The Rice-Paper is the electronic newsletter of the CGRF. Published periodically, it collects the most recent findings in the botany, cultivation, material culture, culinary preparation, and history of Carolina Gold Rice and associated heritage grains. Contributions and editorial correspondence should be directed to Dr. David S. Shields at the University of South Carolina:
[email protected]. The information published here appears as a public service. CGRF encourages republication of The Rice-Paper’s contents provided there is no alteration of the substance of the material being reproduced, that the reproducer does not profit from the republication, and that a clear and full credit is given to author and source of the material. on the plate, Carolina Gold emerged at a time years it was on the world market. It was lost with Charleston Gold: A Direct when culinary taste favored rice in composite the Civil War. Charleston Gold is a new variety Descendant of Carolina dishes—pilaus, perloos, bogs, and stews—in of the fabled grain, carrying on the tradition of which the ability to complement the flavors of Ward‟s „long grain‟ Gold Seed Rice. Gold other ingredients was paramount. Non-aromatic rices were deemed superior to aromatic varieties th By David S. Shields in the United States. During the 20 century an aesthetic shift occurred—the perfumed rices of Charleston Gold, a short-stalked aromatic South Asia and India—Jasmine and Basmati descendent of America‟s most historic rice, enjoyed rising favor in America and world wide, Carolina Gold, was approved for release by the particularly when rice operated as a separate side Texas Department of Agriculture on February 11, dish.