Soft ionization by Field Ionization (FI), Field desorption (FD) and Liquid Injection Field Desorption Ionization (LIFDI) H. Bernhard Linden Linden CMS GmbH
[email protected] 1 LINDEN CMS GmbH, 2012 Soft ionization by FI, FD and LIFDI Introduction by mouth watering soft ionization spectra 1. General and theoretical overview 2. Various instruments – identical technique 3. Automated LIFDI 4. Improved FI intensity 5. LIFDI on FT-ICR instruments 6. LIFDI of air/moisture sensitive metal complexes 7. Orbitrap with ESI-LIFDI combination 2 LINDEN CMS GmbH, 2012 FI and FD are known for soft ionization of non-polar compounds, LIFDI outperforms other MS techniques for characterization of organometallics due to its softness and convenient handling order of soft ionization References Liquid injection field desorption/ionization of transition decomposition decreases : ESI > LIFDI metal fluoride complexes Trevor A. Dransfield, Ruqia Nazir, Robin N. Perutz and “LIFDI ... gave the molecular ion peaks [M]+ as base peaks (100%) ... Adrian C. Whitwood With ESI, the compounds showed decomposition.” J. Fluorine Chem. 131, 2010, 1213-1217 loss of CO decreases : MALDI > FAB > FD *) Analysis of ruthenium carbonyl–porphyrin complexes: a comparison of matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionisation “ruthenium carbonyl complexes exhibited time-of-flight, fast-atom bombardment and field desorption abundant carbon monoxide (CO) loss in MALDI-TOF-MS and still a mass spectrometry, measurable CO loss in FAB-MS. Only FD-MS yielded the molecular ion M. Frauenkron, A. Berkessel and J. H. Gross as the base peak of the spectra in all cases.” Eur. J. Mass Spectrom. 1997, 3, 427 - 438 “fragmentation decreases Comparison of electrospray mass spectrometry with other soft ionization techniques for the characterization of cationic along the series FAB > ESI > FD “ *) π-hydrocarbon organometallic complexes , L.