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Sidra Offers World Class Treatment for Children BUSINESS | Page 1 SPORT | Page 1 Al-Attiyah goes fastest, rises to Qatar’s hospitality market second at Silk expected to grow at 12.1% Way Rally by 2022: Alpen Capital published in QATAR since 1978 FRIDAY Vol. XXXIX No. 10892 July 27, 2018 Dhul-Qa’da 14, 1439 AH GULF TIMES www. 2 Riyals Deputy Amir meets US commander Sidra off ers In brief world class QATAR | Ties Defence Minister meets US general HE the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of State for Defence Aff airs Dr Khalid bin Mohamed al-Attiyah treatment yesterday met General Joseph Votel, Commander of the United States Central Command. During the meeting, Gen Votel praised the role played by Qatar and its eff orts in the fight against terrorism through Al Udeid Air for children Base. The meeting also reviewed the strategic relations between the two zSurgery Department crosses major milestones countries in the field of military and His Highness the Deputy Amir Sheikh Abdullah bin Hamad al-Thani yesterday met at the Emiri Diwan off ice Commander of defence co-operation and prospects US Central Command Gen Joseph Votel. During the meeting, they reviewed the strategic relations between the two countries, with series of complex operations for strengthening them, as well as a especially military and defence co-operation, and ways for strengthening them, in addition to the joint eff orts in the fight against number of issues of common interest. terrorism through Al Udeid Air Base, and other issues of common concern. ollowing the successful opening al-Kharazi at Sidra Medicine, said: of its inpatient facility in January “I am truly thankful to the country’s Fthis year, Sidra Medicine has said leadership for opening such a medical QATAR | Reaction it is ready to accept and conduct highly facility here in the country – it has re- Suicide attack on Afghan complex surgeries in Qatar. ally impacted our decision to stay and A major milestone for the growth of seek my son’s treatment here. I used to security forces condemned the country’s healthcare system, the take my son to the UK for surgery but Qatar has strongly condemned a Qatar guarantees rights world-class expertise now available at it makes all the diff erence knowing that suicide attack in the Afghan capital city Sidra Medicine means that fewer pa- Qatar has a specialised medical team of Kabul, which killed at least five and tients will need to travel abroad to re- who are equally knowledgeable and wounded six security personnel. The ceive expert care for rare and complex highly skilled. More importantly, they Ministry of Foreign Aff airs reaff irmed conditions. understand our culture and that I am Qatar’s firm position in rejecting and freedoms: offi cial “This is a landmark moment for close to my family. I was very happy violence and terrorism regardless of its many young patients in Qatar and the with the care my son received at Sidra motives. In a statement, the ministry QNA freedoms are clear and well-known versal Declaration of Human Rights. region as more families in Qatar have Medicine.” also conveyed condolences to the Doha through its enactment of laws and leg- He added the Qatari legislations re- entrusted the care of their children to Commenting on the surgeries, Dr families of the victims, the government, islation. fl ect the fundamental truth of human the experienced team at Sidra Medi- al-Kharazi said: “These surgeries were and people of Afghanistan. It also He was speaking at the three-day rights and guarantee freedom of reli- cine, choosing to forego treatment the fi rst of their kind being performed wished the injured a speedy recovery. atar’s legislations guarantee the Conference on the Promotion of Re- gion and anti-apartheid. abroad for the same level of care. The in Qatar as we used the cutting-edge The Taliban claimed responsibility for protection of human rights and ligious Freedom organised by the US Al-Nuaimi said that Qatari laws pro- facilities, surgeons and multidiscipli- equipment, including neuro-naviga- the attack on the National Directorate Qfundamental freedoms which State Department which ended yester- hibits insulting the Islamic, Christian nary teams supporting them are on a tion and the cavitron ultrasonic surgi- of Security (NDS). are enshrined in the permanent consti- day. and Jewish religions, and the abuse of par with any of the world’s top chil- cal aspirator. Such equipment is con- tution of the country which also pro- Al-Nuaimi said Qatar guarantees the the prophets or off ending the places of dren’s hospitals. Our facilities are able sidered the best in the neurosurgery hibits racism or discriminatory prac- freedom of belief and worship, and the worship. He added there is no distinc- to treat patients right here at home, fi