ground. A6 Proposals drawing showing all elements of development (Extended pay booth; new stand; new fencing and alteration of perimeter fence line) 6.2 The application is supported by the inclusion of a Design and Access Statement and design drawings and plans indicating the proposed developments. The application comprises; 1. A 2m long extension to the existing 2m pay booth. This would have the same depth, height and profile of the existing structure and would provide a second turnstile at the entrance to the ground. It would be of brick construct and finished to exactly match the parent structure. Detail of Proposed Pay Booth Extension A7 2. A new spectator stand of 8m length, 4m depth and 4m maximum height (pitch side - 3.5m on the Park View Road side of the structure). It would be internally terraced and have a capacity for sheltering up to 50 persons. It would be of coated steel construct and would be located between the pitch and the perimeter of the site to the north of the existing stand and south of the site entrance. Plan and side elevation of Proposed New Stand 3. The fencing would be of close boarded wooden construct and of a maximum height of 1.83m. Where installed it would be erected at between 1.5 and 4m from the goal line of the pitch, with gates inserted at various points to allow access for lost ball collection. On the west side of the pitch it would extend from the southern edge of the stand to the south-west corner of the pitch, a length of 48m. On the east side of the pitch there would be three sections.