AGENCY FOn INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENT FOR AID USE ONLY WASHINGTON, 0. C. 20523 BIBLIOGRAPHIC INPUT SHEET A. PRIMARY I.SUBJECT Agriculture 'A25-00O-0000 CLASSI- FICATION B. SECONDARY TITE AD Soil fertility,fertilizers,and'plant nutrition Z, TITLE AND SUBTITLE Fertilizer production,marketing,and use; a handbook for short courses, 3. AUTHOR(S) (101) National Fertilizer Development Center,TVA, 4. DOCUMENT DATE I5. NUMBER OF PAGES 16. ARC NUMBER 1969I 232p. ARC 7. REFERENCE ORGANIZATION NAME AND ADDRESS TVA 8. SUPPLEMENTARY NOTES (Sponsorlng Organlzatlon,Publlhers, Availability) 9. ABSTRACT to. CONTROL NUMBER 11. PRICE OF, DOCUMENT PN-RAA- 162 12. DESCRIPTORS " 13. PROJECT NUMBER Education Manuals - - • 14. CONTRACT NUMBER Manufacturing , PASA TA (QA)6-69 GTS Marketing 15. TYPE OF DOCUMENT AID 590-1 (4-74) "7 'FERTILIZER PRODUCTION, MARKETING, and USE A Handbook for Short Courses Preparedfor the Agency for International Development, By the Tennessee Valley Authority National Fertilizer Development Center Muscle Shoals, Alabama 1969 FOREWORD The production of food needed by a hungry world will require much larger quantities of fertilizer-especially in the developing countries. For most developing countries, fertilizer use for other than plantation-grown export crops is relatively new. Food crops will require large investments in production, distribution, and marketing to bring about the rapid increase that is indicated in the use of fertilizers. Another, and probably more difficult, problem will be that of supplying trained personnel in all phases of fertilizer production, marketing, and use. The National Fertilizer Development Center of the Tennessee Valley Authority in recent years has offered courses in fertilizer production, marketing, and use.
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