eld. However, what truly makes our EUROPE | Trade tices, a senior offi cial has said. country has not experienced any dis- tion between the Islamic religion and meaning less burden on the family and care stand out is our talented team of Macron ‘not in favour’ of Dr Ibrahim bin Saleh al-Nuaimi, crimination based on religion or sex. other heavenly religions and referred the country and a more comfortable, surgeons, anaesthesiologists, paediat- vast new deal with US chairman of the Doha International He stressed that the freedom of belief to a number of constitutional texts and culturally sensitive environment for ric nursing teams, radiologists and the Centre for Interfaith Dialogue, said and the right to practise religious rites legislations which promote religious the patients,” said Dr David Sigalet, support from our rehabilitation and French President Emmanuel Macron Qatar’s eff orts to protect religious are fully in accordance with the Uni- freedoms in the country. To Page 16 chair of the Department of Surgery at pathology services. said yesterday he viewed talks Sidra Medicine. “Nothing gives me more joy than between US President Donald Trump A recent complex neurosurgery at seeing the smiles on the young children and EU Commission chief Jean-Claude Sidra Medicine was performed on an as they embark on their journey of re- Juncker as “useful”, but he was “not PM praises Qatari innovators 18-month-old patient named Mona covery under our care. This would not in favour” of a “vast new trade deal” who suff ered from a brain tumour that be possible without our highly skilled between the European Union and the impaired her vision and slowed down and caring teams and the support of United States. “Europe and France her responses. Dr Khalid al-Kharazi, our leadership in ensuring that we have never wanted a trade war and the talks the division chief of neurosurgery, led access to the very best technologies yesterday were therefore useful in the seven-hour surgery to remove the and services.” To Page 16 as far as they helped scale back any tumour. unnecessary tension, and working As a result of the care provided by to bring about an appeasement is Sidra Medicine, Mona was discharged useful,” the French leader. “But a good just three days after her surgery. trade discussion can only be done on “To see our little girl fully recover a balanced, reciprocal basis, and in no from the crippling side-eff ects of the case under any sort of threat,” Macron tumour in just a matter of days is a said. testament to the excellent quality of the facility and the people at Sidra Medicine. We are incredibly grateful EUROPE | Tragedy to them for the care and attention they We suspect arson, provided every step of the way. We are says Greek minister also thankful to the government of Qa- HE the Prime Minister and Minister of Interior Sheikh Abdullah bin Nasser bin Khalifa al-Thani yesterday met with a number tar for the world-class services that are Greece said yesterday it suspected of Qatari inventors and innovators. During the meeting, the Prime Minister congratulated the talented Qataris for their available for the benefi t of the people in arson was behind a devastating forest achievements in diff erent fields and for promoting Qatar’s name in various international events. He also hoped they would Qatar,” said Mona’s father. fire which killed at least 83 people and achieve more successes in the future. The Prime Minister stressed Qatar’s commitment to supporting talented young people in Another parent, whose son recently A young patient with Dr Noor ul Owase turned the small town of Mati east of all fields, and to encourage them innovate even more in the future. Page 2 had follow-up neurosurgery with Dr Jeelani and Dr Khalid al-Kharazi. Athens into a wasteland of death and destruction. In one of the worst Greek disasters in living memory, Monday night’s blaze trapped dozens of people in their cars trying to flee a barrelling wall of flames. “We have serious indications and significant signs suggesting the criminal actions of Imran declares victory in Pakistan election arson,” Civil Protection Minister Nikos Toskas told a news conference. He said zElection off icial says Supporters of jailed former prime minister Na- Election Commission of Pakistan (ECP) sec- police had testimonies to that eff ect, waz Sharif, who accuse Khan of colluding with the retary Babar Yaqoob told reporters early yester- but did not elaborate. Page 9 full results delayed still powerful army, said the vote count was rigged. day that counting had been delayed by technical by technical glitch Oxford-educated Khan called for “mutually failures in an electronic reporting system and the benefi cial” ties with the United States, and off ered tallying was now being conducted manually.
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