Extensions of Remarks 28169 Extensions of Remarks
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December 13, 2005 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS 28169 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS PAYING TRIBUTE TO MARSHA for the difference that an individual Member Hundreds of young men and women seek- MCELLIGOTT can make in the lives of his or her constituents ing appointments to the nation’s military acad- by providing access to the halls of govern- emies also have Marsha to thank for their HON. MAURICE D. HINCHEY ment. entry into these elite institutions. Marsha’s OF NEW YORK Like many of our longest-serving and most ability to coach these future leaders of our IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES dedicated staff, Marsha has been relatively armed forces successfully through the nomina- anonymous. Constituents may remember for Tuesday, December 13, 2005 tion process is worthy of great admiration and decades the name of the Member of Congress praise. Mr. HINCHEY. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to who helped them earn their citizenship, or get I could go on and on about her professional pay tribute to a dear member of my staff, Mar- their veterans’ benefits, or solve a problem accomplishments, but I want to close by say- sha McElligott, who will soon retire after nearly with the IRS, but they probably won’t remem- ing what she has meant to me personally. She 31 years of service to the House of Rep- ber the name of the staff member who helped has been a pleasure to know and to work resentatives. I have been fortunate enough to them. with, and I’ve relied on her wisdom and expe- work with Marsha since I was sworn into office That anonymity is a testament to how deep- rience in these 13 years more times than I can in January of 1993, but that was not the be- ly dedicated to the greater good that Marsha, count. Day in and day out, she has regularly, ginning of her congressional career. In fact, and staffers like her, truly are. I offer it as a faithfully and loyally provided the very best nearly her entire working life has been de- compliment. Some people who work in a pub- service any Member of Congress could hope voted to public service. lic service position for a long time come to be for, for more than three decades. I congratu- After graduating from the Katharine Gibbs known for their own personalities and their late her as she prepares for this new chapter School, she went to work for my predecessor own political careers. For Marsha, her devo- of her life and know that her husband David, in representing this district, Congressman Mat- tion has been to Congressman McHugh and their children and families look forward to thew McHugh. She served as his assistant in me and to the people of the congressional dis- spending more time with her. the Ithaca city prosecutor’s office, in the trict. She has been utterly selfless, subsuming her own opinions to be instead the voice of Tompkins County District Attorney’s office and f then in his private law practice. When Matt the members of Congress she has served and was elected to Congress in 1974, she joined working always for the good of our constitu- RECOGNIZING THE SIGNIFICANT him as a caseworker on his staff and stayed ents, not her own personal gain. Because she CONTRIBUTIONS OF THE NEVADA through his retirement in 1992. I am very is always the picture of discretion, she has the COMMISSION ON TOURISM grateful to have inherited her service when I unfailing trust of our constituents, my staff and was elected in 1993. me. Most of the people in Ithaca, where she’s There are thousands of people in the con- HON. JON C. PORTER worked for all 31 years, would be surprised to gressional district I represent—immigrants and OF NEVADA learn that she’s never lived in the congres- new citizens, college students, veterans, peo- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES sional district. Rather, she’s lived all of her life ple with disabilities, young, old, rich and Tuesday, December 13, 2005 in Watkins Glen, in a neighboring county. It’s poor—whose lives have been bettered by the remarkable for the fact that her knowledge of efforts of Marsha McElligott. Marsha’s a very Mr. PORTER. Mr. Speaker, today I rise with the communities of this congressional district modest person, but I believe there’s no exag- my colleagues, Congresswoman SHELLEY is so deep and her work has always been so geration in saying that she’s made a dif- BERKELEY and Congressman JIM GIBBONS, to seamless that I think most of my constituents ference in the future of our nation, because of recognize the significant contributions of the would assume that she had, in fact, been an her particular devotion to two areas of her Nevada Commission on Tourism in leading Ithaca native. work: bringing new citizens into our country the United States in tourism marketing and Her service is also unusual in that she has and helping to select the finest leaders of our promotion in China. devoted so many years to two members of armed forces. Since 2002, the Nevada Commission on Congress, Matt McHugh and myself. While we For hundreds of refugees, visa applicants, Tourism has been instrumental in collaborating undoubtedly have different styles and have or those needing help with the naturalization with Chinese officials to strengthen inter- run our congressional offices in different man- process, Marsha’s patience and compassion national ties with this burgeoning tourist econ- ners, Marsha never missed a beat when she has meant the difference between hope and omy. The Nevada Commission on Tourism is came to work for me, and I doubt that con- despair, success and failure, united or divided the first U.S. tourism entity at any government stituents who had received her help ever no- families. The long and exhausting process level to be granted a license by the Chinese ticed any transition. They only noticed how these special cases require have proven no government to advertise its tourism attractions very well served they were in her hands. match for Marsha’s limitless diligence and de- to prospective Chinese tourists. All of this was A congressional career that spans more sire to serve those in need of help. Many of achieved in less than 1 year and with minimal than 30 years has become very rare, and I these cases were presented by people who costs to taxpayers. fear that there are few Marsha McElligotts left didn’t speak English or didn’t know our cus- The result of their efforts has not solely ben- in congressional employment, staff members toms, people who were scared and intimi- efited the State of Nevada, but has encour- who are so deeply, personally dedicated to dated. She made a good introduction to these aged tourism to all parts of the United States. serving the public, serving the Members for people of what America was all about, and Statistically, Chinese tourism to the United whom they work, and upholding the very best what American government means in the lives States has increased by 20 percent from 2003 goals and ideals of this institution. of individuals. People who were frightened by to 2004, when Nevada was able to achieve its I’ve always said that being a caseworker is the immigration process when they came to licensing goals. Therefore, through their inno- the hardest job in a congressional office—it’s our offices were reassured by her direct per- vative efforts, the Nevada Commission on demanding, it’s stressful, and it requires infi- sonal contact, her no-nonsense attitude and Tourism has paved the way for other States to nite patience and persistence. It takes a very the confidence she inspired that she’d sort out actively participate in marketing to this unique- special person to do that job well and for such whatever sort of bureaucratic mess they were ly lucrative economy. a long time. I can think of no finer embodiment in. A generation of immigrants to the Finger We are encouraged by the tremendous of these qualities than Marsha McElligott. She Lakes region from all over the world became growth in Chinese tourism and we recognize has true respect for the role of Congress and citizens because of her. that there is fertile ground in this burgeoning ● This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. VerDate Sep 11 2014 14:00 Mar 02, 2017 Jkt 000000 PO 00000 Frm 00241 Fmt 0689 Sfmt 9920 E:\FDSYS\2005BOUNDRECORD\BOOK21\NO-SSN\BR13DE05.DAT BR13DE05 ejoyner on DSK30MW082PROD with CONG-REC-ONLINE 28170 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS December 13, 2005 international travel and tourism market. Fur- charge of operations for Palmer Wholesale, India and by declaring our support for the fun- ther, we are optimistic that other states will fol- Dick also has served as a mentor and role damental democratic principle of self-deter- low Nevada’s lead and actively begin to mar- model to countless young people as a Little mination, we can help bring real peace, pros- ket travel and tourism to China, the world’s League baseball coach. I even had the privi- perity, freedom, and stability to South Asia. largest market place. lege of being coached by Dick when he was Mr. Speaker, I would like to insert the Coun- Mr. Speaker, again, we applaud the unique- my seventh grade basketball coach at cil of Khalistan’s very informative press re- ly monumental efforts of the Nevada Commis- Hobgood Elementary School.